How to write an essay on social studies exam examples. How to write an essay on social studies on the exam

Secondary general education

Social science. Line UMK ed. G.A. Bordovsky (VENTANA-GRAF)

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social studies (6-9)

Social science

Preparing for the Unified State Examination 2020: how to write an essay in social studies

This year, the criteria for assessing the Unified State Examination in social studies have changed. Olga Soboleva, one of our authors, Deputy Chairman of the Subject Committee of the Unified State Examination on Social Studies of St. Petersburg, talks about how the essay will now be evaluated, as well as about common mistakes made by students.

Changed evaluation criteria

This is not the first time that the Russian Textbook corporation has invited specialists to talk about assignment No. 29 from the Unified State Examination in social science. Relevant information is constantly being transformed and supplemented. For example, this year the wording of the task has changed. The word "problem" was replaced by the concept of "idea", and the student can work out not all the ideas of the statement, but one of them. The evaluation criteria have changed significantly:

  • 29.1 Previously, the child could show his understanding of the topic in the general context of the essay. In 2018, for this it will be necessary to highlight and formulate the ideas of the statement. If the requirement is not met, 0 points are given for the entire essay.
  • 29.2 A perfect score will not be obtained if the theoretical reasoning is unrelated. Since all statements are different, it is impossible to say exactly how many concepts should be disclosed. But for a good mark, of course, you need to highlight all the theses.
  • 29.3 Previously, the point was deducted for the presence of errors, now it is awarded as a bonus for their absence.
  • 29.4 It is still necessary to give two factual arguments from different sources, but now these examples need to be presented in detail and indicate how they relate to the statement.

Thus, the criteria became more. Maximum points for an essay in 2018: 6.

Let's take into account one more important change. Previously, a serious requirement was the correspondence of the content to one science. But since the boundaries of the sciences are arbitrary, now students can consider topics in different contexts, and this will not be a mistake. Let's take, for example, a statement from law: "Complete obedience to the law of kindness will eliminate the need for government and the state (O. Frontingham)" - it can also be attributed to politics, sociology, and philosophy.

Common Mistakes

Let's highlight the main difficulties that students face in task number 29.

  • Topic selection

The student is offered 5 essay topics. How to make the right choice:

    • Understand that the main criterion is the ability to fulfill all the requirements.
    • Determine in advance for yourself the basic science. Be prepared for a change of choice: in the exam, a topic in this science may not be acceptable. When preparing, use the lists of topics presented on the Internet.
    • Other equal conditions do not choose figurative themes. Every year there are formulations that even excellent students cannot cope with. For example: "The family is the crystal of society (V. Hugo)".
    • Focus on your abilities and characteristics, and not on the recommendations of the teacher. The teacher may have a biased attitude towards certain topics. The opinions of experts about the “convenience” and “inconvenience” of topics differ.
  • Focus on other items

Often students try to comply with the requirements for essays in other subjects in an essay on social science. This not only does not help, but also increases the likelihood of an error. In reality, the following are not taken into account:

    • volume (the ability to express thoughts concisely is a plus),
    • grammatical errors (but not in cases where they affect the meaning),
    • structure,
    • style (no longer an essay),
    • correct problem statement
    • knowledge about the author of the statement (can be entered, but this is not evaluated),
    • moral / ideological position (however, one cannot violate the laws of the Russian Federation and it is not recommended to express sharp positions on any topic).
  • Rewriting the theme

Unfortunately, even excellent students sometimes incorrectly rewrite the topic due to excitement. An error can be the omission of a word, the omission or addition of the “not” particle, the omission or replacement of a letter, the omission or addition of a return particle, the change of punctuation marks. All this changes the meaning of the topic and leads to 0 for the essay.

  • Template phrases

Some of the wording often looks silly and irritates experts. For example, "a problem that is relevant at all times", "the topic opens up a huge scope for reflection" and others. This does not mean that they should definitely be avoided. The main thing is that everything in the text should be appropriate and logical.

  • Wrong Examples

What doesn't count:

    • Speculation (“what would have been”).
    • Invented examples.
    • Facts that are not facts.
    • Examples are not specific.
    • Examples that are more like theories.
    • An example with actual errors.
    • Examples outside the scope of the theory presented.
    • Examples that refute the student's own theoretical positions.
    • Model examples (but there may be exceptions).
    • Examples from one kind of source.
  • Homemade preparations

In many works there are redundant provisions. For example, the definition of society, the inappropriate use of the definition of science - in most cases, this spoils the work and causes dissatisfaction among experts.


