What is an unnamed credit card. What does an unnamed Sberbank card mean? Personalized credit card is given instead of another card

An unnamed bank card is gaining more and more popularity among the population. All this is due to the fact that it can be obtained in the shortest possible time. Consider what a banking product from Sberbank is, what are its main advantages and disadvantages.

Each client of the bank has the right to choose whether to issue a registered or unnamed bank card. Most people don't know how to make the right choice because differences between the two types of maps are not obvious. The general difference between a named and non-named card is shown in the table below:

In fact, non-personalized bank cards are practically no different from nominal ones, but some types of operations are not available to them. In terms of security, they are as reliable as any card. Some even believe that unnamed plastic is much better protected. Without knowing the pin code, a person will not be able to withdraw money or pay it in the store. At the same time, when paying for goods through the terminal, not all cards require a password.

A Sberbank Momentum MasterCard or Visa card can be issued absolutely free of charge.

Credit unnamed cards, by and large - do not release. However, when restructuring a loan or restoring plastic, it can be issued immediately upon application, respectively, instead of the name on the front side, it will indicate “CARDHOLDER”.

How to order a card issue

Making an instant bank card does not take much time. The conditions for obtaining it at Sberbank are as simple as possible:

  • Contact any nearest branch of Sberbank.
  • Tell the bank employee that you want to promptly issue the card.
  • Submit the required documents. As a rule, to issue such a banking product, you only need a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Sign an agreement on issuing a card and opening an account.
  • Get plastic, come up with a pin code for it and activate it by depositing any amount to your account.

This completes the acquisition process. The total time spent is about 10-15 minutes. It all depends on how quickly you fill in all the data that the bank requires.

Upon receipt of the card, you can contact an employee to connect the necessary services and register in your Sberbank Online personal account.

Banking product features

An instant bank card from Sberbank has almost all the features that a nominal one has. Each plastic owner can:

  1. Withdraw and deposit cash at the cash desk or at an ATM.
  2. Pay by card in stores through terminals.
  3. Make payments online.
  4. Use all services in Sberbank Online.
  5. Transfer funds remotely.
  6. Participate in promotions held by payment systems.

Also, in some cases, customers can set a credit limit or overdraft on their plastic. But, this is possible only when a person provides the bank with an up-to-date certificate of income for the last six months.

Operation limits

Like any banking product, unnamed plastic has its own limits on use. This information is indicated in the bank's tariffs. Consider the main restrictions on the map:

These are the main limits from Sberbank that are in effect at the moment. Tariffs may change, so in order not to get into an awkward position, it is better to constantly monitor the update of this information.

As can be seen from the table, the unnamed card is most of all intended for private use. Due to the established rules, it will be problematic to apply it in the business sphere.

How to replenish

Most people prefer to keep money not in cash, but on a bank card. This is very convenient, since you have the opportunity to direct funds for payment any accounts. It's also more secure. Consider several ways to replenish plastic from Sberbank:

  1. Using self-service devices (these can be ATMs or terminals).
  2. Through the service of Sberbank "Mobile Bank" (it is enough to send one SMS message to the short number 900).
  3. Using Sberbank Online Internet banking (money transfer services between accounts).
  4. Through the bank teller.

As you can see, there are no difficulties with replenishing the account. It can be done any time day and night.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each banking product has its pros and cons. Before applying for an unnamed bank card, you need to think about whether all its advantages really overlap yours. needs. The main advantages include:

  • instant registration (maximum 10-15 minutes);
  • minimum requirements for documents;
  • no issuance and maintenance fees.

Complete absence subscription fee- the unconditional advantage of the card. First of all, it is convenient when cash receipts on the card are not systematic. At the same time, there is no possibility of negative balance formation.

Issuing a card takes a minimum of time, and if the password for it is lost, the bank will issue a new one for free.

The disadvantages of bank customers include:

  • Only one such product can be released.
  • Often there is no way to pay in online stores.
  • This account cannot be used to receive salaries or pensions.
  • Some restrictions apply when plastic is used outside of Russia.

An unnamed bank card from Sberbank of Russia is suitable for those people who need a card “urgently”. There is no guarantee that you will be able to pay for a purchase on the Web with it, but with its help you can send or receive money transfers, save or store personal savings, distributing them to any accounts, as needed: pay for communications, utility services, state duty, taxes, or pay for goods and services in stores.

