How to connect mobile banking to a Sberbank card. What opportunities does Sberbank's Mobile Bank have? New additional features

Like many banks, Sberbank provides a convenient “Mobile Bank” service. This function allows you to pay with your mobile phone, monitor the latest transactions on the card, instantly receive information about any changes in your account, and also activate auto-payment directly from your mobile phone. As a rule, the service is activated in the Sberbank office by a company specialist; this process is quite fast and requires virtually no energy consumption. But what if you urgently need to connect to Mobile Banking, but you can’t get to a bank branch? Then you have the option of connecting via mobile phone. In this article you will learn how to do this and understand all the intricacies of the service.

Tariffs of Mobile Banking in Sberbank

Sberbank has two main tariffs for Mobile Banking services: full and economical. As you understand, the whole difference is in the price. Take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The “Full” package implies a monthly fee for using Mobile Banking. The cost of such a package is 60 rubles for Visa Classic and MasterCard Classic and 30 rubles for student, social and “momentum” cards. Mobile banking is also free for clients with Gold cards.
For this amount, you get the opportunity to request account information, statements, card balances, and authorization history for free.

The “Economy” package does not require any payment, but at the same time you do not have the ability to request authorization history at all, and other services will cost you from three to fifteen rubles per request:

  • One request about the remaining limits on the card – 3 rubles.
  • Brief statement of card account – 15 rubles per request.

Also, you will not receive SMS notifications about transactions on the card and changes in the account.

Choose your package before connecting to the service. It can only be changed at the Sberbank office.

Connecting Mobile Banking from Sberbank by phone

There is only one way to connect Mobile Banking by phone - by calling the Sberbank hotline. You will need the number:

  • 8-800-555-5550

Explain to the contact center specialist that you want to connect to Mobile Banking and indicate the selected tariff plan. In this case, you must be the owner of the card, and it is advisable to call from the mobile phone to which the card will be assigned.

The operator may ask you for a lot of additional information to make sure that you really are the owner of the card. Such information may include:

  • the code word you came up with when creating the card,
  • your last transactions on the card,
  • your passport details, full name,
  • date of birth and other questions.

If you answer all of them absolutely honestly and correctly, then the mobile bank will be connected to the specified phone number.

When Mobile Banking from Sberbank will be connected

The service is activated within three working days, but no later than this period, after the specialist accepts the request.

As soon as the Mobile Bank is connected, you will receive an SMS notification of the following type: “Registration was successful XXXX”, where four x’s are the last digits of your bank card, now linked to the phone number.

From now on, you can use all the features of Sberbank’s Mobile Bank and manage your account directly from your mobile phone. Don’t forget that to manage your card from your phone, you can also install the Sberbank Online application and gain access to more bank functions.

Thanks to the Mobile Bank service, Sberbank clients have access to payment and information transactions via SMS. Thus, the user has the opportunity to check his balance, make payments and transfer his funds directly from his cell phone.

Find out how to connect Mobile Banking to a Sberbank card yourself and for free - online via a computer, ATM and other connection methods from our article!

Cost and can it be done for free?

You can sign up for the service for free. The user has two packages to choose from: full and economical. The first option provides for a monthly subscription fee to be withdrawn from the account, and the second option charges for some requests. More details about tariffs can be found in the table:

Thus, "Economy package" - the optimal and most profitable option, but only if the user does not check the current balance several times a day.

It is noteworthy that you can check your account status through the mobile application, where you can also request details: access to the Sberbank Online system is provided free of charge.

On the pages of our website you will also learn everything about, and whether it is possible to refuse the service when applying for a loan!

Methods for connecting an option to a card

There are several ways to register in the Mobile Banking system from Sberbank:

  • Through the Internet;
  • Through the contact center;
  • At a bank branch;
  • Using the terminal.

Let's consider these options in more detail.

How to connect to the service yourself via the Internet

Activation via the Internet is available for users already registered in the Sberbank Online system.

The client just has to choose the desired package, fill in the fields and click on the “Confirm” button.

Please note that confirmation of the request occurs via SMS - a special code is sent by the system to the specified phone number.

