Car loan Sberbank. Sberbank car loan calculator Calculate business car loan Sberbank calculator

Sberbank car loan interest rate 2018 calculator

Is it inconvenient for you to travel every day by public transport to work, study or on business? Or maybe you need to transport heavy bags, a stroller with a child or a carrier with pets? Do you want to avoid the crush on the subway and bus?

If you do not have enough personal savings, then a car loan will help you. After you have chosen an iron horse for yourself at a car dealership or one sold by a private individual with low mileage, then it’s time to choose the optimal lending program for yourself.

Everything about a car loan at Sberbank in 2018

It is possible to issue a car loan only to an individual, and the purchased vehicle will be collateral that cannot be sold, donated, or exchanged until the loan is closed.

Sberbank issues car loans on different conditions:

Regular – A down payment of at least 10% of the cost of the car is made, the remaining amount is distributed over the loan period;
Express - you will be asked for only two supporting documents, the amount of the down payment must be at least 40%, and the consideration of the application and the decision to issue funds occurs on the same day;
No down payment - Interest on such a program will be very high, since the financial institution includes all possible risks in this cost;
For a used car - The purchase takes place in a showroom or from a private person, you can choose a domestic car industry or a foreign car, but with the conditions that the car is not older than a certain age, mileage, etc.;
For a new car – Issued at a car dealership after selecting a car and the bank’s approval of the borrower’s candidacy; CASCO in this case can be paid from one’s own funds or included in the loan.

Car loan is issued:

Car dealership when purchasing a new or used car;
Any bank that has this type of lending.

In this article, as an example, we will look at car loans in a bank whose name is on everyone’s lips – Sberbank.

Car loan from Sberbank in 2018

Sberbank today is one of the leaders in lending to individuals and legal entities on the Russian market. Car loans are a very common and popular service at Sberbank. Today, the bank offers three loan programs: classic, partnership and government subsidies. A classic loan can be issued both in rubles and in foreign currency, and the rate on such a loan will be lower – from 11.5%. The loan with state support applies to new cars manufactured in our country, released in 2018. The essence of the program is to reduce the interest rate by closing part of the government loan. subsidies. The partnership car loan program at Sberbank provides for a reduction in the price of loans for cars from manufacturing plants that are partners of the bank. In 2018, this is more than 10 automakers.

Lending from Sberbank in 2018 has the following conditions:

Citizen's age is from 21 to 75 years;
Mandatory registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
Experience of at least 6 months. at the last place of work;
The maximum loan amount is 5 million rubles;
Down payment of at least 15%;
The loan term is not less than 3 months and not more than 5 years;
Interest rate from 14.5% to 16% per annum;
Mandatory supporting documents (passport, work book and 2-NDFL certificate, or if the down payment is increased to 30%, it is allowed to present a pension insurance certificate, driver’s license, international passport, military ID instead of financial documentation);
Mandatory registration of CASCO;
No commission for early repayment;
Repayment during the lending period in equal payments;
Possibility of receiving government subsidies when purchasing a new car;
Possibility of receiving a discount from a car dealership when purchasing a new car or a used car of certain brands.

Sberbank also offers accelerated car loan processing for its clients who have an open salary project. For pensioners, the bank offers the following conditions for obtaining a loan: age up to 75 years, receiving a pension at a Sberbank branch, interest rate - 16%. In the case of pensioners, Sberbank also takes an individual approach in assessing borrowers - they take into account the borrower’s additional income, which can increase the size of the loan; the presence of guarantors can increase the loan term by 5 years.

Car loan calculator at Sberbank for 2018

If the above conditions suit you, then do not rush to run to the nearest Sberbank branch. You just need to have at hand any electronic device that has access to the Internet. By using any search engine or going to the official website of Sberbank, you can easily find a calculator for calculating a car loan. The online car loan calculator at Sberbank for 2018 will help you instantly calculate the terms of payment and repayment of any loan program, trace the dependence of the payment amount on interest or the term of the loan. Its graphical interface is convenient and intuitive for all categories of users. It is necessary to enter the following in the special columns important information :

Amount of credit;
Credit term;
Interest rate;
Other advanced options.

