Apartment with social mortgage - types, purchase rules, conditions and requirements. Social mortgage (state) How to get an apartment with a social mortgage


Having your own home is the dream of many, but not everyone can realize it. Mortgage lending gives a person a chance to acquire square meters without having the required amount. Not everyone is aware that the Russian state offers benefits to those in social need.

What is a social mortgage

A set of state programs with the help of which it is possible to improve the housing situation for people belonging to vulnerable segments of the population - this is a social mortgage. Many people do not know that state mortgage loans are provided to persons who are officially recognized as in need of housing. These people are not the only ones who can realistically qualify for an affordable mortgage. The program provides an excellent opportunity to purchase their own squares for young families, youth and military personnel, and social workers.

Several social mortgage programs have been developed, from which you can choose the appropriate option:

  • interest rate subsidy;
  • purchase of public housing at a reduced rate;
  • payment of a certain amount from the total price of living space.

Interest rate reduction subsidy

Social mortgage credit lending implies the allocation of a type of subsidy in which the main emphasis is to lower the interest rate on the loan. Similar programs are successfully implemented and provided by commercial banks. They are able to issue loans to citizens at a reduced rate and establish a flexible repayment schedule. After all, for them it makes no difference who pays the interest - the borrower or the state.

Partial payment for housing by the state

A very popular program among low-income people. Its essence is simple: the state pays off part of the cost of housing, only the money is given not to the future owner of the square meters, but directly to the lending financial institution, which, after deducting this amount, calculates the loan payments for the borrower.

Purchasing housing from the state

This form of social lending provides for the purchase of living space from existing housing stock. The form is used to sell housing to certain groups of citizens. Applies to employees of certain structures:

  • military personnel;
  • some categories of civil servants, etc.

Mortgage benefits

As part of the state program, you can receive mortgage benefits in the form of the following options:

  • Cash compensation, which can reach 70% of the price of housing purchased under the program. This indicator depends on the amount included in local budget to finance social mortgages.
  • Compensation of interest and principal of the loan. As a rule, benefits are provided for the first few years and are reduced each subsequent year.
  • Benefit that requires payment of a portion down payment.
  • Providing a social mortgage at a special rate from a specific organization that has the ability to issue a loan.

Who is entitled to a social mortgage?

There are certain requirements to receive a loan. State mortgage provided to those in need and living in housing recognized as unsuitable for habitation, unsafe or subject to demolition. If we single out other groups of citizens who are covered by the social mortgage, then young families where the spouses have not reached 35 years of age will be added to those named.

Large families with 3 or more dependent children also have the right to become full participants in the social program. Loans will be issued to employees who participated in hostilities in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Syria and defended the honor of the country budgetary organizations, young professionals, employees and employees government agencies authorities, scientists and a number of other categories participating in the state program to improve housing conditions.

Social mortgage for a young family

Young families have the right to look forward to purchasing their own home by using a preferential loan. Mortgages for young families offer newlyweds to receive a bonus from the state, which is equal to 30% of the total price of the purchased property, if they have not yet had a child. If there are children, then the state will compensate 35% of the amount. When a social mortgage has already been issued and the newlyweds have a baby, the state will help in this case as well. The family is entitled to a subsidy equal to at least 5% of the total housing price.

Cash is not issued to the young family - the spouses receive a special certificate, which is presented at the financial institution when receiving a loan, and the state transfers the funds directly to the bank. Newlyweds have the right to choose how it is convenient for them to spend this benefit. It can be used to pay off part of the down payment, pay part of the cost of the home, or pay the closing payment.

Social mortgage for the poor

Not all people have the opportunity to buy their own home due to the lack of not only the necessary funds, but also the opportunity to earn them. Mortgages for low-income families are an opportunity that helps such citizens become owners of their own squares. To obtain a loan, you must prove that the citizen or family is low-income. Options for provision Money are the same as for all other citizens who need living space.

