Home credit bank official. Home credit bank personal account

Home Credit Bank is represented in Moscow by 19 separate branches, including a cash settlement center. The bank's sales points are located in more than 20 Eldorado stores located in different districts and districts of Moscow, which makes access to the financial services of the credit institution almost unhindered, fast and convenient.

Home Credit Bank offers potential clients in Moscow all types of services: lending to individuals and legal entities, raising funds for deposits, issuing credit and debit cards, cash management services and much more.

You can see the full list of Home Credit Bank branches in Moscow at the very bottom of the page. They are displayed in a list, but x can also be viewed on the map, which is more convenient.

How to get a loan from Home Credit in Moscow without going to the office?

To apply for a loan at Home Credit, a potential borrower does not have to go to the office. To do this, just fill out a form on the credit institution’s website, indicating all the necessary information for the bank to make a decision (passport details, personal information, information about the desired loan, registration and residence address, place of work and other information).

Within just 5-15 minutes, the client will receive a preliminary decision on the application by phone and will know whether he can count on approval. Only in case of a positive verdict should the borrower prepare the necessary package of documents and go to the nearest bank office.

The list of documents will depend on the selected loan program and the required amount. For example, to purchase goods on credit in partner stores, the client only needs to provide a passport and any other identification document of his choice. Usually this is SNILS, TIN or driver's license.

Non-working pensioners must take with them a pension certificate or a certificate of pension establishment.

Regular clients of the bank must provide a passport and SNILS. And new borrowers can bring a passport and any of the following documents: SNILS, driver’s license, foreign passport.

Who will get a loan from Home Credit Bank?

Based on the requirements of the credit institution for potential borrowers, we can conclude that the ideal client of Home Credit Bank is a citizen of the Russian Federation aged 22 to 64 years, permanently registered in Russia and having a constant source of income and a good credit history. At the same time, minor delays in repaying loans from other banks are allowed for up to 30 days.

For example, the ideal borrower for Home Credit Bank would be an ordinary worker of the largest Russian Aluminum plant in Moscow with a good, stable salary, own or rented housing. The marital status of the potential borrower does not play a special role, but the purpose of the loan is a rather important factor.

A simple worker can get a one-time loan from Home Credit for an expensive purchase, a resort vacation, treatment, apartment renovation and any other consumer purposes.

It’s another matter when the borrower often needs credit funds in a small amount, for example, when there is a constant delay in salary. In this case, a one-time large loan will not work and it would be better to apply for a Home Credit credit card. With it, the client will receive an impressive limit of borrowed funds with the possibility of preferential repayment without interest. Thanks to this, the borrower will be able to use the bank’s money for free.

Address 125040, Moscow, Pravdy street, building 8, building 1 License 316 Website homecredit.ru

Opinions of clients and bank employees about the quality of service and work at Home Credit Bank. Ratings and reviews on the terms of service - tariffs, interest, features of consumer loans, deposits, credit and debit cards. Work with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Feedback from debtors on procedures for debt collectors to collect overdue loans.

Write a review

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

Pah-pah-pah, I’m paying off a loan for the 3rd time - this is the most adequate bank. Everything is fast, simple, no problems - whatever amount you need to pay - I pay it, everything is written off on time and clearly. Nothing extra. The interest rates are really high + insurance, but when you need money urgently, you don’t have to choose.

Other banks make you want to hang yourself even at the stage of applying for a loan.

  • 30 June 2019, 16:38

Anonymous Credit Cards Rating: 1

At the end of 2018, an installment card was issued (Benefit, editor's note). The other day I received an SMS message about a 12-month installment plan for purchases at partner stores. I made purchases at a store from the list of partners listed on the bank’s website. I have read the terms and conditions in advance.

After the purchase, when calculating the payment schedule, the terms of the promotion were not applied by the bank and the installment plan was 1 month! According to the bank’s calculations, a month after the purchase it is necessary to pay the entire amount and repay the debt.

