Economics and healthcare management. Population health and the factors shaping it Economics and organization of health care Assignments in test form

Choose one correct answer:

1. According to the World Health Organization, health is:

1. absence of disease

2. normal functioning of body systems

3. a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

4. the state of the human body when the functions of its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment

2. The leading criterion of public health for practical healthcare:

1. demographic indicators

2. morbidity of the population

3. physical development

4. disability

3. Leading factors shaping population health:

1. biological

2. natural

3. socio-economic

4. organization medical care

4. The greatest influence on the formation of public health is exerted by:

1. genetic risk

2. environment

3. lifestyle of the population

4. level and quality of medical care

5. The universal integrated indicator of population health is:

1. average life expectancy

2. fertility

3. mortality natural increase (decrease)

6. Infant mortality is the mortality of children:

1.up to 14 years old

2. up to 4 years

3. in the first year of life

4. in the first month of life

7. Demographic situation in Russia is characterized by:

1. natural population growth

2. zero natural growth

3. natural decline

4. the undulation of the demographic process

8. Demographic policy in Russia assumes:

1. increased fertility

2. Decrease in fertility

3. optimization of natural population growth

4. reduction in mortality

9. Mandatory state registration indicators are subject to:

1. demographic (number of births, deaths)

2. morbidity

3. physical development

4. disability

10. Preventive medical examinations help identify diseases:

2. chronic

3. in the early stages

4. infectious

11. The source of studying morbidity by appeal is:

1. control chart of dispensary observation

2. medical record of an inpatient

3. statistical report of updated diagnoses

4. certificate of incapacity for work

12. Basic accounting document when studying morbidity with temporary disability:

1. certificate of incapacity for work

2. certificate of examination by the medical and social expert commission

3. control chart of dispensary observation

4. outpatient medical record

13. The source of studying infectious morbidity is:

1. outpatient medical record

2. emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning

3. medical record of an inpatient

4. statistical report of updated diagnoses

14. The main causes of mortality are:

1. gastrointestinal diseases

3. cancer

4. injuries, accidents, poisoning

15. In the structure of morbidity in terms of appealability, diseases occupy 1st place

1. digestive system

2. circulatory system

3. respiratory organs

4. musculoskeletal system

16. In the structure of causes of disability, 1st place is occupied by:

1. respiratory diseases

2. cardiovascular diseases

3. injuries, accidents, poisoning

4. malignant formations

17. The disability group is established:

1. Deputy Chief Physician for the examination of work capacity

2. clinical expert commission

3. medical and social expert commission

4. head of department

18. In Russia, until 1994, the healthcare system operated

1. insurance

2. private

3. state

4. mixed

19. Currently, the Russian Federation has adopted a model

health care:

1. state

2. budgetary and insurance

3. private

4. mixed

20. Health insurance funds finance:

1. development of the material and technical base of healthcare

2. training of medical personnel and Scientific research

3. disaster medicine

4. provision of guaranteed types of medical care under the compulsory health insurance program

21. Guaranteed types of medical care are provided with insurance:

1. compulsory medical

2. voluntary medical

3. returnable

4. social

22. The main element of the basic compulsory health insurance program is

1. primary health care

2. inpatient surgical care

3. obstetrics

4. preventive work with healthy adult population

23. The purpose of accreditation of a medical institution is:

1. protection of consumer interests medical services

2. determination of the scope of medical care

3. establishing compliance with quality standards of medical care

4. assessment of the degree of qualification of medical personnel

24. Institutions with the following form of ownership are subject to accreditation and licensing:

1. only state

2. private only

3. with any form of ownership

4. only municipal

25. Licensing of a medical institution means:

1. determination of the types and volume of medical care at health care facilities

2. issuance of documents for the right to engage in a certain type of medical and preventive activities

3. determination of compliance of the quality of medical care with established standards

4. assessment of the degree of qualification of medical personnel

26. Improving medical care to the population Russian Federation at the present stage is associated with the development of:

1. inpatient care

2. medical science

3. rural health

4. Primary health care

27. Priority subsystem for budgetary insurance medicine:

1. inpatient care to the population

2. outpatient care

3. rural healthcare

4. Rospotrebnadzor service

28. New type of health care institutions:

2. nursing hospital

3. city clinic

4. multidisciplinary hospital

29. The most promising option for providing primary health care is:

1. local doctors

2. doctors of narrow specialization

3. doctors general practice

4. shop doctors

30. Preventive work of outpatient clinics

is to organize:

1. day hospitals

2. medical examination of the population

3. therapeutic care in the clinic and at home

4. rehabilitation work

31. Clinical examination is a method:

1. 1. detection of acute and infectious diseases

2. 2. active dynamic monitoring of the health status of certain groups for the purpose of early detection and improvement of patients

3. environmental monitoring

4. emergency assistance

32. Preventive medical examinations are the basis for:

1. primary health care

2. medical examination

3. rehabilitation work

4. work ability examinations

33. The capacity of a hospital is determined by:

1.number of population served

2. number of beds

3. number of working doctors

4. level of technical equipment

34. Paramedical workers have the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work individually and at a time for the following period:

1. up to 3 days

2. up to 5 days

3.up to 7 days

4. up to 10 days

35. The first stage of rural health care is:

1. first aid station

2. rural medical site

3. district link

4. regional level

36. The basic idea underlying marketing is the idea:

1.human needs;

4. transactions.

37. A document that guarantees the receipt of free medical care under budgetary insurance medicine:

1. passport

2. insurance policy

3. outpatient medical record

4. medical record of an inpatient

38. Outpatient clinics provide assistance to the population:

1. social

2. primary treatment and prophylaxis

3. sanitary and anti-epidemic

4. stationary

39. Outpatient obstetric and gynecological care is provided by:

1. maternity hospitals

2. dispensaries

3. antenatal clinics, medical and obstetric centers

4. family planning centers

40. Paramedic and midwife stations provide assistance:

1. specialized medical

2. sanitary and anti-epidemic

3. pre-medical medical

4. social

41. The organization of paramedic and midwife stations contributes to:

1. improving the quality of medical care for rural residents

2. bringing medical care closer to the population

3. provision rural population specialized species

4. providing the population with qualified medical care

42. Pediatric care for children is provided by:

1. medical and sanitary parts

2. children's clinics and hospitals

3. children's educational institutions

4. Rospotrebnadzor centers

43. A feature of a children's clinic is the presence of:

1. specialized rooms

2. school and preschool department

3. departments of functional diagnostics

4. laboratories

44. A feature of the provision of medical care to women and children is:

1. mass appeal

2. general availability

3. pronounced preventive focus

4. professionalism of medical workers

45. Preventive focus is leading in the activities of institutions:

1. rural health

2. outpatient clinic

3. Rospotrebnadzor

4. Ambulance and emergency care

46. ​​The task of primary prevention is:

1. early diagnosis of diseases

2. prevention of relapses and complications

3. improving the environment

4. hygiene education population

47. Postgraduate training of medical personnel is carried out at least once:

16. at 3 years old

48. Main functions of management:

1. planning, organizing, setting goals

2. planning, task definition, control, communication

3. planning, defining tasks, goals

4. planning, organization, motivation, control.

49. In the medical services market, the main object of purchase and sale is:

1. labor of medical workers

2. medical service

3. public health

4. health of medical workers

50. The basis for health care planning in the context of the transition to market relations is data on:

1. needs for treatment and preventive services

2. population demand for medical care

3. needs for diagnostic assistance

4. balance of need and demand for medical services

Basics of rehabilitation

Choose one correct answer:

1. A set of measures aimed at restoring impaired body functions is:

1. reformation

2. rehabilitation

3. translocation

4. transplantation

2. The modern concept of rehabilitation was formed:

1. in Ancient Rome

2. during World War II

3. in the second half of the 19th century

4. at the beginning of the 20th century

3. Basic principles of rehabilitation:

1. early start

2. individual approach

3. complexity

4. all listed grains

4. The main direction of rehabilitation in the 21st century:

1. application of technological advances

2. development of individual programs

3. development of rehabilitation standards

4. application of modern diagnostics

5. In rehabilitation, the following aspects are distinguished:

1. physical

2. social

3. psychological

4. all of the above are true

6.The main task of the nurse in the rehabilitation of the patient:

1. help the patient with self-care

2. patient care

3. help the patient cope with the problem himself

4. train relatives to care for the patient

7. Measures to prevent complications are carried out:

1. at all stages of treatment

2. in the acute period of the disease

3. at the stage of patient rehabilitation

4. only if complications develop

8. With depression, the patient experiences the following problems:

1. increased physical activity

2. exacerbation of hysterical personality traits

3. lack of self-confidence, loss of strength

4. intolerance towards others

9. Using electrophoresis, the following is carried out:

1. electric muscle massage

2. introduction of a medicinal substance into the body

3. electrosleep

4. tissue micromassage

10. The air gap between the patient’s body and the capacitor plastics is used when:

1. UHF therapy

2. Electrophoresis

3. Ultrasound therapy

4. magnetic therapy

11. Radiation has a vitamin-forming effect:

1. infrared

2. ultraviolet

3. visible

12. High pressure jet used in shower:

2. Circular

3. Rising

4. Fan

13. Balneotherapy is.

1 b, 2 a, 3b, 4 b, 5 c, 6 d, 7 b, 8 c, 9 c, 10 c, 11 c, 12 b, 13 c, 14 a, 15 b, 16 a, 17 a, 18 a, 19 a, 20 c, 21 b, 22 a, 23 c, 24 b, 25 d.

Economics and organization of health care Assignments in test form

1. According to the World Health Organization, health is

a) absence of disease

b) normal functioning of body systems

c) a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects

d) the state of the human body when the functions of its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes

2. The leading criterion of public health for practical healthcare

a) demographic indicators

b) morbidity of the population

c) physical development

d) disability

3. Leading factors shaping population health

a) biological

b) natural

c) socio-economic

d) organization of medical care

4. The greatest influence on the formation of public health has

a) genetic risk

b) environment

c) lifestyle of the population

d) level and quality of medical care

5. The universal integrated indicator of population health is

a) average life expectancy

b) birth rate

c) mortality

d) natural increase (decrease)

6. Infant mortality is the mortality of children

a) up to 14 years old

b) up to 4 years

c) in the first year of life

d) in the first month of life

7. The demographic situation in Russia is characterized by

a) natural population growth

b) zero natural increase

c) natural decline

d) the undulation of the demographic process

8. Demographic policy in Russia assumes

a) increasing the birth rate

b) decreased birth rate

c) optimization of natural population growth

d) reduction in mortality

9. Indicators are subject to mandatory state registration

a) demographic (number of births, deaths)

b) morbidity

c) physical development

d) disability

10. Preventative medical examinations help identify diseases

a) acute

b) chronic

c) in the early stages

d) infectious

11. The source of studying morbidity by appeal is

a) control chart of dispensary observation

b) medical record of an inpatient

c) statistical report of updated diagnoses

d) certificate of incapacity for work

12. The main accounting document when studying morbidity with temporary disability

a) certificate of incapacity for work

b) certificate of examination by the medical and social expert commission

c) control chart of dispensary observation

d) outpatient medical record

13. The source of studying infectious morbidity is

a) medical record of an outpatient

b) emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning

c) medical record of an inpatient

d) statistical report of updated diagnoses

14. The main cause of mortality is

a) gastrointestinal diseases

c) cancer

d) injuries, accidents, poisoning

15. In the structure of morbidity in terms of appealability, diseases occupy 1st place

a) digestive system

b) circulatory system

c) respiratory organs

d) musculoskeletal system

16. In the structure of causes of disability, 1st place is occupied by

a) respiratory diseases

b) cardiovascular diseases

c) injuries, accidents, poisoning

d) malignant formations

17. The disability group is established

a) Deputy Chief Physician for Work Capacity Examination

b) clinical expert commission

c) medical and social expert commission

d) head of department

18. In Russia, until 1994, the healthcare system operated

a) insurance

b) private

c) state

d) mixed

19. Currently, the Russian Federation has adopted a healthcare model

a) state

b) budgetary insurance

c) private

d) mixed

20. Health insurance funds finance

a) development of the material and technical base of healthcare

b) training of medical personnel and scientific research

c) disaster medicine

d) provision of guaranteed types of medical care under the compulsory health insurance program

21. Guaranteed types of medical care are provided with insurance

a) compulsory medical

b) voluntary medical

c) returnable

d) social

22. The main element of the basic compulsory health insurance program is

a) primary health care

b) inpatient surgical care

c) obstetrics

d) preventive work with healthy adult population

23. The purpose of accreditation of a medical institution is

a) protecting the interests of the consumer of medical services

b) determining the scope of medical care

c) establishing compliance with quality standards of medical care

d) assessment of the degree of qualification of medical personnel

24. First of all, institutions of a certain form of ownership are subject to accreditation and licensing

a) state

b) regional

c) private

d) municipal

25. Licensing of a medical institution means

a) determination of the types and volume of medical care at health care facilities

b) issuance of documents for the right to engage in a certain type of medical and preventive activities

