Investments, what to invest money in. How to start investing from scratch: secrets of millionaire investors

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Warren Buffett's first investment was buying three shares of stock at $38.25 per share, which made a profit of only $5, and 60 years later he topped the list richest people world, and continues to remain in its top ten to this day. This - best example how with patience and determination you can make a huge capital even with minimal means. Most people don't want to learn how to invest because they think it requires a lot of money. In practice this is not entirely true. You can start investing with $50 if you know how to do it correctly.

Investing is an investment of free Money into various instruments to generate income. This method of earning money works in the long term and can generate passive income for many years.

IN financial environment There are several types of investors:

  • individual and institutional;
  • financial and industry;
  • short-term and long-term.

In general, there are quite a lot of types of investments

A striking example is Bill Gates. According to a Bloomberg report, he holds no more than 20% of the total capital in shares of his brainchild, Microsoft. More than 50% of all funds are invested in the market financial services and Warren Buffett's fund, 14% in consumer stocks such as Wal-Mart Stores and Coca-Cola. About 15% is in shares of industrial corporations and companies from the industrial sector - Caterpillar, Canadian National Railway Company, FedEx Corporation. Almost 10% of the capital is invested in large companies of the consumer sector of the cyclical type - McDonald's and S.A.B., and another 5% - in the energy industry (Exxon Mobil and BP).

Bill Gates is one of the richest people on the planet

In an interview with Rolling Stone (March 13, 2014), Bill Gates said that luck in investing comes from those who start small. According to him, many people are sure that financial investments are a kind of project that does not require anything other than money, and this is partly true, but it is important to understand and plan your actions correctly, as well as set clear goals for yourself.

Financial experts have identified two main styles that can be seen in investor behavior:

  1. Conservative, in which the investor’s primary task is to protect his capital and gradually increase it by investing in reliable financial instruments: bonds, secured investment fund certificates, financial products with a guaranteed return of funds.
  2. Aggressive, implying that the investor invests money in highly volatile assets that have high potential returns: shares of small companies with significant growth dynamics, securities without collateral, financial products without a guarantee of capital return.

In general, the same person can combine both styles, depending on the situation and the project in which he wants to invest.

Where can you invest?

The market offers dozens of options from which you can start investing, depending on the chosen strategy and type of financial instruments. Even with a small starting capital, you can invest in the following assets:

  • currency;
  • real estate;
  • precious metals;
  • promising startups;
  • cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies;
  • secured stocks and bonds;
  • mutual funds;
  • bank deposits and deposits.

Of course, the easiest way is to put money in a time deposit or open a deposit account. But, as calculations show, this method is effective only in the long term.

Average interest rate for the “Replenish” bank deposit in Sberbank is 5% per year

For example, when opening a deposit of 50,000 rubles for a year at 7% per annum, the monthly payment amount will be about 289 rubles, and at the end of the contract with the bank, the total amount of income will not exceed 3,500 rubles.

In February, as well as in the month of placement and month of withdrawal, the payment will be less, based on the number of days that the amount is in the account.

Investing in stocks allows you to earn more income than from a bank deposit, both in the short and long term.

Is it profitable to invest money?

Investments are the driving force of any economy and an effective tool for increasing capital for every person. Advantages of smart investing:

  1. Passive income. A successful large investor does not have to go to work every day or earn money in other active ways: he does not work for money, but money works for him.
  2. Income diversification. An employee receives income in the form of a salary, most often from one source, less often from two or more. But an investor can make profit from dozens or even hundreds of sources by regularly redistributing capital into different financial instruments.
  3. Unlimited income. Active income is always limited by the time and effort required to obtain it. Passive income through investing does not have such restrictions, so it can increase regardless of the time spent and effort made.

Competent investing allows you to earn money and achieve life goals, which often largely depend on the level of material well-being.

The investor has at his disposal the most valuable resource - time, which he can spend on his loved ones and favorite activities.

Myths about investing

Opponents of investing often cite theses as arguments, which most often have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

Availability of large start-up capital

One of the most common misconceptions that prevents most people from starting investing from scratch is the belief that only millionaires can invest money in projects. In practice, if you invest $50 monthly in a mutual fund at 30% per annum, after 2 years the amount of savings will be $2000.

Investing is a game of chance

Banker Edvar Dubinsky explains whether it is possible to live on the interest from your investments:

In fact, with a competent approach, the risk of losing money is not that high. Investments with good returns and low risks are considered investments at 30-60% per annum, with average risks - up to 120%.

Special education

Undoubtedly, to start investing, it is advisable to first learn this, but not necessarily at the highest level. educational institution. There are many courses, books and articles freely available.

