Brief description of the business entity. Societe Generale bought a controlling stake for a record price Rosbank who is the owner and where is it located


In the Russian Federation, the creation and functioning of commercial banks, the legal regulation of banking activities is based on the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws, regulations of the Bank of Russia.

Currently, commercial banks represent one of the most important elements of the national economy. Commercial banks operate on the basis of the Charter, which is adopted by its participants.

Pre-diploma internship took place at a branch of the commercial bank Rosbank (OJSC) in Nizhny Novgorod from September 1, 2012. to October 26, 2012

The purpose of completing pre-diploma internship at a branch of the commercial joint-stock bank Rosbank (OJSC) in Nizhny Novgorod was to study the activities of this credit organization for further more detailed work on the diploma project. During the internship at this credit institution, the following tasks were set and achieved:

Familiarity with the main activities and strategy of the Bank;

Expanding understanding of the work of the Bank’s credit department;

Study of the Bank's main loan products;

Analysis of the Bank's credit policy and financial performance.

This report contains information about the Bank, main products, as well as an analysis of the balance sheet as of January 1, 2008. and as of January 1, 2009. Attached is the Profit and Loss Statement for the specified periods and the turnover sheet data for the accounting accounts.

History of Rosbank

Joint-stock commercial bank "Rosbank" is a diversified private financial institution, one of the leaders of the Russian banking system. As of March 1, 2010, Rosbank's equity capital amounted to 43,014.83 million rubles, and total assets - 1,194,962.03 million rubles. Based on the results of the second quarter of 2011, it ranks thirteenth in the Russian Federation in terms of assets.

Rosbank is part of the international financial group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, another Russian bank of this group, Banque Societe Generale Vostok, was merged with it.

Rosbank has credit ratings from three major international agencies: Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch. In November 2008, the authoritative British magazine “The Banker” awarded Rosbank the prestigious “Bank of the Year” award, recognizing it as the best financial institution in Russia.

Founded in 1993 as JSCB "Independence" (AOZT), subsequently changed its organizational and legal form several times ( 1994 -- LLP, 1996 -- Company). In September 1998 HC " Interros» acquired the bank and renamed it JSCB ROSBANK (CJSC). IN 1999 Rosbank became Open joint stock company.

IN 2003 Rosbank acquired a banking group for $200 million HVAC, thereby significantly expanding the branch network.

In June and September 2006 packages of 10% shares of the bank for $317 million each were sold to a French banking group Société Générale. The French bank also received an option to purchase until the end 2008 another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion, which was sold in February 2008.

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank’s owners (Societe Generale and Interros) to merge Rosbank were announced, Bank "Societe Generale Vostok", jar " Deltacredit" And " Rusfinance Bank" As a result, it was expected that the largest private bank in Russia would be created (total assets were estimated at 656 billion rubles as of January 1, 2010) . However, upon completion of the merger, Rosbank became only the third largest private bank in Russia in terms of assets, falling behind Alfa Bank and the principal Austrian competitor - UniCredit Bank.

In February 2010, BSGV and Rosbank united the network ATMs. In all ATMs Rosbank holders of BSGV cards can make transactions without additional commissions, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares " Rusfinance Bank" and bank " Deltacredit» .

April 15 2011 Rosbank shareholders decided to reorganize the bank in the form of merging CJSC " BSGV", which took place on July 1, 2011 . Also in the spring of 2011, the rebranding of the bank began, which consists of switching to the symbols of the group Société Générale. The bank’s new logo became a red-black square with a white stripe, the font of the bank’s name was changed, and information about the group’s affiliation appeared under it. Société Générale. In the summer of 2011, new symbols were introduced on bank cards, a legal unification was carried out, and from October 2011, all branches and ATMs became completely equivalent, and the process of changing signs on branches began. The network of partner banks was also significantly expanded, and consequently the number of ATMs and terminals that Rosbank clients can use without commission.

March, 1993

KB “Independence” was founded

September 1998

CB "Independence" was renamed by shareholders (Interros company) into JSCB "ROSBANK" (OJSC). General license No. 2272

September, 2000

Rosbank shareholders approved the decision to merge ONEXIM Bank with it. The strategic direction of development has become work with corporate clients

December 2002

Consolidation of the business of Rosbank and IFC Bank strengthened Rosbank’s human resources and technologies for the development of the investment direction

July 2005

Successful completion of the consolidation of the business of Rosbank and six OVK banks (First OVK, Central OVK, Povolzhsky OVK, Privolzhsky OVK, Siberian OVK, Far Eastern OVK). Since then, the universal commercial bank under the single brand "ROSBANK" has one of the largest private regional networks in the country and is one of the leaders in the Russian market of retail banking services

