Modern problems of science and education. Socio-economic measures to ensure labor protection What measures in the socio-economic


1. Theoretical foundations of the direction of socio-economic development of the municipal district

1 The concept, essence, tasks and principles of diagnosing socio-economic development

2 Organizational base of socio-economic diagnostics of the municipality

3 Methods for diagnosing the socio-economic development of a municipality

1.4 Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of the Administration of the Sheksninsky municipal district

2. Diagnostics of the socio-economic development of the Sheksna municipal district

2.1 General characteristics of the Sheksninsky municipal district

2.2 Analysis of the economic situation

3 Analysis of the social sphere

3. Measures to improve the socio-economic climate in the Sheksna municipal district

3.1 Development of the industrial sector of the economy

2 Development of the agro-industrial complex

3.3 Creation of favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses

4 Evaluation of the socio-economic efficiency of the proposed activities


List of sources used


Any financial system has the ability to be effective as soon as the basic goals of society are achieved in certain life circumstances: high quality and standard of living of the population, harmonious social relationships, stable dynamics of financial development. Therefore, a successful market economy must be constructed. It is the result of active and meaningful actions by the authorities, designed to make up for what market mechanisms cannot do on their own.

An important function of power in the formation of a productive economy is strategic design and goal setting. Therefore, an explanation of the main long-term milestones to be achieved in the economy and the public sphere is the main part of the strategic document. It must also contain a study of financial, social and legal measures aimed at achieving the intended motivated benchmarks.

It is possible to achieve these goals only by means of a competent and up-to-date forecast of the social and financial situation that has formed in the region under study.

The purpose of our work is to develop proposals for improving the situation in the Sheksninsky municipal district based on a study of its socio-economic situation.

In accordance with the goal, the solution of the following tasks is set:

1. The study of the theoretical foundations of socio-economic development:

a) the concept and essence of socio-economic development;

b) goals, objectives and principles of development;

c) structure and indicators of development;

d) information support for socio-economic development.

2. Carrying out monitoring of the socio-economic situation of the Sheksninsky municipal district.

3. Making proposals for improving the socio-economic situation of the region and assessing their effectiveness.

According to the topic of the work, the object of research is the Sheksninsky municipal district. The subject of the study is the socio-economic situation that has developed in a given territory.

In the work we used research methods: analysis of scientific and educational literature, comparison of the opinions of specialists who studied this problem, a graphical method, a tabular method, as well as a method of personal observations.

The practical significance of our work lies in the fact that the studies carried out in it have every chance of being the basis for the creation of strategic documents, including the “Concept for the Development of the Sheksninsky Municipal District” and the “Strategy for the Development of the Municipal District”. The measures proposed by us can be used as options for improving the socio-economic development of the region.

economic agro-industrial entrepreneurship

1 . Theoretical foundations of the direction of socio-economic development of the municipal district

1.1 The concept, essence, tasks and principles of diagnosing socio-economic development

In the natural sciences, the term "monitoring" has been used for a long time and systematically (environmental research, research of technological processes, medicine, etc.). As a type of scientific and practical activity, socio-economic monitoring is interpreted differently depending on the vision of its essence, implementation mechanisms, distinctive properties, features, and is most often identified with an assessment of the socio-economic situation of the object of study.

Certain scientists (Revaikin, Bystritsky, etc.) before forecasting social and financial conditions control the process and nature of the quality of changes in the economy associated with its transition from one state to another. A number of authors hold a slightly different opinion: under monitoring socio-economic, national-ethnic and political situation in the regions of the Russian Federation is understood as a specially organized and permanent system of accounting (statistical reporting), collection, analysis and dissemination of information, additional information and analytical surveys (population surveys, etc.) and assessments (diagnostics) of the state, development trends and severity of general regional situations and specific regional problems.

In the practice of municipal government, at the moment, a unified concept of decision-making on socio-economic diagnostics has not been developed in terms of ranking and presenting information for analysis, therefore, the following difficulties arise before the city administration and management bodies:

A successful data collection system due to the large number of characteristics that determine the public and financial place of urban education;

implementation of an impartial assessment of changes taking place in urban education;

modeling the formation of social and financial actions;

appropriate development of stabilizing actions aimed at maintaining positive and reducing unfavorable trends.

Data solution questions guarantees organization in the city reasonable and a timely system for diagnosing socio-economic development.

Consider the concept of socio-economic development, and then some definitions of the concept of diagnostics of socio-financial development.

The socio-economic development of a municipality is a controlled process of qualitative change in the social and economic spheres, which does not worsen the state of the environment and leads to an improvement in the living conditions of the population, that is, enabling local communities to more fully meet their needs at a lower cost.

Socio-economic diagnostics is understood as a system for monitoring, evaluating and forecasting the economic and social situation that is developing in a certain territory. In this definition, the essence of the concept under consideration is revealed in a rather brief form, the tasks and stages of socio-economic diagnostics are defined.

The following monitoring tasks are defined:

determination of the main indicators that give a more accurate idea of ​​the socio-economic development of the municipality;

organization of supervision, acquisition of accurate and clearly stated information on the conduct of socio-economic processes on the territory of the municipality;

analysis of available information, determination of the causes influencing the development of economic processes;

increasing the return of management of the municipality;

proposal of an action plan to improve the social environment of the municipality.

The identified tasks clearly show what activities, and in what quantity, should be implemented to improve the social and economic condition in the region.

The main principles for the development of the socio-economic direction are:

1. Purposefulness - a properly planned diagnosis should include an orientation towards resolving certain administrative problems.

Consistency - an analysis of urban education like a subsystem with a larger social concept, including the study of its relationships with other territorial links.

3. Complexity - the observation of individual areas and trends in the formation of urban education has a need to be realized in connection with neighboring areas; it is necessary to implement the successive resolution of a whole set of forecasting problems according to any of its currents.

4. Continuity - supervision over the subject of research.

Cyclicity - the removal of data on occurring modifications.

Comparability of used diagnostic characteristics in time.

Based on these questions and principles, it is possible to set conditions for applicants in the implementation of studies in this area.

1.2 Organizational base of socio-economic diagnostics of the municipality

The information fund of socio-economic diagnostics should be systematized long-term data on the economic and social situation that is developing in the area in the context of, for example, the main areas of diagnostics, regulatory and reference materials summarized in statistical registers and databases. The information basis for socio-economic diagnostics can be databases of regional executive authorities and local governments, institutions, organizations; specialized databases for monitoring the state of health and physical development of the population, for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being and the human environment, etc., data from state statistical reporting, materials from surveys, programs, projects, and the like.

There is a rather huge database of information that forms the basis of guidelines for diagnosing the social and financial formation of the municipality. The information must be structured and systematized by the experts of municipalities and regions in order to ensure the comfort of their use during research activities. It is necessary to take into account, when assessing the social and financial condition of the urban settlement, the complex of the above characteristics in order to establish further priority directions and improvements of the municipality based on the certainty of the area.

V.N. Leksin identifies as the main priorities of the socio-economic diagnostics of urban education, such components as:

budgetary potential, established by the size of district taxes and fees, deductions from higher taxes and fees, proceeds from the lease of the property of the city formation;

industrial possibilities, determined by the structure and volume of production, the size and return on the use of funds;

attractive investment potential, determined by the amount of resources involved in production;

public infrastructure reserves, described by the number and quality of infrastructure facilities;

demographic opportunities established by the total number of residents of the area, the dynamics of growth of loss, migration processes;

working opportunities, formed by educational, qualification characteristics, employed in the context of industries.

Monitoring the quality of life of the population includes:

Health monitoring. Indicators of the state of health of the population are the average life expectancy; mortality, including child and maternal; the number of newborns in need of rehabilitation. Public health monitoring should be carried out in conjunction with environmental monitoring, monitoring the level of medical care, normal living conditions, food, and recreation.

The main directions of environmental monitoring are related to the assessment of the state of surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, soil cover, the impact of noise and radiation backgrounds on the environment.

Monitoring the level of medical care for the population involves assessing its provision with outpatient facilities and the inpatient network, the compliance of the number of medical staff with accepted standards, the availability and accessibility of medicines and medicines.

Monitoring the level of housing provision involves, in addition to assessing the provision, an assessment of the level of housing improvement, the nature of the settlement, and compliance with modern planning and hygiene requirements.

The main indicator of the quality of nutrition of the population is to provide them with the required amount of kilocalories and grams of protein. As part of the monitoring, it is necessary to assess the consumption of basic food products by the population in the following groups: meat and meat products in terms of meat, sugar, vegetable oil, potatoes, vegetables and melons, bread products. It is also necessary to assess the saturation of the local market with food products in terms of volume and assortment, the quality of goods sold, and the availability (spatial and financial) of food products.

When monitoring the sphere of recreation and leisure, the level of physical culture movement, the level and trends in the development of urban areas of mass recreation, the conditions for holding recreational events and the availability of these events are assessed. Among the main indicators characterizing the level of physical culture work and the possibilities of the recreational sphere in the city, one can indicate the number of teams of athletes, the volume of paid services to the population, the state of the material and technical base of physical culture and sports facilities, measuring the capacity (capacity) of health-improving recreation facilities.

In the period of transition to a market economy, the assessment of the standard of living of socially unprotected strata of the population is of particular importance. Therefore, monitoring the standard of living of the population should include an assessment of the real purchasing power of the average pension (allowances, scholarships).

Monitoring of the social well-being of the population is carried out in order to identify the attitude of the population to the level of their material well-being, health status, degree of personal security, the course of economic reforms, readiness and ability to adapt to new living conditions, political freedoms, etc. .

Tension in society seems to be a significant component of monitoring the lifestyle of society. The following are considered indicators of social tension: emotions, attitude about existing measures to meet needs, distribution of benefits, attitude about the activities of social institutions that ensure the implementation of requests and interests, the desire of social groups to provide protection and protect their basic needs and interests.

It can be concluded that monitoring the socio-economic potential of the region makes it possible to foresee the possibilities, reserves, of the municipality when using the whole complex of various kinds of resources.

Any diagnosis that claims to reflect the essence of the socio-economic development of a municipality meets two basic requirements:

) be systemic, that is, characterize the ongoing processes and phenomena in interconnection;

2) be structurally complete and logically complete (obligatory consistent observance of all stages of diagnostics: ranking (collection), analysis and evaluation of available information).

The presence of a huge number of indicators characterizing the socio-economic development of municipalities does not allow unequivocally assessing the effectiveness of the management system, so it became necessary to develop a generalizing (integral) indicator of the socio-economic state of the municipality, the use of which will allow us to compare the level of development of various territories and identify the most acute problems .

The presence of a large number of characteristics that determine the social and financial formation of urban entities does not make it possible to specifically assess the effectiveness of the management organization; as a result, there is a need to study a generalizing (accumulated) feature of the public and financial capital of urban consciousness, the use of which will make it possible to compare the degree of formation of different zones and discover more precise tasks.

To launch the socio-economic diagnostics of the MO, it is necessary to adopt a system of indicators in the context of its key movement paths.

The defining criteria for the optimal choice of indicators are: reliability and objectivity; optimality; comparability; ease of search and provision. When approving a system of diagnostic indicators, it is important to determine the maximum and minimum values ​​(extreme values) of indicators, the prevalence of which interferes with the normal course of development of the socio-economic situation and leads to the formation of negative trends.

A full-fledged analysis of the directions of socio-economic development of the municipality proposed above will make it possible to identify the pros and cons of specific territories, determine the potential for becoming a result of positive competitive relations, and propose a unified plan of measures to improve certain areas of public life.

1.3 Methods for diagnosing the socio-economic development of the municipality

An important circumstance in improving the ways in which district government organizations influence the changes taking place in the local concept seems to be an analysis of the performance of the management of the public-financial formation of urban consciousness.

It is customary to evaluate the effectiveness of management in accordance with the dynamics of the degree of social and financial formation of an urban settlement. There are different methods for assessing the degree of public financial formation, which include international, federal, regional, local.

The main advantages of the available methods for assessing the degree of social and financial formation include the selection of data in order to calculate indicators that affect the value of indicators, the ease of drawing calculations, the presence of accumulated indicators that make relative studies easier. The data make it possible to continuously evaluate systems using such structures in-house in urban areas.

The need to establish the order of characteristics of the social and financial formation of individual urban entities, and in addition to the accumulated sign of the social and financial state of urban entities, is also recognized by academic workers of the VNKC CEMI RAS. Thus, S.N. Dubov in his own work "Assessment of the level of socio-economic development of municipalities" states that: "It is required to establish an order of characteristics that would more fairly reflect the state of affairs in the economy, and in addition the economic situation of urban entities." Now there are already a series of methods for establishing such characteristics, and the methodological aspect used in them is absolutely applicable in order to conclude the problem of assessing the degree of social and financial development of various regions of the Vologda Oblast. S.N. Dubov in his work focuses on 4 characteristics:

1) determining the degree of formation of public infrastructure;

) reflecting the degree of personal use;

) characteristics of the degree and productivity of financial work;

) economic characteristics.

In all blocks, 5-8 indicators are allocated, which to varying degrees (directly or indirectly) determine the level of social and financial development of the region's districts from various sides. The main source of information for filling in the system is the data of the Vologda Regional Committee of State Statistics. But the proposed S.N. Dubov's methodology is too cumbersome and there is not enough statistical information to calculate many indicators, so it is proposed to analyze the original system and exclude a number of indicators.

