How is the coefficient of daily unevenness of water disposal determined? Water disposal standards, inflow unevenness coefficient and determination of estimated wastewater flow rates

From the calculated data in table. 7.2 it is established that the coefficient of unevenness in the supply of material and raw materials is 3.29 (unevenness = 236,108/21,800-=U10.83-==+ 3.29). The unevenness coefficient shows that supplies of raw materials and materials were carried out in violation of the plan and deviated monthly from planned conditions by 3.3%.

On gas pipelines, fluctuations in the operating mode of the pipeline are taken into account using the gas supply unevenness coefficient

gas consumption Cu (in RUB/1000 m) with UGS capacity, million m1 Eu IB RUB/1000 m") with UGS capacity, million m

Gas consumption unevenness coefficient Storage capacity, million m3 Storage capacity, million m1

To assess the rhythm of deliveries, the following indicators are used: rhythm coefficient, arrhythmia number, standard deviation, supply unevenness coefficient, coefficient of variation.

The coefficient of uneven supply of materials is calculated using the formula

In addition, determining the required capacity of transshipment points using existing methods can only be done on the basis of average or maximum monthly transshipment volumes, taking into account the unevenness coefficient.

Consequently, the main disadvantage of the unevenness coefficients used in the calculations is that they do not take into account the unevenness of the transshipment of petroleum products (in time and quantity).

Since calculations of the required volume of the tank farm of transshipment points, obtained taking into account the coefficient of unevenness, do not provide a reliable, much less optimal, solution, the need to choose a different fundamental basis becomes obvious.

The algorithm for calculating the oil supply unevenness coefficient is presented in the form of a block diagram (Fig. 14). To explain the block diagram, we introduce the notation t - years of the retrospective period Y - volume of supplies of petroleum products at the r-th oil depot in the th month of the th year of the retrospective period - volume of sales of petroleum products at the r-th oil depot in th month t-year of the retrospective period Kr - unequal coefficient

Block 13 - printing of calculated values ​​of unevenness coefficients for each oil depot for the years of the retrospective period. The form of presentation of the output information is similar to the form given in table. 24.

When determining the reduced costs of processing petroleum products at petroleum storage facilities, it is necessary to take into account the movement of fixed assets, their write-off and restoration. Moreover, capital investments in the development of these facilities for reconstruction and expansion for each control year of the planning period must be taken into account separately. All capital investments for the first planning period relate to the first control year, and capital investments of the second period - to the second control year on an accrual basis. When determining the given costs, the minimum cost of processing, corresponding to the maximum possible throughput, should also be taken into account. The minimum cost should be determined based on a study for each tank farm of the dependence of the level of current costs on the main factors of production, i.e. demand for petroleum products in the service area (sales volume), the cost of existing fixed assets, the coefficient of uneven supply of the tank farm and the time factor. When determining the reduced costs, taking into account the expansion of existing oil storage facilities provided for by the projects, the share of costs depending on the volume of sales of petroleum products should be taken into account. It can vary over a wide range depending on the category of tank farms, the volume of sales of petroleum products and the characteristics of transport services. In this regard, the share of dependent costs should be determined separately for each tank farm based on studying the behavior of this indicator over a long retrospective period.

Given in table. 7.1, the data indicate that in the analyzed period the material and technical supply plan was not fulfilled; supplies of material and raw materials were carried out unevenly. To measure the degree of unevenness of supplies, we use the standard deviation indicator (unevenness coefficient) as an indicator of the average size of the fluctuation in the value or other characteristic of the object under study compared to its average level. Let us consider the procedure for calculating this indicator using the example of

M201. Calculation of the coefficient of unevenness of oil supply to oil depots

Oil depot Year Observation number Capital productivity Cost 2, rub/t Labor productivity X, Tank volume X4, t Coefficient of uneven oil supply Sales volume of petroleum products X t

Block 2 - formation of a working array of the oil supply unevenness coefficient using the M201 module.


Block /0 - calculation of the coefficient of unevenness of oil supply at the district oil depot by year of the retrospective period. Creation of the B2111 array.

The array of the coefficient of unevenness of oil supply to oil depots for the retrospective period is array B2111.

