Main types of natural tourism resources. Tourist resources

Classification is a scientific and methodological technique for organizing information according to a certain criterion.

In "Tourist" terminological dictionary"The following interpretation of tourism resources is given: "Tourist resources - natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, contribute to the restoration and development of their physical strength, that is, are available for review and use regardless of the form of ownership, unless there are legally imposed restrictions. Natural and anthropogenic geosystems, bodies and natural phenomena, artifacts that have comfortable properties and consumer value for recreational activities and can be used to organize recreation and health improvement for a certain contingent of people at a certain fixed time using technology and available material opportunities... " As you can see, the interpretation of the concept of “tourist resources” is quite broad, and the range of tourist resources is almost limitless.

Tourist resources are those objects of nature, history, culture, current events, phenomena that can be used in the creation and sale of a tourism product. Tourist resources are part of the tourist and recreational potential of a certain territory, which is included in the tourism product and is subject to sale for tourism purposes. Tourist resources are partly the motivational basis for choosing a particular tourism product (by type, direction, season and other characteristics). The concepts of “tourist resources” and “recreational resources” are used interchangeably, since tourism is a mobile form of recreational activity. It is the presence and territorial localization, primarily of natural, cultural and historical resources, that determines the tourist and recreational specialization of certain territories.

The heterogeneity of tourism resources necessitates their classification. The following approaches can be used to classify tourism resources:

  • 1. Essential (according to the subject essence of the resource).
  • 2. Activity-based (according to the nature of use in tourism).
  • 3. Attractive (in terms of the extent and form of attraction to tourism activities).
  • 4. Value-based, based on the uniqueness of this resource.
  • 5. Functional, based on the uniqueness of tourist conditions and resources combined with the complexity of their use.
  • 6. Ecological and economic (based on the use value of the resource).

According to the subject-substantive approach, tourism resources are divided into:

  • - natural and recreational (climate and distribution of its components throughout the year, the coast of seas and oceans, water areas of reservoirs and rivers, mineral springs, picturesque landscapes, national natural parks, etc.);
  • ?cultural-historical, which includes archaeological, architectural monuments, achievements of history and culture of the past and modern architectural and man-made masterpieces.

The activity approach allows you to classify resources by socio-economic essence, cost and labor characteristics:

  • ?tourist benefits, the availability of which does not depend on human activity. This is the natural and recreational potential of the territory, represented by a climate favorable for recreation at any time of the year, picturesque landscapes, and other natural and geographical conditions;
  • ?tourist resources, including objects created by human labor (historical, cultural, architectural monuments, museums, etc.) and objects to which human labor is applied in order to maintain their attractive qualities (beaches, national parks, etc.) ;
  • ?tourist infrastructure, represented by accommodation, catering, transport, excursion services and leisure facilities.

The first two groups determine the absolute advantages of certain territories in the development of tourism and constitute the motivational basis for travel, and the third group contributes to the comfort of travel, creating conditions for the consumption of tourism products.

According to the attractiveness of tourism activities, we can distinguish:

  • ?display objects that are included in the tourism product and used as elements of tour software;
  • ?leisure objects that can represent how software, and be part of additional services in places of rest.

Based on the value approach, a distinction is made between world cultural and natural heritage and national cultural, historical and natural heritage. The concept of cultural and natural heritage was formed during the second half of the 20th century. and was formalized by the adoption in 1972 of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The Convention defines historical and artistic monuments, their ensembles and memorable places as cultural heritage. Natural heritage includes natural monuments and territories that are habitats for species of animals and plants that are under threat of destruction.

The functional approach to the classification of tourism resources is based on the complex nature of tourism consumption and tourism activities for the production of tourism products.

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The tourism business is based on four components: capital, technology, personnel, and tourism resources.

The study of tourist resources—a set of natural and man-made objects and environmental phenomena that are suitable for tourist and excursion activities—helps determine the value of certain territories for tourism. This activity is aimed at improving the health of tourists, their emotional state and promoting their spiritual development.

Let's try to understand such an important concept for us as tourist resources.

To begin with, it is advisable to divide tourism resources into natural and socio-economic ones. In turn, natural tourism resources can be classified: climatic, water, geomorphological, forest, zoological.

