What is called construction production? Material elements of construction processes

§ 3. About construction work

The process of constructing (constructing) an object is called construction production; it includes a number of construction and installation works.

Construction and installation work is a set of works performed at a construction site (facility), the result of which are erected structures and structures. Construction and installation work is a series of construction labor processes carried out in relation to specific and continuously changing conditions in order to obtain construction products, i.e. finished buildings or structures. Simple labor processes are performed by workers of one profession, complex ones are performed simultaneously by workers of different professions. For example, a link of masons performs a simple process - laying masonry, and a complex team consisting not only of masons, but also workers of other professions - a complex (integrated) construction process - erects brick walls of a building.

Depending on the purpose, construction labor processes are divided into main, auxiliary and transport. The main ones include processes that result in the creation of parts of structures or structures, i.e., construction products; to auxiliary - processes with the help of which construction products are not created, but they are necessary to carry out the main processes; to transport - work on moving materials and finished parts to the facility under construction and to the workplace. Transport processes performed during the procurement of materials and parts at workplaces are also called procurement processes.

The construction labor process is a set of operations.

A work operation is a part of the construction process in which the subject, tools and composition of performers do not change. An operation, as the simplest organizationally indivisible and technologically homogeneous work, does not produce a finished product, but is necessary to obtain it, for example, laying out bricks on a wall. Construction workers have to perform a series of operations one after another or even combine them into one continuous process in order to complete any type of work.

Work operations and construction labor processes can be mechanized or manual. So, you can dig trenches with an excavator (mechanized process) and manually; apply mastic insulation to the insulated surface - manually with brushes and mechanically - by spraying using a compressor nozzle.

Mechanized work includes work performed with both partial and complex mechanization; complex mechanized work is performed by a set of machines, mechanisms and installations that ensure the mechanization of all heavy and labor-intensive processes and are selected in such a way that as a result of their joint work the highest efficiency is achieved. modern level of technology labor productivity. For example, digging a pit with an excavator with loading soil into dump trucks and subsequent mixing of the soil into the dump truck dump is a complex mechanized process.

A radical increase in the technical and economic level of construction production and the achievement of the highest labor productivity is possible only when construction is carried out using industrial methods. The industrialization of construction is understood as the organization of construction production using complex mechanized processes for the construction of buildings and structures and progressive construction methods with the widespread use of prefabricated structures with a high degree of factory readiness.

Not one worker, but a group of workers takes part in the construction process. A group of workers performing a set of operations that add up to a simple construction process is called a unit. Each work unit is assigned a specific workplace - an area near the structure being erected, equipped with the necessary technical means, in which the labor activity of a performer or a group of performers jointly performing one job or operation takes place. The organization of the workplace must be such that it is convenient for the worker to work and that he does not make unproductive movements when he needs to take materials or products, tools, etc.

One of the main tasks of organizing the work of units is to ensure

baking of each worker evenly and continuously for

job changes. For this purpose, each link is provided with a separate

nal area of ​​work, the dimensions of which are determined from the condition

loading a unit on it during a shift without moving to others

areas and without rearranging scaffolding or other devices.

Such areas of work are called plots.

The part of the building under construction, on which the team carries out a certain construction process for a certain time, is called an occupation.

At each site, due to its limited size, a work front is allocated, within which workers with the mechanisms issued to them carry out their work. In masonry, the front of the masons' work is the area intended for the work of a team or team during a shift.

The essence of any production is its production process. Production processes carried out at a construction site are called construction processes (for example, installation of a greenhouse, excavation of a pit with an excavator, etc.). As a result of the sequential implementation of construction processes, construction products are created in the form of buildings and structures. When studying construction processes, they are classified according to technological characteristics into procurement, transport and installation and laying.

Procurement processes: production of construction materials, semi-finished products (prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, mortar, etc.) at specialized enterprises, as well as at construction sites (on-site concrete mortar plants, mobile bitumen mixing units, etc.).

Transport processes: delivery of building materials, products and structures to the construction site and their supply directly to work sites.