After carrying out the online calculation, you will be able to clearly see both in numerical terms and in the form of a pie chart following data :

Amount of monthly payments;
The full loan amount with interest;
The total number of overpayments on interest for the entire loan period.

The data obtained will help you plan your budget wisely, understand whether it’s worth saving up a little more savings or whether you can safely apply to Sberbank for a loan.

It is important to understand that any information obtained through online calculation is for reference only. The final offer for the car loan program will be specified in the contract upon its conclusion.

The official car loan calculator at Sberbank will calculate the amount of monthly payments in 2020. Find out the loan terms and interest rates from the official website! Nowadays, personal vehicles have ceased to be a luxury and have become a necessary tool for life. It is simply irreplaceable in a big city, where speed of movement sometimes decides many issues. In addition, often a vehicle can become the main source of income.

Most often today a car is bought on credit. There is not always enough money on hand for such a serious purchase. Do you want to know if you can afford a loan to buy a car? Don’t want to wait in line at a bank branch once again to find out the information you are interested in? Then you need a car loan calculator. This convenient and easy-to-use online tool will provide you with a detailed loan calculation for the selected terms in a matter of seconds.

Who is the Sberbank car loan calculator suitable for? Anyone who is planning to purchase a vehicle on credit. In addition, the banking institution offers special conditions to the following categories of potential borrowers:

    holders of Sberbank salary cards,

    persons who have reached retirement age,

    legal entities.

For individuals who do not fall into any of the above categories, loan terms will be standard.

Features of a car loan 2019

For which vehicle can the borrower apply for a loan:

    new car, from the showroom,

    used car (a vehicle that already has a certain mileage and has been owned).

Naturally, everyone wants to choose a loan program with the most comfortable conditions for themselves. This is where car loan calculators help. The tool on our website is based on the most current banking data (for 2019). Our online calculator will allow you to very accurately calculate the consumer loan option that will suit you best in terms of interest rate, debt repayment period, and the amount of monthly loan payments. Thanks to this, you will be able to calculate all possible risks in advance and determine your financial capabilities.

Using the calculator, you can also determine the possibility of repaying the loan with early repayment. Of course, every borrower wants to pay off their debt as soon as possible. But it should be understood that this payment regime has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. That is why online payment will allow you to understand, even before contacting the bank, how payments will go and how much less the overpayment will be.

The interest rate is one of the main parameters of any loan. It is determined based on various data. This indicator is influenced by the age of the borrower, the amount he wants to borrow and the terms of repayment, the presence or absence of guarantors in the transaction, the presence or absence of a down payment on the loan.

Conditions for obtaining a car loan from Sberbank:

    having citizenship of the Russian Federation,

    work experience at the current place of employment for at least six months,

    The age of the loan applicant is from 21 to 75 years.

The package of documents required during registration includes a passport, an application for a loan, confirmation of permanent registration (or temporary), a certificate of income from the place of work, documents for the purchased car. You can get a loan without a certificate from your place of work, but in this case the amount of the down payment will be increased.

Why do you need an online car loan calculator?

The main purpose of the online calculator is to help you decide on the most optimal car loan program in all respects. In addition, every user can use it for free. And the ease of working with the tool does not require any specific knowledge or skills.

Taking out a car loan today is very easy. But it is always better to prepare in advance for such a serious transaction so as not to make rash decisions. Calculate the debt repayment schedule, determine for yourself whether the payments are feasible. And only after that, with a cool head, contact the bank about getting a car loan.

In addition to the lowest interest rate for car loans, Sberbank of Russia provides:

  • the ability to take into account family income when making a positive decision on issuing a car loan;
  • no commissions for issuing a loan;
  • opportunity to choose (change selection) car model within 6 months.


Sberbank Small business


Sberbank business online:

The problem of not having a personal car is familiar to many of us. Dislike of public transport, the desire to gain freedom of movement around the city, a large family are the main reasons that make you think about buying a car on credit. The desire to make your life more comfortable is natural. At the same time, we should not forget that before going to the bank, you need to think thoroughly and soberly assess your strengths and capabilities. Online programs for calculating loans are a good help in this important matter. Let's consider what their practical benefits are.

