Sberbank youth card. Tariffs and conditions

The Sberbank “Youth” card helps to teach how to use bank payment instruments and instill a financial culture from youth. It will be useful for the younger generation, as well as parents, to know everything about it: both its advantages and disadvantages. If you want your children to begin preparing for adulthood from the age of 14, it makes sense to order a youth card for storing and using funds.

Molodezhka, as people call it, looks like a regular Sberbank payment instrument. This may be a personal debit or credit card. At what age do you get a card? Its main difference is that it is made for youth and children aged from 14 to 25 years.

The registration of the described Sberbank product is carried out on preferential terms, consisting in the fact that the holder will have to several less money give for service and receive certain privileges.

In addition to benefits, there are also restrictions. So isolated means of payment can be ordered in several options:

  • classic Mastercard;
  • Visa Classic;
  • Personalized visa;
  • MasterCard with individual design.

Note that the design of the standard version of the youth card from Sberbank emphasizes its youth: a girl on a bicycle, rushing towards the sunset.

Youth debit card

Studying the description of the debit product, you will not find many differences from other types of plastic that can be obtained from Sberbank. The described map differs in the following:

  • there is no provision for opening linked additional cards;
  • works only with domestic currency, while similar “adult” options can work with USD, EUR;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is lower than that of a standard analogue.

The above can be considered as advantages and disadvantages. According to user reviews, the main reason why it is worth placing an order for the described plastic is that it is given out even to children.

The payment instrument is valid for 3 years. Daily limit for cash withdrawal - 150,000.00 rubles (cash desks and ATMs). The maximum withdrawal amount per month is 1,500,000.00 rubles. You can withdraw more, but if you exceed the limit you will have to pay 0.5% of the excess amount.

Youth credit card

We have dealt with the debit option, it remains to find out what its analogue is – a bank credit card. This map More student than teenage, since you can get it from 21 years old. Age limit is 30 years.

The pros and cons of this product are fully consistent with the advantages and disadvantages of its standard counterpart. The limits, benefits, service features and other parameters are the same. For example, the penalty for late repayment will be 36%. Standard loan interest- 23.9 to 27.9%.

Services provided to Sberbank youth card holders

Once you activate your plastic card, Sberbank will give you access to its following services:

  • opportunity to participate in bonus program“Thank you from Sberbank”;
  • cash withdrawals both in rubles and in other currencies (conversion is quite acceptable);
  • If desired, the card can be linked to an electronic wallet;
  • if the plastic is lost, damaged or stolen outside of Russia, you can withdraw money urgently;
  • the ability to view all information about the card in the Sberbank Online service, as well as pay using the Internet for goods and services;
  • the ability to top up a card or withdraw cash from it, as well as make transactions at self-service machines of Sberbank and other financial institutions;
  • use promotional and discount bonuses from Master Card and Visa programs;
  • use mobile banking, the cost of which is 60.00 rubles per month;
  • make purchases using a card in real and virtual stores;
  • send transfers to other users, individuals and legal entities.

As already noted, those who wish to own the described product can create their own for it individual design. The main thing is that it complies with the rules of the financial institution.

Maintenance cost

When applying for a Sberbank youth debit card, the applicant can count on more favorable rates. The cost of servicing a regular card is 150 rubles. To create an individual design you will have to pay an additional 500.00 rubles.

A different tariff applies to credit cards. The first year of service will cost 750.00 rubles. In the next 2 years you will need to pay 450.00 rubles. A full-fledged “adult” card costs the same.

Reissue and additional services

An important issue in card operation is re-issuance. It can be planned, that is, undertaken due to the expiration of the plastic, and unplanned, when the plastic is lost, stolen or broken.

If the Molodezhnaya card is reissued according to plan, the service is provided completely free of charge. For unscheduled production you have to pay 150.00 rubles.

Additional paid services include:

  • connection to a mobile bank with SMS notification (during the first 2 months, Sberbank provides the service free of charge) – 60.00 rubles monthly;
  • ordering a statement for the last 10 transactions – 15.00 rubles;
  • monitoring card balances at ATMs of third-party banks – 15.00 rubles.

Checking balances in “native” self-service machines is free.