Appeals for clarification through online banking did not yield any results. Either a bot writes, or constantly changing employees respond, writing nonsense. For example, they indicate that the promotion only applies to...
show all

Hello! The situation is strange; if all conditions are met, the installment plan should have been correct.
To understand everything, write us a personal message with your details in the bank’s official group (Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook or Odnoklassniki).

  • June 16, 2019, 00:05

I took out a loan twice, not one mistake in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and they approved 800 thousand. I’m telling you I don’t need that much, I asked for 200, they refused. Strange!

Andrey Consumer loans Rating: 1

Strange bank! I took out a loan twice, not one mistake in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and 800 thousand were approved! I say I don’t need that much, I asked for 200 and they refused! Strange!

Hello Andrei!
The offer from the bank was preliminary; the exact decision will be known only after submitting the application. Don't worry, you can apply again.
We will be glad to cooperate.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • 15 June 2019, 18:48

I am not happy with your debt collector, who calls me about my neighbor’s debt until 12 o’clock at night. Because there is no law for him, I cannot answer for my neighbors. Contract number 2206567766.

Kiseleva Anna Georgievna Bank collectors Rating: No

I finish paying off my loan. I am very grateful to the employees of the bank located on Stara Zagora Street in Samara. But I’m not happy with your debt collector, who keeps calling me about my neighbor’s debt until 12 o’clock at night. Because there is no law for him, I cannot answer for my neighbors. Contract number 2206567766.

Thank you for choosing our bank. In order to stop calls, we need information about what phone number they are being received at.
You can call the hotline and provide this information, or write to us in the bank’s official groups on social networks, or the bank’s chat.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • 15 June 2019, 08:03

Lyudmila Consumer loans Rating: 1

I will not recommend this bank to anyone. High interest rates, although the SMS when they offer to take out a loan indicates a different interest rate, more optimal. Then, as the bank employee explains, each person has an individual loan rate.

They are cunning in imposing additional services, enabling SMS notifications. But the most important thing is that they do not have insurance. And then it turns out that she is present and not small.

The insurance is designed in such a way that you don’t have to sign it, it comes as an insert, an addition to the contract. In general, complete disappointment in this bank. Think before applying for a loan from this bank.

Hello, Lyudmila!
An exact decision on the application can be obtained only after sending it to the bank; a preliminary decision is sent to you via SMS.
Any services are connected only at your request and you can disable them.
SMS is turned off at any time by calling the bank or you can write, for example, in chat.
And the insurance service is provided within 14 days from the date of execution of the contract.

We really hope that your opinion will change and we will continue cooperation.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • 28 May 2019, 18:34

Nina Grigorievna Kuzneva Contributions Rating: 1

The work of bank tellers cannot be criticized; their attitude towards their clients is disgraceful. I am an elderly person, disabled, the attitude is the most disgusting. I’ve known the bank for more than 10 years, and I have a deposit there, and it’s not a small one.

They attached a Cosmos card to my deposit, supposedly without it I do not have the right to issue a deposit. So I unattached this card for 2 years until Alexandra Baburina intervened.

I had to pay the accrued commission, I was not given an agreement for this card, I would have responded in a timely manner to the matter regarding this card. The investment deposit expired on 05/06/19, came to the bank on Altufevskaya 86, ...
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Nina, we apologize for the inconvenience caused. The situation is extremely unpleasant and incomprehensible.
To understand everything, write to us in one of the bank’s official groups on social networks (Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook)

  • 25 May 2019, 13:39

They gave it at 11%, but it turned out to be 19%. They imposed insurance, an SMS package, and withheld 15,000 from the loan amount without explaining why. And where did they get so many evil employees from?

Vasilyeva Zoya Consumer loans Rating: No

We took out a loan in Cheboksary at the main office. They gave it at 11%, but it turned out to be 19%. They imposed insurance, an SMS package, and withheld 15,000 from the loan amount without explaining why. And where did they get so many evil employees from? The administrator is not competent. In general, you shouldn’t waste your nerves and money there.

