How to manage money - ideas for managing a large amount. How to manage money? How to save money with a small salary? How to manage your money Your credit history is confidential

The ability to properly manage money is the main path to financial well-being. This is a whole art, which can be mastered by anyone who really wants it. It is also hard and painstaking work, requiring special endurance and constant self-discipline. People don't just get rich. A person who strives to become financially free is constantly evolving. Reads relevant literature, for example: "How to properly manage money so that money works - 7 sure tips" or "The Psychology of a Rich Man." Financially independent people are constantly analyzing what is happening and looking for new opportunities.

Not so long ago, the pursuit of money was considered a vice. Everyone was taught that the main thing is to get an education and get a good job to work there until retirement. Life is good. But never and nowhere have they been taught how to manage money, how to make money bring profit and work for themselves. And even today, most of our population tends to the first option. Few people think that an employee enriches the director of an enterprise or the state by constantly paying taxes. At the same time, the employee is not always dumber than the entrepreneur.

How to become rich? Only 2 options. The first option is to be born into a wealthy family. The second option is to take action. It will not be easy, but through trial and error we must move forward, no matter what and no one. Everything depends on you. How ready are you to change your life? Here are 7 good tips for you.

Ability to manage money

Let's start with the very basics. Surely you have several friends who, having approximately the same income as you, manage to do home repairs and save up for their business. Do not look for hidden income, it's all about the proper distribution of funds. Of course, it's not as easy as it seems. It is worth arming yourself with self-control and starting with the basic rules.

  1. Control your expenses. Not just "in your head", but get a notebook and write down where and how much you spent. After a month of such work, analyze everything that you wrote down. Believe me, you will be surprised at the amount of extra spending. On average, this is 20 - 60% of the total costs! So your personal business floats by.
  2. Debts and loans. The entire credit system is financial slavery. A person who lives "on credit" will never achieve anything in life. He will become polluted in a swamp of debts. There are people who take out a new loan to pay off an old loan. We are not talking about individual cases when a loan is taken for business development or critical situations, we are talking about a simple "I want". Taking a loan for a new phone, refrigerator or repair is financial illiteracy.
  3. Smart spending money
  • make a list before you go to the store
  • do not overpay, look for a way to get a product or service at an affordable price
  • it is worth living within your means, in pursuit of expensive and branded
  • make seasonal purchases correctly vegetables and fruits in season, and vice versa out of season
  • control emotions, spontaneous purchases in the end only bring disappointment and unnecessary spending.

Assets and liabilities, what you need to know

It is necessary to clearly understand how exactly an asset differs from a liability and limit the costs of liabilities, and acquire only assets. To become rich is all you need to know. For most people, all their financial problems start from the fact that they do not understand this difference. Assets - bring money. At a time when money is only being spent on liabilities.

Take the average person, what does he have? Apartment - payment of bills, requires constant repair, the house is not eternal. This is our passive. Car - gasoline, repairs, maintenance, just left the salon and the price has already fallen by 25%. Also passive. An expensive phone, branded items are just liabilities. Even when the average person's income only increases his liabilities, a new expensive car requires even more money to maintain.

What then is an asset? This person has only one asset - working capacity. Spending funds on multiple liabilities with only one asset is not reasonable. When a person begins to understand this, he is looking for additional assets and becomes an investor.

Stocks and forex how it works

Investment, simply put, is the placement or investment of one's money in order to make a profit. One of the simple ways are stocks and forex. At first glance, everything is simple, but there are many pitfalls and this type of investment requires certain knowledge. In such areas as economics, politics, jurisprudence. And an analytical mind.

  1. Forex. Initially, forex was created for conducting foreign trades and attracting investments. Gradually, people began to earn money in Forex by buying and selling currencies. Such people are called traders. The advantage is that everyone can become a trader, and some people who do not have the necessary knowledge play it like roulette. With this approach, they quickly burn out and are left with nothing. To become a successful trader, you need to analyze, understand the market, go through defeats and victories and develop your technique.
  2. Stock. By buying shares, you become a co-founder of the enterprise and the more shares you have, the higher your income. However, when buying shares, you need to understand exactly how much you are buying as a percentage. So buying 100 thousand shares it can be only 0.00001% of the total number of shares, respectively, your annual income can be ten times less than the invested funds. In addition, stocks can rise or fall in price. Most often, shares are bought not for profit, but so that later, when the price rises, they are sold and bailed out on the difference in price.

