Visa Classic bank card from Sberbank: annual service cost. Credit card visa classic of Sberbank

Each of us comes across bank cards in our daily lives. Some use them to obtain short-term loans, others use debit cards to save and spend money. The advantages that bank cards have are so obvious that it simply doesn’t make sense to list them separately - they include security, benefits, and comfort.

In this article we will talk about the Visa Classic cards issued by the largest bank in Russia. Sberbank (which is what we are talking about) offers its clients a large selection of banking products for every taste. By ordering this or that card, you can take advantage of a lot of advantageous offers. More on all this further in the text.

General information about Visa Classic

So, let's start with the fact that all the cards that are presented in Sberbank's assortment belong to the two most common payment systems in the world - Visa and MasterCard. The conditions, as well as the features of this or that category of cards, are quite similar for both. The only difference is in the names, as well as in some individual offers. For example, bonus programs, various temporary promotions and discounts that become available to the client - the cardholder, regardless of the payment system. Their essence is similar, but this is a topic for another article.

In this article we will tell you in more detail what the so-called classic card, which is serviced by the Visa system, provides. Also in this article we will look at the features of this type of banking product and talk about the advantages and disadvantages.

Debit cards

The first category of banking products that we will mention in the article is “Visa Classic” (Sberbank), a debit card designed to accumulate and save the owner’s money. Its function is extremely simple - it is the key to the bank account in which the client keeps his savings. Working with such a card is very simple - the user is only required to pay a monthly fee for card maintenance. Otherwise, “Visa Classic” (Sberbank) provides ample opportunities for its owner. A person can deposit funds to the card, which will subsequently be stored in his account until withdrawn (at any time). In order to reward the client for using bank cards, he is awarded various bonuses when paying for goods and services with his card. They are expressed as a percentage of the total purchase amount. In addition, the debit card is charged an interest rate for holding funds in the account. Thus, the client earns small dividends in any case when he spends or saves money.

Types of cards

Formally, there are four types of Sberbank debit cards - a simple “Classic” with a unique design, an “Aeroflot” card, and a card that helps you take part in charity. The differences between them are obvious - if the first one is designed according to a general template (thousands more cards will look just like yours), then you can determine the appearance of the second one yourself, thus receiving an individualized payment instrument. The Aeroflot card allows you to accumulate miles for additional flights in the future (suitable for active users of airline services), and the latter is a card, the money from which (those that go towards service) is transferred to charity. Reviews from people note that it is very convenient to use a profitable banking tool and help children.

Essentially, the conditions for working with all these cards are the same. The only difference is the cost of service - it is higher if you want to order a card with a unique design. And the regular “Visa Classic” (Sberbank) - reviews confirm this - is the simplest and most convenient payment instrument. At least, the terms of its use do not include anything that an ordinary bank client would not understand. The “charity” card helps the “Gift of Life” foundation (about half a percent of the amount from its service is transferred there).

Sberbank's range of banking instruments is not constant - some of them may soon disappear, others may be added. Therefore, by ordering a card now, you can easily refuse it and take another one if, say, more attractive conditions appear in the future. However, since we are talking about what the “Visa Classic” card is, Sberbank is unlikely to significantly change the terms of their service. As a rule, no overly generous bonuses are provided to the client on these tariffs; they can be found on “Gold” and “Platinum” cards. Reviews show, in principle, that the conditions of the cards already satisfy the needs of most customers.


In order to receive one of the cards described above, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Sberbank describes how to activate your “Classic Visa” on the official website page. You just need to go to any bank office, provide your passport and sign a number of documents. Regarding the card with an individual design, it should be noted that you can apply for it only online, using a special form on the website. Obviously, this procedure is provided so that the client can submit an image that will serve as a background for the card.

Conditions in numbers

In order to more clearly understand the conditions under which you can obtain a “Classic Visa” card, Sberbank presents a special table. It says that cards can be opened in the following currencies: rubles, euros and dollars. An open card will be valid for exactly 3 years, after which you will need to get a new one. The cost of maintenance is 750 rubles for the first year and 450 for subsequent years. As additional conditions, it was noted that cards can be issued as part of a salary project, be equipped with a special electronic chip for protection, and participate in the “Thank You” bonus program. The reviews we found about the program note that with its help you can not only save a little, but also buy valuable things after many months of accumulating bonuses.