Consider also common questions about the content of the text.

Do I need to agree with the author? Not necessary. Of course, there are statements about the relativity of phenomena, with which it is impossible not to agree, for example: "Society does not necessarily correspond to political boundaries (S. Turner)". But there are also provocative phrases that are very difficult to agree with. In any case, the attitude of the examinee to the topic should be traced in the argumentation.

How to formulate the meaning of the statement and how many ideas are better to reveal? It all depends on the specific statement. It is better to narrow the study of the aspect to one science.

Is it possible to isolate only part of the statement? Experts believe that it is impossible, since the statement carries a certain meaning. The student must show that he understood the whole statement, even if he wants to focus on one part of it.

How to learn theoretical positions? When you can’t understand and assimilate, you can use a simple trick: “Write correctly.” The student must in a short time find and write off theoretical justifications on a specific topic from the textbook - this will help to remember the provisions.

Preparation Methods

In the publications of the corporation "Russian Textbook" the system of preparation for writing an essay on social science is fully implemented. The authors present memos, examples, lists of topics, as well as algorithms for the phased formation of the necessary skills.

Specialists are often asked how many essays should be written in preparation. Answer: as many as possible to "fill your hand", and up to 5 pieces for the highest score. In addition to training, it is useful for the student to keep a hoard of information on selected topics, view essay samples on thematic sites and check the work with the teacher according to trial criteria.

The manual is designed for independent or under the guidance of a teacher preparing schoolchildren and applicants for the exam. It fully includes the material of the course of social science, which is checked at the exam. The theoretical part of the manual is presented in a concise and accessible form. A large number of diagrams and tables makes it easy and quick to navigate the topic and find the information you need. Training tasks correspond to the modern format of the Unified State Examination, all changes in the content of the examination work made in recent years are taken into account.

In today's information society, every minute is precious to us. Therefore, there is nothing more convenient than preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies online, consulting with an expert and receiving his “live response”. How to do this when writing an essay on social studies?

So, you are in grades 10-11 and your goal is to get a High score! Great, you already learned how to deal with, but.. what to do with (written)? Especially with her creative tasks, for example, with

Just remember what is required of us at the exam when writing this assignment! For this we take

Great, we need to write a mini-essay on one of the five quotes presented, and the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to complete three criteria for checking an essay:

W. Schwebel "Better laws will not help if people are no good"

I believe that in the above statement the author raises such a problem as the role of law in regulating the behavior of certain groups of people.
The law is one of the sources of the norms of law, which in turn are among the social norms. Based on the definition of the source of law, we can say that the law is an official way of expressing and fixing legal norms, in order to give them a universally binding, legal value. Naturally, the law has a certain legal force and expresses the will of the state. Also, one of the most important features of the law is the regulation of social relations. But what if, as the author put it, "people are no good"? What if people are not guided by legal norms for a number of reasons? For such people, the law simply does not work. Among them are lumpen, declassed sections of the population (tramps, beggars, criminal elements and other antisocial individuals). These are people without social roots, a moral code, they are at the lowest level of society and, in fact, they have nothing to lose. Also here can be attributed anarchists - people with free thinking who advocate the elimination of any coercive control and power of man over man. From the definition itself, it is clear that for such people the law does not play any role. Thus, during the Second World War in Ukraine, anarchists organized resistance to both the National Socialists and the Stalinists.
But it is not always people who are the reason for the powerlessness of the law to regulate people's behavior. Such a reason can be a difficult life situation (for example, war, famine, economic crisis). Sharp social transformations contribute to the blurring of social values ​​and guidelines. History remembers how during the war people were starving, dying of exhaustion, but it was forbidden to give out more than the prescribed amount of food, since everything needed, including food, went to the front. However, there were also such cases when it was a matter of life and death, people broke the law in order to be saved.
Summing up, I would like to note that laws, and legal norms in general, have been of great importance for people all over the world for quite a long time.

(the text and punctuation of the author are fully preserved in the essay).

