Types of resources in the economy. The concept of economic resources and their classification

Under economic resources refers to all types of resources that are used in economic life, i.e. for the production of goods.

Therefore, they are often called production resources, factors of production, factors economic growth. The consumption of resources in the process of producing goods is called costs (production costs). In its own way economic essence resources are close to production goods, and therefore in economic theory When speaking about economic goods, as a rule, they also mean economic resources (as when using the term “goods,” they usually mean goods and services).

Types of economic resources

Economic resources include:

  • labor resources (people with their ability to produce products), abbreviated as labor;
  • capital – as in the form banking assets And valuable papers(financial capital) and in the form of production goods (real capital, physical capital);
  • entrepreneurial resource (the ability of people to organize the production of products, that is, their entrepreneurial abilities), abbreviated as entrepreneurship;
  • knowledge necessary for economic life (it is discovered primarily by science, distributed primarily through information channels, acquired mainly through education, and implemented through innovation);
  • natural resources (land, mineral, water, biological, agroclimatic, recreational), abbreviated as land.

More Aristotle(384–322 BC), and after him, European medieval scholastic thinkers considered labor one of the main economic resources. A similar approach was shared by the first economic school in the world - mercantilism. The French school of physiocrats (17th century) attributed special importance to land as an economic resource. Scotsman Adam Smith(1723–1790), who laid the foundation of economic theory, considered such economic resources as labor, land and capital, but the theory of the three factors of production was most clearly formulated by the French economist Jean-Baptiste Say(1767–1832). The English economist Alfred Marshall proposed adding a fourth factor - entrepreneurial abilities (calling them the term "organization"). Nowadays, especially in economic times developed countries, knowledge comes first in importance. The active introduction of new knowledge (innovations) into economic life, primarily through the efforts of entrepreneurs, has become characteristic feature modern economy.

Uneven availability of resources and their mobility

Economic resources are not only limited, but also present unevenly throughout the world and within countries. The Arab countries of the Persian Gulf have a shortage of labor resources, while neighboring India and Pakistan have a surplus. In Russia we generally see an abundance of natural resources and a lack of financial capital, while in Moscow and the Moscow region the opposite is true.

This is partly compensated by the mobility of resources. They move both within countries and between countries. But the degree of their mobility is different. Natural resources are the least mobile, the mobility of some of them is close to zero (land is difficult to move from one place to another). Labor resources are more mobile, as can be seen from the internal and external migration of labor on a noticeable scale. Entrepreneurial abilities are even more mobile, although they usually do not move on their own, but together with labor resources and/or capital (this is due to the fact that the carriers of entrepreneurial abilities are primarily managers and owners of capital). The last two resources are the most mobile - capital (especially financial) and knowledge.

Complementarity and substitution of resources

Resources are complementary (complementary). For example, a factor of production such as knowledge is used when trying to use natural resources more rationally. Labor resources are generally difficult to use if they do not have professional knowledge (qualifications). At the same time, knowledge (primarily technological) ensures an increase in the level of equipment use, i.e. real capital. Finally, they (especially management knowledge) allow entrepreneurs to organize production in the most rational way.

At the same time, the complementarity of resources is, as a rule, limited by the fact that some resources can be complemented by others only to a limited extent. So, if all labor resources are highly qualified, then who will perform low-skilled work, even if its role is in modern economy is it decreasing? Therefore, we can talk about complete and partial complementarity of resources.

Resources are interchangeable (interchangeable, are substitutes, alternative). If a farmer wants to increase grain production, he can do it by hiring more workers (increasing the use of labor), or applying more fertilizers (increasing capital), or improving the organization of labor on the farm (making greater use of entrepreneurial skills), or using new types of seeds. (apply new knowledge), or, finally, expand the area under cultivation (use additional natural resources). The farmer has this choice because economic resources are substitutable.

However, mutual substitution is rarely complete. For example, human resources cannot completely replace capital, otherwise workers will be left without equipment and inventory. Moreover, economic resources replace each other easily at first, but then more and more difficult. So, with a constant machine park, you can increase the number of workers on the farm by obliging them to work in two shifts. But it will be very difficult to hire more workers and organize systematic work in three shifts, unless they sharply increase wages. Therefore, they talk about complete and partial substitution of resources.