Many years of experience show that the majority of successful investors are specialists in areas not directly related to economics and finance, such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Ingvar Kamprad. These people have multi-billion dollar fortunes, but have not even received a higher education, which suggests that determination and self-education are much more important than a diploma from a prestigious university.

What does a novice investor need to know?

A newcomer to the investment market must study a lot and constantly be interested in the latest events in the country and the world, monitor stock quotes and economic policy.

At the first stage, you need to learn the basics of investing and concepts, without which it is impossible to form a clear understanding of financial instruments and the principles of working with them.

You can find hundreds of books on the Internet on the basics of investing and money management. Unlike articles and forum threads, they can provide more complete information on how to start investing. The following books on investing will be most useful:

  1. "The Intelligent Investor" (Benjamin Graham). The book was published in 1949, and since then has not lost its popularity and relevance, telling in detail about value investing.
  2. “Essays on Investment, Corporate Finance and Company Management” (Warren Buffett). The book contains letters from Buffett to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, which he runs. They allow you to better understand the philosophy of the Great Investor and the psychology of thinking of a successful person.
  3. "Rich Dad's Guide: Learning to Invest" (Robert Kiyosaki). The book is designed for novice investors and is not so much educational as motivating, charging with optimism and self-confidence in the investment field.

However, the most valuable teacher is experience, which, combined with the study of literature and financial market will allow you to achieve success.

InvestFuture channel speaker Kira Yukhtenko highlighted Warren Buffett's top 6 wealth rules:

What types of investments are there?

When choosing a project to invest in, you should consider its type. One of the most important parameters is the degree of risk, based on it, projects are divided into:

  • risk-free - insured deposits with expected profit;
  • low-risk - investments with a risk higher than the market average;
  • medium-risk - investments with a degree of risk equal to the market average;
  • high-risk - deposits with increased risk and income levels above the market average.

Based on the objects of investment, investments are of two types:

  1. Real - investments in production facilities and equipment, material objects of a non-production nature and intangible assets.
  2. Financial - investments in various financial instruments: stocks, bonds, futures, etc.

According to the purpose of investment, they distinguish the following types investments:

  • direct - carried out directly to the authorized capital of the company, after concluding a direct agreement between the investor and the recipient of the funds.
  • indirect - investing funds with the help of financial intermediaries: brokers or investment companies.

It is best for a novice investor to seek the help of an intermediary when searching for and placing his capital in various financial instruments. This way, he will be able to avoid significant financial losses due to investments in low-yield or high-risk instruments.

Tinkoff Bank offers clients its active mediation in various types of investment


The cause of most mistakes is carelessness in matters related to finances. The most common mistakes of a novice investor:

  • invest all your money in shares of one company.
  • take out a loan to form investment capital.
  • invest more than you can lose.
  • do not diversify risks.
  • abuse high-risk investments.
  • invest without strategy and planning.

Before you start investing, you need to at least minimally learn this financial art, calculate all the risks and set clear goals for yourself.

Maxim Temchenko talks about his first experience of investing money, including mistakes and ways to correct them:

Detailed instructions for a novice investor

Start off investment activity best with small investment into risk-free or low-risk assets. Avoid mistakes on initial stage and you can learn how to invest correctly if you follow the instructions:

  1. Assess your financial capabilities. First, it is important to correctly calculate the amount that you can regularly save and invest, the financial reserve and mandatory expenses.
  2. Determine investment goals. The main goal of every investor is to generate income, so you need to decide what percentage of return will be attractive, taking into account the available initial capital. At the stage of defining goals, it is worth remembering that high and relatively quick income is provided by high-risk assets, but in this case the risk of losing all your money increases, especially in the absence of experience and knowledge.
  3. Set the investment period. This is necessary to understand over what period the investor plans to receive a certain income. The optimal investment period is from 5 years, but it varies depending on the selected asset.
  4. Develop an investment strategy. Investing money without a clear understanding of how exactly to handle the financial instruments received is the path to bankruptcy.
  5. Choose an investment method. Deposits can be made directly or through an intermediary - a broker or investment company. For a beginner, it is best to use the services of reliable intermediaries who have proven themselves in the market, even if possible direct investment.
  6. Determine the volume of investment. This is a very important stage: during it you need to select several assets and calculate their potential profitability for the desired investment period. It is advisable to take assets from different industries to diversify risks. With a small capital, you can use highly liquid assets that are sold in a few days, for example, currencies.
  7. Invest. And finally, the most main stage, which some potential investors simply do not reach. If all the previous points have been completed and the calculations are made correctly, then the investor simply needs to monitor the growth in the value of assets and make a profit.