Let's assume you know exactly what kind of car you would like to buy. An irreplaceable thing in this case is a car loan calculator. By entering into the program fields the approximate cost of the car, the interest rate of the bank where you want to take out a loan, and the amount of the down payment, you can make a preliminary calculation without leaving your home. By clicking the "Calculate" button, you will see the full payment schedule, including the amount of interest and principal for each of them. If the calculation results do not suit you, you can change the loan parameters (for example, increasing the term or down payment) until you achieve an acceptable result.

If you are a supporter of a practical approach to lending, you will like another calculation option in which the desired monthly payment is entered into the fields of the car loan calculator instead of the cost of the car. This will allow you to find out which cars in which price category you can look at based on your initial data. As in the first case, you can change the loan parameters in search of a compromise solution. Separately, it should be said about the column in which extremely important data is displayed - the amount of overpayment on the loan as a percentage of the loan amount and in ruble equivalent. This line helps you cool down and think about whether you really need a car right now or whether it’s better to wait, save more money for a down payment, and thereby reduce future interest losses.

Conclusion: a car loan calculator is an excellent assistant, thanks to which you can understand whether you can cope with the credit load if you buy the car you want or whether you should moderate your appetites. In other words, you will be able to more accurately decide what you should go to the bank or car dealership with.

Sberbank car loan– this is a real opportunity to purchase a car now. The best conditions, individual approach, attractive programs and choice. All this is guaranteed by a car loan from Sberbank.

For many Russian residents, a car remains a distant dream. Not everyone can afford their own vehicle, given today's financial problems.

Today, getting a car loan from Sberbank has become easy and affordable. All you have to do is call, write an email, leave a request, collect the minimum amount, select a car brand and wait for a decision.

Car loan at Sberbank in 2017

The bank represents the ideal start for making a long-awaited purchase. Car loans on the most favorable terms. By becoming a client of the bank, you will be able to purchase a new or used car of domestic or foreign production.

Loyal conditions, favorable interest rates, complete absence of credit commissions, fast transactions. If you receive your salary on a card opened at a bank, then the decision-making time will be about two hours. In other situations, a response should be expected within two days, sometimes four.

A car loan from Sberbank provides ample opportunities. After the client receives approval for the loan, he can choose a car for 180 days. A spouse can also act as a co-borrower. In this case, the income of both spouses is taken into account.

Sberbank allows you to buy a car from a seller who has entered into an agreement with Sberbank of Russia and has the right to independently apply for a loan to purchase a car on his own behalf. Today, there are several programs that provide car loans. After studying them, you can choose the most optimal solution.



The loan term in the Sberbank car loan program does not exceed five years. The loan is issued in rubles or in foreign currency at the request of the client. The only addition is the fact that the loan must be repaid before reaching the age of seventy.

You can calculate a car loan on the official website of Sberbank of Russia. To do this, use the loan repayment schedule. Enter the required parameters and click “Calculate”. Thus, you will learn approximate figures, calculations and be able to plan your budget. You can pay the loan through.

Sberbank offers the opportunity to receive your choice with a limit of up to 200,000 rubles. You can get a credit card immediately after your car loan is approved and use it to purchase additional goods or services.

Materials on car loans are taken from the bank’s official website. You can get more detailed information on the official website.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without having his own car. But not everyone has the opportunity to realize their dream for a banal reason - there is not enough personal savings. Sberbank car loan allows you to achieve what you want in a short time.

Clients between the ages of 21 and 75 can realize their dream of owning their own transport.

Sberbank's loan offers for the purchase of a car in 2018, as well as in the future 2019, are limited. Previously available special car loan programs have been transferred to Cetelem Bank. This is a subsidiary of the leading bank in Russia. At the moment, Cetelem occupies a high place in the ranking of Russian car loans: 37 offers are presented on its website. The financial organization has another advantage - it cooperates with a wide network of car dealers and showrooms. The client does not even need to visit the bank: he can submit an application and sign an agreement directly at the car dealership.