Credit cards

The second category that should be described in this article is credit cards. If debit cards are used to accumulate and save funds, then the latter are intended, first of all, to receive a cash loan from the bank. This is done in a form convenient for the client according to the following scheme.

The user receives a credit card with a so-called credit limit. Its meaning is that this is the maximum allowable amount of funds that a client can receive. As soon as he needs to raise additional funds, he can pay by card (for example, in a store). To return the money to the bank (with interest, of course, if the card does not provide a grace period), you need to put funds on the card balance.

Credit limit

According to the general rules, the limit of the “Visa Classic” card (Sberbank) is 600 thousand rubles. User reviews positively note this volume, since it is usually enough for necessary purchases. The recipient of the credit card can use these funds, as noted above, to pay for goods and services. In fact, money can also be withdrawn from the card at ATMs for transfer to cash, but the conditions are such that the client will be charged too high a commission (up to 30-40%) for such an operation. Banks are interested in ensuring that money from the card remains in non-cash form in the future.

Grace period

We have already mentioned this category above, but in this section we would like to describe in more detail what this concept is. So, banks reward customers who pay off their debt as quickly as possible. One of its forms is the grace period that the “Visa Classic” card has. Sberbank provides the user with a period of 20 to 50 days, during which he can pay off his debt without having to pay a commission. Thus, an interest-free loan is obtained provided there is no delay in its repayment. Customer reviews indicate that this is a fairly common practice. You should find out more about how the option works and how you can profitably make purchases with bank money in the terms of use of the card you order. It's all about a different approach to calculating the number of days remaining until the end of this period.

Keep in mind that anyone who does not have time to repay the debt before the end of the grace period will be forced to repay interest for the entire period of using the loan (including the preferential period).

Payment for goods

As mentioned above, the main purpose of credit cards is to pay for goods in stores. Yes, you may have a Sberbank “Visa Classic” (salary) card, which receives money, but paying with it is not as profitable as a credit card. Firstly, the explanation for this is the lower commission, and secondly, the wide opportunities for working with the “Thank You” program. According to it, each client receives a refund in the form of a small percentage of the amount they spent on purchases. In the future, after accumulating a certain number of such bonuses, the user has the right to spend them. The program is valid only in Sberbank partner stores (of which there are several hundred today). All of these are the largest networks from different categories.

Interest rate

Of course, the Visa Classic credit card (Sberbank) provides for a rate. It is charged for the use of borrowed funds. According to the conditions that we were able to find on the official website of the banking institution, “Classic” cards charge a commission of 25.9 to 33.9 percent per year. Reviews, of course, note that this is quite a lot. At least that much you will overpay the bank. It should also be included here that for servicing “Visa Classic” Sberbank charges the client up to 750 rubles per year. The account with which this card will be linked can be issued exclusively in Russian currency.

Sberbank has the same types of credit cards as debit cards, and their meaning is approximately the same.


It's time to take stock. Of course, it is not for nothing that Sberbank is the leader in the domestic banking services market, because there are as many as 4 modifications of one type of card presented here. This individualizes the approach to the client, regardless of which Sberbank “Visa Classic” card (salary debit or, say, credit) he needs. It is very comfortable.

Moreover, the procedure for managing an account, as well as issuing a card, is simplified as much as possible. Therefore, there is no need to worry about any bureaucratic difficulties.

Cards help you save money, manage it conveniently and simply, and receive some bonus offers. This is what attracts clients to Sberbank, the number one institution in the domestic banking market.

A plastic card is one of the most famous banking credit products. This is a simple tool that gives the holder access to a personal account at a financial institution and is used for wire transfers and across the World Wide Web. The Sberbank Classic Visa card is perhaps the most popular example of a banking product; it is available in several versions - payroll, debit and credit classic.

What is a visa classic card

The choice of plastic cards is now wide; each bank strives to attract customers with special offers for different types of banking services, including plastic. Often a simple solution is effective, as can be said about the banking product – Visa Classic. Ease of service, the ability to make transactions using the service online from your personal account, and receive additional services. There are three options for receiving account servicing under Visa Classic - debit, credit and salary, which differ in the way the funds in the account are used.