In order to obtain the results of comparing the functioning of the territories of the region, the Vologda Regional State Statistics Committee used such a research method as the rating method, based on the use of a system of indicators and making it possible to compare neighboring regions with each other. The proposed methodology is based on an integrated, multidimensional approach.

The choice of a system of indicators is based on the principle of comparing ranked objects according to: the dynamics of economic development, the manufacturing sector, the productivity of agricultural production, the degree of investment, financial stability, social orientation. The reliance is placed on such indicators of the development of the districts of the region as the volume of industrial (gross) output, cash investments in fixed capital, consumer products, circulation of goods, the size of commercial services, distribution of goods, the introduction of new residential areas, the number of unemployed, the consumer price indicator, the cost indicator. manufacturers of industrial (industrial) products. The choice of this data system with their subsequent integration into a generalized indicator of improving the economy and the public sphere is due to the fact that it covers the characteristics of many aspects of the financial and public sphere to a certain extent, and can comprehensively reflect socio-economic differentiation at the municipal level.

In order to form an estimate, an elastic computational method was used, which has the ability to accurately modify multidimensional relative parsing (in this case, comparing the results of the work of municipalities according to a wide range of characteristics). The method makes it possible to take into account not only the formation data of any municipal district, but also the level of their proximity (distance) from the characteristics of the ideal value. In a similar way, the analysis of ratings in statistics and dynamics makes it possible to characterize the degree and dynamics of the social and financial formation of urban formations, on the other hand, to provide a relative characteristic of this formation and designate the values ​​of a single municipal district. The main advantage of the method used is the probability of assessing the organization of heterogeneous conditions, which is based on a comparison of the subjects under consideration.

A necessary component in the analysis of the management of the social and financial formation of urban entities is the analysis of the movement of strategic planning and programming. From this position, the methodology created in 2001 seems to be more detailed. International Center for Public and Financial Studies "Leontief Centre". The advantages of this technique are:

systematic orientation - a considerable number of criteria and characteristics surrounding virtually all stages and components of the research movement and the implementation of the strategic project of the municipality;

clarity and ease of calculation using the proposed weighted coefficients;

the presence of appointments and additions designed to greatly simplify the implementation of the assessment and guarantee the acquisition of comparable results;

informative and methodical service for the use of technology, provided by the International Center for Public and Financial Studies "Leontief Center" in a special Internet server.

A significant disadvantage of the technology provided is the lack of development of criteria that are required to guarantee an assessment of the results of the implementation of a strategic project.

In a similar way, so far there are no general methods for analyzing the performance of managing the public financial formation of urban entities. There is no general layout for the establishment of social and financial formation. There is no regular activity to collect statistical data of urban entities. The established concept of statistical characteristics does not meet local requirements in any way. In most urban formations, directed activities are not carried out according to the improvement of formation management. As a result, the subject of study does not have sufficient data to analyze the information base.

This technology defines the key statements, foundations, the concept of characteristics and the method of a unified assessment of the degree of social and financial formation of urban entities. The sources of data for the purpose of performing the assessment are: statistical documentation; documents of tax organizations; document of organizations on the implementation of the budgets of municipalities; expert assessments.

The level of socio-economic development of the municipality (Level) is a complex indicator, which is defined as the product of two additional integral indicators with weighting coefficients:

Y i \u003d Y  1 s.- eq. pr., i * E  2 s.- eq. e.g., i , (1.1)

where Y i - the level of socio-economic development of the MO;

In s.-ek. e.g., i - the level of development of the socio-economic space of the Moscow Region;

E s.-ek. e.g., i - efficiency of using the socio-economic space of the Moscow region;

1, 2 - significance coefficients in the rating system (weight coefficients, their sum is equal to 1, determined by the subject of the Russian Federation;

i- the number of the municipality in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The final comprehensive assessment must necessarily include both indicators, none of them can be zero, and the contribution of each indicator is significant.

The level of development of the socio-economic space of the municipality is calculated as follows:

In s.-ek. ex, i =  1 FS i +  2 ER i +  3 SR i ,%., (1.2)

where U s.-ek. pr, i - the level of development of the socio-economic space of the Moscow Region;

 1 ,  2 ,  3 - significance coefficients in the rating system (weight coefficients, their sum is equal to 1, determined by the subject of the Russian Federation;

FS i - financial condition;

ER i - level of economic development;

SR i - level of social development;

i- the number of the municipality.

Indicators of economic condition, degree of financial formation, degree of social formation are calculated on the basis of Personal characteristics. The characteristics are always added to the weights, in a similar way (1.2).

The indicator of the economic condition of the MO is calculated according to the following criteria:

) budgetary provision;

) the size of personal earnings of the budget;

) connection between profit and expenses of the city budget;

) part of the economic support in the earnings of the city budget.

The indicator of the degree of financial formation of the MO is calculated according to the following features:

) taxable basis for income tax, value added tax, income tax and corporate property tax;

) debts according to tax payments to the amount of tax payments;

) capital-labor ratio (the ratio of the means of production assets, the main and used resources - to the available number of inhabitants);

) average monthly wages and payments of a public nature to each employee;

) part of the proceeds from small companies in the amount of tax revenues;

) number of small business organizations.

The indicator of the degree of social formation of the MO is calculated according to the following features:

) housing situation (supply of apartments, introduction of new apartments);

) education (supply of preschool children with places in kindergartens, overload per teacher in daytime general education schools, etc.)

) health care (supply of residents with places in clinics for the purpose of inpatient treatment, the number of medical workers per 10 thousand inhabitants, infant mortality, etc.);

) public service;

) motor transport service;

) communication services;

) recreational area;

) public security, etc.

The number of characteristics according to any index has the ability to fluctuate due to the different depth and direction of the analysis.

The effectiveness of the use of the public and financial space of the MO is calculated according to the following formula:

E s.-ek. etc.,i = 1 QOLi + 2 KUSi + 3 KUMOi ,% ., (3)

Where E s.-ek. ex., i- efficiency of using the socio-economic space of the Moscow region,%;

 1 ,  2 ,  3 - significance coefficients in the rating system (weight coefficients, their sum is 100%), determined by the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal district);

QOL - the quality of life of the population,%;

KUS - quality of management of economic entities,%;

KUMO - the quality of management of the municipality,%;

i - municipality number.

To determine the integral indicator of the quality of life of the population, it is recommended to use the following system of indicators, including objective and subjective (expert) indicators:

) living conditions (production activity: employment, nature of labor, content of labor; non-productive activities: housing conditions and consumer services, provision of the population with goods and services);

) standard of living (income, expenses of the population);

) health and reproductive activity.

To determine the integral indicator of the quality of management of economic entities, it is proposed to use the following indicators: net profit received by all economic entities located on the territory of the municipality, related to the population; share of profitable business entities.

When determining the integral indicator of the quality of management of the municipality, it is proposed to use the following indicators: the organization of management of the municipality (creation of the necessary legislative framework for the activities of local governments, the quality of management regulation, etc.); the quality of public services provided in the territory of the municipality.

To calculate the values ​​of the weight coefficients in the proposed technology, two methods can be used. One consists in direct assessment by each expert of the importance of each criterion and simple statistical processing of the questionnaires. The second approach is based on the formation of a sufficiently large set of survey cards and the processing of expert assessments. It reduces the subjectivity of expert assessments and improves the quality of calculations.

At the final stage of assessing the level of socio-economic development of municipalities belonging to one subject of the Russian Federation (municipal district), they are divided into groups: with a relatively high level of development; with a level of development above the average; with an average level of development; with a level of development below the average; with a low level of development; with an extremely low level of development.

Let us pay attention to the methodology that is used by a number of institutions of public and financial monitoring of administrative-territorial formations in the Republic of Karelia, carried out by the Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The method implies an assessment of the area according to the dynamism of the formation of individual social and financial actions using the method of accumulated integral characteristics recommended in the Concept of the social and financial formation of the development of the Republic of Karelia "Revival of Karelia" for the period 2002-2010.

The criterion for evaluating the implementation of the Concept is an integral indicator of the socio-economic development of the territory, formed on the basis of particular indicators, including:


life expectancy, years.

Welfare of the population:

purchasing power of per capita cash income (the ratio of cash income to the subsistence minimum), times;

the share of cash income in the total income of the population (excluding spending on food products), %;

share of the population with incomes above the subsistence level in the total population, %;


the share of expenditures of the consolidated budget for the social sphere in the gross regional product, %;

share of employed people in the total number of economically active population, %;

share of citizens who have not committed a crime in the total population, %.


growth index of basic sectors of the economy, %;

index of physical volume of production, %;

growth rate of investments in fixed assets in comparable prices, %.

All private indicators are combined into an integrated indicator of socio-economic development, calculated according to the following formula:

, %., (1.3)

Where i - private indicator index;

n- the total number of private indicators;

K i- significance factor i- th private indicator;

Ri- actual value i- th private indicator;

NRi- normative value i- th private indicator;

U- an integral indicator of socio-economic development .

The integral indicator should be calculated annually according to statistics. The significance of private indicators that make up the integral indicator is determined in points by an expert. For standard value i-th private indicator, its value is taken to the base - the previous year. The steady growth of the integral indicator will indicate positive trends in the change in the socio-economic status of territorial entities.

In a similar way, at present, a number of different methods for assessing the degree of public financial formation have been created, until now there are no general methods for analyzing the performance of managing the public financial formation of municipalities. The technology used today by state bodies of the government does not provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the management of the public and financial formation of municipalities with absolute accuracy. This necessitates the search for new approaches and the study of the most impartial assessments of the results of formation and directional influences that determine the direction and dynamics of regional formation.

In order to extract fair results, the following nuances should be taken into account: the opinion of the population, the nature and amount of information about the activities, coverage of the activities of local authorities in development management, the degree of interaction between development management subjects, and an orientation towards finding non-standard ways to solve problems.

Thus, in a comprehensive analysis, assessment indicators should be used, calculated in the database not only of statistical information, but also of the results of a sample survey of the population of the municipality, analysis of the use of management tools for the formation and information of regional self-government organizations on the service performed.

1.4 Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of the Administration of the Sheksninsky municipal district

O.E. Kutafin and V.I. Fadeev before the legal framework of regional self-government implies the concept of normative legal actions that determine the formation, forms of execution and obligations of regional self-government, its problems and functions, and in addition the area of ​​responsibility and obligations of organizations and officials of regional self-government, their relations with national authorities, residents and their societies in the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the legal basis of local self-government is made up of regulatory legal acts, which, taking into account the different levels of legal regulation, can be divided into four main groups:

) norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation;

) the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President, the Government of the Russian Federation, other federal executive bodies;

) constitutions, charters, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation;

) statutes and other regulatory legal acts of municipalities that regulate the organization and activities of local self-government.

One of the deepest and most stable foundations of local self-government is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It was in the Constitution for the first time that the initial principles of the organization and activity of local self-government were fixed, its place and role in the state-legal structure of Russian society were determined.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation approves local self-government as one of the forms of exercising democracy, recognition and guarantee of local self-government, the isolation of local self-government from the system of state authorities, the independence of local self-government within its powers, the definition of forms of local self-government, the obligatory consideration of historical and other local traditions, state guarantee and judicial protection of local self-government.

The federal law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" fixed the list of powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of local self-government.

The federal law includes the establishment and provision of federal guarantees of local self-government to the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation: state minimum social standards; federal programs for the development of local self-government; procedure for judicial protection of the rights of local self-government; the procedure for judicial protection of the rights of local self-government, etc.

The state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation carry out the legal regulation of local self-government: they adopt, for example, laws of the subjects of the Federation on local self-government, on municipal elections, on a local referendum, on municipal service.

The charter of the municipality:

) has the features of a founding document. It is in the charter that the very system of local self-government, the structure of its bodies is determined (established). The only requirement is the obligatory presence of an elected body;

) is adopted by the population of the municipality itself or its representative body with the direct participation of the population (in the form of a discussion of the draft charter);

) in terms of its regulation is an act of a comprehensive nature. It is designed to consolidate and regulate relations not in any one sphere of public life, but in all the main areas of the life of the local community and its members;

) serves as the basis for further local rule-making and has the highest legal force in relation to all other acts of this municipality.

The charter is a source of law and is considered as a kind of acts of codification value. The current legislation provides for various cases of the adoption of statutes as one of the forms of regulatory legal acts designed to: regulate the organization and procedure for activities in a certain area of ​​public administration (Charter of Railways, for example). The charter as a special type of normative legal acts is characterized by the fact that it is called upon to fix the organization, the structure of a particular social system, to establish the legal foundations for its functioning, i.e. secure legal status.

2 . Diagnostics of the socio-economic development of the Sheksna municipal district

2.1 General characteristics of the Sheksninsky municipal district

It was first mentioned in letters of the 15th century. as the Ust-Ugla volost, located at the confluence of the Ugla River in Sheksna. In scribe books of the 16th century. already mentioned "the village of Nikolskoye on the river Ugla, and in it the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker." In the 19th century some sources use the original name, although in a different form: p. Ust - Ugolskoye. Sheksna received its current name in 1954. when, due to the development of industrial and housing construction, the village Nikolskoye was renamed into an urban-type workers' settlement.

Sheksna - urban-type settlement , the administrative center of the Sheksninsky district Vologda region .

The area of ​​the district: 2.5 thousand square meters. km; territory - 252,807 ha.

Population - 21 195 people. (2015).