c) determining whether the quality of medical care meets established standards

d) assessment of the degree of qualification of medical personnel

26. Improving medical care to the population of the Russian Federation at the present stage is associated with the development

a) inpatient care

b) medical science

c) rural health care

d) primary health care

27. Priority subsystem for budgetary insurance medicine

a) inpatient care for the population

b) outpatient care

c) rural healthcare

d) state sanitary and epidemiological supervision

28. New type of health care institutions

a) local hospital

b) nursing hospital

c) city clinic

d) multidisciplinary hospital

29. The most promising option is the provision of primary health care

a) local doctors

b) doctors of narrow specialization

c) general practitioners

d) shop doctors

30. Preventive work of outpatient clinics consists of organizing

a) day hospitals

b) medical examination of the population

c) therapeutic assistance in the clinic and at home

d) rehabilitation work

31. Clinical examination is a method

a) detection of acute and infectious diseases

b) active dynamic monitoring of the health status of certain groups for the purpose of early detection and improvement of patients

c) monitoring the state of the environment

d) providing emergency assistance

32. Preventative medical examinations are the basis

a) primary health care

b) medical examination

c) rehabilitation work

d) work ability examinations

33. The capacity of the hospital is determined

a) the size of the population served

b) number of beds

c) the number of working doctors

d) level of technical equipment

34. Paramedical workers have the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work individually and at a time for a period

a) up to 3 days

b) up to 5 days

c) up to 7 days

d) up to 10 days

35. The first stage of rural health care is

a) first aid station

b) rural medical station

c) district level

d) regional or republican level

36. Insurance contributions of employers are based on the wage fund

a) 2.5%

b) 3.6%

c) 5.0%

d) 7.5%

37. A document that is a guarantee of receiving free medical care under budgetary insurance medicine

a) passport

b) insurance policy

c) medical record of an outpatient

d) medical record of an inpatient

38. Clinics provide assistance to the population

a) social

b) primary treatment and prophylaxis

c) sanitary and anti-epidemic

d) stationary

39. Outpatient obstetric and gynecological care is provided

a) maternity hospitals

b) dispensaries

c) antenatal clinics, medical and obstetric centers

d) family planning centers

40. Paramedic and midwife stations provide assistance

a) specialized medical

b) sanitary and anti-epidemic

c) pre-medical medical

d) social

41. The organization of paramedic and midwifery stations contributes to

a) improving the quality of medical care for rural residents

b) bringing medical care closer to the population

c) providing the rural population with specialized types of medical care

d) providing the population with qualified medical care

42. Pediatric care is provided to children

a) medical units

b) children's clinics and hospitals

c) children's educational institutions

d) centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance

43. A special feature of the children's clinic is the presence

a) specialized rooms

b) school and preschool department

c) departments of functional diagnostics

d) laboratories

44. A feature of the provision of medical care to women and children is

a) mass participation

b) general availability

c) clearly expressed preventive orientation

d) professionalism of medical workers

45. Preventive focus is leading in the activities of institutions

a) rural health care

b) outpatient clinic

c) state sanitary and epidemiological supervision

d) ambulance and emergency care

46. ​​The task of primary prevention is

a) early diagnosis of diseases

b) prevention of relapses and complications

c) improvement of the environment

d) hygienic education of the population

47. Postgraduate training of medical personnel is carried out at least once

a) at 3 years old

b) at 5 years old

c) at 7 years old

d) at 10 years old

48. Basic functional responsibility the ward nurse is

a) organization of timely discharge, correct accounting, distribution and storage of medicines and materials

c) control over the correct placement of medical personnel

d) control over the timeliness and accuracy of the implementation of medical prescriptions by nursing staff

49. The main functional responsibility of the head nurse of the hospital department is

b) direct patient care

c) organizational and supervisory functions (correct placement of personnel, prescribing medications, etc.)

d) training nurses on how to clean wards and corridors

50. A feature of the functions of nurses in specialized clinic rooms is

a) fulfilling doctor’s orders

b) carrying out special medical and diagnostic procedures as directed by a doctor

c) preparing the doctor’s office to receive patients

d) sanitary education work


Organization of medical care


Biological factors

Lifestyle (socio-economic)

.?Factors influencing health:

Conditions and lifestyle

Hereditary genetic


Medical and organizational

Social and hygienic

.?Medical characteristics of population health are:



Physical development

Medical and demographic data


.?Social characteristics of population health are:

Sanitary and hygienic characteristics


Indicators of the country's socio-economic development

Health groups

.?The mental characteristics of population health are:

Mental illness

Borderline conditions

Psychological indicators

Medical and demographic indicators

.?Statistical measures of population health are:




Physical development

Attendance at health care facilities

The main sources of information on public health

serve the following, except:

Official information on population deaths

Insurance company data

Epidemiological information

Environment and health monitoring data

Registers of diseases, accidents and injuries

The preservation and strengthening of public health is influenced by

the following factors:

Level of culture of the population

Environmental environmental factors

Quality and accessibility of medical care

Safe working conditions

Nutritional balance

Coverage of the population with medical examinations

.?Physical development is understood as:

The totality of all anthropological characteristics and results

functional measurements

Somatic signs and indicators

Body data

Balanced diet

.?Methods for studying morbidity include everything except:

By cause of death

By circulation

According to census data

According to medical examinations

.?Primary morbidity is:

Diseases first identified this year and nowhere before

not taken into account

Morbidity recorded by a doctor and recorded by him in

medical documentation

.?The essence of the term “soreness”?

Morbidity rate according to negotiability data

Morbidity recorded and recorded by a physician

in medical documentation

The totality of all diseases present in the population,

first identified in a given year or previously known,

for which patients returned again in a given year

.?The statistical term “negotiability” means:

Number of patients who applied for medical care for the first time

help for illness

The ratio of the number of all initial visits for

diseases to the total number of population served

A disease that the patient has suffered from for a number of years

and annually consults a doctor at the clinic will be included in the statistics:

Primary morbidity

General morbidity

Pathological affection

Main types of recorded morbidity

according to traffic data:

General morbidity

The most important non-epidemic



Morbidity with VUT

Incidence of ARVI

For how long and to which medical institution?

notification is sent about the most important non-epidemic disease:

To a dispensary of the appropriate profile within 1 month

To the SES within 5 hours

To a dispensary of the appropriate profile within 3 days

To a dispensary of the appropriate profile within 2 weeks

.?Indicate the main methods for studying morbidity:


Preventive examinations

Registration of causes of death

Expert assessment method

Specify a single normative document for statistical

developments of hospitalized morbidity:

International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death

Statistical map of those leaving the hospital, f. No. 066/у

Sheet for recording the movement of patients and hospital beds,

.?When studying epidemic morbidity, the following is used:

Register of infectious diseases in health care facilities and CSES

Emergency notification of infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning and unusual reaction to vaccination

.?If an infectious disease is detected in a patient, the doctor fills out:

Patient's medical record

Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning, unusual reaction to vaccination

Important Disease Notification

.?If tuberculosis is detected or suspected, the doctor fills out:

Emergency notification of infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning and unusual reaction to vaccination

Patient's medical record

Notification of a patient diagnosed for the first time in his life

tuberculosis, relapse of tuberculosis

1. Health economics is the science that studies

2) problems economic activity health

2. According to the World Health Organization, health is

3) a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects

3. The leading indicator of population health for practical healthcare is

2) morbidity

4. Leading factors shaping population health

3) socio-economic

5. The greatest influence on the formation of public health has

3) lifestyle of the population

6. Polishing dust, plaster, vapors of monomers and gasoline are the main risk factors in the work:

4) dental technicians

7. Static voltage and the danger of nosocomial infection are the main risk factors in work:

1) dental therapists

8. The demographic situation in Russia is characterized by

3) natural decline

9. The universal integrated indicator of population health is

1) average life expectancy

10. The main cause of mortality is

2) cardiovascular diseases

11. Infant mortality is the mortality of children

3) in the first year of life

12. The 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases provides for the following number of classes:

13. Non-epidemic diseases are diseases:

2) widespread, socially conditioned

14. The source of studying morbidity by appeal is

3) outpatient card

15. The main accounting document when studying morbidity with temporary disability is

1) certificate of incapacity for work

16. The source of studying infectious morbidity is

2) emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning

17. The source of studying dental morbidity by appeal is

3) medical record of a dental patient

18. In the structure of dental morbidity, the first place in terms of appeal is occupied by

2) dental caries and its complications

19. In Russia, until 1994, the healthcare system operated

3) state

20. Currently, the Russian Federation has adopted a healthcare model

2) budget and insurance

21. Reason for the transition to budgetary insurance medicine

3) obtaining additional sources of financing

22. Employers’ insurance contributions for compulsory medical insurance (compulsory health insurance) are based on the wage fund