Another important issue that concerns many novice investors is the legality of the income received. Kira Yukhtenko tells how to pay taxes on investments on the stock exchange:

In any case, investing is a sound financial practice that allows you to receive monthly passive income. To do this, it is not necessary to own a large sum, since many projects allow for small financial investments. The main thing is to understand the goals of your investments, have patience and believe in success.

Many who have available funds want to invest money to make it work. It is important that the income received exceeds the inflation rate. At the same time, every investor wants the risk to be minimal. There is no way to avoid this situation without studying modern investment options.

Before you begin to analyze and compare investment options, you should remember a number of rules. They help you invest your money as efficiently as possible. Below are some expert tips that can help you avoid most investing problems.

  1. You can only invest free money. In other words, the amount that can be invested is defined as the remainder of the income after paying basic payments and needs. You should also not risk your own money, borrowed or on credit. If you do not follow this rule, you can find yourself in a difficult financial situation. There are known cases when investor families were left without a livelihood. In addition, there is a risk of loss of funds, which will lead to the inability to pay the loan. The result may be a damaged credit history.
  2. You should not expect that you will immediately be able to provide for yourself by receiving passive income. Most likely, at first it will be too small to ensure a comfortable existence. Therefore, at first, most of the funds earned will have to be reinvested, that is, used to increase the invested capital.
  3. It is imperative to draw up an investment plan. It must clearly indicate all the parameters of investing money. First of all, such a plan must fix which investment options will be carried out and in what proportion. At the same time, it must be flexible enough and easily adapt to changing conditions.
  4. In order not to lose all your invested funds, risks should be diversified. That is, you cannot invest all your capital in one investment project. It is best to choose at least 3 suitable options. The likelihood that three projects at once will turn out to be unprofitable is small. With proper analysis, at least one will bring profit.
  5. It is important to constantly monitor the money invested. Regular monitoring of the situation allows you to make the right decision, as well as adjust your financial plan if necessary.
  6. You should not get involved with dubious projects that promise huge profits. In this case, there is a high probability of encountering scammers, which means losing your invested funds.

These simple tips help even novice investors enter the market wisely financial investments. Don't forget that investing is also work. Without regular analysis of the situation, it is unlikely that you will be able to make money.

Top 10 most profitable investments in 2020

The instability of the economic situation leads to the fact that the profitability of investment products is constantly changing. It is important to calculate all possible options and coordinate them with the prevailing circumstances in the country and the world. In search of an answer to the question of where to invest money profitably in 2020, experts have compiled a rating of the best options.

Investments in the development of small businesses (Alfa.Digital platform)

For those who decide to start investing with an amount of 100 thousand rubles or more, investing in small businesses through specialized platforms is excellent. Most often, such options are offered large banks. They develop investment products. By investing money in them, the owner of the funds essentially lends to companies selected by the bank.

Despite the fact that the risk in this case falls entirely on the shoulders of the investor, it can be noted that it is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the money invested is distributed among a large number of organizations.

An excellent example of a platform that offers to make a profit in this way is Alfa.Digital, organized by the bank of the same name. The following investment conditions are offered here:

  • yield up to 30% per year;
  • payments are made once a week with accrued interest;
  • The minimum investment amount is from 100 thousand rubles.

Investments in P2P lending

The P2P lending service allows you to invest almost any amount. In essence, it is a so-called social loan. Both the borrower and the lender in this case are private individuals.

This option represents a very profitable investment. The interest rate on P2P lending is about one and a half percent per day. True, about half of them will have to be paid to the service that provides intermediary services.

Those looking for P2P lending services can explore two interesting portals – and Loanberry. The first site accepts investments ranging from 4 thousand to 10 million. This amount is enough to invest money and receive monthly income. Loanberry allows you to start investing in loans to individuals from 1000 rubles with interest from 20-30 percent per annum. Moreover, now there is such a function where, for a fee of 5%, you can connect insurance against default, when the site takes over the payment of the debt in the event of a borrower’s default.

Investments in Forex (foreign exchange market)

Many people have heard what Forex is. However, not everyone understands that it is not limited to independent trading. To earn money on foreign exchange market Trading requires a significant amount of serious knowledge. In addition, without experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to make money by trading independently.

However, you shouldn’t refuse to invest money in Forex; just choose one of two popular methods:

  1. PAMM accounts represent a certain type of transfer of funds to professional traders for management. In this case, you can invest even a small amount. It is determined solely by the conditions of the selected PAMM account.
  2. Those who dream of making Forex transactions on their own can use social trading systems or copying the transactions of professionals. In the first case, based on the opinions of experienced traders, forecasts of market behavior are made, which help beginners make the right decision. When copying trades, you should choose a trader you trust so that you can learn about all the trades he makes.