Located at the intersection of railway (Sheksna station), automobile (on highway A114 ) and water (pier on the Volga - Baltic waterway ) paths.

Distance to the regional center - 83 km, to Cherepovets - 50km.

The settlement is mainly located along the left bank of the Sheksna River. .

Sheksna is the largest of the settlements of the Vologda region that do not have the status of a city, and the 5th of all the settlements of the region after Cherepovets , Vologda , Falcon and Veliky Ustyug . In total, there are 15 cities in the Vologda Oblast, and 11 of them are far behind Sheksna in terms of population. The population statistics of the district are presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Population statistics of the district

The food and woodworking industries are widely developed in the village. The following companies operate:

LLC "Sheksninsky plant of wood-based panels";

LLC "Sheksninsky combine of bakery products";

OJSC "Sheksninsky District Food Plant";

JSC "Sheksninsky flax plant";

LLC Koskisilva;

PC "Sheksninsky Butter Plant";

LLC "United House-Building Company";

JSC "Poultry Farm Sheksninskaya";

Sheksninskaya HPP ;

KS-21 Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC;

TPZ Sheksna is a metallurgical plant owned by OAO Severstal ", located on the territory of the Sheksna industrial park, opened on June 4, 2010. The enterprise produces pipes of various profiles, the design capacity is 250 thousand tons per year.

The climatic conditions of the region are quite favorable for the cultivation of winter rye, oats, barley, spring wheat, fiber flax, potatoes, root crops, red clover, spring vetch, as well as for obtaining high yields of grassland grasses.

The forest fund - the total area of ​​142.9 thousand hectares, including 133.7 thousand hectares covered with forest (including 47.8 thousand hectares of mature and overmature). Timber reserve - 23,100.0 thousand m³, including conifers - 10,700.0 thousand m³. Estimated cutting area - 263.1 thousand m³, including conifers - 65.1 thousand m³.

Sand and gravel materials (33,404 thousand cubic meters), sands (553 thousand cubic meters), boulders (688 thousand cubic meters), brick clay (9,764 thousand cubic meters), peat (38,423 thousand tons).

Surface waters (6,454 thousand m³ of water taken from open water bodies).

Underground waters (water intake from artesian wells - 700 thousand m³).

Used surface and ground water - 6,518 thousand m³.

Fish resources by water bodies, incl. Sheksna reservoir, planned use of the resource - 26 tons.

Licensed animal species: elk (at the beginning of the year 1,163 individuals), wild boar (476), bear (75), otter (9), marten (290), beaver (87).

Other types of game animals (lynx, mink, fox, wolf, polecat, squirrel, white hare, capercaillie, black grouse - the beginning of the year 20,191 individuals).

The area of ​​hunting grounds is 240.1 thousand hectares.

Water protection zones of rivers, lakes, streams and coastal strips; cranberry swamps; capercaillie currents; drinking wells; forests performing protective and coastal strips; archeological monuments (settlements); an architectural monument (the village of Pogorelka, the manor estate of the landowner Sychev).

Perpetual nature reserves of regional significance: Shelomovskoe swamp, area 730 ha.

Natural monuments of regional significance: Lake Okunevo, area 36 ha.

The total area of ​​specially protected territories is 2,193 ha.

The system of local self-government bodies of the Sheksninsky municipal district consists of:

administration of the Sheksninsky municipal district;

Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Sheksninsky municipal district;

representative assembly of the Sheksninsky municipal district;

Department of Municipal Property of the Sheksninsky Municipal District;

Department of Agriculture of the Sheksninsky municipal district;

department of social protection of the population of the Sheksninsky municipal district;

financial department of the Sheksninsky municipal district;

department of education of the Sheksninsky municipal district.

The main indicators for assessing the level of municipalities are presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Main indicators used to assess the level of municipalities


Numeric value

Receipt of own revenues to the local budget

297 million rubles


540 million rubles.

Sales volume of industrial products

5355.1 million rubles

Investment size

0.499 million rubles

Retail turnover

2356.4 million rubles

Paid services to the population

435.6 million rubles

11795 thousand tons

Milk production

20.3 thousand tons

0.1 thousand tons

Number of registered unemployed

average salary

It can be concluded that the Sheksninsky district has a large natural resource potential, the reasonable use of which will make it possible to achieve sustainability in the public and financial areas of the municipal establishment.

2.2 Analysis of the economic situation

Considering the financial condition of the Sheksninsky district, one should study the dynamics of the main production characteristics, especially note the main areas that form the basis for the formation of the territory, highlight the possibilities for increasing the degree of development of the district. In accordance with the ranking of urban formations of the Vologda Oblast, according to the degree of social and financial formation, in 2015 the Sheksninsky district was classified as an area with an average degree of social and financial development. It is also necessary to indicate that the district has been steadily located in the given group over the past 5 years, with a development perspective.

Consider the dynamics of shipped goods for the period 2011-2015, which is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Dynamics of shipped goods in 2011-2015

The size of shipped products of industrial production in percentage terms in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 42.3%. The peak of industrial production was observed in 2013 - in comparison with 2011, shipment volumes increased by 2 times, which is explained by the commissioning of the pipe-profile plant of Severstal-TPZ Sheksna LLC in full.

The distribution in the total volume of districts of the region in terms of the volume of shipped products from the Sheksninsky municipal district is 15.0% - 2nd place (1st place from the Sokolsky district).

The enterprises of the district continue to master new technologies and put into operation new capacities, incl. :

LLC "SHKDP" - completed the 2nd stage of modernization of the fiberboard line for the production of medium density board - the installation of the mill "Palman", at the end of 2014 the 5th lamination line in the production of fiberboard was purchased and installed;

LLC "Severstal TPZ" Sheksna "- the plant has reached its design capacity, in 2014-2016 it is planned to produce the products provided for by the project;

PC "Sheksninsky Butter Plant" - there is a constant modernization of production and systematic work aimed at improving the quality and safety of the product, which allows the company to work profitably and maintain high demand for manufactured products;

OOO "Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta" Sheksninskoye LPU MG - completed the construction of the 4th compressor shop on the second line of the North European gas pipeline - one of the most important facilities of the last decade;

the production of environmentally friendly products from flax was launched at the flax plant LLC APK Vologodchina.

Agricultural activity in the Sheksninsky district is carried out by 13 agricultural producers and 4 peasant (farm) enterprises.

Agricultural enterprises are engaged in the cultivation and procurement of fodder, grain production, flax growing, dairy and meat animal husbandry, and poultry farming.

The share of the district in the regional gross agricultural output in 2015 is:

meat production - 19% (8935 tons) - 3rd place; per 1 inhabitant 268.9 kg - 2nd place;

in terms of gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops - 10% - 3rd place,

in milk production - 5.2% (20187 tons) - 5th place, per 1 inhabitant - 607.5 kg - 11th place.

Consider the dynamics of agricultural products for 5 years (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 - Dynamics of agricultural products of the Sheksna region, thousand tons.

After analyzing the figure, we see that there has been a decrease in all sectors of agriculture.

The main reasons for the deterioration of the state of the agro-industrial complex were: the delay in financing from the federal and regional budgets, the lack of investment in the industry through credit resources. Market transformations in Russia in the 90s of the last century, characterized by a decrease in the volume of public purchases of agricultural products, the rejection of concessional lending to the agricultural sector, the reduction of subsidies and subsidies for logistics, melioration, chemicalization of agriculture, the development of rural infrastructure, led to the development systemic crisis in all sectors of the agro-industrial complex, the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated.

Despite the recognition in recent years of agricultural development as one of the priorities of state policy, the existence of a number of targeted programs, the volume of budget support for the industry remains extremely low, which is one of the factors hindering the development of the agricultural sector. In 2011, 10 kopecks were allocated for agriculture in the Sheksninsky district from the regional budget per 1 ruble of agricultural products produced in all categories of farms (in current prices), in 2015 state support increased to 12 kopecks. The level of budgetary support for the region's agrarians is several times lower compared to countries where agriculture is more developed (EU, USA).

In other municipalities of the region, due to various factors, the potential for agricultural production was artificially reduced (Figure 2.3). In 13 out of 26 zones, where more than 37% of arable land is located and 43% of rural residents live, the level of rural potential remains extremely low. This impedes the development of not only these territories, but the entire region.

Figure 2.3 - Distribution of districts of the Vologda Oblast by the level of agricultural potential in 2015.

The consumer market plays an important role in the region's economy. Over the past decade, a powerful infrastructure of the consumer market has been formed. Including public catering, it includes more than 186 enterprises with a volume of retail space of 27 thousand square meters. m.

Consider the index indicators of the consumer market, which are presented below (Figure 2.4).

Figure 2.4 - Index indicators of the consumer market of the Sheksninsky municipal district for the period 2011-2015


* - data provided by the Federal State Statistics Service Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Vologda Oblast.

Retail trade turnover in 2015 increased by 2 times compared to 2011 and amounted to 2,356.4 million rubles, per 1 inhabitant - 71 thousand rubles. (in 2011 - 35 thousand rubles).

The turnover of public catering also increased, in 2011 it amounted to 72.5 million rubles, and in 2015 it increased to 112 million rubles, the difference is 35.2%, which positively affects the economic and social development of the region.

The volume of paid services is stable, apart from the jump in 2012. Which is explained by a sharp increase in prices for the provision of services.

In order to improve the professional level of employees of trade enterprises, public catering and commodity producers of the district take an active part in regional exhibitions and fairs.

When monitoring the socio-economic development of the region, it is necessary to take into account the state of the social sphere.

2.3 Analysis of the social sphere

The demographic situation is described by indicators: population, birth rate, mortality, life expectancy, health of the population, considered in dynamics. First of all, it should be noted that in the Sheksninsky municipal district, both in the region and the country as a whole, a difficult demographic situation has developed in recent years. If on 01/01/2011 the population of the district was 35194 people, then by 01/01/2015 it decreased to 33228 people. The difference is 1966 people, which is a big difference for modern society.

Consider the population dynamics (figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5 - Dynamics of the population of the Sheksninsky municipal district for the period 2011-2015

The graph clearly shows the negative trend in the population of the Sheksninsky district. During the period under review, there was a decrease in the population by 1996 people, or by 5.6%. For a relatively small area, this is very significant. The reason for this negative trend is the excess of the death rate over the birth rate. As of January 1, 2015, the population of the district was 33.2 thousand people, including the urban population - 21.1 thousand people, the rural population - 12.1 thousand people. Over the past 5 years, the population has decreased by more than 5% (by 1.7% in the region as a whole).

Consider the birth and death rates of the Sheksna district in dynamics over 5 years (table 2.3).

Table 2.3 - Change in the number of births and deaths in the Sheksna municipal district in 2011-2015

In 2015, the lowest natural population decline in the last 20 years was recorded - 49 people. (2 times less than in 2013). The total fertility rate in 2014 was 13.5 per 1,000 people. population (in the region - 13.8); the mortality rate of the population is 15.0 per mille (in the region - 15.1 per mille). Compared to 2009, the birth rate increased by almost 10%, while the death rate decreased by 4.5%.

The table shows that over the past 5 years, a natural population decline has been observed in the Sheksna district. A favorable trend is an increase in the birth rate and a decrease in mortality, but the natural income of the population is not achieved. I would like to note that every year the number of children born is increasing, we hope in the future, this will have a positive impact on the number of created families.

The number of births in the Sheksninsky district in 2015 is more than in 2011 by 40 people, the mortality rate has decreased over the same period by 24 people. The main causes of death are diseases of the circulatory system (58%), injuries, poisoning and accidents (10%), malignant neoplasms (18%). The dynamics of fertility, mortality and natural decline are presented below (Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6 - Dynamics of birth rate, mortality and natural decline in the population of the Sheksninsky municipal district for the period 2011-2015

Since 2012, there has been a positive trend in the birth rate. The introduction of measures to stimulate the birth rate ("maternity capital", the improvement of the system of benefits for birth, education, etc.), as well as the entry into the active phase of the childbearing age of a larger generation born in 1984-1989, played a big role.

In the structure of the population (Figure 2.7), the proportion of people younger than working age is 15.5%, of working age - 61.4%, older than working age - 23.2%.

Figure 2.7 - Age composition of the population of the district,%.

The largest proportion in the age structure of the population of the district is the share of the working-age population (61.4% in 2015), but this category tends to decrease. The proportion of the population older than working age, on the contrary, has been increasing over the past 3 years, which indicates the aging of the population of the Sheksninsky district and is equal to 23.20%. The proportion of the population younger than working age is 15.50%.

Thus, analyzing the demographic processes of the Sheksninsky district for the period from 2011 to 2015, the following trends can be noted:

) a significant reduction in the total population of the area;

) decrease in the rate of natural population decline;

) aging of the region's population;

) high mortality from various diseases.

It is also necessary to analyze the cash income of the population of the district, as one of the main indicators of the standard of living of the population. The basis for the analysis of cash income is the diagnosis of changes in average wages and pensions in the region.

In recent years, there has been a positive trend in the growth of average monthly wages. The implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 597 contributed to the increase in the level of wages of the residents of the district.

Table 2.4 - Average wages and average pensions in the Sheksna municipal district in 2011-2015

Having considered the change in wages for the period 2011 - 2015, we see that throughout the entire measurement period, the average monthly wage in the region grew. In 2015, compared to 2011, wages increased by 62%, this upward trend remained unnoticeable, because the level of food prices increased in parallel.

