How to transfer money from a Vozrozhdenie Bank card. Transfer from a revival card to a Sberbank card How to transfer money to a Vozrozhdenie bank card

The banking system of the Russian Federation is rapidly developing in all directions. The number of financial institutions is growing, the range of products offered is expanding, and various banking services are becoming more accessible to a wide range of consumers. The abundance of credit and financial institutions serving the population and legal entities is becoming a tangible incentive for the interbank transfer market. The most popular today is a cash transaction that allows you to transfer from card to card. Vozrozhdenie, one of the most popular Russian banks, is betting heavily on promoting such a service. Transferring money between cards through Bank Vozrozhdenie is in great demand among citizens who are holders of plastic cards of this financial structure.

Transferring money between bank cards: transaction features

Vozrozhdenie Bank card holders have the right to make money transfers not only with each other, but also with clients of other financial institutions. Transferring funds between plastic cards is considered the best option for remote money transfer. Experience shows that it is fast, convenient and profitable. There is, of course, an alternative possibility - systems of remote money transfers carried out through bank offices. However, transferring from card to card is more attractive for both the sender and the recipient of funds. After all, in this case, the money is transferred to the plastic card almost instantly - the recipient does not need to visit the bank, present a passport, or register to receive the transfer.

Transfer from card to card on the Vozrozhdenie Bank website

The fastest way to transfer money is between correspondent accounts of the same financial institution. The reasons for this circumstance are clear:

  • the absence of additional links in the chain of participants in the transaction;
  • the highest level of information protection and financial security when carrying out such operations;
  • full automation of all local processes, autonomously implemented through the bank’s system.

If the amount of the transfer made between Vozrozhdenie cards falls within the limit set by this financial institution, the transaction is carried out without charging a commission.

The security of the transfers is ensured by a protection system based on 3D-Secure, a technology that protects online payments from unauthorized external influences.

In other words, 3D-Secure is an Internet protocol for two-way identification of each participant in a transaction.

Transferring money from a Vozrozhdenie card to cards of other financial institutions (for example, Sberbank) involves the bank withholding a certain commission. As a rule, this is a very small percentage, the size of which depends on the method of making the transfer. For example, a personal appeal will cost the sender 5% of the amount sent. Transferring funds independently turns out to be more profitable for the client, as it allows you to save on paying commissions to the bank.

An important condition for completing the procedure is that there is enough money on the balance of the card account belonging to the sender. If this requirement is not met, the execution of the requested transaction will be problematic. In addition, when transferring a specific amount of funds, it is necessary to take into account the commission withheld by the bank from the account of the cardholder sending the transfer. It is recommended to study in advance the tariff system regulated by the servicing financial institution.

Methods for transferring funds between cards through Vozrozhdenie

As mentioned above, you can transfer money from a Vozrozhdeniye card not only to plastic from the same bank. A similar transaction may involve the transfer of funds to card instruments issued by other financial institutions. For example, the question very often arises of how to transfer money from Vozrozhdenie to Sberbank. You can successfully complete such an operation using one of the following methods:

  • via the Internet (online banking);
  • via cell phone (mobile application);
  • using an ATM;
  • at any bank office.

Through Internet banking of Vozrozhdenie Bank you can transfer money from card to card

Online banking

Implementing the procedure for transferring money this way is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance:

  1. Request and receive from the financial institution your own unique identifiers necessary to access your personal Internet banking account.
  2. Complete online authorization in your virtual account on the Bank Vozrozhdenie website, strictly adhering to the established procedure.
  3. Open the daily maintenance tab.
  4. Go to the translations section.
  5. Select the option to make a transfer between bank cards.
  6. Indicate the details of the plastic card belonging to the sender (code, expiration date, unique number).
  7. Enter the unique card number of the recipient of funds by filling out the appropriate field.
  8. Indicate the required amount of money transfer.
  9. Check the accuracy of the information provided in the online form.
  10. Confirm the intended transaction by entering the SMS code received on the sender’s cell phone.
  11. Wait for the procedure to complete, checking the debit and crediting of the declared amount of money.

Mobile app

If the client cannot use a personal computer, it is easier to transfer money between plastic cards using a special application for a cell phone. This service must be installed on the sender’s mobile phone in advance. An important requirement is that the card holder has a stable Internet connection for a cell phone, since all transactions are performed online.