The entrepreneur (production organizer) and society as a whole operate under conditions of limited economic resources. Therefore, firms, industries, countries are forced to constantly search for the most rational combination of them, using the uneven availability and mobility of resources, their complementarity and mutual substitution. Finding this combination is called placement (allocation) of resources.

Resource market concept

IN market economy each of the economic resources represents a large resource market - the labor market, the capital market, etc., consisting, in turn, of many markets for a specific resource. For example, the labor market consists of markets for workers of different specialties - engineers, artists, economists. In turn, the market of economists consists of financiers, marketers, etc.



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education



Department of Economics and Management

Abstract on the topic:

“Economic resources. The problem is their limitations. Opportunity Costs and the Production Possibility Curve"

Completed by: St. gr 14-IST

Zuev A.N.


Gavrilenko T.V.

Bryansk 2016

Introduction. 3

Economic resources and their types.. 4

Problems of limited resources. 7

Opportunity costs (costs of rejected opportunities) 10

Production possibility curve. 13

Conclusion. 16

List of used literature... 17


The issue of limited resources and benefits in modern world is one of the most relevant. It is known that the reserves of many natural resources are already in short supply, and the fact that some are preserved in sufficiently large quantities does not mean that they are endless. Satisfying the needs of society directly depends on the creation of goods, and goods, in turn, require an increasing amount of resources for their production. It is clear that with a constant increase in the population of the earth, goods and resources will be limited; they will not be enough to satisfy all needs. At present, it can already be seen that a huge amount of resources are spent on the production of goods. It is necessary to limit the use of resources, because in the future the problem of their limitation may turn out to be insoluble and lead to fatal consequences.

This topic is addressed in scientific literature because it directly affects the further development of society. Some authors emphasize that the limitation of resources and benefits is relative and not absolute, that is, how long it takes for a particular resource to be exhausted is determined by how effectively it will be used by society. Others believe that there are both absolutely limited and relatively limited resources. The opinion of the first authors seems more convincing, because modern technologies They are being improved at a tremendous speed and now allow the use, for example, of waste-free production, that is, they help save resources.

The subject of the work is the limited resources and benefits, and the object is resources and benefits.

Economic resources and their types

Economic resources are all types of natural and human capabilities that are used for production to satisfy needs. Modern production creates countless different goods – services and products. Therefore, the amount of resources used must be as huge as the volume of production. In essence, economic resources, also called factors of production, are various benefits which are used to produce other goods. All of them are combined into several large groups.

Economic resources and their types

1) Earth. This name unites all types of natural resources: minerals, land areas, forests, water, flora, fauna, climatic and recreational opportunities. Natural economic resources are involved in different ways economic activity: - as the operational basis of production, they represent the immediate territory on which production facilities are located; - as sources of mineral resources they are used in the mining industry; - as objects of production activity they are represented in agriculture. Land is a limited and practically irreplaceable resource, so it needs careful treatment by users and government protection. Due to careless attitude towards land, more than six million hectares are withdrawn from agricultural use in the world every year. At this rate, in two and a half centuries, humanity risks losing all lands suitable for farming. Agriculture

2) Labor. This type of resource covers people who are engaged in production (economic) activities. Despite technological progress and automation, the role of labor in production process does not decrease at all. The reasons for this, firstly, are the complexity of the problems that are solved in modern production to meet growing needs. Secondly, work is becoming more and more intellectual, that is, mental effort is growing. Thirdly, in many areas of activity there are high risks and liabilities - for example, in nuclear energy, air transportation, etc. Since people are the direct bearers of specific technical and organizational knowledge and skills, culture, it is now generally accepted that labor economic resources are not only labor, but the whole human capital, which reflects the level of development of workers.

3) Capital. This type of resources includes means of production (equipment, machinery, fixtures, transport, buildings and structures) and financial capabilities (funds managed by banks and individuals, giving them for use in the form of loans and investments).

