1 cash balance limit is set. Calculation of the cash balance limit: if there is cash revenue and if it is not

Reading 9 min. Views 21 Published on 08.07.2018

The Central Bank of Russia obliged all business entities to set cash limits. At the beginning of each calendar year, the company's accountants must determine the maximum Money that will be stored on company premises. Financial resources, whose volume exceeds the established threshold, must be transferred to bank employees for crediting to the company's current account. In this article, we propose to discuss how to calculate the cash limit, as well as consider all the subtleties and nuances associated with this procedure.

Any Russian organization in the process of carrying out its business activities has the right to resort to the use of cash

Accepted procedure for processing cash transactions

Each business entity conducting its activities in the territory of Russia has the right to use financial resources to fulfill business transactions. Cash can be used to pay wages to company personnel, as well as change. It is important to note that in the current legislation there is no regulation governing the use of cash. This means that each entrepreneur can independently decide how to spend these funds.

According to the established rules, each entrepreneur using cash is obliged to install cash registers for receiving and issuing cash. In addition, the maximum threshold for the balance of cash resources at the cash desk at the end of the trading day is set. This order is established Central Bank Russian Federation.

It should be noted that financial resources, the volume of which exceeds the established limit, must be transferred to bank employees for crediting to the enterprise's RS.

According to the order of the Central Bank, financial turnover at the cash desk of the company must be recorded in special books. The form of this document is approved by the State Statistics Committee. Each cash document used as a basis for making new entries in the cash books is certified by the signature of the cashier and the chief accountant. In small businesses, this responsibility rests with the manager. At the end of the working day, the official in charge of the cash desk must verify the information provided in cash documents and cash books. When filling out cash documentation, you must specify the amount of remaining cash. This information certified by the signature of the official, responsible for cash transactions.

As mentioned above, each company is obliged to independently set a cash balance limit. Cash, whose volume does not exceed the maximum threshold, can be stored on the territory of the enterprise. The rest of the money must be transferred to the bank. It should be noted that there are a number of exceptions to this rule. There are days when an entrepreneur has the right to leave cash at the cash desk, whose volume exceeds the established threshold. Such days include the days of issuing salaries of employees, bonuses and other types of payments. Also, such days include days when a company needs financial resources to carry out cash transactions on holidays or weekends.

An integral element of the use of cash is the cash limit calculated by the company independently

In this case, exceeding the aforementioned threshold is not considered a violation. However, in other cases, the presence of funds in the cash desk in excess of the established value may cause the imposition of penalties from regulatory authorities. This rule is fixed in the fifteenth article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Violation of the rules in question may result in a fine in the amount of forty to fifty thousand rubles. This penalty is imposed exclusively on legal entities. The amount of penalties for officials varies from four to five thousand rubles.

Who is allowed not to set a cash limit

For small enterprises and private entrepreneurs, the state has established special benefits that allow not to use cash limits. It should be noted that this benefit can be used by any individual entrepreneur. In this case, the amount of cash flow and the number of employees are not important factors. For legal entities, a different procedure applies. Organizations must meet a number of criteria to qualify as a small business entity. These criteria are listed in Article 209 of the Federal Law.

The current legislation establishes the following selection criteria:

  1. Staff size- up to one hundred employees.
  2. Volume of annual income- up to eight hundred million rubles.
  3. The size of the share of third parties in the authorized capital of the company- up to twenty-five percent.

It is important to note that just a few years ago, the maximum annual income threshold was four hundred million rubles. To date, this bar has doubled. This factor has allowed many medium-sized companies to obtain the status of a small enterprise.

The head of a company that belongs to the category of small businesses is required to issue an order to cancel the cash limit. This administrative act allows you to legally stop transferring money to bank employees that remains in the cash register at the end of the working day. Special attention deserves the fact that this order does not have to be approved by a credit institution.

Organizations and entrepreneurs must keep funds in excess of the cash limit in bank accounts

Cash limit: calculation

Next, we propose to move on to the question of how to set a limit on cash kept at the company's cash desk. There are currently two methods for calculating limits. Each company conducting business activities has the right to independently choose the most convenient calculation method. To make calculations, you should select a specific time period and its accompanying indicators. The duration of the billing period cannot exceed ninety-two working days. In the case when labor activity is carried out on holidays and weekends, they should be taken into account when making calculations.

The first way to calculate the limit is the amount of incoming cash. The second method of calculation is the consumption financial resources stored in the cash desk of the company. The first method involves accounting for funds received through the sale of marketable products and the provision of services. The amount of funds should be divided by the total value of the billing period. The result obtained should be multiplied by the number of days between the delivery of cash to bank employees. According to the established procedure, the maximum duration of the time period between collections is seven days.

