Is it worth repaying the loan ahead of schedule? Is it worth repaying the loan ahead of schedule? The loan was denied, what to do?

According to banking statistics, on average two out of ten loans are repaid ahead of schedule. Mortgage holders are especially keen to pay off their loans early. In second place are car loan users, in third place are borrowers who took out consumer loans for personal needs.

If Western borrowers, in most cases, calculate the terms of their lending a hundred steps ahead, scrupulously assess their financial capabilities, micro- and macroeconomic risks, then in Russia credit decisions are made by borrowers much more impulsively. This partly explains the current paradox of Russian life: everyone is waiting for a crisis, but they are taking out more and more loans.

Overdue debt in conditions of economic instability is growing by leaps and bounds - according to the Central Bank as of July 2012, the volume of overdue loans in the first half of the year amounted to 310.2 billion rubles (the first places among “bad” loans are occupied by consumer loans and credit cards).

But at the same time, the share of loans repaid ahead of schedule is also growing, especially for mortgages: over the past four years, the volume of such loans has almost doubled.

Currently, the rush for loans is balanced by currency fluctuations and negative economic forecasts. In fact, borrowers behave according to the principle “I want it and I need it.” “New recruits” to the credit market are optimistic and submit applications for substantial amounts to the bank. At the same time, according to market experts (credit brokers and financial consultants), about 70% of borrowers intend to repay the debt ahead of schedule.

Those who have already taken out a loan are much more concerned about macroeconomic risks. Many borrowers are closely monitoring the growth of the dollar and economic news reports. The most far-sighted people make provisions so that in the event of another “black August” they can rush to the bank and close the loan before it becomes a real stone around their neck. Meanwhile, the crisis (including a hypothetical one) has different effects on different types of loans and the possibility of early repayment.

Banks also give out contradictory “signals”: ​​on the one hand, they declare the absence of penalties and a moratorium on early repayment of loans, on the other hand, they invent cunning conditions to slow down the “agility” of especially zealous payers.

Why banks don’t like early payers

At first glance, this seems very strange: after all, the debtor returns the money taken from him in full to the creditor, and even with interest! Meanwhile, the reasons causing credit institutions to be dissatisfied are very simple. Early repayment of a loan for a bank in many cases equals lost profits.

Let's look at this in more detail. Let’s say the borrower, having found himself in a difficult financial situation, stopped paying the loan. In this case, the bank usually does not lose money. He is highly likely to collect the overdue debt with the help of collectors or through the court, receive additional fines and penalties, or sell the debtor’s property taken as collateral (for example, a car or a mortgaged apartment).

Well, what happens if the loan is repaid ahead of schedule? The bank has to change the payment schedule and recalculate interest, reducing it not to its advantage.

Early repayment of a loan is the borrower making a one-time payment in an amount exceeding the obligatory monthly payment (partial repayment) or in an amount equal to the full balance of the debt, taking into account accrued interest (full repayment). In case of partial repayment, the bank can recalculate monthly payments downward and shorten the loan term. Upon full repayment, the bank recalculates interest, since they can only be charged for the period while the borrower actually used the loan (that is, until full repayment). With a large loan amount, a long initial term and early repayment, the benefit to the borrower can be quite significant.

Banks block early repayment

Now let's look at an example. You have taken out a loan of 100,000 rubles for a period of 12 months. The effective interest rate is 24% per annum. This means that in a year you must return 124,000 rubles to the bank. After three months, you decide to pay off the full loan amount and close the contract. But according to the law, the bank has no right to charge you interest for the remaining nine months - after all, during this period you will not use the loan, that is, the bank’s money. Therefore, your decision to terminate your relationship with a credit institution ahead of schedule will result in lost income for the bank in the amount of 18,000 rubles. We have given a conditional example, but in practice we are often talking about much larger amounts.

Of course, banks partly insure the risk of “early closure” even at the stage of concluding a loan agreement, when calculating the annuity payment.