How long does it take to make a card?

The production time for the described product is approximately the same as for other types of plastic. How long it takes to issue a card depends on:

  • region of application;
  • standard or custom design is used.

The answer to the question of how long it takes to make a Sberbank Youth Card will be in the range from 7 to 22 days. More production time will be required if the application includes a personal picture or photo of the user for an individual design. It will take time for the bank administration to review them. More precisely, by what date the card will be ready, the manager will tell you when accepting the application.

How to get a Sberbank Youth Card?

The procedure for registering a debit card is simple:

  1. Submit your application by first providing documents.
  2. You wait a certain number of days until the card is ready.
  3. You receive a message that the plastic is ready.
  4. Go to a financial institution to pick up your card.

In order to apply for a credit card, it is advisable to have two documents with you:

  • passport;
  • 2-NDFL (students are issued a certificate at the dean’s office).

In the case of a credit card, a special form must be filled out. Then you need to wait 2 days for the decision of the financial institution. If it is positive, the further procedure is the same as when registering a debit card.

How to apply: conditions of receipt for clients

To open a card for yourself or a child, you do not have to go to the Sberbank office. The application can be submitted online on the official website of the institution.

The registration conditions are as follows:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration (region does not matter);
  • advance payment for annual maintenance.

How to order for free and receive?

There are only 2 options to apply and only one option to receive.

You can make an application:

  • in a Sberbank branch;
  • on the institution's website.

It will be different when you receive previously ordered plastic. The future holder must come to the office of the institution with his passport.

Registration at a financial institution

Any card, be it World, Maestro or the product being described, is easiest to issue at an institution. Here you will receive answers to all your questions, you will be provided with assistance in completing documents and provided with any information about the card.

It is important to consider that the manufactured plastic will be stored in the office for only 30 days. If you do not apply for it during this period, it will be destroyed. You will receive an SMS to the number you specified in the application that your application has been completed and you can come to Sberbank and pick up your card.

Online application via the Internet

If you intend to submit an application online, you can do this as in your personal account(LC) on the SB website, if you are an existing client, and on home page official resource if you are just planning to become one.

If you have a personal account, the steps are as follows:

  1. Log in.
  2. Go to the “Debit Cards” tab.
  3. Choose Youth.
  4. Click on the “Complete” button.
  5. Fill out the application and submit the form.

If you do not have a personal account, on the main page of the Sberbank resource, select Youth and decide on its type. Next, fill out and submit the form.

When the SMS arrives, you can go to the bank.

Important: if you want to order a product with an individual design, this can only be done online.

Activation process

You can start using the card only after its activation. If you do nothing, it will be completed automatically 3-48 hours after receipt. If you don’t want to wait a day or more, you can immediately activate the plastic card at the Sberbank office. Also, the payment instrument is activated after funds are credited to it at the ATM.

How to use?

The described plastic is no different in use from standard cards. You can make payments and send transfers, credit money to your account and withdraw it. All monetary transactions are confirmed by PIN codes and SMS, which is done to protect money from attacks by criminals.

How to get balance information

In order to fully use the card, you need information about its balance. There are many ways to find out how your card balance changes. This:

  • Sberbank Internet service “Sberbank Online”;
  • mobile banking – sending a message to number 900;
  • call to the call center of a financial institution;
  • check at the self-service machine;
  • connection of SMS notifications;
  • installing mobile banking on a smartphone or tablet;
  • ATMs of third party financial institutions;
  • USSD request “*900*01#.

Cash withdrawals, deposits and commissions

If you want to withdraw a certain amount from your debit card, it is best to use an ATM. If you choose a Sberbank self-service machine, no commission will be charged. Withdrawals from ATMs of other financial institutions will cost only 1 percent.

If you have a credit card, the withdrawal conditions are slightly different:

  • 2.5% of withdrawal;
  • the effect of the grace period should be taken into account.

To withdraw money from an ATM, you need:

  1. Insert the plastic into the card reader.
  2. Dial the requested PIN code.
  3. Select the “Cash Withdrawal” option.
  4. Type the required amount on the keyboard.
  5. Get money.
  6. Pick up the plastic.

