State municipal sector of the modern economy. State and municipal sectors of the economy

  • 4. Property in the state and municipal sector. Main types of commercial organizations in state and municipal ownership: state unitary enterprises
  • 5. Features of management of organizations of the state and municipal sector.
  • 6. Contents of the concepts “public sector”, “municipal sector”, “public sector”
  • 7. Man as a subject of economy and society.
  • 8. “Economic man” and “institutional man.” The dialectic of egoism and altruism determines human development.
  • 9. Human needs and interests as a factor in the development of the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 10.Theory of motivation a. Maslow. Patterns of development of needs.
  • 12. Indicators of human development in the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 13.Human resources, human capital and human capital: role in the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 14. Social capital and social resource of the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 16. Basic economic functions of the state and municipal sector.
  • 17.Tools with which the state influences the economy, performing its economic functions.
  • 18. The essence of state and municipal management, general principles of management, management methods.
  • 19. Public service and local self-government in the management system of the state and municipal sector: essence, types, principles.
  • 20. Resources of the state and municipal sector.
  • 21. Management in the municipal sector. Issues of local importance.
  • 22. Local governments. Municipal service.
  • 23. Market failures - the presence of monopolies (market monopolization). Forms of government intervention.
  • 24. Market failures - information asymmetry. Regulatory influence of the state to overcome it.
  • 25.Market failures - external and internal effects. Forms of government intervention.
  • 26 Market failures – public goods: properties and classification.
  • 27. State and municipal sector and production of public goods.
  • 28. Macroeconomic market failures are associated with:
  • 29 Overflow problems and the theory of club goods.
  • 30 Natural monopolies and ways to overcome contradictions between the economic and social aspects of their activities.
  • 31 The free-rider problem and the need for government participation
  • 32 Agency relations. Asymmetric information in the public sector.
  • 33Theoretical foundations of economic equilibrium: the concept of general and partial equilibrium. Difference from equilibrium in the state and municipal sector from market equilibrium.
  • 34 The first and second fundamental theorems of welfare economics.
  • 35 Pareto – efficient and optimal distribution of resources and income. Kaldor-Hicks rule
  • 36 General (budget) and partial equilibria in the state and municipal sectors.
  • 37 Two approaches to the formation of budget policy: Keynesian and the approach from the position of budget balance.
  • 38 Supply of public goods. Samuelson-Pareto conditions for optimal production of public goods.
  • 39 The essence and specificity of public choice in the state and municipal sectors.
  • 40 The mechanism of voting, the principle of decision-making by the majority.
  • 41. The paradox of the centrist voter, the order and procedure for taking into account the interests of the minority.
  • 42 The theory of public choice in modern economics.
  • 43 Social interest groups. Logrolling.
  • 44 Lobbying. Search for political rent.
  • 45 The need for the production of goods and services in the state and municipal sectors.
  • 46.Scale of state production.
  • 47 Problems of efficiency of state and municipal enterprises and institutions, their restructuring.
  • 1. Subject and methods of economics of the state and municipal sector.

    Economics subject state and municipal sector - formation and use of resources of the state and municipal sector and the influence of the state and local authorities on economic situation and the behavior of firms and households.

    Methods for studying the economics of the state and municipal sector

    A research method is understood as a set of techniques and ways of understanding processes economic phenomena and events

    Classification of research methods:

      General scientific. Among them are:


    A) methods-operations: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, abstraction, concretization, generalization, formalization, modeling

    B) action methods: dialectical methods, problem posing, hypothesis building, proof

      Empirical methods:

    A) operational methods: literature review, analysis of documents and materials, observation, measurement, survey, expert assessments, testing.

      Methods of action: tracking objects (monitoring, studying and summarizing experience), transforming objects (experiment, experience)

    2) Private scientific research methods: Economic observation, Economic experimentation, Economic modeling, Economic induction, Construction of economic hypotheses, Historical analysis of economic phenomena, etc.

    3)Methods of interdisciplinary research are a set of integrative methods aimed at implementing complex scientific programs.