From this we can conclude that each company is obliged to transfer money to the bank once a week. In this case, the limit value is determined by the specifics of the enterprise, the internal structure of the company and its location. It should be noted that for some regions a different procedure for collection is established. In the case of hard-to-reach areas where there are no credit institutions, an interval of fourteen days is allowed.

The second calculation method involves the use of an indicator of cash costs. When making calculations, from the estimated amount, subtract the total salary of employees for reporting period. The amount received should be divided by the value of the billing period. The result of the division should be multiplied by the duration of the time interval between the days of receipt of funds from bank employees.

Cash discipline is a requirement that must be met at all enterprises.


Companies receiving income in the form of cash must use the following formula for making calculations: "C/P*N=L". In this formula, "B" reflects the total amount of financial resources available in the company's cash desk. "P" is used to reflect the size of the time period. "H" is the time interval between the collection. Using this formula allows you to determine the cash limit, which is displayed using the letter "L".

For companies using the non-cash method of conducting financial transactions, it is more appropriate to use the formula "R/P*N=L". In this formula, "P" reflects the amount of money received from the bank during the reporting period, and "P" shows the duration of the billing period.

Calculation features

The current legislation establishes a number of restrictions related to the duration of settlement periods. According to the current rules, the maximum duration of this period of time can be ninety-two days. It should be noted that there is no regulation in the regulatory legal acts regulating the minimum value of this period.

The size of the time interval between collections should be no more than one week. For entrepreneurs working in hard-to-reach areas, a different procedure for cash collection has been established. In this case, the term for transferring cash to a bank employee for accrual to a current account increases to two weeks.

Examples of cash limit calculation

In order to better understand the procedure for calculating the cash limit, a number of illustrative examples should be given.

With existing revenue

In this example, we propose to consider the procedure for compiling calculations for June two thousand and eighteen. Imagine a business that has been in operation for twenty-one days and every four days transferred money to banking organization. The monthly revenue of the company amounted to six hundred thousand rubles. To make calculations, the following calculations should be made:

600,000/21*4= 114,285 rubles.

It is this amount that is the cash limit for the company in question.

companies must strictly follow a certain cash limit

In the absence of funds

The procedure for calculating the cash limit for businesses using non-cash payments should also be considered at practical examples. In this case, May and June of the year two thousand and eighteen should be taken as the calculation period. The total duration of the reporting period was forty-one days. Every five days, the company's cash desk receives cash on a bank check. During the reporting period, 1,500,000 rubles were cashed out. To obtain information on the size of the cash limit, the following calculations should be made:

1,500,000/41*5= 182,926 rubles.

This calculation of the cash limit allows you to find out about the amount of money that can be stored in the cash desk of the company.

Validity of the cash limit

There is no information in the current legislation on the frequency of setting cash limits. This means that each company can set limits both for one month and for several years in advance. Cash limits are established by issuing an appropriate administrative act. The lack of information about the specific duration of the limits makes them indefinite. It should be noted that the limit period can be adjusted by issuing an additional order. When setting an urgent limit, you should carefully monitor the validity of the document. By the time this period expires, a new act on the extension of limits should be prepared.

According to experts, the size of the limits should be reviewed annually.. Such an approach to economic activity helps to prevent possible risks associated with changes in the amount of revenue received through the sale of marketable products or the provision of services. In addition, there is a high probability of switching to non-cash form conducting financial transactions, which forces us to use a different formula when making calculations. Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the time period of one year is the "gold standard" for the duration of the cash limit. It should be noted that when choosing a perpetual limit, the accounting department should annually calculate the size of this indicator.

Below is a sample order, according to which a cash limit is set:

The cash limit is not an invented value, but the cashed funds of the company, which are constantly available in the cash desk of the enterprise.

Conclusions (+ video)

The procedure for calculating the upper threshold of the amount of cash that can be kept in the company's cash desk is an obligatory part of economic activity. The only exception to this rule are small businesses. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in penalties from regulatory authorities.

In contact with

Every enterprise operating in cash must understand that it is undesirable to keep all available funds in its own cash desk. There is a certain cash limit - the maximum amount that can remain in the organization's cash vault at the end of the day. All funds above this norm are above the limit and are subject to transfer to the bank for placement on the company's current account.

The accounting department of the enterprise independently calculates the limit of cash on hand, based on the formulas from the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2011 No. 373-P. There is no need to approve the resulting figure in the servicing bank, it is enough to fix it in the administrative document signed by the head of the organization. For example, in a specially issued order on setting a limit on cash balances. According to the order of conduct cash transactions this obligation applies to all organizations working with "cash", however, from July 1, 2014, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs are released from it.

