Car on credit. How to get a loan from Russian Standard Bank? Car loan in a Russian bank

Today we will look at the basic conditions for obtaining consumer loans, as well as issuing credit plastic cards at Russian Standard Bank. Let’s find out how profitable the programs are, whether they are accessible, whether it’s worth choosing them, or whether it’s better to look for targeted car lending opportunities in other financial institutions.

Consumer lending at Russian Standard Bank

Let's learn the basic principles of providing a consumer loan at Russian Standard Bank. Since this financial institution does not currently offer special car loan programs, we are considering a consumer program.

The bank’s official website states that the client has the following potential opportunities within the framework of consumer lending:

  • get a loan of up to two million rubles;
  • pay at a rate of only 15% per annum;
  • get your application approved in real time in just 15 minutes.

The step-by-step algorithm for providing money is presented as follows.

  1. First of all, a potential borrower needs to fill out the appropriate form on the official website, send it and wait for a decision from the bank, which will be made immediately, on the same day.
  2. The next step is to go to the nearest bank office to submit documents and sign a loan agreement. Of course, this is done subject to prior approval of the application.
  3. Then all that remains is to receive the money from the bank's cash desk. That is, this consumer loan is issued in cash.

As you can see, the scheme looks quite simple and attractive.

The calculator for calculating the monthly payment also attracts attention. Here we already see that the maximum amount that is proposed to be entered in the “loan amount” field is 500 thousand rubles, and not two million. This is exactly what you can really count on if there is no special offer from the bank. The loan term can be chosen from three options: 12, 24 and 36 months.

Let's try to do the calculation as an example. If you take out a loan in the amount of 240,000 rubles for a maximum period of 36 months, the monthly payment will be 9,798 rubles. Of course, a significant overpayment is obvious here, but this is generally the specificity of lending. When you need a car, you can purchase it right away and then gradually pay the amount received with interest to the bank.

It is worth noting that a payment of less than 10 thousand rubles per month is quite feasible for a citizen with an average salary. For 240 thousand rubles you can buy a fairly good domestic car with relatively low mileage, for example, produced in 2013 or 2012.

Let's try to calculate the amount of payment if you want to purchase a brand new domestic car directly from the factory, in good condition, or a reliable foreign car with low mileage. Then we need to determine another loan amount - 500 thousand rubles. What do we see? When this maximum amount is indicated, the potential client is informed that a loan is available for 500 thousand for a period of 12 months. Under these conditions, the monthly payment will be 45,342 rubles.

As you can see, the overpayment is less! The loan is taken out for only a year, so the interest charged in ruble equivalent is small. However, you will have to carefully pay a significant amount every month. And here it is necessary to assess your financial capabilities as objectively as possible and approach this responsibly.

Thus, taking out a loan for 500 thousand for a year from Russian Standard Bank is profitable only under special conditions: if you receive a very good salary (and are definitely convinced of maintaining your job in the near future) or are ready to “tighten your belts” for a certain period.

Try to take out a loan “with a reserve” so that your potential capabilities exceed the necessary obligations that you undertake. For example, if you can potentially pay 55-60 thousand a month, it is quite possible to take out a loan with a monthly payment of 45 thousand. Then, even if unforeseen circumstances arise, you will be able to repay the loan on time.

Advantages of lending at Russian Standard Bank

There are a number of significant advantages in obtaining a consumer loan. Let's designate the key ones.

  • The design is extremely simple. There is no need for guarantors. No collateral required.
  • No commissions. There are no additional fees for repayment or loan servicing.
  • There are special favorable conditions for clients with a positive credit history. They are ready to issue loans at a preferential interest rate.
  • Only two documents are required to receive money and draw up a loan agreement.
  • You can choose your own payment date. This is very convenient and creates additional comfort for the client.
  • Borrower insurance is provided. An extremely important option for minimizing the borrower’s risks. Insurance will be useful in case of disability, job loss, or death.
  • Any movements on the account are constantly monitored in real time. All information is available to the client 24 hours a day.

Some points require separate consideration.

Documents, conditions for obtaining a loan

There are certain requirements for a potential borrower. The client must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, and also have permanent registration at the place of residence in the region where the official representative office of Russian Standard Bank is present.

In addition, there is also an age restriction. The borrower's age must be in the range of 23-65 years. There is also an approved list of documents that must be provided to apply for a loan. The first required document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The second one can be provided to choose from; it must also identify the borrower:

  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate);
  • valid international passport;
  • pension certificate (replaced by a certificate from the Pension Fund office, which indicates the amount of the pension and length of service);
  • valid driver's license.