Banks have recently been trying to attract customers with interesting and rather useful conditions for using debit cards. Each card has its pros and cons. Debit cards are divided by class, type and status. Today we will look at two types - an unnamed debit card and a registered debit card, and what are their differences?

Personalized debit card

Personalized debit card

As is already clear from the name, a personalized debit card is tied to a specific user and, among other details, has one of the main ones - or rather, the client's first and last name. Also, personalized cards are made directly or in a different way, all the details from the card number to the expiration date are convex on the plastic.

This is done so that you can make offline purchases using slips from this card. True, at this time this payment method is no longer becoming so popular, but in some places where there is no Internet, you will not be able to make a purchase otherwise.

Name cards have higher privileges as well as status. Almost all cards except and are issued with the name and surname of the owner. Additional details allow you to use the card and make purchases in online stores, and make transfers of funds using online services.

Also, a personalized debit card has a wider range of possibilities. You can also make purchases on foreign websites and even make transfers using third-party banks. A personalized card issued in payment systems and allows you to make purchases and withdraw cash from ATMs in any country.

All the best and high-status cards with privileges such as MasterCard Platinum or MasterCard Platinum are personalized and, in addition to this attribute, also have a special security code CVC2 and CVV2, which is practically not found on any non-personalized card.

Unnamed debit card

An unnamed card is usually issued in two statuses of payment systems - Visa Electron and Maestro Momentum. These cards are also called instant issuance cards in a different way, because they are issued to you almost immediately, as soon as you have written an application at the bank.

The card has almost all the details and is also linked to your bank account, but the card itself does not have a First and Last name and therefore is not named. Such cards are often issued not embossed, that is, they are completely smooth and it will not work to make a slip from them.

Also, this card is not accepted in most online services and online stores. Firstly, due to the fact that there is no main requisite - the name and surname of the owner of the card. Secondly, such cards usually do not have a special one that is needed to make purchases online.

But due to a personal account that is linked to the card, you can still make various transfers and some purchases online through your personal account on the website of the bank itself, or through a special application from your bank.

Usually this card is used for purchases in stores where there are standard POST-terminals. Old unnamed cards were usually issued without a chip, but now almost all cards already have a chip and can be accepted everywhere.

You can withdraw cash from your bank's ATMs. You will not be able to use card data abroad, since unnamed cards are not accepted there, even in such international payment systems.

This is due to the fact that the name and surname of the bank client is one of the main details and it is impossible to complete the transaction without it. Despite the fact that unnamed bank cards have a low status, this card is very common in our country.

What is the difference between an unnamed debit card and a registered debit card?

In principle, there are quite a few differences, but the most important thing is that idebeennaya has a first and last name, and because of this requisite, the card gets a wider range of opportunities: payment via the Internet, as well as transactions abroad.

An unnamed card is usually free or very inexpensive in annual maintenance, but a registered card, depending on the status, can cost several thousand rubles a year. That is why many take an unnamed card - if you do not need to constantly make purchases on the Internet, and you are not going on a trip abroad.

An unnamed debit card is quite advantageous, as you already have a bank account and you pay almost nothing for maintenance. True, the cost for SMS informing will cost you the full price, and on some personalized cards this service is free.

Unnamed cards are often taken in order to pay with them in the store, to receive a salary and pension in a small amount. An unnamed card has a rather small withdrawal limit per day and per month, but it is enough for an ordinary average citizen of our country.

Both of these cards can be connected to a number of services from SMS banking to Internet banking and mobile banking. Each of these services helps you to more accurately control your funds on the card and keep track of all transfers and purchases. Some banks allow you to issue additional cards for unnamed plastic, tied to the same account.


It has a number of advantages, at a fairly low price, and at the same time it is much more profitable than most personalized cards. True, there are a couple of disadvantages, because of which these cards may not be suitable for many. Here everyone decides which card will be better and both of these debit cards are good in their own way.

There are two types, these are registered and non-named products. In general, their functionality is not much different, but there are still differences, and for some they can be serious. Therefore, we will consider what a non-named Sberbank card is and compare it with a nominal one.

What is a Sberbank personalized card, what operations can be performed with it. An overview of an unnamed payment instrument, are there any restrictions in use, the pros and cons of such plastic. On the site you can find information about all Sberbank cards, both credit and debit.