The same number will be needed in the future to perform available operations. Therefore, it is recommended to link the card to the current number belonging to the card owner.

Important: Review of your application may take up to 3 days.

By phone - through the contact center from home

Another common way to register for Mobile Banking is to call a call center. To do this, call the hotline 8-800-555-5550, inform the operator of your intention, and then provide your personal data: passport and control data specified when drawing up the contract.

At a bank branch

At any Sberbank office you can fill out an application for the provision of services. The user will only need an ID card. The registration procedure does not take much time.

As a rule, bank employees offer everyone to become a participant, and if they haven’t, it would be appropriate to take the initiative and inquire about it yourself.

How to register an application using terminal

You can also link a SIM card through an ATM.

For this:

  • Load the payment card into the receiver;
  • Enter your PIN code;
  • Click on the “Mobile Bank” button;
  • “Connecting the main card”;
  • Select package.

The undoubted advantage of this method is during rush hour it is much faster to get to an ATM than to a consultant.

There is no need to fill out paperwork and register with Sberbank Online. But unfortunately, consideration of the application may take up to three days.

Registration and activation via SMS

On our website we will tell you about the conditions for obtaining it and how it differs from other types of plastic.

For information on how to apply for a Sberbank Momentum card, as well as customer reviews about this credit card, look in this article:.

How to check service status via phone

How can you find out if Mobile Banking is connected to your Sberbank card, and is it possible to check the status of the service via SMS?

To check the status of an option, the user just needs to send SMS “HELP” (without quotes) to the short number 900, and after receiving the context menu, send a message with the entry “5”.

The response message will contain information on all client accounts. connected to Mobile Banking.

If the service was not paid on time, “NEOPLATA” will be indicated in brackets. To continue using the feature, you need to top up your account, and the subscription fee will be charged automatically within a few hours.

In contact with

“Mobile Bank” is a Sberbank service that allows you to conduct financial transactions using. This service can be activated at a bank branch, using an ATM, as well as Internet banking. Self-connection to Mobile Banking on your phone is a simple procedure.

How to choose a suitable Mobile Bank tariff plan?

The easiest way is to activate “Mobile Banking” on your phone during registration. All that is required from the client is to tell the bank employee the phone number to which the card will be linked. By the way, you can link eight bank cards to one mobile number. After activating the Mobile Bank, the client will have access to repaying loans, monitoring the balance of a bank card, etc. Before moving on to the issue of connection, you need to select the optimal tariff plan. Today there are two of them:
  1. Free - "".
  2. Paid - "". You can find out more detailed information about tariffs on the page.
Based on the name, it may seem that the first option is cheaper. However, this tariff is not suitable for every client. The reason for this is the following nuances:
  • for a one-time service, a fee of 3 rubles is charged;
  • for checking the latest transactions on the card - 15 rubles;
  • The tariff plan does not provide notifications about an increase in expenses and account balance after cashing out the card.
The last point is especially important, as it allows you to monitor financial transactions, even if the bank card was stolen. As for the “Full” tariff, the payment depends on the type of bank card and is:
  • Classic - 60 rubles;
  • Maestro - 30 rubles;
  • Visa Electron - 30 rubles;
  • Gold and other premium cards are free.

The announced tariffs have a number of common features:

  • Top up your mobile account (your number or any user);
  • Transfer of funds between bank cards;
  • Sending transfers to individuals who are clients of Sberbank. To do this, you need to know the recipient's phone number;
  • Payment of utility bills;
  • Loan repayment;
  • Connection of existing services;
  • Blocking the card if it is stolen or lost.

Activation of the service through an ATM

Having decided on the type of optimal tariff, you can proceed to connect Sberbank Mobile Bank on your phone. This can be done using any mobile device, or through the nearest Sberbank ATM.
  1. Insert the card into the card reader.
  2. In the menu that appears, select the “Mobile Bank” section.
  3. Next, you need to select the activation option - “Connect the main card”, if the service has not been used before. All other points are needed only for operations available in the activated service.
  4. Select one of the presented tariffs.
  5. The menu will display the phone number that was specified during the registration of the bank card. In this section you need to click on the “Continue” button.
  6. An SMS with a code will be sent to your phone. The client needs to confirm the activation of the service by sending an SMS code to number 900. Sometimes the activation process takes about three days.
Detailed instructions on how to use the ATM.