Social mortgage for state employees

Although the income of employees of budgetary organizations is stable, it cannot be said that it is high. Not all banks are ready to lend them funds to purchase housing. The state has developed a special program for them, which is called social mortgage for public sector employees. Preferential mortgage for young professionals budgetary institutions is allocated for a period of 25 years and has its own characteristics inherent in this loan product.

Not all workers in this field can take advantage of the social mortgage for public sector employees, but only those who are considered valuable specialists. These include teachers, doctors, scientists. In addition, they must need to obtain their own square meters. The state requires employees not to change their field of activity throughout the entire term of the mortgage loan.

How to get a social mortgage

It may seem simple to arrange preferential loan. Firstly, it is worth knowing that each region has its own conditions for obtaining a social mortgage, so it would be a good idea to ask the competent authorities about the benefits provided. Secondly, a person applying for a social mortgage must be in line to improve their living conditions.

Where to apply for a social mortgage

In order for the social mortgage program to start working, the applicant needs to contact the administration at the place of residence and the bank that will act as the lender, since there may be certain nuances when obtaining a loan. In the Moscow region it is much easier to become a participant in the program than in Moscow itself. Some commercial banks may set their own requirements for future borrowers, such as work experience or minimum income. All this should be taken into account before applying.

What documents are needed to obtain a mortgage loan?

The list of documents may vary, but there are certain documents required to obtain mortgage loan, which will definitely require from each applicant:

  • documents giving the right to apply for a loan;
  • certificates demonstrating income;
  • documents that confirm identity;
  • documents showing work experience;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • mortgage application;
  • other documents that the bank may request.

State mortgage lending program

It is worth knowing that all proposed social programs for the purchase of housing as part of state support for those in need only imply assistance in partial debt repayment different ways, but not payment of the full cost of the purchased housing. The program applies to citizens who do not own personal housing. In addition, people living in communal apartments, dormitories, rental housing and citizens who own less than 14 square meters per person can count on help.

Every year the state reviews the amount of money allocated, so it depends on how much money those in need can receive. The program stipulates that the maximum age limit for men is fixed at 60 years. Women can benefit from the upper age limit of 55 years. Some banks, such as Sberbank, have increased this parameter to 75 years. The contract is concluded exclusively in rubles for the construction of new housing or the purchase of an apartment on the secondary market.

As part of the program, the borrower will be asked to insure the purchased housing for the entire term of the loan, as well as to provide insurance personal life. Several banks (metropolitan and regional) work with the state lending program, which are partners of AHML - Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending:

  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • Bank opening;
  • VTB 24;
  • Gazprombank;
  • TranscapitalBank;
  • UralSib.

Mortgage conditions for a young family

The age of 35 years is the requirement for applicants, but some banks have increased this figure. Young people must be part of a registered union and be registered as needy. According to the terms of the mortgage for young families, the loan is issued based on a housing area of ​​40 meters, if the family consists of 2 people, but if it is larger, then the calculation is based on 18 meters per person.

Social mortgage for doctors

In each individual region, mortgages for doctors have their own nuances. It is noteworthy that the program covers not only doctors, but also nurses - everyone who has a higher or secondary specialized medical education. A prerequisite for workers in the field will be the need to work in the region where they plan to purchase housing under a social mortgage for at least 5 years.

One of the hallmarks of this program for medical personnel is the low initial payment. Today it is 10%. In addition, the rate on social mortgage loans for doctors at Sberbank and other banks is lower than for ordinary citizens. The age limit is still 35 years. A specialist must stand in line for those in need, which is confirmed by a certain document.

Housing mortgage for military personnel

Military mortgage- this is also called social mortgage to the military. For this category of citizens, the best conditions are offered, but the only thing a military man needs to do is to be a participant in the savings and mortgage system (NIS) for at least 3 years, from which the military receives loans. To receive a loan, you must provide a certificate, which can be obtained by writing a report to the unit commander.