It is believed that you can receive money using two documents. But at the same time, the bank reserves the following right: after consideration of the application, they may be asked to submit additional documents.


It also indicates what sanctions may apply. When there is a delay in the principal or interest on it, a penalty is charged. It is 20% per annum on the amount of overdue interest and principal. It is accrued directly from the date of delay, up to the repayment of overdue interest and principal.

Obviously, it is extremely important to pay everything on time.

Russian Standard Bank was founded in 1999. In a relatively short period of time, the credit institution managed to gain the trust of consumers and significantly increase its rating.

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The main lending programs are express loans issued directly in the organization’s partner stores. However, car loans also have their place.

Existing programs at the bank

Under existing bank car loan programs, you can receive funds for both the purchase of a new and used car.

Currently there are programs such as:

  • Light;
  • Light +;
  • Available car;
  • Auto one to one;
  • Sports and extreme.

The first four programs provide exclusively for the purchase of cars, and under the “Sports and Extreme” program you can buy not only a car, but also a motorcycle, scooter, snowmobile, ATV, that is, equipment for extreme sports.


Loan conditions for all programs are different. Comparative characteristics of the main conditions are given in the table:

Program Amount, rub./Term, month. Loan payment, % per year Additional Information
Light 50 thousand – 450 thousand/3 – 60 11.99 + monthly bank commission — Insurance;
— the possibility of receiving without income certificates;
— down payment from 10%
Light + 150 thousand – 600 thousand/no more than 60 29 — down payment from 10%;
- a certificate of income received is required
Available car Up to 500 thousand/up to 60 from 19 — CASCO;
— car deposit
Auto one to one — No down payment up to 500 thousand;
— up to 3 million/6 — 60
from 19 — buying a car through a car dealership;
— used domestic cars no older than 5 years;
— foreign cars not older than 7 years;
- new cars
Sports and extreme 10 thousand – 300 thousand/12 – 24 From 36 (calculated exclusively on the balance of the loan amount) No proof of income

As can be seen from the table presented, the mandatory conditions when purchasing a car are:

  • an initial fee;
  • CASCO registration;
  • pledge of the purchased car.

You can purchase a used car using all car loan programs, but:

  • the age of a car produced by a domestic manufacturer should not exceed 5 years;
  • The age of a foreign-made car must be no more than 7 years.

To reduce the risk of non-repayment of car loans, the bank provides for the accrual of penalties for late payments.

In this case, the fine is charged in a fixed amount, regardless of the amount of debt:

Who can become a client

A Russian Standard car loan online or at a branch of the organization is issued to people who meet the following bank requirements:

  • the person’s age must be between 25 and 65 years;
  • the client must be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have permanent registration in any region where the bank has a representative office;
  • the person being borrowed has a cell phone (numbers of close relatives can be provided) and a landline number where he can be contacted.

Advantages of Russian Standard Bank

The bank’s significant advantages over other credit institutions engaged in car lending are:

  • scheme for calculating interest on issued car loans. In most programs, interest is calculated monthly and only on the remaining amount of the debt;

When receiving a small amount and for a long period of time, this scheme will allow you to significantly save on interest. And with partial or full early repayment, which is possible only after submitting a preliminary application within at least 30 days, you can reduce the total cost of the loan as much as possible.

  • the presence of several different car loan programs allows you to choose the most favorable terms for a loan for the purchase of a car;
  • a large number of car dealerships - partners of the bank, where you can purchase a car. In most cases, representatives of the institution are the managers themselves, who will help you decide on a loan product, calculate the cost of a car loan and prepare all the necessary documents. This allows you to save time on moving around the city, since in order to obtain a car loan you need to go through the appropriate approvals with the credit institution;
  • A large number of people can get a car loan. Bank requirements are minimal. Moreover, some programs do not require confirmation of the official income of the person being loaned;
  • the opportunity to obtain all information about the loan online. When issuing a car loan, a person receives a password to access his personal account located on the institution’s website. Your personal account contains information about the loan issued, with all the conditions and methods of repayment. From your personal page you can apply for early repayment (without visiting the bank office) and use other services provided by the organization;
  • the issue of issuing a loan is resolved quickly. In most cases, this takes from several hours to 1 business day;
  • When applying for a car loan, a person can, if he wishes, additionally apply for a bank credit card with a certain cash limit.
  • Credit cards also have a grace period (interest-free). Funds from the card account can be used for any purpose;
  • If desired, the borrower can use the additional service “Selecting a payment date”, the cost of which is 100 rubles. The main condition is that the payment date cannot be set earlier than 15 days from the date of receipt of money and no later than 45 days from the same date.