Bottom line, forex and stocks need to be studied deeply enough and have the appropriate personal qualities.

Never invest because someone has advised or offer very good conditions. Be sure to consult with independent professional experts, and even with several.

Government bonds as a profitable investment

What are government bonds? loan? Simply put, you lend your money to the state, and it gives you securities as collateral - bonds. Everything works almost like a deposit in a bank. But much more reliable.

  • The state acts as the borrower, and in case of non-payment of funds on bonds, this will be regarded as a default, which is not beneficial for the state.
  • Loan term - 3 years.
  • The average percentage is 9%, while banks have the highest percentage on deposits - 7.5%.
  • The minimum investment amount is 30 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate how profitable such an investment is.

Let's take 100 thousand rubles.

  • 100 thousand rubles * 9% = 9 thousand rubles in year
  • 9 thousand rubles * 3 = 27 thousand rubles for 3 years.

In total, after 3 years, the state will return you 127 thousand rubles. As a passive investment that does not require your time with minimal risks, it is a good option.

commercial real estate

It is worth noting that real estate is the most stable, lowest risk asset. As an indicator, the fact that banks are happy to give a loan for the purchase of real estate. There is such a type of real estate as commercial real estate. These are premises, buildings or land used for commerce.

So, banks began to issue "long money" for the purchase of commercial real estate. Easier - loans for the purchase of up to 20 years at 9 - 10% per annum.

What is the point, here you are, having only 500 thousand rubles, you buy on credit, for example, a store in a good place costs 4 million rubles. for 10 years at 9% per annum. And rent it out. But the rental prices are not small, the monthly amount is enough to pay the loan and still remain. Thus, without doing anything yourself, in 10 years you will own a store for 4 million rubles. How do you like this investment?

Buying a business

Buying a business is still an underestimated type of investment, but in vain. It so happened that in our country to buy a business is much cheaper than, for example, in the West. In Europe, the price of a business is estimated at an amount equal to its profit for 36 months of operation. We have this price is equal to only 6 months of work. It can be a simple barbershop or a cafe. But in order to buy a business correctly, you need to understand how profitable it is and whether there is a prospect.

  1. Calculate how much money sales of products, goods or services brought in for a certain period, let's take a month.
  2. Calculate all expenses for the month (goods, rent, fees, wages, utility bills, taxes, depreciation of equipment, additional expenses).
  3. Now we subtract all expenses for the month from the total income for the month. This is the amount that remains and is the income from this business.

After analyzing in this way for several months, you can roughly understand how promising the business is.

You should not take the word of the seller about the profitability of the business, he needs to sell. Watch for a while yourself, don't rush. It is much better to miss an option and look for a new one than to invest in a loss-making enterprise.

Cryptocurrency as an investment

Until recently, such a term as "cryptocurrency" did not exist and still not everyone understands what it is. We explain. Cryptocurrency is electronic (virtual) money that exists only in the system and is protected by an electronic code. You can't hold them in your hands.

This virtual money is tied to real money at the rate on the financial market. There are different types of cryptocurrencies, the most common being bitcoin. How to make money with this kind of money:

  • simple collection of bitcoins (visiting certain Internet resources and performing certain actions are paid for with bitcoins)
  • earn money online games
  • affiliate programs (for attracting customers or promoting sites)
  • performing simple tasks on the Internet (viewing ads, etc.)
  • cryptocurrency mining (requires the purchase of powerful computer systems that will earn cryptocurrency themselves)

This type of income has its pros and cons. But time does not stand still, everything changes and electronic money is our future, you can’t get away from it.

Most people regularly experience financial problems in one way or another, explaining this by external causes - price increases, low wages and increased expenses. All this takes place, however, there is another side of the coin, the unreasonable waste of funds and the inability to competently regulate their needs in accordance with the possibilities. There is always a way out, and if you wish, you can learn not only to save, but also to strengthen your material well-being.

