Registration of an additional agreement to the agreement. Additional agreement to the agreement on changing the developer sample

A participant in shared construction has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract after two months of delay, but more on that in another topic.) Thus, refusal to sign an agreement to the agreement for participation in shared construction on postponing the date of putting the facility into operation does not apply to any of the grounds listed in Law No. 214-FZ and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and giving the developer the opportunity to terminate the contract. Signing this agreement is your right, not an obligation, and it is impossible to force you to enter into it. If someone has already signed this agreement, and I hope that there are no such people among the buyers of apartments in Butovo Park, then in accordance with the current legislation, all changes and additions to the agreement are drawn up in the same form as the main agreement.

The developer is delaying the delivery of the house. What should the shareholder do?

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, the contract or business customs. That is, if the contract was concluded in writing and signed by two or more parties, then the additional agreement must be made in writing and signed by all the same parties. For shared construction, the provisions of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 214-FZ “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On participation in shared construction)” are noteworthy. construction"). According to Art.

FAQ: penalty under 214-FZ for violating the deadline for transferring an apartment under the apartment agreement

Thus, additional agreements to the equity participation agreement or assignment agreement come into force from the moment of their registration. That is, if the additional agreement is not registered, then it is considered not yet concluded. Moreover, if you have signed an additional agreement, the developer has the right to legally require you to register this agreement.
If the court makes a positive decision on such a claim and forces you to register this additional agreement, you will have the right to claim a penalty only from the new date specified in the additional agreement. At the same time, the likelihood of forcing you to register an agreement is small, since you, being, within the meaning of the RF Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” a consumer, have the right not to worsen your legal position in relations with the developer.

The developer forces you to sign an additional agreement to the building agreement

What happens if the shareholder refuses to sign this agreement? According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any change in the terms of the contract is possible only by mutual agreement of the parties (with the exception of certain cases not related to this topic). It follows from this that the shareholder, being an equal party to the agreement, may refuse to change its original terms. There will be no negative legal consequences from this for the shareholder (although the Developer, obviously, will be dissatisfied).

Of course, in fact, the delay in delivery of the house will still happen (nothing can be done about it), but the shareholder will be able to compensate himself for all the losses associated with this by presenting a demand for payment of a penalty. How to receive a penalty from the Developer for violating the deadline for handing over the house and transferring the apartment to the shareholder is described in a separate note at the link.

The developer offers to sign an addendum to the building agreement. do I need to sign?

  • Is it beneficial for the developer to sign an additional agreement? Yes, it is very profitable, since otherwise he will have to pay a penalty to all shareholders for missing deadlines. Usually the penalty has to be collected in court, that is, it will take a lot of time, but the outcome will be predetermined. Of course, if the development company does not declare itself bankrupt at that time.
  • Is it beneficial for the shareholder to sign an additional agreement? No, it’s not profitable, because in this case you can’t count on a penalty, and you’ll have to wait longer for the apartment than you originally expected.

    But here you shouldn’t cut from the shoulder, but rather make inquiries. After all, if the company actually intends to complete the construction of the residential complex, then the refusal of the shareholders to extend the deadlines could seriously hit its budget, that is, the risk of being left with long-term construction will increase.

Additional agreement on postponing the transfer of the apartment

By virtue of Part 3 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law “On participation in shared construction”, if the construction (creation) of an apartment building and (or) other real estate cannot be completed within the period stipulated by the contract, the developer, no later than two months before the expiration of the specified period, is obliged to send the share participant construction relevant information and proposal to amend the contract. A change in the period stipulated by the contract for the transfer of a shared construction object by the developer to a participant in shared construction is carried out in the manner established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
In the case of indicating “quarters”, this date is the last day of the specified quarter. And such vague formulations as “approximately”, “approximately”, etc. in controversial cases the court does not consider them. How to correctly accept an apartment from a Developer - basic rules.
Agreement on postponing the deadline for handing over a house If the Developer violates the deadline for handing over a house (including for objective reasons beyond his control), he is obliged to notify all participants in shared construction about this no later than two months before the deadline specified in the contract, and invite them to change the DDU agreement by concluding an additional agreement to it (clause 3, article 6, Federal Law-214). An additional agreement to the DDU on postponing the delivery date of the house must contain an indication of the reasons for the delay in construction and propose new deadlines for transferring the apartment to the shareholder.