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So let's take a look at this essay. Those “small” nuances and shortcomings are immediately striking, which, unfortunately, spoil the overall picture (lack of employment, for example). Of course, you need to strive for maximum literacy of the essay, which attracts an expert.

What is more serious. The answer to the key criterion 1 is not explicitly presented. Without seeing the phrase “I see the meaning of the statement in the fact that ...”, the expert, if the content of the essay considers that it does not correspond to the quote raised by the problem, is erroneous from the point of view of theory, can set 0. You will not receive points for other criteria.

In this case, I would give this score exactly with the wording But, it is better not to balance here on the edge and not take risks. What was worth just writing at the beginning:

“I see the meaning of W. Schwebel’s statement in the fact that when following the norms of law, the moral qualities of the individual, his moral principles are important.”

A simple paraphrase was used, - "people - "People are good for nothing - they are immoral."

“I believe that in the above statement, the author raises such a problem as the role of law in regulating the behavior of certain groups of people.”

There is an understanding of the law, there is nothing about groups of people, public relations. The problem raised is a plus, as well as the fact that the system of theoretical argumentation is linked to practical argumentation. But, the set of terms is not enough. I would give it 1 out of 2 points.

Criterion 3. One example from the history of the Second World War in Ukraine is obvious here, everything else is general reasoning, again, mostly related to military operations. There is an example from history (related science), there are no others. Also 1 out of 2.

In total, I think it is logical to put here a fairly high score of 1-1-1.

Reasons for a higher score:

  1. When revealing the meaning of the statement, several interrelated aspects are highlighted (No).
    2. Theoretical provisions are expanded into a justification system (Yes).
    3. The examples given are taken from various areas of public life. (No).
    4. Appropriately and correctly used examples from personal social experience (No).
    5. Examples are used from other training courses - history, geography, literature (Yes).

Reasons for a lower score:

  1. Among the above theoretical provisions, there are erroneous judgments and inaccuracies (no).
    2. There is a lot of "information noise" - provisions that are not directly related to the topic, repetitions of the same thought presented in a different verbal expression (no).
    3. The examples used are weakly related to the theoretical justification (no).

An expert will check your essay!

Unfortunately, not always due to employment, it is possible to quickly come to the aid of the applicant and quickly check his essay. For this we have a parsing service 1 Your essay on social studies (task 29) with recommendations for correcting mistakes.

Let's look at another example of what was written in our group

Polina Drannikova Sep 22, 2016 at 05:23 pm

"Progress is a beautiful but false idea." (Sorry, I don't know the author)

The author of this statement means that the consequences of such a phenomenon as progress are much more significant than its advantages, and I completely agree with him. The author's words express the actual problem of our time: the inconsistency of social progress.
Before proceeding to consider this issue from different angles, let's define a key concept. What is progress? Progress is a movement from the lower to the higher, from the less perfect to the more perfect. This social phenomenon there are criteria by which we can judge whether a given society is progressing or not. First of all, changes in human nature testify to progress: a person becomes spiritually more developed, since as a result of integration (unification, convergence of spheres of society) and globalization (strengthening of integrative ties between people, organizations, states), he has unlimited opportunities for self-development and disclosure of creative potential. Each of us can travel anywhere in the world, with the invention of the Internet, almost any necessary information has become available. Other important criteria include favorable living conditions, that is, the growth of the welfare of society and life expectancy, the development productive forces(science and technology), a measure of freedom that society provides to the individual. All the listed advantages of social progress are undoubtedly important, but are they so significant if we put these advantages on the same scale along with the consequences of the development of society?
Of course, the advantage will be on the side of the latter. The consequences of progress have resulted in a real threat to the life of mankind as such.
First, environmental pollution is approaching a critical point. The ecological situation around the world is very deplorable. A striking example is the following fact: Lake Baikal, which was once the largest and cleanest source of fresh water in our country, is now polluted sewage various plants and factories. As a result, residents of nearby villages are forced to buy fresh water in bulk.
Secondly, the development of science leads to the creation of such terrible weapons that it can destroy all of humanity. Involuntarily, the events of the Second World War are recalled, when more than 100 thousand people died as a result of the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Thirdly, as a result of globalization, traditions, national customs and culture are collapsing, languages ​​are disappearing. For example, in the Republic of Chuvashia, most people speak Russian, even people from villages and villages today practically do not know the Chuvash language, which leads to its extinction and, as a result, the cultural impoverishment of the nation.
Thus, the correctness of the author is indisputable, which we have confirmed by the above arguments. Despite the benefits that social progress provides, we cannot put the life of all mankind at stake, and people should immediately begin to act towards eliminating the disastrous consequences of progress.