We are very sorry that your opinion about the bank has become like this(
Most likely, you had an offer from a bank with a rate of 11% per annum, and you can find out the exact decision after submitting your application.
All services can be disabled, insurance at the bank office or partner store upon application, and SMS can be called by calling the hotline or writing to us in the chat, or in the bank’s official group on social networks.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • 23 May 2019, 16:31

Karina Consumer loans Rating: 1

Simply disgusting customer service! I was approved for a cash loan and had to sign an agreement in my personal account. Since I don’t need the “financial protection” option, I called the hotline and they told me that when I signed the contract I could refuse this service. But if suddenly you don’t succeed, Vyacheslav told me very politely, then you call us back and we will turn it off for you.

I sign the contract, of course there was no opportunity to refuse, and call the hotline back. There, no less polite Victoria tells me that I can only do this at the bank office, and also assures me...
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Hello! When signing loan documentation through your personal account, you just need to uncheck the box next to this service.
If you missed it, you can cancel it at the bank office or partner store upon application.

All conversations in the bank are recorded and, if necessary, we can listen to them.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • 18 May 2019, 13:49

Elena Services for individuals Rating: 1

Home Credit Bank seized all my cards, alimony came in and half of the amount was written off to pay off the debt. I called the hotline and was transferred from one operator to another and no one really explained anything, they don’t know anything and they don’t know what to do either.

They said go to the bailiffs, why go there if the bailiffs don’t have a penalty pending, I was there, in the end they didn’t solve anything. How to withdraw money, they did it quickly, but how to get it back is nothing.

Hello, Elena!
You need to provide the bank with a certificate stating that the account is an account for receiving alimony, and also that the seizure of the account has been removed by the bailiffs and the money will be returned.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • May 8, 2019, 11:04 pm

Vera Credit for goods Rating: 1

In February, I wanted to buy a wireless vacuum cleaner and a fitness bracelet from the Eldorado online store. I left a request for an installment plan. The application was approved by Home Credit Bank. Arriving at the store and visiting the lending department, I was directed to the checkout. At the checkout they couldn’t carry out the goods for me because... According to the database, they did not agree on the price.

They assured me that until I picked up the goods they would not charge me anything, and I calmly left. I called the bank and, just in case, reported what had happened and asked for a waiver of the installment plan. My appeal was accepted. A month later, I started receiving messages and calls about what I had to do...
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Hello, Vera!
We are very sorry that this happened, so that we can help resolve this issue, write to us in one of the bank’s official groups on social networks (Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki).

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

  • 19 April 2019, 19:48

Lyudmila Credit for goods Rating: 2

On January 12, 2019, we bought a washing machine for 25 thousand 990 rubles using an installment card from Home Credit Bank, having issued it for 3 months. I have taken out consumer loans for the purchase of household appliances from this bank before, and there have never been any problems. Payment was to be made from the 5th to the 24th of each month.

In my naivety, I made the first payment on February 4, believing that the money would be withdrawn on February 5, but in mid-February calls began that I had to pay an additional 5 thousand and the calls continued almost every day, I went to the bank office and they immediately charged me a fine for violating the schedule (which I paid for earlier).

The next contribution was made by 9 thousand...
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Hello, Lyudmila! The situation is very strange, the bank does not have the practice that fines are charged for a prepaid loan.
We suggest you figure it all out, write us a personal message in one of the bank’s official groups on social networks (Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook).

Home Credit Bank.

  • 6 April 2019, 17:20

Dissatisfied client Bank collectors Rating: No

The bank's service is zero, the employees speak in a rude tone, they stuff all sorts of rude words into my personal messages, they also missed my monthly payment that I made, they bother me and ask my friends about my personal life. I took out a loan for 3 years and was overdue, but I don’t deny that it’s overdue, but I pay every month and don’t refuse to pay.

And then they tell me to repay the entire loan amount and threaten to take legal action. I have never heard such ignorant and rude treatment of their clients from other banks! I do not recommend this bank to anyone!