Consequences for the parties under ap 214 of failure to sign an additional agreement on deadlines

And the penalty will be calculated from this new date.

  • He is deprived of the right to terminate the DDU unilaterally (on termination, see below) and to return his money on the basis of violation of the deadline for delivery of the house by more than 2 months (clause 1, clause 1, article 9, 214-FZ). That is, to terminate the contract on this basis, you will have to wait until the Developer violates the new deadline for 2 months.
  • If an additional agreement to the DDU is signed, then the original delivery date of the house will no longer be taken into account. In the event of legal disputes with the Developer, the shareholder will not be able to rely on the original terms of the DDU.

    What should be indicated in the Apartment Acceptance and Transfer Certificate - see the Glossary at the link.

Consequences for the parties under Federal Law 214 of failure to sign an additional agreement in terms of timing

I sent a complaint, to which they responded to me. At the moment, it is already November 2016, and the housing has not yet been built. The DDU is registered in the state register, but when entering a number into the database, it issues only numbers that are pledged to the bank. Does this mean my childcare center is not registered? And what will happen to me if I don’t sign the additional agreement? unscrupulous developer Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Developer's proposal to sign an additional agreement to extend the deadline for delivery of the house
  • Am I required to sign an additional agreement on postponing the deadline for the DDU?

Lawyers' answers (1)

  • All legal services in Moscow Drawing up an agreement for shared participation in construction Moscow from 20,000 rubles.

    Equity participation in construction Moscow from 20,000 rubles.

According to Part 1 of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are free to enter into an agreement. Compulsion to enter into an agreement is not permitted, except in cases where the obligation to enter into an agreement is provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the law or a voluntarily accepted obligation. Thus, we can conclude that the additional agreement can either be signed by you voluntarily, but then you lose the right to a penalty due to the delay in the developer’s obligation, or you can refuse to sign such an agreement.

The only way for the developer to force you to sign such an agreement is to file a lawsuit to force you to enter into an additional agreement. However, the developer in court must prove the circumstances to which he refers, namely, a significant violation by you of the terms of the contract, for example, failure to pay the cost of the apartment on time.


To do this, he sends the shareholder an official notice of postponing the deadline for handing over the house, and invites him to sign it, essentially changing the original terms of the contract. What does the law say here, and what is the best thing for a shareholder to do? The procedure here is usually as follows. Is the developer behaving badly? This can be fixed! Help from lawyers on shared construction can be found HERE.

How is the completion date of a house determined? The popularly popular law “on the protection of the rights of shareholders” - FZ-214 - provides for the mandatory indication of the period for transferring a shared construction project to the shareholder in the list of conditions of the Share Participation Agreement (SPA). At the same time, “transfer of an object” legally means the transfer of a finished apartment, and not the commissioning of a house. Although in everyday life you can often hear about the delay in the “deadlines for the completion of the house.”

The law does not regulate in what form the transfer period should be indicated.

If the delay in the construction and delivery of the house has been too long, and the shareholder has the opportunity to buy another apartment, then he can terminate the contract with the Developer unilaterally, on completely legal grounds, and return the money (unless, of course, the Developer has not announced yourself bankrupt). How to terminate the DDU unilaterally and return the invested money with interest - see this note at the link. And of course, the shareholder always has the opportunity to exit the project by selling the unfinished apartment by assigning the rights to claim it.

How this happens (nuances, risks, features) is described here - assignment of rights of claim under the DDU. But what should a shareholder do if the Developer goes bankrupt and can no longer fulfill its obligations? More information about this can be found at the given link.

Article 4 of the Federal Law “On Participation in Shared Construction” No. 214-FZ of December 30, 2004 states two main requirements for a shared participation agreement. Let's take a closer look at them.