Socio-economic tourist resources include: historical and cultural objects (monuments and memorial sites, museums, temples, etc.), ethnographic, political, industrial, in addition, financial, material and labor resources are needed for the development of the industry. The following classification of recreation and tourism resources is proposed: to divide them into direct and indirect. The first can be defined as resources that tourists themselves use (the beauty of the landscape, the healing properties of the area, objects of knowledge, etc.). To develop direct resources, without which the tourism industry does not exist, indirect resources are attracted: raw materials, energy, financial, material, labor, etc. This type of resource is therefore secondary. This classification reflects the specifics of using the territory for tourism and emphasizes the leading role of direct recreational resources. After all, territorial differences in this particular type of resource underlie the recreational use of a particular place.

Tourist resources(TR) include natural, cultural, historical and other objects of a given territory that form or may form the basis of a tourism product. TR are determined in the process of socio-economic and legal activities. The following mechanisms are used to determine TP.

  • 1. A register of this type of resource is created, which includes:
    • - classification and assessment of resources;
    • - the procedure for the use and access of tourists to resources, taking into account maximum permissible loads;
    • - regime for protecting resources of the event and sources of financing and development, measures for resource restoration;
    • - security mode.
  • 2. A cadastre of tourism resources is created, which includes:
    • - assessment and cartographic characteristics of territories;
    • - the procedure for monitoring the sanitary, hygienic and environmental condition of the territory;
    • - the procedure for monitoring types of economic activity;
    • - the procedure for allocating a territory as a territory for targeted tourist use and development.

Tourist resources have the following main properties: attractiveness, climatic conditions, accessibility, degree of exploration, excursion significance, landscape characteristics, socio-demographic characteristics, potential reserve, method of use.

Natural resources

Factors of attractiveness of tourism resources: Rivers: Nile, Amazon, Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mississippi, Yellow River, Limpopo;

Falls: Angel, Niagara, Victoria;

Lakes: Victoria, Baikal, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, Balaton, Titicaca, Great Salt Lake, Great American Lakes;

Mountains: Everest, Kilimanjaro, Mont Blanc, Goverla;

Caves: Mammoth, Marble,;

Canyons and Valleys: Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Valley of Geysers, Valley of a Thousand Smokes.

Volcanoes: Etna, Vesuvius, Fuji, Klyuchevskaya Sopka;

Flora and Fauna: Great Barrier Reef, Antarctica.

Cultural and historical resources: The historical and cultural potential of the country is the basis of cultural (educational) tourism and includes the entire socio-cultural environment with traditions and customs, features of everyday and economic activities.

Any locality can provide a minimum set of resources for educational tourism, but for its mass development a certain concentration of cultural heritage objects is required:

  • - archaeological monuments;
  • - religious and civil architecture;
  • - small and large historical cities;
  • - rural settlements;
  • - museums, theaters, exhibition halls, etc.;
  • - sociocultural infrastructure;
  • - objects of ethnography, folk arts and crafts, centers of applied art, technical complexes and structures.

Archaeological monuments: Colosseum, Sphinx, Pyramids, Great Wall of China, Acropolis

Religious and civil architecture: Louvre, Kremlin, Brandenburg Gate

Historical cities: Rome, Paris, Chersonese, Novgorod, London, Berlin, Kyoto, Cairo, Alexandria, Bangkok

Museums and theaters: Sydney Theatre, Bolshoi Theatre, La Scala, Tusaud Fashion Museum

Temples and holy places: Mount Athos, Jerusalem, Mecca, St. Sophia, Kiev Pechersk Lavra

Sociocultural infrastructure: Monto Carlo circuit, Maracanã stadium

With well-placed advertising, not only temples and pyramids can become TRs, but also train stations, bridges, power plants, automobile factories, and also wine cellars (wine tasting). Excursion tour “Wine Route” in South. Africa (Cape Town) is very popular. Tourists enthusiastically visit the diamond mines in Johannesburg.

Indirect resources include the material and technical base (hotels, restaurants, entertainment), infrastructure (transport, communications, communications), and labor resources.

Tourist resources are natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual and other needs of tourists, help maintain their livelihoods, restore and develop their physical strength. Tourist resources are divided into natural and socio-economic. Tourism, like no other industry, is interested in the constant preservation and improvement of the natural environment - its most important resource. In turn, natural tourism resources can be classified according to the same criteria by which geographers classify natural (natural) resources.