The mobile application allows you to transfer money from card to card

The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. Download the service application from the bank’s online resource and install it correctly on your own mobile device.
  2. Authorization of the client in the Internet banking system by entering the necessary identifiers.
  3. Find in the open application the section for money transfers made to the card. Visit it.
  4. Fill out the online money transfer form, accurately indicating all the data requested by the system.
  5. Confirm the operation using an SMS code.

One transfer can transfer a maximum of 100 (one hundred) thousand rubles. A commission fee of 1% is deducted from the transferred amount. The amount of the charged commission cannot be less than 100 (one hundred) rubles. The maximum transaction fee is 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles. The key to the security of the operation is to install the application from the bank’s official website on the Internet.


Transferring money between plastic cards via an ATM is a suitable solution to the problem if online banking or mobile banking is not available. In this case, the following procedure is provided:

  1. Find the appropriate ATM (terminal).
  2. Place the plastic into the receiving device.
  3. Enter your ID (log in).
  4. Select the available option for transferring money to a card.
  5. Correctly indicate the card details of the addressee (recipient). Check the accuracy and reliability of the entered information.
  6. Indicate the amount to be sent. It is recommended to clarify the amount of the commission charged in advance.
  7. Confirm intent. Complete the transaction. The issuance of a receipt by the ATM confirms the success of the transfer.

You can transfer money from card to card at a branch of Bank Vozrozhdenie

Bank office

Although this option is considered quite conservative, it remains the most proven and reliable. The procedure for its implementation by a citizen implies a certain sequence of understandable actions:

  1. Visit a branch (office) of a financial institution.
  2. Present to the authorized employee your civil passport (identity card) and the plastic card from which funds are supposed to be debited.
  3. Declare your intention to the bank employee.
  4. Fill out the standard payment document form.
  5. The required amount of money will be withdrawn from the card.
  6. The sender is provided with a paper (check) confirming the fact of a successful transfer.
  7. Wait until the sent funds actually arrive at the recipient’s card account (no more than five days).

How to avoid problems with transfers between bank cards

In order for a money transfer from a Vozrozhdenie card to a Sberbank card or any other plastic card to be successful, it is recommended to follow simple tips:

  • firstly, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions if the client has not previously had to use a specific method;
  • secondly, you should check in advance the correctness of any information indicated in the form of the transaction being carried out;
  • thirdly, if you have any doubts, problems or questions, it is best to immediately contact an authorized bank employee.

Owners of debit cards quite often need to transfer money from a card to a Vozrozhdenie Bank card, but they either cannot do this or choose an unprofitable transfer method. Perhaps this is the fault of the organization itself, which does not actively advertise its services and does not explain to clients the specifics of making financial transactions using cards. We will try to rectify the situation by offering readers instructions in which we will outline the cheapest, safest and fastest ways to transfer funds from one Vozrozhdenie Bank card to another card of the same bank. We hope our information will be of practical use.

Translation instructions

Clients who do not have time to register in Internet banking, or are simply too lazy to do so, can use the quick transfer card2card Vozrozhdenie. What it is? This is the transfer of money via the Internet, through a special service that is posted on the Vozrozhdenie Bank website. This method of transferring money from “plastic” to “plastic” has a number of advantages.

  1. The operation is performed independently, without leaving home.
  2. You have to fill out a minimum of details.
  3. The client spends no more than 5-7 minutes to complete the transfer.

To use this transfer method, you must visit the Vozrozhdenie Bank website. We go to the main page, after which we open a large section called “Individuals”. Scroll down the page and find the “Other Services” subsection.

Just below another list of subsections will appear, select “Translations”. Follow the link “Transfers from card to card”. A service has opened before us, which we will now use.

We take our Vozrozhdenie Bank card in our hands and copy the data from the front side into a special “Sender” form. First we dial the card number, it is 16 digits, then the month and year until which the card is valid. Turn the Vozrozhdenie Bank card over to the back side. There is a CVC code at the back after the signature strip, copy the last three digits into the corresponding field in the “Sender” form.

Go to the “Recipient” form. It is even easier to fill out, since there you only need to enter the number of the “plastic” to which you want to “transfer” your hard-earned money. Enter the number very carefully so as not to send your money to an unknown person. Now, in the “Transfer Amount” field, indicate the amount that needs to be transferred.