    Research methods most often used in the economy of the state and municipal sectors:

      Traditional methods of formal logic

      Method of theoretical generalization and formalization

      System method

      Structural-functional method

      Method of modeling and systematization

      Historical and evolutionary research methods

    2. Signs of the state as a market subject.

    As market subject the state is characterized by 3 characteristics:

      Regulatory entity

    In modern conditions, non-interference of the state in socio-economic processes is impossible, practically excluded. Uncontrolled market processes are destructive both for society and for nature. Therefore, a market economy, more than any other, needs regulation. The role of a regulatory center can only be performed by the state represented by the government, because it is an institution that represents the entire society and has the right of non-economic intervention in economic relations. Now the debate is not about the need for government regulation, but about its scale, forms and intensity. The problem is generated by constant changes in the economy, requiring corresponding changes in the scale and instruments of government regulation.

    2.Non-market origin of government income.

    A market entity is an economic entity that receives a constant income and through which it carries out its expenses. Consequently, the state is included in the economy to the extent that it has income. However, the subtlety here is that the nature of government income is unique. If we exclude the limited sphere of state entrepreneurship, then state income arises mainly as a result of non-economic actions, i.e. as a consequence of the redistribution of part of the income of primary market subjects (households, firms) in favor of the state.

    This allows the state to be qualified as a secondary or derivative market entity, economic strength which is entirely dependent on the private business that feeds the state.

    Consequently, state income is not a third independent element along with the income of households and firms, not a special component of social income, but a forcibly isolated part of primary market income created without the state, and often in spite of the state.

    This is why perhaps no one is as interested in the growth of income of firms and households as the state. Because their income is the only source of tax income for the state.

    3.Imperative status of the state(from the Latin “imperative” - imperative)

    The state is the only entity in a market economy whose requirements are binding on all non-state entities. However, this responsibility is vital to the free enterprise system, because creates uniform rules of behavior for all market entities. Imperativeness gives state revenue a mandatory character. The main mechanism of economic intervention.


    The textbook is an electronic version of the book:
    Economics of the state and municipal sector. Textbook / Alekhine E. V. Penza, 2010.

    Topic 1. Theoretical foundations of public finance.
    Topic 2. Economic functions of the state.
    Topic 3. State and municipal sector of the economy.
    Topic 4. State financial policy Russia.
    Topic 5. Financing and production in the public sector.

    The modern system of public financial management is the result of the long-term development of state institutions. Past
    century, and especially the post-war period, were characterized by a significant expansion of the public sector in countries with market economies, which in its growth outpaced the dynamics of the private market sector, which was due to the increasing complexity government functions, the use of new methods of macro- and microeconomic regulation aimed at compensating for “failures” of the market mechanism.

    Currently, many highly developed countries use new forms of budget planning, budget execution and evaluation of the results of public finance management, have modern systems budget accounting And financial statements, institutions of external and internal audit, liquidity management and state (municipal) debt, contractual relations and competitive selection of suppliers of public goods and services are widely used. A huge number of guidelines prepared by national and international organizations. They proceed from the fact that, despite all the differences between public finance management systems different countries There remains significant similarity between them in the formulation of fundamental management problems and their solution. This makes it possible to formulate general principles, standards and best management practices that can be successfully implemented in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

    Given tutorial dedicated general issues theory of the public sector and public finance, evolution, organization and functioning of the public sector, principles of budgetary structure and modern trends decentralization of fiscal powers, as well as the main methodological sources that promote the dissemination of best practices in public financial management.

    The first topic presents short review theoretical ideas about public finance as part of the economy of the public sector, a description of the main theories relating to taxation, the provision of public services, and financial relationships between authorities at different levels is given. It addresses the following questions: What are the specific features of public goods? Why does the government have the task of providing public goods and services? What might be the ways to provide public goods and services? Does the state necessarily have to produce public goods itself, or can they be produced in the private sector?

    The answers to these questions largely determine the scale of the public sector, the nature and mechanisms of public financial management. Thus, the involvement of non-state enterprises in the production of public goods and services contributes to the reduction of the public sector, the development of contractual relations and a significant change in the functions of public authorities, which have to acquire corporate governance skills that are unusual for them. the most important tool government influence on the economy is the state budget, the analysis then shifts to issues related to the formation and functioning of state budgets. The dynamics of government expenditures in the post-war period, factors influencing the growth of budget expenditures, the structure state budgets leading countries of the world in comparison with Russia.
    This leads to the important issue of defining the boundaries of the public sector and its subsectors at various levels of government. The textbook analyzes the recommendations of international statistical systems for the formation of the public sector based on the inclusion of institutional units that meet certain criteria. These recommendations are widely used in many countries of the world, which adapt the general principles of international statistics to the peculiarities of national economics and law. Assessing the scale of the public sector is a prerequisite for organizing the management of public finances and the implementation of government functions. On this basis, in particular, the financial capabilities of the state to provide public goods and services are determined.