23. Health insurance funds finance

4) provision of guaranteed types of medical care under the compulsory health insurance program

24. Guaranteed types of medical care are provided with insurance

1) compulsory medical

25. The main element of the basic compulsory health insurance program is

1) outpatient care

26. Insured event in compulsory medical insurance system- This:

4) need for medical care

27. A document that guarantees the receipt of free medical care under budgetary insurance medicine

2) insurance policy

28. The Constitution of the Russian Federation allows the following forms of ownership in the healthcare system:

1) state, municipal, private

29. The purpose of accreditation of a medical institution is

3) determining whether the institution’s activities comply with the requirements state standards

30. First of all, institutions of a certain form of ownership are subject to accreditation and licensing

3) private

31. Licensing of a medical institution means

2) issuance of documents for the right to engage in a certain type of medical and preventive activity

32. Priority subsystem for budgetary insurance medicine

2) outpatient care

33. A person who is provided with medical care in accordance with contracts for health insurance- This

2) insured

34. Insurance institution collecting insurance premiums, forming insurance funds providing payment for medical services from these funds is

1) insurer

35. Medical institutions providing medical care to the insured in accordance with contracts is

4) providers of medical services

36. The policyholders are

2) enterprises and institutions

37. Compulsory health insurance (CHI) is regulated

3) by the state

38. Policyholders in the compulsory medical insurance system are

2) employers

39. Insurers in the compulsory medical insurance system are

3) CMO medical insurance organizations

40. Market relations in healthcare are most clearly manifested in the system

2) voluntary health insurance

41. Medical service is

3) type of activity

42. For medical services compulsory medical insurance program prices are set

1) tariffs

43. Prices are set for paid medical services in public health care institutions

4) list prices

44. Prices are set for paid medical services in the VHI system

2) tariffs

45. Long-term rental of machinery and equipment is

46. ​​The basis for determining the official salaries of healthcare workers in the public sector is

1) unified tariff schedule

47. Management is a science

4) about resource management

48. Budgetary insurance medicine is characterized by management methods

2) economic

49. Maximum centralization of power in the hands of the head of the institution is characteristic of the leadership style

3) autotyrant

50. Coordination of the manager’s decision with the opinion of the team is characteristic of the leadership style

2) democratic

51. Clinical examination is a method

2) active dynamic monitoring of the health status of certain groups for the purpose of early detection and improvement of patients

52. Preventive medical examinations are the basis

2) medical examination

53. Preventive medical examinations help identify diseases

3) in the early stages

54. The most common type of specialized medical care

1) dental

55. The main purpose of the dental clinic is to provide assistance

3) specialized

56. The most effective form of dental care is

2) planned sanitation of the oral cavity

57. The main task of planned preventive sanitation of the oral cavity of children of preschool and school age is

2) identification of caries and its complications

58. Inpatient dental care is provided by departments

1) maxillofacial

59. The most effective form of providing qualified dental care is an organization

2) dental clinics

60. Postgraduate training of medical personnel is carried out at least once

61. Demographic policy in Russia assumes

3) optimization of natural population growth

62. In the structure of causes of disability, 1st place is occupied by

3) injuries, accidents, poisoning

63. In the structure of the causes of disability of children, the leading place is occupied by

2) consequences of injuries and poisonings

64. The disability group is established

3) medical and social expert commission

65. Improving medical care to the population of the Russian Federation at the present stage is associated with the development

4) primary health care

66. New type of health care institutions

2) nursing hospital

67. The most promising option is the provision of primary health care

3) general practitioners

68. Preventive work of outpatient clinics consists of organizing

2) medical examination of the population

69. Hospital capacity is determined

2) number of beds

70. Paramedical workers have the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work individually and at a time for a period

2) up to 5 days

71. The first stage of rural health care

2) rural medical site

72. Clinics provide assistance to the population

2) primary treatment and prophylactic

73. Availability of dental care and its proximity to the population is ensured by the organization

1) dental clinics

74. Paramedic and midwife stations provide assistance

3) pre-medical medical

75. The organization of paramedic and midwifery stations contributes to

2) bringing medical care closer to the population

76. Help is provided at paramedic and midwife stations

1) first dental

77. The price of a medical service adds up

4) from cost and profit

78. The Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation” was adopted

2) in 1991

79. Health insurance is

1) shape social protection population in the field of health care

80. Social insurance is

3) type of tax

81. The main factor on which the health status of the population depends

4) level of medical care

82. Biological factors of population health are

2) age, gender, heredity, constitution

83. Refusal to provide medical care is considered as


2) intentional crime

84. World Health Organization created

3) in 1948

85. Collection and distribution financial resources compulsory health insurance is carried out

2) territorial compulsory medical insurance fund

Tests to prepare for the control seminar and exam

Choose the correct answer

1. Economics and healthcare management is a science:

About the patterns of public health and economic relations in healthcare about public health about the system of measures to protect public health about the sociology of health