4) Entrepreneurial abilities. These economic resources are separated from others in separate category and represent the ability to establish a profitable business and manage it effectively. Not every person has a natural ability for entrepreneurship, so not everyone can become successful businessmen. Successful entrepreneurial activity, in addition to knowledge about production technologies, also requires an appetite for risk, developed intuition, communication skills and persuasion.

5) Information. Information economic resources include knowledge about needs, opportunities, production and management technologies, prices, etc. In today's society, the following principle is fully realized: whoever owns the information owns the world. Therefore, it is called the information society. Computer technologies and network systems for storing and transmitting data are now of decisive importance.

The main property of economic resources is their limitation when the need for them is limitless for the production of goods - goods and services. From this property follows the natural need for the effective use of economic resources to satisfy the needs of the population as fully as possible. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions about the appropriate allocation of resources, that is, about their use in such a way as to get the maximum result from it.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, to rationalize the use of natural resources, knowledge is used - an economic resource that, based on scientific and technological developments, makes it possible to make complementarity more effective and optimal. In turn, knowledge forms the basis of human resources and consists of specific knowledge, skills, and professional skills of employees.

Mobility economic resources lies in their ability to move between industries, regions, and countries. For each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on many both objective and subjective factors. For example, the economic resource – land – will have minimal mobility, since it is impossible to change it geographical position. Human resources that are able to move between national economies are characterized by the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which consists in the ability to replace one economic resource with another.

For example, in order to increase production efficiency, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - change production technology, and knowledge - train employees so that they perform their tasks more effectively job responsibilities. The ability to replace economic resources is limited and cannot be produced completely and totally. For example, capital cannot completely replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources may bring a positive result, but in the future, economic activity becomes significantly more complicated and its efficiency may be reduced.

The main task of an economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are used - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

Within the national economy, the circulation of economic resources occurs in their respective markets (for example, the capital market, labor market). Within these markets there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, and engineers).

National economics: lecture notes Koshelev Anton Nikolaevich

3. Economic resources: their types and interactions

Great value in national economy have economic resources that determine the nature of its functioning, the pace, structure and scale of development. They represent the basis for economic growth. Essentially, this is a type of good that can be used to produce other goods.

Economic resources- this is a type of resources necessary for the production of goods - goods and services.

Exist the following types economic resources:

1) entrepreneurial potential. This is the population’s ability to organize the production of goods in various forms;

2) knowledge. These are specific scientific and technical developments that make it possible to organize the production and consumption of goods at a higher level than the previous one;

3) natural resources. These are specific minerals, for example, land, subsoil, as well as the climatic and geographical location of the country;

4) human resources. This is a specific number of the country’s population, distinguished by certain qualitative indicators - education, culture, professionalism. Taken together, human resources are the most important economic resource, since without it it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the national economy;

5) financial resources. This is capital represented by specific funds available in the national economy.

In the Middle Ages, great importance was attached to human resources, labor, which was considered as the only economic resource. In the economic theory of physiocratism, land was recognized as the only economic resource. A. Smith defined capital, land and labor as economic resources. Based on this position, J.B. Say formulated the theory of “three factors” - economic resources. A. Marshall supplemented this list with entrepreneurial potential - the fourth factor, resource. The merit of introducing knowledge as one of the economic resources belongs to E. Tofler; This resource is interpreted by him as specific scientific and technical developments, research, scientific and technological progress, information and science.

Natural resources They are quite diverse in composition and include land, energy, water, biological, forest, mineral, recreational, and climatic resources. Their use is interconnected (for example, to use land resources you need equipment, and for its operation you need mineral resources - fuel).

An important type of natural resources is mineral raw materials - coal, natural gas, oil, metal ores, phosphates, potassium salts. The distribution of this resource is uneven both within the national economy and at the global level. Natural resources are divided into:

1) explored. Their extraction is already underway;

2) reliable. Their existence is reliably known, but for various reasons their production is not carried out;

3) forecast. These are minerals that hypothetically should exist, but this is not known for certain.

According to experts, at the current rate of mining, their reserves will be exhausted in about 500 years. At the same time, the economy’s need for them is constantly increasing by an average of 10% annually. To increase the efficiency of using this resource, resource-saving technologies are constantly being developed and introduced.