Connecting the service via phone

You can connect Mobile Banking using your phone using . The SMS command is free and charged according to the terms and conditions of the mobile operator. It is also possible to activate the service from the Contact Center. By calling , you can:
  1. Contact the operator.
  2. Act according to voice prompts.
If you want to communicate verbally with a bank representative, then after the automatic greeting you should press the number “0” on the phone. The employee will conduct mandatory identification by asking several questions:
  • Bankcard number;
  • code word received during the contract execution process;
  • passport and individual personal data;
  • information about the last transaction carried out using this card.
After this, the Contact Center employee will clarify the tariff you are interested in and activate the service. Next, a notification will be sent to your phone with the appropriate instructions, after which Mobile Banking will be activated.

Sometimes the Contact Center hotline is overloaded, and it is almost impossible to reach them. In this case, you can resort to connecting Mobile Bank on your phone yourself. To do this you need:

  • dial the Contact Center phone number;
  • if you are interested in services and products for individuals, press button “3”;
  • select the section related to remote management of services (“Sberbank Online” and “Mobile Bank”) - press “2”;
  • you need “Mobile Bank” - press “2”;
  • listen to the auto message and select a tariff;
  • the robot will dictate the bank card number, the selected tariff and the phone number for further connection. Additionally, the period during which you will have to wait for notification of successful activation of the service will be specified.

Photo instructions on how to use Mobile Banking

We suggest downloading the file here:
(downloads: 2047)
View online file:

Connection via Internet banking

As a client of Sberbank, it would be a good idea to get access to.
In order to have permanent access to the Sberbank Online service, you need to connect Mobile Banking in advance, since logging into your Personal Account is carried out via SMS confirmation. However, for one-time transactions, you can use passwords obtained from ATMs.

In the Personal Account menu that opens, you need to select the “Mobile Bank” section. Next, you need to decide on the tariff you are interested in. After selecting a tariff plan, a standard confirmation of the specified parameters for connection will follow. This:

  • plastic card number;
  • phone number;
  • name of the selected tariff.
After clicking the “Connect” button, an SMS message with a code should be sent to the entered number with a code that needs to be redirected to Sberbank. If you need to change the tariff, you can do this in this section. The connection procedure takes from 1 to 3 days.

Connecting Mobile Banking via Sberbank online

Step 1. Log in to your Personal Account.

Step 2. Receive an SMS code to confirm login and enter it.

Step 3. Select the Mobile Bank connection on your phone.

Step 4. Follow the prompts and activate the service.

Instructions for operating the Sberbank Online system

Instructions for working with the Sberbank Online service:
(downloads: 1228)
View online file:

Ordering a connection operation at a Sberbank branch

If the above methods of connecting to the service are not satisfactory, Mobile Bank can also be activated at the nearest Sberbank branch. The bank will provide the client with a special form in which you must indicate the following information:
  • name of the department;
  • your passport details;
  • number in ten-digit format and the company of the mobile operator used;
  • check the box “Register phone number”;
  • indicate your bank card number;
  • enter the numbers of those Sberbank cards that will be connected to the same phone as additional ones;
  • choose a tariff;
  • sign and date the application.

A correctly completed application will only be accepted if you have a passport. In this case, you don’t have to present the connected card, but you must indicate its number!

Changing the SMS tariff plan. Disabling the service

After activation is completed, the client will have access to financial management of the Sberbank card via SMS.
To disable Mobile Banking, you need to send the text: BLOCKING SERVICES, BLOCKSERVICE, BLOKIROVKAUSLUGI; 04.

You must understand that the service is not disabled forever, but only some features are temporarily suspended. Therefore, if the “Full” tariff was activated, then the fee for use will still be debited from the card account. It turns out that the locking function is useful when the phone is lost or stolen.