June, 2006

The French banking group Societe Generale entered into the capital of Rosbank

February 2008

Societe Generale Group became the majority shareholder of Rosbank

February, 2010

The shareholders decided to consolidate the Russian assets of the Societe Generale Group, including Rosbank and other Russian subsidiary banks - Bank Societe Generale Vostok (BSGV), Rusfinance, DeltaCredit, in order to maximize the synergy of various business areas and gain positions as a leading international financial institution in Russia, covering all market segments

January, 2011

Acquisition of Rusfinance and DeltaCredit banks from the Societe Generale Group, which become 100% subsidiary banks of Rosbank

July 2011

Rosbank merged with BSGV, becoming the largest international financial institution in Russia

Strategy and core activities

Rosbank has been a leader in the domestic market for a long time and offers a wide range of different services - from lending to deposits, investments and other financial transactions.

The activities of JSCB Rosbank are carried out on the basis of license number 2272 and are regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Rosbank's branch network covers 700 branches, 1,200 points of sale and about 3,000 ATMs in 340 localities in Russia. Rosbank is one of the three largest retail banks in Russia - it serves more than 3 million private clients. Rosbank is focused on providing quality service and individual service to its clients. In addition, Rosbank subsidiaries have been opened in countries near and far abroad: in Switzerland (Rosbank S.A) and Belarus (Belrosbank). In Russia, he has DeltaCredit, a leader in the mortgage lending market, and Rusfinance Bank, which has a consistently high position in the consumer lending and car loan markets.

The Bank is consistently implementing the strategy of creating a universal financial institution on a national scale and serving all categories of clients. The key areas of Rosbank's activities are:



Investment banking services,

Working with wealthy private clients (private banking).

For a long time, Rosbank has been striving to create a universal financial institution that could operate on a national scale and offer a wide variety of banking services to the population. This bank today is achieving its goal through the gradual merger of the largest banks - in 2011 it was absorbed by Banque Societe Generale Vostok.

Among the bank’s highest priority areas, it is especially worth noting corporate services, investment banking services, which are in demand by both individuals and legal entities, private banking, that is, work with VIP clients of the bank, as well as retail services.

Particularly noteworthy is the investment direction of the bank’s activities. For a long time, Rosbank has been one of the largest players in the ruble market for municipal and corporate bonds. There is very strong competition in this market - large banks and small organizations constantly participate there.

Other priority areas include services to small and medium-sized businesses. In this area, Rosbank provides services to more than 57 thousand clients. People are inclined to cooperate with the bank because of the comprehensive service, high quality of work, as well as specially developed lines of credit products that allow them to get their business on its feet and develop it.

Mortgages, as well as other credit products aimed at private clients and individuals, are also in demand. Currently, Rosbank has credit ratings from three major international agencies, including Fitch, Moody's, Standard & Poor's.

Serving large corporate clients is also a priority. These, for example, today include VO Almazuvelirexport, RAO Gazprom, MMC Norilsk Nickel, Seventh Continent, IDGC Holding, IC Soglasie and some others.

The majority shareholder of this bank is the international financial group Societe Generale, based in France. The structure of Rosbank can be represented as follows: 82.4% of shares belong to Societe Generale S. A, 8.9% of shares belong to VTB Capital CJSC through Crinium Bay Holdings Ltd, 5.3% belong to Pharanco Holdings Co. Ltd and 1.1% -- ICFI (Cyprus). It is also worth noting that the beneficiary of all the financial institutions mentioned above that own shares in Rosbank is Vladimir Potanin.

Rosbank today has become the main representative office of Societe Generale in Russia. Its position in the market is stable - it is the largest private bank in the country, ranking with such giants as Alfa Bank or Uralsib and continues to strengthen its position in the loan and deposit market.

Rosbank is among the 300 most valuable global and 4 most valuable Russian financial brands in the 2012 ranking of the international consulting company Brand Finance and The Banker magazine. Rosbank has investment credit ratings from the international rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investor Service. In 2006 and 2008, Rosbank was recognized as the best financial institution in Russia according to The Banker. In the ranking of the TOP 1000 banks in the world, Rosbank ranks fifth in Russia and is a leader among domestic private banks (The Banker, July 2012).

Organizational structure

The structure of any organization is an ordered collection of its individual elements. The Bank is a functional-hierarchical structure that ensures the implementation of management functions, maintains appropriate vertical and horizontal connections and separation of management elements. The divisions are grouped in accordance with functions that reflect the main directions and areas of activity. The functional structure provides the bank with quite serious competitive advantages due to its clarity, harmony, reliability of communications, and the absence of duplication, which allows management decisions to be communicated to executors and implemented without delay.