Human resources in our country are limited. Despite high level unemployment, there is a shortage of human resources distinguished by certain qualitative characteristics - professional and qualification level. There is an acute shortage of employees with certain qualifications and professions, which significantly impedes the development of the national economy.

The main property of economic resources is their limitation while the need for them is unlimited for the production of goods - goods and services. From this property follows the natural need for the efficient use of economic resources to satisfy the needs of the population as fully as possible. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions about the appropriate allocation of resources, that is, about their use in such a way as to get the maximum result from it.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, to rationalize the use of natural resources, knowledge is used - an economic resource that, based on scientific and technological developments, makes it possible to make complementarity more effective and optimal. In turn, knowledge forms the basis of human resources and consists of specific knowledge, skills, and professional skills of employees.

Mobility economic resources lies in their ability to move between industries, regions, and countries. For each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on many both objective and subjective factors. For example, the economic resource – land – will have minimal mobility, since it is impossible to change its geographical location. Human resources that are able to move between national economies are characterized by the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which consists in the ability to replace one economic resource with another. For example, in order to increase production efficiency, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - change production technology, and knowledge - train employees so that they perform their job duties more effectively. The ability to replace economic resources is limited and cannot be produced completely and totally. For example, capital cannot completely replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources may bring a positive result, but in the future, economic activity becomes significantly more complicated and its efficiency may be reduced.

The main task of an economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are used - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

Within the national economy, the circulation of economic resources occurs in their respective markets (for example, the capital market, labor market). Within these markets there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, and engineers).

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Atyrau Engineering and Humanitarian Institute

Topic: Economic resources and their types

Subject: Economic theory

Atyrau 2011


1. Economic resources and their types

2. Natural resources

3. Material resources

4. Labor resources

5. Financial resources

6. Information resources

7. Raw materials



To carry out economic activities, a person uses appropriate resources. The word "resource" (from French) means "everything that can be used for economic purposes"

All types of resources that are used in the production process are called economic resources or factors of production.

Let us remember Robinson, who found himself on a deserted island and was forced to live like a primitive man. With the help of a vine, a stick and a piece of a large stone, he made an ax, which became his hunting and labor tool. He then used vines, tree branches, trunks, leaves and other items to build the hut.

The found seeds became a necessary condition for Robinson to start gardening on a plot of land prepared for this. And having tamed animals, he was able to have meat. Of course, Robinson would not have survived in such false conditions if he had fallen into despair and done nothing.

His ingenuity, physical labor and optimism helped him survive the test and became good example for many other people who find themselves in difficulty. Robinson saw in the things around him their useful properties, the opportunity to be useful to him, that is, he used them as resources.

Types of economic resources. Economists divide economic resources into two large groups:

material resources - land and capital

human resources - labor, intelligence, resourcefulness and entrepreneurial talent of people, their ability to do business.

The theory of economic resources was most clearly formulated by Jean Baptiste Sey (1767-1832). In the XX century. English economist Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) proposed considering a fourth factor - people's entrepreneurial abilities.

Economics deals with the problem of choice - i.e. such decisions that we are forced to make due to the insignificance of our resources compared to our desires. However, choosing one thing means giving up something else. Because resources are limited, having one thing means having to do without something else. To designate the best alternative that we have to do without in order to get what we chose, there is the term opportunity cost.

Only a few goods are available in such large quantities that not a single person will give a penny for them. Such goods are called “free”. However, most goods are still “rare” - they can only be obtained by giving up something else. If we want to possess them, we have to face economic problem, and therefore they are also called “economic goods”. Society also faces a choice of what to produce and in what quantities. Because factors of production are limited, then with an increase in the volume of production of some goods, the possibility of producing others decreases.

1. Economic resources. Their types and limitations

Economic resources constitute the economic potential of society as the ability to ensure the highest possible level of production of goods and services.

Economic resources are divided into:

1. Material

2. Natural

3. Labor

4. Information

5. Monetary

6. Financial.

Material resources include:

· Labor tools

· Objects of labor.