For the period 2011-2015, there is a stable increase in pensions: in 2011 compared to 2012 - by 0.17%, in subsequent years: by 11%; 15.5%; and in 2015 by 14.2%. For the period 2011 - 2015, the increase in pensions amounted to 4887 rubles or 36.7%. I would also like to note that in the district the level of pensions is below the average for the region, in 2015 it amounted to 13,300 rubles.

A positive situation has developed in the labor market. The area is characterized by an extremely low level of officially registered unemployment. In 2013, it decreased from 0.8% to 0.7% (the average for the region is 1.5%). Employers' need for workers is consistently higher than the number of officially registered unemployed citizens: the coefficient of tension in the labor market during 2013 ranged from 0.3 at the beginning of the year to 0.7 at the end of the year.

In the composition of citizens, the trend of female unemployment remains - 53%. In the total number of unemployed at the end of the year, 50% are residents of rural areas, as there remains high tension in the labor market in rural settlements compared to the village due to an imbalance in supply and demand in the labor market. In the structure of vacancies, employers' preference is still reduced to working personnel (about 70% of the declared need).

In the medium term, the reduction in unemployment will be largely due not only to the gradual employment of people as a result of increasing production, but also the relationship with a decrease in the number of economically intensive population, which are affected by demographic restrictions (danger of a shortage of labor in working age and an aging population).

In the district, activities are carried out in accordance with the employment of socio-demographic groups of residents in the traditional areas of assistance in finding a job.

Let's analyze the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate in the Sheksna district in dynamics over 5 years (table 2.5).

Table 2.5 - The main indicators of unemployment in the Sheksninsky municipal district in 2011-2015

Table 2.5 shows that the number of unemployed in the Sheksna region is steadily decreasing. In 2011, compared to 2015, the number of registered unemployed decreased by 338 people. This is primarily due to the commissioning of new manufacturing enterprises, which has a positive effect on the level of the unemployed. The unemployment rate for the period from 2011 to 2015 decreases by 1.4% (0.7% in the Vologda Oblast - 3.7%).

A study of the current situation in the job market shows that the requirements for the quality of the labor force remain quite high, in connection with this, employees of low qualification or narrow qualification have less chance of finding a new job and remain unclaimed in the vacancy market, as a result, there is a loss and obsolescence of knowledge, and at the same time the motivation to work.

2.4 Analysis of the financial sector

The district budget is one of the most effective tools for implementing the policy of local governments and solving problems of local importance. The competence of local authorities includes the solution of issues: social protection of the population, housing, health care, education, transport, utilities, ecology. To finance these expenditures, local self-government needs a sufficient level of revenue sources from local budgets.

The consolidated budget of the Sheksninsky municipal district includes the budgets of municipalities located on the territory of the district and the district budget. It should be noted that all budgets are subsidized. In the period 2011-2015, there is a steady upward trend in the volume of tax and non-tax revenues. In 2015, the consolidated budget of the district received 422.0 million rubles of tax and non-tax revenues, which is 227.9 million rubles more than in 2011. or almost 2.2 times. The increase in payments is due to an increase in the volume of production, retail turnover and the average wage of employees, as well as the emergence of new taxpayers, including in connection with the commissioning of new production facilities as part of investment projects in the Sheksna industrial park.

In addition, the factor influencing the growth of tax and non-tax revenues in 2011 - 2015 was the establishment of uniform and additional standards for the budgets of municipalities of the region from a number of taxes received by the regional budget, including personal income tax, tax levied using a simplified system of taxation, corporate property tax. These standards were established in exchange for subsidies from the regional financial support fund.

During the period from 2011 to 2015, there was a decrease in gratuitous receipts by 203.6 million rubles, the construction of an ice arena, a school, and a swimming pool was completed.

Consolidated budget expenditures for 2015 amounted to 846.0 million rubles, and increased by 10.0 million rubles compared to 2011, but compared to 2012, the increase amounted to 60.0 million rubles, mainly growth occurred in the education sector. The expenditure budget retains a social orientation. Expenditures in the field of the social sphere account for more than 70% of the expenditures of the consolidated budget of the district.

The budget deficit was not allowed to grow. In 2015, the budget surplus amounted to 7.3 million rubles.

The budgetary security of the district, based on the ratio of tax revenues per 1 inhabitant in 2011-2015, amounted to 12.5 thousand rubles, and in 2010 the budgetary security was 5.5 thousand rubles.

By 2015, the volume of municipal debt was reduced to a minimum, if in 2011 the ratio of the volume of municipal debt to the annual volume of budget revenues, excluding the volume of gratuitous receipts and (or) receipts of tax revenues under additional standards of deductions, was 1.8%, then in 2015 this the ratio is 0.09%.

Overdue accounts payable of the consolidated budget that arose as of January 1, 2011 in the amount of 25.2 million rubles. or 3.1% of the expenditure side of the budget, decreased by 18.7 million rubles. and as of January 1, 2015 amounted to 6.5 million rubles. or 0.7% of the expenditure part of the budget.

In the structure of own income, the largest share is occupied by:

personal income tax - 57.8%;

transport tax - 12.7%;

single tax on imputed income - 9.7%;

income from the use of state and municipal property - 6.4%.

Consider the structure of the formation of the revenue base of the budget of the Sheksna district (Figure 2.8).

Figure 2.7 - The structure of the formation of the own revenue base of the budget of the Sheksninsky municipal district,%.

From the structure of its own revenue base, it can be seen that the largest part of the income of the Sheksninsky municipal district is other income, which includes culture, energy, financial structures, management, law enforcement and judicial authorities. The second place is occupied by the forestry industry, they brought revenues of 18.9% to the budget, as well as wholesale and retail trade (15.5%) and education (8.7%).

The largest taxpayers in the Sheksninsky district are: LLC Sheksninsky Wood Board Plant, LLC Koskisilva, PK Sheksninsky Butter Plant, LLC Sheksninsky Korma, LLC PK Sheksninsky, LLC Sheksninsky Broiler, AtAg company.

3 . Measures to improve the socio-economic climate in the Sheksna municipal district

3.1 Development of the industrial sector of the economy

The main goal of the financial development of the municipality in the future is the absolute use of natural, industrial, labor and economic potentials in order to achieve a stable rate of financial growth, which also guarantees an increase in the well-being of residents. The study of the social and financial direction of the Sheksninsky district was thoroughly analyzed in the previous chapter. It provided an opportunity to determine the main directions of formation of the development of the region, in the direction of which it is necessary to create measures that will make it possible to improve the financial condition and position of the region.

The implementation of events within the framework of this strategic trend is aimed at developing and forming a processing industry in the economy, providing permanent work sites, increasing the tax base and encouraging the formation of the region's economy.

Since the Sheksninsky district is rich in forest resources, woodworking has traditionally been one of the most important sectors of the district's economy. However, unfortunately, today it is limited to logging and the production of simple sawn timber.

In order to realize the possibility of the area in the field of woodworking, it is necessary:

switch from the production of semi-finished products to the production of finished products;

use of new waste-free or low-waste wood processing technologies;

involvement of traders (investors) in order to form new production capacities;

production of a wooden figurative (artistic) product with a high added value (on topics related to the tourist sites of the area).

I would like to pay special attention to the event related to the production of art products with high added value (on topics related to the tourist sites of the region).

As you know, the Sheksninsky municipal district is popular in the region for its tourist facilities. A significant part of the region adjacent to the reservoir is a promising integrated tourist and recreational area. In the area there are places suitable for fishing, there are areas of hunting grounds.

The attractiveness of the area lies in cultural and educational tourism (the leading place is the village of Sizma), the variety of cultural, entertainment, event, sports and business events.

Work has intensified on the search and development of new display facilities, including the Bratkovo estate (estate tourism), the Chernoozerskaya wasteland (pilgrimage tourism).

In the ranking of districts of the region in terms of the number of visitors and tourists, the district is annually among the top five, according to the results of 2015, it is in 4th place. Since 2012, there has been a positive growth in the number of visitors and tourists - by 20% in 2015.

In 2013, according to the results of the regional competition "The Best Tourist Center of the Vologda Region", the district took 2nd place with a grant of 300.0 thousand rubles.

I would like to note that the souvenir products of the region and cultural objects are very simple and ordinary. It includes magnets with photographs of attractions, mugs with similar objects. Linen souvenirs appeared in 2015, but they do not include symbols, but simply belong to the regional art.

Therefore, by our event, we propose to resume the work of the workshop in the Institution OE-256/12. Institution OE-256/12 is engaged in the production of cable packaging, shields, pallets, drums, furniture, using the forces of a special contingent for paid work. The institution has the necessary capacities to increase the production of furniture for social institutions, snow shields for roads, sleeper grids for the railway.

The design of art products must be entrusted to one of the convicts for an additional payment, with the condition of official employment and pension accruals. And you can also attract from the outside, transfer the design through e-mail or an IC employee, but this is a costly and long option. Therefore, we propose to stop at the first option.

For the production of artistic products, at the enterprise of the institution, it will take 1 machine of wood monthly, the purchase of equipment for the production of products, paint and varnish measures, paint, funds for the repair of equipment. All this can be achieved with funds raised from investors. The approximate cost is calculated in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Cost of equipment for the production workshop

For the sale of products, on the territory of IK-12 there is a store with the products of the institution, which sells various goods produced by convicts. To sell products outside the institution, it is required to conclude contracts for the supply of souvenirs with retail outlets in the Sheksninsky district and the Vologda region.

Now the institution supplies sewing products, cable drums to various parts of Russia, working under a state order agreement. After the implementation of this measure, it is planned to increase profits. The plan is presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Planned revenue after the implementation of the measure

This table shows that after the implementation of the event, revenue increased by an average of 2 million rubles, which is 40%. Consequently, tax deductions will increase, to the local budget in the amount of 900,000 rubles, and 100,000 rubles to the federal one. In 2015, tax deductions amounted to 630,000 rubles to the local budget and 70,000 rubles to the federal budget. Compared to the planned revenue, the difference was 170,000 rubles to the local budget and 30,000 rubles to the federal budget. That will positively affect the socio-economic condition of the Sheksninsky municipal district.

Also, the introduction of this event will have a positive impact on increasing the flow of tourists. Because a favorable image of the Sheksninsky municipal district will be created, which will distinguish it from other tourist centers of the Vologda region. The planned number of tourists who visit and will visit the Sheksninsky district is shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 - Planned number of tourists after the implementation of the event

According to the table, it can be seen that a decrease in the tourist flow is planned for 2016, this is due to the difficult economic situation. After the implementation of the event, it is planned to stabilize the influx of tourists, also due to the restoration of a favorable economic situation.

Also, as a result of the implementation of this direction, the following results will be achieved:

conditions have been created for attracting investments in the region, forming its favorable image and implementing industrial projects with the participation of external capital;

conditions have been created to increase tax revenues to the budgets of all levels from organizations of the industrial complex in the Sheksninsky district.

3.2 Development of the agro-industrial complex

The agro-industrial complex is the most important component of the economy of the region and Russia as a whole, where products vital to society are produced, and a huge economic potential is concentrated.

The most important link in the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. It occupies a special place not only in the agro-industrial complex, but also in the entire national economy.

Agricultural production (profitable production of a high-quality, competitive agricultural product by agricultural enterprises and individual farms):

1) ensuring the availability of obtaining a technical agreement on leasing;

) increase in the production of livestock products by increasing the reproduction of livestock;

) improving the properties of manufactured products;

) increase in productivity due to the improvement of agricultural technology, the introduction of basic and mineral fertilizers;

) introduction of new technologies and organizational measures related to the maintenance and nutrition of livestock;

) organization of state support to the owners of individual farms;

) creation of circumstances for the purpose of purchasing the product from the owners of individual auxiliary farms;

) development of measures to help and retain competent employees.

To accomplish the tasks set, a number of activities are envisaged:

) creating conditions for attracting investments in the modernization of production facilities;

) involvement of agricultural enterprises in obtaining state support in the following priority areas:

development of dairy farming;

development of beef cattle breeding;

development of the linen complex;

development of potato and vegetable growing;

development of fodder production;

development of the food and processing industry;

food safety and quality assurance;

development of agricultural markets;

) to reconstruct the existing livestock buildings, and if the depreciation of the livestock breeding complexes exceeds the permissible level, the construction of new ones with the replacement and installation of high-performance technological equipment;

) gradually replace the herd of cattle with highly productive breeds;

) to obtain the status of breeding reproducers for the SPK "Rus", OOO "Sheksninskaya Zarya", CJSC "Sheksna", SPK (collective farm) "Niva".

For our graduation project, we will consider such an event as creating a highly qualified human resources potential and improving the staffing of the agro-industrial complex.

To accomplish this task, a number of activities are envisaged:

assistance to enterprises of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel of professions of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, specialists of information and consulting services;

organization of assistance with educational institutions of higher and secondary professional level of the region;

carrying out work on career guidance in the schools of the district;

creating an increase in the prestige of agricultural professions and popularizing the rural lifestyle will be carried out, including:

lump-sum payments to specialists of the agro-industrial complex;

introduction and holding of district and regional competitions, and competitions in the field of agriculture.

Consider the number of vacancies in the field of agriculture. The data are presented in table 3.4.

Table 3.3 - Number of vacancies in agriculture in the period 2012 - 2015

Based on the table of vacancies in C / X, it can be seen that the Sheksninsky municipal district is in constant need of highly qualified personnel. The average number of vacancies in the district in this area is 25 people per year. Which is not a very good result for an area with a developed level of agriculture.