2.Main criteria public health for practical health care are:

Demographic indicators morbidity of the population physical development disability

3. The greatest influence on the formation of public health is exerted by:

Genetic risk environment lifestyle of the population level and quality of medical care

4. The main factors influencing infectious morbidity include:

Climatic zone population migration age composition of the population gender composition of the population

5. Infant mortality is the mortality of children:

Up to 10 years up to 3 years in the first year of life in the first month of life

6.The demographic situation in modern Russia is characterized by:

Natural increase zero natural increase natural decrease undulation

7. The following indicators are subject to mandatory state registration:

Demographic (birth and death) incidence of physical development disability

8. The source of studying morbidity by appeal is:

Control card of dispensary observation, medical record of an inpatient, statistical certificate of updated diagnoses, certificate of incapacity for work

9. The main accounting document when studying morbidity with temporary disability is:

Certificate of incapacity for work certificate of examination in a medical expert group control card of a dispensary patient medical card of an outpatient patient

10. In the structure of causes of disability, 1st place is occupied by:

Respiratory morbidity, cardiovascular diseases, injuries, accidents, poisoning, malignant neoplasms

11. Currently, the following healthcare model has been adopted in the Russian Federation:

1. state

2. budgetary and insurance

3. private

4. mixed

12. Health insurance guarantees citizens the following:

1. social benefits

2. medical care

4. spa treatment

13. The object of health insurance is:

1. enterprise

2. establishment

2. insurer

3. insured

4. all answers are correct

15. Insurance medical organization is:

1. health department

2. legally independent

4. all answers are correct

16. For the non-working population, compulsory medical insurance premiums are required to be paid by:

1. employers

2. the population itself

3. executive authorities

2. need

20. A system of principles, methods and measures based on a comprehensive study of consumer demand and the targeted formation of the supply of medical services by the manufacturer is:

4. all answers are correct

4. shift of the supply curve

23. A situation in which the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded is called:

Deficit surplus surplus of goods all answers are correct

24. Costs of medicines in health care facilities include:

1. to fixed costs

3. to gross costs

4. to marginal costs

25. A true measure of standard of living medical worker is:

Nominal real wage wage piecework wages time wages

4. all answers are correct

30. Depreciation expenses include:

1. to fixed costs

2. to variable costs

4. to marginal costs

31. What costs does the curve illustrate:


volume of products produced

1. fixed costs

2. variable costs

3. average costs

4. marginal costs

32. In order to reduce the average gross costs of health care facilities:

1. increases the number of medical services provided

2. installs water meters

3. installs energy-saving lamps

4. all answers are correct

33. The activities of organizations and individuals aimed at strengthening and improving the health status of citizens, allowing them to reimburse the costs of carrying out these activities and periodically make a profit at the expense of consumers of medical services or individuals and organizations financing their treatment are:

4. all answers are wrong

34.Which of the following does not apply to the organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship in healthcare:

limited liability (LLC)" href="/text/category/obshestva_s_ogranichennoj_otvetstvennostmzyu__ooo_/" rel="bookmark">limited liability company open joint-stock company company with additional liability partnership with additional liability

35. Sources of financing for health care facilities can be:

1. insurance payments for compulsory health insurance, received from territorial fund compulsory health insurance in accordance with concluded contracts

2. loans from banks and other lenders

3. free and charitable contributions and donations

4. all answers are correct

36. When providing paid medical services, healthcare facilities strive to reduce:

1. average costs

2. marginal costs

3. explicit costs

4. all answers are correct

37. The effectiveness of using the funds available to health care facilities is shown by:

1. return on assets

2. profitability

3. depreciation

4. all answers are wrong

38. The price at which the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded is called:

1. equilibrium

2. wholesale

3. market

4. retail

39. First of all, the following types of ownership institutions are subject to accreditation and licensing:

1. state

2. regional

3. private

4. municipal

40.Insurance premiums in compulsory medical insurance fund obliged to pay:

1. insurance companies

2. public organizations

2. fee payment

3. piecework wages

4. lump sum wages

42. The main cause of mortality is:

Gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, injuries, accidents, poisonings

43. Preventive medical examinations help identify

Acute chronic in the early stages of infectious

44. Demography is a science that studies:

Factors influencing population health, population morbidity, population and patterns of its reproduction; performance indicators of health care institutions

45. The universal integrated indicator of population health is:

Average life expectancy birth rate mortality natural increase

46. ​​Insurance contributions to the voluntary health insurance fund are paid by:

Insurance companies, public organizations, private enterprises, all economic entities, regardless of their form of ownership

47. According to the World Health Organization, health is:

Absence of disease normal functioning of body systems a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects a state of the human body when the functions of its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes

48. In the structure of morbidity in terms of appealability, the following diseases occupy 1st place:

Digestive system circulatory system respiratory system musculoskeletal system

49. Additional medical and other services to citizens are provided by health insurance programs:

1. mandatory

2. voluntary

50. Compulsory health insurance has been introduced in Russia:

Since 1991 since 1988 since 1998 since 2000

51 . The main method of social and hygienic research is:

Historical statistical experimental economic

52. The leading factors shaping population health are:

1. biological

2. natural

3. socio-economic

4. organization of medical care

53. Maternal mortality is the mortality of pregnant women, women in labor, and postpartum women after the end of pregnancy during:

Two weeks one month 42 days 6 months

54. For the working population, insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance are required to be paid by:

1. employers

2. executive authorities

3. the population itself

55. The amounts of accrued contributions to compulsory medical insurance are paid:

1. monthly

2. quarterly

3. 2 times a year

4. Once a year

56. The set of medical technologies, products, medical equipment, methods of organizing medical activities, pharmacological agents sold in a competitive economy is:

1. healthcare market

2. national market

3. local market

4. all answers are wrong

57. The amount of medical services that doctors can provide to the population in a certain period of time at certain prices is:

2. offer

3. all services provided in the health care system

4. all answers are correct

58. The dependence of the quantity of supply on the quantity of price characterizes:

1. law of supply

4. shift of the supply curve

59. Costs for disposable instruments in health care facilities include:

1. to fixed costs

2. to variable costs

3. to gross costs

4. to marginal costs

60. The head nurse of a department in a health care facility includes:

1. to the strategic level of management

2. to the operational level of management

3. to the tactical level of management

4. all answers are wrong

61. Which of the following does not apply to the management cycle:

1. decision making

62. What costs does the curve illustrate:


volume of products produced

1. fixed costs

2. variable costs

3. average costs

4. marginal costs

63. The salaries of nurses include:

1. to variable costs

2. to average costs

3. to economic costs

4. to fixed costs

4. in a medical insurance organization

66. Living wage:

1. this is the amount of goods and services that an employee is able to purchase for the number of banknotes accrued to him

2. minimum wage

3. the sum of prices of goods and services that a person needs to maintain life

67. Demographic policy in Russia assumes

1.increasing the birth rate

2.decrease in fertility

3.optimization of natural population growth

4.decrease in mortality

68. In Russia, until 1994, the healthcare system operated

1. insurance

2. private

3. state

4. mixed

69. Paramedic and midwife stations provide assistance

1. specialized medical

2. sanitary and anti-epidemic

3. pre-medical medical

4. social

70. The main functional responsibility of the ward nurse is

1. organization of timely discharge, correct accounting, distribution and storage of medications and materials

2. direct patient care

3. control over the correct placement of medical personnel

4. control over the timeliness and accuracy of the implementation of medical prescriptions by nursing staff

71. Legal or capable individual who has entered into an insurance contract is:

1. policyholder

2. insurer

3. insured

72. Insurers for the non-working population with compulsory health insurance are:

1. insurance company

2. enterprise

3. local executive power

73.The most promising option for providing primary health care is:

1. local doctors

2. doctors of a narrow specialty

3. general practitioners

4. shop doctors

74. Which of the following does not apply to the management cycle:

1. decision making

2. control over the implementation of the decision

3. studying the situation, collecting and processing information

4. independence of the manager in decision making

75. The source of studying infectious morbidity is:

1. outpatient medical record

2. emergency notification of an infectious disease, foodborne, acute

occupational poisoning

3. outpatient medical record

4. statistical report of updated diagnoses

Sample answers to tests to prepare for the control seminar and exam

in the discipline "Economics and Healthcare Management"