The author clearly expresses the meaning of the statement and the problem raised in it. It accurately gives an understanding of its very criteria and inconsistency, which is enough, coupled with three correctly selected arguments, to get the maximum score for criterion 2 - 2 points.

Also presented in a reliable form are arguments illustrating the manifestations of the three - and the world and Also 2 points for criterion 3.

The rating here is maximum - 5 out of 5 possible!

And at the end of the post, an analysis of another essay.

Elvira Upatina

Economics is the art of satisfying limitless needs with help limited resources"(L. Peter).

In the economic sphere of life, we often face limited resources. In contrast, therefore, we have the needs of humanity, which are relentlessly growing. It is completely impossible to satisfy them, scientists and other subjects of economic life are trying to find the most acceptable solution to this problem.
Production resources are a set of material and financial goods that are used in the production of goods and services. Production resources are almost a synonym for another economic term- factor of production. In total, 5 factors are distinguished: labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial abilities and a relatively new one - information. All of them tend to end, become unusable - we are limited in their use.
At the same time, needs are a necessity, a person's need for what constitutes the condition of his existence. As the quality of life improves, human needs increase. If in the traditional economic system prevails natural economy, and the main need of people was only to grow food, find an overnight stay, that is, to satisfy biological needs, then in conditions market economy And post-industrial society people strive to live in decent conditions, eat quality products, travel, that is, satisfy social and personal needs.
Demands are growing and resources are decreasing. All members economic sphere life has to make a choice: reduce consumption in some way or create new resources, use the existing ones more rationally.
Scientists suggest that the available oil reserves will last for the next 30 years. Oil is the source of gasoline production, and so that after the depletion of oil reserves, people do not have to give up their cars, alternative sources of raw materials, such as gas, are being introduced. Already, many motorists have switched to methane, as this type of fuel is considered environmentally friendly and beneficial for the buyer.
The problem of limited resources is also faced at the state level. For example, when allocating the budget, the government of the Russian Federation should take into account the situation in the country, distribute money for various needs: rearmament of the army, support for low-income and large families, pension increases. It is very difficult to do this, especially in the situation of the currency crisis in Russia, when Russian ruble weaker in relation to foreign currencies. It is caused by a decrease in world oil prices, on which the revenue part of the RF budget largely depends.
Thus, the problem of limited resources is very relevant in modern world Unfortunately, it will never be completely resolved. But humanity must direct its efforts to improve the current situation.

As they say, a classic of the genre, the most obvious of statements related to problems That's right, I recommend starting writing an essay from the simplest.

Again, we do not see a direct disclosure of the meaning of the statement, again the applicant runs the risk of getting 0 for k1. Although, in general, the essay is well written. Saves, for example, this sentence:

"To satisfy them completely is impossible, scientists and other subjects of economic life are trying to find the most acceptable solution to this problem."

For criterion 1, again, I give a score with the wording "The content of the answer gives an indication of its understanding."

The theoretical block is written out correctly, there is a system of arguments and terms. And here specific example only 1 is given (from the realities of modern Russian economy), scientists' forecasts are not taken into account as a separate example. Also, in any case, the arguments here are "one field of berries" - from modern social information (media reports). There are no examples from related sciences, no own life experience.

Although, again, it was very easy to take yourself as an example, write down a few of your needs (getting an education, a prestigious profession) and write out the resources (limited) that you have available now for this. Going "through yourself", as they say, in the "economy" block is the best way.

Thus, I would rate this essay 1-2-1.

Recall that you can learn how to write a social science essay in my author's course "Master Essay", which includes the experience of several years of preparing for the Unified State Examination and an essay:

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Good luck in preparing for writing a social science essay for the exam, see you online

In this article, you will learn how to write an essay on social studies. Examples are attached.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that in order to learn how to write an essay on social studies, it takes quite a long time. It is impossible to write an essay without preliminary preparation, which would be rated by experts for a high score. Sustainable skills, good results appear after 2-3 months of work (about 15-20 written essays). It is systematic studies, purposefulness that bring high performance. You need to hone your skills in practice with the direct help and careful supervision of a teacher.