Sberbank and Cetelem are car lending partners. If the applicant is rejected by Sberbank, he will be asked to submit an application to Cetelem.


Before taking out a car loan from Sberbank, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of car loans in this credit institution.

The benefits of the program include:

  • If the borrower does not have enough funds to buy a car, the bank can provide him with borrowed funds.
  • There is an option to apply for a loan without confirming the client’s income - up to 5 million rubles.
  • Despite the fact that the car is pledged to the lender, the buyer will be able to use it as property.
  • For salary clients, an express procedure for reviewing the application is provided (within 2 hours). For others, a response will be provided within 1-2 days.
  • You have the opportunity to select a car within 90 days after loan approval.
  • It is allowed to involve one of the spouses as a co-borrower, and when calculating income, the combined income of the married couple is taken into account.
  • After processing the loan, the client has the opportunity to receive an instant credit card with a limit of 150 thousand rubles. or a personalized credit card with a limit of up to 200 thousand rubles.
  • With a down payment of 30%, the borrower has the opportunity to add life insurance.
  • No additional fees.

Sberbank transferred almost all operations with the issuance of loans for the purchase of cars to its division - Cetelem Bank


Despite certain advantages of the program, there are significant disadvantages:

  1. there is no lending program for the purchase of used vehicles (in this case, it is possible to obtain a consumer loan for individuals);
  2. the program does not provide an option without voluntary registration of CASCO;
  3. high interest rate, only participants in the salary project can count on a reduction in interest rates;
  4. 85% of borrowed funds go directly to the purchase of a car, the rest goes to insurance.

Car loan for used cars

At the moment, Sberbank of Russia does not issue car loans for used cars. Therefore, 2 solutions are possible:

  • Take out a regular consumer loan. Non-targeted loans from Sberbank have their advantages - the application procedure is much simplified compared to car loans. There are no strict restrictions on vehicles that can be purchased on credit. In this case, the car will not act as collateral and no down payment will be required. The only drawback of this option is that the interest rate is slightly higher than with a car loan.
  • Apply for funds for a used car to the subsidiary bank – Cetelem Bank. There is a lending program for such cars, but their “age” should not exceed 5 years (for domestic brands) and 10 years (for foreign cars). The age of the vehicle is calculated from the last date of planned repayment.

You can purchase both new and used cars on credit

Buying a new car on credit

Today, Sberbank implements only one lending program - the purchase of a new car of Russian or foreign production. The maximum amount you can count on is 5 million rubles, and the maximum period is 5 years. The main condition for granting a loan is a mandatory down payment of 15%.

The interest rates depend on the client’s status and the period for which the borrowed funds are issued.

A calculator is provided for preliminary calculation of a Sberbank car loan.

Types of loans for car purchases

Let's consider whether there are differences when applying for a loan for different categories of borrowers.

For individuals

Individuals can use any program and apply for a loan using an express program or with a full package of documents. If Sberbank for some reason refuses a loan, the applicant can submit an application to Cetelem Bank.

For entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs receive a car loan from Sberbank on a general basis. The same applies to Cetelem Bank. The only difference is the list of documents to be submitted. To confirm their income, entrepreneurs are required to provide:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • tax return for the previous reporting period (3-personal income tax, declaration under the simplified taxation system, under the single tax, under the unified agricultural tax).

Legal entities

If the borrower is a legal entity, then Sberbank has a special offer for this category of borrowers - a Business Auto loan. As part of the program, you can purchase new and used vehicles needed for your business. In addition to special equipment and cargo transport, you can buy light commercial vehicles. The minimum loan amount is from 150 thousand rubles. at a rate of 11%. The loan is issued for a period of up to 7 years.

Car manufacturers with which Cetelem Bank cooperates on lending

Procedure for obtaining a loan

The procedure for applying for a car loan at Sberbank is as follows:

  1. Fill out a credit application for a loan. It can be submitted through Sberbank or directly at a bank branch.
  2. Collect the necessary documentation (the list of documents can be studied on the website of the banking organization).
  3. The collected documents are transferred to the department or to the car dealership, if it participates in the affiliate program.
  4. If an approving decision is made on the submitted application, the borrower begins to select a car, and then you can sign a loan agreement, take out insurance for the car and a collateral agreement for it.
  5. Borrowed funds are transferred to the client account, from where they are transferred to the car dealer (salon) and the insurer.
  6. After this, the borrower takes his car and becomes its owner.