The Bank has a strict hierarchy of power and a control system on the part of senior management; decisions are made centrally. But at the same time, the level of training of specialists ensures broad specialization in the work of personnel (interchangeability)),

In terms of interaction, “division - division” is a linear-functional structure, since decisions prepared by certain executors are prepared by the immediate supervisor, then reviewed and approved by the director, who transfers their execution to these or other executors.

The organizational structure of the management of the Nizhny Novgorod branch can be presented as follows (Fig. 2):

Fig.2. Organizational structure of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of ROSBANK.

The director manages the Bank and represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses employees, applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on the employees of the enterprise.

Subordinate to the director are: chief accountant, head of the retail services department, head of the operations department, head of the settlements department, head of the security department, head of the legal department, head of the human resources department. Each of them is subordinate to divisions specializing in the Bank's areas of activity.

At the Bank, the director retains most of the powers necessary to make decisions and also exercises strict control over their implementation. Therefore, we can say that the Bank has a high level of centralization. The company pays special attention to delegation of authority. The development of solutions is always assigned to the heads of functional departments. The decision is made by senior management, then transmitted for execution to officials who are responsible for their implementation.

Recently, there has been a trend toward an increase in staffing levels. This is primarily due to the expansion of the service sector. Improving the quality of service is also an important factor.

Due to the increase in service personnel, the volume of information processed increases. The legal department has increased significantly, as has the security department. This is primarily due to the expansion of lending services.

The diversity and large flow of transactions, high competition in the banking services market, place special demands on employees.

One of the most important responsibilities of each Bank employee is competence in their field of activity, therefore the Bank allocates funds for personnel development to increase the competitiveness of the Bank.

The Bank is guided in its activities by the principle of transparency.

By transparency the Bank understands:

openness of information about business owners, transparency with shareholders, the bank’s main clients (partners), subsidiaries, and the structure (directions) of the bank’s business.

accessibility of the bank’s reporting (following the example of information presented on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), complete openness of the bank in presenting its financial results, both according to Russian and Western standards. Revenue, capital, assets - all key indicators should be accessible to a wide audience.

transition to international banking standards. One of these standards is the information transparency of the bank for counterparties and investors, and one of the criteria for information transparency is the preparation of interim audited statements in accordance with IFRS, which allows the bank to count on foreign financing.

constant regulation of work processes carried out in the Bank by various regulatory documents.

All activities of the Bank should be aimed at providing a full range of high-quality banking services to its clients. The bank must constantly improve the range of products and services offered to customers, as well as improve the quality of customer service.

High quality customer service is considered the cornerstone of the successful functioning of Rosbank.

K:Banks founded in 1993

Rosbank is part of the international financial group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, the process of consolidating the Russian assets of the Société Générale Group was completed; another Russian bank of this group, Banque Société Générale Vostok, was merged with Rosbank. The Group's strategy is aimed at improving the quality of customer service and achieving leadership positions in the field of innovation, ensuring growth through business development, strengthening interaction between divisions and achieving sustainable profitability.


On May 2, 2012, a cooperation agreement was signed between Rosbank and Alfa Bank. The parties agreed to cooperate and also united the ATM network.

On November 23, 2012, Rosbank signed an agreement to sell Belrosbank to Alfa-Bank, which plans to expand its positions in the Republic of Belarus.

Since 2010, Rosbank has been a partner of the Russian Sustainable Energy Financing Program.

Merger with BSGV and rebranding

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank's shareholders (Societe Generale and Interros) to consolidate the Russian assets of the Group were announced: Rosbank, Bank Societe Generale Vostok, DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank. The total volume of assets was estimated as of January 1, 2010 at 656 billion rubles. Upon completion of the merger, Rosbank became the third largest private bank in Russia by assets, behind Alfa Bank and its principal competitor, Unicredit Bank.

In February 2010, BSGV and Rosbank merged their ATM network. At all Rosbank ATMs, BSGV cardholders were able to make transactions without additional fees, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares of Rusfinance Bank and DeltaCredit Bank.

On April 15, 2011, the shareholders of Rosbank decided to reorganize the bank in the form of merging CJSC “BSZHV” with it, which took place on July 1, 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, the rebranding of the bank began, which consists of switching to the symbols of the Société Générale group. The new logo of the bank became a red-black square with a white stripe, the font of the bank's name was changed, and information about its affiliation with the Société Générale group appeared under it. In the summer of 2011, new symbols were introduced on bank cards, a legal unification was carried out, and from October 2011, all branches and ATMs became completely equivalent, and the process of changing signs on branches began. The network of partner banks was also significantly expanded, and consequently the number of ATMs and terminals that Rosbank clients can use without commission.