We propose to introduce a monitoring system for young personnel and graduates of agricultural universities. This requires a set of measures aimed at attracting those to the Sheksninsky municipal district.

One of these measures, perhaps, is the issuance of targeted directions to universities in the agricultural direction. At the end of which the student is obliged to return to the district and work in the agricultural sector for 3 years. After the expiration of the contract, the student - employee has the right not to renew it, and find work in another field.

Also, the development of the system - "Housing for agricultural workers" is proposed. This program has been running in the area since 2014.

If we combine these 2 events, then the Sheksninsky district will be replenished with high-quality, highly qualified personnel. The plan of employment in agriculture is presented in table 3.4.

Table 3.4 - The number of people employed in agriculture after the implementation of measures, people

This table shows that after the implementation of measures in this area, the number of people employed in agriculture increases. If we compare the planned year 2018 with those employed in 2013, then the difference will be 151 people, or 9.8%. Such positive dynamics has a good effect on the socio-economic condition. Because, as a result of a sufficient number of qualified personnel, there will be an increase in the production of agricultural products. The number of tax deductions to the budget of the Sheksninsky municipal district and the federal budget will also increase.

Consider the amount of tax deductions to the Sheksninsky municipal district and federal budgets. The data are presented in table 3.5.

Table 3.5 - The number of tax deductions from the sale of agricultural products after the implementation of measures, million rubles.

As we can see from this table, the volume of products sold after the implementation of the event is growing. As a result, tax deductions also increase. Tax revenues to the budget increased in 2018, compared to 2015, increased by 257.256 million rubles. the difference was 18.9 million rubles. In 2018, it is planned to increase revenue to 1534.2 million rubles. in 2015, this value was 1429.2 million rubles, the difference is 105 million rubles. This amount is a fairly large contribution to the district budget, which also has a positive effect on the socio-economic situation of the Sheksninsky municipal district.

Also, the implementation of these measures will help to achieve, by 2018, the following positive results (in comparison with 2013):


- maintaining and increasing the share of actually used agricultural land in the total area of ​​agricultural land up to 85%;



- increase in milk production by 11%.

3.3 Creation of favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses

Small business in the economy of the Sheksninsky district is mainly present in the sphere of trade, much less in the sphere of services, industry, and transport.

The current state of small business in the region has a low level of development. The potential for its growth is possible through:

expansion of the service sector (with the growth of the wealthy population, the emergence of which will be caused by the construction and operation of the industrial park, there will be a need to create an infrastructure for free time, an infrastructure for a healthy lifestyle);

development of finishing services, the demand for which will appear with the growth of construction.

The number of small and medium-sized businesses are presented in table 3.6.

Table 3.6 - The number of small and medium-sized businesses per 1 thousand people of the population

According to the table, we see that the Sheksninsky municipal district is favorable for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Since, the area is attractive for tourists and investors. You need to strive for:

increasing the share of small business in the economy of the settlement, especially in the service sector;

increase in the proportion of people employed in small businesses;

increase in the volume of products produced by small enterprises.

In order to most actively and successfully attract small and medium-sized businesses to the economy of the Sheksninsky municipal district, a set of measures should be formed to encourage businessmen in the initial period of the formation of a particular business area.

At the district level, such a method of assistance can be called an operational and subsidized circumstance of providing agrarian zones, a system of consulting support, the allocation of subsidies for small businesses and budget loans for legal entities, involving small businesses in fulfilling government orders and creating healthy competition. that small business has every chance of becoming the basis for the formation of the economy, determining significant importance in the formation of the service sector, in industry, and in addition in the construction in the field of facing works, which with the growth of residents, and, thus, with the increase in construction, there will be a need.

In 2015, 22 small and medium-sized businesses received state (municipal) support in the Sheksninsky municipal district. The data are given in table 3.7.

Table 3.7 - The number of small and medium-sized businesses that received state (municipal) support in the period 2012-2015.

According to the table, it can be seen that a very small number of enterprises receive state (municipal) support, the number of such enterprises is 22 in 2015. Only 1/33 of all small and medium-sized businesses are provided with benefits from the Sheksninsky municipal district.

For the development of small and medium-sized businesses, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures:

interaction with ANO "Regional Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Vologda Oblast", BU VO "Business Incubator", NP "Agency for Urban Development" (Cherepovets), ANO "Investment Agency "Cherepovets" and other institutions that make up the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized entities entrepreneurship;

assistance in the implementation of investment projects by small and medium-sized businesses;

implementation of interaction of authorities with the business community of the region, public associations created by entrepreneurs, organization of the work of the Coordinating Council for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region;

facilitating the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in the regional agricultural fair, in regional and regional competitions, forums, conferences, in all-Russian and regional competitions, assemblies, conferences, seminars, regional, regional and inter-district exhibitions - fairs.

It can be noted that the implementation and monitoring of these activities will have a positive impact on the development of the socio-economic condition of the Sheksninsky municipal district.

Table 3.8 - Number of small and medium-sized businesses after the implementation of measures

According to the table, it can be seen that the number of small and medium-sized businesses will increase by 4 people compared to 2015. Accordingly, there will be a greater number of employed people in small and medium-sized businesses, thus creating additional jobs, which will also have a positive effect on the socio-economic condition of the Sheksna region, unemployment will decrease and the socio-economic balance will normalize.

After the implementation of the measure to improve the system of state (municipal) support for small and medium enterprises, the number of enterprises receiving this assistance will increase (table 3.9).

Table 3.9 - The planned number of small and medium-sized businesses that received state (municipal) support in the period 2016-2018.

From the above data, it can be seen that the number of enterprises that have received state (municipal) property will increase. In comparison with 2015, in 2018, the difference will be 3 small and medium-sized businesses. This is a very significant number for the Sheksninsky municipal district. But do not forget that this will have a positive impact on the development of the entire region as a whole. For example, the number of tax deductions to the local and federal budgets will increase.

Summing up, the implementation of the above directions will make it possible to achieve the following positive results by 2018 (compared to 2013):


- increase in the share of tax revenues from small and medium-sized businesses up to 20%.

3.4 Evaluation of the socio-economic efficiency of the proposed activities

Socio-economic efficiency is expressed in two aspects - social and economic. The social aspect consists in the subordination of the goals of economic growth to the priority tasks of social development. The economic aspect consists in the greatest correspondence of the final results of economic development to the achievement of the totality of social development goals. The economic component of socio-economic efficiency is the material basis for improving the quality of life.

Economic efficiency will consist in the fact that the own budget revenues of the Sheksninsky district will increase due to the development of activities related to the production of souvenirs with high added value, the improvement of the tax base and legislation. Industrial production will increase volumes not only due to the implementation of new projects, but also due to the exclusion of non-competitive products from production.

After the implementation of the event, revenue will increase by an average of 2 million rubles, which will be 40%. Consequently, tax deductions will increase, to the local budget in the amount of 900,000 rubles, and 100,000 rubles to the federal one. In 2015, tax deductions amounted to 630,000 rubles to the local budget and 70,000 rubles to the federal budget. Compared to the planned revenue, the difference was 170,000 rubles to the local budget and 30,000 rubles to the federal budget.

Social efficiency lies in the fact that through the implementation of the proposed measures, it is planned to increase the employment of residents of the district, the unemployment rate should decrease from 3.6% to 2.9% due to the opening of new jobs in the agro-industrial complex and in the service sector. It is expected to create up to 230 new jobs, which is very significant, given the current situation on the labor market. The result of the activities should also be entrepreneurial activity through the assistance of the Employment Center. Actions to develop the labor market will make it possible to achieve an increase in the volume of the wage fund for retained and hired employees of enterprises, along with savings on unemployment benefits for newly hired employees.

After the introduction of measures in the field of agriculture, the number of people employed increases. If we compare the planned year 2018 with those employed in 2013, then the difference will be 151 people, or 9.8%. Such positive dynamics has a good effect on the socio-economic condition. Because, as a result of a sufficient number of qualified personnel, there will be an increase in the production of agricultural products. The number of tax deductions to the budget of the Sheksninsky municipal district and the federal budget will also increase.

The implementation of directions for the development of industrial production will make it possible to achieve the following positive results by 2018 (in comparison with 2013):

increase in the volume of shipped products in the industry by 2 times;

doubling the amount of investment.

The implementation of the directions for the development of agricultural potential will make it possible to achieve the following positive results by 2018 (in comparison with 2013):

- increase in agricultural production in all categories of farms by 24%;

- increase in grain production by 26%;

- increase in the production of livestock and poultry meat (in live weight) by 2 times;

- increase in milk production by 11%.

The implementation of the directions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses will make it possible to achieve the following positive results by 2018 (compared to 2013):

- increase in retail trade turnover by 1.5 times;

- increase in the turnover of public catering by 35%;

- increase in the volume of paid services to the population by 1.5 times;

- increase in the number of small and medium-sized businesses in the region by 10%;

- increase in the share of tax revenues from small and medium-sized businesses up to 20%.

Thus, as a result of the implementation of measures to develop the socio-economic potential of the region, the economy and social sphere of the Sheksninsky municipal district will reach a qualitatively new level that ensures the sustainable development of the municipality. Both budgetary efficiency and commercial and social efficiency will increase.


In the course of this work, I considered the problems and prospects for the social and economic development of the region on the example of the Sheksninsky municipal district.

Namely, a detailed description of the area is given in terms of physical and geographical position, natural resource potential, industry, agriculture, services, demographic situation and standard of living of the population. The problems that hinder the socio-economic development of the region and the direction in the elimination of these negative phenomena are described.

Sheksninsky municipal district has significant economic potential, especially resource. Agriculture and industry have great potential. The most significant sectors are horticulture, animal husbandry, grain growing, and, accordingly, agricultural and industrial. Consumer services, public catering and trade are leading in the service sector of the district.

We carried out monitoring of the socio-economic condition of the Sheksninsky municipal district, as a result of which priority areas for development were identified.

A number of measures were proposed, which includes the launch of the production of souvenirs with the emblem of the Sheksninsky municipal district at the enterprise of the closed institution OE-256/12. This event will increase tax deductions to the local and federal budgets, and will also have a positive effect on the tourist image of the region. Conditions will be created for attracting investments in the region, forming its favorable image and implementing industrial projects with the participation of external capital.

Also an event in the agricultural sector, which includes such a direction as creating conditions for attracting young professionals. As a result, such indicators will be achieved as: an increase in the volume of agricultural production in all categories of farms by 24%; maintaining and increasing the share of actually used agricultural land in the total area of ​​agricultural land up to 85%; increase in grain production by 26%; increase in the production of livestock and poultry meat (in live weight) by 2 times; increase in milk production by 11%.

An event in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, which has a focus on creating favorable conditions for the development of enterprises. These measures will have a positive impact on: an increase in retail trade turnover by 1.5 times; increase in the turnover of public catering by 35%; increase in the volume of paid services to the population by 1.5 times; increase in the number of small and medium-sized businesses in the region by 10%; increase in the share of tax revenues from small and medium-sized businesses up to 20%.

The social efficiency of the thesis lies in the fact that through the implementation of the proposed measures, it is planned to increase the employment of residents of the district, the unemployment rate should decrease from 3.6% to 2.9% due to the opening of new jobs in the agro-industrial complex and in the service sector.

The economic efficiency of the thesis is that the own budget revenues of the Sheksninsky district will increase due to the development of activities related to the production of high value-added souvenirs, the improvement of the tax base and legislation. Industrial production will increase volumes not only due to the implementation of new projects, but also due to the exclusion of non-competitive products from production.

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April 1985- at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a course was proclaimed to "accelerate" socio-economic development (rapid implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution, growth in labor productivity due to increased material interest; fight against leveling; purchase of advanced equipment abroad; increase in investment in the production of consumer goods; improvement product quality due to the introduction of state acceptance).

Outcome: an attempt to reform the economy without affecting the foundations of the command-administrative system ended in failure largely due to inept leadership and bureaucracy (for example, the introduction of state acceptance only led to the growth of the bureaucracy; purchased equipment often stood idle due to a lack of qualified personnel).

1986- the anti-alcohol campaign and the Chernobyl disaster further undermined the financial stability of the USSR economy;

1987-88- Abalkin's project of economic reform (transfer of state enterprises to self-financing; expansion of cooperation; admission of the private sector into the economy; reduction and streamlining of the activities of ministries).

1989- passed the law on state enterprise(they got the opportunity to keep part of the profits for themselves and freely dispose of it; create subsidiaries - cooperatives) and cooperation law (actual permission of the private sector in trade and services); attempt the introduction of a rental contract in the village(but only 2% of collective farmers switched to lease relations, and even then they mostly sold the land they received or subleased it for non-agricultural needs).

Outcome: 1990-91severe economic crisis; the actual loss of control over sectors of the economy due to extremely incompetent leadership; a rapid decline in production with an increase in the monetary income of the population - as a result - a total shortage of consumer goods and the introduction of a rationing system; the budget deficit amounted to 100 billion rubles (10% of GNP); at the same time began a rapid criminalization of the economy because of the extremely unsuccessful law on cooperation, which led to the legalization of the "shadow economy" and the increase in crime by several times. By the middle of 1991 The country was on the brink of an economic disaster.

Events in the political sphere.