What you need to apply for a car loan

The main documents for obtaining a car loan from Russian Standard Bank are:

  • passport;
  • an additional document proving the identity of the person being credited (driver’s license, foreign passport, TIN, etc.).

If the main condition of the loan is confirmation of income received, then you can choose from:

  • issued at the place of work;
  • a certificate in the bank form, certified by an authorized representative of the employer;
  • an extract from a personal bank account, which can be used to judge the income received.

The above documents are required to obtain pre-approval for a car loan.

To conclude a loan agreement you will need:

  • passport;
  • car purchase agreement;
  • certificate of payment of the down payment;
  • invoice for the purchased car.

All documents, with the exception of a passport, are issued by the manager of the car dealership where the car is purchased.

Since the purchased car is pledged to the bank until the loan is paid in full, the following are additionally provided:

  • PTS of the car. The document is issued at the car dealership. The PTS contains information about the owner of the car. This document is kept in the bank and returned to the owner after the loan is repaid;

However, it is worth remembering that the document is transferred to the bank only after completing the procedure of registering the car with the traffic police.

  • a copy of the car registration certificate;
  • a copy of the CASCO policy.

At the request of bank employees concluding a car loan agreement on behalf of a credit institution, it is necessary to provide other requested documents.


The car loan agreement is concluded between the bank and the client in 2 copies. The document must contain the following information:

  • about the lender (Russian Standard Bank with all details) and the person being credited (including passport details and contacts);
  • about the conditions of the issued car loan. This includes information about the amount, term, interest rate, and the car being purchased;
  • about the rights and obligations of the parties;
  • about penalties;
  • on the procedure for considering disputes that arise.

The loan agreement is also the basis for opening and maintaining a personal bank account, to which the loan amount will be credited and from which monthly payments will be debited.

Payment for the purchase of a car is made only after a written statement from the account holder about the expenditure of funds.

Choosing a bank to obtain a car loan is an extremely responsible matter. Since you will have to take out a large loan, and you will need to pay it off for several years. The choice of programs and loan offers today is large, but it is better to contact trusted organizations that have been working in the service market for a long time. Bank offers differ not only in rates, but also in other conditions. How profitable is a car loan from Russian Standard Bank?

Banking offers and conditions

Russian Standard has been operating in Russia since 1999, and the main direction of its work is lending. He is a regular partner of many car dealerships, where you can immediately get a loan when registering a car.

Car loans at Russian Standard Bank CJSC have been provided for quite a long time, and the loan issuance programs are quite well developed.

Today, several original loan offers related to the purchase of cars are available:

  1. “Sports and Extreme” - this program is designed not only for the purchase of sports cars, but also for the purchase of alternative modes of transport. These are ATVs, snowmobiles, motorcycles of all types, that is, what is most often chosen by lovers of an active lifestyle. The offer is quite unusual, since the amount is calculated according to an unusual scheme: the interest rate is 36% monthly, but it is charged on the remaining amount, and not on the entire loan amount. This means that payments will gradually decrease. How profitable this is can be found out after carefully calculating the resulting payment amount. You only need a passport, the vehicle must be insured. The period cannot exceed 2 years.
  2. Car loan from Russian Standard Bank "Light". This program applies only to passenger cars, and they can be either new or used. The loan term can reach 5 years, the amount available is from 50 to 450 thousand rubles. The down payment for the vehicle must be 10%. The interest rate is 12%, and this will also be charged on the balance of the amount, which will lead to a gradual reduction in payments. The bank charges an additional commission for its services - about 1% for opening and maintaining an account.
  3. Russian Standard also provides car loans under the Light+ program. This is usually what is offered at car dealerships. This offer will allow you to receive up to 600,000 rubles for a period of up to 5 years. The rate here is also quite high - 29% of the outstanding amount. The down payment will be from 10%; to receive a loan you need a passport and a certificate confirming your income level. This type of lending will allow you to get any new car that is within the price range of the loan provided.
  4. Russian Standard also offers to purchase a car on credit using the Affordable Auto program. It involves buying a car at a dealership, the monthly interest rate will be 3%. The loan is repaid in equal payments, the term does not exceed 5 years. The interest rate may depend on the size of the down payment: the larger it is, the less you will ultimately have to pay extra for banking services. At the same time, you can take out an additional loan “Car service on credit”, designed for the purchase of equipment and car maintenance.