Preferential mortgages for young professionals

Young specialists are considered to be graduates of educational institutions who have worked in their specialty for a year. Social mortgage for young professionals depends on the profile educational institution which they graduated from (medical, military, etc.). For young people, not only a preferential loan rate is provided, but also a flexible repayment schedule. Recalculation of the interest rate is possible in connection with a new addition to the borrower's family - the birth of a child. In addition, specialists can take advantage of maternity capital.

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Social mortgage - who is entitled to it. Conditions of social government mortgage lending programs

The housing issue in Russia is particularly acute. It is almost impossible for most citizens to purchase it by any means other than a mortgage. This problem is especially relevant for young families and socially vulnerable citizens. According to statistics Pension Fund same maternal capital 95% is spent on purchasing real estate.

Therefore, the government has developed a special housing lending program for the population, which includes the so-called social mortgage.

What is social and preferential mortgage

First of all, such a mortgage is designed to help socially vulnerable segments of the population purchase real estate on preferential terms or improve their living conditions.

In other words, this government program gives a real chance to acquire housing for citizens with low incomes. These primarily include public sector workers, large and young families.

How exactly it differs from the usual one, and how to get it - see below.


  1. Opportunity to get bank loan at preferential rates.
  2. The right to receive targeted subsidies from the regional budget is given;
  3. Buying a home at a significant price below market. However, it is worth noting that the property will be economy class. The state is not obligated to spend budget funds on luxury housing.
  4. The down payment when purchasing a residential property will be calculated at the minimum rate.
  5. The interest rate will be provided by a federal subsidy in the form of compensation. The fact is that the loan social mortgage can be obtained under 12% per annum, whereas before the introduction of the program interest rate in banks it was about 15%. It is clear that this is not profitable for banks. And so that they do not suffer a loss, the state compensates them for the difference.
  6. Opportunity deferred payment(“credit holidays”).


The main purpose of the program is that it should help those citizens who do not have large incomes, but are in dire need of housing. The fact that such lending is most beneficial for the poor can be seen based on these data:

  • person caught under preferential lending pays only 30% of the cost of the purchased property;
  • 30%-40%, and sometimes even half (it all depends on which category of poor the borrower belongs to) of the cost is covered by government subsidies;
  • A mortgage loan is issued for the remainder.

The implementation of this social program is beneficial to absolutely everyone: a citizen in need of housing gets a chance to celebrate a housewarming party, banks receive a huge number of potential clients, inexpensive housing in new buildings is actively being purchased, thereby stimulating the development of the construction industry.

Another important advantage of mortgage lending for socially vulnerable citizens is the fact that they are given additional guarantees by the bank:

  • they take care of checking legal purity transactions;
  • provide insurance protection not only real estate, but also the life of the borrower himself;
  • provide an agreement where they undertake don't raise interest rates until the end of the agreement.

In fairness, it should be noted flaws, which the social mortgage has. First of all, due to the long term of the contract, the overpayment for housing increases significantly, which in other cases can reach 100%. Also, a person applying for a preferential mortgage incurs significant costs associated with the services of a notary and specialists from an appraisal company. In addition, deductions go to the bank that draws up the agreement - for processing the application, for maintaining a loan account, etc.

Who can claim benefits

Under the terms of the program, preferential loans can be applied primarily to citizens living in unsuitable housing conditions and at the same time necessarily on a waiting list for housing at their place of residence. The category of citizens whose places of residence are officially recognized as unsuitable for this, as well as persons living in dilapidated houses or those subject to demolition, also have the legal right to do this. These requirements are mandatory for all applicants.

In addition, the following can count on receiving government subsidies:

  • young families with dependent children, where the spouses have not reached 35 years of age;
  • large families with three or more children;
  • persons who participated in combat operations in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria;
  • young contract workers, participants in the housing program;
  • employees of budgetary organizations (schools, hospitals, research centers and academies).

The size of the mortgage loan will directly depend on the borrower’s solvency and monthly income. If this income is small, then the citizen can include other people (friends, relatives) in the contract who will act as co-borrowers. In this case, the bank may decide to increase the loan amount.