1985- at the April Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a course was taken to introduce glasnost and democratization in the socio-political sphere and a revision of the assessment of many events in Russian history (confirmed at the XXVII Congress of the CPSU in February 1986) - the beginning of a broad rehabilitation of the victims of Stalin's repressions and criticism of the "era of stagnation".

The consequence of this is the activation of public opinion, the beginning of the democratization of society, while at the same time undermining the authority of the ruling regime.

1988. – XIX party conference- a decision is made on political reform, on changing the entire structure of power, the introduction of "Soviet parliamentarism" - the announcement of alternative elections to the new supreme body of legislative power - the Congress of People's Deputies.

1989. - Beginning of work Congress of People's Deputies The USSR and the emergence of legal opposition and the first parties and movements alternative to the CPSU

March 1990III Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR; cancellation of the 6th article of the Constitution on the leading role of the CPSU ( which meant the legalization of multi-party system) and the establishment of the post of President of the USSR (Gorbachev became this, but he was elected by the Congress, and not by the entire population, which gave his opponents a reason to talk about the lack of legitimacy of his power).

All these events took place against the backdrop of a sharp aggravation of the national question and separatism(interethnic clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh since 1988; pogroms of Armenians in Sumgayit and Baku in 1988-89, separatist movements in the Baltic republics, clashes in Transnistria).

At the same time, the central authorities headed by Gorbachev were actually inactive, which further aggravated the situation.

Outcome: by the middle of 1991 - the situation actually got out of Gorbachev's control; with the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence of the RSFSR and the election of B. Yeltsin as President of Russia, the transfer of power from the Union Center to the republics began.

No. 53. Foreign policy of the USSR in 1985-1991.

April 1985- Gorbachev's proclamation of a new foreign policy course - "new thinking"(the essence: the rejection of the old thesis about the irreconcilable split of the world into 2 camps; the recognition of the world as whole and indivisible; the rejection of forceful methods of resolving conflicts; the initiative to negotiate with the United States on disarmament).

Based on the new doctrine, the foreign policy of the USSR had the following tasks: 1) to achieve a breakthrough in the international isolation of the country; 2) by normalizing relations with the United States and the capitalist bloc, create conditions that would make it possible to stop the arms race, ruinous for the USSR; 3) expand economic ties with all states, no longer giving preference to states with a socialist orientation. In achieving these goals, special attention was paid to the priority of peaceful means in solving global problems and the recognition of universal human values.

Central location in the foreign policy of the USSR occupied relations with the USA. The main efforts of Soviet diplomacy in this direction were aimed at stopping the arms race and detente relations. In the summer of 1985, the USSR unilaterally stopped nuclear explosions and confirmed a unilateral moratorium on testing anti-satellite weapons, which created a solid basis for the start of negotiations between the heads of the USSR, M. S. Gorbachev, and US President R. Reagan.

After a series of high-level meetings between the leaders of the two countries in Geneva (1985) And Reykjavik (1986) the Soviet and American sides signed December 8, 1987 in Washington, an agreement on the destruction of a whole class of missiles - medium and short range. The Soviet side undertook to dismantle and destroy 1752 missiles within three years, the American side - 869. In 1991. Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms was signed in Moscow (OSNV - 1), which provided for the new elimination of part of the nuclear weapons.

Almost simultaneously, the Soviet Union put forward a program that provided for the phased elimination of nuclear weapons until 2000. In 1987, during the negotiations between M. S. Gorbachev and R. Reagan, an agreement was reached on ending the participation of the two sides in the Afghan war, which had become from the beginning of its occurrence one of the main lines of confrontation between the two world powers in the Cold War. The United States pledged to stop providing assistance to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (the promise was not kept), and the Soviet Union was withdrawing its troops from that country. Withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan (1988-1989) became the most important foreign policy act of the USSR. In general, it was the right decision, since the war was extremely unpopular in the USSR. The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan made possible the resumption of dialogue between the USSR and China, for which the end of Soviet interference was one of the three main obstacles to the normalization of relations with their neighbor. Soviet diplomacy paid considerable attention to European direction. The Soviet leadership hoped, by normalizing relations with developed Western European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain), to receive from them the economic assistance necessary for reforms within the country, as well as massive supplies of modern equipment and technologies. To this end, it made unprecedented unilateral concessions to the West, agreeing to withdraw its troops from a number of Eastern European countries, and in fact refusing to provide assistance to its ally, the GDR. In 1990, the USSR approved the unification of the GDR and the FRG into a single state. The policy of concessions objectively contributed to the weakening of the positions of the USSR in Europe, although MS Gorbachev's personal popularity among the population of Western European countries grew significantly.

If in relation to the countries of Western Europe the USSR pursued a more or less clear policy, then in relation to the socialist camp, the countries of Eastern Europe, there was no such clarity. Most of the leaders of the socialist countries did not accept the "new political thinking", believing that this course would lead to a change in the socio-political system in their states. The confrontation between these countries and the leadership of the USSR led to the fact that the Soviet Union ceased to support them in full. At the same time, the totalitarian regimes of the countries of Eastern Europe tried to limit the development of democratic processes in their countries. The result of this policy was the decline in the authority of the ruling parties of the socialist countries, the growth among the population of anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments. From 1989 to 1990 V Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria passed "velvet revolutions"(bloodless), which resulted in the collapse of the communist system of power. The national-democratic forces of the countries of Eastern Europe that came to power set a course for the Western European path of development and gradual entry into NATO. Spring 1991 The USSR agreed to the dissolution of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the Warsaw Treaty Organization, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the territories of Eastern European countries. The era of military and political domination of the USSR in Eastern Europe came to an end.

Conclusion: "New political thinking" in foreign policy was an attempt to implement the government of M. S. Gorbachev's "ideas of perestroika" in the international arena. The implementation of this policy had a certain success, because it contributed to the end of the period of military confrontation between the USSR and the USA and the change in the eyes of Europeans of the image of our country as an "evil empire". The destruction of the "Iron Curtain" allowed Soviet citizens to actually rediscover the world around them in many ways. The process of destroying nuclear weapons was initiated.

At the same time, the doctrine of new political thinking, on which the foreign policy of the USSR was based, was rather vague and did not have clear strategic goals. The desire of the government of MS Gorbachev to establish friendly relations with the West at any cost caused irreparable harm to the positions of the USSR in the international arena. The result of this policy was the destruction of the bipolar world(two world powers - the USSR and the USA). In the international arena, the position of the United States, which remained the only superpower, has sharply strengthened. .

From the second half of 1989, the economic crisis in the USSR acquired the features of stagnation: The disintegration of economic ties intensified, which led to the stoppage of an increasing number of industries. The financial system has completely collapsed. Problems began with the provision of food and consumer goods to the population.

Against the backdrop of the deteriorating economic situation in the USSR, centrifugal tendencies sharply intensified. Especially their growth was noted in 1990 when a real one swept across the country "Parade of Sovereignties" accompanied by the adoption by a number of union republics of unilateral decisions on self-determination and the creation of independent nation-states. Gathered June 12 1990. I Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR accepted Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Its adoption ultimately predetermined the collapse of the USSR, which could exist only as long as Russia served as its unifying principle. In the spring and summer of the same year, declarations of national sovereignty were adopted by the Baltic and other republics of the USSR. Following national sovereignty, individual republics began to accept state sovereignty, declaring the priority of their own legislation over that of the Union.

Under these conditions, the union leadership lost the opportunity to manage the resources of the republics and effectively manage the country. It could no longer retain power democratically. Attempts to strengthen its influence with the help of military force, which was used in April 1989 in Tbilisi, in January 1990 in Baku, in January 1991 in Vilnius And Riga ended in failure. The only possible means to keep the process of the disintegration of the Soviet Union under way was the use of economic ties. However, the leadership of M. S. Gorbachev could not effectively use it.

Assembled in March 1990 Extraordinary III Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR made a last attempt to strengthen the executive power by establishing the post USSR President, to which M. S. Gorbachev was elected. On March 17, 1991, an all-Union referendum was held on the fate of the USSR, in which the majority of citizens spoke in favor of preserving the Union and for the desire to live in one state. However, these actions turned out to be largely belated, since the “parade of sovereignties” that had swept by that time had already changed the face of the country beyond recognition.

Under these conditions, M. S. Gorbachev suggested that the leaders of the Union republics conclude a new Union Treaty, since it was clear that the former Union Treaty of 1922 no longer corresponded to realities. April 23, 1991 in Novo-Ogaryovo an agreement was reached with the leaders of nine republics (there were no Baltic republics and Georgia) to conclude a new Union Treaty, which became known as the “9 + 1” agreement (nine leaders of the union republics + the President of the USSR). According to this document, the republics received broad autonomy as part of the new Union, and the center was supposed to play only a coordinating role, leaving defense, financial policy and internal affairs in its charge. The renewed Union was named "Commonwealth of Sovereign States"(SSG). The signing of the new Union Treaty, scheduled for August 20, 1991, was sharply negatively received by conservative forces, since it deprived the top of the CPSU of real power. They tried by force to prevent his imprisonment. August 19, 1991 taking advantage of M. S. Gorbachev’s vacation, a group of top party leaders headed with Vice-President of the USSR G. I. Yanaev undertook coup d'état. On August 18, KGB troops loyal to the conspirators blocked a man who was on vacation at his dacha in Foros(Crimea) of the President of the USSR M. S. Gorbachev. On August 19, the conspirators announced that it was impossible for the President of the USSR to perform his functions for health reasons. All full power for an indefinite time passed to State Committee for the State of Emergency in the USSR(GKChP) of 8 people. All those who entered the GKChP were members of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The GKChP announced its intention to restore order in the country and prevent the collapse of the USSR. In a number of regions of the country (mainly on the territory of the RSFSR), a state of emergency was introduced, administrative power in them was to be transferred to the military leadership. The activities of democratic parties and organizations, the publication of opposition newspapers were suspended, rallies, demonstrations and strikes were prohibited. Troops were brought into Moscow and some other large cities.

The advanced public immediately declared the unconstitutional nature of the actions of the State Emergency Committee. Some free radio stations immediately called the events in Moscow putsch. The President of the RSFSR B. N. Yeltsin openly condemned the coup and called on the population to openly resist the actions of the putschists. Thousands of protesting Muscovites took to the streets of the capital. Part of the troops went over to the side of the Russian government. Under these conditions, the State Emergency Committee did not dare to suppress the masses by force of arms. By the evening of August 21, 1991. the putsch failed. On August 22, its members were accused of attempting a coup d'état and arrested. The next day, the President of the USSR MS Gorbachev was returned to Moscow. The putsch led to a radical change in the socio-political situation in the country. Even during the coup on August 19, by decree of the President of the RSFSR B. N. Yeltsin, the activities of the Communist Party of the RSFSR were suspended. In fact, the CPSU was placed outside the law. The party began to leave the political arena. Despite the fact that the coup essentially ended in the collapse of totalitarianism, the situation in the country continued to be extremely acute. The process of disintegration of the USSR accelerated sharply.

Immediately after the suppression of the August coup, the three Baltic republics announced their withdrawal from the USSR. In September 1991, the President of the USSR signed decrees recognizing this exit. Somewhat later, on December 1, 1991, at a referendum in Ukraine, the largest republic after the RSFSR, the population voted overwhelmingly for the independence of their republic. In this situation, unification with other republics lost its meaning. December 8, 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha near Minsk In secret from the President of the USSR, the leaders of three republics: the President of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin, the President of Ukraine L.M. Kravchuk and the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR S.S. Shushkevich signed an agreement on the formation Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS). December 21, 1991 in Alma-Ata The Belovezhskaya Agreement was signed by eight more former Soviet republics. With the signing of these treaties, the USSR ceased to exist as a subject of international law. The next day, MS Gorbachev was forced to resign from his duties as President of the USSR.

No. 55. October events of 1993 Political change of the state system in Russia.

From the end of August 1991 to December 1993, the issue of power was being resolved, which took the form of a clash of two models of its organization: presidential And parliamentary republics. The August events of 1991, the liquidation of the USSR put forward the task of forming the foundations of a new statehood. First of all, presidential structures began to be created - the Security Council and the Presidential Council. The institution of representatives of the President was introduced locally. They exercised powers of authority bypassing the local Soviets. The government of Russia was also formed directly by the President, management was carried out on the basis of decrees by B.N. Yeltsin. The changes made came into conflict with the provisions of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978, which stated that all power in the center and in the localities belonged to the Soviets of People's Deputies. Since 1990, the official supreme body of power has been the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. During 1992-1993. conflict between the legislature and the executive grew rapidly. An attempt by deputies in the spring of 1993 to remove the President failed. The referendum held on April 25, 1993 showed that the majority of citizens approved of the policy of Yeltsin and the government, while at the same time opposing the early elections of the President and people's deputies. Russian society has demonstrated a desire to stabilize the political life of the country. The confrontation between the authorities in the autumn of 1993 resulted in a bloody conflict. By this time, Yeltsin's advisers had prepared a draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was rejected by the deputies of parliament. In response to this September 21, 1993. Yeltsin dissolved the representative bodies of power by an unconstitutional decree - The Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation and the Congress of People's Deputies calling for new elections. The next day, the deputies by a majority of votes removed Yeltsin from office and entrusted the powers of the President to Vice-President Rutskoy. Attempts to negotiate and search for a compromise failed. The parliament building was blocked by law enforcement agencies that were subordinate to Yeltsin . October 3 armed supporters of the parliament, together with nationalist detachments, crushed the police cordon around the White House, seized the building of the Moscow City Hall and tried to storm the Ostankino television complex. The result of these events were human casualties. Generals Rutskoi and Makashov called for the capture of the television center. There was a threat of civil war. On October 4, the government took action. The assault on the White House began, where the so-called "irreconcilable" deputies of the Supreme Soviet remained. The building was fired from tanks with direct fire, and then it was captured by the fighters of the Alpha group. The leadership of the parliament and its defenders were sent to prison. According to official figures, 145 people died during the tragic events. December 12, 1993 A referendum was held on the new Constitution. 58% of those who participated in the voting cast their votes for it. The constitution established the principle of separation of powers legislative, executive and judicial each of which became independent. head state was proclaimed The president, elected for 4 years and determining the main directions of domestic and foreign policy. The President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution and acts as an arbitrator, mediator between the various branches of government and state institutions. In fact, he mediates between the state and society.