Overlimit at checkout

The organization itself is responsible for calculating the cash balance limit and its observance, and the bank is entrusted with control over the cash discipline of the company. If during the inspection (which the bank is obliged to conduct at least once every 2 years) a violation is detected, the bank fixes it and notifies tax office according to form No. 0408026. The decision to bring the company to administrative responsibility is made by the Federal Tax Service.

What is meant by violation of cash balances:

  • if the organization does not have an order on the limit, that is, it is not set, any money in the cash register, except for “salary”, will be over the limit;
  • accumulation of an amount exceeding the limit is a direct violation of the limit;
  • it is forbidden to store cash that is not carried out according to receipt documents;
  • funds for salaries and other payments to employees are not considered excess, provided that they are issued to employees within 3 days.

Any of these violations is punishable by an administrative fine of 40-50 thousand rubles. from the organization and 4–5 thousand rubles. from an official. That is why it is important not only to comply with the norm of cash balances, but also to calculate it correctly, based on the volume of cash receipts to the cashier of the enterprise for a certain period.

Formulas for calculating the cash limit of an enterprise

The Central Bank, in its Regulation No. 373-P, offers 2 formulas for calculating the cash limit of an enterprise: for organizations that receive cash receipts, and for firms that have no cash flow.

In the first case, the norm of cash balances is calculated as follows:

where L is the limit size,

V - the amount of money received by the cashier for the billing period;

P - the number of days for which the calculation is made (cannot be more than 92 days);

N - the frequency (in business days) of placing money to a bank account upon an announcement of cash withdrawal (maximum 7 days).

The second formula looks like

where L is the limit of cash on hand,

R is the volume of disbursements from the cash desk (except for "salary" money) for the period under review;

P - billing period;

N - the period elapsed between the receipt of cash in the bank on the basis of a check (no more than 7 days).

The indicator N can be increased to 14 working days if there is no bank branch in the locality at the place of work of the enterprise.

How to correctly calculate the cash limit, consider a simple example.

The retail trade enterprise Prima LLC received revenue for the quarter (92 days) in the amount of 4,000,000 rubles. The store is open seven days a week, it gives “cash” to the bank every other day. According to the formula we get:

4,000,000 / 92 * 2 = 87,000 rubles.

If the proceeds are sent to a bank account less frequently, say, once a week, respectively, the limit can be set higher (about 217,000 rubles).

Second example:

Sekunda LLC does not accept cash from the public. The operating mode of the enterprise is from Monday to Friday, the receipt of money in the bank branch by check takes place once a week. The volume of withdrawals from the cashier's safe in April 2014 amounted to 560,000 rubles. According to formula No. 2, the cash limit at the cash desk is obtained:

560,000 / 22 * ​​5 = 127,000 rubles.

In both cases, they are not included in the calculations. target funds, "deferred" by the cashier for payments to employees of the organization.

It is legally determined that a business entity that carries out financial settlements using cash transactions is obliged to comply with regulatory requirements regarding the rules for the circulation of cash, paperwork and compliance with the cash limit. Discipline control is entrusted to the banking institution with which the contract for servicing and Tax Service.

Checkout limit

Cash limit - these are the norms of the amount of cash that are independently established by the business entity, which must be in the cash desk at the end of the day.

The value is the maximum allowable and should not be exceeded. Overlimit money is subject to return to the bank account of the company.

Cash balance limit

It is allowed to exceed the fixed balance in situations where payments are planned:

  • wages;
  • scholarships
  • social.

Violation of limit norms on holidays and weekends is not punishable if it is necessary to conduct financial transactions during this particular time period. Financial regulatory requirements make it possible to simplify the conduct of monetary transactions by reducing the amount of cash in production.

How is the cash limit set?

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, by its instruction, established methods for calculating the fixed balance at the end of the day. The limit of the cash balance in the cash register is set by the business entity independently, taking into account the legally approved procedure for conducting settlement operations. The procedure allows you to approximate the parameter normative value to a convenient value, as applied to a particular business entity.

If the organization has not approved the limit values, then it is forbidden to store money in its cash desk. If this rule is neglected, in the case of cash financial transactions, the subject is brought to administrative responsibility, which results in penalties.

Liability for violation

Responsibility for conducting financial transactions at the enterprise rests with its head. Chief Accountant is responsible for the competence of calculating the value of the fixed balance. The banking institution serving the company is charged with the responsibility of controlling cash discipline.