All settings can be activated independently using the reverse command: UNLOCKING SERVICES, UNBLOCKSERVICE, RASBLOKIROVKAUSLUG or 05 . The main thing is, before sending the command, do not forget to clarify the Sberbank card number by entering the last 4 digits. Each block of data is entered separated by a space.
If you need to change the tariff, then just write the word Full or Economy and send to .

How to connect Sberbank Mobile Banking - video instructions

How to connect Sberbank mobile bank via the Internet yourself and is it possible, are there other methods of connection - these questions are of interest to many users, and we will talk about them in more detail, give step-by-step instructions for use and answer other questions in this article.

How can I activate it myself?

Activation occurs depending on the chosen method, most often via SMS message. To check, send a message with the word “help” to number 900. By the type of return message (possible options are “on”, “off”, “neoplata”) you can judge the status for today.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that only bank clients who have a plastic or virtual card can connect and, accordingly, activate the service.

Connect to the service at home via computer

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is negative, since this option is currently not available. However, this is not a reason to despair - there are three more possibilities:

  • personal visit to any branch;
  • ATMs and terminals;
  • telephone service.

If you find a service on the Internet offering a similar service, these are scammers. Don't fall for the tricks, as the consequences can be very unpleasant.

How to connect Sberbank mobile bank via phone via SMS

The answer to the question of how to connect Sberbank mobile banking via phone via SMS is also negative. But the bank’s management promises to correct this shortcoming and is considering the possibility of such a connection in the future.

Via MTS, Megafon for free

Sberbank of Russia offers its clients the opportunity to use the convenient and modern Mobile Bank service. To do this, you should download the Java application online from the official banking portal to authorize the system on your mobile and install it on your device. Today this service is supported by operators such as Beeline, Megafon and MTS.

We draw the attention of users - if your device is stolen or gifted to third parties, you must first block the service (just in case) or immediately change all passwords so that an unauthorized person cannot use it. We remind you that support is available 24/7 and will tell you how to disable and/or enable the function.

Fast payment: how to check?

To be able to use the option, you must activate it by following all the necessary instructions described on the website. The operation takes only four clicks. To send a payment, enter command words in a text message (payment, transfer to another number/account, etc.) to number 900.

All transactions are confirmed by feedback (bank message on the phone), by which you can judge the success of the transaction or an error. It is not necessary to log into your personal account.

Connect Sberbank mobile bank via phone

This can only be done by calling the hotline or help desk (telephone numbers and other information are listed on the bank’s official website). The operator will ask you to answer various questions to find out:

  • client’s personal data (full name and other passport data);
  • bank card number;
  • security question/answer specified during registration;
  • last card transaction.

Please note that this method is only suitable for those who indicated their phone number during registration; if this was not done on time, you will have to visit the branch where you received the card and write an application.

What is the price?

The choice of tariff occurs at the time of registration (you can set an economical or paid tariff). On average, the cost is from 30 to 60 rubles per month. Connecting or disconnecting the service is free of charge. You should know that the “economical” tariff is equipped with a minimum package of services, while the “paid” tariff is equipped with greater capabilities in terms of functions.


To register at a bank branch, you will need a passport and any bank card (salary, credit, etc.). You will be asked to complete and sign an application and user agreement. Activation may take 1-3 days.

To connect through an ATM, you only need a payment document (card), knowledge of passwords, follow the instructions and step by step perform several simple steps:

  • insert the card into the card reader;
  • Enter a code;
  • select a service;
  • click connect.

You can also find out more detailed information from the operators.

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Sberbank offers its clients the use of a convenient service that will help them perform some financial transactions directly from their mobile phone. In addition, using mobile banking allows you to be aware of what is happening with your account.

What is a mobile bank and what is it for?

The service was created to save clients time. To perform some transactions it is no longer necessary to visit a bank office. You can simply use Sberbank’s mobile bank and receive the financial service you need at any time of the day, without leaving your home.