In addition to the principal amount, the annuity includes interest and commissions. At the same time, the borrower pays the bulk of the interest in advance - most of the money from the monthly payment is serviced not by the “body” of the loan, but by the accrued interest.

The closer you get to the end of the term, the lower the interest becomes, and the larger part of the payment goes to repay the principal debt. And if you repay early, the payment schedule breaks down. Interest paid in advance becomes for the bank what the law dryly characterizes as “unjust enrichment.” And this is another important reason for banks’ dislike for early repayments. After all, in fact, the lender becomes indebted to the borrower! And the borrower has the right to demand a recalculation if the bank has not done this itself, and to demand the return of “extra” interest and illegal commissions (based on Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The borrower today is literate, skilled in both credit products and civil law: evidence is provided by the lawsuits that are often filed by former debtors.

So banks have every reason to motivate borrowers not to repay their loans ahead of time. Moratoriums on repayments (usually for a period of 3–6 months) and the stipulation of various commissions in the contract are also used. Although this is not entirely legal, freedom of contract is freedom of contract: if the borrower signed the paper, it means he agreed with everything that was written in it. Including commissions for early repayment.

According to Federal Law 284-FZ dated October 19, 2011, in the event of early repayment of a loan, the bank has the right to receive from the borrower only interest accrued up to and including the day the loan was repaid. The only restriction for the borrower is the need to notify the lender in advance of his desire to repay the loan early at least 30 days before the repayment date. By agreement of the parties, this period may be reduced. By law, banks also do not have the right to stipulate in the contract any prohibitions on early repayment, including penalties, fines or commissions. In practice, this norm is often violated, including through subtle legal formulations (for example, the commission may be called “bank remuneration”). However, the borrower has the right to claim illegally paid commissions, including through the court (the statute of limitations under the loan agreement is 3 years).

The above applies only to loans intended for personal needs of individuals. If a loan is issued by an entrepreneur for business purposes, early repayment is possible only with the consent of the creditor specified in the agreement.

Lenders who care about their own benefit can be understood. But is there any objective reason for the borrower to refuse early repayment? As mentioned above, this depends on the type of loan, individual situation and macroeconomic environment.

Consumer loans “thinner” with inflation

When it comes to the crisis, most people are afraid of inflation and the associated rise in prices. But even first-year students at economics universities know that inflation is beneficial for debtors. With a general rise in prices, consumer loans are rapidly losing weight. In any case, interest rates rise more slowly than prices. As a result, the debtor gives back less money than he borrowed, although the amount remains the same. And the easier it is to part with the monthly payment, the fewer real goods you can buy with that money.

The same can be said about car loans. But for car loans, early repayment has another important benefit - the sooner you repay the loan, the sooner you can sell or exchange the car without the bank's consent. And in conditions of financial instability, this is a great help. However, with inflation, not only the loan, but also the car itself can significantly lose value.

So in the case of a consumer or car loan, the question of “repay or not to repay” is largely decided by the individual situation of the borrower. Repay - you will save a little on interest, you will pay according to the schedule - in principle you will not lose anything, and with inflation you will even win. But experienced financial advisors advise using only free money for early repayment, and not stretching your veins by giving away your last. The logic is simple: if you give the bank more than you really can, you risk having to take out a loan again. And if the economic situation worsens, the conditions for providing a new loan may be less favorable.

Fuss over currency

As practice shows, when there is a threat of devaluation, those who take out a loan in foreign currency panic the most. Moreover, the euro now inspires even more fears than the dollar. If you receive your salary in rubles and not in foreign currency, at the first sign of instability it makes sense to think about early repayment of the loan. Otherwise, your debt servicing costs may increase significantly (remember that “Black August” of 1998). The only alternative to early repayment would be to terminate the currency agreement and enter into a new one, converted into rubles. Many banks agree to this, but the borrower’s situation will still not be easy: after all, the amount of the recalculated loan and, accordingly, the monthly payment will most likely turn out to be very substantial.