Installation and laying processes are carried out directly at the facility under construction. According to their purpose, they can be main, creating construction products (brickwork of walls, installation of structures, etc.), preparatory (preparing surfaces for painting, enlarged assembly of structures before installation) and auxiliary (installation of scaffolding, scaffolding).

Depending on the specifics of the technology, the latter processes are divided into continuous, when the component work operations follow one after another, and discontinuous, requiring a technological break between individual operations (curing concrete in formwork, applying layers of plaster). According to their role in the production cycle, installation and laying processes are classified as leading and combined. Those that determine the technological sequence and timing of manufacturing construction products are called leading, and the processes carried out in parallel with them are called compatible. Combining processes helps reduce construction duration.

Construction processes are also distinguished by the method of labor actions: manual, mechanized, complex-mechanized and automated.

According to the degree of organizational complexity, construction processes are divided into simple and complex (complex).

A simple process is a set of technologically related work operations that are performed by the same team of performers (installation of foundation blocks, driving piles, etc.).

A complex process is a set of simple processes that are technologically and organizationally dependent and connected by the unity of the final product. For example, a complex process - the construction of a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation - consists of the following simple processes: installation of formwork, installation of reinforcement, concreting, maintenance of concrete.

Construction work is a set of construction processes that result in the creation of a certain type of construction product.

They are usually named according to the type of materials processed (earth, stone, etc.), according to the structural elements being erected (pile, roofing, etc.), according to the process performed (installation, transport, etc.). Construction work is divided into general construction (earth, pile, stone, concrete, etc.), performed by general construction enterprises (organizations, companies) and special (plumbing, electrical installation, installation of technological equipment, etc.) , carried out by specialized enterprises (organizations, firms).

The basis for the scientific organization of construction processes are technological maps. They are developed on the basis of current standards (SNiP, GOSTs, instructions) taking into account best practices in construction. Based on standard design solutions for buildings and structures, standard technological maps are developed, which are linked to local conditions. The structure of the technological map consists of the following sections:

1) “Scope of application” contains characteristics of the structural elements of buildings and structures, types of processes, their composition, characteristics of production conditions;

2) “Organization and technology for performing work” is the main one and includes: requirements for the completeness of preparatory work, the recommended composition of machinery and equipment, graphic material containing diagrams of structural elements, diagrams of complex mechanization and arrangement of machinery and equipment, technological diagrams on the arrangement of structural elements, storage schemes for materials and structures, recommendations on the performance of work and the composition of the team;

3) “Requirements for quality and acceptance of work” contains control schemes or instructions for monitoring and assessing the quality of work (in tabular form);

4) “Calculation of labor costs, machine time and wages”;

5) “Work production schedule” is compiled using labor cost calculation data;

6) “Material and technical resources.” It provides data on the need for tools, equipment and devices, as well as materials, semi-finished products and structures to perform the volume of work provided for in the calculation;

7) “Safety” contains safety decisions requiring design development, specific measures and rules related to the processes of this technological map, with reference to SNiP and other regulatory documents;

8) “Technical and economic indicators” are compiled according to the calculation of labor costs and the work schedule and the accepted meter of the final product. They include: labor costs of workers according to the calculation results, man-hours; standard costs of machine time based on the calculation results, machine hours; workers' wages based on calculation results, rub. cop.; wages of a machine operator based on calculation results, rub. cop.; duration of work according to schedule, shifts; the output of one worker per shift, determined by dividing the numerical value of the final product indicator by the standard labor costs per person-shift; mechanization costs, rub. cop.; the amount of measured costs, determined by the sum of workers' wages and costs and mechanization, rub. cop.

Technological maps make it possible to develop in advance technological standards for the construction of certain types of buildings and structures, to regulate the sequence of construction processes, the means of mechanization used, the composition of teams and the organization of their work.

Construction production is an interconnected complex of construction and installation works and processes that ensures expanded reproduction through the creation and renewal of fixed assets. It covers processes associated with the construction of new buildings and structures, as well as the expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and repair of existing enterprises, buildings and structures.

Organization of construction production is an interconnected system of preparation for the implementation of certain types of work, establishing and ensuring a general order, sequence and timing of work, supplying all types of resources to ensure the efficiency and quality of performing certain types of work and construction of the facility.