Conditions and required documents

Because this Government program, then there are certain conditions for receiving assistance: to be a citizen of Russia, to have work experience, permanent registration, and an unblemished credit history with banks. The registration procedure is simple - a corresponding application is written to local authorities, which are obliged to consider it (taking into account the above conditions) within three days.

If the issue is resolved positively, you will need to provide the following package of documents:

  1. application for a preferential mortgage;
  2. identification document;
  3. a copy of the work book and a certificate from the place of work;
  4. income certificate;
  5. a document confirming the fact that the citizen really needs housing;
  6. military ID;
  7. children's birth certificates.

Programs for young families, conditions

To receive government assistance, a young family must meet the following parameters:

  • age under 30 years;
  • There must be a document confirming that the family really needs a solution to the housing problem;
  • the family must have the financial ability to repay the required part of the loan or have a satisfactory monthly income to make payment under the agreement.

Features of the program for military personnel

This category of citizens housing problem is called upon to solve a special project of the state “Military Mortgage”. The point of this project is that every year a certain amount will be credited to a serviceman’s personal savings account. The amount is determined by the government of the country, but the entire amount received from the state can be equal to 2.2 million rubles.

These funds can be used not only after the expiration of the contract, but also directly during service. Of course, you are allowed to spend this money only on the purchase or construction of residential premises.

An important fact: depending on the financial situation in the country or sharp jump inflation, funds will be indexed accordingly.

How can young professionals get subsidized housing?

This large category of citizens is also taken into account in the social program. To qualify for preferential subsidies, they must work at least 150 shifts in construction teams. Only after this they will have the opportunity to buy real estate at a price much lower than the market price. However, this type of lending is currently only available in a few regions of the country.

Conditions for participation in regional programs

In addition to the preferential mortgage program operating throughout the country, local and regional programs are also being developed. Depending on the region, they may have slight differences, but are mainly implemented according to two schemes:

  • local authorities build real estate with their own funds, then sell them to mortgage participants at cost;
  • citizens of the preferential category receive one-time subsidies for making a down payment on a loan, and then all payments are made at the prices and tariffs of a commercial mortgage.

Purchasing housing with government assistance has many options. For example, you can apply a combined scheme: use funds from a maternity certificate together with a mortgage program for a young family.

Current information on video: how to apply for a social mortgage

Latest information in news material from Channel 360. How to get a social mortgage in the Moscow region - on video.

Social mortgages in Moscow in 2020 are an effective way to improve living conditions. This will allow residents of the capital to purchase residential real estate by concluding a purchase and sale transaction involving preferential payments. You do not need to visit numerous branches of Moscow banks: a list of social mortgage agreements is presented on the website.

Conditions for obtaining a social mortgage in Moscow

Now there are several options for social mortgage agreements:

  • obtaining a loan on preferential terms low interest. According to government support programs (the difference is paid by the state), the interest rate of these loans is between 10.6% (with a down payment of at least 30% and 11.1% (with a down payment of 10%). Payments under the longest agreement can be made by the client up to 30 years.
  • Bank social mortgage - offers with a lower or higher interest rate..
  • The third group of contracts is concluded for state apartments with a social mortgage at a price below the market price. This mortgage is issued through an agent bank.

If you have debt on a social mortgage in 2020, you should apply for a reduction in the level of payments or an increase in the term of the contract using the online application service on the website.

Welcome! Today we will find out what a social mortgage is and who can get it. How to apply for a social mortgage. How banks and social mortgages interact. Read the post to the end and you will find out all the news of 2020 on this topic.

You can acquire your own housing using your own funds, if you have any, or you can resort to the help of banks and use mortgage lending. But what if your income does not allow you to use any of these methods? Social mortgage comes to the rescue. It is precisely this that exists in our country to solve the housing problem of citizens with average and low incomes.