Socio-economic tourist resources include historical and cultural objects (monuments and memorial sites, museums, etc.) and phenomena (ethnographic, political, industrial, etc.); In addition, the development of the industry requires financial, material and labor resources.

The following classification of recreation and tourism resources is proposed - to divide them into direct and indirect. The first can be defined as resources that tourists themselves use (the beauty of the landscape, the healing properties of the area, objects of knowledge, etc.). To develop direct resources, without which the tourism industry does not exist, indirect resources are attracted: raw materials, energy, financial, material, labor, etc.

Thus, this type of resource is secondary. This classification reflects the specifics of using the territory for tourism and emphasizes the leading role of direct recreational resources. After all, territorial differences in this particular type of resource underlie the recreational use of a particular place.

The World Tourism Organization proposed dividing all resources into seven large groups:

Natural resources;

Energy wealth;

Human factors (in terms of demographics and cultural aspects);

Institutional, political, legal and administrative aspects;

Social aspects, features of the social structure, level and traditions in the field of education, health care and recreation;

Various benefits and services, transport, communications, recreation and entertainment infrastructure;

Economic and financial activities.

This grouping of resources allows for the most rational and comprehensive approach to the formation and evaluation of tourism products in different levels, including national, regional and local.

TO the main properties of tourism resources relate:

Attractiveness (attractiveness);


Degree of knowledge;

Significance for display (entertainment);

Landscape and video environmental characteristics;

Socio-demographic characteristics;

Potential reserve, capacity;

Methods of use.

So, we can say that tourism resources are conventionally divided into natural (of natural origin) and artificial (created as a result of human activity). The dynamic development of tourism and recreation requires the development of both resources, since even with the very high value of natural resources, the lack of modern infrastructure, communications, sports and leisure facilities will negatively affect the importance of the territory as a tourist center.

Tourist and recreational resources . Among all types of tourism, tourism focused on recreation has acquired the most important socio-economic role - on the restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual strength, his ability to work and health. For the recreationally oriented sector of the economy, natural resources, called “natural recreational resources” in economics, are of decisive importance, since the type of recreational services and the specialization of tourist and recreational complexes as a whole depend on their quantity and quality. Special role belongs to natural resources that form the tourist and recreational specialization of the region.

Natural resources from the point of view of their origin are the sum of all physical, biological and energy information resources, the use of which depends on recreational demand and specialization of the region. From an economic point of view, natural resources are the elements and forces of nature that can be used in the production and non-production spheres to meet the needs of people. The social utility of natural resources is changed positively or negatively by human activity. Among the many functions of natural resources as means of production, their use as a means of restoring human spiritual and physical strength is becoming increasingly relevant. Natural resources have recreational and tourism potential.

Historical and cultural resources. The historical and cultural potential of the country is the basis of cultural (educational) tourism and includes the entire socio-cultural environment with traditions and customs, features of everyday and economic activities.

Any locality can provide a minimum set of resources for educational tourism, but for its mass development it is required:

Specific concentration of cultural heritage objects:

Archaeological monuments;

Religious and civil architecture;

Monuments of landscape architecture;

Small and large historical cities;

Rural settlements;

Museums, theaters, exhibition halls, etc.;

Sociocultural infrastructure;

Objects of ethnography, folk arts and crafts, centers of applied art, technical complexes and structures.

When visiting another country, tourists generally perceive cultural complexes, of which nature is an integral part. The cultural characteristics of different regions of the world are increasingly encouraging people to spend their holidays traveling. Objects visited by tourists contribute to their spiritual enrichment and broadening their horizons. Culture is one of the main elements of tourist interest.

Many regions are rich in such unique historical territories as ancient cities, estates and palace and park ensembles, cultural architecture complexes, historical buildings, historical and cultural monuments, etc. They should not remain frozen formations. When organizing unique territories, one should combine traditional forms of activity that historically shaped these territories with innovative types, which include tourism. Moreover, new types of activities should complement, and not suppress, existing economic, sociocultural and natural processes.