General requirements for the organization of construction production are currently established by SNiP “Organization of construction production”.

Construction production, like any industry, has its own history, which goes back to the distant past. People have always strived to improve their lives and erected buildings. The level of construction evidenced the development of the country, the well-being of its people and the professional abilities of civil engineers and architects.

Architectural landmarks that have survived to this day often amaze with their grandeur, bold engineering solutions and perfection of construction technologies.

Therefore, when studying the construction business, it is advisable to get acquainted with the history of the development of this industry, with its high points and decline, the factors that give impetus to the development of construction and the reasons that slow down this development.

The successful implementation of the course of development of the construction industry in Ukraine is facilitated by measures to improve the organization and technology of construction production, the introduction of new management methods, and solving problems with financing construction.

The purpose of construction production and its final products is the construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities, energy, transport, agriculture, etc.

The term “construction” includes the following concepts:

construction is an industry in which fixed assets for production and non-production purposes are created;

construction is the process of erecting buildings and structures, as well as work on their reconstruction and repair.

Main directions of construction:

New construction;



Repair and restoration.

The basis of construction is construction technology consisting of:

Technologies for the construction of buildings and structures;

Technologies of construction processes.

The construction of buildings and structures occurs as a result of construction work, which differs in:

Production method (mechanized, semi-mechanized, manual);

Type of materials used (earth, concrete, roofing, waterproofing, etc.);

Areas of application (industry, agriculture, hydropower, etc.).

Construction work consists of construction processes taking place on a construction site. A work process is a set of technologically related work operations performed by one team of performers, for example, installation of wall panels, laying of covering slabs, etc.

Construction processes are main, auxiliary and transport.

Based on technological characteristics, construction processes are classified into:

Procurement (related to the extraction and processing of local building materials - clay, sand, sand-gravel mixture, stone, etc.);

Transport (ensuring the delivery of building materials, semi-finished products, equipment to the construction site);

Preparatory (carried out during the preparation of a construction site, the construction of temporary structures and facilities for the material and production base of construction);

Installation and laying (related directly to the installation of structures and laying of building materials at the site).

According to the degree of complexity, construction processes are:



A complex process is a set of simultaneously carried out processes that are in direct organizational dependence and connected by the unity of the final product.

By importance in production:



By degree of mechanization:



The vertical division of the construction process can be illustrated as follows:

Every construction process consists of technological operations. A technologically homogeneous and organizationally indivisible element of the construction process is called a work operation.

Technological (working) operations are divided into:


Machine and aggregate.

Each work operation consists of several, closely interconnected, working techniques, which in turn consist of individual movements.

General construction work includes a set of works that result in unfinished construction products in the form of the so-called box of a building or structure.

Special work is carried out after the completion of general construction work or in parallel with it.

When constructing buildings, it is customary to group work into stages, which are called cycles. At the end of the preparatory construction period, work is carried out - underground, above-ground and finishing cycles.

All construction work must be carried out in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the basic construction law - state building codes (DBN) and current building codes and regulations (BNiP). In development and for specification regarding local conditions, design and technological documentation is being developed:

Construction Organization Project (COP);

Work execution project (WPP).

The construction of buildings, structures and their complexes is carried out according to approved design and estimate documentation, which is developed by the design organization on the basis of a design assignment issued by the developer. Deviations from the project must be agreed upon with the design organization.

Modern construction production is developing according to the principles of industrialization - the introduction of large-scale machine production, the transfer of most auxiliary operations to factory conditions.

Market relations place special demands on product quality, since it is one of the main factors influencing the efficiency and profitability of a completed construction project and ensures its reliability and durability.

Different types of construction and installation work (CEM) are performed by workers of different professions and specialties.

A profession is an occupation that requires special training and is determined by the type and nature of the work performed.

A specialty is a concept “narrower” than a profession. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Engaged in Construction and Repair and Construction Work (ETKS) contains 179 professions and 276 specialties of construction workers.

The level of professional preparedness of a worker is determined by his qualifications. The qualification indicator is the rank assigned to a worker in accordance with the requirements given for each profession and specialty in the ETKS.