Among the means of labor, labor tools play a decisive role.

Objects of labor (materials being processed) are divided into 2 types:

1st - substances that are first separated by labor from nature and converted into a product, for example, coal.

2nd - raw materials, or raw materials, processed substances.

Properties of economic resources

The main property of economic resources is their limitation while the need for them is unlimited for the production of goods - goods and services. From this property follows the natural need for the effective use of economic resources to satisfy the needs of the population as fully as possible. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions about the appropriate allocation of resources, that is, about their use in such a way as to get the maximum result from it.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, to rationalize the use of natural resources, knowledge is used - an economic resource that, based on scientific and technological developments, makes it possible to make complementarity more effective and optimal. In turn, knowledge forms the basis of human resources and consists of specific knowledge, skills, and professional skills of employees.

The mobility of economic resources lies in their ability to move between industries, regions, and countries. For each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on many both objective and subjective factors. For example, the economic resource - land - will have minimal mobility, since it is impossible to change its geographical location. Human resources that are able to move between national economies are characterized by the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which consists in the ability to replace one economic resource with another.

economic resource need product

2. Natural resources

Natural resources are a set of objects and systems of living and inanimate nature, components of the natural environment that surround humans and which are used in the process of social production to satisfy the material and cultural needs of man and society.


By origin:

· Resources of natural components (mineral, climatic, water, plant, land, soil, animal world)

· Resources of natural-territorial complexes (mining, industrial, water management, residential, forestry)

By type of economic use:

Industrial production resources

o Energy resources (Combustible minerals, hydropower resources, biofuels, nuclear raw materials)

o Non-energy resources (mineral, water, land, forest, fish resources)

· Agricultural production resources (agroclimatic, land-soil, plant resources - food supply, irrigation water, watering and maintenance)

By type of exhaustibility:

· Exhaustible

o Non-renewable (mineral, land resources)

o Renewable (resources of flora and fauna)

o Not fully renewable - the recovery rate is below the level of economic consumption (arable soils, mature forests, regional water resources)

· Inexhaustible resources (water, climate)

By degree of replaceability:

· Irreplaceable

· Replaceable

By use criterion:

· Production (industrial, agricultural)

· Potentially promising

· Recreational (natural complexes and their components, cultural and historical attractions, economic potential of the territory)

3. Material resources

Material resources are a set of objects of labor that are involved in the production process (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, semi-finished products, etc.).

Material resources are involved in production of any type and are a necessary basis for the production of products or the provision of services.

According to the form of existence they distinguish:

· Available resources (reserves finished products and reserves).

· Potential resources (can be obtained through production, import and reuse).

According to their purpose in the production process, material resources act as:

· Objects of labor.

· Labor tools.

According to their function in the production process, material resources are:

· Basic materials.

· Auxiliary materials.

· Fuel and energy.

· Semi-finished products.

· general characteristics material resources of the enterprise is given on the basis of an analysis of the primary reporting of previous periods and with a view to the future. Rational consumption of material resources helps to improve the financial performance of the enterprise.

4. Labor resources

Labor resources are a part of the population that has the necessary physical development, mental abilities, general educational and professional knowledge, and practical experience to engage in socially useful work. Labor resources are fundamentally different from all other types of economic resources. They are the determining and active factor of social production. The boundaries of the working-age population are established by law. Changes in the number of labor resources are directly determined by the birth and death rates of the population, the duration of education, and the ratio of the number of people entering working age and moving into retirement age. Intellectual capital is acquiring a special role - the basis of new sectors of the economy with the intensive use of knowledge.

In the structure of labor resources, from the standpoint of their participation in social production, two parts are distinguished: active (functioning) and passive (potential).

5. Financial resources

Financial resources are funds at the disposal of an enterprise and intended for carrying out current costs and expenses for expanded reproduction, for fulfilling financial obligations and economically stimulating workers. Financial resources are also directed to the maintenance and development of non-production facilities, consumption, accumulation, to special reserve funds, etc.

Financial resources are intended:

· to fulfill financial obligations to the budget, banks, insurance organizations, suppliers of materials and goods;

· incurring costs for expansion, reconstruction and modernization of production, acquisition of new fixed assets;

· remuneration and material incentives for enterprise employees;

· financing other costs.