Thus, according to the Constitution of 1993, Russia turned into a presidential republic. The constitution provided for the election of a legislature - The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - the State Duma and the Federation Council. The President received the right to dissolve the State Duma in the event of a threefold rejection of the candidacy of the Prime Minister proposed by the President. It may issue decrees having the force of a normative act. The President is the Supreme Commander, all "power" ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Security Council, are directly subordinate to him.

With the concentration of the main powers in the hands of the President, the role of his administration has objectively increased. The mainstay of power and the conductor of the policy of the President was the state apparatus, which included some of the former union departments. On December 22, 1993, Yeltsin signed a decree by which federal officials were singled out as a special category with their own charter and a preferential system of financial, medical, household and other support.

No. 56. Socio-economic development of Russia in the post-Soviet period.

One of the most complex and controversial areas of economic policy in the 1990s. became privatization of state property. The concept of privatization in our country was developed by the State Property Committee of Russia headed by A.B. Chubais. Formally, it primarily pursued the goal of creating a class of private owners. All property of Russian enterprises as of January 1, 1992 was valued at 1 trillion 260.5 billion rubles. Dividing this amount by the population of Russia (148.7 million), the government believed that it was able to determine the share of property of each citizen at 10 thousand rubles, due to which, from September 1, 1992, each Russian received his share in state property in the form of a privatization check (voucher). From January 1, 1993, it was possible to purchase shares of any enterprise with a voucher. For this, state enterprises were corporatized: 51% of the shares were distributed among employees of enterprises, and the rest went on open sale. Since the vast majority of Russians did not know how to dispose of vouchers themselves, check investment funds (ChIFs) were created throughout the country. They had to exchange the vouchers of the population for the shares of the most efficient enterprises to be privatized. However, most of the 2,000 CHIFs who collected vouchers from the population disappeared without a trace within one or two years, enriching the fraudulent, according to Chubais himself, "semi-criminal leadership." Most of the ordinary shareholders at the enterprises were also left with nothing: as a result of various frauds, their shares ended up in the hands of the management and its entourage. In addition, due to inflation, vouchers have completely depreciated. Second- monetary - the stage of privatization began in 1995. Its purpose was - the creation of an effective owner. As a result of the so-called "loan auctions" large profitable state-owned enterprises with export potential were taken over by private owners who were closest to state power, and at symbolic prices. As a result of privatization, two-thirds of the country's wealth became the property of 6% of the population. Modern Russian oligarchs did not earn their fortune, but received it from the hands of the state.

Other government measures to artificially create the thinnest layer of large owners in the country were the administrative distribution of quotas and licenses for exports and imports; selective exemption of privileged structures from paying customs duties on tobacco, alcohol, medicines, cars, etc.; interest-free government loans to private banks. Financial crisis of 1998 and its aftermath After privatization in 1992-1998. the main task of the Russian leadership was financial stabilization and reduction budget deficit.

The main method of this struggle was chosen to reduce the money supply in every possible way. In 1995, a "currency corridor" was introduced (the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar is fixed within certain limits). The reduction of the budget deficit was also achieved due to the refusal of the state from obligations in the field of medicine, education, science, and the social sphere. At the same time, the economy was seized by the deepest investment crisis (the outflow of money from the sphere of production). Money was more and more replaced by direct exchange in kind (barter), mutual non-payments, offsets, etc. As a result, in these years, only about 20% of the economy was provided with "live" money, and 80% of transactions were carried out without their participation. The volume of industrial production decreased by 56%.

To cover the budget deficit, the state constantly borrowed funds both domestically and abroad. The “life on loan” began through the financial pyramid of GKOs (government short-term obligations). In the spring of 1998, Yeltsin appointed S.V. Kiriyenko, who worked as the Minister of Fuel and Energy for only a few months. The new government tried to bet on the stabilization of financial markets and resolution of the budget crisis. On August 17, 1998, the government announced a three-month moratorium (postponement) on the payment of debts by banks to foreign creditors. An acute financial crisis erupted, which was called the word "default"(refusal to pay debts). The result of the crisis was the collapse of most large private banks, the ruin of thousands of small businesses, the confusion of the emerging "middle class", private owners. Prices rose rapidly. Ruble savings of Russians once again depreciated. The default led to a loss of public and investor confidence in the Russian authorities. The crisis has demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the reform course pursued since 1992 and dealt a powerful blow to the political authority of those who stood behind it.

In this situation, the government, led by EAT. Primakov , as part of its policy of "calming down" the country, deliberately moved away from the extremes of liberalism. The government allowed a certain expansion of money emission (issuance of paper money and securities into circulation). A course was announced for strengthening state regulation in the economy, a resolute fight against economic crimes and corruption. For the first time in a number of years, a small budget surplus (an excess of revenues over expenditures) was assumed.

As a result of the financial crisis, the ruble significantly "depreciated" against foreign currencies, imports decreased, and this objectively strengthened the position of domestic producers. In other words, the financial crisis led to a certain recovery of the economy and served as an impetus for the development of Russian industry. But this did not improve the situation of the consumer. All analysts agreed that the economic situation in Russia is extremely difficult and the way out of the current situation under the most favorable conditions will take a long time.

The main economic achievement of the reforms, despite all the negative consequences, is that money has been earned in the country. The state no longer controlled and did not set the price of goods, did not limit wages. Russia has embarked on the path of integration into the world economy, its economy has become open. The Russian market began to attract the attention of foreign investors and commodity producers. In the 1990s a layer of businessmen has emerged, a new middle class is emerging, which included representatives of various professions. All types of markets were created in the country: real estate, goods, services, labor, capital, loans, etc. At least a third of the employed population worked in the sharply expanded service sector.

To the negative results of the economic reforms of the 1990s. one should attribute the fact that the gradual formation of a market infrastructure is taking place against the background of the rapid impoverishment of a significant part of the population, the emergence of sharp social contrasts, the destruction of a huge number of enterprises, the emergence of unemployment and other diseases of the market economy. A hasty attempt to introduce farming into the Russian village ended in failure. In 2000, peasant farms produced only 3% of the country's agricultural output. Farming did not take root due to the lack of material base and skills of individual farming. Many farms went bankrupt, lost their material base. The liberalization of foreign trade has led to a massive invasion of Russian markets of cheap agricultural products from abroad.

No. 57. Political development of Russia in 1993-2008

One of the most urgent tasks that the new Russian government had to solve was the preservation of the territorial integrity of Russia. In 1991 there was a threat of disintegration of Russia. The Russian leadership, proceeding from the new political situation, encouraged the processes of "sovereignization" of the republics. Yeltsin urged the regions to take as much independence as they can take. In 1990, the republics that were part of the RSFSR declared their sovereignty and renunciation of the status of autonomies. Autonomous regions (except for the Jewish) also declared themselves sovereign. Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the Republic of Sokha (Yakutia), Chechnya headed for secession from the Federation. As a result of the negotiations, on March 31, 1992, an agreement was signed in Moscow that determined the relationship between the subjects of the Federation and the borders of the state. It was of a compromise nature, but allowed to stop the process of disintegration of the state. Only two years later, an agreement was signed between the Russian Federation and Tatarstan on special conditions. History of Russia in the 90s. marked by major political campaigns - elections of the President of the Russian Federation, elections to the State Duma, as well as elections of governors and presidents in all subjects of the Federation. In December 1993, in the elections to the country's new parliament - the State Duma - an unexpected success (which could be seen as a reaction to the rejection of government policy) was won by the Liberal Democratic Party (leader - V.V. Zhirinovsky), receiving 24% of the vote. The Communists and the Agrarian Party won a total of 22% of the votes. Other opposition-minded parties (including G.A. Yavlinsky's Yabloko) received a total of just over 28%. Government party E.T. Gaidar - the Democratic Choice of Russia (DVR) - scored only 15.4%. Thus, the majority in the State Duma began to belong to the opposition, and the representative of the farmers I.P. was elected its chairman. Rybkin.

Unsuccessful military operations in the North Caucasus, the economic policy of the government, and the increased stratification of society caused the growth of opposition in the country, which was convincingly shown by the results of the 1995 State Duma elections.

Since the relative majority in the State Duma were communists, it was nicknamed "red". A great influence on the socio-economic and political situation in Russia had 1996 presidential election It seemed to many that with such a baggage of problems, failures and unfulfilled promises, B.N. Yeltsin cannot win. His popularity among voters dropped to 6%, and the victory of his rival, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov seemed very likely. Thanks to foreign loans, partial repayment of the government's debts to state employees began. The government announced the development of a new program for the transformation of the country's economy. Yeltsin removed unpopular figures from the government - Foreign Minister Kozyrev and Deputy Prime Minister Chubais, who is responsible for privatization. The government announced a rapprochement with Belarus. Energetic steps were taken to solve the Chechen problem - from the development of a plan for a peaceful settlement to the physical elimination of Dudayev and the cessation of military operations. Yeltsin himself, who until recently seemed ill and lethargic, showed energy and activity. He visited 24 cities and regions - more than in all the years of his presidency. Many people who voted for Yeltsin were not his supporters, but they remained opponents of the communists, did not want them to return to power. In the late 90s. the political process is characterized by "personnel ministerial leapfrog". E.M. becomes prime minister in October 1998. Primakov. He rather supported the position of the Duma, and not the President.

An attempt by the State Duma to hold impeachment(removal from office) of the President gave Yeltsin a reason for the early resignation of the government of E.M. Primakov. In May of the same year, S.K. Stepashin, who manages to stay in power for only three months.

Yeltsin focused on the problem of finding his successor. Yeltsin named his name on August 9, 1999 after signing the decree on the appointment Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin And. O. prime minister. Yeltsin chose a man who at that time was very little known not only among the people, but also among the nomenklatura. The growth of the authority of V.V. Putin took place against the backdrop of another Chechen crisis. On March 26, 2000, early presidential elections were held, where Vladimir Putin was elected. An important step towards the creation of a strong state was administrative reform. In May 2000, a seven federal districts : Central, Northwestern, Southern, Volga, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern. The districts acted as intermediate and at the same time connecting links between the center and 89 regions of Russia. Plenipotentiary representatives of the President were appointed to each of the districts. In a short time, we managed to solve an extremely important task: to bring local laws in line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation. Another political reform in 2000 was reorganization of the Federation Council. The upper house of the Federal Assembly began to be formed not from governors, but from representatives of the regions (two from each), elected by local legislative bodies and appointed by heads of administrations. In order to ensure the constant participation of the heads of regions in the development of state policy, in August 2000 a Council of State - advisory body under the head of state. There has been a change in the Russian multi-party system. In 2001, the State Duma adopted a law "About political parties". As a result, instead of about 300 political organizations participating in the 1999 elections, only 26 parties were allowed to participate in the elections to the State Duma, which took place on December 7, 2003.

Has been completed judicial reform. It provided for the introduction of jury trials throughout the country from 2003, the introduction of the institution of magistrates, the arrest of citizens only by court order, the transfer of correctional institutions from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, etc. The 2003 parliamentary elections demonstrated the desire of Russian society for stability. The pro-presidential "party of power" United Russia won an impressive victory, receiving 37.57% of the vote and 2/3 of the deputy mandates in the Duma. The outcome of the presidential elections held on March 14, 2004 was predictable. Despite the presence of six applicants, the alternatives to the Path

The implementation of the dictatorship of the proletariat (the political power of the workers), proclaimed by the proletariat, and the task of strengthening their power required the creation of a new state machine. All the old state institutions were liquidated, the former system of justice, the principles of the formation and functioning of the army were rejected. The real political power belonged to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), which appropriated executive and legislative power. In December 1917, under the Council of People's Commissars, a All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) to combat counter-revolution and sabotage, headed by Dzerzhinsky. She received unlimited powers: from arrest and investigation to sentencing and its execution. The Cheka was isolated from state control and coordinated its actions only with the top party leadership of the country. Revolutionary committees were created to control local government, people's courts consisting of a chairman and people's assessors. Political cases were considered in revolutionary tribunals subordinate to the People's Commissariat of Justice. In November-December, the Council of People's Commissars subjugated the leadership of the army and fired more than 1,000 generals and officers who did not accept Soviet power. In January 18, decrees were adopted on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet.