Applications for all lending programs are processed quickly: from half an hour to 3 days. This is significantly less than the period in many other banks. The borrower's credit history is checked; it is desirable that there are no non-payments or late payments. Some programs allow you not to confirm solvency, but the rate for them will be much higher.

Pros and cons of the proposed programs

A car loan from Russian Standard Bank differs in many respects from the offers of many other banks. Firstly, in other organizations interest is charged on the entire amount of debt and distributed in equal payments throughout the year.

Car loan "Russian Standard" assumes fairly high rates, which are charged monthly, but not for the entire amount of the debt, but only for the remaining part.

By simple calculations, you can understand that the final overpayment will still be higher, especially since an additional service fee is charged every month.

However, banking offers are not without a number of advantages:

  • A variety of debt repayment options. Online banking will allow you to repay a car loan from Russian Standard Bank without leaving your home. In addition, you can constantly monitor the status of your credit account, monitoring and checking every transaction.
  • Not the highest requirements for borrowers. A high interest rate allows you to compensate for the risk, and for some programs the bank requires only a passport, and for some - also a certificate of income. However, this is much less than the list of documents that other credit organizations require.
  • Insurance is not required in all programs; in some of them, it remains at the discretion of the borrower. On the one hand, this reduces expenses when purchasing, on the other hand, the borrower takes full responsibility for the vehicle.
  • Applications are processed quickly, and the borrower is given the opportunity to additionally issue a credit card.

For almost every person, the issue of purchasing a vehicle is a matter of personal freedom, mobility and the ability to move and travel without the need to use public transport. But, unfortunately, not everyone has enough personal funds to purchase a car, because it is not such a cheap pleasure. Russian Standard Bank, which is one of the leaders in the provision of banking services, offers its clients profitable loan programs. They are perfect for purchasing a personal vehicle.

Advantages and disadvantages of a car loan in Russian Standard

At Russian Standard Bank you can get a cash loan under very favorable conditions. A consumer loan can be up to 2,000,000 rubles with an interest rate of 15% per annum. The loan term can vary from 12 to 60 months depending on the amount paid and the monthly payment. This loan program is perfect for buying a car. The loan can be issued without collateral and without guarantors. When registering, you will be able to join a pleasant bonus program, according to which you will receive bonuses when you pay off your debt. There is also a special debt protection program as a means of additional financial protection for the client.

Online application for a car loan in Russian Standard

Applying for a car loan

After your application is approved, you will need to visit a bank branch to formalize an agreement under the loan program. You only need a passport and one of the additional documents. You can independently choose the date of payment, and also take advantage of the SMS service to receive information on your own account.

To pay off your debt, you can choose one of the methods that will be most convenient for you:

  • Using Internet banking;
  • At an ATM;
  • Through the cash register;
  • In the mobile application.

Requirements for borrowers

To apply for a loan from Russian Standard Bank, you must be over 18 but under 75 years of age. You also need to be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have six months of work experience in your current place.

Russian Standard Bank has developed fast lending. You can take out a loan that is profitable for you with an acceptable interest rate. Let's take a closer look at the lending program.

"Sports and Extreme"

The loan is issued directly in the salon, the maximum loan term is 2 years, and the interest rate is 36% per annum. A loan is convenient if you lack a small amount before purchasing your car. The maximum amount of this loan is 300 thousand rubles.


You can purchase both new and fairly used ones costing up to 450 thousand rubles. The down payment on this loan is at least 10% of the price of the car. The term of the “Light” program is up to 5 years, the interest rate is set at 12% per annum. There is a mandatory commission of 1% for each month of loan servicing.


The difference compared to the previous offer is the loan amount, the maximum is limited to 600 thousand rubles. The maximum term of emergency lending under this program is 5 years, the rate is 29% per annum.


The maximum amount is limited to 500 thousand rubles, and the interest rate on the loan starts from 19% per annum. The maximum period is 5 years.

"One to one"

If you are not ready to make a down payment, you can get up to half a million rubles on credit. If you can make a contribution of 10% of the price, then a loan of up to 3 million rubles is available to you. The rate is 19% per annum. The purchase is carried out through the showroom, where the client will be offered both new and used cars.

For more information about loans in simple language, watch the video.

A loan from Russian Standard is not a cheap pleasure. A high interest rate, mandatory CASCO insurance and a possible commission for additional banking services - all this makes loans expensive. But there is a flexible approach to the client’s income and its confirmation.