Sufficient availability financial resources, their efficient use, predetermine good financial position enterprises, solvency, financial stability, liquidity. In this regard, the most important task of enterprises is to find reserves for increasing their own financial resources and their most effective use in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Effective formation and use of financial resources ensures the financial stability of enterprises and prevents their bankruptcy.

6. Information resources

Information resources are a set of information stored in various documents, reports, massive data obtained and accumulated in the process of practical activities of people and used in social production and management. They are classified as tangible renewable resources. IN modern society information resources determine not only the economic, but also the political and military power of their owner.

7. Raw materials

All material resources used in industry as objects of labor are conventionally divided into raw materials and fuel and energy.

Raw materials represent the totality of the objects of labor available in the country, which are used directly for the production of various industrial products.

Raw material (raw material) is understood as any object of labor for the extraction or processing of which labor was expended and which, under its influence, has undergone certain changes.

Raw materials usually include products from the mining industry (ore, oil, coal, sand, crushed stone) and agricultural products (grain, potatoes, beets), and materials include products from the manufacturing industry (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cement, flour, yarn).

There are basic and auxiliary materials. Basic materials are those that are included in their natural form in the finished product, constituting its material basis. Auxiliary materials are not included in the finished product, but only contribute to its formation.

Fuel and energy in their own way economic nature refer to auxiliary materials, but due to their special significance they are allocated to a separate group of resources.


If a country wants to achieve the highest possible standard of living for its citizens, then it should pay attention to:

Resource placement. Since resources can be used in several ways, then you need to carefully choose which one to choose, which one to direct to agriculture, and which one to industrial production, settling on a combination that will bring maximum satisfaction.

Full employment of resources. The country cannot produce such a combination of industrial and agricultural goods that would correspond to a point lying above the production possibilities curve (for example, point A). On the other hand, if the combination of goods produced turns out to be below the curve, i.e. closer to the origin, output will not be maximized, and some resources will be idle. Combinations of goods located on the production possibilities curve correspond to the state of full employment of all resources.

Quantitative growth of economic resources. Over time, the production possibilities curve shifts up and to the right - the country is able to produce more of both industrial and agricultural goods.


1. Article on the topic: Essence and types of economic resources


2. Economic Theory: Textbook for Universities Ed. prof. I.P. Nikolaeva. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2002. - 510 p.

3. Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

4. Information and educational portal Khanadeeva E. A

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    The problem of limited resources and the need to meet growing needs. Natural, labor, production and economic resources. Law of demand. Price and non-price factors that influence demand. Individual and market demand.

    test, added 01/16/2009

    Analysis of the phenomenon of limited goods, limitless needs and limited economic resources as the basis of economic theory. Good as the goal of labor, the starting point for achieving well-being. Assessment of basic economic resources.

    course work, added 05/03/2011

    Categories of economic resources. Basic issues of economics. The problem of choice and the production possibilities curve. The essence of economic processes. The problem of limited resources and limitless needs. Economic choice and its price.


Probably, we all have more than once had to walk along shop windows and lustfully look at the goods displayed on them. If only we had the opportunity to buy them! Alas, you can’t get what you don’t have the means for, just as you can’t embrace the immensity! This is an example of an economic problem: unlimited desires, very limited possibilities.

Although this problem can never be completely solved, as a result of “saving” we can get as much as possible with what we have. Thus, a housewife buys those goods that will bring little satisfaction within a limited family budget. The student tries to make the best use of his scholarship. A businessman makes those decisions that allow him to get maximum income on invested capital. Finally, the government is forced to plan its expenditures in order to achieve as much as possible based on the allocated budget funds.

Economics deals with the problem of choice - i.e. such decisions that we are forced to make due to the insignificance of our resources compared to our desires. However, choosing one thing means giving up something else. Because resources are limited, having one thing means having to do without something else. To designate the best alternative that we have to do without in order to get what we chose, there is the term opportunity cost.