In 2014, Rosbank developed a new business development strategy for 2014-2017. The bank's new strategy is aimed at: developing transaction services, including cash management services, money transfers, trade finance, etc.; increasing process automation to improve the quality and speed of service; development of remote services via the Internet and mobile banking, as well as through a network of ATMs; increasing the efficiency of the network and optimizing its structure.


  • Didier Augel is the chairman of the bank's board of directors.
  • Dmitry Olyunin - Chairman of the Board

Governing body

  • Dmitry Olyunin. Having worked in the VTB Group for 9 years (from May 2013 to November 2013, he served as President and Chairman of the Board of TransCreditBank OJSC), and continued his career as Chairman of the Board of Rosbank. Date of entry into office: December 2, 2013.
  • Francois Bloch - First Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Finance, risks, HR, compliance and constant control
  • Alexi Lacroix - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Retail business, contact center management and development
  • Jean-Philippe Aractingy - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Financial block, work with suppliers
  • Ilya Polyakov - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Corporate business, client relations and investment banking, SG CIB for Russia and the CIS
  • Ulan Ilishkin - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Corporate communications, development of a control system and improving the quality of customer service, working with wealthy clients and asset management, coordination of collection business
  • Jürgen Grib is Deputy Chairman of the Board. Capital Markets and Investment Banking
  • Perizat Shaykhina - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Risk management.
  • Konstantin Artyukh - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Legal and administrative blocks.


The bank is a multi-profile financial institution that provides a full range of banking services to both individuals and legal entities. The bank has a general license to carry out banking operations, licenses of a professional participant in the securities market, licenses to carry out operations with precious metals, etc. Rosbank's clients are more than 3.3 million private clients, 100 thousand corporate clients.

Rosbank is one of the most reliable banks according to Forbes magazine (Forbes, 2015). The bank ranks first in Russia in the list of the most expensive brands among financial institutions with foreign capital participation (Brand Finance 2015). Rosbank is a laureate of the National Banking Award of the Association of Russian Banks “For contribution to the development of banking services to the population” (December, 2014). Bronze medalist in the category “Best Bank in Trade Finance in Russia and the CIS” (TFR Awards, 2015).

Regional network

To coordinate the activities of the bank's divisions, a multi-level management system has been formed: head office in Moscow, 7 branches (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok), as well as operational offices, additional offices and operational cash desks . At the beginning of 2015, Rosbank had more than 550 branches in 332 cities and towns in Russia.


Changed 2 logos. The current one is the 3rd in a row.

  • In 1998-2005, the logo was a hexagon made up of two daws and a dark blue dot, under it was the signature “Rosbank” in dark blue, below it was the signature “Joint-Stock Commercial Bank” in dark blue.
  • In 2005-2011, the hexagon was placed on a blue hexagon and it became white, at the bottom or on the right is the signature “Rosbank” in blue with a large letter “P” and the font changed.
  • From 2011 to the present, the logo is a red and black square with a white stripe, to the right of it the word “Rosbank” is in black and the font has changed, below is information about belonging to the Société Générale group.

    Logo in 1998-2005.

    Error creating thumbnail: File not found

    Logo from 2011 to present.

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  1. (Russian) . "Association of Russian Banks" (December 2, 2005). Retrieved August 2, 2013. .
  2. Alexander Zayats.. (November 11, 2012). Retrieved November 26, 2012. .
  3. . IA REGNUM(01.11.2010). Retrieved January 28, 2014.
  4. // Vedomosti, 30 (2548), February 19, 2010.
  5. (February 26, 2010). Retrieved June 17, 2011. .
  6. . (January 18, 2011). Retrieved June 17, 2011. .
  7. (PDF). Retrieved June 17, 2011. .
  8. Pavel Nefedov. (inaccessible link - story) . Retrieved June 17, 2011.
  9. . // Vedomosti, No. 001 (2271), January 11, 2009.
  10. . //, 12/19/2013.
  11. . // RBC, 04/12/2014.