Cash balance at the cash desk at the end of a non-working day

Regulations require an audit by the bank at least once every two years. If during the event a violation of the requirements of the document was revealed, then representatives banking institution are obliged to notify the Tax Service, which has the right to impose administrative liability and impose fines. In accordance with the norms of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of fines corresponds to:

  • for an official - up to 5000 rubles;
  • for an enterprise - up to 50,000 rubles.

Read also: How is part-time work paid?

What is considered a violation

In order to comply with legal requirements, it is important not only to comply with the limit norms, but also to calculate them correctly, taking into account the total amount of cash receipts to the company's cash desk for a certain time period. The following events are considered violations:

  1. No limit order.
  2. Storage of unidentified cash incoming documentation.
  3. Over-the-limit funds earmarked for standard payments under payroll and social benefits, provided that they are held for more than 3 business days.

The cash limiter can be calculated in two ways, differing in the value taken as the basis for the calculation. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not regulate the preference of the formula option for specific business conditions, therefore, business entities can independently choose the calculation method that, in their opinion, is most acceptable.

Calculation method 1

The first method of calculation is based on data on money turnover in cash, carried out through the cash desk.

It is applicable to business entities with which counterparties pay in cash for the sale of goods or the provision of services.

The limit indicator is calculated as the product of the parameters:

  • private amount of cash that came to the cash department of accounting for a certain period of time and the number of days taken into account, not exceeding 92;
  • the number of days in which the transfer of money to the current account is made.

Calculation method 2

The settlement operations of the second method take into account information related to the cash costs of a business entity. It is suitable for organizations whose cash desk does not receive cash from counterparties.

According to the second method, the cash balance limit is set by the product of the parameters:

  • a private value corresponding to the amount of money issued from the cash desk for a certain time period, and the estimated time;
  • the time period between receipts of cash in the bank.


Each entity, having registered its business, planning financial transactions, implying cash circulation, is obliged to install a checkout limiter. The company must store documentation that determines compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of financial turnover:

    • calculation of the limiter, developed by the chief accountant and approved by the head of the organization;
    • an order to set a financial limit.

Calculation of the cash limit, carried out by the chief accountant

The order can be issued as an open-ended document, which requires amendments, only in cases stipulated by law. If the document indicates its validity period, which is traditionally determined by a quarter, half a year or a year, then after the specified time it should be extended or a new one should be issued.

Order to set a limit

When to Revise Criteria

If there are no changes cash flow at the box office, there is no reason to revise the calculation. It is recommended to update orders annually, which should reflect the extension of the current calculation period without making changes.

From 06/01/2014, the cash limit calculation is made in two ways, while you can choose the most optimal one for you.

The formula for calculating the cash limit based on cash receipts
LK \u003d OH / RP * PV,
LK - cash limit, rub.
ON - the amount of cash for the billing period, rub.
RP - billing period for which the amount of cash is determined, slave. days
PV - the period of time between receiving money at the cash desk and depositing it with the bank (no more than 7 working days, where there is no bank no more than 14 working days)

Calculation example

Ant LLC determines the cash limit for 2016, taking September 2015 (24 working days) as the billing period. During this time, the amount of cash amounted to 500,000 rubles. The proceeds were given 1 time in 5 days.
So, we consider the cash register limit = 104,167 rubles. (500,000 rubles / 24 days * 5 days)

The formula for calculating the cash limit based on the amount of out-of-pocket expenses.
Using this formula, you can set a cash register limit even if you do not have cash receipts at the cash desk.
LK \u003d OV / RP * PV,
LK - cash limit, rub.
OV - the volume of cash withdrawal from the cash desk for the billing period, rub.
RP - billing period for which the volume of cash withdrawal from the cash desk is determined, slave. days
PV - the period of time between receiving money at the cash desk from the bank (no more than 7 working days, where there is no bank no more than 14 working days)

Calculation example

LLC "Success" is engaged in wholesale trade. Determines the cash limit for 2016, based on the amount of cash expenses, taking the 3rd quarter of 2015 (66 working days) for the billing period. During this time, LLC paid off with suppliers for cash in the amount of 800,000 rubles. Money was withdrawn from the account 1 time in 5 days.
So, we consider the cash limit = 60,606 rubles. (800,000 rubles / 66 days * 5 days)

In this article:

  • what is the cash limit;

  • who is obliged to comply with the cash limit;

  • how to calculate the cash balance limit in case the LLC receives cash proceeds;

  • how to calculate the cash balance limit in case the LLC does not receive cash proceeds;

  • limit for a newly created organization;

  • a fine for accumulating cash at the cash desk of the organization in excess of the established limit;

  • a sample order on setting a cash balance limit for organizations that receive and do not receive cash proceeds.