    Analysis of government functions, determination of the scale and boundaries of the public sector, features of public goods and services and methods of their provision, which are the subject of research in the first section, are of great importance for understanding the mechanisms of public finance management. The state provides regulatory legal regulation economy, provides public goods, redistributes income between individuals, has a stabilizing effect on the economy and financial system, promotes economic growth. The implementation of these functions is carried out primarily on the basis of the formulation of public policy and the management of public finances. The goals of public policy determine the choice of forms and methods of regulation, fiscal instruments and technologies necessary for the implementation of functions. Thus, setting long-term goals, as a rule, requires the use of multi-year budget planning methods, results-based budgeting, special debt management methods, etc.

    At the same time, public finance management in almost any country is carried out on the basis of the distribution of fiscal powers and the interaction of various levels of government. In turn, character budget device And interbudgetary relations largely determine the effectiveness of the implementation of government functions. Finding the optimal balance between centralized and decentralized control is one of the central tasks in any national system public finance management.

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    FSBEI HPE Ural State Economic University

    Economics of the state and municipal sector

    Direction of training

    State and municipal government

    Graduate qualification (degree)


    Compiled by: Uzhegova A.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor


    The purpose and objectives of studying the discipline

    The purpose of the discipline “Economics of the state and municipal sector” is to develop in students basic professional knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the field of economics of the public sector, necessary in the activities of bodies state power to solve specific problems.

    Achieving this goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

    1. Introducing students to the basic concepts, tools, latest theories and approaches in the field of public sector economics.
    2. Training in analytical approaches to the study of patterns of development and functioning modern state and society.
    3. Formation and development of students' practical skills in the field of analyzing the activities of the public sector and non-governmental non-profit institutions.
    4. Implementation of the ability to respond as quickly and adequately as possible to continuous changes in the current socio-economic situation.

    Topics of the discipline and their summary

    Topic 1. general characteristics economics of the state and municipal sector

    General characteristics of the economy of the state and municipal sectors. The concept, boundaries and scale of the economy of the state and municipal sector. The main activities and public goods provided by the public sector of the economy. General concept of public sector finance.

    People are the basis of the economy of the state and municipal sectors. Man as a subject of economy and society. The relationship between the interests of man, society and the state. Social expenditures: goals, sources, ways of financing. Indicators of human development in the public sector economy.

    Economic fundamentals political mechanism in the public sector. Institutes government controlled. The need and main characteristics of the political mechanism in the public sector. Voting as a way of making collective choice. Articulation and aggregation of interests in the political mechanism of public choice. Political mechanism for making government decisions. Failures of the state as a regulator of the public sector. Administrative reform and reform local government.

    Voting as a way of making collective choice. Articulation and aggregation of interests in the political mechanism of public choice. Political mechanism for making government decisions. Failures of the state as a regulator of the public sector. Administrative reform and local government reform.

    Topic 2. Functioning of the economy of the state and municipal sector

    Market failures and public goods. The most important types of market failures. Public goods, their properties and typology.

    Equilibrium in the public sector. Theoretical foundations of economic equilibrium. Varieties of equilibrium in the public sector

    The mechanism of functioning of the public sector. Public Sector Resources. System communications of the public sector.

    Human needs and interests as a factor in the development of the state and municipal economy. Employment, motivation and income in the public sector. The role of the state in regulating processes in the labor market. Infrastructure of state regulation of the labor market and its functions. Non-state structures for promoting employment. Managing the motivation of organizational employees to work. Priority directions and principles of regulation wages at the industry and regional level. Income from capital as property of capital as a function. The impact of income policy implementation practices in the public sector on similar issues in the private sector of the economy.

    Pricing in the public sector and government price policy. Prices in national economic system. The formation of market pricing in Russia: features and problems. Three price categories in a two-sector economy. Peculiarities of pricing in the public sector. Public policy prices as a means of increasing the efficiency of social production.

    Self-study questions

    Three price categories in a two-sector economy. Peculiarities of pricing in the public sector. State price policy as a means of increasing the efficiency of social production.