What is the difference between a regular loan and a preferential loan? The first one is issued commercial bank to the client who repays the loan and interest on it own funds. It follows that the consumer can only rely on his own strength. At the same time, the annual rate for using borrowed funds and the down payment will be quite large. The social mortgage agreement will include a third party to the agreement - the state. Here his role is to support the interests of both parties: reimbursing the bank for its commercial benefits and providing citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable housing.

Social mortgage lending is a government program, which is implemented at the subject level. Therefore, in each region it has its own characteristics, which can be found out in the local authorities at the place of residence, or in the AHML.

What is the point of social media? The point is that the housing and social mortgage will be issued with some kind of support state budget. And how much depends on which category of beneficiaries you qualify for. In essence, social mortgage is a complex concept that includes a number of government support programs for the population as part of solving the housing issue. They are very often confused and mixed into one concept.

The concept of “social mortgage” should be divided into a number of derivatives:

  • Social mortgage in banks and partners of AHML (mortgage that provides a number of benefits on the rate, mortgage term, size of the monthly allowance, etc. to employees of socially significant and budgetary institutions, as well as large families).
  • Subprogram “Housing for the Russian Family” (allows you to get a discount on an apartment from development companies that participate in the program, those in need of improved housing, low-income people and, again, state employees of various levels, as well as young families with children. The mortgage rate remains within the framework of the bank’s standard programs ).
  • Subprogram “Young Family” federal and local level(you must receive a certificate of participation in the program in order for you to be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, then the state will provide a subsidy for the purchase of housing up to 35% of the cost of the apartment).
  • Regional subsidies (for example, the Republic of Tatarstan, where there is a reduced interest rate on mortgages and a discount on housing).
  • State support programs for military personnel, maternity capital.

In certain cases, state assistance will amount to 10-50% of the cost of the apartment. There are regional subsidies that reimburse 100 percent of the price of housing, and the citizen only has to pay interest to the bank. For young people, such support can amount to 30%, and for young families with children – 35% of the market value of the home.

The following conditions of social mortgage exist:

  • Lowest interest rate possible. Today, it is 7.55%;
  • Minimum down payment 10%;
  • Longer loan term;
  • Subsidies from budgets of different levels to reimburse part of the cost of housing. One example is compensation of monthly social mortgage contributions for some state employees during the entire loan term;
  • Deferment of payment or restructuring. In different cases from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • Reducing the monthly payment by refinancing;
  • Construction of economy-class real estate with state support and its sale at preferential prices to certain categories of citizens;
  • One-time subsidies for improving housing conditions. One such example is maternity capital.

Who can get it

Who is eligible? Many citizens are unaware of the opportunity that exists for them to acquire housing on preferential terms. To do this, you need to know who can get a social mortgage.

You can expect to receive in 2020:

  • large families;
  • single-parent families whose income fell by 30%;
  • disabled people and families raising disabled children;
  • young families under 35 years of age with and without children;
  • some categories of doctors, teachers and scientists;
  • employees of scientific municipal and government institutions;
  • workers of science cities;
  • military participants in the accumulation system;
  • combat veterans;
  • Young professionals;
  • workers of culture, social protection and employment institutions;
  • specialists from sports organizations;
  • workers of the military-industrial complexes;
  • the poor.

Program participants are solvent working citizens of the Russian Federation who have stable income and capable of obtaining a loan, i.e. meet the conditions for its provision; having accumulated funds for a down payment. Their credit history must be positive. They must be a recognized need for housing improvement or emergency fund residents (for a number of subprograms). For public sector employees, it is required to have a professional work experience of three years or more in government agencies. The Housing Social Mortgage Fund covers citizens from 18 to 54 years of age with a continuous work experience in one place of at least six months. Military personnel who have served at least ten years. More detailed conditions should be considered for specific programs.

How to apply

First of all, you need to make sure that you are included in any category of beneficiaries. Depending on the type of program, contact the authorities and/or the bank first. If so, then the next step is to collect necessary documents.