Write to us in any official social network group (on the official website at the bottom right of the link). We will check the correctness of the employees’ conversations with you.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 4 April 2019, 05:10

Anonymous Product credit Rating: No

People, don't mess with home loans. These are scammers. A year ago my phone broke. A new one was urgently needed. I borrowed a phone from Home Bank for 6 months. Within a month and a half, I paid the entire amount in two installments. I took a statement of debt from the bank representatives on the day of early repayment of the loan and paid everything right away. I personally asked the bank employee to show me on his computer that the payment went through and everything was zero. And he calmed down, but in vain.

A year later they started pestering me with text messages saying that I was in their debt. That I did not pay off the loan in full and they charged me interest. Pure scammers. Not on purpose...
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Contact us in any official social network group (on the official website at the bottom right of the link). We will understand your situation and provide an answer.

Home Credit Bank.

  • March 27, 2019, 05:52

Vladimir Services for individuals Rating: 1

I took out a consumer loan from HKB. I paid with a card through my personal account. Without my consent, they wrote off 190 rubles from my card. I called the operator, they didn’t really answer anything, they kept dragging their feet until the money on my mobile ran out. I contact through my personal account via chat - the robot answers, gives data that I already know without it.

In general, I do not advise anyone to contact this bank. And I will recommend it to all my friends too.

Good afternoon, Vladimir.

Write to us in any official social media group (there are links on our website at the bottom right). We will definitely help you quickly resolve the issue of writing off funds.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 21 March 2019, 19:09

Irina Services for individuals Rating: 1

My review will be negative. The service in St. Petersburg on Moskovsky Prospekt is simply disgusting. The queue people are completely incompetent and have problems with politeness. Well, insurance is a different story. Anyone who has not had problems, insure yourself with this bank and problems will appear.

Since December 25, I have been calling Moscow at my own expense, sending a bunch of documents, and in return I receive new ones and not a ruble of money. When insuring, no one warned me that I needed to send a million documents to Moscow. I will terminate the contract in the near future and will not wish my enemy to deal with your bank.

Hello Irina!
We are very sorry that you were disappointed with the service at our office.
It’s a little unclear what happened with insurance in general, please tell us in more detail what happened.
You can write to us in the bank’s official groups on social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter and Odnoklassniki), we will definitely look into your issue.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 14 March 2019, 16:41

Svetlana Consumer loans Rating: 1

I submitted an application for a cash loan from this bank, but it ended up being rejected and incessant calls from companies like “Bystrodengi” and so on. It turns out that the bank blatantly sent my personal data to all these institutions, I did not give consent to this. I didn’t hear anything sensible in response from the bank - each operator speaks in his own way, as if they work for different companies.

One said partners, another laughed and said that they are not partners at all, the third generally said “They’ll call and stop,” it’s useless to write in the chat, each operator gives a couple of vague answers and closes the dialogue.

I will never contact this lousy bank again and I don’t advise you, don’t...
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Good afternoon, Svetlana.

Please clarify, did you submit your application on the website? When submitting an application in this way, you check the appropriate box and in case of refusal, your data is sent to other credit institutions.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 28 February 2019, 18:32

Anastasia Consumer loans Rating: 1

I don’t think this is 1000% fair. I am your client, as I was told over the phone, “loyal.” I’m telling you my situation so that people who decide to take a loan from you know about the work of your operators.

I decided to take out the nth amount of money on credit from your bank, and they even approved it for me. Everything is fine. But based on the bank’s response, I had to call/write myself, since your bank does not provide feedback to customers on the response. Also, no one informed me that in order to receive money (in cash) I need a 2-personal income tax certificate. Okay, I called the hotline to find out for what period...
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Good afternoon, Anastasia.

To check the information, please clarify your data and a detailed description of the situation in our official VKontakte group.
Please note that the approval of an application is influenced by many factors, but not by the presence/absence of 2NDFL certificates. Applications do not affect your credit history in any way.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 24 February 2019, 15:28

I took out so many loans and paid them back on time, but you refused me. Okay, I'm not with you.

Olga Services for individuals Rating: No

I will never use your bank again. I took out so many loans and paid them back on time, but you refused me... Okay, I’m not with you.

Good afternoon, Olga.