The latter must be done within 45 seconds. Otherwise, the machine will remove the card.

To deposit money into a payment instrument, you can use one of the following methods:

  • go to the bank's cash desk;
  • transfer from an electronic wallet;
  • taking advantage of payment terminals Compay, QIWI, etc.;
  • transfer from other Sberbank cards via:
  • MasterCard MoneySend service,
  • Visa Transfer service,
  • personal account in Sberbank Online;
  • transfer from your mobile phone account by sending an SMS to number 900 indicating the required amount.

You can also transfer money from cards of third-party financial institutions, however, in this case the transfer period may be longer.

How to refuse?

If you decide to change your service bank, or you are interested in a different level of cards, for example, gold, you can refuse the plastic described. Once you have made this decision, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Sberbank office with your ID.
  2. Draw up and sign a statement that you intend to close the account (indicate the account number, beginning and continuation) and cancel the card.
  3. Withdraw the remaining balance on the card.
  4. Take notice that the account has been cancelled.
  5. Hand over the plastic.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the product described is that even a credit card is available to young people who have not yet started working. Other advantages include:

  • free SMS information;
  • opening youth access to all Sberbank services;
  • security of funds on the card.
  • It is possible to link an account to an electronic wallet.

There are also disadvantages of plastic:

  • the loan rate is high;
  • When withdrawing cash from a credit card, you need to pay a high interest rate;
  • The credit limit of 200,000.00 rubles is not available to most applicants.

They are aimed at meeting the needs of various categories of citizens, regardless of age and status. Sberbank issued such a card product as the Molodezhnaya card specifically for its young clients.

One of the advantages of using such a card is that when paying in a store for a product or service, 10 percent of the amount in the receipt is returned to the card balance, as bonuses from the bank, which can be used to pay for other products in the future. In addition, the card holder can quickly and easily pay for mobile services by sending only an SMS message to a short number. He can also pay for online purchases to another person, knowing only his phone number, and other options will be available to the user of such a profitable product as the Molodezhnaya card (Sberbank). Reviews about it can be found both positive and negative, but there are still more positive ones.

Card Features

  • The card can only be in rubles, i.e. You can only store Russian rubles on it.
  • The Molodezhnaya card (Sberbank) has a three-year validity period.
  • The cost of annual maintenance is 150 rubles.
  • Can be used to pay online.
  • Accrual of bonuses for making purchases.
  • The cardholder is invited to install a special mobile application for free.
  • Within two months from the date of activation of the service " Mobile bank" is provided completely free of charge.

Bank requirements for card holders

Who is issued the Molodezhnaya debit card? Sberbank of Russia provides it to persons aged 14 to 25 years old if they have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and registration in the region where the card will be issued.

If young people decide to apply for a youth credit card, then in this case the age limit will be from 18 to 30 years, and, in addition to a passport and registration, it is necessary to submit to the bank a certificate confirming the income of the potential borrower. A similar document can be obtained from the place of work, and the borrower must work there for at least six months. For full-time students, proof of income may be a scholarship certificate.

You can also submit a scholarship certificate to the bank along with a certificate from your place of work, in this case the work experience at your last place can be at least three months.

How to get a youth card?

There is one more feature of the card - the ability to choose its design. Sberbank offers two types of design - standard and individual. When choosing an individual design for a plastic card, its future owner can upload his photo or choose from those designs offered by Sberbank. But it is worth emphasizing that for an individual design you will have to pay an additional 500 rubles.

So, you have filled out the application. Now you need to wait for a response from a bank specialist who will check the information you provided.

You can also get a card by contacting any Sberbank branch, but only in the region in which you have a residence permit. You must have a document confirming your identity with you.

You may be interested in: The Youth debit card will be ready in 2-3 weeks; you can pick it up at the branch you indicated in the application form. Don't forget to bring your passport or any other document that can confirm your identity.

But the Sberbank youth credit card cannot be issued remotely via the Internet. You will have to contact the bank branch twice: the first time to provide documents and fill out the application form, and the second time to receive a card. The decision to issue a credit card to the borrower is made by Sberbank within no more than three working days.