When developing tourism infrastructure, it is important not to disturb the historical appearance of the territory. Each newly created tourist center (object) must correspond to national characteristics and traditions and at the same time have its own unique appearance. The creation of natural and historical parks should help save the most valuable historical and cultural monuments as integral architectural, landscape and cultural complexes. It is necessary to protect and restore cultural and historical monuments of man-made, natural and traditional landscapes, which are also considered as enduring historical values ​​and national treasures.

Cultural, historical and natural heritage is usually divided into the following categories:

Assets used mainly by tourists (festivals, performances, monuments, etc.);

Mixed-use assets (less significant historical monuments and museums, theaters)

Assets used mainly by the local population (civil structures, places of worship)

By comprehensive assessment specialists, the geographical tourism potential of Russia is quite high, its value reflects the attractiveness of tourist territories for visiting by tourists, both Russian and foreign, it is 55.8%. Thus, from year to year Russia strengthens its position in the highly competitive global market of tourism services, including due to a whole range of unique resources and cultural and historical monuments that it has. Monuments of history, culture and nature are the national treasure of the country. A careful approach is required!

Lecture questions:

2. Distribution of recreational and tourism resources throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. Natural tourism resources.

4. Cultural and historical resources.

1. Tourist resources of Russia: general characteristics.

Tourist resources are a combination of natural resources for tourism development, the historical and cultural potential of the territory, the hotel industry and existing infrastructure. But when assessing a territory for the purposes of the tourism industry, it is also necessary to take into account the socio-political situation in the country and its individual regions, the level of crime, the environmental situation, the distance of tourist centers from the main exporters of tourists, personnel training, etc.

The Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory and some sections of the Azov Sea coast cannot compete with any seaside resort area foreign countries, enjoying steady popularity.

Some foreign tourists have a certain interest in the large rivers of Russia and Lake Baikal. But by now the Volga has been turned into a system of reservoirs with high banks destroyed by wave abrasion and the opposite shallows flooded for many kilometers. Due to such drastic changes that have occurred on its banks, the Volga is losing its charm, especially downstream from Nizhny Novgorod.

The problem with Siberian rivers is that their period of tourist navigation is extremely short, and they are located at a considerable distance from the main regions of population settlement.

The prospects for our country in relation to mountainous areas are also small. The most developed Greater Caucasus falls out of active international tourist life for a long time due to military and political reasons. The Urals have become known in the world as a region with an extremely unfavorable environmental situation; the mountains of Siberia are too harsh for mass tourism, are completely undeveloped and can be of interest only to a small number of sports tourism groups.

An important, and very often the only and sufficient factor in the development of tourism is the historical and cultural potential of the area. But when assessing it, one should take into account not only the presence of individual high-class monuments, but also their number per unit of territory, i.e. their density.

The requirements for resources of a historical and cultural nature are met by a large territory of the Central and Northwestern economic regions Russia in a triangle with corners in Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg, an area larger than one of the leaders international tourism- Italy.

Most of the historical and cultural centers of Russia are concentrated here, the historical road from the eastern borders of Belarus to Moscow, which has long become a famous tourist route in the West, popular river routes from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and from Moscow to St. Petersburg through Lakes Onega and Ladoga with their famous Valaam and Kizhi. Tourist routes have been successfully operating in this territory for many years and additional new ones can be planned that meet high standards. international standards: great information content, a significant number of high-class excursion sites along the route, their accessibility and a good degree of preservation.

The most popular region for domestic tourism is the same region as for international tourism: the territories of the Central and Northwestern economic regions, as well as many excursion centers associated with Russian history and culture and are of value mainly for Russians. Each region, territory, republic included in the Russian Federation has a sufficient list of both excursion sites of a historical and cultural nature, and places intended for health tourism for citizens of their region.

What can Russia offer to tourists, both domestic and foreign? What contribution can it make to the development of international tourism? How can it give a new impetus to accelerating the development of the domestic tourism industry? All these are not easy questions, given that tourism as an economic sector around the world is today on the rise and is characterized by dynamism. According to Russian scientists, in Russian conditions it is necessary to develop ecological tourism at an accelerated pace. For this, Russia has the most favorable opportunities:

Russia has a unique natural potential, which in scale far exceeds the preserved corners of nature in the world that are of interest to tourists;
- Russia has preserved the originality of natural complexes, combining the beauty of untouched nature with the customs and traditions of the peoples inhabiting natural areas, which is of not only environmental, but also ethnographic interest for travelers;
- Russia has established itself in the world with its commitment to preserving and enhancing natural values ​​of global significance, as evidenced by the developed network of protected areas under the auspices of international organizations;
- Russia has rich traditions in the field of harmonizing relations between man and nature, which are expressed in the theory and practice of conservation and the creation of a scientifically based concept of the country’s environmental safety. In this regard, it should be taken into account that despite enormous financial difficulties, in Russia today opportunities are being sought for the further development of nature reserves in the interests of preserving nature as a national asset.