Block 11 - construction of forecast models for the r-th oil depot of the dependence of economic indicators (cost, capital productivity and labor productivity) on objective factors of production (freight turnover, replacement cost of fixed assets, unevenness coefficient) and the time factor t. The forecast model is built on the basis of the dependence of economic indicators on objective factors of production for a retrospective period using the M108 module

When determining the reserves for increasing throughput capacity in the second way, an attempt is made using the methods of multidimensional classification and correlation and regression analysis to establish the influence of the main objective factors of oil supply on the economic indicators of the activity of oil depots and to develop economic and statistical models of indicators that could be used for oil supply planning purposes. At the same time, the dependence of capital productivity (x) on such factors as the volume of sales of petroleum products (xv), the coefficient of unevenness of oil supply (x5), and the volume of reservoir capacity (x4) is studied. Initially, a multidimensional classification of oil depots is carried out according to objective factors of production. Then in each class it is built

An objective lux meter determines the illumination in various places on the working surface throughout the room.

The ratio of minimum to maximum illumination is called UNEVENITY COEFFICIENT. It must be at least 0.3

Calculation of minimum illumination on a horizontal surface through specific power (W/m2). To determine the minimum illumination through specific power, use the formula:

where: E - minimum horizontal illumination at a given lamp power per square meter. meter of room;

Em - minimum horizontal illumination corresponding to a specific power of 1 watt per square meter. meter of room.

p is the actual specific power of lamps for a given room, calculated by dividing the total power of all lamps in a given room in watts by the area of ​​the given room.

Et - is found according to the attached tables (Tables 3.4) in accordance with the network voltage, type of lamp and power (not total) of the supplied lamps.

    Working with a teacher

    Oral survey

    Monitoring the final level of knowledge

    Monitoring the final level of knowledge

1 Biological significance of visible light:

Provides light and color perception

    has a tanning effect

    has an antirachitic effect

    has a disinfecting effect

    has a thermal effect

2 What wavelength is the visible spectrum of daylight?

    over 4 00 mmk

    below 4 0 0 mmk

400 - 760 mmk

    760 - 1200 mmk

    over 12 00 mmk

3 What is “daylight factor”?

    degree of light delay by window glass

    ratio of glazed window surface to floor area

The ratio of the horizontal illumination of the workplace to the simultaneous horizontal illumination under the open sky

    ratio of horizontal to vertical illumination

    the angle between the top and bottom edges of the window from the workplace point

4 What is “depth coefficient”?

Ratio of window height to room depth

The ratio of the height of the upper edge of the window from the floor to the depth of the room

The ratio of the glazed surface area of ​​windows to the floor area

Ratio of horizontal illumination of the working surface to simultaneous illumination under the open sky

    angle between the top edge of the window and the top edge of the shading object from the workplace point

5. What is “lighting power density”?

    ratio of luminous intensity to workplace area

    ratio of workplace illumination to floor area

    ratio of the glazed surface area of ​​windows to the floor area

Ratio of total lamp power to floor area (W/sq.m)

    ratio of the total lamp power to the number of light sources

6. Specific power standards for fluorescent lamps for classrooms:

15-20 W/sq m

20-23 W/sq m

30-35 W/sq m

42-48 W/sq m

48-60 W/sq m

7. Lighting standards for classrooms with increased visual load:

400 - 500 lux

    are not specifically standardized

8 How is illumination of working surfaces measured?



    thermoelectric anemometer



9. What is the operating principle of a lux meter based on?

    on the ionizing ability of light

    on the phenomenon of luminescence

On the phenomenon of photoelectric effect

    on the reflectivity of light

    on the absorption of light energy

10. The main indicator for assessing workplace illumination:

    angle of incidence

    hole angle

    penetration factor

Daylight factor

Luminous coefficient

11 What wavelength is the ultraviolet spectrum of daylight characterized by?

    over 400 mmk

Below 400 mmk

    400 - 760 mmk

    760 - 1200 mmk

    over 1200 mmk

12 What is "luminous coefficient"?

The degree of light delay by window glass

Ratio of glazed window surface to floor area

Ratio of horizontal to vertical illumination

The ratio of horizontal illumination on the working surface to simultaneous horizontal illumination under the open sky