An excerpt characterizing Rosbank

There was silence. The Countess looked at the guest, smiling pleasantly, however, without hiding the fact that she would not be at all upset now if the guest got up and left. The guest’s daughter was already straightening her dress, looking questioningly at her mother, when suddenly from the next room several men’s and women’s feet were heard running towards the door, the crash of a chair being snagged and knocked over, and a thirteen-year-old girl ran into the room, wrapping her short muslin skirt around something, and stopped in the middle rooms. It was obvious that she accidentally, with an uncalculated run, ran so far. At the same moment a student with a crimson collar, a guards officer, a fifteen-year-old girl and a fat, ruddy boy in a children's jacket appeared at the door.
The count jumped up and, swaying, spread his arms wide around the running girl.
- Oh, here she is! – he shouted laughing. - Birthday girl! Ma chere, birthday girl!
“Ma chere, il y a un temps pour tout, [Darling, there is time for everything,” said the countess, pretending to be stern. “You keep spoiling her, Elie,” she added to her husband.
“Bonjour, ma chere, je vous felicite, [Hello, my dear, I congratulate you,” said the guest. – Quelle delicuse enfant! “What a lovely child!” she added, turning to her mother.
A dark-eyed, big-mouthed, ugly, but lively girl, with her childish open shoulders, which, shrinking, moved in her bodice from fast running, with her black curls bunched back, thin bare arms and small legs in lace pantaloons and open shoes, I was at that sweet age when a girl is no longer a child, and a child is not yet a girl. Turning away from her father, she ran up to her mother and, not paying any attention to her stern remark, hid her flushed face in the lace of her mother’s mantilla and laughed. She was laughing at something, talking abruptly about a doll that she had taken out from under her skirt.
– See?... Doll... Mimi... See.
And Natasha could no longer speak (everything seemed funny to her). She fell on top of her mother and laughed so loudly and loudly that everyone, even the prim guest, laughed against their will.
- Well, go, go with your freak! - said the mother, feigning angrily pushing her daughter away. “This is my youngest,” she turned to the guest.
Natasha, taking her face away from her mother’s lace scarf for a minute, looked at her from below through tears of laughter and hid her face again.
The guest, forced to admire the family scene, considered it necessary to take some part in it.
“Tell me, my dear,” she said, turning to Natasha, “how do you feel about this Mimi?” Daughter, right?
Natasha did not like the tone of condescension to childish conversation with which the guest addressed her. She did not answer and looked at her guest seriously.
Meanwhile, all this young generation: Boris - an officer, the son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna, Nikolai - a student, the eldest son of the count, Sonya - the count's fifteen-year-old niece, and little Petrusha - the youngest son, all settled in the living room and, apparently, tried to keep within the boundaries of decency the animation and gaiety that still breathed from every feature of them. It was clear that there, in the back rooms, from where they all ran so quickly, they were having more fun conversations than here about city gossip, the weather and Comtesse Apraksine. [about Countess Apraksina.] Occasionally they glanced at each other and could hardly restrain themselves from laughing.
Two young men, a student and an officer, friends since childhood, were the same age and both were handsome, but did not look alike. Boris was a tall, fair-haired young man with regular, delicate features of a calm and handsome face; Nikolai was a short, curly-haired young man with an open expression on his face. Black hairs were already showing on his upper lip, and his whole face expressed impetuosity and enthusiasm.
Nikolai blushed as soon as he entered the living room. It was clear that he was searching and could not find anything to say; Boris, on the contrary, immediately found himself and told him calmly, jokingly, how he had known this Mimi doll as a young girl with an undamaged nose, how she had grown old in his memory at the age of five and how her head was cracked all over her skull. Having said this, he looked at Natasha. Natasha turned away from him, looked at her younger brother, who, with his eyes closed, was shaking with silent laughter, and, unable to hold on any longer, jumped and ran out of the room as quickly as her fast legs could carry her. Boris didn't laugh.
- You seemed to want to go too, maman? Do you need a carriage? – he said, turning to his mother with a smile.
“Yes, go, go, tell me to cook,” she said, pouring out.
Boris quietly walked out the door and followed Natasha, the fat boy angrily ran after them, as if annoyed at the frustration that had occurred in his studies.