Only a few goods are available in such large quantities that not a single person will give a penny for them. Such goods are called “free”. However, most goods are still “rare” - they can only be obtained by giving up something else. If we want to have them, we have to face an economic problem, and therefore they are also called “economic goods.” Society also faces a choice of what to produce and in what quantities. Because factors of production are limited, then with an increase in the volume of production of some goods, the possibility of producing others decreases.

economic resource monetary credit financial

Economic resources. Their types and limitations

Economic resources constitute the economic potential of society as the ability to ensure the highest possible level of production of goods and services.

Economic resources are divided into:

1. Material

2. Natural

3. Labor

4. Information

5. Monetary

6. Financial.

Material resources include:

· Labor tools

· Objects of labor.

Among the means of labor, labor tools play a decisive role.

Objects of labor (materials being processed) are divided into 2 types:

1st - substances that are first separated by labor from nature and converted into a product, for example, coal.

2nd - raw materials, or raw materials, processed substances. A type of material resources are secondary material resources - materials and products that, after initial use, can be reused in production as raw materials or products. The main sources of secondary material resources are production and consumption waste.

Natural (natural) resources are part of the totality of nature surrounding humans (its objects, processes, conditions), available for use by society in order to satisfy material and spiritual needs.

TO natural resources relate:



resources of flora and fauna,

solar Energy,

energy of ebb and flow,

intraterrestrial heat.

Natural resources are divided into:

practically inexhaustible (solar, tidal, wind and geothermal energy)

exhaustible (water, land, forest, mineral, animal and plant resources).

Exhaustibles, in turn, are divided into:

Ш renewable (soil, water, forests, wildlife)

Ш non-renewable, which include, first of all, mineral deposits (oil, coal, gas, iron, copper, tin, mercury, aluminum and other ores).

In the domestic economic literature, energy resources are sometimes identified as an independent type of economic resources as a result of sampling from natural and material resources. Under energy resources refers to the totality of energy carriers used in national economy: coal, oil and oil products, natural gas, peat, hydro and electricity, as well as secondary energy resources (coke oven gas, etc.).

Labor resources are a part of the population that has the necessary physical development, mental abilities, general educational and professional knowledge, and practical experience to engage in socially useful work. Labor resources are fundamentally different from all other types of economic resources. They are the determining and active factor of social production. The boundaries of the working-age population are established by law. Changes in the number of labor resources are directly determined by the birth and death rates of the population, the duration of education, and the ratio of the number of people entering working age and moving into retirement age. Intellectual capital is acquiring a special role - the basis of new sectors of the economy with the intensive use of knowledge.

Information resources are a set of information stored in various documents, reports, massive data obtained and accumulated in the process of practical activities of people and used in social production and management. They are classified as tangible renewable resources. In modern society, information resources determine not only the economic, but also the political and military power of their owner.

The specificity of monetary and financial resources is that they mediate the movement of other types of economic resources. Having a common economic basis, monetary, credit and financial resources differ both in their essence and in their functional purpose.

Monetary (including foreign exchange) resources - the entire volume Money, expressed in national as well as foreign convertible currencies, and the sources of their receipts for a given period. They may be in cash and non-cash forms, satisfying operational or speculative demand, or acting in the form of savings and savings.

Credit resources are a set of funds at the disposal of the state, business entities and the population and used by them to provide in the form of loans on the terms of repayment, urgency and payment. Mediate economic relations between the lender and the borrower.

Financial resources are the totality of monetary income, savings and receipts available to economic entities and the state in a certain period and intended for the expansion of production, material stimulation of workers, satisfaction of social and military needs, as well as the needs of government controlled. Financial resources are formed in the process of distribution and redistribution of the value of GDP and part of the national wealth. They are the material carrier of financial relations. They are used in stock and non-stock forms. Part of the financial resources are military-financial resources generated and used for the purposes of economic support military needs. Quantitative parameters and structure of military-financial resources are reflected in the military budget (as part federal budget) - military budgetary powers, appropriations and expenditures.

Efficient use of society's resources is an axiom of reasonable management. In the context of reform Russian economy, solving problems of its stabilization and ensuring national security careful treatment of all types of resources and their rational use have become an urgent problem.