Russian standard interest on deposits for today. Russian standard bank deposits in

A bank deposit is a relatively low-risk instrument for increasing personal capital and protecting it from inflation. The deposits presented in the product line of Russian Standard Bank are focused on the various preferences of depositors, offering:

  • the possibility of partial withdrawal of invested funds;
  • replenishment during the period of the contract;
  • placement in Russian rubles, US dollars and euros;
  • interest capitalization - every month, quarter or at the end of the term.
  • Features of deposits

    In 2019, the Russian Standard deposit line includes 4 offers for term deposits in rubles and foreign currency, each of which, at the discretion of the client, can be opened at the service office, via the Internet bank or on the official website of the institution.

    1. "Maximum income" - a deposit without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds with payment of interest at the end of the term.
    2. "Pension" - a special product for pensioners with the possibility of replenishment and monthly payment of interest.
    3. "Rentier" - a deposit with the possibility of replenishment and periodic payment of interest.
    4. "Convenient" - a deposit with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds.
  • Deposit card for depositors Russian Standard

    When opening a deposit at the service office, Russian Standard issues a MasterCard Worldwide plastic card to each depositor, which is used:

    • for the transfer of interest;
    • to replenish the current deposit through ATMs;
    • to transfer the amount when closing a deposit or partial withdrawal of funds.
  • Partial withdrawal and early closing of deposits

    Partial withdrawal of invested funds without loss of interest is made only on the "Convenient" deposit, but the amount remaining on the account should not be lower than the level of the established minimum balance.

    In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, the calculation of interest for the entire period is made at a rate of 0.01%. If, under the terms of the agreement, capitalization should be made monthly or quarterly, then the bank will recalculate at the new rate and all previously accrued interest will be deducted.

  • Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kaluga is now difficult to surprise anyone. And when the question arises of a wide range of offers, the final decision on opening an account for individuals must be made based on considerations of accessibility, convenience and reliability. Deposits today are the most accessible in any city in Russia, but they still require a serious approach as a means of protecting and increasing capital.

    Advice: even if there is only a small amount available for investment, the deposit is still worth opening. Firstly, bank deposits protect money from inflation, and secondly, there are many replenishment offers, thanks to which a small amount can be turned into an impressive one and with this help earn a good additional income.

    Deposits of Russian Standard Bank in 2017

    Russian Standard Bank has been operating in the Russian Federation for a long time, and its services and banking products are popular. It is quite simple to take, it is profitable to open a deposit. For 2017, the bank offers 4 deposit options for individuals with high interest rates and the ability to manage through the Internet Bank. All deposits are insured, and when opening any of them, Russian Standard Bank will provide a debit card for interest accrual.

    "Maximum Income"

    Whatever it is, Uralsib, OTP, the "Maximum Income" deposit from Russian Standard can compete with them in its profitability. Currently, with its help, you can make a profit in the amount of 9 to 10% of the invested amount, the minimum of which is 30 thousand rubles. In dollars and euros in the amount of 5 thousand, 1-2% and 1-1.25% are charged, respectively. The most convenient period for keeping funds in the account can be selected from the range from 91 to 720 days. Under these conditions, profit can be accrued only after the expiration of the term. Automatic in case of non-demand of money from the account is provided. The deposit can be opened in the "Internet Bank".

    Advice: You can select and pre-calculate the approximate yield of any bank deposit using a special service on the company's website. To do this, select the "Deposits" menu item. There are similar services for many other banks.


    Today, in 2017, quite a lot, Renaissance Credit, Rosgosstrakh and many others. For those clients of Russian Standard Bank who are fundamentally interested in the possibility of saving, the company has developed a special program "Replenished", which allows you to save and earn on it, increasing your income with each new contribution. You can make replenishment at the bank office, in the Internet Bank, through the terminal or by bank transfer. The minimum amount in Russian rubles is 30 thousand rubles, in dollars and euros - 5 thousand. The interest rate is 9-9.5%, 1.5-2% and 0.75-1.25% for rubles, dollars and euros, respectively. The period is 181-360 days. Interest is paid at the end of the term. The deposit is renewed automatically under the same conditions.


    The Rentier deposit from Russian Standard Bank allows individuals to receive quarterly income in 2017 and produce. The minimum amount that can be invested here is 30 thousand rubles or 5 thousand dollars and euros. In this case, according to the conditions, the depositor will be able to count on interest rates of 8-8.5%, 1-1.5% and 0.5-0.75% for a deposit in each currency, respectively, and for terms from 181 to 360 days. In addition to capitalization, an additional benefit may be the possibility of replenishing the account and automatic prolongation on the same terms.


    The "Convenient" deposit in 2017 can be opened if you have 30 thousand rubles or 10 thousand dollars and euros. Unlike previous programs, this one involves not only replenishment by depositing additional amounts into the account during the entire period, but also the possibility of conducting debit transactions if necessary (up to the amount of the minimum balance). With a period of 91 to 360 days, the interest rate for deposits in rubles also increases - from 7 to 8%, in dollars - from 0.5 to 1% and in euros - up to 0.5%. Earned profit is accrued at the end of the term, and the deposit itself is renewed automatically.

    Russian Standard Bank offers term deposits in national or foreign currency. Interest accrual is possible every month, their capitalization is allowed. There is a savings deposit program with the possibility of increasing the principal amount. Also, the Bank's client can open an expense savings deposit.