Of the young people, not counting the countess's eldest daughter (who was four years older than her sister and already behaved like a grown-up) and the young lady's guest, Nikolai and Sonya's niece remained in the living room. Sonya was a thin, petite brunette with a soft gaze, shaded by long eyelashes, a thick black braid that wrapped around her head twice, and a yellowish tint to the skin on her face and especially on her bare, thin, but graceful, muscular arms and neck. With the smoothness of her movements, the softness and flexibility of her small limbs, and her somewhat cunning and reserved manner, she resembled a beautiful, but not yet fully formed kitten, which would become a lovely little cat. She apparently considered it decent to show participation in the general conversation with a smile; but against her will, from under her long thick eyelashes, she looked at her cousin [cousin] who was leaving for the army with such girlish passionate adoration that her smile could not deceive anyone for a moment, and it was clear that the cat sat down only to jump more energetically and play with your sauce as soon as they, like Boris and Natasha, get out of this living room.
“Yes, ma chere,” said the old count, turning to his guest and pointing to his Nicholas. - His friend Boris was promoted to officer, and out of friendship he does not want to lag behind him; he leaves both the university and me as an old man: he goes into military service, ma chere. And his place in the archive was ready, and that was it. Is that friendship? - said the count questioningly.
“But they say war has been declared,” said the guest.
“They’ve been saying this for a long time,” said the count. “They’ll talk and talk again and leave it at that.” Ma chere, that’s friendship! - he repeated. - He is going to the hussars.
The guest, not knowing what to say, shook her head.
“Not out of friendship at all,” answered Nikolai, flushing and making excuses as if from a shameful slander against him. – Not friendship at all, but I just feel a calling to military service.
He looked back at his cousin and the guest young lady: both looked at him with a smile of approval.
“Today, Schubert, colonel of the Pavlograd Hussar Regiment, is dining with us. He was on vacation here and takes it with him. What to do? - said the count, shrugging his shoulders and speaking jokingly about the matter, which apparently cost him a lot of grief.
“I already told you, daddy,” said the son, “that if you don’t want to let me go, I’ll stay.” But I know that I am not fit for anything except military service; “I’m not a diplomat, not an official, I don’t know how to hide what I feel,” he said, still looking with the coquetry of beautiful youth at Sonya and the guest young lady.
The cat, glaring at him with her eyes, seemed every second ready to play and show all her cat nature.
- Well, well, okay! - said the old count, - everything is getting hot. Bonaparte turned everyone's heads; everyone thinks how he got from lieutenant to emperor. Well, God willing,” he added, not noticing the guest’s mocking smile.
The big ones started talking about Bonaparte. Julie, Karagina’s daughter, turned to young Rostov:
– What a pity that you weren’t at the Arkharovs’ on Thursday. “I was bored without you,” she said, smiling tenderly at him.
The flattered young man with a flirtatious smile of youth moved closer to her and entered into a separate conversation with the smiling Julie, not noticing at all that this involuntary smile of his was cutting the heart of the blushing and feignedly smiling Sonya with a knife of jealousy. “In the middle of the conversation, he looked back at her. Sonya looked at him passionately and embitteredly and, barely holding back the tears in her eyes and a feigned smile on her lips, she stood up and left the room. All Nikolai's animation disappeared. He waited for the first break in the conversation and with an upset face left the room to look for Sonya.
– How the secrets of all these young people are sewn with white thread! - said Anna Mikhailovna, pointing to Nikolai coming out. “Cousinage dangereux voisinage,” she added.
“Yes,” said the countess, after the ray of sunshine that had penetrated into the living room with this young generation had disappeared, and as if answering a question that no one had asked her, but which constantly occupied her. - How much suffering, how much anxiety has been endured in order to now rejoice in them! And now, really, there is more fear than joy. You're still afraid, you're still afraid! This is precisely the age at which there are so many dangers for both girls and boys.
“Everything depends on upbringing,” said the guest.
“Yes, your truth,” continued the Countess. “Until now, thank God, I have been a friend of my children and enjoy their complete trust,” said the countess, repeating the misconception of many parents who believe that their children have no secrets from them. “I know that I will always be the first confidente [confidant] of my daughters, and that Nikolenka, due to her ardent character, if she plays naughty (a boy cannot live without this), then everything is not like these St. Petersburg gentlemen.
“Yes, nice, nice guys,” confirmed the count, who always resolved issues that confused him by finding everything nice. - Come on, I want to become a hussar! Yes, that's what you want, ma chere!
“What a sweet creature your little one is,” said the guest. - Gunpowder!
“Yes, gunpowder,” said the count. - It hit me! And what a voice: even though it’s my daughter, I’ll tell the truth, she will be a singer, Salomoni is different. We hired an Italian to teach her.
- Is not it too early? They say it is harmful for your voice to study at this time.
- Oh, no, it’s so early! - said the count. - How did our mothers get married at twelve-thirteen?
- She’s already in love with Boris! What? - said the countess, smiling quietly, looking at Boris’s mother, and, apparently answering the thought that had always occupied her, she continued. - Well, you see, if I had kept her strictly, I would have forbidden her... God knows what they would have done on the sly (the countess meant: they would have kissed), and now I know every word she says. She will come running in the evening and tell me everything. Maybe I'm spoiling her; but, really, this seems to be better. I kept the eldest strictly.
“Yes, I was brought up completely differently,” said the eldest, beautiful Countess Vera, smiling.
But a smile did not grace Vera’s face, as usually happens; on the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant.
The eldest, Vera, was good, she was not stupid, she studied well, she was well brought up, her voice was pleasant, what she said was fair and appropriate; but, strangely, everyone, both the guest and the countess, looked back at her, as if they were surprised why she said this, and felt awkward.
“They always play tricks with older children, they want to do something unusual,” said the guest.
- To be honest, ma chere! The Countess was playing tricks with Vera,” said the Count. - Well, oh well! “Still, she turned out nice,” he added, winking approvingly at Vera.
The guests got up and left, promising to come for dinner.
- What a manner! They were already sitting, sitting! - said the countess, ushering the guests out.