We are sorry that you received a refusal. Approval from the bank comes based on an analysis of many criteria; we are confident that you will be able to get approval and use the desired amount.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 14 February 2019, 22:16

Nadmitova Natalya Nikolaevna Services for individuals Rating: 1

All bank services are working poorly. You can’t get through to the hotline; in the chat, the bot answers off topic, informs you that a specialist will call you back, but no one calls back. Claims that are assigned a number are not responded to with a call from the bank or SMS.

Mobile applications are primitive, inconvenient, literally 2 buttons. They unjustifiably debited money from my account and did not consider it necessary to explain the reason. I decided to close all accounts, and I have 3 of them in this bank, and move to another, more reliable bank.

Good day, Natalia.

We are sorry that you have such an opinion about the bank. Note that when communicating with a bot in a chat, you can always write about your desire to switch to a specialist and the bot will transfer you to him. We also note that when drawing up a request, you can inform the specialist about your desire to receive an answer in the form of an SMS or a call, and the employee will put a corresponding mark in the program.

Regarding the write-off of funds, please clarify your data and a detailed description of the situation in our official group in contact https://vk.com/homecreditru. We will definitely help you with a solution.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 14 February 2019, 09:40

Anton Consumer loans Rating: 1

The application offers a loan at a rate of 10.9%, but in fact it is 23.8%. After the application, the call center employee calls and says: thank you, the rate is high - not interesting. To which they ask the question: how do you understand the rate of 23.8%. How should I understand it? How should I even answer this question?

I wanted to ask the quality control department, but they don’t give this number in the application - they just avoid answering. The employee does not appear until you write 3 messages to the automatic bot, and when the employee arrives (which happens after N amount of time), they do not provide contacts.

Good afternoon.

The application displays the minimum rate from which registration is possible. After submitting the documents, the bank informs you what conditions it offers.
Then the decision is yours!

Best regards, Bank
Home Credit.

  • 21 January 2019, 18:08

Maria Question Rating: No

It’s interesting what you’re doing, gentlemen. With a deposit amount of 100 thousand rubles. for 1 year at an interest rate of 7.7%, the calculator shows the amount of income in the amount of 7,595 rubles. So it turns out that the rate is not 7.7%, but 7.59%. And why lie? The hope is that pensioners are completely stupid and don’t know how to count? So you too will be pensioners...

Maria, hello!
Thanks for your feedback. The bank has nothing to do with it, this is a technical error in the calculator on the Topbanki.ru website. Indeed, we had an inaccurate calculation for deposits, the period of which was indicated not in days, but in months. Months were converted to days (1 month = 30 days), which is of course an error. For deposits whose term was specified exactly in days, the calculations are correct.

Because of this, the difference between the correct calculation and the current incorrect one was 104 rubles, with the deposit parameters you specified (correctly 7,699 rubles, but our calculator showed 7,595 rubles). We quickly corrected this error, thank you again for your feedback.

Editorial Board of Topbanki.ru

  • 13 January 2019, 18:33

Anna Debit Cards Rating: No

Connection to the service Benefits are promised within 7 days. THIS INFORMATION MUST BE INDICATED ON THE SITE AND IN THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CLIENT.

Good afternoon.

Home Credit Bank.

  • 13 January 2019, 09:39

In the city of Volgograd it is impossible to deposit funds into an account. Not a single ATM works. Bank employees ignore complaints!

This bank will scam you out of your money. In short, I don’t recommend it to anyone, deceiving employees, imposing services. For 1 month and 4 days of using a loan in the amount of 350 k, the bank earned almost 50 k! We will go to court! If you ate in detail, then read on. My grandmother and I went to the bank to get a loan, the employee said that she couldn’t get us a loan without insurance, it was required. We immediately began meticulously asking about the possibility of refusing and not taking out insurance, the employee said...

In February, I wanted to buy a wireless vacuum cleaner and a fitness bracelet from the Eldorado online store. I left a request for an installment plan. The application was approved by Home Credit Bank. Arriving at the store and visiting the lending department, I was directed to the checkout. At the checkout, they couldn’t process the goods for me because their database didn’t match the price. They assured me that until I picked up the goods they would not charge me anything, and I calmly left. I called the bank and, just in case, reported what had happened and asked for a waiver of the installment plan...