Written form

First, the equity participation agreement is concluded in writing. , as well as an additional agreement to it. According to Article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a written contract can be concluded in the following ways:

  • by drawing up one document signed by the parties;
  • by exchanging documents through postal, telegraphic, teletype, telephone, electronic or other communications that make it possible to reliably establish that the document comes from a party to the contract.

Of course, agreements with shareholders are concluded and signed at the developer’s office, but an additional agreement to it is usually sent by mail. Basically, they are drawn up to change the construction deadlines, so some unscrupulous developers force shareholders to sign this document by any means and persuasion.

But the main thing to remember here is that unsigned additional agreement is not a prisoner. Indeed, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, silence is not acceptance, that is, acceptance of an offer. And if you do not agree to sign an additional agreement, then the agreement continues on the same terms. The house, of course, will not be handed over earlier, but you will be able to claim penalties, compensation for losses and other payments related to violation of the stipulated deadline. This is described in detail in the article “Deadline yesterday.”

If the developer is unable to complete construction within the period stipulated by the contract, then he is obliged no later than two months before the expiration of this period to send the participant in shared construction the relevant information and a proposal to amend the contract (Article 6 of Federal Law No. 214-FZ). By signing additional agreement, you agree to change the deadline for putting the house into operation and, accordingly, do not claim a penalty.

State registration

Second, the equity participation agreement is subject to state registration And is considered concluded from the moment of such registration . In addition, since the additional agreement is an integral part of the contract, then signed agreement is basis for making changes into existing records of the Unified State Register of Rights. Registration is carried out in (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Registration Service). Wherein, if the developer accepts money from shareholders without state registration of the agreement, then he may be brought to administrative responsibility. This conclusion was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in its Resolution No. 13863/09 dated March 23, 2010, which was based on Part 3 of Article 4 of the Law “On Participation in Shared Construction”. In accordance with it, the equity participation agreement is considered concluded from the moment of state registration. For failure to comply with this condition, the developer was fined 400 thousand rubles.

Unregistered in the Unified State Register, but signed additional agreement is also not a prisoner. But the developer has the right to legally demand that you register this agreement. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 165 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if a transaction requiring state registration is completed in the proper form, but one of the parties avoids registering it, the court has the right, at the request of the other party, to make a decision to register the transaction. In this case, the transaction is registered in accordance with the court decision.

According to Article 25.1 of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It” dated July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ, as well as paragraph 8 of Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 184, in order to register with the Federal Registration Service, the shareholder submits the following documents:

  • application for state registration of rights;
  • general passport;
  • a genuine document confirming payment of the state duty. If it is not submitted, the contract or additional agreement will not be registered (see Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2008 No. 11025/08), the amount of the state duty charged from an individual both when registering the agreement and when registering the additional agreement to it is 200 rubles . (clause 30, clause 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • two originals of the agreement for participation in shared construction (additional agreement to it), including one for the registering authority;
  • notarized consent of the spouse to complete the specified transaction.

In addition to the specified documents, if the registration of an equity participation agreement for a new building is made for the first time, then the developer must provide additional documents, including a construction permit, a project declaration, and a plan of the property being created.

As a result, we get that after signing three copies of equity participation agreements (one for the developer, the second for the shareholder, the third for the Federal Registration Service) and paid the state fee, you, together with the developer’s lawyer and a full package of documents, are sent to the state registration of the agreements at the Federal Registration Service. Well, the transaction must be registered within no more than 5 working days. For the first share participation agreement for an object under construction, the period is longer and is 1 month.


Buying real estate is an important step in the life of every family, regardless of whether you are buying an apartment for the first time or not. The more seriously you take this, the less rush there is, the better. Always read what you sign - this golden rule comes in handy here more than ever. And secondly, payment for the apartment should be made only after state registration of the share participation agreement.

An additional agreement to the DDU can be concluded both at the stage of signing the agreement and during any period of its validity. There are many reasons for signing it, the most common are agreements:

  • about postponing the deadline for housing delivery;
  • on termination of the DDU;
  • on changing jurisdiction under the agreement;
  • about changes in the qualitative characteristics of the object;
  • about a change in the party to the agreement;
  • agreement on postponing the payment terms of the DDU.