    Topic 3. Social features state and municipal sector

    Social potential of the state and municipal sector. Features and reproductive role of social needs in the main sectors of the public sector. Mechanisms for realizing social needs in the main sectors of the public sector.

    The role of the state and municipal sector in population reproduction. Studying the family in economics. Social economic functions families. Socio-demographic needs of the family and social need for population reproduction. The essence, goals and measures of social demographic policy. Structure of demographic policy resources. Support for families with children. Problems of the effectiveness of demographic policy.

    Public health is the main indicator of the well-being of the people. Public health and economics. The quality of public health in modern Russia.

    Social protection of the population. Directions and forms of social protection. Social transfers. Social insurance And pension provision. System health insurance. Social insurance financing.

    Self-study questions

    System of socio-economic support for families with children. Sources of funds for socio-economic support for families with children. Main types of benefits for families with children during the period of market reforms. Maternity benefit. One-time benefit women registered with medical institutions V early dates pregnancy. One-time benefit for the birth of a child. Monthly allowance during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years. Monthly child benefit. Tax benefits.


    Subject of economics of the state and municipal sector

    The dialectics of the development of society is associated with its dual nature. WITH On the one hand, these are the relations of society with a person, on the other hand, the relations of society with the state. The economy of the public sector combines state regulation of social and human institutions. System feedback state, society and man is one of the most complex theoretical and practical problems improving the efficiency of the public sector. It is not man who exists for the state, but the state for man.

    Public Sector Economics – basic science , which means that its methodology is based on objective universal laws, perceived from the standpoint of dialectical development. Public sector economics is studied at the intersection of economic theory, sociology, political science and psychology.

    Theoretical basis of the course is a combination of political economy, institutionalism, micro- and macroanalysis, world economics, public sector economics foreign countries. This is especially important, since in the context of globalization, the economy of the public sector in Russia and other countries preserves its historical traditions in the relationship between the state, society and people.

    Subject of study of public sector economics- the role and functions of the state as an economic entity in a market economy, interaction with other economic entities within the country and abroad. The economic activity of the public sector as a whole, at the federal, regional and municipal levels, as well as in the context of industries and types of economic activity, is subject to consideration.

    The most important objectives of the public sector economics course:

    Justification of the need for the development of the public sector in a market economy;

    Theoretical justification for the need for government intervention within microeconomics from the standpoint of efficiency and fairness;

    Familiarization with the theory of public choice, identifying problems and difficulties of state regulation of the economy;

    Familiarization with the instruments and mechanisms of government intervention in the economy.

    Main questions, considered by the public sector economy, are:

    The influence of the public sector on the standard of living and living conditions of the population based on the production and provision of services on a non-market basis, social payments and use of other tools;

    Formation of income, expenses and property of the public sector;

    Influence economic policy and economic activity of the public sector on other participants in economic activity and their economic behavior;

    The production of goods and services by the public sector on a commercial basis.

    Market economy any country is a mixed economic system , consisting of the most important sectors – private and public. The variety of types of mixed economies, which arose as a result of the historical characteristics of the formation of statehood, national mentality and other factors, led to ambiguity in approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “public sector”. Two approaches are most widespread.

    The public sector is the totality of economic resources at the disposal of the state and public organizations (including local governments). It represents part economic space, in which:

    1. the market does not operate or operates only partially, and therefore, a non-market method of coordinating economic activity, a non-market type of organizing the exchange of activities predominates;

    2. not private, but public goods are produced, distributed and consumed;

    3. the economic balance between demand and supply of public (collective) goods is ensured by the state, local governments and voluntary public organizations with the help of relevant social institutions, primarily through fiscal policy.

    In the public sector production is underway economic benefits special kind - public goods. Between the market and public sectors of the economy, between the state and economic agents, exchanges of activities and flows of economic benefits arise. The public sector plays an active role in the circulation of income, resources, goods and services.

    Because the public sector is dominated by government activities, it is often referred to as public sector. This identification of the public and state sectors is to a certain extent acceptable.

    The purpose of the functioning of the public sector (through mechanisms for implementing the stabilization function, as well as the functions of distributing resources and income) is the formation of a single socio-economic space in a certain territory.

    The public sector includes three subsectors:


    voluntary public


    On the one hand, the mixed sector occupies an intermediate position between the public and market sectors, and on the other, there is an adjacent zone within the public sector between the state and voluntary public subsectors.