Conditions and tariffs for the card

Youth "Sberbank of Russia" will cost you 150 rubles per year, and credit - 750 rubles. The terms of the credit card provide for fifty days, that is, no interest will accrue during this period. The credit card limit ranges from three to two hundred thousand rubles, interest rate for the use of borrowed funds - 24% per annum. If the borrower needs to withdraw cash from a Molodezhnaya credit card, the bank will charge a 3% commission for this service.

How to top up the Molodezhnaya card?

There are several ways to top up a card from Sberbank:

  1. Non-cash using Mobile Bank, Sberbank-Oilin service, special mobile application and SMS service.
  2. Cash in cash through ATMs and self-service terminals.
  3. At the box office of others banking institutions- for this you need to know the card details;
  4. At the cash desks of Sberbank branches.

In the Russian Federation, only Sberbank of Russia PJSC provides personalized plastic cards not only to adult clients, but also to teenagers. Russians from 14 to 30 years old can get a unique debit card, with credit limit or custom design. This product has a lot of advantages and has proven itself well among customers. financial institution.

What is a youth card

This bank product is designed for an audience of three ages: from 14, from 18 and from 21 years. All Sberbank youth cards have a number of features. Their main difference is inexpensive maintenance, which amounts to only 150 rubles per year. You can get plastic at any Sberbank branch by presenting your passport. Minor Russians can only apply for a debit card, while persons over 21 years of age have the right to apply for a MasterCard or Visa with a credit limit. It is worth noting that the bank considers not only working citizens, but also students under the card lending program.


This product is very beneficial and convenient for schoolchildren or students. A youth debit card becomes available to citizens immediately after receiving a passport at the age of 14. The client can use the money in the account at his own discretion: pay for purchases in stores, on the Internet, or withdraw cash from ATMs. In addition, you can connect to mobile banking and the bonus program "".

The youth card from Sberbank is equipped with a chip, so the client’s money is under reliable protection. Funds from the account cannot be lost, which is typical for children and students. If the plastic is lost, you can apply for a new one at the branch of the financial institution. All Sberbank clients can use the server remote maintenance, paying your phone balance or sending transfers without leaving your home. This bank has the largest network of terminals throughout Russia, so the owner will have no problems with withdrawing cash.


This product additionally provides a credit limit if a citizen of the Russian Federation has reached the age of 21 and has an income. At the same time, not only representatives of working youth, but also students receiving scholarships can receive plastic. The client must confirm his income with the appropriate certificate. Youth credit cards give the owner the right to receive all the bonuses and discounts provided by international MasterCard systems and Visa.

The credit card has Grace period when for use borrowed money The bank does not charge interest. If the owner of the plastic card manages to deposit the money back into the account within 50 days after activation, then he will only need to pay for the service, and the loan will be free. If the client does not deposit all the money into the account, the overpayment on the loan will be 33.9%.

With custom design

If you wish, you can order plastic, which will not have a template image, but a unique one. The individual design must meet the bank's requirements and undergo moderation. This option will take longer to make than the classic one. It is worth considering that an individual picture on plastic, which the client will choose - payable service. The cost of a unique design is 500 rubles. To select a picture, you can go to the bank’s website or upload your own version.

What design can you choose for a Sberbank youth debit card? The financial institution checks all uploaded pictures for compliance. Plastic with the following images cannot be released:

  • state flags;
  • photos of tobacco products;
  • photographs or cartoons with pornographic content;
  • photographs of famous people;
  • stills from movies and cartoons;
  • photographs from the Internet with copyright protection marks;
  • numbers or letters;
  • images of officials;
  • banknotes.

How to apply for a Sberbank youth card

If a teenager is 14 years of age or older, he can apply for this product by submitting an application at any bank branch. It is important that the office is located in the region where the potential client is registered. A few days after the order, an employee of the financial institution will call and notify the applicant that the product is ready. Issued by passport.

How to get a Sberbank youth card:

  1. Contact the division of PJSC Sberbank of Russia.
  2. Fill out the plastic release form.
  3. Provide proof of income if you are applying for a credit card.
  4. Receive the finished plastic in 7-14 days.