Video - how to write an essay on social studies

If you have not yet encountered writing an essay, watch the video.

Unlike an essay on literature or the Russian language, where the minimum amount of work is clearly stipulated and general reflection (“philosophizing” without specification is allowed), in an essay on social science the volume is not limited, but its structure and content are fundamentally different. An essay on social science is actually the answer to the question: “Do I agree with this statement and why?”. That is why a strict argumentation, scientific character and concretization must be present in an essay on social science. At the same time, it should be noted that very paradoxical, unusual statements are often used as the topic of an essay, requiring figurative thinking, a non-standard approach to revealing the problem. This inevitably leaves its mark on the style of the essay, requires maximum concentration of effort and attention.

I would also like to add that the exam essays are evaluated by specific people. In order for an expert who checks from 50 to 80 works a day to mark an essay as worthy of attention, this essay must not only meet all the requirements below, but also be distinguished by a certain originality, originality and originality - this is implied by the essay genre itself. Therefore, it is necessary not only to present scientific and factual material on the topic, but also to pleasantly surprise with the originality and flexibility of one's thinking.

Algorithm for writing an essay during the exam

  1. First of all, during the exam it is necessary to correctly allocate time. Practice shows that to write an essay, it is necessary to allocate at least 1-1.5 hours out of 3.5 hours allotted for the exam in social studies. It is best to start writing an essay after all the other tasks of KIM have been solved, because. this type of work requires maximum concentration of the graduate's efforts.
  2. Carefully read all the proposed topics to choose from.
  3. Choose those topics that are understandable, i.e. - the student must clearly understand what this statement is about, what the author wanted to say with this phrase. In order to remove doubts about whether he understands the topic correctly, the graduate must reformulate the phrase in his own words, defining the main idea. The student can do this orally or on a draft.
  4. From the selected understandable statements, it is necessary to choose one topic - the one that the student knows best. It should be noted that often examinees choose topics that are easy, in their opinion, but which turn out to be difficult when revealing the topic due to the limited scientific and factual material on this issue (in other words, everything is said in the phrase itself, nothing can be added). In such cases, the essay is reduced to a simple statement of the meaning of the statement in different versions and is assessed by experts because of the poor evidence base low. Therefore, you need to choose the topic of the essay so that the student, when writing it, can fully show the completeness of his knowledge and the depth of his thoughts (i.e., the topic should be winning).
  5. When choosing an essay topic, it is necessary to pay attention to which social science this statement is related to. Practice shows that a number of phrases can refer to several sciences at once. For example, I. Goethe's statement "Man is determined not only by natural qualities, but also by acquired ones" can belong to philosophy, social psychology, and sociology. Accordingly, the content of the essay should differ depending on this, i.e. must be in accordance with the specified basic science.
  6. The essay does not need to be completely written on a draft. Firstly, because of the limited time, and secondly, because at the time of writing an essay, some thoughts come, and at the time of rewriting, others, and it is much more difficult to remake a finished text than to create a new one. On the draft, the graduate makes only the plan of his essay, approximate brief outlines of the meaning of the phrase, his argumentation, points of view of scientists, concepts and theoretical positions that he is going to cite in his work, as well as the approximate order of their arrangement one after another, taking into account the semantic logic of the essay.
  7. Without fail, the student must express his personal attitude to the chosen topic in a clearly expressed formulation (“I agree”, “I do not agree”, “I do not completely agree”, “I agree, but partially” or similar in meaning and meaning of the phrase) . The presence of a personal relationship is one of the criteria on the basis of which the essay is evaluated by experts.
  8. Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. Those. the high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more expedient to do this at the very beginning of the essay. And if we combine the requirements of this paragraph with the provisions of the previous one, then, for example, this is how the beginning of an essay on philosophy will look like “Before talking about the good of satisfying needs, you need to decide which needs constitute good”: “I fully agree with the statement of the great Russian writer of the second halfXIX- earlyXXcenturies L.N. Tolstoy, in which he speaks of real and imaginary needs.
  9. You need to be very careful when choosing arguments to support your point of view. Arguments must be convincing and substantiated. As arguments, data from relevant sciences, historical facts, and facts from public life are used. Argumentation of a personal nature (examples from personal life) are estimated the lowest, so their use as an evidence base is undesirable. It should be remembered that any personal example can be easily “turned” into an example from public life, from social practice, if you write about it in a third person (for example, not “The saleswoman in the store got nasty to me, thereby violating my consumer rights”, A “Let's assume that the saleswoman was rude to citizen S.. Thus, she violated his rights as a consumer.” The number of arguments in an essay is not limited, but 3-5 arguments are the most optimal for revealing the topic. It should also be remembered that examples from history are most appropriate in political science, partly in legal and sociological topics, as well as in philosophical topics related to the theory of social progress. Examples from social practice (public life) - in sociological, economic, legal topics. The data of the relevant sciences must necessarily be used when choosing any of the topics.
  10. The use of terms, concepts, definitions in the essay must be competent, appropriate, in relation to the chosen topic and science. The essay should not be overloaded with terminology, especially if these concepts are not related to the chosen problem. Unfortunately, some graduates try to insert as many terms as possible into their work, violating the principle of expediency and reasonable sufficiency. Thus, they show that they have not learned how to correctly use scientific terminology. The term should be mentioned to the place, such a mention should indicate its correct understanding.
  11. It is very welcome if the graduate in his essay indicates the points of view of other researchers on the issues under consideration, gives a link to different interpretations of the problem and different ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example: "Lenin thought so: ..., and Trotsky - otherwise: ..., and Stalin - did not agree with both of them: ... "), but can be indirect, non-specified, non-personalized: "A number of researchers think this way: ..., others - differently: ..., and some - offer a completely different: ... ".
  12. It is very welcome if the essay indicates who the author of this statement was. The indication should be short but precise (see the example in paragraph 8). If it is appropriate to mention the views of the author of the phrase when arguing one's position on this issue, this must be done.
  13. Arguments must be presented in strict sequence, the internal logic of the presentation in the essay must be clearly traced. The student should not jump from one to another and again return to the first without explanation and internal connection, docking of individual provisions of his work.
  14. It is necessary to complete the essay with a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the reflections and reasoning: "Thus, on the basis of all of the above, it can be argued that the author was right in his statement."