A special feature of the Sberbank Visa Classic debit card is the use of your own funds in the account; it is suitable not only for paying for goods by bank transfer, but also for transferring wages, pensions, and benefits. The cost of annual maintenance is 750 rubles. for the first year and 450 rubles. for the next two years (issued for three years). The reissue is free, there is a function for selecting currency (rubles, euros or dollars).

Additional benefits:

  • electronic chip protection;
  • issuance of an additional card linked to a single account;
  • access to the Internet banking system;
  • connection to the Mobile Bank service;
  • payments abroad;
  • payment for goods in online stores abroad;
  • touch payment;
  • the opportunity to participate in the Gift of Life charity program;
  • crediting discounts and special offers to your bonus account;

Sberbank classic credit card

Sberbank's credit program includes the issuance of a classic credit card, which provides the use of bank credit funds. Annual servicing of the Sberbank Visa Classic card is 750 rubles, the validity period is three years, but there is a program under which the cost of servicing is not charged - if you have a personal offer with a pre-approved limit.

Other benefits:

  • grace period for the credit card holder – up to 50 days;
  • credit limit from 15,000 to 600,000 rubles;
  • annual interest rate – from 23.9 to 27.9%, payments are calculated using an online calculator;
  • 0.5% bonuses and up to 50% discounts when purchasing goods or services for partners;
  • personal account in the Sberbank-Online system;
  • "Mobile Bank";
  • payment by touch, including with a smartphone.

Salary Visa Classic

Sberbank provides the opportunity to open a Visa Classic Sberbank salary card. The card must be issued through the head of the organization, which enters into a special agreement for a salary project to transfer earnings to its employees. It is necessary to provide information about employees certified by the head of the organization and the chief accountant.

Advantages of salary cards from Sberbank:

  • validity period 3 years, maintenance per year 750 rubles;
  • clients gain access to Internet banking;
  • the ability to replenish yourself;
  • after expiration, the Sberbank Visa Classic card is renewed automatically;
  • there is the possibility of free maintenance with active use;
  • the client uses the services of the bank;
  • take advantage of connecting to bank loan programs.

How to get a Visa card from Sberbank

To apply for and receive a Sberbank Classic Visa card, you need to contact the nearest Sberbank office and present your Russian citizen’s passport. The bank employee will draw up an agreement that will need to be signed. To issue a credit card, a banking institution may request other documents - a certificate of income from the place of work, confirmation of continuous work experience. For salary account holders this is not required; one passport is enough. You can order online on the bank’s website, then the registration procedure will be shorter.

Requirements for the future owner

The bank will approve a Visa if the future client meets the following requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration in the Russian Federation;
  • age over 14 years for the main (youth) and from 7 for additional ones linked to the parents’ account (to receive a credit card over 21 years old)
  • for a credit card - a permanent work experience of at least six months at the last place of work, a certificate of income for the last three months.

How much does it cost to service a Sberbank visa classic card?

The first year of servicing an international plastic card Visa Classic Sberbank costs 750 rubles, the amount is written off immediately after registration, for the second and third years 450 rubles will be written off for annual service. As for the credit card, 750 rubles are written off every year and are issued for three years. Sometimes a bank offers a credit card to reliable clients who receive a pre-approved offer, then there is no charge for servicing the money.

Applying for a Sberbank Visa Classic card

There are two ways to get a Classic Visa from Sberbank. The first is in person through bank branches:

  • find the geographically nearest branch;
  • present the necessary documents;
  • to write an application;
  • sign the drawn up agreement;
  • get a PIN code;
  • activate;
  • deposit funds equal to the amount of annual maintenance into the account;
  • start using Visa Classic.

You can order online, which will save time spent at the bank, but will increase the period for issuing Visa Classic. You need to go to the bank’s website and fill out an application online. After approval, you will receive an email notification that the Sberbank visa card is ready, indicating the address of the branch where you need to receive it. Unnamed plastic can be picked up upon receipt; the production time for personalized plastic is approximately 10 days. You have to wait two weeks to receive it; when ordering on the website, plastic is issued longer by 3-5 days. The savings bank issues credit cards only at the city's central office.