    The public sector of the economy: understanding in a narrow and broad sense. First of all, it must be said that there is no unified approach to defining and isolating the public sector into an independent concept. There are discrepancies here that have target and national specifics. In this regard, at present we can talk about two interpretations of the public sector: in narrow And in a broad sense. Let's look at the first aspect first.

    When determining the essence of the public sector, as a rule, they proceed from the fact that it is the most important component of the national economy. Wherein distinguishing feature public sector of the economy is the ability of the state to implement direct And operational management of economic entities included in its composition. The management of economic entities in the public sector of the economy is carried out government agencies authorities through their representatives participating in the formation of the strategy and tactics of public sector enterprises.

    The methodological basis for defining the public sector is the concept administrative and economic management legal entities (business entities). Administrative and economic management refers to the influence on the part of the manager (head of the legal entity) on the activities of the legal entity, aimed at achieving the set goal as quickly as possible. Based this concept the definition of the public sector is formulated:

    Narrow interpretation of the “public sector”“- the public sector of the economy should be understood as a set of legal entities (business entities), the administrative and economic management of which is carried out by the state through the federal and regional authorities of the country. It is assumed that the public sector is intended to represent the interests of members of society, therefore it is usually called the public sector.

    Broad interpretation of the “public sector”» - the public sector refers to the totality economic resources owned by the state, all organizations with the help of which government regulation economy. This and economic budget, state organizations in the field of management, healthcare, education, defense, government manufacturing enterprises, public lands, mineral reserves.

    1.2. Economics of the public sector and economics of the public administration sector.

    The modern economy is mixed. Economic activity it is carried out by the public (public) sector, as well as private non-financial enterprises, financial, credit and other organizations, often united general concept"private sector". The economy of the public (state) sector itself is also mixed. The components of the public sector are the general government sector and enterprises owned or controlled by the state, but classified according to the generally accepted division of the economy into economic sectors as non-financial and financial corporations . The basis of the public sector is the public (government) management sector, in relation to which public finances are also formed. Let's consider its place in the system of economic sectors of the economy.

    Currently, when making forecasts of socio-economic development, forming finances, principles for constructing statistics and economic analysis the boundaries of economic sectors are determined in accordance with the system of national accounts, which is accepted all over the world. Thus, unified approaches to the study of the economics of the public sector and the economics of other sectors are provided. In the System of National Accounts adopted by the United Nations in 1993, the general government sector is identified as one of the economic sectors.

    According to this system, economic entities of the country (institutional units) that own and manage assets and enter into economic relations with other economic entities, in accordance with the functions they perform and methods of financing costs, are united into five institutional sectors of the economy:

    The sector is not financial corporations;

    Financial Corporations Sector;

    Public Administration Sector;

    Household sector;

    The sector is not commercial organizations servicing households (NPISH).

    Each of these sectors includes corresponding institutional units. Under institutional unit refers to an economic entity (economic unit) that owns and manages assets on its own behalf, accepts liabilities, enters into economic transactions with other institutional units, and prepares a full set of accounts, including a balance sheet of assets and liabilities. The following are accepted as economic entities: legal entities(enterprises, government bodies, credit organizations, Insurance companies etc.), and households, since they are centers of adoption economic decisions. Business entities have economic resources in constant circulation.

    Non-financial corporations include institutional units located on the economic territory of the country (corporations and quasi-corporations), the main function of which is the production of goods and non-financial services with the aim of selling them on the market and making a profit. Production costs are reimbursed from sales proceeds. This sector includes, in particular, industrial enterprises, Agriculture, construction, transport, communications, trade, etc.

    The financial corporations sector includes institutional units whose main function is financial and credit activity - monetary authorities, banks, insurance companies, non-state pension funds and other institutions engaged in financial intermediation.

    Non-profit organizations serving households (population) include public non-profit organizations providing non-market services to households. This public organizations, including political parties, trade unions, religious organizations, various kinds of societies, unions and associations, as well as meeting needs in the field of education, health, culture, etc. They are funded by member dues, donations and property income.

    The household sector unites individuals or a group of people living together and having total budget. Households manage their resources, have assets and liabilities, and engage in economic activity. These include households of employed persons, households of entrepreneurs, households of the self-employed (persons of liberal professions, owners of small unincorporated farms, family shops, cafes), households of persons living on transfers (pensioners, students). It is a sector that primarily consumes goods and services and produces them for own consumption and implementation.