History of Rosbank

Joint-stock commercial bank "Rosbank" is a diversified private financial institution, one of the leaders of the Russian banking system. As of March 1, 2010, Rosbank's equity capital amounted to 43,014.83 million rubles, and total assets - 1,194,962.03 million rubles. Based on the results of the second quarter of 2011, it ranks thirteenth in the Russian Federation in terms of assets.

Rosbank is part of the international financial group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, another Russian bank of this group, Banque Societe Generale Vostok, was merged with it.

Rosbank has credit ratings from three major international agencies: Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch. In November 2008, the authoritative British magazine “The Banker” awarded Rosbank the prestigious “Bank of the Year” award, recognizing it as the best financial institution in Russia.

Founded in 1993 as JSCB "Independence" (JSC), subsequently changed its organizational and legal form several times (1994 - LLP, 1996 - CJSC). In September 1998, Interros Holding Company acquired the bank and renamed it JSCB ROSBANK (CJSC). In 1999, Rosbank became an Open Joint Stock Company.

In 2003, Rosbank acquired the UWC banking group for $200 million, thereby significantly expanding its branch network.

In June and September 2006, blocks of 10% shares of the bank for $317 million each were sold to the French banking group Société Générale. The French bank also received an option to purchase another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion by the end of 2008, which was exercised in February 2008.

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank's owners (Societe Generale and Interros) were announced to merge Rosbank, Bank Societe Generale Vostok, DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank. As a result, it was expected that the largest private bank in Russia would be created (total assets were estimated at 656 billion rubles as of January 1, 2010). However, upon completion of the merger, Rosbank became only the third largest private bank in Russia by assets, behind Alfa Bank and its principal Austrian competitor, UniCredit Bank.

In February 2010, BSGV and Rosbank united the ATM network. At all Rosbank ATMs, holders of BSGV cards can make transactions without additional fees, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares of Rusfinance Bank and DeltaCredit Bank.

On April 15, 2011, the shareholders of Rosbank decided to reorganize the bank in the form of merging CJSC BSGV into it, which took place on July 1, 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, the rebranding of the bank began, which consists of switching to the symbols of the Société Générale group. The new logo of the bank became a red-black square with a white stripe, the font of the bank's name was changed, and under it information appeared about the affiliation with the Société Générale group. In the summer of 2011, new symbols were introduced on bank cards, a legal unification was carried out, and from October 2011, all branches and ATMs became completely equivalent, and the process of changing signs on branches began. The network of partner banks was also significantly expanded, and consequently the number of ATMs and terminals that Rosbank clients can use without commission.

March, 1993

KB “Independence” was founded

September 1998

CB "Independence" was renamed by shareholders (Interros company) into JSCB "ROSBANK" (OJSC). General license No. 2272

September, 2000

Rosbank shareholders approved the decision to merge ONEXIM Bank with it. The strategic direction of development has become work with corporate clients

December 2002

Consolidation of the business of Rosbank and IFC Bank strengthened Rosbank’s human resources and technologies for the development of the investment direction

July 2005

Successful completion of the consolidation of the business of Rosbank and six OVK banks (First OVK, Central OVK, Povolzhsky OVK, Privolzhsky OVK, Siberian OVK, Far Eastern OVK). Since then, the universal commercial bank under the single brand "ROSBANK" has one of the largest private regional networks in the country and is one of the leaders in the Russian market of retail banking services

June, 2006

The French banking group Societe Generale entered into the capital of Rosbank

February 2008

Societe Generale Group became the majority shareholder of Rosbank

February, 2010

The shareholders decided to consolidate the Russian assets of the Societe Generale Group, including Rosbank and other Russian subsidiary banks - Bank Societe Generale Vostok (BSGV), Rusfinance, DeltaCredit, in order to maximize the synergy of various business areas and gain positions as a leading international financial institution in Russia, covering all market segments

January, 2011

Acquisition of Rusfinance and DeltaCredit banks from the Societe Generale Group, which become 100% subsidiary banks of Rosbank

July 2011

Rosbank merged with BSGV, becoming the largest international financial institution in Russia

Despite the fact that the registration date of Rosbank is 1993, the actual history of the brand dates back to 1998, when the owners of ONEXIM Bank, which went bankrupt as a result of the crisis, Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov acquired JSCB Nezavisimost, transferred there the necessary personnel, assets, customers and gave the bank a new name “Rosbank”. Thus, Rosbank of the late nineties can rightfully be called the bridge bank of the bankrupt ONEXIM.