The natural resources of Russia have at all times been a source of artistic inspiration, giving the world vivid images of nature in the prose of M. Prishvin and K. Paustovsky, in the poetry of S. Yesenin, L. Koltsov, A. Fet, F. Tyutchev, and in the paintings of I. Shishkin. I. Aivazovsky, I. Levitan, A. Kuindzhi, in the music of S. Rachmaninov, P. Tchaikovsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and many other outstanding artists, whom nature inspired to create bright works that evoke a feeling of joy and admiration for Russian nature among people of different nationalities in many countries (

Priority direction in the implementation of the environmental management strategy in relation to recreational resources is: development of a network of national natural parks, formation of an effective regulatory legal framework for the use and conservation of recreational resources, improvement economic mechanisms rational use and conservation of recreational resources, including the study and use of climatic resources to meet the needs of the economy and population.

The history of the formation of the first specially protected natural areas (SPNA) in Russia dates back to the times of Peter the Great. Now this is a whole system that unites several tens of thousands of protected areas of the federal, regional and local level. In fact, protected areas have become the basis of all environmental activities in Russia; in addition, a significant share of international assistance in the field of environmental protection, environmental management and natural resource management is directed to them. The most important legislative act regulating relations in the field of organization, protection and use of protected areas is the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”.

Specially protected natural areas where tourism is possible with varying degrees of restrictions include: biosphere reserves, national parks, state nature reserves, natural monuments, natural parks, health resorts and cultural heritage sites.

Biosphere reserves are created within the framework of the International Scientific Program “Man in the Biosphere”.

They differ from ordinary reserves in that they are part of a system of biosphere stations where cycles of research are carried out under a program of background (geosystemic, regional and global) environmental monitoring. Biosphere stations carry out research outside the reserve, in the buffer zone where traditional forms of management predominate, as well as at testing sites in areas intensively developed agriculture and industry. All types of tourism are possible at these sites. The issue of granting biosphere status to nature reserves is being considered by UNESCO on the proposal of the relevant organizations of the country. In Russia, such reserves include the Central Black Earth, Caucasian, Sikhote-Alin, Prioksko-Terrasny, etc.

Among the protected nature of the planet, which occupies about 2% of the land area, the main place belongs to national parks. Now there are more than 2,300 national parks in almost 100 countries around the world.

National parks began to be created in Russian Federation since 1983, now there are more than 35 of them, the total area is more than 6.956 million hectares. They are located on the territory of 13 republics, 2 territories, 20 regions and 1 autonomous district. Almost all parks are under the jurisdiction of Rosleskhoz, with the exception of the Losiny Ostrov park, which is under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government.

All over the world, of all categories of protected areas, the most popular are national parks, which combine the features of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and recreational areas. Therefore, in Russia, where the system of protected areas has traditionally been based on nature reserves since the last century, in recent years the number of proposals to organize national parks has sharply increased. If in 1986 there were only 5 of them on its territory, then in 1994 there were already 28, and after 2005 more than 42 national parks were designed. National parks almost always provide for complex content, because nature is diverse and everything in it is interconnected. For example, protected rare species of plants grow on rocks with a unique chemical composition, and a rapids river with a beautiful waterfall formed during tectonic movements is a spawning ground for valuable fish species, etc. National parks are the main objects of ecotourism both in our country and abroad .

There are currently 67 state nature reserves, of which 56 reserves with an area of ​​6.4 million hectares are under the jurisdiction and management of the Department for the Protection and Rational Use of Hunting Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, 10 reserves with an area of ​​about 6 million hectares were until recently under the jurisdiction of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia , 1 – Rosleskhoz.