Typically, the initiator of the agreement (with the exception of the last two options, which are initiated by the participants) is the developer. Each construction company pursues its own goals, but, as a rule, they are all aimed at eliminating responsibility for certain violations and shortcomings of construction and encouraging shareholders to accept new terms of the contract that are less favorable to them.

And the penalty will be calculated from this new date.

  • He is deprived of the right to terminate the DDU unilaterally (on termination, see below) and to return his money on the basis of violation of the deadline for delivery of the house by more than 2 months (clause 1, clause 1, article 9, 214-FZ). That is, to terminate the contract on this basis, you will have to wait until the Developer violates the new deadline for 2 months.
  • If an additional agreement to the DDU is signed, then the original delivery date of the house will no longer be taken into account.
    In the event of legal disputes with the Developer, the shareholder will not be able to rely on the original terms of the DDU. What should be indicated in the Apartment Acceptance and Transfer Certificate - see the Glossary at the link.

Pre-trial claim to the developer (sample)

If the object is not accepted by the participant, the developer bears the risk of accidental damage or destruction of the property. Shareholder's rights Participants in construction on a shared basis have the rights provided for by the Civil Code (CC), the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other regulations.

In accordance with the provisions of the law, the participant may present to the developer, in case of violation of the rights or terms of the contract, a claim with the following requirements:
  • eliminate the identified deficiencies in the subject matter of the contract free of charge and within a reasonable time;
  • reduce the total price of the contract without eliminating inconsistencies;
  • reimburse expenses incurred by the participant as a result of the developer’s failure to fulfill or incomplete fulfillment of its obligations.

Here you can download a sample claim under an equity participation agreement.

Construction of a house takes more than one year. During this period, many different events may occur that require changes to the terms of the agreement concluded between the developer and the project participant. According to the law, an agreement once signed cannot be rewritten.

All changes and additions to the document must be drawn up in the form of additional agreements, which can be repeatedly concluded between the parties on the terms of voluntary and free expression of will. In this case, an additional agreement to the equity participation agreement must be registered.
Otherwise, the document is considered not concluded with all the ensuing consequences.

The developer is delaying the delivery of the house. What should the shareholder do?

For example:

  • DDU signed in 2012;
  • the document states that the estimated completion date for the facility is August 1, 2018;
  • the apartment described in the contract is transferred within two months after the house is put into operation.

On February 1, 2018, a participant in shared construction receives a notification by mail in which the developer proposes to change the completion date of construction for reasons beyond his control. During further negotiations, the developer refuses to pay a penalty or any other compensation for damage.
What are the next steps for the consumer? In accordance with Article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unilateral changes to the terms of the contract are not allowed. Signing the proposed agreement will confirm the participant's acceptance of the proposed terms and will eliminate the participant's right to compensation.

Sample complaint to the developer about violation of deadlines for delivery of the house according to the DD

  • All the nuances of concluding an additional agreement with the developer
  • Registration of an additional agreement to the equity participation agreement
  • Additional agreements to the ddu
  • The developer offers to sign an addendum to the building agreement. do I need to sign?
  • Agreement on shared participation in construction and additional agreement
  • Additional agreement to the agreement on changing the developer sample

All the nuances of concluding an additional agreement with the developer Attention If a construction company, due to certain conditions or objective reasons, wishes to enter into additions to the DDU, then the rights provided for in the document will gain force only after the state registration of the additional agreement to the equity participation agreement is completed.

Procedure for registering an additional agreement to the equity participation agreement

To register an additional agreement, you must submit the following documents to the government agency:

  • shareholder's passport;
  • additional agreement (two original copies);
  • receipt of payment of the state registration fee (for citizens it is 350 rubles);
  • loan agreement (if a mortgage loan was taken out to participate in the project).

The deadline for registering the agreement is five days after submitting all documentation. A document that is signed but not registered is considered unconcluded.