What documents are needed

The main document required to issue a Visa Classic debit card is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a permanent registration mark. To open a credit card, people who receive a salary using Sberbank plastic will only need a passport. New clients may be asked to present a certificate from work about income for three months, a copy of the employment contract or contract, or a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs. Pensioners are required to provide a certificate of the amount of their pension (except in cases where pension payments are transferred to a Sberbank account).

Card activation

At the bank, the client is given a new plastic card in a locked form, a debit plastic card can be activated independently, a credit card must be unblocked by itself. Any Visa starts working 24 hours after it is issued, but sometimes you need to use it right away. What to do in these cases?

  1. Unblock at an ATM - insert and make a request. After entering the PIN code, the card is unlocked.
  2. At the branch - perform any action through the terminal by entering the PIN code.

Sometimes you can find information that the Sberbank Classic Visa card is activated via the Internet or via a hotline. It's not like that at all. To protect users from fraud, this activation method is not possible; you must go to the nearest ATM or bank branch with a PIN code, which is issued when concluding an agreement in hand. If you can’t unlock it, check that the data you entered is correct, and then contact a bank employee or call the hotline.

Features of the visa classic card Sberbank

The Sberbank Visa Classic plastic card is one of the bank’s most popular classic debit and credit products. The choice of banking services is impressive:

  • choice of currency - ruble account, euros or dollars;
  • conducting non-cash transactions, transferring to the accounts of other users;
  • Electronic chip protection increases safety of use;
  • possibility of use as a salary;
  • shopping in online stores abroad;
  • Plastic is accepted for payment abroad.

The Sberbank Visa Classic credit card has similar capabilities, but there are differences;

  • non-cash payments throughout the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • the possibility of free servicing with an approved loan offer;
  • credit limit 50 days;
  • issuance of a personalized card with chip protection;
  • contactless payment, connecting a system for paying for purchases with a smartphone (if a special application is available);
  • free SMS information;

Additional features

In addition to the standard ones, there are additional services that make using Visa Classic even more convenient:

  • participation in the “Thank you” bonus program, accumulating bonuses that are spent in stores and partner enterprises;
  • qualified customer support service;
  • additional protection system for online transactions;
  • “Autopayment” – setting up important operations;
  • individual design;
  • the ability to pay abroad, a service for emergency issuance of money in case of loss;
  • participation in profitable promotions from the Visa system;

How to manage the card

Modern banking plastic instruments are not difficult to manage. The main thing is to follow the safety rules, remember and not tell anyone your PIN code and CBV2 code. You can deposit and withdraw money through a network of ATMs or a special terminal at a bank branch. With the development of the Internet, it has become much more convenient to use the Sberbank Online system to manage your account, and it is convenient to control transactions with SMS notifications from Mobile Bank.

Sberbank Online

Visa Classic provides additional options for managing money in your account using Internet banking. The system is available on PC and smartphone. A notification is sent to your mobile phone about all transactions performed. To connect, you need to have the Mobile Bank service activated, then register on the website, where you will receive a login and password. Through the service, you can transfer funds to the accounts of Sber and other banks, make purchases, pay fines, and set up automatic payments.

Mobile bank

A convenient system for controlling funds in the account; to connect it, you need to insert a card into the ATM and select the “Connect mobile bank” function. Next, using special commands:

  • the owner receives information about write-offs and credits;
  • checks account balance, receives a mini-statement;
  • pays for a mobile phone;
  • transfers money to a Sber client;

Self-service devices

You can replenish the instrument or, on the contrary, withdraw funds from self-service devices - ATMs and payment terminals. To do this, you need to remember your PIN code; without it, no operations will be performed. To issue cash and manage your account through self-service devices, you need to insert a card, enter a PIN code, select the desired menu item and follow the instructions.

Carrying out transactions using a Visa Classic card

It is no coincidence that plastic has become so popular. With it you can not only pay in stores, but also transfer money to other accounts, pay off loans, and buy foreign currency. In the modern Internet space, you no longer need to look for an ATM to withdraw or deposit cash. This can be done through a convenient online banking system, which is available to any user.