If you need to enter the amount accurate to the penny, enter the number in this format: 1020.50 - one thousand twenty rubles fifty kopecks.

After reading the terms of the offer, check the box and click the blue “Transfer money” button. The system takes us to the transaction confirmation page, where we enter a phone number and ask to send an SMS with a code. By entering the code confirming the operation, we successfully complete the transfer of funds from the Vozrozhdeniye card to the Vozrozhdeniye card.

Are you planning to actively use the Vozrozhdenie debit card? Connect online banking to it. You need to obtain your login information once at a branch of Vozrozhdenie Bank; in the future you will be able to use Internet banking without restrictions. We visit the main page of the Vozrozhdenie Bank website and click on the button located in the upper right corner “Internet Banking”. We are immediately taken to the authorization page.

First you need to enter your login and password in the line below. If you are forced to work on a device without a keyboard, you can enter data from the virtual keyboard, which is located on the same page. Once the data has been entered, click “Login.” We have reached the main page of the personal account of Vozrozhdenie Internet Banking. Click on the “Transfers and Deposits” section.

Next you need to go to the subsection “Transfer by card number” and there is a nuance here. If you want to transfer money from one of your Vozrozhdenie cards to your other Vozrozhdenie card, you select the “Transfer between your deposits/cards” item. In the event that you need to transfer money to someone else’s Vozrozhdenie card, select the already mentioned subsection “Transfer by card number”.

Next, we select our card, from which the money will be transferred to someone else’s card, and make sure that there is enough money on it. We enter the “plastic” number of the recipient of the funds. Now we indicate the payment amount and confirm our action. Everything is very simple, and once you get the hang of it, you can make this kind of transfer in 2-3 minutes.

What commission will you have to pay?

In the previous paragraph, we described in detail how you can conveniently and quickly transfer funds from one Vozrozhdenie Bank card to another, but we did not say a word about the commission that you will have to pay for such a transfer. Let's start with Vozrozhdenie Internet Banking.

  1. The system does not charge a commission for transferring from one Vozrozhdenie card to another Vozrozhdenie card.
  2. If you need to transfer money from a Vozrozhdenie card to a card of another bank, the commission can range from 1% to 3%, depending on which bank issued the recipient’s card.
  3. If you need to transfer funds from your Vozrozhdenie card to an account in another bank, the commission can reach 5% of the cost of the financial transaction.

If you decide to transfer money online through the card2card Vozrozhdenie system, this service will charge you a commission of 1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 100 rubles. Such a commission is charged in all cases, even if you transfer funds from your Vozrozhdenie card to your own Vozrozhdenie Bank card.

There are many financial institutions operating in Russia, each of which offers plastic cards to its clients, including Vozrozhdenie Bank. It opens up unlimited possibilities for plastic holders, for example, you can easily transfer money from a Vozrozhdeniye card to a Vozrozhdeniye card, providing financial support to friends and family.

Is it possible to transfer money from the Vozrozhdeniye card to the Vozrozhdeniye card

The financial institution, like many others like it, has its own official website on the Internet, thanks to which you can easily send funds online from one plastic card to another, without any commission or delays. In just a couple of minutes, the money will arrive in the recipient’s account, and he can use it at his own discretion.
General information on translations

Transferring funds from one person to another is a popular and in-demand transaction that allows you to send funds over vast distances. It has two undeniable advantages when compared with other methods: minimum terms and commissions. In addition, you can safely send money from a Vozrozhdenie card to a card from Sberbank or any other financial institution in Russia, because the operation is protected by 3-D-secure technology.

Important! 3-D-secure is an XML protocol that is used as an additional layer of security, created specifically for online transfers and payments.

Popular methods and instructions for them

There are several ways to send funds from one card to another. One of them is transfer through the official website. To carry out the operation, you need to log into your personal account on the official website and follow these steps:

This method allows you to make transfers at any time of the day, without leaving your home, the main thing is to have a device with Internet access.

Transfer through a bank branch. In this case it is necessary:

  • come to one of the bank branches;
  • present your card to the manager, be sure to have a passport that allows you to identify yourself;
  • fill out the transfer form;
  • hand over the completed form to an employee of the financial institution, as well as the money;
  • All subsequent stages of the transaction will be carried out by a bank representative.