4 simple steps separating customers from their own car

Lending terms

Let's list the terms of a car loan for a new car at Sberbank:

  1. credit funds are issued only in national currency;
  2. minimum amount – 45 thousand rubles, maximum – 5 million rubles;
  3. only 85% of the cost of the car is paid with the funds issued;
  4. it is impossible to attract co-borrowers (except the spouse) on the loan;
  5. loan term – 3 – 60 months;
  6. the purchased vehicle is registered as collateral;
  7. the client can purchase a car in a showroom that has entered into an agreement with a banking institution, from a regional dealer or from a production representative;
  8. there are no commissions for issuing a loan;
  9. compulsory vehicle insurance.

The bank sets certain conditions for the purchase of an insurance policy:

  • The borrower can use the services of any insurance company if they meet the lender’s requirements, but preference is given to the bank’s partner insurers (their list can be found on the website).

Package of necessary documents

When submitting an application form, the applicant is required to provide a package of documents, but their list depends on the lending option and the status of the applicant.

If the applicant cannot provide proof of earnings, in addition to the application form, he must submit:

  • passport with registration mark;
  • any second document proving the identity of the applicant (military ID, international passport, driver’s license, insurance certificate of state pension insurance).

If the applicant is ready to provide the lender with information about his income, then along with the application he submits:

  • passport with registration;
  • certificate 2-NDFL or certificate in the form of the bank;
  • extract from the work book.

After approval of the application at the stage of signing the contract, the borrower presents the following documents to the bank:

  1. car purchase and sale agreement;
  2. copy of technical passport;
  3. document from the car dealership to pay for the car;
  4. CASCO insurance policy;
  5. confirmation of payment of the insurance premium;
  6. payment document confirming payment of the down payment;
  7. when insurance is included in the cost of the loan - an invoice for payment.

Requirements for a future borrower

To receive a loan, the client must meet several bank requirements

They are as follows:

  1. age - not younger than 21 years at the time of application and not older than 75 years - on the date of final repayment of the loan (if the application is submitted without confirmation of employment and available income, then the borrower’s age is limited to 65 years);
  2. continuous work experience at the last place of work for at least six months (for salary clients - 3 months) and at least 1 year for the last 5 years (the latter requirement does not apply to “salary clients”);
  3. For women on maternity leave with a child under 6 months old, a loan is not possible.

Features of lending

Citizens sometimes wonder if there are any special features in car lending. Let's consider possible situations.

  • Features of student lending. Despite the fact that the established minimum age threshold is 21 years old, it is almost impossible for students who do not have additional income to obtain credit funds to purchase a car. This is because the lender pays attention to the borrower's creditworthiness.
  • Pensioners. There is also an age limit for older people. But even in this case, income is the determining factor. If a pensioner continues to work, then he has a greater chance of getting a loan compared to his non-working peer.
  • Loan without advance payment. It is impossible to sign an agreement without paying a down payment at Sberbank. The lender obliges the client to pay at least 15%. The starting fee is a prerequisite, since the seller needs it and is a guarantee of a future transaction.
  • No guarantors. This type of lending does not require the involvement of guarantors. One of the spouses can act as a co-borrower. The collateral for the loan is the purchased car.
  • Borrowers with bad credit history. Sberbank is a banking institution that imposes strict restrictions on borrowers with a damaged credit history. You can try to apply for a loan from other financial organizations, but you should not hope for a low interest rate.

Car loan payment schedule

To estimate the size of monthly payments on a Sberbank car loan, an online calculator is used. Since there is no special tool, you can use a consumer loan calculator for calculations.

Debt repayment is carried out in monthly annuity payments. The loan agreement specifies the monthly amount and provides a repayment schedule. For late payment, the bank will require you to pay a penalty amounting to 20% of the overdue amount.