The cash limit is the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be kept at the cash desk after the amount of the cash balance at the end of the working day is displayed in the cash book. This limit is determined in accordance with the instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014. The size of the cash balance limit on hand must be calculated at least once during the entire existence of the company. Since, if the limit has not been set, then the amount of cash available for storage at the cash desk at the end of the working day will automatically equal zero. That is, an organization or individual entrepreneur will not have the right to leave money after the end of the working day.

The cash limit is set by the relevant order of the head. The order can be issued for any time period, since the law does not establish a period for its validity. Therefore, organizations and individual entrepreneurs can change the limit when necessary. The frequency of such changes is also not fundamental, it is determined only by convenience and necessity. So, recalculation can be organized both every quarter and every 5 years.

Who is required to comply with the cash limit

All organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating in the territory of the Russian Federation are required to comply with the procedure for conducting cash transactions. Consequently, they are also obliged to set a limit on the balance of cash on hand. The taxation system on which the taxpayer is located, as well as the organizational and legal form, do not have any effect on this rule of law.

Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U, item 2, as well as tax code Article 346.26 p. 5 and Article 346.11 p. 4 of the Russian Federation determined that from June 1, 2015, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs can refuse to set a cash balance limit and keep an unlimited amount of cash proceeds at the cash desk. In order to use this provision of the law, it is necessary to cancel the previously established limit by the relevant order, and issue an order to establish the date from which the cash limit is not set.

The LLC receives its proceeds in cash. How, in this case, is the cash balance limit calculated at the cash desk?

The cash balance limit in this case will be calculated according to the formula based on the amount of cash proceeds. This formula has the following form:

limit = revenue ÷ RP × Dn, Where:

  • revenue - the amount of money received from the sale of goods and services for a certain billing period;
  • RP - a certain settlement period;
  • DN - the period of time between days in which cash was deposited in bank accounts.

There are certain restrictions on the duration of these periods. You cannot take a time period longer than 92 days as a billing period. The minimum term, however, is not stipulated. There can be no more than 7 business days between the days of transferring funds to the bank. However, there is an exception: for settlements, where there are no working bank branches, the cash withdrawal period increases to 14 working days.

Trade LLC decided to set a cash balance limit for 2017. The management adopted the accounting period of October 2016 as the initial data. For the specified month, the total amount of revenue amounted to 295,000 rubles. The opening hours of the store of this organization did not include weekends, which means that the work was carried out daily during calendar month. Cash was transferred to the bank every two days (one day is not transferred, the next day is transferred).

So, the amount of revenue is 295,000. The billing period is 31 days. The period of delivery of proceeds to the bank is 2 days. These indicators, substituted into the claimed formula, form the following equation and the final result:

RUB 295,000 ÷ 31 days × 2 days = 19,032 rubles.

Thus, the cash limit of Trade LLC is 19,032 rubles.

Sample order to set a cash balance limit for organizations receiving cash proceeds:

The LLC does not receive any cash proceeds. How, in this case, is the cash balance limit calculated at the cash desk?

Such a system of doing business is based on the following: the organization does not sell goods for cash. Clients transfer payment by bank transfer. Cash is sometimes withdrawn by management from a bank account for settlements with personnel, as well as for other business needs of the enterprise. In this case, the cash balance limit at the cash desk is calculated based on the amount of cash issued from the cash desk. This formula has the following form:

limit = dispensing volume ÷ RP × Days, Where:

  • amount of issue - the amount of cash issued for the billing period;
  • RP - billing period within which cash was issued;
  • Days - the period between the days of receipt of cash in the bank.

When determining the issue volume indicator, it is important to take into account that it does not include amounts received for employee benefits (salaries, scholarships, bonuses and other social payments).

The same time limits will apply here as for organizations receiving cash proceeds. This means that the billing period can be anything, but not more than 92 working days, there is no minimum value. The number of days between receiving cash at the bank cannot be more than 7 working days in cities with open banking points and, accordingly, also no more than 14 working days for cities where there are no banking points.

An example of calculating the cash balance:

Agora LLC does not have any cash proceeds. Clients of this organization transfer funds to a bank account. Periodically, the company withdraws cash from the bank to pay salaries and business expenses. Agora LLC determines the cash balance limit for 2017. October 2016 is taken as the accounting period. Revenue for October 2016 amounted to 823,300 rubles in cash. In October 2016, 123,300 rubles were withdrawn from the current account for cash settlement with the supplier of materials. Wage employees from the cash desk during this period were not paid. In October there were 20 working days, money was withdrawn from the bank in three days.