    Features of deposits. Deposit programs provided by Russian Standard Bank have the following features:

    • You can open a deposit at the Bank's branch or remotely, if you have a card or other product previously issued at the Bank, when placing a deposit remotely, a reduced initial deposit amount is set;
    • The size of the deposit rate depends on the amount and term of the deposit, as well as on the currency in which it is issued;
    • The increase in the principal amount of the savings deposit can be carried out remotely - using the Internet bank, mobile application or ATM;
    • Interest can be accrued at a time at the end of the term or every month with the possibility of further capitalization or transfer of interest paid to a separate account;
    • Auto-prolongation of the deposit is allowed after the end of its term on the terms of the primary agreement, but not more than 1 time;
    • Placing a deposit in the Bank is also available to foreign citizens, for this they need to provide the following documents: an identification document, for example, a national passport, and its notarized translation into Russian; TIN; a document certifying the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation - a migration card, a residence permit, etc.;
    • The client can place an unlimited number of deposits at the same time;
    • It is allowed to issue a testamentary disposition in the Bank's branch regarding the funds kept on the deposit. The Client has the right to change or cancel his order. The Bank does not charge an additional fee for issuing a document.

    How to open a deposit? Russian Standard Bank provides the following ways of making a deposit:

    • At a branch of the Bank. To conclude a contract, the client needs to have an identification document with him, for example, a general passport. Foreign citizens must provide additional documents according to the list provided on the Bank's website. When opening a deposit in the office, a higher minimum deposit amount applies;
    • Remotely - using the Internet Bank, possibly with a card or other product of the Bank. This method is not provided for by all programs of the Bank.

    Closing the deposit and withdrawing money. The deposit is closed on the last day of the term of the agreement when the client requests funds. The Bank's programs provide for auto-prolongation of the deposit on the terms of the primary agreement. To disable the auto-renewal option, the client needs to contact the Bank's division and fill out the appropriate application, having an identification document with him. Premature termination of the deposit agreement is possible, in this case, the accrued interest is recalculated at the rate of a termless deposit.

    Let's start with the fact that Russian Standard Bank was founded back in 1999, its main shareholder to this day is Russian Standard Company

    Today, this bank occupies an honorable place on a pedestal among the largest financial institutions of national and federal significance. After all, Russian Standard Bank is accustomed to adhere to the highest standards of customer service, as well as corporate ethics and corporate governance. The bank's management is distinguished by the fact that it unquestioningly follows the principles of business management established at the international level. This makes the business of Russian Standard Bank CJSC transparent, and work with it simple and pleasant.

    To ensure transparency and efficiency in making all decisions, as well as the implementation of all business processes, the bank carefully draws up a special policy and a unique management structure. In the conditions of the modern financial market of the country, a highly professional team of managers with rich work experience and high ethical standards remains the main success criteria. And, importantly, with a huge knowledge of the processes taking place in the Russian financial system. Each bank employee considers it his goal to provide open access to the entire range of financial services and, of course, the best level of service. The team of Russian Standard Bank CJSC is convinced that the best international experience in corporate governance, combined with the the best conditions for development and are the main competitive advantages.

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    Russian Standard Bank CJSC is a large retail bank specializing in attracting private individuals' deposits. The bank is one of the leaders in the field of issuing credit cards. Was founded in 1993. Until 1998 it was known as "Agroopttorg". The head office is located in Moscow. The license number is 2289.

    In Russian Standard, interest on deposits is currently the highest, if we take into account offers only from top banks. The maximum income can be obtained by opening an account for a year with a minimum deposit of 30 thousand rubles.

    This page contains basic information on all the bank's offers for depositors: terms, basic conditions, amounts and interest rates. You can also use our deposit calculator and calculate the deposit in Russian Standard online.

    Contact number: 8 800 200-62-00

    Deposits in Russian Standard Bank

    Deposit "Maximum income"

    Today it is the best offer of the bank in terms of profitability. To open, you need to make a deposit of 30 thousand rubles or more. The maximum interest rate is 7% per annum. Interest is paid at the end of the term without capitalization. There is the possibility of auto-renewal, early termination at a demand rate and opening online.

    Deposit "Pension!"

    The minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles. Max. the rate for today is 7% per annum. Interest is paid monthly. There is the possibility of replenishment without restrictions on the amount and auto-renewal.

    Sum Term / Interest rate
    181 days 360 days
    from 10 tr. 7% 7%

    Rentier deposit

    The minimum deposit is 30 thousand rubles. Terms - 181 or 360 days. Interest can be withdrawn or capitalized on a monthly or quarterly basis. The conditions provide for: the possibility of opening through the Internet Bank, auto-prolongation and replenishment. There is no partial withdrawal.

    Sum Term / Interest rate
    181 days 360 days
    from 30 tr. 6.5% 6.75%

    Deposit "Convenient"

    The minimum amount for opening is the same - 30 thousand rubles. Accumulated interest will be paid at the end of the term (without capitalization). The conditions before this are the most convenient: there is the possibility of replenishment, prolongation, partial withdrawal and opening online through the Internet Bank.

    Sum Term / Interest rate
    91 days 181 days 360 days
    from 30 tr. 5.5% 6% 6.5%

    Deposit calculator Russian Standard

    After looking at all the interest on deposits in Russian Standard Bank today and choosing the best of them, use our special deposit calculator to calculate the profitability of a deposit online.

    Fill in all the fields and click on the "Calculate" button. It is important to note that when entering fractional numbers, you must use a comma, not a period (for example: 20.2, not 20.2), otherwise the calculator will not work.

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