13 What is the "angle of incidence"?

    ratio of floor area to window area

The angle between the top and bottom edges of the window from the workplace point

    angle between the top edge of the window and the top edge of the shading object from the workplace point

    ratio of the height of the upper edge of the window to the depth of the room

    ratio of horizontal illumination of the working surface to the floor area

14 What is "hole angle"?

The angle between the top and bottom edges of the window from the workplace point

    the angle between the floor and the top edge of the window from the workplace point

The angle between the top edge of the window and the top edge of the shading object from the workplace point

The angle between the upper and lower edges of the window from the workplace point

    ratio of window area to floor area


The calculation of drainage networks consists of determining the diameters and slopes of pipelines that, under the most favorable hydraulic conditions, ensure the passage of wastewater flows at any time. Since the gravity movement of wastewater is the most advantageous in terms of energy, the main design task is to construct a longitudinal profile of the collectors, which determines the volume of excavation work and the position of drainage pipelines in the underground part relative to other utilities. The basis for determining the diameters of pipelines is the calculated flow rate, which depends on the specific rate of drainage of domestic water from the city - the average daily (per year) water flow rate, l/day, discharged from one person.

The specific water disposal rate depends on the level of sanitary equipment in buildings and, to a certain extent, on climatic conditions.

In table 2.1 shows the influence of the degree of improvement of buildings on the amount of specific water disposal.

Table 2.1

Specific drainage of domestic wastewater from the city

In some microdistricts in buildings with increased comfort, specific standards can reach 500-1000 l/(person day). Russian experience shows that usually specific water removal is equal to specific water consumption. The action of market relations in public utilities will affect specific water disposal, so it should be constantly studied and clarified.

The specific drainage of domestic water from industrial enterprises is given in Table. 2.2.

Table 2.2

Specific drainage of domestic water from industrial enterprises

Water consumption from showers and foot baths is determined by hourly water consumption equal to: for one shower net - 500 l/h; for one foot bath with mixer - 250 l/h. The duration of the water procedure is 8 minutes for a shower, 16 minutes for a bath. The duration of use of the shower and bath is 45 minutes with uniform water consumption and drainage. Specific water disposal of industrial wastewater is the amount of water, m3, discharged per unit of output. The amount of specific water disposal depends on the type of production and the degree of perfection of water technology. The most advanced - continuous production processes with water recycling have the lowest specific water removal values. During the period of rains and snowmelt, there is a significant influx of rain and melt water into the drainage network. In this regard, a requirement arose to carry out verification calculations of drainage networks to pass the maximum flow rate, taking into account the additional influx of rain and melt water. Additional expense

Where? - total length of the drainage network, km; t s1 - maximum daily precipitation, mm, determined according to SNiP 2.01.01-82.

Reliable reception and disposal of wastewater during the above period can be ensured by reducing the design filling of the collectors, not exceeding h/d= 0.7, which naturally increases the cost of constructing drainage networks. The experience of operating Moscow's drainage networks has revealed a different, more effective method increased drainage during flood periods and days of intense rain.

The new technology for regulating the influx of wastewater is implemented using emergency control tanks, which can significantly reduce the peak hydraulic load on the main wastewater disposal facilities, reduce the coefficient of unevenness of wastewater flow to pumping stations and treatment facilities, which significantly increases the stability of their operation.

Unevenness coefficients. The influx of wastewater fluctuates daily within a year and by hour of the day.

Coefficient of daily unevenness of wastewater inflow

where (?, (? 2 - maximum and average daily expenses for the year.

The coefficient of daily unevenness is used when analyzing fluctuations in domestic wastewater from the city. Depending on local conditions, it is 1.1 -1.3.

Hourly unevenness coefficient

K 2 = i (/t 2, (2.3)

Overall maximum unevenness factor

K=K ( k g (2.4)

Taking into account dependencies (2.2) and (2.3), the overall maximum coefficient has the form

K = (24^/24^)^,/^),

K=i x /i, (2.5)

Where I - Average hourly flow per day with average wastewater inflow.