Natural monuments federal significance in Russia there are only 28 left, with a total area of ​​19.351 thousand hectares. Moreover, 13 monuments are located in the Kaluga region, the remaining 15 are in other regions. Until recently, state control over the functioning of 18 monuments located on forest lands was carried out by Rosleskhoz, while the functioning of the remaining 10 natural monuments of federal significance was carried out by the bodies of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia. Until recently, state control over the functioning of more than 8,500 natural monuments of regional significance with a total area of ​​2.4 million hectares was carried out by the territorial bodies of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, Rosleskhoz, and geological ones - government bodies on subsoil protection.

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks. Botanical gardens and dendrological parks located on the territory of the Russian Federation are united into the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia. As of December 31, 1999, the Council included 80 botanical gardens and arboretums of various departmental affiliations (RAS, RACINE, Ministry of Education of Russia, Ministry of Health of Russia, etc.). A peculiarity of objects in the considered category of protected areas is their location primarily within cities, which determines the corresponding scale and nature of the impact of environmental factors on them. It is significant that in the structure of risk factors for the condition of botanical gardens and arboretums, a priority role is played by environmental factors of anthropogenic origin, that is, those arising as a result of human activity.

Medical and recreational areas and resorts. In Russia there are more than 153 balneological, climatic and mud-curing resorts, almost a third of them are concentrated in the North Caucasus region. The entire resort complex of the Russian Federation is a developed and complex industry National economy, numbering more than 5.5 thousand health and recreation enterprises, including more than one thousand sanatoriums, and has significant reserves of mineral waters and medicinal mud. During the year, Russian resorts are able to provide treatment and rehabilitation to more than 7 million people. In order to improve legislative framework preservation and development of the sanatorium-resort complex in 1999. The State Duma The Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Sports of Russia and the SKO FNPR "Profkurort" (whose department contains data on protected areas) have prepared a draft Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the Resort Business in the Russian Federation." The law is aimed at preserving the sanatorium and resort complex of Russia and its hydromineral base. Particular attention is paid to the use of natural healing resources in resorts. According to the law, only those organizations that use natural healing resources to treat citizens will be recognized as sanatoriums and resorts.

Anthropogenic loads on the natural environment of resort areas and health-improving areas remain high. Thus, in the area of ​​the Caucasian Mineral Waters, 94% of the territory has already been developed, with moderately disturbed lands (arable lands, gardens, pastures) making up 87%, and undisturbed lands - only 5%. Similar problems exist in the resorts of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the Anapa resort, the main sources of water pollution continue to be untreated sewage and storm drains, garbage dumps and the Sheskhara oil harbor (Novorossiysk). For example, at the height of the summer season in 1997, 3.5 tons of petroleum products were thrown onto the beaches of Anapa.

Various types of unauthorized construction within resort areas are intensifying, and easing of legal and legal liability is being given everywhere. individuals, wear and tear is increasing engineering infrastructure resorts, etc. At the same time, practically no funds are allocated to improve the environmental condition of resorts.

Some attention in the Russian Federation is also paid to cultural heritage sites, such as museum-reserves (88), estate museums (29), and protected objects of landscape architecture. They belong to the category of specially protected historical and cultural areas with important environmental functions.

It should be noted that there are 11 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Russian objects, including the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, the Ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad).

In addition, UNESCO has submitted documentation for inclusion in the World Heritage List of a number of other sites: “Vodlozersky National Park”, “Bashkir Urals”, “Altai - Golden Mountains”, “Ubsunur Basin”, “Central Sikhote-Alin”, “Green Belt” Fennoscandia", "Lena River Delta", "Caucasian Biosphere Reserve Region", "Curonian Spit".

The rich recreational potential and relative stability of the political situation favor the development of tourism in this area. The diversity of recreational resources in this territory allows the development of all types of recreational activities.

– European North of Russia – only areas of the European part are promising for development: the Karelian-Kola and Russian North. The territory has relatively favorable natural recreational resources and rich cultural heritage. Politically stable. It is geographically adjacent to the Scandinavian countries, which can help attract foreign tourists.

– Siberia and Far East– a stable, but underdeveloped territory due to its remoteness and limited climatic comfortable conditions. The subzone of the South of Siberia is being developed more than the unpromising subzone of the Asian North.