Russian citizens do not have to apply for the release of plastic in person. You can submit the application form through the official website of the institution, and receive a notification of readiness to your phone in the form of an SMS message. Applications for credit cards are processed within two days. Decor youth card An online Sberbank with a unique design will take longer than a classic debit or credit. First of all, the bank will check the image for compliance with the rules, after which you will have to wait until the plastic is released.

Conditions of the Sberbank youth card

Boys and girls leave exclusively positive reviews about this product, because the product is produced on loyal terms, the main thing is that the client’s age is 14-25 years. The validity period is 3 years, after which you can reissue the plastic free of charge. You can order classic plastic or with a unique design. All instruments are equipped with a chip and are suitable for online purchases and belong to the MasterCard or Visa systems.

  • service 150 rubles per year (debit), 750 rubles (credit);
  • validity period – 3 years;
  • reissue in case of loss is paid - 150 rubles;
  • you can connect to ;
  • additional payment for a unique design – 500 rubles.


It is important for each potential client to know the price of the Visa Classic product for students and schoolchildren before submitting an application for registration. Information on how much a Sberbank youth card costs is posted on the official website of the financial institution. Plastic is produced free of charge, you only need to pay for annual maintenance of 150 rubles. If you choose a product with a credit limit, then the tariff is 750 rubles per year. A Classic Debit Visa with an individual design is available for 500 rubles.

How long does it take to make a card?

This product is released, like other classic ones, within 14 working days. How long it takes to make a Sberbank youth card with a unique design depends on the region where the application is submitted. The plastic is manufactured in Moscow and delivered to the required bank department by Russian Post, so you will have to wait longer than the standard one, by 5-10 days.

What is the grace period

If the card has a credit limit, then the borrower has the right to manage the funds without accruing interest for 50 days. Conventionally, the grace period of Sberbank cards is divided into a payment period (30 days), when the borrower makes purchases, and a settlement period (20 days), when the user deposits money into the account. In case of non-payment of the debt on time, the bank charges interest on the loan in the amount of 33.9% per annum and sets minimum payment 5% of the debt amount. Young people leave positive reviews about the product, because it is unique and gives many opportunities to the owner.

What is the difference between a Sberbank youth card and a classic one?

Many people do not understand what features are inherent in this bank product, but it has a lot of features. The main differences between the Sberbank youth card and the classic one:

  • Possibility of registration from 14 years of age;
  • maintenance is only 150 rubles per year;
  • To obtain a plastic card with a credit limit, you can provide both a salary certificate and a document confirming the accrual of a scholarship.


Sberbank occupies a leading position in its field in the domestic market, which is associated with a competent approach to the development of tariff plans and an individual approach to each client. The “Youth Card” offered by Sberbank is a unique solution for the younger age category, which has no full-fledged analogues as of 2018.

In this material we will consider the following questions:

  • features of service provision and requirements from the client;
  • availability of debit and credit decision for everyday use;
  • annual maintenance and prepaid functionality;
  • pros and cons based on studying user reviews;
  • possibility of installing individual designs and other options.

Sberbank Youth Card - all about it

The Sberbank Analytical Center collected statistical information among clients of its own and a database of competing organizations, which made it possible to identify a trend in opening debit and credit cards among young people. This trend was reflected in the development of a unique tariff line. Key features of the proposal include:

  • Possibility of use only at a certain age;
  • preferential program and additional discounts;
  • participation in the bonus program;
  • possibility of free reissue and installation of individual design.

The question about the conditions and advantages of such a solution has become quite common among potential clients, which makes it necessary to consider it in detail.

Types of youth cards

Studying the above information, users have a logical question: “Why is this solution unique, because competing organizations already have debit cards for minors? Sberbank makes fundamental differences when developing this line:

  • improved conditions of service and the availability of a preferential program;
  • the ability to issue a credit card according to a special tariff plan;
  • free connection to the virtual control panel and a number of additional services.

Such advantages can be key when choosing a solution for everyday use, and studying the terms of use of a debit and credit card will confirm these facts.

How to apply for a Sberbank youth card online

A youth card from Sberbank can be issued in several ways that are familiar today:

  • by contacting the nearest service center in your region;
  • using the corresponding section of the official website.