When independently opening positions with an investor more possibilities reduce risk. This is explained by the fact that if there is no confidence in a particular forecast, you can refuse to conclude a deal. In PAMM accounts, all decisions are made by the manager himself.

Investments in startups

Investing in a startup is a profitable investment that can bring significant profits if successful. A startup in the financial world is a business project or idea that is at the initial stage of development. It is quite natural that even the most best projects need an infusion of funds for their implementation. However, not all idea owners have available funds. Therefore, they are forced to seek help.

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a loan for the development of a project from a bank. This is due to the lack of confirmation of the profitability of new projects. Investors who prefer to invest in promising projects at their inception stage come to the aid of beginning businessmen. The main difficulty of investing in startups is that it is very difficult to determine which project will be profitable and which will bring a loss.

Investing money in mutual funds

A mutual fund or mutual investment fund is a promising investment that can be classified as a type of collective investment. Investors (in this case they are called shareholders) purchase part of the fund’s property, called a share, and wait for its value to increase. In fact, such investments must be long-term, in which case the probability of making a profit is the highest. The advantages of mutual funds are:

  • high degree of protection from the state;
  • no need to have special knowledge;
  • low entry threshold - the cost of a share starts from two thousand rubles.

The profitability of a mutual fund depends on the investment strategy it applies. There are moderate, conservative and aggressive funds. In the order in which they are transferred, profits increase. But do not forget that the risk is directly dependent on it.

Experts recommend that if an investor, when choosing where to invest profitably and safely in 2020, has given preference to mutual funds, choose for investment funds that invest the collected funds in the field of IT technologies. Today they are the most promising. In addition, such mutual funds have the best combination of profitability and risk.

Investments in investment or savings insurance

Investment and endowment insurance are a combination of a profitable financial product with insurance. When signing an investment insurance contract, the client receives a number of advantages:

  1. guaranteed return of 13% from the state due to tax deduction;
  2. investment returns due to the management of your money by an investment or management company;
  3. the opportunity to open a deposit for a longer period than regular deposits.
  4. Free life and health insurance;

Endowment insurance allows you to solve two problems:

  • protect yourself in case of financial problems;
  • accumulate a significant amount of money through effective management in cash.

Investments in securities (Through IIS)

Those who decide to invest in stocks and bonds should open an individual investment account. This can be done by contacting brokers or a management company. Most often, investors make money in the stock market in one of two ways:

  1. Independent trading involves opening transactions solely on the basis of the investor’s own knowledge. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a profit without experience and certain skills.
  2. Copying the strategies of experienced managers. Such profitable investments, for example, are offered by the company Finam. It is implemented using the Trade center service. It is enough to choose a strategy and connect to it so that all transactions made on the professional’s account are transferred to the investor’s IIS.

Investing in real estate

This method requires the investor to have a fairly large amount of money. The amount of capital depends on the region and the type of property purchased.

In order to make a profit, you can purchase both residential and commercial real estate. There are several options for making a profit with this method of investing:

  1. purchase of real estate for the purpose of subsequent rental;
  2. purchase for resale.

In the second case, you can increase your income by buying real estate under construction or purchasing dysfunctional or granny flats and selling them after renovation.

It is important to remember that the sale of real estate that has been owned for less than five years results in an obligation to pay income tax.

Bank deposits

Deposits have recently lost their popularity. This is explained by a decrease in interest rates. Nevertheless, they deserve attention. Despite the fact that this option is not a real way to earn money, if you invest money at interest on a deposit, you can reduce the impact of inflation. Deposits are suitable for those investors who do not have sufficient financial knowledge, as well as large capital.

A deposit can be opened even for small amounts - many banks offer to conclude an agreement for one thousand rubles or even less. For many, the determining factor when choosing a deposit is the interest rate. Due to the current deposit insurance system in our country, choosing a bank has faded into the background. In search of where it is more profitable to invest money, you should pay attention to the programs offered Tinkoff Bank. The stakes here are always at a fairly high level.

Investments in microfinance organizations

Investments in microfinance organizations allow you to invest at a high interest rate equity. In this case, you do not need to have any additional knowledge and skills.

However, this option is not suitable for everyone. Most companies set a fairly high minimum entry threshold. Traditionally, it is at the level of one and a half million for individuals and 500 thousand for legal entities.