Essay examples on the topic of:

Philosophy "Revolution is a barbaric way of progress" (J. Jaurès)

For the highest score

I fully agree with the statement of the famous French socialist, historian and politician of the first half of the 20th century, Jean Jaurès, in which he speaks about the peculiarities of the revolutionary path of social progress, about the distinctive features of the revolution. Indeed, revolution is one of the ways of progress, moving forward towards better and more complex forms of social organization. But since a revolution is a radical breakdown of the entire existing system, a transformation of all or most aspects of social life that takes place in a short period of time, this form of progress is always accompanied by a large number of victims and violence.

If we recall the revolutionary year of 1917 in Russia, we will see that both revolutions led to the most severe confrontation in society and the country, which resulted in a terrible Civil War, accompanied by unprecedented bitterness, millions of dead and injured, unprecedented devastation in the national economy until then.

If we remember the Great French Revolution, we will also see the rampant Jacobin terror, the guillotine "working" seven days a week and a series of incessant revolutionary wars.

If we remember the English bourgeois revolution, we will also see a civil war, repressions against dissidents.

And when we look at the history of the United States, we will see that both bourgeois revolutions that took place in this country took the form of war: first - the war for independence, and then - the Civil War.

The list of examples from history can go on and on, but wherever there is a revolution - in China, in Iran, in the Netherlands, etc. - everywhere it was accompanied by violence, i.e. barbarism from the standpoint of a civilized person.

And even if other thinkers exalted the revolution (as, for example, Karl Marx, who argued that revolutions are the locomotives of history), even if reactionaries and conservatives denied the role of revolutions in social progress, the point of view of J. Jaurès is closer to me: yes, revolution is a way of progress, a movement for the better, but carried out by barbaric methods, that is, with the use of cruelty, blood and violence. Violence cannot create happiness!

For a small score

In his quote, the author speaks of revolution and progress. Revolution is a way of transforming reality in a short time, and progress is a movement forward. Revolution is not progress. After all, progress is reform. It cannot be said that the revolution does not give positive results - for example, the Russian revolution allowed the workers and peasants to get rid of a difficult situation. But by definition, revolution is not progress, because progress is all good, and revolution is all bad. I do not agree with the author who classifies revolution as progress.