The overall coefficient of unevenness is the ratio of the maximum hourly flow rate per day with maximum wastewater inflow to the average hourly flow rate per day with average wastewater disposal.

Numerous studies have established that the overall coefficient of unevenness depends on the average wastewater flow rate.

To ensure reliable operation of some wastewater disposal facilities, it is necessary to know the minimum costs, i.e. values ​​of the general minimum coefficient of unevenness

Where I - minimum hourly consumption per day with minimal drainage.

In table Figure 2.3 shows the values ​​of the unevenness coefficients from the average second flow rate, with the help of which the values ​​of the estimated maximum and minimum wastewater flow rates are calculated.

The influx of domestic water from industrial enterprises is characterized by a maximum hourly uneven coefficient with ™ to 7sh

General coefficients of unevenness of the influx of domestic wastewater from the city


  • 1. General coefficients of unevenness of wastewater inflow can be accepted when the amount of industrial wastewater does not exceed 45% total flow.
  • 2. For an intermediate value of the average wastewater flow, the overall unevenness coefficients should be determined by interpolation.
  • 3. For the initial sections of the network, where the average flow rate is less than 5 l/s, the rule applies for non-calculated sections, where the minimum permissible diameters and slopes of pipes are accepted (see Table 2.2).
  • 4. If there is a larger amount of industrial wastewater than indicated in Note 1, the estimated costs are established according to graphs and tables of the total influx of wastewater from the city and industrial enterprise by hour of the day.

^bp^max /

Where qmax And q mid - maximum and average costs per hour per shift. Numerous observations have established that the coefficient of hourly unevenness of the influx of household wastewater is almost the same for various industries.

Mode of disposal of domestic water at an industrial enterprise

Cold shop, 25 l/(cm-person)

G hot shop, 45 l/(cm-person)

Shift hours

The value of K^n at

^dep.max °

Expenses, %

Meaning/C^ |T at

TO _ r s;


Expenses, %

Total per shift


By design flow we mean the flow that is limiting when calculating drainage structures.

To calculate drainage structures, average and maximum daily, hourly and second flow rates are used.

The estimated consumption of domestic water from the city is determined using the following formulas:

where N is the estimated population by the end of the estimated period of operation of the drainage network - 25 years.

The maximum second flow rate is conveniently determined by the formula

Where R - residential area of ​​blocks, hectares; q()- runoff module, l/(s ha) - a generalized indicator of flow rate per unit area of ​​residential areas, determined by the formula

R/24 3600, (2.15)

Where R - population density, people/ha.

The standards for drainage of domestic water from the city do not take into account water consumption coming from rest homes, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc. These water consumption are determined and accounted for separately.

Estimated consumption of domestic water from industrial enterprises

are determined by the formulas:

With tM = (25UU, + 45LU/1000, m 3 /d; (2.16)

(2 tach. s „ = (25/U 3 + 45Lu/1000, m 3 /day; (2.17)

Yat ah, = K 6 g)/G? 3600, l/s, (2.18)

where /V, and УУ 2 are the number of workers per day with specific water disposal, respectively, in cold and hot shops of 25 and 45 l/cm per worker (see Table 2.4); УУ 3 and /У 4 - the same per shift with a maximum number of workers with specific water disposal of 25 and 45 l/cm3 per worker, respectively; 0 t[th - average daily consumption; (2 tach cm - consumption per shift with the maximum number of workers; K bh= 3 and K 6 r = 2.5 - coefficients of hourly unevenness with specific water disposal of 25 and 45 l/cm per worker, respectively; t- shift duration, hours

The estimated consumption of shower water, taking into account its uniform formation during 45 minutes of the last hour of the shift, can be determined using the formulas:

Stakh,™ = “d L? 45/1000 ? 60, m 3 /cm; (2.19)

60)^ si ^ tt), m 3 /cm; (2.20)

tahd = ?d.s t d/ 3600 - L / S >

where m)x is the number of shower nets; /U cm and Nmax- the number of workers using the shower, respectively, in the calculated and maximum shifts; 45 - duration of shower operation in the last hour of the shift, min.