To successfully complete construction work, workers are united into teams and units. Brigades can be specialized (a team of plasterers or painters) and complex, performing different types of work and containing specialized units.

The space within which the structure being built, the worker with his tool or mechanism and the necessary material is located, is called the workplace.

The volume that is allocated to a unit to perform a shift task is called a section, and the brigade is called a capture. The total length of jobs allocated to a unit or team is called the work front.

The process of constructing (constructing) an object is called construction production; it includes a number of construction and installation works.

Construction and installation works- this is a set of works performed at a construction site (facility), the result of which is the erected structures of a building and structure. Construction and installation work is a series of construction labor processes carried out in relation to specific and continuously changing conditions in order to obtain construction products, i.e. finished buildings or structures.

Simple labor processes are performed by workers of one profession, complex ones are performed simultaneously by workers of different professions. For example, a team of masons performs a simple process - laying masonry, and a complex team consisting not only of masons, but also workers of other professions - a complex (integrated) construction process - erects brick walls of a building.

Depending on the purpose, construction labor processes are divided into main, auxiliary and transport. The main ones include processes that result in the creation of parts of structures or structures, i.e., construction products; to auxiliary - processes with the help of which construction products are not created, but they are necessary to carry out the main processes; to transport - work on moving materials and finished parts to the facility under construction and to the workplace. Transport processes performed during the procurement of materials and parts at workplaces are also called procurement processes.

The construction labor process is a set of operations.

A work operation is a part of the construction process in which the subject, tools and composition of performers do not change. An operation, as the simplest organizationally indivisible and technologically homogeneous work, does not produce a finished product, but is necessary to obtain it, for example, laying out bricks on a wall. Construction workers have to perform a series of operations one after another or even combine them into one continuous process in order to complete any type of work.

Work operations and construction labor processes can be mechanized or manual. So, digging trenches can be done with an excavator (mechanized process) and manually; applying mastic insulation to the insulated surface - manually with brushes and mechanically - by spraying using a compressor nozzle.

Mechanized work includes work performed with both partial and complex mechanization; complex-mechanized work is performed by a set of machines, mechanisms and installations that ensure the mechanization of all heavy and labor-intensive processes and are selected in such a way that as a result of their joint work the highest efficiency is achieved. modern level of technology labor productivity. For example, digging a pit with an excavator with loading soil into dump trucks and then moving the soil to a dump by dump trucks is a complex mechanized process.

A radical increase in the technical and economic level of construction production and the achievement of the highest labor productivity is possible only when construction is carried out using industrial methods. The industrialization of construction is understood as the organization of construction production using complex mechanized processes for the construction of buildings and structures and progressive construction methods with the widespread use of prefabricated structures with a high degree of factory readiness.

Not one worker, but a group of workers takes part in the construction process. A group of workers performing a set of operations that add up to a simple construction process is called link. Each working level is assigned a specific workplace- an area near the structure being erected, equipped with the necessary technical means, in which the labor activity of a performer or a group of performers is carried out, jointly performing one job or operation. The organization of the workplace must be such that it is convenient for the worker to work and that he does not make unproductive movements when he needs to take materials or products, tools, etc.

One of the main tasks of organizing the work of units is to provide each worker with uniform and continuous work during the shift. To do this, each unit is provided with a separate work area, the dimensions of which are determined from the condition of loading the unit on it during the shift without moving to other areas and without rearranging scaffolding or other devices. Such areas of work are called plots.

The part of the building under construction, on which a certain construction process is carried out by a team for a certain time, is called capture.

On each grip, due to its limited size, there are scope of work, within which workers with the mechanisms issued to them carry out their work. In masonry, the front of the masons' work is the wall or scaffolding area.

Productive human activity is characterized by a sequence of actions aimed at achieving a goal. To express such activity, the term “process” is used. The validity of the use of such a term is explained by its original meaning - passage, advancement.

Processes are conventionally divided into two groups: material and informational.

Material Processes cover all actions aimed at material objects of production by changing their state, which leads to the creation of products.

TO information processes include all actions performed with ideal objects (numbers, information, etc.). The results of information processes serve as the basis for the implementation of material processes, especially for their design, decision-making, preparation, management, etc.