Thus, there is no universal answer to the question of where it is better to invest money. The decision must be made for each case separately, focusing on the available amount, as well as the desired risk and return.

Hello friends! New people often come to my blog, and I decided to write for you a fun guide for beginning investors!

It is difficult to find practical and relevant information on “how to invest money correctly” in one place that every reader will understand. I will try to present my views in a friendly, conversational manner and talk about the different types and opportunities of investments.

In my opinion, today only “slaves” are not involved in investments and are not interested.

Sooner or later you won't want to work anymore,

or you want to take a vacation, do something that is not according to plan, not according to schedule... But will you have the opportunity to leave your job? Most people live by the “work and eat” principle. What happens when you get sick or are unable to work?

Investments is a passive income that allows you to get rich without working or taking up your time. All advanced people strive to have passive income as early as possible, because it determines whether your life will be interesting and eventful or gray and mundane.

What is investment?

Investments is your contribution to the future, which is expressed in monetary terms. You are investing your money somewhere for the sake of making a profit in the future. At the same time, you do not have to work in order to make a profit.

Investments can free you from work, work schedule and give you freedom of time, while providing you financially.

Today there are a huge number of places where you can invest money, and probably not a single person can know about all the types, since every day there are new opportunities and ideas that require investment. Not all investments will be successful, worthwhile, or very profitable. Therefore, I will tell you how to invest money correctly - only about the most reliable types of investments in order to protect yourself and you from losses. But first, you need to learn not how to invest money profitably, but how to learn how to independently select projects and draw conclusions about the proposals received.

Investor Code

The company has established the so-called “Investor Rules”. But it seems to me that there are no rules for investors. Each type of investment has its own success criteria and business laws. If you invest in real estate, you will not be guided by the rules of investing in art. Of course have general rules, but in my opinion, these rules have already become an axiom, the essence and an integral part of investment. I would call these rules “Investor Etiquette” or “Educated Investor”.

Well-mannered investor

There are laws of physics in the world - no matter how much you want, the apple will fall from the tree. There are approximately the same laws in investments. A well-educated investor will always invest money following these laws.


I indicate the end time of the transaction:

I indicate the price forecast for UP(forecast price increase) and press BUY:

If the price of Ebay shares at the time of closing is higher than at the time of purchase, according to my forecast, then I will make a profit of 70%, and it does not matter whether the price increases by 1 cent or 1 dollar, it is important that it becomes higher.

The deal is closed and I make a profit:

Invest in binary options possible when it works stock Exchange, – Monday through Friday. Enough to do 2 successful transactions per day to earn more 5000 dollars per month, because from a transaction of $100 you get $70 profit, minimum investment in option y - $10.


is an instrument similar to the Forex market, but the assets here are not only currencies, but all exchange assets, including stocks, commodities and indices. The most interesting thing is that to trade you only need $100-300 , but you can already invest in more than 700 shares!

I have been working for many years with a broker who operates under EU laws, but is also regulated in Russia TsROFR. (Above you saw an example of a trade from his options desk.)

I like his professional trading platform, for example, below I will show my example of buying shares Yandex.

To do this, I selected the required securities and pressed the button BUY(Buy):

In one day, the stock price increased, as did my profit:

In order for the profit to be credited to the account, you need to close the transaction:

The results of the transaction can be viewed on the same page in the tab Transactions.

How to reduce risks

How to reduce labor intensity

How much money to invest

Current types of low-risk investments

What to look for when choosing where to invest money

To understand whether it is worth investing in a particular source of income, you must first determine the criteria by which it will be determined whether this is a worthwhile venture or not.

If we limit ourselves to three simple criteria, we would like to highlight the following:


Profitability is undoubtedly one of the determining factors when choosing where to invest money in order to earn money. It is most often measured as a percentage per annum on the amount of invested capital and determines how much the capital will increase in a year, that is, how much the investor will earn. If we want the invested money to work, and not just save it, then at a minimum, the level of return must be higher than the level of annual inflation. At the moment, bank deposits in Moscow cannot boast of this, since the average rate on them is about 8.5% - this is lower than the average annual inflation, which over the last three years until 2017 was 9.9%. Therefore, in order to invest money at a high interest rate and make money on it, you need to use other opportunities, which we will consider below.