Online services are gradually becoming more relevant due to the increase in customers among young people. You can order a plastic product here in just a few clicks; to do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form, depending on the type of card you receive.

If you want to become the owner of a debit solution, it will be enough to indicate:

  • passport details and registration information;
  • personal information for feedback;
  • convenient delivery method.

In case of credit offer additionally indicated:

  • statement of scholarship availability from your educational institution;
  • 2-NDFL income certificate, if the client has additional ways earnings.

Additionally, it is worth noting the age range:

  • become a client salary card possible from 14 to 25 years of age;
  • lending is available from 21 to 25 years.

Considering how old you can use the offer, the maximum age is 25 years.

How much does it take to make a Sberbank youth card via the Internet?

The production time for a plastic product depends on the type of card and the speed of processing your request. There is no fee to issue a card, which will be a nice bonus. Delivery when using online services is also carried out free of charge. If you want to install a custom design, the release time may increase.

You can find out the specific processing time for your application in the following ways:

  • by contacting a support specialist using our 24/7 toll-free number;
  • leaving a written request in the ticket system;
  • using alternative in modern ways: online chat, Skype and others.

After processing your request, you will be informed of the production time and other detailed information regarding the methods of receipt.

Sberbank youth debit card

Key feature and main reason to switch to this tariff plan– the opportunity to use the offer from 14 years of age. In this case, a written parental agreement and other documentation is not required. You just need to provide your passport details, after which your request will be forwarded for further processing.

As stated earlier, a plastic card is issued free of charge, and annual cost service is only 150 rubles.

For this price you get:

  • a modern plastic product that uses the latest security protocols and the possibility of contactless payment for goods and services;
  • basic package mobile banking with prepaid SMS alerts;
  • the ability to use a virtual control panel;
  • participation in “Thank you” bonuses and other promotional offers of the company.

There is a limitation; this payment solution must be used as the main one. The card is issued in the foreign payment system Visa, which opens up the possibility of making payments abroad. Detailed information about current promotions, news and other updates is contained in the corresponding section of the official website. It is recommended to subscribe to the newsletter, from which you will receive up-to-date information about the activities of Sberbank, which will allow you to get the maximum benefit from everyday use.

Credit limit

The presence of a credit card is a distinctive feature of such a banking offer. Official legislation does not allow funds to be issued to persons under the age of majority, which forces the age limit to be raised to 21 years. You can make such a card on preferential terms.

As with any other loan, you need to confirm that you have a stable source of income:

  • a scholarship with a corresponding extract from the dean’s office of your educational institution;
  • additional sources of financing with documentary evidence;
  • official part-time job, where you can issue a certificate of form 2-NDFL.

The more sources of income you can confirm, the higher the chance of approval and receiving maximum amount. Also, the bank management may require you to provide a written application for a specific purpose for receiving funds. This could be the purchase of a specific technical device, payment for training, additional expenses, purposeless use. This factor may also affect the response you receive.

Regarding specific tariff conditions:

  • the amount can be received from 15 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • The grace period for using funds is 50 days. There are also pitfalls here that require clarification from a qualified specialist;
  • interest rate if the payment period is exceeded – 33.9%;
  • commission when receiving cash is 4% with a minimum limit of 390 rubles, which is a large indicator for a student. It is recommended to pay by card.

Youth card with individual design Sberbank

Having understood the terms of service and other features of working with Sberbank tariffs, it is worth moving on to exploring the possibility of creating an individual design. You can select a unique image from the extended catalog banking organization or by providing a design to print yourself. As noted earlier, the release period for such cards is longer than the classic version.

Debit cards for teenagers and children are a fairly popular product on the market. If previously children were given cash for pocket expenses, now it is easier for parents to use a card. There are products linked to your parent’s account, and others linked to your own account.

According to average estimates, the Molodezhnaya card from Sberbank is in the TOP 3 debit cards for teenagers and young people. Age category from 14 to 25 years, i.e. from schoolchildren to already working citizens. Let’s see who will be more interested in this card and whether it’s worth getting it, we’ll look at the bonuses and loyalty system, and we’ll also go over the pros and cons. The youth film is very well advertised, but is the game worth the candle? Read the review!