I contacted the bank in 2018 to open a deposit, but I was informed that since I was previously a depositor, I was denied, only for new depositors. Today the bank has interesting offers, but I make a choice in favor of other banks that value former depositors - draw your own conclusions.

Monday day, out of 8 only 2 windows are open. Queues. And the office is beautiful, yes, the interior is modern.

I was quite satisfied with the gentle debt repayment program. It is very convenient for those who have a difficult life situation and it has become difficult to repay the loan. After contacting the nearest branch, the employees helped me fill out all the necessary papers and offered me a good way out of the situation without fines or interest. For me, this proposal became a solution to many financial problems. The bank's specialists explained everything clearly, talked about how it would be more convenient to make a payment and gave all the contacts to contact them.

I express my gratitude to the management of Home Credit Bank. I have been a client of the bank for many years. The bank card is my lifesaver, always with me. The percentages are not high. I recommend the reliable bank HOME CREDIT to everyone.

Insurance scam in Kazan. In February, I took out a loan from LLC HKF Bank-Home Bank loan for a TV in installments for 24 months in the amount of 13,799 rubles. Well, as is usual with banks, they imposed insurance on me in the amount of 750 rubles, which insures an amount several times greater than the amount of the loan itself. Since I really needed the item and it wasn’t approved without insurance, I had to take out a loan with insurance. I ask: “Why is the insurance amount so large?” They answer me that the insurance company Generali LLC...

I am very pleased with Home Credit Bank. I took goods both on credit and in cash more than once. Bank employees are always friendly and will listen, tell and give advice. I am very pleased with this bank. You can check your entire loan in your personal account, which is very convenient and accessible at any time! Thanks to all employees and management of the bank, good customers and prosperity to you!

In general, I have the most unpleasant memories with the bank itself, or rather with the girls who sell loans, but since I did the stupid thing myself, I didn’t read the agreement carefully, I want to note that the service in this bank has been improving over the years.

Home Credit has very high interest rates, but at the same time there are representatives of this bank in almost every store, and people both took loans from them and still do, sometimes overpaying for the goods themselves.

I applied for a cash loan and urgently needed a small amount. The credit history was good, I took out a loan from this bank and others, there was never a delay in payment. They checked for half a day, answered 150 questions: why, why. As a result, they refused. I didn’t expect that taking a small amount would be SUCH a problem!

In February, I took out a loan from LLC HKF Bank-Home Bank loan for a TV in installments for 24 months in the amount of 13,799 rubles. Well, as usual with banks, they imposed insurance on me in the amount of 750 rubles, which insures an amount several times greater than the amount of the loan itself. Since I really needed the item and it wasn’t approved without insurance, I had to take out a loan with insurance. I ask why such a large amount of insurance? They answer me that the insurance company Generali PPF General Insurance LLC is less than...

I wasted two hours of time trying to resolve a simple issue. The operators are incompetent and switch off every two minutes to consult with someone. Only on the 3rd or fourth attempt did I hear a normal answer to the question posed. Ugliness.

They give loans to unemployed people and alcoholics! It is not clear how the security service works, or are they checking whether relatives can pay and what can be squeezed out? On March 20, 2017, I came with my niece to sort out the loan that she was given by department 78. (St. Petersburg, Bolshevikov Ave.). She explained to the manager that her niece did not work anywhere, we, that is, her mother and I, would pay for the money taken. 30 thousand were paid and what a shock it was when it turned out that this money was not used to close the debt, but was...

I would like to thank a bank employee named Inna, I don’t remember her last name, but I contacted her on December 26, 2016 by phone with a loan application. The girl is just smart, she helped me arrange everything through an online bank, I didn’t have to go anywhere, everything was done at home, via the Internet. The money came to the account I indicated. Thank you, successful work, health, prosperity to you and all bank employees in the new year 2017. It's a pleasure working with your bank.