    Public Administration Sector. The public administration sector includes institutional units entitled to legislative, executive and judicial power in the territory of the country or its parts.

    Main functions of the general government sector are:

    Providing policy and regulatory activities;

    Providing goods and services on a non-market basis for their collective or individual consumption by members of society;

    Also redistribution of income and wealth through transfers and subsidies. This predetermines its role as the basis of the public sector, its leading element. Respectively, The economy of the state (public) sector is the central link in the economy of the state (public) sector.

    The public (public) sector is a broader concept than the government sector. It brings together the general government sector and government-owned or controlled enterprises and organizations that, like private sector enterprises, produce goods and services based on commercial activities and being an integral part of the non-financial and financial corporations sectors.

    1.3 Composition of the public sector of the economy by organizational and legal forms:

    State unitary enterprises;

    State (budgetary) institutions;

    Joint stock companies, in the authorized capital of which controlling interest voting shares (more than 50%) are in state ownership (federal and/or constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

    Subsidiaries, the main (parent) company of which belongs to the public sector;

    Enterprises included in the holding head company which belongs to the public sector;

    Joint-stock companies, in the authorized capital of which a controlling stake of voting shares (more than 50%) is owned by state unitary enterprises;

    Enterprises whose authorized capital includes a “golden share” in the hands of the state.

    Main activities of the public sector economics:

    Providing public goods;

    Redistribution of income and wealth and provision of social assistance to the population;

    The production and sale of goods and services on a commercial basis by government-owned or controlled enterprises.

    Due to its special role, the state can also influence the economic behavior of business entities through the adoption of legislative and other regulations, taxation, subsidies and other measures to regulate economic activity.

  • 4. Property in the state and municipal sector. Main types of commercial organizations in state and municipal ownership: state unitary enterprises
  • 5. Features of management of organizations of the state and municipal sector.
  • 6. Contents of the concepts “public sector”, “municipal sector”, “public sector”
  • 7. Man as a subject of economy and society.
  • 8. “Economic man” and “institutional man.” The dialectic of egoism and altruism determines human development.
  • 9. Human needs and interests as a factor in the development of the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 10.Theory of motivation a. Maslow. Patterns of development of needs.
  • 12. Indicators of human development in the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 13.Human resources, human capital and human capital: role in the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 14. Social capital and social resource of the economy of the state and municipal sector.
  • 16. Basic economic functions of the state and municipal sector.
  • 17.Tools with which the state influences the economy, performing its economic functions.
  • 18. The essence of state and municipal management, general principles of management, management methods.
  • 19. Public service and local self-government in the management system of the state and municipal sector: essence, types, principles.
  • 20. Resources of the state and municipal sector.
  • 21. Management in the municipal sector. Issues of local importance.
  • 22. Local governments. Municipal service.
  • 23. Market failures - the presence of monopolies (market monopolization). Forms of government intervention.
  • 24. Market failures - information asymmetry. Regulatory influence of the state to overcome it.
  • 25.Market failures - external and internal effects. Forms of government intervention.
  • 26 Market failures – public goods: properties and classification.
  • 27. State and municipal sector and production of public goods.
  • 28. Macroeconomic market failures are associated with:
  • 29 Overflow problems and the theory of club goods.
  • 30 Natural monopolies and ways to overcome contradictions between the economic and social aspects of their activities.
  • 31 The free-rider problem and the need for government participation
  • 32 Agency relations. Asymmetric information in the public sector.
  • 33Theoretical foundations of economic equilibrium: the concept of general and partial equilibrium. Difference from equilibrium in the state and municipal sector from market equilibrium.
  • 34 The first and second fundamental theorems of welfare economics.
  • 35 Pareto – efficient and optimal distribution of resources and income. Kaldor-Hicks rule
  • 36 General (budget) and partial equilibria in the state and municipal sectors.
  • 37 Two approaches to the formation of budget policy: Keynesian and the approach from the position of budget balance.
  • 38 Supply of public goods. Samuelson-Pareto conditions for optimal production of public goods.
  • 39 The essence and specificity of public choice in the state and municipal sectors.
  • 40 The mechanism of voting, the principle of decision-making by the majority.
  • 41. The paradox of the centrist voter, the order and procedure for taking into account the interests of the minority.
  • 42 The theory of public choice in modern economics.
  • 43 Social interest groups. Logrolling.
  • 44 Lobbying. Search for political rent.
  • 45 The need for the production of goods and services in the state and municipal sectors.
  • 46.Scale of state production.
  • 47 Problems of efficiency of state and municipal enterprises and institutions, their restructuring.
  • 16. Basic economic functions of the state and municipal sector.