The basic list of these includes:

  • application for a social mortgage;
  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • certificate from the place of work about income in form 2NDFL;
  • a certified copy of all sheets of the work book;
  • a document confirming the applicant’s need for housing or improved living conditions;
  • a document stating that you are in line to resolve the housing issue with local authorities;
  • an extract from the house register or a certificate of family composition;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • children's birth certificates.

This list is basic and basic for all categories of beneficiaries and is supplemented depending on which social program suits you. You can find out more about what other documents are needed from other articles on our website.

You will need a special certificate in order to become a participant in the Young Family program in 2020. You must notify local authorities and the bank of your intention to receive a preferential loan to purchase an apartment and be included in the final list.

When the lists of such participants are formed, the municipal government receives money from the budget for subsidies and distributes them. By that time, you will need to provide a loan agreement already drawn up with the bank.

Banks and social mortgages

A mortgage for military personnel involves opening a registered savings account. The state transfers certain amounts to it monthly, which are regularly indexed. The money can subsequently be used to purchase housing. Can be used both during service and after leaving the reserve. In 2020, such a product is available to all young officers, even those who already own real estate. Several banks are engaged in lending to military personnel under the NIS.

And other points were discussed in our last post. You can also use our credit calculator for calculation.

The advantage is that a decision is made within three days with a minimum package of documents. The only requirement for the borrower is a period of service of at least three years.

To find out the monthly loan payment, use our website.

The social mortgage “Building the Future” operates in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc.). The essence of the program is that a family joins the “Building the Future” cooperative and then participates in an auction of apartments, offering their own reasonable price for them. The family that offers the highest price will win the competition and receive ownership of the apartment at a reduced price. Social mortgage Building the future is available in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, for example, 90% of the population.

The social mortgage “Building the Future” is issued under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on the following conditions: Rate from 7% per annum; Down payment from 10% of the loan amount; Duration from 20 to 28.5 years. To draw up an agreement, you should contact AK Bars Bank, Kara Altyn Bank, Sberbank of Russia.

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the most favorable conditions for rates are offered by VTB24 Bank (this is 9.4% per annum for using a loan and the down payment is only 10% for any convenient loan term), Rosbank, and the Mortgage Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. For selection credit organization and more favorable conditions for yourself, use our mortgage calculator.

Rosselkhozbank has developed a special credit product– rural mortgage in Russia. It was created to provide assistance to young professionals living in rural areas. It implies that part of the debt is repaid from the federal budget, another part is allocated by the region, part by the local agricultural producer, and the remaining small share is paid by the employee himself. This is one of the few banks that does not refuse to give loans to clients from the province due to the low value of collateral.

Lending terms:

  • rate from 11.5% to 13.5% per year;
  • no down payment;
  • the amount is within 3 million rubles;
  • period from 1 year to 25 years;
  • no guarantors required;
  • the borrower's age is over 18 years;
  • confirmation of the amount of income using a 2NDFL certificate or a bank form.

Knowing the terms of the loan and the cost of the desired apartment, you can calculate the size of the monthly payment using our mortgage calculator.

How to get a social mortgage in 2020 can be found in DOM.RF. This is the main organization entrusted by the government with the implementation of state social programs to provide the population of the Russian Federation with their own housing and improve living conditions. DOM.RF implements programs such as “Housing for the Russian Family”, issues products such as “Military Mortgage”, “Social Mortgage for Doctors, Teachers and Scientists”, and also implements a program to assist borrowers.

Advantages of DOM.RF:

  • Annual rates here start at 10.95%.
  • Down payment of 10% of the loan amount.
  • The maximum possible term is up to 30 years.
  • The loan amount is not limited.
  • There are no additional insurances, that is, only the purchased property and the borrower’s liability under the contract are insured.
  • Maternity capital funds are used.
  • If the payer encounters financial difficulties, a reduction in the monthly contribution is provided.
  • Opportunity to buy an apartment thirty percent cheaper than a similar segment in an accredited project.

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