How to top up your card account

The personal bank account is replenished as follows:

  • At a bank branch, through a cashier. This is convenient in case of large amounts, minus – the money is credited after three banking days;
  • Through an ATM that has a cash deposit function;
  • Through the Sberbank Online system by logging into your personal account. You must connect to the Mobile Bank service, which links the account to a specific phone.

Transferring funds to a card of another bank

The Sberbank Classic Visa card allows you to instantly transfer money to the account of another bank in the Russian Federation. The limit for one money transfer is 30,000 rubles, the commission will be at least 30 rubles, 1.5 percent of the amount. The transfer limit per day is 150,000 rubles. You can do this through:

  • Sberbank online on a PC or through a mobile application;
  • ATM or terminal, this will require the addressee's card number.

With debit Visa you can withdraw money from an ATM per day up to RUB 150,000. and 5,000,000 rub. per month, at the branch cash desk upon presentation of a passport - up to 50,000 rubles. (for withdrawals in excess, a commission of 0.5% of the amount is charged), but the commission is not withdrawn. The minimum commission for withdrawing cash from an ATM of another bank will be 150 rubles. or 1% of the amount. Receiving cash from a credit card is not profitable; the minimum commission will be 390 rubles. or 3% (4 in the terminal of another bank).

Possibilities of contactless payment with a visa Classic card from Sberbank

Modern banking plastic instruments are equipped with a contactless payment system. They are marked with “waves”, the same pictogram is depicted on the terminal. This payment method has advantages - no one sees the Visa number and details, and there is no need to hand it over to the cashier or waiter. If the operation is less than 1000 rub. It is not necessary to enter a PIN code. More information about contactless payments can be found on the website.

Security of Sberbank cards Visa

There is a security code on every plastic card; in Visa Classic from Sber it is on the back side next to the signature strip. The code consists of three digits, it cannot be changed, the number is assigned before it reaches the owner. Upon receipt of it, the client is warned not to disclose the security code or expiration date under any circumstances (this applies to online purchases). If lost or stolen, you should immediately call support and block the card.



Visa Inc. is a world leader in the field of payment transaction services. This international payment system operates in more than 200 countries, that is, almost all over the world.

Advantages of Sberbank Visa cards

Russian banks also have products that are focused specifically on the Visa system. This also applies to the largest domestic bank - Sberbank. The basic capabilities of the products serviced by VISA are well known - the system allows you to:

  • safely store money savings;
  • make calculations and transfers;
  • withdraw money from ATMs;
  • replenish an account;
  • pay for many services without commissions;
  • manage finances remotely (online).

VISA cards from Sberbank have additional important functions. Let's list them:

  1. Thanks to this card you can join "Thank you from Sberbank" program and start accumulating bonuses. Subsequently, these bonuses turn into real amounts that will be pleasant to spend in stores.
  2. Sberbank works for VISA card holders qualified support service. You can contact it and ask your question - the answer will not be long in coming.
  3. Internet transactions are protected special 3D-secure technology.
  4. Exists "Autopayment" function, by connecting you don’t have to worry about paying monthly bills. If necessary, money is withdrawn automatically. The service is provided free of charge.
  5. Outside the Russian Federation it is also possible to withdraw cash or pay for purchases by bank transfer. By the way, if you lose your card abroad, an urgent cash withdrawal service is available.
  6. Visa cards from Sberbank allow link your accounts to any electronic wallets you like.
  7. A client actively using the card has the right to receive significant discounts as part of promotional and bonus special offers from Visa (and there are many of them).

Types of VISA cards Sberbank

Almost any paying client can receive Sberbank Visa Classic cards. And there are several varieties of them:

  • classical;
  • created according to individual design;
  • Aeroflot;
  • “Give Life” Classic and “Give Life” Gold.

Standard VISA Classic cards Sberbank: service price and some conditions

To receive a regular Visa Classic debit card, a potential client needs to go to the Sberbank office with a passport and sign the appropriate application. Today, the country's largest bank issues only personalized cards, so issuing them will take some time. This usually takes about a week. Next, the client must come to the bank office again, pick up the card and start using it.

It will be valid for 36 months. After this, at the user’s request, it is reissued. Annual servicing of the Sberbank Visa Classic card costs 750 rubles in the first year, and then the price drops to 450 rubles.