Only a completed and registered agreement is valid. The shareholder should take into account that if he signed but did not register the document, the developer can file an application with the court, and the agreement will be registered by court decision.

This right is enshrined in Article 165 of the Civil Code.
The object of shared construction under the Agreement is Apartment No. 46 (building number according to the project), located in Multi-apartment residential building No. 01 building 5 at the construction address: Moscow region, Khimki urban district, Klyazma-Starbeevo microdistrict, near the Klyazma quarter (hereinafter referred to as the Apartment). According to clause 2.3. of the above Agreement, the deadline for the Developer to transfer the Apartment to the Participant is December 31, 2017.
According to clause 2.4. of the above agreement, the Participant, upon proper fulfillment of his obligations under the Agreement, receives the right to claim the transfer of the Apartment from the Developer to the Participant. In accordance with Art. 6 FZ-214 The developer was obliged to inform about the postponement of the transfer of the apartment two months before the deadline specified in the Agreement, but this was not done. For my part, I declare that I have fulfilled all the conditions under this Agreement fully and properly.

The developer did not register an additional agreement to the DD sample claim

If the delay in the construction and delivery of the house has been too long, and the shareholder has the opportunity to buy another apartment, then he can terminate the contract with the Developer unilaterally, on completely legal grounds, and return the money (unless, of course, the Developer has not announced yourself bankrupt). How to terminate the DDU unilaterally and return the invested money with interest - see this note at the link. And of course, the shareholder always has the opportunity to exit the project by selling the unfinished apartment by assigning the rights to claim it. How this happens (nuances, risks, features) is described here - assignment of rights of claim under the DDU. But what should a shareholder do if the Developer goes bankrupt and can no longer fulfill its obligations? More information about this can be found at the given link.

Along with the main agreement, the following clauses must be present in addition to it:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • information about signatories;
  • registration and basic information about the DDU to which the addendum is being drawn up;
  • the subject of the additional agreement, indicating the clauses and sections and the amended wording therein;
  • the period of entry into legal force and validity periods;
  • details and signatures.

Before signing the additional agreement, it is recommended to carefully read it again to find out whether the developer has included parts that were not agreed upon with the shareholder. Is registration necessary? When such a situation arises, some people wonder whether it is necessary to register an additional agreement to the equity participation agreement.

Good afternoon.

They have the right to sign it unilaterally.

In this case, these changes will have no effect on you.

So, according to Art. 6 Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 214-FZ “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”

3. If the construction (creation) of an apartment building and (or) other real estate cannot be completed within the period stipulated by the contract, developer no later than two months before the expiration of the specified period, he is obliged to send the participant in shared construction the relevant information and a proposal to amend the contract. Changing the term stipulated by the contract transfer by the developer of a shared construction object to a participant in shared construction carried out in order established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Within the meaning of the above rule of law, consent to amend the contract in terms of postponing the date of transfer of the object for a participant in shared construction is a right, not an obligation.

You must be notified of the possibility of signing such an additional agreement at least two months before the expiration of the initial period.

As I understand it, you were notified about the change in the delivery date of the house much sooner?

I will not respond to a letter of invitation to come to the office to sign additional information. within 2 weeks.

The procedure for amending the contract in terms of rescheduling requires compliance with the following requirements.

Article 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. Change Agreement or about termination of the contract made in the same form as the contract , unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, agreement or customs. 2. Request for change or about termination of the contract may be filed by a party in court only after receiving a refusal the other party's proposal to change or terminate the contract or failure to receive a response within the period specified in the proposal or established by law or contract, and in his absence - within thirty days.

It should be borne in mind that, according to Art. 4 Laws

3. The agreement is concluded in writing and is subject to state registration and is considered concluded from the moment of such registration, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

And accordingly, an additional agreement to it, regarding changes in the terms of delivery of the object, must also be drawn up in writing with mandatory state registration. Without your signature, it simply will not pass state registration.

In turn, if the completion date of the project is unilaterally postponed, the developer violates the terms of the original contract, which gives you the right to demand payment of a penalty.