All financial transactions are carried out using special USSD commands, which the user makes from the phone number attached to the mobile bank. I dialed a certain combination and received the desired service. The service is maximally protected; operations can only be carried out from an assigned phone number.

Possible financial transactions of mobile Sberbank

1. Pay for your mobile phone with just one message. You need to dial the command *900*100# from your phone, where the last digit indicates the amount to top up your account. It will eventually be debited from your account opened with Sberbank.

2. Pay for absolutely any phone from your Sberbank account. You just need to dial *900*9121234567*100#, where the replenishment number is indicated and the last digit is the replenishment amount.

3. Quickly receive information about the status of your account with Sberbank. To do this, dial 900*01# from your phone.

Account information

1. Receive instant SMS messages about all operations performed on the user’s account.
2. Obtaining information about replenishing an account in Sberbank, for example, about the crediting of wages.
3. Obtaining information, as well as receiving one-time passwords for performing transactions in the Internet bank.

Other additional features

1. Using Sberbank mobile banking, you can urgently block your bank card.
2. You can activate the Autopayment service, which will be automatically debited from your account to pay for the services you specified.
3. The ability to repay a loan by transferring funds from your card opened with Sberbank.
4. Transfers between your own cards.
5. Connection to the “Thank you” program from Sberbank.

Overall, this is a convenient service that significantly saves the client’s time. You can now perform basic simple financial transactions using a convenient mobile bank. A citizen simply sends a command from his phone or performs certain actions in a secure personal account. There is no longer any need to visit a Sberbank office; customer service has become easier.

1. The service is activated very simply and quickly. It is available to all current Sberbank clients. To activate the Sberbank mobile banking service, it is not even necessary to communicate with Sberbank managers. The service can be activated through the nearest bank terminal.
To do this, you should insert your card into the ATM and enter your PIN code. In the menu that opens, select “Mobile Banking”, and then “Connect the service”. That's all you need to connect. As a result, the service will be tied to the phone number that is attached to your bank card.

2. You can also contact any Sberbank office to connect to the service. Here you will make a special application, indicating the phone number from which you will manage your mobile bank. The service is provided if you have a passport, the service will be available within 1-3 days.

3. Another method is to connect the Sberbank mobile bank by calling the hotline. Once you get through, you will need to introduce yourself and give your code word. Next, you will be asked to provide your passport details and will be asked what the last operation was performed on your card. After this, the service is activated.

Personal account of Sberbank mobile bank

The mobile banking service does not have a personal account as such. To access all financial transactions, the client simply needs to connect. By logging into it, you will receive complete information on your accounts and perform various operations. To confirm transactions, SMS messages with passwords will be sent to the citizen’s phone, which must be entered when confirming the action in the Internet bank.

Read more about how registration with Sberbank Online is carried out.

In theory, absolutely all commands can be done without Internet banking. On the Sberbank website you can see USSD commands for all actions. You simply enter a command on your phone and get the service you need.

How to disable Sberbank mobile banking?

Recently, situations have increasingly arisen when unauthorized persons gain access to your account. It turns out that you no longer use your previous number, then the operator resells it to another subscriber after some time. But access to the mobile bank is still assigned to this number. Now this subscriber can use a USSD request, for example, to top up his phone balance from your account. So, you should be careful and when changing your number, immediately turn off Sberbank’s mobile bank.

If you change your phone number, then you should definitely disconnect access to the mobile bank from your old SIM card.

1. Disabling is simple, still using a request. To do this, you should send a message to number 900 that will contain a single word - BLOCKING SERVICES (it can also be written in Latin BLOKIROVKAUSLUG). Next, you will receive confirmation that the mobile banking service is no longer available to you.

2. You can unblock the service at any time. To do this, to number 900 you should send a message like UNLOCKING SERVICES 1234 2222. Where 1234 is the last digits of your Sberbank card, and 2222 is digital control information (this is your code word, converted into digital information. Instructions on how to do this are in).

The Mobile Bank service from Sberbank is a very convenient tool that not only saves time, which is so lacking for a modern person, but also simplifies many financial transactions and makes it possible to manage your cash flows at any time, anywhere.