The card is issued only in a debit name on Visa and MasterCard payment systems linked to a ruble account.

  • Age category from 14 to 25 years, i.e. even if you are still a student, you can become the owner of a debit card
  • Annual maintenance – 150 rubles per year
  • Validity period – 3 years
  • No additional card is issued
  • Can be ordered with a custom design
  • Paypass system, plus it is linked to a smartphone, thanks to ApplePay or Android Pay you don’t have to carry plastic with you, but pay with your gadget
  • Free replenishment at Sberbank ATMs and cash desks
  • Withdrawal in native terminals and cash desks without interest within daily norm 150 thousand rubles, then 0.5% of the amount exceeding the limit
  • At foreign ATMs, withdrawals with interest are 1% of the amount, but not less than 100/150 rubles
  • The daily cash withdrawal limit is 150 thousand rubles, the monthly limit is 1.5 million rubles. But the limit does not apply to withdrawals from the cash desks of other banks, i.e. you can withdraw more than 150 thousand
  • Mobile banking is conditionally free - you don’t need to pay for an economical package, but for a full package you need to pay 60 rubles per month.

MasterCard offers to issue a card Youth Sberbank specifically on them payment system, and for incentive they offer a number of additional partners:

  • Yandex.Afisha
  • Russian Railways tickets
  • Formula Kino
  • Chocolate girl
  • Rendezvous
  • The Body Shop

The specific discount percentage can be found on the official website.

Individual design

Some banks offer their clients an individual design service, for example, Raiffeisenbank with a card. But servicing such products usually costs a pretty penny, but Sberbank has set a fairly reasonable price tag - only 500 rubles one-time. Perhaps, this service is especially important for young people, because at this age you always want to stand out, so individual design is a great way of self-expression.

Sberbank has a good gallery of its own designs.

You can upload your photo from your computer.

How are bonuses calculated?

Bonuses at Sberbank are a certain type of cashback, only in this case points are awarded, not rubles, in the amount of 0.5% of the purchase amount. For example, you made a transaction for 5,000 rubles, from this amount you will receive 25 bonuses (1 point - 1 ruble). You can convert bonuses into rubles only if you are on the fourth level; all others do not have this function.

Sberbank has a number of partners, for purchases from whom you will be credited not 0.5%, but much more - on average it is somewhere around 5-10%. Each partner prescribes their own percentage and conditions, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in advance. For example, you see a cinema chain on the list, go to the box office and make a purchase using your Molodezhnaya card. Time passes, and the bonuses are not credited, and all because the terms and conditions stated in fine print that you must pay on the cinema website or in the mobile application.

Now Sberbank has 105 partners, but their composition is unstable and may change. Study the entire list before applying for a map, see if the places you visit are on it. Please note that not all organizations on the list both award and accept bonuses at the same time - 49 places are awarded, 99 are accepted.

For customers at the Thank You and More Than Thank levels, categories with increased cashback are provided (see below). Depending on the level, you can choose one/two categories for free and buy another one/two for bonuses. In principle, the percentage for free categories is very good, on average 10% is a good indicator for the market. But with paid ones the situation is a little worse; here you need to wait for official prices and see whether the purchase of these categories will give any benefit. We remind you that you will receive such porridge for 3 months until your level is reviewed.

Accrual occurs for all card transactions, except cash withdrawals, payments utilities and making payments to the state (taxes, fines). If the purchase amount is less than 15 thousand rubles, then the bonuses will be credited to your account within 5 working days, if more, then within 40 working days.

What can you spend bonuses on?

As we mentioned above, points cannot be converted into rubles (except for level 4 clients), but Sberbank’s Molodezhnaya card provides the opportunity to pay with these same bonuses in stores. It is worth noting that you cannot spend bonuses everywhere, but only with official partners. To do this, you need to select the desired offline or online store and select the amount that you want to debit from your loyalty program account. When visiting a retail store, tell the seller that you want to pay “Thank you.”

Read also

For what reasons can a card be blocked and what to do?

Registration in the program

If you already have a Youth Card from Sberbank, then in order to receive various rewards you need to register in the Thank you program, otherwise you will not receive any goodies.