Unnamed Sberbank card

The main difference from a personalized product is that the name and surname of the holder is not printed on the front of the payment instrument. Thanks to this feature, a non-registered plastic card is issued instantly, immediately upon the client's request.

Standard named products must be issued and labeled with the holder's data. In the same case, nothing is applied to the plastic, so the Sberbank manager simply takes the "blank" and immediately registers it for the client. A person receives a debit card and can immediately use it. It's comfortable.

Sberbank has an unnamed card called Instant. That is, the name speaks for itself, the product can be obtained immediately on the day of application. And what is most interesting, it is cheaper to maintain. Sber does not charge an annual fee at all, while according to a nominal standard fee it is 750 rubles per year.

Disadvantages of unnamed Sberbank debit cards

They will be as follows:

  • It doesn't have the owner's information on it. At the same time, in fact, it can be used as usual, this feature does not limit the functionality in any way. If only it becomes possible to confuse your card with someone else's, exactly the same instant ... But the probability of this is extremely small;
  • the card is not reissued. That is, if its validity period expires, the means of payment is subject only to a complete replacement. Details will be different;
  • shorter validity period than standard name cards. "Blanks" of instant cards are valid for 3 years from the date of manufacture. You can apply for a card that has been in the bank for six months, respectively, and it will only be valid for 2.5 years;
  • it is impossible to get an additional card, they are issued only for registered products;
  • You can cash out no more than 50,000 rubles per day, and a maximum of 100,000 rubles per month. For some, this can be a significant disadvantage. For example, saving money on this card for some kind of purchase is not an option, it is impossible to withdraw a large amount;

We can say that without a personalized card of Sberbank it does not have any particular drawbacks compared to a regular one. Moreover, there is no need to wait for its release, so this particular product is suitable for many, it will be more profitable and convenient.

The advantages of an unnamed Sberbank card are instant issue and free maintenance.

Nameless card functionality

It can be used as usual, there are no restrictions on use. That is, you can pay for purchases on the Internet, pay in stores, withdraw money through an ATM, use it to make various payments at the Sberbank office.

The unnamed card of many Russian banks is seriously limited in functionality. But Sberbank has improved the product and made it so that customers can use it everywhere, namely:

  • pay on the Internet. As a rule, products of this type are not suitable for online purchases and for other transactions that require the introduction of a secret CV code. Nameless plastic simply does not have this code. If we consider non-registered bank cards of Sberbank, then operations can be performed without problems. In the field of the name of the cardholder, you need to enter "MOMENTUM";
  • use the means of payment abroad. Sberbank specially equipped its instant card with a PIN code and a security chip so that customers can use plastic abroad without any problems. In other banks, such functionality of non-named products is rare.

If you exclude the use of the card abroad, upon registration, ask to issue it with the service of Visa or Mastercard systems.

As for the tariffs for service, then everything is simple. There is no annual fee, and there is no need to pay for reissuance. The client can issue a card in a convenient currency: euros, rubles or dollars. For example, you can issue plastic if you are going abroad.

The holder, on general terms, participates in the Thank You from Sberbank bonus program, withdraws money without commission from bank ATMs. But you can withdraw no more than 50,000 rubles at a time and per day.

The Client connects to the Sberbank Online system and can download and install the Mobile Application. An unnamed Sberbank card can be connected to the SMS informing service: for the first 2 months it will be free, then a fee of 60 rubles will be charged monthly.

As you can see, this is an ordinary debit product, but it is issued in 10 minutes at any branch of Sberbank. You only need to have your passport with you. An unnamed Visa, Mir and Mastercard card is issued only to adult citizens of the Russian Federation.

Today everyone has a choice - to issue a registered or unnamed plastic card. An unnamed card is also called an "unembossed" or non-personalized card. It does not have embossed inscriptions, and all information, such as the card number and expiration date, are laser-etched. At the same time, all personal data is entered into the bank database, and the card number is assigned to a specific owner. The card also provides a place for a sample signature of the owner.

In case of loss or theft of the card, its owner can always block it and reissue it. Without knowing the PIN code, attackers will not be able to use it.

Many people think that the presence of the owner's name on the card is an additional protection. However, in reality this is not the case, non-named cards are not inferior in terms of security to their counterparts. In fact, this is a full-fledged bank card.

Banks issue non-personalized payment cards based on Visa and MasterCard payment systems and have all their inherent advantages.