How to properly manage money

We always wonder why people with approximately the same level of financial income can live in completely different ways - some provide a family with a decent standard of living, while having some money savings, while others constantly live from paycheck to paycheck, get into debts and loans and complain about employer and the crisis in the country. The answer is simple - financial illiteracy leads to the fact that most people have no idea how to manage their hard-earned money.

Special trainings and the help of financial consultants who tell you how are very popular abroad. In our country, this practice began to appear only recently, but not everyone is ready to shell out a certain amount of money, it is much easier to use Internet services that teach you how to plan a personal and family budget.

The most popular problem of the overwhelming number of families is the lack of proper control over expenses, because everyone wants to live, as they say, in a big way, without thinking about tomorrow. People spend everything they have earned, and sometimes more, that is, they take on the burden of debts and loans. Thus, a financial hole arises, the spouses make serious purchases immediately after receiving the main income, without planning the budget in advance, so by the middle or end of the month you have to seriously save, refuse everything you need, or even worse - use the help of relatives, friends, credit cards. All this aggravates the situation, it is simply impossible to keep all the expense items in your head, full-fledged home bookkeeping is necessary, it will help to take into account profits and optimize spending.

The mass introduction of the idea that it is possible and necessary to live in debt has led to the fact that most of the population is in a financial hole and depends on bank loans and credit cards, the use of which leads to huge overpayments. Of course, there are lucrative offers of some organizations or force majeure situations, but most often families are guided solely by their desire to have everything at once, gaining dozens of loans again and again.

Here are some basic rules that will help you manage your finances wisely:

  • Never overpay for a product, having studied the pricing policy in advance.
  • Feel free to take advantage of discounts, promotions and bonuses. This is your money, if there is an opportunity to save it, then why not? Learn to bargain in the markets.
  • Buy only those things that you can afford to buy at the moment. Plan for the essentials, saving expensive items or services for last.
  • Control your emotions, do not succumb to inviting advertising and promises of interest-free installments.
  • Buy what you came to the store for and do not make spontaneous purchases.
  • Wholesale is always cheaper. Some products are more profitable to buy in bulk.
  • Do not chase fashion and do not be fooled by the opinion of friends and colleagues, this is what advertising is designed for.
  • Prices are highly seasonal, with fresh fruit and vegetables always being cheaper in season, and clothes being sold at bargain prices at the end of the season.

Proper implementation of all the rules will allow you to save significantly, and save your savings in case of a critical situation, make a profitable investment or make a major purchase.

What to do if you don't have enough money

To once and for all forget about the catastrophic lack of money, it is enough to follow three simple points. Even control over one of these principles will allow you to get rid of debts and move to a higher level of material well-being, but if your goal is not only to save what you have earned, but also to increase capital, you should take all three tips seriously.

Spend only real money

Living within your means is quite simple, the question is whether you will feel comfortable in this situation if you are already used to a beautiful life. Moderate your ambitions and tighten your belt - that's what you should work on first of all, after which you can be puzzled by the question of how to earn more and satisfy all needs.

Many people use the 4-envelope rule for home bookkeeping. It consists in dividing the entire monthly budget into several parts. First, we separate from the total amount the finances intended for mandatory payments (rent, kindergarten, debts and loans, etc.), then set aside the part that will make up the financial cushion, the rest of the money is divided into 4 equal parts, they are spent within a week .

Such a financial approach does not mean at all that you will deprive yourself of everything, but there is an opportunity to learn how to look into the future and plan large purchases in advance without getting into credit bondage. An important nuance - try to teach the elementary rules of expenses to your children, so it will be easier for them to navigate in the adult world.

Get yourself extra income

The second principle of improving one's own well-being is not only to reduce expenses, but also to increase incomes. Here are some real ways to achieve what you want:

How to live economically

The third rule is, of course, the ability to rationally spend profits without allowing yourself unreasoned expenses. A large item of expenditure for any family is food, household goods and clothing. on their purchase is not at the expense of health?