Number of shower nets

t d = L"tah"L-SHT -

Where tn = 9 - duration of the water procedure for one person using the shower, min; / = 45 - shower operating time, min.

Shower water consumption can be determined using the formulas:

where УУ 5 and N1 - the number of shower users in cold and hot shops with a specific rate of 40 l/person; L^6 and VU 8 - the same in hot shops with a specific rate of 60 l/person.

The estimated costs of industrial wastewater are determined by the formulas:

0, w = H„m, m 3 /day; (2.26)

btahhm = ",Ash> m>/cm’

"tah.x = "Aah*"L" 3.6), l/s, (2.2V)

where M and M max are the number of products produced per day and shift with the highest productivity, respectively; K p - coefficient of hourly unevenness of the influx of industrial wastewater; D - duration of the shift (technological process), hours.

Coefficient K p depends on the industry sector, the type of product produced and the degree of perfection of the technological process.

When designing the coefficient K p should be taken based on the experience of similar industrial enterprises or on the recommendations of technologists.

The calculation performed using the above formulas allows us to establish extreme hourly wastewater flow rates and costs for other times.

For the convenience of calculations of drainage structures, it is advisable to summarize the obtained results of determining costs in a statement. The form of the summary statement is given in table. 2.5.

Statement of total wastewater consumption

Serviced object

Wastewater flow

average daily,


maximum hourly, m 3 / h

maximum seconds, l/s

household and shower



household and shower



household and shower





Wastewater disposal mode by hour of the day. It is convenient to represent the distribution of wastewater flow by hour of the day in the form of a step graph (Fig. 2.1). The abscissa axis shows the time of day, and the ordinate axis shows the hourly flow rate in m3 or as a percentage of the daily flow rate.

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Hours of the day

Rice. 2.1. Step schedule of wastewater inflow:

  • 1 - real inflow; 2 - uniform inflow
  • 9, % 6

The deviation from the average hourly flow rate, equal to 100/24 ​​= 4.17%, depends on the average second flow rate and the corresponding coefficient of unevenness of water disposal.

Such graphs are clear and more accurate if they are constructed by filling out a summary table of wastewater inflow from the city and industrial enterprises, taking into account the distribution of domestic and industrial wastewater from an industrial enterprise by shift hours.

Design sections of pipelines and collectors are separate design sections within which the flow rate is calculated conditionally

permanent. It is difficult to determine the total (maximum) estimated flow rates of wastewater of various origins, taking into account their inflow schedules for all areas, since these peak flow rates do not coincide in time, which helps to create a certain reserve. This reserve is most noticeable only in a few initial sections, when the so-called concentrated consumption of domestic, shower and industrial wastewater from industrial enterprises is comparable to the consumption of domestic water from the city, discharged through collectors of the largest cross-section.

Experience in designing drainage networks confirms the possibility of the above method for determining the estimated (total) costs.

When calculating pumping stations, emergency control tanks and treatment facilities, it is necessary to have a distribution of daily and shift costs by hours of the day and shifts.

The total wastewater flow rates at individual hours of the day are obtained by compiling a summary table of wastewater inflows, the form of which is presented in Table. 2.6.

Table 2.6

Statement of the total hourly influx of wastewater from the city and industrial enterprises



Domestic water from the city

Water from industrial enterprise No. 1






  • 23-24

Maximum hourly consumption according to table. 2.6 will be less than the sum of the maximum flow rates of individual types of wastewater obtained using table. 2.5, since peak flows do not coincide in time.

Calculation using table. 2.6 excludes the reserve, and this flow rate is closer to the actual one.

The values ​​of specific drainage of domestic water take into account costs not only from residential buildings, but also from administrative buildings and public utilities. Formulas (2.14) and (2.15) assume uniform discharge of wastewater from the area of ​​the blocks. When placing administrative and utility facilities in this area, this principle is violated.

In areas that drain water from such facilities, pipelines should be checked to ensure that concentrated flows from them pass through. These costs are established in accordance with the relevant current standards.