Essay plan

1) A clear indication of the problem of utterance:
“The statement I have chosen concerns the problem….”
“The problem with this statement is….”
2) Explanation of the choice of topic (what is the significance or relevance of this topic)
“Everyone is concerned about…”
3) Reveal the meaning of the statement from the point of view of social science, 1-2 sentences
4) Introduction of the author and his point of view
“The author argued (spoke, thought) from this point of view ...”
5) Your interpretation of this phrase, YOUR POINT OF VIEW (DO YOU AGREE OR NOT)
“I think…” “I agree with the author of the statement…”
6) Statement of one's position, transition to the main part of the essay

P.S. it will be a plus if in the introduction you give information about the author of the statement and insert a definition of the chosen field of the essay (philosophy, politics, economics, jurisprudence, etc.)

1) Theoretical argumentation of the problem. At least 3 aspects of the theoretical disclosure of the topic should be presented.
For example: to reveal the concept itself, give examples, analyze features, functions, classifications, properties.
2) Practical argumentation or an example from public life

Total score: 5
Positive aspects of work:

  1. The essay is well structured. First, a common problem is named - socialization. Then the problem is narrowed down, in his own words the author of the essay expressed the essence of A.N. Leontiev. The theoretical argument is presented. The position of the author is confirmed by two practical examples. The essay ends with a conclusion.
  2. Explicit definitions of socialization, worldview, autonomy of the individual are given.
  3. The differences between the concepts of "individual" and "personality" are shown.
  4. I have expressed my own position.
  5. The actual reasoning for high level.
  1. The opinion that personality traits are never laid in a person by nature is very controversial from the point of view of scientific social science. After all, from birth, a person has the makings, a temperament. This largely determines the further development of the individual as a person. An unreasonable extreme position can be interpreted by some experts as a theoretical error. It is recommended in such cases to avoid overly generalizing words such as "never", "always", "everything", etc..

You have achieved the best result in all criteria! However, one should work on the theoretical argumentation, making the provisions more connected, and one's own position more justified.

"Man is unthinkable outside of society"
(L.N. Tolstoy)

To write an essay, I chose the statement of L. Tolstoy: "Man is unthinkable outside of society." In this statement, the author raises the problem of the relationship between man and society. Tolstoy also says that a person, his social essence is formed only by the influence of society.

To clarify the problem under study, let us turn to a number of terms. The author uses two fundamentally important terms: man and society. Man is a biosocial being, which combines both biological and social. Society is understood as a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, including the ways of relationships between people and the forms of their association. What impact does society have on a person?

There are certain qualities that are acquired only when a person is in a team, among other people. The acquired qualities characterize its social essence. From childhood, a person begins to form a system of values, willpower, interests, priorities, that is, he undergoes social adaptation and socialization. Socialization is the process by which an individual acquires the cultural norms and social experience necessary for a successful social life. The process of socialization continues throughout life. All this allows him to become a full member of society.

On the contrary, there are Mowgli children who grew up outside of society. Raised. outside of society, such people cannot formulate their thoughts, speak, think well and remain only a biological being.

Thus, a person under the influence of society forms conscious, socially significant qualities.

So, I traced the process of introducing a person to society on the example of my sister's younger brother. When he was small, he was no different from all children of his age, and it was only through the upbringing of his parents and his sister that a social essence began to form in him. IN kindergarten he communicated with his peers, and, being thus in society, received the skills of communication and interaction with people. The fact that he went to school facilitated in the future the process of his adaptation at school, to his classmates and communication with them.

Another example of a person's dependence on society is the work of Leo Tolstoy "Sunday". The protagonist Nekhlyudov was brought up in a warm, loving environment from an early age. He brought up such qualities as responsiveness, openness to people and spiritual kindness. When he grew up, he was sent to the service. Cruel orders reigned there, indifference to deep feelings and transfusions of a person. Being in such a society, he became evil, callous and indifferent, the Society brought up in him these qualities, although not the most noble, but still thanks to which he learned to think, distinguish between good and evil and listen to his heart, without interacting with others. people, he couldn't do it.

Indeed, Tolstoy is right when he says that a person is unthinkable outside of society.