  • Make lists before you go shopping and follow them relentlessly. If suddenly you have a strong desire to purchase a thing that is not in it, postpone the purchase until the next day. Perhaps tomorrow you will realize that you were guided only by emotions and you do not need the goods.
  • Plan your menu for the week. Write down the ingredients you need to buy, as well as drinks, snacks, and sweets, so you know how much of your household budget is food.
  • Having made a list, you will roughly decide on the amount that you need to take to the store, you should not significantly increase the limit, and also take a credit card.
  • Do not go to the store hungry, so as not to buy something extra, usually tasty, but harmful.
  • Some things, such as underwear, socks, cosmetics or toys, and even household appliances, can be purchased through an online store, at joint purchases or wholesale warehouses, which will save you time and money.
  • If you live in a private house with a garden plot, it would be more logical to grow vegetables and herbs on it, rather than buy in stores and markets, while expensive pickles and jams will be on your table all year round.
  • Save on "chemistry", some advertised dishwashing detergents, liquid soap, toilet paper are not much different from their cheaper counterparts.
  • For a while, give up going to restaurants or coffee shops, in the end, you can easily cook the same at home.

The ability to properly manage your money is the path to financial independence and well-being. But how do you make money work for you? Where and how to invest "hard money" to get rich?

Agree, without knowing the route, at least it is stupid and dangerous to set sail even on the newest ship. Underwater reefs can "pierce" your boat, and you will find yourself on a desert island, lost in the endless deep investment ocean. Without a clear plan on how to manage family money, one cannot hope for a reliable “rear” and financial security.

We all know well that expenses need to be planned, and everyone does it the best they can. But not everyone thinks about the future and ensuring the financial independence and stability of the family, spending everything to the last penny and not making any savings. Many live only with thoughts about how to give and take a new one. Meanwhile, you need to save money even with minimal income. And when you realize that you have saved up for a "safety cushion" that will save your family from life's vicissitudes and surprises, you will certainly want to increase this amount. And a natural question arises in my head: how to make money work and multiply quickly and without much risk?

You will be interested to read:

The first rule of money management is to divide by 60% and 40%

Remember how often you succumb to a spontaneous desire to buy something you like simply because you have a bad day, a bad mood or the acquisition of a girlfriend simply does not leave you alone. It can be things for yourself, such as glamorous (a dress, a woman's jacket), or for the house, such as new roller shutters for windows, whatever. Some of these spontaneous things really come in handy, and some just weigh and take up space. They are what we are talking about. True, immediately after the purchase, the mood improves, but then comes the disappointment from the realization that the money has been thrown away. But the situation repeats itself again and again.

To properly manage money, reasonable people use the 60% rule. It is extremely simple, but applying it to your own budget in practice is not so easy. The bottom line is that monthly living expenses do not exceed 60 percent of your income.

This should include the necessary expenses for food, only the necessary clothes and cosmetics, paying utility bills and small expenses for travel, gasoline and unforeseen situations. With this approach, you will have 40% left, 10% of them will go to the treasured reserve fund, and 30% to investments, that is, to make money work for you.

Of course, everyone has their own plans for the future, but what really needs to be thought about is a decent 10% allowance for such a distant pension. In our time, nothing is certain, and a well-paid job today does not at all guarantee a comfortable old age. And taking care of it now, you will provide yourself with a well-deserved rest, no worse than that of the happy old Americans whose faces flaunt on advertising brochures.

The main thing in this business is to choose the right way to store savings. The "envelope" between the books in this case is not an input. Sooner or later, inflation will "eat" your savings. Besides, there is always the temptation to spend them on something very necessary, and then report ... Which, as a rule, does not happen. To prevent the money from dispersing, invest it in securities or choose a reliable bank and open an account there. Use the services of a non-state pension fund, in general, there are enough options.

Risk smart - teach your money to work for you

Not everyone who wants to get rich has experience in the proper management of money in the field of investing. Therefore, there is always a risk of financial loss or, even worse, collapse. But deliberate and balanced actions will reduce this possibility to a minimum. More often than not, over the years of work, investors have eaten the “sleeping point” rule. The sleep point is the point at which an investor loses sleep, fearing to lose more than they can afford.

To achieve the desired wealth without any problems, you need to follow simple principles.

First, have the information you need. Before linking your financial affairs to a particular bank, collect as much information about it as possible. Any detail is important: how old is it, what are the reviews of depositors, find out all the nuances of the future contract, compare and analyze the selected bank in the rating of others like it. Note the bank clerk's reaction to the questions you ask him. If he clearly, thoroughly and confidently answered them without antics and evasions, this is another plus for your choice. If you are faced with nervous and "squirming" behavior - go to another bank (fortunately, the choice of banking institutions today is quite large).