At the same time, water flows in other sections of the network may be less than those calculated using formulas (2.14) and (2.15). In this case, for the area where administrative buildings and utilities are located, the runoff module should be determined without taking into account the water flow from the above objects using the formula

“These-10:)-“000 ?/’ 86400

L/(s ha),

Where 0 thousand - average daily wastewater flow from the drainage area under consideration, m3/day, with the total area of ​​the blocks?/ g, ha; Ha - the sum of concentrated expenses from non-residential facilities, m 3 / day.

Specific water disposal excluding costs from non-residential facilities d" 6 can be determined by the formula

R » l /(person S U T)-

Determination of estimated wastewater flow rates for individual sections of the network. The design flow rate for the design section of the network can be determined by the gravitating areas and the specific flow rate per unit length of the pipeline. The first “area” method is widely used in engineering practice, the second, the “length” method, is used less frequently, mainly when calculating a network using a computer.

When determining the estimated flow rate for gravitating areas, the concepts of transit, lateral, associated and concentrated flow rates are used.

In Fig. 2.2 presents models illustrating the methodology for determining flow rate

Transit flow d s - concentrated flow from a non-residential facility.

I - network tracing along a lowered edge; II - the same according to the encompassing scheme; a-d- parts of blocks gravitating towards adjacent branches

When determining the design flow rate, the overall unevenness coefficient can be entered only for the total average flow rate qi^.

q i = q 0 ?F j , l/s, (2.31)

Where q 0 - drain module, calculated using formula (2.15); - general

area of ​​blocks gravitating to a given design area.

According to the diagrams in Fig. 2.2 it can be seen that associated flow

Concentrated flow q c from a non-residential facility is determined as the sum of the estimated costs of wastewater of various origins (for example, domestic, shower and industrial), each of which is calculated accordingly using formulas (2.18), (2.21) and (2.28). A distinction is made between local and transit concentrated costs.

I. Local concentrated flow - flow from an industrial enterprise located on an adjacent block or part of it (when tracing the network along the lower side of the block), shown in Fig. 2.2, g.

II. Transit concentrated flow - flow from an industrial enterprise entering the network above design point 21 (Fig. 2.2, b).

Thus, the estimated flow rate in a separate section of the network ^21-22 0P R eD is divided according to the formula

"21-22 = "" pop + "6ok> + "tr] ? TO+ “S’ L / S -

For the sake of simplicity, calculations are carried out in a certain form.


1. Calculation part

1.2. Determining the volume of tanks of water towers and clean water reservoirs

1.3. Construction of a piezometric line. Selection of pumps 2 lifts

2. Technological part

2.1. Water quality and basic methods of its purification

2.2. Choice technological scheme water purification

2.3. Reagent facilities

2.4. Water disinfection

2.5. Selection of technological equipment for a water treatment plant





The urban economy is a set of enterprises engaged in the production and sale of housing and communal products and services.

A municipal sector is a set of enterprises that sell the same type of products and services.

Centralized water supply is one of the important sectors of the urban economy, which has a number of features and performs its functions in the life of the urban economy.

Centralized water supply is a branch of urban management that provides water consumers with water in the required quantities, the required quality and under the required pressure.

Complex engineering structures, performing water supply tasks, is called a water supply system (plumbing).

Centralized water supply provides the population with water, which must be safe against infections, harmless in chemical composition and with good organoleptic qualities.

This industry has a number of technological features:

1. Constancy (the unchanged state of technological stages, regardless of the size of the technology);

2. Continuity (implementation of technological stages in a strict repeating sequence).

But like many sectors of the urban economy, water supply has its own problems and disadvantages. This includes insufficient funding for the maintenance, timely overhaul and current repairs of equipment, for the acquisition and operation modern technologies, hence the constant failures in the operation of equipment and technology. As a result, this affects the quality of water supplied to homes, its chemical and physical composition.


1.1. Norms and regimes of water consumption

Estimated water consumption is determined taking into account the number of inhabitants of a populated area and water consumption standards.

The norm for household and drinking water consumption in populated areas is the amount of water in liters consumed per day by one resident for household and drinking needs. The rate of water consumption depends on the degree of improvement of buildings and climatic conditions.

Table 1

Water consumption standards

Smaller values ​​refer to areas with a cold climate, and larger values ​​​​to areas with a warm climate.