– South of Russia – covers the politically stable, but with limited, poorly developed recreational resources, Central Black Earth regions and the unstable, but recreationally developed, with rich resource potential, the Caucasus. Once Russia's most popular recreational area, the Caucasus currently has limited demand for recreational services. Resort areas of the Black Sea coast continue to be in relative demand; demand for the mountainous territories of the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc. is growing rapidly.

Tourism provides both the formation of a significant part budget revenues in many countries of the world, and creates conditions for good rest and health improvement for various groups of the population. On the territory of Russia there are a large number of beautiful places that could potentially become attractive tourist sites.

Tourist resources - “natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists, promote the restoration and development of their physical strength” (Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” dated 4 October 1996).

Analysis of regional legislation in the field of tourism shows that laws regional level regulating this area of ​​activity exist in 43 constituent entities of the Federation. Of these, definitions of tourism resources that differ from the interpretation used at the federal level are found in 9 regions. Another 10 regions propose definitions that completely duplicate federal legislation.

Consideration of definitions different from the definition proposed at the federal level consists primarily of the following. Main feature becomes the formulation of needs satisfied through the use of tourism resources.

Definitions that are more significantly different from federal legislation are: 1) “Tourist resources - natural, cultural, historical and other objects on the territory Ivanovo region, which form or may form the basis of the tourist product (including display objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists)”; 2) “Tourist resources - natural, socio-cultural, historical and man-made objects located on the territory of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, capable of satisfying the spiritual needs of tourists, promoting the restoration and development of their physical strength”; 3) “Tourist resources - a set of natural, socio-cultural, recreational, historical sites that can satisfy the various requests and needs of tourists in combination and separately”; “Tourist resources are natural, historical, socio-cultural and other objects that stimulate tourists to travel, capable of satisfying the needs for the restoration and development of a person’s physical, emotional and intellectual powers.”

Analysis of the data provided on the understanding of the essence of tourism resources generally indicates the presence of a common point of view on this issue.

There are also a number of definitions of such concepts as “objects of tourist display” (“cultural monuments (archaeology, architecture, history, art and others), nature reserves, nature reserves, natural monuments, national, natural and dendrological parks, botanical gardens with a special environmental, scientific, historical and cultural, aesthetic, recreational and other valuable significance and, in connection with this, acquiring attractiveness for tourists (excursionists)”, “tourism object” (territory (site, object) for recreational and tourist purposes, which has its own legal regime, closed borders, fixed location and area, including natural, cultural-historical, cultural and religious sites intended for tourist display), “facilities of the tourism industry” (hotels, other accommodation facilities, facilities Catering, means of transport, facilities and means of entertainment, facilities for business, educational, recreational, sports and other purposes, used for tourism purposes).

In general, it should be noted that the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation defines tourism resources quite uniformly, despite the presence of a number of small distinctive features in some regions. Sources not related to legislation provide a number of alternative definitions of tourism resources.

Thus, tourist resources also include almost any object, complex of objects, image or idea that can arouse tourist interest, that is, an individual’s conscious desire for direct acquaintance (look, touch, feel, try, etc.), for which the latter is willing to sacrifice a certain amount material goods(usually money) and your own free time.


1. Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) dated December 29, 1998 No. 59-II “On tourism and tourist activities in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” (as amended on April 25, December 25, 2003)

2. Law of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania of March 5, 1999 No. 5-RZ “On Tourism” (as amended on May 22, 2006)

3. Law of the Ivanovo Region of May 14, 1999 No. 16-OZ “On Tourism Activities” (adopted by the Legislative Assembly on April 22, 1999).

4. Law of the Republic of Kalmykia dated April 13, 2000 No. 57-II-Z “On tourism activities in the Republic of Kalmykia” (as amended on June 25, December 16, 2004, June 28, 2007)

5. Law of the Chelyabinsk Region of April 27, 2000 No. 119-ZO “On Tourism” (as amended on November 27, 2003)

6. Law of the Krasnodar Territory of October 25, 2005 No. 938-KZ “On tourism activities in the Krasnodar Territory” (as amended on December 29, 2006 and June 5, 2008)

7. Law of the Republic of Tyva dated February 7, 1997 No. 706 “On Tourism” (as amended on February 12, 2001, March 26, 2004, July 23, 2007)