Secondly, those who know how to manage money never put everything to the last penny in one, even the most reliable, “basket”. Knowledgeable financiers will advise you to diversify your investments, that is, all the money intended for financial transactions should be divided into several different investments.

One of the simplest and most familiar examples is currency exchange. Many people exchange their national currency for euros and dollars in order to protect their existing savings from inflation and not lose out on the fluctuating exchange rate. To make money work for you, open accounts in several banks for these purposes. Then in the event of the collapse of one, the others will securely store the amount you have earned.

Another option to multiply your savings and reduce the risk of losing them is through various ways of investing. For example, keep a quarter of the amount in a deposit account. Another quarter to invest in securities. The rest is spent on the purchase of real estate.

The desire to get rich and have a lot of money is not at all immoral, on the contrary. , who knows exactly what he wants and what he strives for - a strong personality, before whom a lot of opportunities are open. So why don't you take this chance?

  • Control your expenses
  • Be pragmatic
  • Follow your emotions
  • Don't follow the lead
    • Buy in bulk
    • Bargain and demand a discount
    • Buy out of season

Hello dear readers of "Designer of Success". The topic of this article is How to spend money wisely", will be useful to most people - those who have no idea how to spend money correctly and wisely to improve their lives, those who do not know how to plan a family budget.

People manage their money in different ways. Some people know how to manage their earned money, and 20 thousand rubles a month is enough for them, while others do not know how to manage money, and they do not have enough salaries of 70 thousand rubles.

The ability to manage money is a whole science. It is not for nothing that in Western countries there have long been special agencies that provide services called "Money management" - assistance in managing money. Most of us, of course, are not able to turn to such agencies for services. But take smart advice and understand how to spend money we can. So, how to learn how to spend money correctly.

Control your expenses

One of the common problems is that many people try to live without taking into account their real income. For example, if you “paint” their earnings point by point, it becomes obvious that they cannot afford to visit an expensive restaurant three times a month. However, they still spend money on it. As a result, they have to borrow 7-10 days before their payday, because there is simply no money - there is nothing to buy groceries, refuel a car, top up the balance of a mobile phone account, etc. At the end of the month they have to practically starve.

First, calculate all fixed expenses for the month. These are utility bills, Internet, communication services, payments on existing loans, transport costs, lunches.

Secondly, add the planned "inevitable" expenses to the amount received - for example, a trip to the dentist or hairdresser.

Thirdly, we subtract the amount received from your monthly income, and divide the remainder into two parts. The first part you allow yourself to spend. The second you put aside “in a stocking” (in a safe, on a deposit, etc.), and the more you managed to postpone, the better your financial affairs are and the higher the chances of “not drowning” in case of hard times.

Today on the Internet you can find dozens of home bookkeeping programs that will teach you how to manage money. One of the most common is Family 10.

Get out of debt and stay out of it

Debt is a terrible thing. And because they put pressure on us psychologically, and because we are forced to work for debts instead of enjoying life. Therefore, take out a loan only in the most extreme cases, apply for loans only after carefully weighing and analyzing your capabilities (a loan is also a debt, only to the bank) and only in special situations (for example, buying an apartment - without a loan, you will have to collect about 20 years).

In all other cases, refuse loans and any loans, coping on your own. Do you want a new car? Save up. Thinking about upgrading your computer software? Save up. Apartment renovation? Save up. Foreign vacation? Save, save and save again.

Be pragmatic

A financially successful person always manages his money wisely, no matter how much he earns. He always prefers budget solutions and never overpays. Not for brands, not for brands. But do not forget the well-known truth - "The miser pays twice", which warns us that we must save wisely. Chasing only for the cheapness of goods, you can lose a lot in quality, which will entail additional costs.

A pragmatic attitude towards life is something you need to learn. Do not act like a child in the store, shouting “I want! Want! want!”, but to be able to stop and concentrate on current goals (since I need a sweater, it means that today I will buy only a jacket, despite the fact that the sale in the shoe department is 30%). While buying shoes at a discounted price seems very reasonable, in reality, if you already have a lot of shoes, boots and boots, you will simply throw your money away.