Throughout the year and during the day, water for household and drinking purposes is consumed unevenly (in summer it is consumed more than in winter; in the daytime - more than at night).

Estimated (annual average) daily water consumption for household and drinking needs in locality determined by the formula

Qday m = ql Nl/1000, m3/day;

Qday m = 300*150000/1000 = 45000 m3/day.

Where ql – specific water consumption;

Nzh – estimated number of inhabitants.

Estimated water consumption per day of the highest and lowest water consumption, m3/day,

Qday max = Kday max* Qday m;

Qday min = Kday min* Qday m.

The coefficient of daily unevenness of water consumption Kday should be taken equal to

Kday max = 1.1 – 1.3

Kday min = 0.7 – 0.9

Large values ​​of Kday max are accepted for cities with large population, smaller ones - for cities with small populations. For Kday min it’s the other way around.

Qday max = 1.3*45000 = 58500 m3/day;

Qday min = 0.7*45000 = 31500 m3/day.

Estimated hourly water consumption, m3/h,

qch max = Kch max * Qday max/24

qch min = Kch min * Qday min/24

The coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption is determined from the expressions

Kch max = amax * bmax

Kch min = amin * bmin

Where a is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of improvement of buildings: amax = 1.2-1.4; amin = 0.4-0.6 (smaller values ​​for amax and larger values ​​for amin are taken for more high degree improvement of buildings); b is a coefficient that takes into account the number of residents in a locality.

Kch max = 1.2*1.1 = 1.32

Kch min = 0.6*0.7 = 0.42

qh max = 1.32*58500/24 ​​= 3217.5 m3/h

qh min = 0.42*31500/24 ​​= 551.25 m3/h

Water consumption for fire fighting.

Water is used sporadically to extinguish fires - during fires. Water consumption for external fire extinguishing (per fire) and the number of simultaneous fires in a populated area are taken according to a table that takes into account water consumption for external fire extinguishing in accordance with the number of residents in the populated area.

At the same time, water consumption for internal fire extinguishing is calculated at the rate of two jets of 2.5 l/s per design fire.

The estimated duration of fire extinguishing is assumed to be 3 hours.

Then the supply of water for fire extinguishing

Wп =nп (qп+2.5*2)*3*3600/1000, m3

Where nп is the estimated number of fires; qп – rate of water consumption for one design fire, l/s.

In our case nп = 3; qп = 40 l/s.

Wп = 3 (40+2.5*2)*3*3600/1000 = 1458 m3

Hourly consumption for fire extinguishing = Wп/3 = 1458/3 = 486 m3/h

Based on the calculated coefficient of hourly unevenness Kch max = 1.32, we set a probable schedule for the distribution of daily expenses by hour of the day.

According to the table of distribution of daily household and drinking expenses by hour of the day at different coefficients of hourly unevenness for populated areas for Kch max = 1.32, we construct a schedule of daily water consumption and combine with this schedule the schedules of water supply by pumps 1 and 2 lifts.

1.2 Determination of the volume of tanks of water towers and clean water reservoirs

The capacity of the water tower tank can be determined using combined schedules of water consumption and operation of the 2nd lift pumping station. The calculation results are shown in Table 2, which reflects the regulating role of the water tower tank. So, in the period from 22 to 5 a.m., there is a shortage of water not supplied by the pumping station 2 rises, in the amount of 0.1 to 0.8% of the daily consumption every hour will be consumed from the tank; in the period from 5 to 8 hours and from 10 to 19 hours, water will flow into the tank in the amount of 0.2 to 0.7% of the daily flow.

Valid Editorial from 20.05.1986

Name of document"SEWERAGE. EXTERNAL NETWORKS AND STRUCTURES. SNiP 2.04.03-85" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated 05.21.85 N 71) (as amended on 05.20.86)
Document typedecree, norms, rules
Receiving authoritygosstroy ussr
Document NumberSNIP 2.04.03-85
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date20.05.1986
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • The document was not published in this form

"SEWERAGE. EXTERNAL NETWORKS AND STRUCTURES. SNiP 2.04.03-85" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated 05.21.85 N 71) (as amended on 05.20.86)

Specific costs, unevenness coefficients and estimated wastewater flow rates

2.1. When designing sewerage systems in populated areas, the calculated specific daily average (per year) drainage of domestic wastewater from residential buildings should be taken equal to the calculated specific daily average (per year) water consumption according to SNiP 2.04.02-84 without taking into account water consumption for watering territories and green spaces.