The level of risk is also the main criterion when choosing where to invest money at interest. Risks are the likelihood of events occurring in which an investor could lose profits or even their investments. If, when considering ready-made investment proposals, the amount of profitability is most often immediately determined, then the quantitative assessment of risks is almost always unknown. This is due to the fact that it is often very difficult to predict the likelihood of certain negative consequences. And not all consequences can be determined. Therefore, when choosing where to put money at interest, it is best to understand for yourself how the project actually makes money, how long this process has been established, and whether a situation may arise in which something goes wrong. If you do not have sufficient experience in these processes, then it is better to involve experts who understand and understand this. You also need to understand that most often, the higher the profitability, the higher the risks. If you are a novice investor, then at the initial stage it is better to invest money at a small percentage, and as you gain experience, switch to more profitable offers at a high percentage.

Labor intensity

If in pure investing, when you invest money and do nothing else, it is enough, in our opinion, to understand the levels of profitability and risks, then, for example, when investing money in your own business, it appears additional factor, as labor intensity is the amount of working time spent multiplied by the experience and expertise of the performers. In other words, how much time you or your team will spend developing the business, and how much knowledge and skills you have. The development of your own project can have the highest profitability: hundreds or even thousands of percent per annum, but at the same time the required labor intensity of the process greatly increases, especially if you independently participate in business processes. In this case, risks have an inverse relationship with the experience and expertise of the team, that is, the more experience and knowledge, the less risks.

Where to invest money in 2020 so as not to lose - advice from Moscow experts

When there is an understanding of what factors are decisive when choosing where to invest money so that it works, you can already consider and evaluate specific investments, which is what we will do now.

All options will be related to secured loans in one way or another.

We believe that such investments, for objective reasons, are the least risky, but at the same time they have high returns.

At the same time, everyone will be able to find a type that is acceptable to them, based on possible labor costs and the availability of expertise.

To begin with, we’ll tell you in more detail what secured loans are and why the risks are minimal. Secured loans are loans issued by financial companies (MFOs, credit unions, car pawnshops, leasing companies) or private lenders secured by real estate and cars. All this activity is legal and regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. The rates on such loans are much higher than those on bank loans, averaging from 40% to 100% per annum. Borrowers are most often entrepreneurs - the level of profitability of their business allows them to cover high interest rates, and they do not have the opportunity to undergo long and thorough bank checks. The second category of borrowers are people with damaged credit history, the road to banks is closed for them. Or people who are unable to confirm their unofficial income.

All loans are issued either secured by real estate or secured by cars. Wherein maximum amount The loan most often does not exceed 50% of the market value of the collateral, and the loan term is usually no more than one year. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the collateral is sold at market value, which makes it possible to cover both the principal amount and the accrued interest. If there is a difference, it is transferred to the borrower.

It is the presence of collateral that ensures a minimum level of risks for the investor, financial companies and this activity in general.

In 2020, as experts note, activities with collateral loans have become especially popular and in demand among borrowers, while worthy players have appeared in the non-bank lending market, allowing ordinary individuals without any labor costs, invest money in this area and not only not lose, but also make good money on it, receiving your interest with a guarantee secured by the presence of collateral.

Now that we have figured out how it works and why the risks are minimal, let’s move on to considering specific types of investments, their profitability and labor intensity. There are three options in total:

  • Profitable treasures from 14% to 22% per annum
  • Investing-Easy at 24% per annum
  • Investing-Profi up to 100% per annum

Let’s look at each of the options in a little more detail, and you can find out more about each by clicking on the corresponding link, where you can also leave an application for participation in the corresponding program.

Profitable savings

This type is suitable for those who do not want or cannot devote time to investing. Everything is simple here: you invest money and receive income upon expiration or in monthly payments, depending on the type of savings. No labor costs on the part of the investor, but the profitability is not the highest, but 2.5 times higher than bank deposits - from 14% to 22% per annum. Profitable savings are suitable for those who want to invest, for example, 100,000 rubles, since the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. Companies accepting savings:

This type is for those who want to dive deeper into investing in secured loans and get a higher return on investment than regular deposits. Here, the investor himself issues secured loans on his own behalf, but all other business processes, such as searching for borrowers, underwriting (risk assessment and verification of the borrower), collateral assessment, drawing up contracts, accepting payments and others, are carried out by qualified specialists. The investor's labor costs include reviewing and selecting investment proposals and attending the conclusion of the contract. Yield 24% per annum. Suitable if you have an investment of 300,000 rubles, optimally invest 500,000 rubles or more.

The most profitable, but also the most labor-intensive type of investment. This method is suitable for those who are well versed in secured loans. Unlike the previous method, all business processes, except for searching for borrowers, must be carried out independently. Profitability up to 100% per annum. A good option, where to invest 1,000,000 rubles and within a year and a half earn a million rubles from above.