Try to write down absolutely all purchases for a month. After 30 days, sit down and calmly think about what can be crossed off this list. You will be horrified at how many unnecessary things you have acquired during this time.

Follow your emotions

The most important enemy that can cause significant damage to your finances is emotions. When you work a lot, and the state of affairs does not change, the only joy is the acquisition of things for yourself that can add variety to everyday life.

Buying new goods, you make yourself a kind of emotional injection, the duration of which is limited. Here is what Miguel de Cervantes advised on this matter: “Let it be your business to know yourself - the most difficult science in the world.” Get to know yourself and what attracts you to any expenses - whether it be cars, fashionable clothes, fashionable knick-knacks. This is the most important step that will help you learn how to manage your finances. It also helps a lot to think about the difference between a million dollars in retirement savings and zero savings.

More often than not, the purchases we make on the spur of the moment bring us little joy and do nothing to improve or enrich our lives. Just think about it a little and you won't make the same mistake again.

Don't follow the lead

As Will Rogers so aptly put it, “Too many people spend money they don’t earn on things they don’t need, all to impress people they can’t stand.”

Very often, in our spending, we follow someone's lead. Did your friend buy a new bag? So I need it too! The neighbors went to Goa - and I want to! Cousin drives a brand new Jeep, when will we stop driving an old BMW? Equalization to others and the desire to please them greatly hinders our plans and poses a danger to the family budget.

Tips to help you spend money wisely:

Buy in bulk

Real money savings can be obtained by buying goods in bulk. All rich people do this because they know the value of money too well.

Bargain and demand a discount

Even Donald Trump, the American billionaire real estate king, when he comes to an expensive store, does not hesitate to ask for a discount and offers for a product worth $10,000 - $2,000. "I hate to pay the price that is on the price tag, and it always bugs me when I watch others dutifully lay out the amount requested by the seller."

Buy out of season

The habit of buying at the best price can save you a lot of money. The proverb “Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter”, known to us since childhood, is more relevant today than ever. If earlier we only heard about seasonal sales in America and Europe, where breathtaking discounts are provided on all goods at the end of each season, now you can buy winter boots from us, for example, in the spring at half the price than they cost in December.

At the end of this article, I wish all my readers to manage their funds wisely, because it depends on whether you live a rich life or in constant need.

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Successful and rich people were not always so. In addition to the fact that they had to work hard, they also knew how to properly manage their finances. Most of us should learn this.

No to impulsive spending

Many may be familiar with the situation: a person, having received a salary, goes to the supermarket and begins to fill the basket with everyone in a row, buying food for the next month. And now, a quarter of the salary is gone. But you still need to pay utility bills, repay a debt to a friend, pay off a loan and leave money for refueling a car. Therefore, you should stop spending your salary on the first day after receiving it.

Budget planning

Budgeting can help you manage your payroll. Be sure to take an hour of personal time and draw up a cost plan for the coming month. When an approximate picture of future spending of money becomes clear, it is necessary to compare it with wages.

Unnecessary spending

So how do you spend less and save more? First of all, it is worth giving up bad habits, if any. Alcohol and cigarettes are quite expensive, and giving them up can save you a lot of money. In addition, there are many other unwanted costs. For example: buying branded expensive things in expensive boutiques, unhealthy fast food, going to places of entertainment and much more. Why dine at a restaurant when you can cook dinner at home?

Of course, at first it will be difficult to abandon the usual way of life and start to go into plus after the salary. But it's worth at least getting started.

A deposit is a guarantee of prosperity in the future

Deposit is a wonderful thing. It is enough just to open it and replenish it by the nth amount, and then, slowly but surely, it will start working for its owner. After all, there is nothing better than passive income. After a while, when a sufficient amount has accumulated, again, it is worthwhile to properly dispose of it. For example, invest in a business.

Passive income

A successful person always sets aside some money for future investments. Therefore, the cost plan should take into account the replenishment of the deposit. If you continue to spend your entire salary and do not save anything, then you can forever freeze at one level of life.

Debt elimination

One of the main enemies of the wallet is debt. We need to get rid of them once and for all.