Rosbank entered the 2000s in the form of an open joint-stock company, and in 2003 it acquired the OVK banking group (successor to the well-known SBS-Agro) for $200 million, thereby expanding its branch network and customer base. This transaction, completed by 2005, allowed Rosbank to become one of the largest retail banks in Russia at that time.

In 2006, Rosbank attracted the attention of the French banking group Societe Generale, which by the end of 2008, through a series of transactions, managed to buy out a controlling stake (50% plus one share), paying the previous owners of the bank 2.33 billion US dollars.

Currently, the bank's shareholders are Societe Generale S.A. – 82.4%, VTB Bank – 10%, Vladimir Potanin – 7% and minority shareholders – 0.6%.

The bank is led by a board of directors (12 people), chaired by Ogel Didier, and the Management Board, headed since December 2, 2013 by Chairman Dmitry Olyunin (ex-head of Transcreditbank, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University).

Rosbank today is a modern universal bank providing services to all categories of private and corporate clients. Despite its versatility, the priority direction of its activity is servicing legal entities - corporate clients and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Special investment products, various lending and trade financing programs have been developed for them. In addition, Rosbank is one of the leading arrangers and underwriters in the market of ruble corporate and municipal bonds.

As for working with private clients, on the one hand, this is done by the subsidiaries of Rosbank - Rusfinance (consumer lending) and DeltaCredit (mortgage), and on the other hand, the bank itself offers the population of the country a full range of financial products: time deposits, credit and debit cards, consumer loans and mortgage, as well as a package of related banking services. Separately, it is worth noting the increasingly popular remote service systems, such as Internet banking and mobile banking.

Rosbank in numbers is more than 600 branches, 1,200 points of sale and 3,000 ATMs in 340 locations in Russia. Its clients are more than 3 million individuals, 56 thousand individual entrepreneurs and over 9.5 thousand of the largest Russian and international companies. The number of employees as of April 2013 is 13.17 thousand people.

Having begun its history as a small commercial bank, Rosbank in recent years has been able to become a leader in the Russian banking business. Thanks to strong financial support and a well-thought-out development strategy, there is a constant increase in financial indicators (the bank ranks in the 10th place in terms of assets and net profit).

Attractive retail products and favorable terms of cooperation for legal entities allow Rosbank to constantly expand its customer base. The bank's extensive regional network, consisting of 700 branches serving clients in 70 regions of our country, allows the bank to be accessible to the population in all corners of Russia and serve more than 3,000,000 clients.

Bank history

Rosbank began operating in 1993 as the commercial bank "Independence", and received its name - OJSC AKB "Rosbank" - only in 1998. 2005 was a turning point, since it was then that 6 other commercial banks entered the structure of Rosbank's divisions, which allowed it to immediately take a leading position among Russian banks in the development of the regional network. In fact, the developed retail network of branches attracted the attention of the management of Societe Generale, who became the bank’s shareholders in 2006, and during the financial crisis of 2008, the group was able to acquire a controlling stake and fully include Rosbank in its scope of activities.

Currently, Rosbank is part of the Societe Generale financial group and has two subsidiary banks - specializing in consumer lending and DeltaCredit Bank, primarily engaged in mortgage programs.


Individuals can get a loan from a bank to purchase real estate, a car, or for consumer purposes, apply for a payment or credit card, open a bank account, pay for necessary services, or issue a quick money transfer. For large corporate clients, as well as small businesses, the bank offers comprehensive services, including a full range of services that a modern, dynamically developing enterprise may need.

One of the highest priority areas for Rosbank’s development is supporting the financial activities of large corporate clients and providing them with both investment banking services and corporate lending services. Based on the results of last year, the bank managed to achieve certain successes in this area of ​​​​activity and take places in the second ten banks in terms of the volume of funds raised from legal entities and in terms of the volume of loans provided to corporate clients.

In its work with individuals, the bank's management strives to simplify daily operations for its clients as much as possible. In this regard, the bank's ATM network is constantly expanding, and this is happening not only through its own ATMs, but also as a result of concluding agreements with partner banks on the sharing of devices. Rosbank is a member of almost 22 thousand ATMs of more than 100 Russian banks. In addition, Rosbank's partner banks are such large financial organizations as.

Rosbank partner banks: AlfaBank, Raiffeisenbank, First Czech-Russian Bank, SKA Bank, First Republican Bank, BaikalInvestBank.