The basis of construction production technology is material processes, which are called construction processes or construction production processes. Workers (labor) participate in construction processes, technical means (tools of labor) are used, with the help of which construction products are created from material elements (objects of labor).

Construction processes are characterized by multifactoriality and specific features, which is due to: the stationarity of construction products - when performing construction processes, workers and technical means move, but the buildings and structures being erected remain stationary; the large size and mass intensity of construction products - the buildings and structures being erected have, as a rule, significant dimensions and mass, the variety of construction products - the buildings and structures being erected differ in production and operational characteristics, shape, size and appearance, location in relation to the daytime surface of the earth, etc., the variety of material elements - a wide variety of materials are used in the construction of buildings and structures , semi-finished products, parts and products, under the technological influence of which construction products are created: natural and climatic conditions - buildings and structures are erected in various geological, hydrological and climatic conditions, conditions of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises - construction processes are carried out, as a rule, in cramped sites, small dispersed volumes, in existing workshops, etc.

These features require in each specific case the establishment of technologically correct and effective methods for performing construction processes, their organizational forms and interconnection in space and time, capable of ensuring the quality and efficiency of construction products.

Construction processes in their technological content represent a combination of two aspects. The first aspect determines the features that occur with material elements in space and time without changing their physical and mechanical properties, namely: transportation, laying, assembly, docking, etc. The second aspect determines physical and chemical transformations that change the final properties of material elements, namely : strength, density, tension, thermal conductivity, water resistance, etc.

Since many material elements are involved in construction production, construction processes are not the same in the degree of technological complexity and cause various structural changes in materials, proceed differently over time, with different labor participation of workers, using different technical means.

The efficiency of construction production is largely determined by the organizational provisions and forms of implementation of all processes accompanying the creation of construction products.

In modern industrial construction, technological processes of construction production are classified into two groups - off-site processes and processes carried out on the construction site.

The basis for the classification of construction production processes is their division according to technological characteristics into procurement, transport, preparatory and installation-laying.

Procurement processes provide the facility under construction with semi-finished products, parts and products. These processes are usually carried out at specialized enterprises (prefabricated reinforced concrete plants, ready-mixed concrete plants, etc.), but also under construction site conditions (on-site concrete mortar units, on-site reinforcement shops, etc.).

Transport processes ensure the delivery of material elements and technical means of construction processes to the construction sites. At the same time, transport processes outside the construction site are carried out by general construction transport (from manufacturing enterprises to the warehouses of the construction site or directly to the installation site), and inside the construction site - by on-site means of transport. Transport processes are usually accompanied by loading and unloading and warehousing processes.

Preparatory processes precede the implementation of installation and installation processes and ensure their effective implementation (for example, pre-assembly of structures before installation, preliminary arrangement of mounted structures with auxiliary devices before installation, etc.

Installation and laying processes provide the production of construction products and involve processing, changing shape or imparting new qualities to the material elements of construction processes. Typically, identical installation and installation processes have common technological features and therefore do not depend mainly on the type and nature of the specific buildings and structures being erected.

Installation and installation processes can be characterized by a number of characteristics.

According to their importance in production, processes can be leading and combined. The leading processes determine the development and execution of the construction of the facility. Combined processes that are technologically not directly related to the leading processes can be carried out in parallel with them. Combining processes (with strict adherence to worker safety rules) can significantly reduce construction time.

Processes are also classified according to the degree of participation of machines and mechanization in their execution. Mechanized processes are carried out using machines. The workers here only operate and maintain the machines. Semi-mechanized processes are characterized by the fact that they use manual labor along with the use of machines. Manual processes are performed by tools.

Depending on the complexity of production, labor processes can be simple or complex. A simple labor process is a set of technologically related work operations that ensure the production of finished products and are performed by a group of coordinated performers of the same specialty, but of different qualifications (link, specialized team). Each work operation consists of work techniques, which, in turn, consist of work movements. A working movement is a single continuous movement of the working body of a performer (fingers, hands, feet, etc.), carried out by a worker during the labor process, and a working technique is a set of several continuous movements of a worker, characterized by a specific goal that unites these movements and their constant sequence.