By virtue of Art. 6 Law

2. In case of violation of the term stipulated by the contract transfer to a participant in shared construction of a shared construction object the developer pays the participant in shared construction a penalty (penalty) in the amount of one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, valid on the day of fulfillment of the obligation, from the contract price for each day of delay . If the participant in shared construction is a citizen, the penalty (penalty) provided for in this part is paid by the developer in double the amount. In the event of a violation of the contractual deadline for transferring a shared construction project to a participant in shared construction as a result of the participant in shared construction evading signing a transfer deed or other document on the transfer of a shared construction project, the developer is exempt from paying a penalty (penalty) to the participant in shared construction, provided that the developer properly fulfills his obligations under such agreement.

In accordance with the conditions laid down in it, one party provides its material resources for the construction of a residential building, and the other undertakes to build it.

It acquires legal force from the date of registration in Rosreestr.

Reflection in the law

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The procedure is regulated by Federal Law 214 “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

The above act does not apply to cases of construction of buildings using investments.

Shareholder's rights

It was issued by the legislator in order to improve the shared construction system on December 7, 1992 under number 2300-1.

In accordance with the standards of the above acts, the shareholder has the right to present to the developer his own violations of the terms of the property management agreement.

Complaints may be of the following nature:

Any participant can unilaterally terminate the DDU if the developer infringes on the rights of the shareholder.

Video: equity participation agreement

He also has the right to demand a return of the funds he invested.

Responsibilities of the developer

The main ones include:

Obtaining an apartment building in accordance with the procedure established by the legislator
Decor where the building is expected to be erected
Publication of project documentation in periodicals 14 days before the date of conclusion of the DDU posting information on the official websites of the developer on the Internet
Submitting the project to the Office of State Construction Supervision body of state registration of ownership of real estate and conducting transactions with it when concluding an agreement with the first participant
Preservation of the original design documentation making changes to it in the prescribed manner and on time
Providing any person who contacts the developer with project documents for the shareholder to review
Targeted use of material resources provided by citizens construction of an apartment building within the period established by the contract with its subsequent transfer to shareholders
Direction to the shareholder one month before the building is put into operation, if the agreement did not establish a deadline for its delivery, or 14 days if it was specified
Transfer of permission to put the house into operation to Rosreestr the measure must be carried out within 10 days after its receipt
Return of funds together with interest charges on them to the person who terminated the DDU

State registration of an additional agreement to the equity participation agreement

Design rules

It is drawn up when amendments are made to the design documentation, or the commissioning date of a building being built by the developer is changed.

It must be in accordance with the instructions of regulatory legal acts in Rosreestr, so it is necessary to submit a corresponding application.

Attached to it:

The document is drawn up for any change that is introduced into the design documentation, regardless of its purpose.

Sample document

The legislator has not introduced a single form for drawing up an additional agreement, so each developer can develop his own.

But it must reflect all types of amendments and changes that have been introduced.

For example, it may contain information regarding the postponement of the delivery date of an object.

The right to choose his signature remains with the participant who decided to enter into shared construction.

As a rule, any developer includes a column in it that the shareholder does not object to the establishment of a new deadline for the transfer of the building into operation.

If he signs this kind of document, he is deprived of the right to receive a penalty from the developer.

Filling example

  • place, date of its conclusion;
  • personal data of the parties who signed it;
  • a link to the main agreement and its details;
  • grounds for registration. Preamble - “have entered into this additional agreement”;
  • date of entry into legal force, its validity period;
  • details of the parties signing the document, their signatures, seal.

When making changes, it is advisable to enter them:

1. State the clause of the agreement as follows:
"__. ____________________”, a new edition of the corresponding paragraph is written;
2. Clause ___ (in clause ___ the words “___”) should be excluded from the contents of the agreement;
3. Add paragraph ___ as follows:
«__. ____________________».

Payment of state duty

The fee for registering an additional agreement to the DDU is 350 rubles, regardless of the legal status of the persons making the payment.

It is paid before submitting the application in cash or non-cash form.

Ready date

In accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 210-FZ, the period for document registration is 5 calendar days from the date of filing the application.