    1) Defining macroeconomic stabilization policies through monetary policy. The implementation of this policy is aimed at: a) smooth out the industrial cycle, b) prevent chronic unemployment, stagflation of the economy, c) reduce inflation.

    2) Impact on the allocation of economic resources in order to increase economic efficiency.

    The need for such an impact is due to the fact that the market mechanism produces insufficient quantities of certain goods and services or does not allocate resources to them at all. Such situations are driven by the need for social benefits and side effects.

    3) Creation legal basis: The state sets the rules of the “economic game” played by firms, consumers and the state itself. In these rules: a) the form and rights of ownership are determined, b) the conditions for concluding contracts, c) the rules for the functioning of commercial enterprises, d) mutual obligations of trade unions and administration, etc.

    4) Development of a program to influence the expenditure of income with the aim of redistributing it. This function is due: a) the need to reduce social inequality caused by income differentiation in the process of functioning of the market mechanism, b) the presence of a disabled population. In performing this function, the state: a) establishes “ceiling” prices and support prices, b) minimum wages, c) introduces progressive taxation, d) pays transfer payments and subsidies to needy citizens.

    5) Protection of competition includes: a) control over monopolies through antimonopoly legislation, b) setting standards, c) regulating prices of natural monopolies, where competition is impossible for technological reasons.

    Economic functions of the municipal sector:

    1) development of the municipal budget based on the growth of revenue resources; 2) disposal of budget funds for the implementation of the plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality (formation of the structure of municipal property and assessment of the effectiveness of its management).

    17.Tools with which the state influences the economy, performing its economic functions.

    1. Government Procurement are a factor in the growth of markets for resources and goods due to an increase in the level of aggregate demand determined by government intervention. 2. Transfer payments are interpreted as the transfer by the state of part tax revenue from taxpayers to social groups in need of support, in order to maximize positive externalities for the economy as a whole.

    3. Government loans as an instrument they mean that the government, on behalf of the state, manages part of the total monetary capital and provides it to market participants for a certain fee - interest.

    4. Subsidy is a free transfer by the state of a part of its resources to a market participant in order to maintain and increase the supply or demand for goods and services. Subsidy is financial expense government for the purpose of covering the deficit of local budgets or for the implementation of targeted programs. The subsidy can be in the form of grants and subventions. Subvention called a targeted subsidy.

    5,6. Federal finance are defined as a total monetary fund accumulated by the state at the expense of its own or borrowed resources for the purpose of performing the central functions of the government. Federal finances consist of federal government revenues and federal government expenditures. Income and expenses together form the federal budget. Federal budget is the federal government's revenue and expenditure plan.

    The balance of resources and their use can be either positive or negative. If there are fewer resources (meaning income) than budget expenditures, then we talk about federal budget deficit.

    The deficit is partially or completely covered mainly by placing the state's obligations to market participants or issuing paper money (this path is dangerous due to inflationary processes getting out of control).

    7. Public debt is the result of financial borrowings by the state carried out to cover the budget deficit, the amount of debt the state owes to external and internal creditors.

    8.Finance of the subjects of the Federation is a set of monetary relations regarding the formation and execution of the budgets of these subjects and territorial state extra-budgetary funds.

    9. Local finance is a set of monetary relations regarding the formation and execution of local budgets. 10. fiscal federalism - the principle of division of powers between federal and regional authorities in financial sector

    , based on the supremacy of the federation. Must ensure political stability, economic growth and justice in relations between different territories of the country. 11.Public entrepreneurship

    initiative activities of enterprises and other government agencies aimed at making a profit and carried out directly by the owner of the property or manager under the terms of a contract.

    13. Nationalization - transfer of land into state ownership, industrial enterprises, banks, transport or other property owned by private individuals or joint stock companies. Privatization as special shape Property transformation is the process of transferring state property into private hands and transferring service management from the state to the private sector.