Where is it profitable to invest money at interest - comparison of options

  • Risks
  • Payments
  • Labor intensity
  • Investment amount
  • 7 specific examples- where to invest money to make it work, which we will discuss further
  • Deposits or investing money at interest
  • Build your emergency fund before you move on to high-yield, high-risk investments
  • 3 ways to invest money in currencies and stocks
  • My experience is investing money in mutual funds with a minus sign
  • Investing in shares on the stock market
  • Exchange trading on Forex and the excitement with rising exchange rates
  • Investing in real estate - new buildings, hotel business, apartment building
  • The first property is a new building in the Moscow region, 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road
  • Second property - Apartment building in the Moscow region

I was looking for different options where to invest money. It was a fun and undoubtedly rewarding experience, except for one problem - ignorance was very expensive and required money for each new attempt.

For reference, the cost of ignorance in investing is too high:

One of the last houses I bought as an investment cost me additional expenses by 967,000 rubles, which actually could have been saved at the stage of negotiations on buying a house, if I had used one of the principles of investing in real estate:

Everything that is stated by the real estate seller and increases the value of the property, but is not connected, must be checked and launched before you shake hands.

Warm floors, heating, gas, drinking water and its analysis, electricity and so on - in my case it turned out that the incredibly expensive heating system had to be turned off because it was defrosted. Change pumps and water treatment - it was not suitable for local conditions, and so on.

7 specific examples - where to invest money to make it work, which we will analyze further

3 ways to invest money in the foreign exchange and stock markets:

  • Investing in Blue Chip Stocks Using the Four Fools Strategy
  • Investing money in mutual funds - equity mutual funds
  • Investing money in currency on Forex

3 options where to invest money in the real estate market:

  • Investing in new buildings
  • Daily rental business
  • Investing in apartment buildings
  • (+) 1 way to temporarily store money and stabilization fund - bank deposit

One day you suddenly realize that your income is growing, but your bank account and savings are not - everything that you earn just as quickly goes down to maintain a growing standard of living and loan payments. Everyone sooner or later wonders where to invest money so that it works for you.

Save it to your bookmarks so you don’t lose it.

Save to yourself in 2 clicks

In order not to bore you with a long theory, I will say that deposits cannot be considered a means for profitable investment money, at best, it is a temporary place for your savings until you find a more profitable and profitable way to invest.

The income from deposits is at the inflation level (usually lower), although this is still 2 times better than giving money to Pension Fund, but it’s still not enough to create capital through compound interest - when you receive dividends, you invest them again, and interest is also charged on them.

Build your emergency fund before you move on to high-yield, high-risk investments

The stabilization fund should be kept on deposit and amount to at least 3-4 monthly expenses of your family, and preferably 6 monthly expenses.

If there is any disruption to your cash flow, you will have plenty of time to correct it without your standard of living being affected. With such a safety net, you are much more likely to succeed in highly profitable investments into real estate and you won’t have to urgently sell your assets for next to nothing to pay current bills.

3 ways to invest money in currencies and stocks

In the stock and foreign exchange markets there are players and speculators who play on the difference in exchange rates, and this can hardly be called investing money, because you need to have quite a lot of knowledge in this area and constantly monitor your open positions - every working day.

From passive investments, you can consider investing money in stocks on the long side, for example, according to the four fools strategy, as well as mutual funds ( mutual funds), in which the manager carries out trading for you.

A mutual fund is a mutual investment fund, when you purchase a share (share), and company manager is already purchasing shares and other assets with the money of shareholders and takes its modest small percentage for management.
If you decide to invest in this instrument - consider investing in a stock index mutual fund, as the most independent from the manager.

My experience is investing money in mutual funds with a minus sign

When I first became interested in investing, I bought a mutual fund of shares, which it seemed to me had very good growth potential. As a result, for 5 years of investing in this mutual fund, its profitability was MINUS 4%.

Naturally, I used the averaging method - when you deposit equal amounts every month to smooth out possible market declines and compensate for the bottom.

I thought that mutual funds were completely passive view investment and missed the obvious moments when it was necessary to close positions and get money, although there is another problem - in order to sell a mutual fund, you had to go to a bank branch and write an application for redemption, which completely deprived this instrument of attractiveness.

Therefore, after 5 years I repaid the mutual fund and received a final return of minus 4%. Although there are probably many people in this market who give (or say they give) high returns. There are no people around me who made their fortune on mutual funds, but what about you?

The main idea of ​​the day is to invest money in those tools that you understand

The "INVEST-AND-FORGET-AND-DON'T-CALL" approach always results in your money disappearing.

Therefore, before you make your first investment, learn the mathematical part, or rather the theory and practice of investing with a focus on the instrument you have chosen.