It is not necessary to contact a manager for help; you can use an ATM and carry out the operation yourself:

  • insert a plastic card into the device;
  • indicate your PIN code;
  • After logging in, select “Transfers”;
  • indicate the recipient's plastic card, amount;
  • confirm shipment.

Transferring money from Sberbank to a Vozrozhdenie card can be done through an online bank or the cash desk of any branch.
Restrictions and limits

If you send funds from a Renaissance card to another through the official website online, you need to remember that:

  • the maximum transfer amount for one card without a commission fee for 30 days should not exceed 600 thousand rubles;
  • no more than 4 transactions per day or 15 transactions in 4 days;
  • transfers are carried out in rubles only between financial institutions registered in the Russian Federation;
  • the term for crediting funds depends on the bank that issued the card, it can range from several minutes to 5 days;
  • Issuing banks may set their own additional restrictions.

How to transfer money to your phone from a Vozrozhdenie card

It’s impossible to live without a mobile phone today. Therefore, his account must always be replenished so that he can easily make calls and go online. If you suddenly run out of money on your phone account, you can easily top it up by having a Vozrozhdenie Bank card at hand.

There are several ways to transfer money to your phone.

  1. Via Internet banking. You need to log into your personal account, and you will need to enter your username and password. Select the “Payments” menu – the “Cellular Communications” section, where you select the operator. Enter the phone number and amount in the special windows and confirm the transaction. Check all the specified data, click on the “Perform operation” button. You can confirm the transaction using your device or SMS message.
  2. SMS notification. You can deposit funds from the Vozrozhdenie card to your phone by sending the command: PAY1234 100 or M1234 100, where PAY is the last 4 digits of the card number, and 100 is the replenishment amount, in the second case everything is the same. Only those who are subscribers of MTS, Megafon or Beeline can send funds using this method. Send a command to number 2640.
  3. Mobile bank. Log in and select “My Payments” in the menu, select payment for cellular communications from the list that appears. Enter the amount and password that was used when logging into your personal account and click “Run”. The receipt that appears on the screen will confirm that the operation was carried out correctly.

How to transfer money from a Renaissance card to a Renaissance card

Today, you can easily transfer funds from one card to another, sitting at home and holding a smartphone with access to the World Wide Web. If we consider online transfers in Sberbank, Vozrozhdenie and Renaissance, they are very similar to each other, so there will be no difficulties. To transfer funds from one Renaissance card to another, you must follow the instructions:

  • log in to the official website of the bank;
  • open your personal account using your login and password;
  • select the “Maps” tab;
  • then go to the section “Transfers from card to card”;
  • enter the 16 digits of the plastic number, they are printed on it;
  • then indicate the same numbers only on the recipient’s card;
  • indicate the transfer amount;
  • then indicate the period of validity of the banking product, as well as three numbers (CVC2/CVV2), which can be found on the reverse side;
  • Afterwards, you can click a special button to confirm the transaction.

All the money has already gone and will reach the recipient in a few minutes. There should be no difficulties with sending funds, the only thing you need to remember is that Renaissance Bank has established some restrictions:

  • You are allowed to transfer no more than 300 thousand rubles in 24 hours;
  • send a one-time amount of no more than 100,000 rubles;
  • the total amount of transfers per month should not exceed 600 thousand rubles;
  • a commission is charged only if money is sent to cards of other financial institutions, on average it is about 1% of the amount;
  • the period for crediting funds can be 5 days, but this is in rare cases and mainly to the accounts of other banks;
  • All operations are carried out with the support of 3D-Secure technology, which ensures reliable data protection.

There should not be any difficulties with replenishing a plastic card or mobile operator. The main thing is to carefully fill out all fields and not exceed the established limits. Financial institutions around the world are doing everything possible to reliably protect all their clients’ data and help them quickly and easily carry out any transactions using a mobile device and access to the World Wide Web.

Since a lot of banks have opened throughout the Russian Federation, each one tries to give its clients a higher level of service than the others. This affects the lowering of the interest rate for the use of credit funds, increasing the loan term, increasing the loan limit, etc.

And thanks to the many varieties of plastic cards from different banks, you can choose exactly the one that suits the client, depending on his capabilities and needs. Therefore, before applying for a credit card, you should definitely analyze all available banks.