It takes 5-10 minutes to issue a card, this is its main difference from a personalized card, the issuance of which takes several weeks. Such efficiency is due to the fact that the bank issues such cards in advance.

Most often, non-personalized cards are issued by users who urgently need a card, for example, to travel abroad.

Advantages and disadvantages of an unnamed card

In addition to the high speed of issuing a non-personalized card, its advantage is the low cost of issuing. In a number of banks, for example, in Russian Standard, such a card is provided free of charge.

Most non-personalized credit cards are issued under the Electron and Maestro varieties, which have limited functionality.
To apply for a card, you need a minimum package of documents - a passport and TIN. In the case of a credit card, proof of income is usually required.

Inconvenient for users is the fact that he often needs to enter a pin code in shops and restaurants. The low class of such cards can also create additional difficulties with purchases.

From the point of view of card functionality, users may have problems when paying for purchases on the Internet, booking hotels. This is especially true for cardholders without a CVV.

It is worth noting that unnamed credit cards are characterized by a higher interest rate, because. the bank does not have time for a comprehensive check of the borrower. For example, the credit card "Credit in your pocket" from the bank "Russian Standard" is issued with an interest rate of 36%, "Credit Express" bank "Renaissance Credit" - from 42%.

In the line of plastic cards of Sberbank there are non-named cards that received the name. To receive them, you do not need to provide a huge package of documents to the bank and wait a long time for a decision on the application. They are issued free of charge, instantly, and only for one applicant's passport.

Overview of the possibilities of unnamed cards of Sberbank

Unnamed cards are issued by Sberbank without displaying the owner's data on a physical medium. That is, on the front side there will be only the number and expiration date of the plastic. And there will be no personal details of the holder (cardholder name).

Such cards are issued upon the client's request to the office of the organization - within 15 minutes. During this time, the client's data is verified and the contract is signed. The contract is a form where information about the future plastic holder and a signature are entered. It is impossible to apply online for an unnamed card, and there is no point in doing so, since the time for consideration and receipt of plastic in hand does not exceed 15 minutes.

Main characteristics

Unnamed Sberbank cards are issued only in the debit type of three payment systems - Visa, Mastercard, MIR.

Unnamed cards Visa and Mastercard have no differences and have the following characteristics:

  • validity period 3 years;
  • issue and reissue - free of charge;
  • there is no possibility to issue an additional card to them;
  • can be issued in one of three currencies - euro, dollars, rubles;
  • work abroad;
  • you can make transfers from them, pay for goods in stores and via the Internet, etc.

Nameless card of Sberbank of the national payment system WORLD differs from Visa and Mastercard in the following characteristics:

  • validity period - 3 years;
  • issued only in rubles;
  • does not work abroad, but on the territory of Crimea you can pay for goods with it and withdraw cash through an ATM.

By the way maximum cash withdrawal amount from unnamed cards is several times less than for classic ones and amounts to: 50,000 rubles per day. The monthly limit is 100,000 rubles. You can exceed these limits only if you withdraw cash at the bank's cash desk. For the amount over the limit, you will have to pay 0.5% commission.

Translations from unnamed Sberbank cards through a personal account, ATM or SMS are carried out in the standard mode. - 1 million rubles.

Who can apply?

You can issue an unnamed Sberbank card any citizen of the Russian Federation from 18 years old. You should only have your passport with you.

You can also register in your Sberbank Online personal account using your card number and connect the paid option of SMS notifications "Mobile Bank" to it. This is and that will allow in the future to control all expenses and receipts on the balance sheet.

Nameless and personal cards of Sberbank: differences

An unnamed Sberbank card has a number of significant differences from the classic debit Visa, Mastercard, MIR. It makes no sense to compare with gold or premium, as these are products of a higher level.

The advantages of Mind Maps over Classic products include:

  • fast registration (classic is made from 2-7 days);
  • the ability to connect the Thank You bonus program and receive points in the same amount as the holders - 0.5% of the bank, up to 20% of the purchase price from partners;
  • the ability to register in Internet banking, a mobile application;
  • the ability to connect SMS alerts from the bank.

Among the minuses can be noted:

  • a smaller amount of cash withdrawal without commission;
  • the impossibility of obtaining a loan on such a card (IFIs do not issue loans on unnamed bank cards, as this is too risky).