Any Sberbank Visa Classic salary card is also, in essence, a debit card. Moreover, how much it costs to service a Sberbank Visa Classic card, which is participating in a certain salary project, will depend on the agreements reached between the legal entity and the bank. But in any case, the fee for the first 12 months will be no more than 750 rubles if the card is the main one, or up to 450 rubles if the card is additional. In the future, the amount decreases - for the main card you have to pay 450 rubles per year, for an additional card - 300 rubles. By the way, these expenses may well be borne by the employer, not the employee.

There is also a VISA classic credit card. It does not give discounts or other pleasant incentives (except for “Thank you” bonuses). But she has a credit limit of up to 600 thousand rubles, chip protection, and a grace period. To obtain such a credit card, you must provide the bank with a more extensive package of documents. It should include:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • certificate confirming real income.

Special Visa Classic cards in the Sberbank line

At Sberbank, each client has the right to order an individual design for his card. In this case, you will have to pay 1,250 rubles per year for maintenance (an additional five hundred rubles are charged for design and related services).

It is necessary to say something about special charity Visa cards from Sberbank. The cost of servicing the Sberbank Visa Classic “Gift of Life” card is now 1,000 rubles per year. And the Visa Gold “Gift of Life” service will cost 4,000 rubles per year. From these cards, donations will be automatically made to the famous charity organization - 0.3% of the amount of purchases made. Plus, 50% of the fee for servicing these cards will go to the fund. That is why its cost is so high.

Among other things, an Aeroflot Visa Classic card is issued, which gives you the chance to fly abroad and throughout the Russian Federation at discounted prices. The cost of annual servicing of a Sberbank Visa Classic card of the Aeroflot type is 900 rubles.

Today, credit cards are in great demand among a huge number of people. There are many different loan programs from banking institutions. One of the popular standard credit cards is Sberbank Visa Classic. Although Sberbank offers a wide range of credit cards, in this review we will consider the conditions for using the popular Classic Visa.

Sberbank provides optimal conditions for using the Visa Classic credit card. It is issued for 3 years. If you issue a credit card before the end of 2017, the first year of its service will be free, the next two will be in accordance with standard Sberbank tariffs of 750 rubles per year. The Visa Classic account will be exclusively in rubles. Credit limit up to 600 thousand rubles. The interest rate on the loan is from 23.9% (the minimum is available only for clients of the special offer described below) to 27.9%.

In Sberbank, the terms of the Visa Classic credit card establish a grace period of 50 days, which is a huge plus. No interest is charged for using credit money during the grace period; if you repay the loan on time, you can save a lot.

Special offer to Sberbank clients

You can receive a special offer on the Visa Classic credit card from Sberbank:

  • holders of salary or pension cards;
  • debit card users;
  • deposit owners;
  • consumer loan borrowers.

This offer from Sberbank for a Visa Classic credit card improves the terms of use. Thus, the interest rate on the loan will be 23.9%, the credit limit is set for each client individually, and the cost of annual servicing of the Classic Visa after the free year will be announced at a discount.

It is profitable to pay in restaurants and cafes with a Visa Classic credit card; Sberbank returns 10% of the written-off amount back to the credit card.

How to apply for a Visa Classic credit card

The conditions for issuing this type of plastic state that a Visa Classic credit card at Sberbank can be obtained by a citizen of the Russian Federation after reaching 21 years of age and up to 65 years of age inclusive, providing only a passport. In this case, you must have permanent registration.

According to the terms of using the Classic Visa, it is not mandatory to confirm your income with a certificate; you can submit it to Sberbank if you wish to increase the available credit limit on the Classic Visa card.

You can order a credit card online on the official Sberbank website or directly at a branch. You don’t have to wait long for a Visa Classic credit card; it is issued by Sberbank within one day.

How to use a bank card profitably

To avoid unnecessary costs, it is better to pay with a Visa Classic credit card by bank transfer without interest. You can use it to pay for goods in an online store, pay for utilities, top up your mobile phone account, pay in restaurants, supermarkets, etc. For non-cash debits, no additional fees are charged, and in some cases a certain percentage is also returned if you pay for a service or purchase with a Visa Classic credit card at Sberbank partner companies.