Features of the procedure

Among all banking operations, the most popular are transfers between cardholders from different financial organizations. In order to make a transfer from a Vozrozhdeniye card to a Sberbank card, many methods have been developed that will allow you to complete the operation instantly. In addition, you won’t have to pay too much commission for this.

But the amount of commission when performing transactions using different methods can vary greatly. In addition, intrabank transactions require much fewer checks, and therefore are carried out instantly, which cannot be said about using the Contact, Unistream, etc. systems.

As a result, if you need to transfer money to a third-party bank card, it will take up to 5 business days and an additional 5% of the transfer amount will be charged, depending on the type of your credit plan and the chosen method.

To make a transfer from a Vozrozhdenie card to a Sberbank card, there are several reliable and fast methods. Thanks to thorough checks and 3D-secure technology, all banking transactions are well protected.

Now scammers and thieves have much less chance of stealing money from the card, because the sender will have to enter not only the CVV code, which is located on the back of the card, but also the verification code from the mobile phone, which is linked to this card.

How to make a transfer online?

The first and most convenient option for transferring funds from a Vozrozhdenie Bank card to a Sberbank card is Internet banking. Using the Internet, you can perform almost any banking transaction that is available when working with a bank terminal or in a bank branch with a cashier.

A very convenient method to transfer funds from one account to another, which will help not only save time, but also make it more reliable, because the data is transmitted through encrypted channels, and also very quickly.

To make a transfer, it is enough to have free access to the Internet and a computer or laptop. First of all, you need to go to the official website of Bank Vozrozhdenie and find the “Internet Bank” button on the page. After this, the client will be redirected to the page for entering the login and password that were issued by bank employees when issuing a plastic card.

If the password is lost, you can recover it by sending an SMS with the text LOG *last 4 digits of the card* to the short number 2640 (for MTS subscribers) and +7-903-797-62-64 for other operators. Next, you will need to find the card management section and go to “Transfer money to another card or account.”

After this, you will be presented with a form containing several items that you will need to fill out. The recipient’s card number and the transfer amount will need to be carefully checked before clicking on the “transfer” button, because not only the time spent on the operation, but also to whom the money will go depends on the correct filling. You can only make a mistake in one number, and the money will go to a complete stranger.

After clicking on the “Transfer” button, an SMS with a protection code will be sent to the mobile phone number that is linked to the bank account, which will need to be entered in a special window.

Only after entering the code correctly will the payment be processed. Usually, funds are credited to a Sberbank card within an hour, but in rare cases there may be delays and the money will arrive in the recipient’s account within five business days.

Transfer fee amount

The commission for a transfer from a Vozrozhdenie Bank card to a Sberbank card will be only 1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 100 rubles per transaction. The maximum commission amount is 1,500 rubles per transaction.

Sending money via mobile banking

If you have a smartphone or tablet running iOS or Android, you can install an application that will allow you to manage your account just like a full-fledged Internet bank.

Thanks to this program, you can make payments and transfers from a Vozrozhdenie card to a Sberbank card in just a few touches. This is a very convenient translation method for advanced clients who keep up with the times. Commissions and limits are exactly the same as when working with a full-fledged version of Internet banking.

Useful articles:

How to carry out a transaction through a bank cash desk?

If the client does not understand modern technologies, then the best option would be to transfer using an ATM or terminal. To do this, simply go to the nearest ATM and insert your card.

After entering the PIN code, select “Deposits and Transfers” in the main menu. Then “Transfer by card number” and “To another card”. In the window that opens, you will need to enter the recipient's card number and the transfer amount. It's very simple and won't take much time.

The limits for transactions via an ATM and Internet banking are the same and amount to 75 thousand rubles per transaction, but not more than 5 transactions per day. The daily limit for money transfers is 103 thousand rubles.

Another not the fastest, but at least reliable option for transferring money from a Vozrozhdenie Bank card to a Sberbank card is to contact a bank branch and there tell the cashier the recipient’s card details and the amount to be sent. Next you will need to fill out a small payment order and all that remains is to pay for the service. And the recipient must wait for the money to be credited to the balance.

Check out bank offers

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More about the map

  • Cashback up to 7% - on selected categories;
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More about the map

  • Up to 5% cashback;
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More about the map

  • Up to 10% cashback with partners;
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