On 09/13/16 I contacted a bank branch located near the Rimskaya metro station. Considering the existence of an existing loan, in principle, I didn’t count on approving the next one, I just really needed money - construction. Last year the service was not particularly impressive, but this time, in my opinion, a striking change for the better. I almost didn’t sit in line, the bank employee was a pretty girl (listed as Tsabur Dorina in the contract, I didn’t remember personally, she was too immersed in her problems), she was not just nice...

Home Bank is the worst bank. Payments are not received on time and the service is terrible. And there are no hotline numbers. I will never deal with this bank again in my life and I don’t recommend it to others. People, don't mess with this bank. There is one complete deception there. And I will pay off the loan and will never contact it again.

Internet banking from Home Credit allows you to manage accounts and transactions at any time. With its help, existing bank clients can control payments, study the schedule of incoming and outgoing funds, pay utilities, fines, Internet, transfer money to a bank account or card, and much more.

Home Credit Bank clients appreciate the convenience of the service: now they can repay their loans and keep track of their open ones without leaving home.

Registration in your personal account

The Internet banking service is available to existing owners of a deposit, loan, debit or credit card Home Credit.

Do you want to become a bank client?
Contact the nearest branch with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Are you a bank product holder?
Call the contact number +7 495 785-82-22 to connect your personal account. On the hotline, you need to identify the client by answering a series of questions from the operator.

Please note: during verification, personal data may be specified, for example, contract/card number, passport data or code word. Upon successful completion of the procedure, the employee will provide a login for authorization into your personal account.

Login to Home Credit personal online banking account

To log in to your personal account, click “Login”. After that, select the desired option:

In the window that appears, enter your username and password. Internet banking uses a standard client identification procedure. To increase the security of your data, we recommend:

  • install an antivirus program on your smartphone, tablet or computer;
  • do not click on suspicious links that indirectly indicate a connection with a bank/payment systems;
  • when changing your phone number, notify the bank in a timely manner to adjust the agreement;
  • Do not share CVC/CVV cards, personal account passwords and one-time SMS confirmation codes with anyone.

Features of the Home Credit account

After logging in, the client has access to the following types of services and operations:

  • control of movements of funds in the account;
  • bank and interbank transfers;
  • online application for a loan or credit card;
  • setting up regular auto payments;
  • payment for housing and communal services, cable and satellite television, Internet;
  • payments without commission for traffic police fines, state duties, taxes;
  • opening deposits;
  • replenishment of cards;
  • blocking the card if lost;
  • connecting and deactivating SMS information services.

Login to My Credit by date of birth and phone number

Owners of consumer loans have access to a service for monitoring loan transactions at the bank. Login is carried out using the user's date of birth and phone number.
In your My Credit personal account you can:

  • obtain information about the number and amount of payments, repayment terms;
  • make loan payments with a debit card online;
  • take out a new loan on favorable terms for regular customers.

Frequently asked questions and answers

How to change the password in your Home Credit personal account?
To change personal data, find the “Settings” button in the service menu. Select “Change Password” from the list provided. After entering the new and old passwords, click “Save Changes” to confirm.

Is it possible to top up a mobile phone account via Internet banking?
Can. To do this, go to the “Payments” section, click “Create” and select the required item (mobile phone payment). Then find the required operator in the drop-down list, enter the amount and make the payment following the instructions of the system.

Where can I find out my card account details?
Go to the “Products” page in your personal account and scroll to “Show details”

How to disable Mobile Banking?
Find the “Settings” section in the menu and go to the “Mobile Bank” subsection. There you can manage the service and disable it.

The payment did not arrive. How can I view my payment history?
In Internet Banking, select “Payment History” and check by date or details whether the required payment is there. If there is no payment, please call the hotline +7 495 785-82-22 to solve the problem.

I have a Credit Account. Can I use it to transfer money to other people?
Unfortunately no. The credit account is used to obtain information about a credit card or loan, check account movements and pay the loan. For other operations there is the Home Credit Internet Bank service.

Any questions? Can't log into your personal account?
Contact our one-stop support team by phone +7 495 785-82-22 or the nearest bank branch to submit an application on the required issue.