The conditions are such that if you cash out a card through a terminal or self-service ATM of Sberbank, a commission of 3% of the amount will be charged, and if using machines of third-party organizations, then even more.

Visa is an international payment system, so this credit card is equipped with a chip and can be used to pay almost anywhere in the world. You can cash out a card abroad in subsidiary banks with the same commission as in Russia.


With active use and conscientious timely return of money, Sberbank may increase the limit on the Visa Classic credit card without the client’s knowledge. It is not necessary to use the entire amount; you can withdraw money in the required amount. You can use credit funds an unlimited number of times. Under the same conditions as the Visa Classic credit card, you can issue a credit card at Sberbank linked to the international payment system MasterCard.

Many people have already used the popular service of banks and. The Sberbank Visa Classic credit card is in constant high demand. It allows you to use borrowed funds anywhere and at any time. The credit limit is up to 600 thousand rubles. The interest rate is determined individually from 25.9% per annum.

A classic credit card has a wide service network. By registering it, a person has access to a range of services and opportunities. You can pay with your Visa Classic credit card anywhere in the world. The card production time is several days, and if there is a pre-approved offer, you can receive it on the day of application at any bank branch.

Pros and cons of the Sberbank Visa Classic credit card

Getting a credit card with an optimal interest rate is not only convenient, but also profitable. Citizens of Russia with permanent registration can receive it. In this case, the age of the card holder must be from 18 to 65 years. The card is issued only if you have a full package of documents, including income certificates, copies of your work record book, and a passport with registration.

Individuals who:

  • receive wages through Sberbank;
  • use other banking products of the bank (, consumer loan);
  • opened a deposit.

The cost of service is 750 rubles. in year. If you have received a pre-approved offer from the bank, you can count on free annual service. Card holders can take advantage of individual offers and discounts provided by the bank's partners.

The advantage of the card is the presence of a bonus program “”. It allows you to accumulate points and pay for purchases with them. When making payments and paying for goods and services using a card, you are charged from 0.5 to 50% of the amount spent. For example, you can use points to top up your mobile account or pay for goods in an online store.

The disadvantage of a credit card is that it has monthly payments. In case of late payment, penalties are charged at the rate of 38% per annum. Additionally, late credit card payments can damage your credit history, making it difficult to obtain credit in the future.

In addition, the bank does not provide the opportunity to issue an additional card. According to reviews from Visa Classic cardholders, it should be noted that the bank can unilaterally increase the credit limit.

Cash withdrawal conditions

Many people get a credit card so that they always have the opportunity to withdraw cash from it at the right time. No less pressing is the question of how to use the card, since it has a strictly limited grace period, an individual interest rate and fees for cashing out.

Visa Classic allows you to make many different transactions, including:

  • make money transfers;
  • withdraw cash;
  • pay for services and goods.

Using a Visa Classic card, you can pay for any purchases in stores, and, if necessary, cash out at an ATM or terminal. Withdrawing money from the card is carried out at any branch or terminal of Sberbank. The minimum commission for a withdrawal operation is 390 rubles. or 3.0% of the amount.

If you withdraw money from the card at terminals of other banks, the commission percentage increases. For example, if you withdraw 15,000 rubles, the commission will be 450 rubles. When withdrawing cash in the amount of 5,000 rubles, the commission will be equal to the established minimum amount of 390 rubles.

Terms of loan repayment and card closure

Payment of the card loan is made in accordance with the payment schedule. After the end of the grace period, the borrower must make a payment for the use of borrowed funds. You can top up your credit card balance using mobile banking or the “ ” application. Access to a personal account opens up many advantages for a person, including control over one’s accounts and bank deposits.

You can pay your monthly payment by depositing cash into your account at a bank terminal. In case of late payment, a system of penalties begins to work. Therefore, before you apply for a card, you should consider whether you will be able to make monthly payments on time and without delays. Regular late payments on a credit card can cause a bad credit history.

You can find out the amount of debt at a Sberbank branch, in your personal account of the Sberbank Online service, as well as by activating the Mobile Bank service or by sending a message to number 900, indicating the word “Debt”. At the same time, you do not need to pay money to view information.