Investing in shares on the stock market

Another investment experience is investing in blue chip stocks using the four fools strategy. I’ll write out the full version of the strategy later, the main idea is that you select companies from a list of blue chips, based on the principle of dividend yield - the ratio of dividends paid to profits received.

The logic is simple - the less money a company pays out of its profits to shareholders, the more it invests in its development, and accordingly the shares can increase in price.

From the resulting list, 4 companies are selected in which money is invested.

This experience was quite good, I made money by buying and selling shares, but it was not like investing, it was just fun trading at the monitor, which needs to be done constantly:

Groundhog day at the trader's monitor

My conclusion about investing in stocks is: stock market not suitable for creating passive income and cash flow:

This method can be considered as one of the investment options, but it is necessary to regularly monitor the market and, if the exchange rate changes, withdraw it into money. My opinion is that this is a rather risky and unpredictable investment if you do not do it regularly and do not track daily dynamics. So, either study and go to the stock market as a job, or get ready to lose money.

Therefore, this option as a source of passive income is not suitable for me.

Exchange trading on Forex and the excitement with rising exchange rates

One of the advantages of my business is that income comes in different currencies, they gradually accumulate in accounts, and one day I issued a VIP card in one of our banks and received a personal manager as a gift. There is also the opportunity to trade Forex through your broker without a retail spread (the difference between buying and selling a currency).

This gave me the opportunity to simply dial a phone number in a matter of minutes to carry out a transaction to sell one currency and buy another. When the excitement began with the growth of the dollar, I did just that, the rate increased from 52 rubles to 69 rubles.

I was certainly glad, remembering the first principle of investing. Invest in what you are good at. I armed myself with courses and books on Forex trading and began to regularly view stock exchange news about the price of oil, a bunch of other information and the activity of the Central Bank in the market.

When the dollar rose to 69 rubles, I bought more and immediately it began to fall to 54-55 rubles. As a result, from all my actions I lost about 300,000 rubles, simply because I did not want to record losses and sell, hoping that the rate would rise back.

When you read this advice in books that cost 300 rubles, you think that I’m certainly not one of these naive guys, but only when you lose real serious money does it get to your head and ass.

Investing money in Forex and PAMM accounts- this is a roulette and a game

You need to keep your finger on the pulse on this topic if you trade on your own. This can be done, but again the experience will cost you a significant amount of money, plus this topic requires, in my opinion, quite a large amount of time and attention.

If you select PAMM accounts (when your account mirrors the transactions of top traders for modest deductions), in principle, you can consider it as an investment option, but again you need to understand how justified the risk is and what share of capital you are willing to risk, I would allocate about 20% of my savings to this topic and invest the rest in real estate. More on this further

Investing in real estate - new buildings, hotel business, apartment building

After various experiments, I came to the conclusion that investing in real estate is most interesting in my case and here’s why:

  1. Real estate, unlike stocks and currencies, usually increases in price, but the increase in the value of the property is like a cherry on the cake, because the main money comes from the cash flow from renting
  2. Regardless of the current value of the property, we rent out the property and receive passive income monthly
  3. Leverage can multiply the return on real estate investments
  4. Further, this income can also be taken into account in the bank, in order to use leverage to purchase the next objects, which also generate income, and so on, to grow income by leaps and bounds.
  5. ​It turned out that you can invest even with minimum amounts 200-300 thousand rubles + there are options to start with generally minimal amounts(apartment house, daily rental, co-investment, etc.)

The first property is a new building in the Moscow region, 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road

Initially, an apartment with an area of ​​100 m2 was purchased in a house under construction 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road; its cost at the time of purchase was 7,500,000 rubles.

After 12 months, when the house was handed over and the keys were received, the market value of the property was 9.5 million rubles, an increase of + 2 million.
The first installment amounted to 1 million rubles, the rest was taken out as a mortgage - 75,000 rubles per month for 20 years.

At the time of delivery of the house, the personal capital invested in the new building amounted to - 1,000,000 (down payment + insurance) + 75,000 * 12 = 1,900,000 rubles.

The loan amount of about 100,000 rubles was paid on the mortgage (for the first year)

In total, when selling an apartment for 9.5 million rubles, it turns out

  • Repayment of mortgage debt - 7.5 million (initial cost) - 1 million (down payment) - 100,000 rubles (paid loan) = 6,400,000 rubles
  • There remain 3,100,000 rubles minus personal capital (1,900,000 rubles) = 1,200,000 rubles (profit for the year)
  • The return on investment for the year was (1.2 million / 1.9 million) = 63% per annum

Mistakes made when implementing the strategy