January 5, 18 opened constituent Assembly it was dominated by the Social Revolutionaries -40%, the Bolsheviks 22.5% of the vote, that is, the elections showed that the Bolsheviks were the second party in terms of influence. The Constituent Assembly refused to approve the "Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People" submitted by the Bolsheviks. They confirmed the first legislative acts of the Soviet government, proclaimed the abolition of the exploitation of man by man and the course towards building socialism. Thus, the Constituent Assembly rejected the idea of ​​socialist choice and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. In this regard, on the night of January 6-7, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to dissolve it. A week later, the Third All-Russian Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies merged with a similar congress of Soviets of Peasants' Deputies into a single legislative body - III All-Russian Congress of Workers, Soldiers and Peasants' Deputies. The congress approved the “Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People”, approved the project on the socialization of the land, proclaimed the federal principle of the state structure of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) and instructed the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to develop the main provisions of the country's Constitution. July 10, 18 At the Congress of Soviets approved the first Constitution of the RSFSR. It proclaimed the proletarian character of the Soviet state. Members of the former exploited classes, priests, officers and police agents were deprived of voting rights. 1 vote of a worker was equal to 5 votes of peasants. The elections were not direct, not universal, not secret and not equal. She declared the introduction of political freedom (speech, press, meetings, rallies and processions). However, in practice this was not really confirmed. Moreover, the Constitution of 18 did not provide for the participation of the propertied classes and their parties in political life. Economic and social policy. In economic policy, the Bolsheviks pursued a line towards the complete destruction of private property. The gradual socialization of production and the creation of a centralized management of the economy were planned. Banks, railway transport, communications facilities were nationalized. State-owned enterprises were placed under state control. Large enterprises and industries were nationalized, thereby starting the creation of public sector in the economy. He was led Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh). The transition of enterprises under state control removed workers from participation in the management of production and laid the foundations for “state socialism).

The slogan “factory to worker” turned out to be social demagogy. In the spring of 18, the implementation of the Decree on Land began. The peasants were supposed to receive 150 million acres of land free of charge, and were exempted from debts by banks from payments for rent. When distributing land, the Soviet government supported the poor, which caused discontent and resistance from the kulaks. They began to hold the bread. The cities were in danger of starvation. In this regard, the Council of People's Commissars switched to a policy of severe pressure on the countryside. In May 18 was introduced food dictatorship. This meant a ban on the trade in grain and the seizure of surplus grain from wealthy peasants by sending food detachments (food detachments) to the village. They relied on the help of committees of the poor (combeds). The functions of the Local Councils were transferred to the Kombeds, because kulaks prevailed in the Local Councils.

These measures gave rise to dissatisfaction of wealthy peasants with the Bolshevik government and were one of the causes of the civil war. The Soviet government destroyed the class system, abolished pre-revolutionary ranks, titles, awards. Established free education and medical care. Women were given equal rights with men. The Decree on Marriage and Family introduced the institution of civil marriage. The law on the 8-hour working day and the Code of Labor Laws were passed, prohibiting child labor, guaranteeing the system of labor protection for women and adolescents, the payment of unemployment and sickness benefits. Freedom of conscience was proclaimed. The church was separated from the state and the education system. Most of the church property was confiscated. Patriarch Tikhon fought against this. The national policy was determined by the “Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia”, adopted by the Council of People's Commissars on November 2, 17. It proclaimed the equality of the peoples of Russia, their right to self-determination and the formation of independent states. In December the Soviet

the government recognized the independence of Ukraine and Finland, in August 18 - Poland, in December - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, in February 19 - Belarus. But the government sought to overcome the further disintegration of Russia. It contributed to the establishment of Soviet power in the national regions, provided financial assistance to the Soviet republics in the Baltic States and Belarus.

Brest Peace with Germany and its allies. On December 3, 1917, an armistice was concluded and peace negotiations began. The Soviet delegation made a proposal to conclude peace without territorial annexations and indemnities. Germany put forward claims to the vast territories of the former Russian Empire - Poland, part of the Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus. As a result, negotiations were interrupted. Lenin insisted on the unconditional acceptance of these conditions, since. the fighting capacity of the army was lost. The Left Socialist-Revolutionaries considered these conditions treacherous and insisted on the continuation of hostilities in order to defend the revolution. They refused to participate in the negotiations. The “left” communists (Bukharin) proposed not to enter into negotiations and continue the struggle for the victory of the world revolution. Trotsky - the head of the Soviet delegation - offered "no war, no peace." The truce was interrupted and Germany again launched an offensive and captured large territories of the Baltic states, Ukraine, and Belarus. In this regard, in February 1918, negotiations were resumed. At the same time, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree "The Fatherland is in danger!" and on February 23, the Red Army stopped the Germans near Pskov. Germany presented an ultimatum with new territorial claims, demanded to demobilize the army and pay a large indemnity. On March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed. According to it, Poland, the Baltic states, part of Belarus, /Batumi, Kars, Ardagan - were torn away from Russia in favor of Turkey /.

The Soviet government pledged to withdraw its troops from Ukraine, pay 3 billion rubles in reparations and stop revolutionary propaganda in the Central European countries. In the middle of March, the 1st Extraordinary Congress of Soviets ratified the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk by a majority. The Left SRs were against it and withdrew from the Council of People's Commissars. Since that time, it has been established one-party system in the system of executive power of Soviet Russia. The November Revolution of 1918 in Germany swept away the Kaiser's empire. This made it possible to break the Brest Treaty, to return most of the territory. German troops left the territory of Ukraine In Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Belarus, a Soviet authority.

The Address of the President to the National Assembly noted that the most important task in 2000 is still to ensure sustainable dynamic socio-economic development of the country, to maintain economic growth in production, which is the basis for improving the welfare of the Belarusian people. The well-being of the republic and its people is primarily determined by the sustainable development of industry.

As noted above, the industry of the city of Bobruisk, following the results of work for 1999, ensured the fulfillment of the most important forecast indicator - the growth in industrial output. With a target of 103.4%, the actual performance was 107.9% (Appendix 4). Compared to the level of 1990, this figure was only 88.1%. (Appendix No. 8).

An analysis of the development procedure and timing of bringing the main forecast indicators to business entities by higher management bodies, the formation of a forecast for the socio-economic development of the region and the city of Bobruisk in particular, showed that these results were laid down at the planning stage.

The main reason for this state of affairs is the lack of coordination of plans in the sectoral and regional contexts. From appendices 9 and 10, the discrepancies in the tasks brought to business entities by higher authorities and the city executive committee are clearly visible.

In this regard, in the latest decisions of the executive committee, such a function as planning is more clearly traced, its form is an indicative plan. Indicative planning is a mechanism for coordinating the actions and interests of the state and other economic entities, based on the development of a system of indicators (indicators) of socio-economic development and including the definition of its national priorities, goal setting, forecasting, budgeting, programming, contracting and other procedures for coordinating decisions on micro and macro level.

As indicators of socio-economic development for the city of Bobruisk, as a major industrial center, the following indicators are used: production of industrial products and consumer goods, trade turnover through all sales channels, provision of paid services to the population, including household ones, foreign economic activity (export and import raw materials, goods, works and services), commissioning of residential buildings at the expense of all sources of financing.

The forecast of socio-economic development of the city of Bobruisk was twice submitted for consideration by the city executive committee, and only on March 16 this year, the main indicators were approved by the session of the city Council of Deputies. After the approval by the session, the most important parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development within a week were brought to the attention of the administrations of urban areas and business entities. However, by this time, 11 industrial enterprises were not informed by the higher authorities (regional and republican levels) of the forecast indicators.

According to the author of the work, the forecast of socio-economic development for the short term should be developed annually and formed at least a month before the start of the forecast period. Forecasts before their approval must be agreed in the sectoral and regional contexts. The solution of this issue is purely organizational in nature and does not require additional financial costs.

The author of the work sees the second important direction of accelerating the socio-economic development of the city in the activation of the process of privatization of state (republican and communal) property.

Until now, despite the adopted Laws and various by-laws, the strategy, technology and mechanism for privatization remain unclear in detail. Approaches to privatization in the republic are constantly changing not only in tactical terms, but also in terms of targets. If at the first stages of privatization (1991-1992) the stake was placed on labor collectives, who were given the priority right to acquire privatization objects, mainly through rent, then in the Law "On denationalization and privatization of state property in Republic of Belarus" the emphasis has shifted towards the so-called "people's" (voucher) privatization.

In the city of Bobruisk in 1934, 13 state-owned enterprises and 2 municipal enterprises changed their form of ownership by transforming them into open joint-stock companies. In 1995, two more open joint-stock companies were formed (OJSC "Canning Plant" and OJSC "Tormolzavod"), in 1996 two more (OJSC "Bobruisk Plant of Vegetable Oils" and OJSC "Bobruiskbytmebel"). In 1997, 3 industrial enterprises (furniture factory named after P.Osipenko, "Spetsavtotekhnika" plant, bakery plant) and one transport enterprise (Bobruisk ATEP) changed their form of ownership and became open joint-stock companies.

The main factors hindering the privatization process are:

  • - Understanding and reducing privatization to a change of ownership of state facilities. Functioning in the national economy, i.e. transformation of state (republican and communal) property into private property. And to a lesser extent, attention is paid to creating conditions for the emergence and development of new subjects (objects) of management of non-state property in addition to functioning subjects (objects) of state property and the creation of equal conditions for competition of all forms of ownership;
  • - weak material and technical base of enterprises (most trade and consumer services enterprises are located in rented premises, which are not subject to sale during privatization), lack of own working capital (property of trade, public catering facilities, as a rule, 80% consists of working capital) .

In general, an assessment of the course and mechanism of privatization of republican and communal property in the city indicates that the process cannot yet be fully called privatization. This is mostly commercialization of enterprises.

Improving the strategy and mechanism for the privatization of the republican and communal property of the city should include the following points:

  • - The privatization strategy should be constructive and multivariate. The content of privatization projects and programs should include the development and thorough justification of a plan for future production and financial development (business plan) and a mechanism for its implementation at any enterprise that ensures the growth of production efficiency;
  • - when conducting privatization, priorities should be given not so much to labor collectives as to active investors, entrepreneurs who will be able to more rationally dispose of property. Both centralized (through the relevant state privatization bodies) and decentralized (when labor collectives themselves choose the method of privatization) privatization should be allowed;

when privatizing the property of state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to use a wide range of methods: public or private sale of shares, sale of enterprise assets, buyout of an enterprise, transfer to use, division or fragmentation of an enterprise, new private investments, privatization through reorganization or liquidation of an enterprise);

Privatization should be carried out on the basis of the Financial Attestation of Enterprises, their financial certification, fixing which objects are subject to liquidation, which restructuring, which - privatization.

In the future, it is proposed to corporatize enterprises of the light and food industries, consumer services and trade.

One of the important tasks of the executive authorities is to create optimal conditions for the formation and development of entrepreneurship as one of the directions of the economic development of the city of Bobruisk.

The main problems hindering the development of entrepreneurship are: the lack of start-up capital and the possibility of using bank loans, the lack and inaccessibility of industrial and non-industrial premises, the low level of entrepreneurs' qualifications.

The main tasks of supporting small business are:

  • - expansion of the system of financial support for small businesses, including concessional lending to business entities, together with the city executive committee, the district administration, agent banks, the provision of gratuitous assistance in areas;
  • - creation of a leasing fund;
  • - preparation of proposals for the formation of a venture fund;
  • - completion of the formation of a local trust fund for non-residential premises to accommodate business entities and their infrastructure, the formation of a city trust fund;
  • - creation of favorable conditions for the use of funds;
  • - creation of a business incubator, a territorial center for entrepreneurship support;
  • - provision of information and educational and methodological support to small business;
  • - ensuring the economic security of small enterprises and the quality of their products.

As noted in the annual Message of the President to the National Assembly, the strategic task of the socio-economic policy of the state is to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources and improve the quality of the employment structure.

The task was set to maintain a high and stable level of employment on the basis of maintaining and creating new jobs, increasing the professional and educational level of workers and labor productivity, and keeping the unemployment rate no higher than 2.2% for the economically active population.

In the city of Bobruisk, the unemployment rate as of 1.01. 2000 was 2.5% (Appendix 6). In order to ensure the fulfillment of the set task and the creation of a regulated and organizational labor (labor) market adequate to the market economy, which is an integral element of the market mechanism, it is proposed to carry out a number of measures in the city aimed at creating new jobs, providing assistance in employment and material support for citizens, development of a system of public works, provision of additional employment guarantees for citizens who are not able to compete on equal terms in the labor market, promotion of self-employment of citizens and support for their entrepreneurial activities, vocational guidance and retraining of the unemployed population:

  • - to create a database of creation of new jobs and vacancies;
  • - intensify work on the creation of new jobs by business entities of various forms of ownership;
  • - organize public works;
  • - annually hold a "Job Fair" and "Training Places Fair";
  • - annually review the quotas for hiring socially unprotected citizens;
  • - more widely practice the allocation of loans and subsidies in order to support the entrepreneurial activity of citizens;
  • - to develop a system of vocational guidance, training and retraining of the unemployed;
  • - develop a regulation on stimulating employers to preserve and create jobs.

Socio-economic measures to ensure labor protection

"... Socio-economic measures - include measures of state incentives for employers and employees to improve the level of labor protection (benefits and compensation for hard work and work in harmful and dangerous working conditions; mandatory social and payment of compensation in case of accidents, wage increases wages, additional holidays, reduced working hours, restrictions on lifting and moving heavy objects, and a number of other benefits and compensations)..."


"Manual on labor protection for a road foreman" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 01.29.2003 N OS-37-r)

Official terminology. 2012 .

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