2.2. Specific drainage for determining the estimated wastewater flows from individual residential and public buildings, if it is necessary to take into account concentrated costs, should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2.3. The estimated average daily flow rates of industrial wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises and the coefficients of unevenness of their inflow should be determined on the basis of technological data. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for the rational use of water through the use of low-water technological processes, water circulation, water reuse, etc.

2.4. Specific water disposal in unsewered areas should be 25 l/day per inhabitant.

2.5. The estimated average daily wastewater flow in a populated area should be determined as the sum of the costs established according to clauses 2.1 - 2.4.

The amount of wastewater from local industrial enterprises serving the population, as well as unaccounted expenses, may be accepted additionally in the amount of 5% of the total average daily wastewater disposal of the settlement.

2.6. Estimated daily wastewater flows should be determined as the sum of the products of the average daily (per year) wastewater flows determined according to clause 2.5 by the daily unevenness coefficients adopted in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84.

2.7. The calculated maximum and minimum wastewater flows should be determined as the product of the average daily (per year) wastewater flows determined according to clause 2.5 by the general unevenness coefficients given in Table 2.

table 2

General coefficient of unevenness of wastewater inflowAverage wastewater flow, l/s
5 10 20 50 100 300 500 1000 5000 or more
Maximum K_gen.max2,5 2,1 1,9 1,7 1,6 1,55 1,5 1,47 1,44
Minimum K_gen.min0,38 0,45 0,5 0,55 0,59 0,62 0,66 0,69 0,71

Notes: 1. The general coefficients of unevenness of wastewater inflow given in Table 2 can be taken when the amount of industrial wastewater does not exceed 45% of the total flow. When the amount of industrial wastewater exceeds 45%, the general coefficients of unevenness should be determined taking into account the unevenness of the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater by hour of the day according to the data of the actual influx of wastewater and the operation of similar facilities.

2. For average wastewater flows of less than 5 l/s, the estimated flows should be determined in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85.

3. For intermediate values ​​of the average wastewater flow, the overall unevenness coefficients should be determined by interpolation.

2.8. The estimated costs of industrial wastewater from industrial enterprises should be taken as follows:

For external collectors of the enterprise that receive wastewater from workshops - at maximum hourly flow rates;

For on-site and off-site collectors of the enterprise - according to a combined hourly schedule;

for the off-site collector of a group of enterprises - according to a combined hourly schedule, taking into account the time of flow of wastewater through the collector.

2.9. When developing the schemes listed in clause 1.1, the specific average daily (per year) water disposal can be taken according to Table 3.

The volume of wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises should be determined on the basis of consolidated standards or existing analogue projects.

Table 3

Notes: 1. Specific average daily water disposal may be changed by 10 - 20% depending on climatic and other local conditions and the degree of improvement.

2. In the absence of data on industrial development beyond 1990, it is allowed to accept additional expense wastewater from enterprises in the amount of 25% of the flow rate determined according to Table 3.

2.10. Gravity lines, collectors and channels, as well as pressure pipelines of domestic and industrial wastewater should be checked for the passage of the total calculated maximum flow rate according to clauses 2.7 and 2.8 and additional inflow of surface and groundwater during periods of rain and snowmelt, it unorganizedly enters the sewerage network through leaks in well hatches and due to groundwater infiltration. The amount of additional inflow q_ad, l/s, should be determined on the basis of special surveys or operating data of similar objects, and in their absence - according to the formula

q_ad = 0.15L square root (m_d), (1)

Where L is the total length of pipelines to the calculated structure (pipeline site), km;

m_d - the value of the maximum daily precipitation, mm, determined in accordance with SNiP 2.01.01-82.

A verification calculation of gravity pipelines and channels with a cross section of any shape for the passage of increased flow must be carried out at a filling height of 0.95.