The whole process looks like this:

  • register in the Sberbank Online Internet bank;
  • go directly to the loyalty program page Thank you;
  • in the Profile section, set the login and password for further access to your personal account.

There is another registration option - send an SMS to number 900 with the text THANK YOU XXXX, where XXXX is the last 4 digits of your card.


Since July 1, 2018, a number of changes have occurred in the Thank you program - now all privileges are divided into four levels: Thank you, Thank you very much, Thank you very much and More than Thank you. The higher your level, the more different goodies you get, but first you need to earn your level and try to maintain it.

So, everything happens as follows:

  • draw up a card;
  • connect to the program;
  • start working hard to improve your level.

All new program participants with a Molodezhnaya card automatically start at level 2. In order to maintain your privileges, you must complete a series of so-called tasks every month for three months. As a result, you will either be left at the current level or promoted to the third. Now let's figure out what you can get out of each level and what tasks you need to complete.

ATTENTION! To obtain a new level, you need to complete tasks in the desired category for three months, and you will receive privileges corresponding to your current level. Sberbank does not set any restrictions related to the order of transition; in other words, there is an option to jump from the second to the fourth.

Privileges by level

Level Thank you very much:

  • cashback – 0.5%;
  • up to 20% bonuses for purchases from partners

Level Huge Thanks:

  • cashback – 0.5%;
  • two categories with increased cashback to choose from;
  • up to 20% for partners

Level Greater than Sps:

  • cashback – 0.5%;
  • four categories with increased cashback to choose from;
  • up to 20% for partners;
  • It is possible to exchange bonuses for rubles

ATTENTION! In fact, only one/two categories with increased cashback are provided for free depending on the level. One/two more categories can be purchased for bonuses. Thank you. True, the prices are still unknown, according to the bank operator, such information will only be received in October, which is quite logical, because the program was updated in July, so now all participants are at the second level, and will be able to advance further only in October.

Quests by level

Sberbank requires fulfillment of all mandatory points, and one additional point to choose from.

Level Thank you very much.

Required tasks:

  • Purchases with the card in the amount of 5,000 rubles every month;
  • The ratio of purchases to cash withdrawals monthly should correspond to the following proportion 30%/70%, and the amount of spending on the Molodezhnaya card from Sberbank can be increased to 50% (for example, you buy for 6,000 rubles, withdraw cash for 14,000 rubles).

Tasks to choose from:

  • For the entire billing period, your card must have a minimum balance of 10,000 rubles
  • If you have a credit card from Sberbank, spending on it should be at least 10% of the credit limit.

Level Thank you very much.

  • Purchases with the card in the amount of 5,000 rubles every month.
  • The ratio of expenses to cash withdrawals monthly should correspond to the following proportion 50%/50%, and the amount of expenses on the card can be increased to 85% (for example, buy for 10,000 rubles, withdraw cash for 10,000 rubles)
  • You cannot make payments using the Molodezhnaya card at branded ATMs and terminals, as well as Sberbank branches (payments include purchases, payment for various services, including housing and communal services, fines and taxes)

Tasks to choose from:

  • The account must have a minimum balance of 10,000 rubles throughout the entire billing period.
  • If you have a credit card, spending on it should be at least 30% of the credit limit
  • make at least one purchase every month for billing period using a smartphone, or the Sberbank Online application, or on the Thank you Travel/Impressions/Online Market websites.

Level More Than Thank You.

  • you need to buy in the amount of 5000 rubles every month
  • The ratio to cashing out the account monthly should correspond to the following proportion 85%/15%, and the amount of spending on the card can be increased to 100% (for example, buy for 17,000 rubles, withdraw cash for 3,000 rubles)
  • You cannot make payments at branded ATMs and terminals, as well as Sberbank branches
  • You must either make one valid credit card transaction or open/replenish a deposit, and one of these actions must be performed once every 3 months

Tasks to choose from:

  • Keep a minimum balance of 10,000 rubles in your account for the entire month
  • If you have a credit card from Sberbank, then spending on it should be at least 50% of the limit
  • Make at least one transaction per month during the billing period using a smartphone, or the Sberbank Online application, or on the Thank You Travel/Impressions/Online Market websites