The borrower is allowed to repay the loan partially or in full ahead of schedule: the bank does not charge a commission for such an operation. To make an early repayment, you must first write a corresponding application, indicating:

  1. date of early payment;
  2. amount of payment (there are no restrictions on the minimum amount);
  3. account number from which funds will be debited.

State subsidy program

Launched in 2017, the state subsidy program for the purchase of a vehicle (“Family car” and “First car”) had already reached its planned targets by October 2018. But there is information that preferential lending will be extended into 2019.

A car loan from Sberbank with state support was carried out through Cetelem. The conditions are:

  1. Families with two minor children (or more) are eligible to apply for benefits;
  2. the vehicle must not exceed 3.5 tons;
  3. its cost does not exceed 1.5 million rubles;
  4. purchases are made only for cars of domestic brands or some foreign brands, but assembled in Russia;
  5. less than a year has passed since the car was released;
  6. the loan term does not exceed 3 years;
  7. applicants must not have another car loan;
  8. subsidy is 10% discount.

Refinancing loan 2019

Refinancing allows borrowers with financial problems to pay off their debt without delays and possible penalties from the lender. At Sberbank, it is possible to refinance a car loan from the bank itself or from another institution.

Ways customers can pay off auto loan debt

In the first case, in addition to the car loan, there must be at least one consumer loan from another bank. If the car loan took place in another bank, then in the refinancing application you can combine up to 5 loans (cards, consumer loans, mortgage). For the client, this is a significant bonus: instead of several problem loans, he now has one with a reduced rate. It varies from 11.9 – 13.9%. The amount depends on the term and amount: the shorter the term and the larger the amount, the more profitable the interest will be. Only borrowers with an undamaged credit history and no late payments at the time of application can count on refinancing.

Tips on how to get a loan with a favorable interest rate

When issuing a car loan and calculating the interest rate, Sberbank approaches each applicant individually and focuses on his income.

The borrower has a chance to get a lower interest rate if he takes into account the following:

  1. the registration option without proof of income entails an increase in interest;
  2. to demonstrate to the lender more income, you can involve your spouse as a co-borrower to take into account the total family income;
  3. increase the down payment amount to 30%;
  4. an applicant for a loan to purchase a car who does not have a driver’s license may be classified as a risk group;
  5. Having a positive credit history and financial stability are the main factors that influence the rate reduction.

Applying for a loan through Sberbank Online

Clients who decide to apply for a car loan in Setele can simplify the procedure by using Sberbank Internet banking. Submitting a loan application is available in the mobile and web versions of Sberbank Online. Providing this opportunity gives future car owners a number of advantages in simplifying the loan application procedure:

  • Completing an application takes a minimum of time, since the client’s data is automatically taken from his profile.
  • The minimum amount of time to receive a response to an application from Cetelem Bank is on average 30 seconds.
  • The choice of a dealership for the desired car brand has been simplified using an interactive map.
  • After applying for a loan, the borrower will be able to receive information on payments and manage repayment directly in his personal account.

Having chosen a car model, the client signs documents at the car dealership and becomes the proud owner of the purchased vehicle.
  1. register in the system;
  2. log in to Sberbank Online using your ID;
  3. the interface will prompt you to select a car model (purchase of new and used vehicles of foreign and Russian production is available);
  4. according to the proposed lending programs, the borrower chooses the optimal one for himself (taking into account discounts and special conditions from car dealers-partners of Cetelem Bank);
  5. give consent to the processing of personal data, fill out and submit the application;
  6. after a short period of time, you will receive a response from Setelem about the preliminary decision (you can receive it in the form of an SMS on your phone, in your Personal Internet Banking account, or by email);
  7. if the application is approved, Cetelem sends a list of dealership centers connected to the credit programs;
  8. the borrower, using an interactive map, selects the nearest car dealership;

Having chosen a car model, the client signs documents at the car dealership and becomes the proud owner of the purchased vehicle.


Despite the fact that Sberbank currently has only one car loan program open, the borrower can use the services of Setelem, where there is a large selection of offers. The application is submitted through Sberank Online, and a decision is made in a short time.