Mortgage holders are breaking out of bondage

With a mortgage, the situation is exactly the opposite: paying it off early is beneficial for the Russian borrower. Moreover, it is always profitable, no matter what the bankers say. There are a lot of advantages: saving on interest, which is very high in our country, getting the opportunity to fully dispose of property, which becomes your asset, the opportunity to break a mandatory insurance contract and free the family budget from additional burdens, increased social mobility, etc. The only negative is that not everyone can quickly find available funds for early payment; moreover, there is a risk of a drop in income. And during a crisis, mortgaged apartments often end up back on the market: they are sold either by banks or by the borrowers themselves with the bank’s consent in order to repay the unaffordable loan.

So, if you really have a real opportunity to “close” your mortgage debt early, don’t hesitate. You will benefit in any economic situation.

Here it is worth mentioning another paradox of Russian life. In the West, mortgage borrowers strive to “stretch” the payment terms as much as possible, sometimes by 30–40 years. And they will never pay off the debt ahead of schedule. This is due, for example, to the desire to save on real estate taxes: in most Western countries, housing mortgaged to a bank is not subject to such taxes. Or (as in America) reduce income tax (the base from which it is calculated is reduced by the amount of payments). Banks also pursue a reasonable policy, trying to make the borrower’s stay in mortgage bondage convenient and enjoyable. What they do well is due to low interest rates and various ways to reduce the monthly payment.

But Russia has its own special path in this regard, at least for the coming years.


If you decide to repay your loan early, start by studying the loan agreement (especially if you are an entrepreneur). Evaluate all the pros and cons of your decision. In particular, think about whether your desire to pay off your debt as soon as possible will result in the immediate need for new loans (simply put, do not take off your “last shirt” if the payment schedule is convenient and the loan does not eat up more than 20% of your income). Please note that banks sometimes add “early recipients” to the ban list, that is, a list of those who may be denied a loan the next time they apply: financiers do not like to miss out on profits.

At the same time, early repayment, especially if made not at the beginning, but closer to the end of the “route”, will be a plus in your credit history. And don’t be afraid of the crisis: with proper credit risk management, it’s not so scary.

Anastasia Ivelich, expert editor

A good job, a “white” salary and a positive credit history do not guarantee 100% receipt of a loan. Sometimes banks refuse loans even to the most reliable clients. As a result, honest borrowers are sincerely perplexed as to why they are refusing a loan, because all the bank’s requirements have been met. If you are denied a loan, the reasons may be completely different:

  • Bad credit history of the borrower– the most common reason for refusal. Some banking organizations turn a blind eye to small delays and late payments, issuing loans at a very high interest rate, but the vast majority of banks will never issue a loan to a borrower who has a bad CI. Reason for loan refusal may also be a lack of credit history. If the borrower has never taken out loans or microloans, he may be considered unreliable.
  • The borrower does not meet the bank's requirements. As the main requirements, banks put forward a certain age, length of service at the last place of work, as well as the level of salary and certificate of employment. If you do not meet at least one of these criteria, the bank will refuse to provide a loan.
  • Outstanding loans. If the borrower has 1, 2 or 3 outstanding loans, but he pays them on time, the bank may also refuse to issue a loan, considering that the borrower cannot cope with his debt obligations. In this case, the size of the salary plays a big role; if it is able to cover another loan, with the balance for the cost of living, then the loan will most likely be issued.
  • Black list . Banks have a so-called “black list” of borrowers, which they willingly share with each other. If you have had any unpleasant incidents with fin. institution where you took out a loan, you can be sure that you will get there. Also blacklisted are persons who tried to take out a loan fraudulently, by falsifying certificates or other documents, etc. Once you are blacklisted by one of the banks, you are unlikely to ever be given a loan.
  • Loan amount and term. It is not strange, but the loan amount is also decisive. Banks study the client's debt load, taking into account their plans for profit. If the monthly loan payment is 40-60% of the borrower’s monthly salary, he will most likely be denied a loan. If the loan amount is small, and with the borrower’s confirmed salary, he can pay off the loan in a couple of months, he may also be refused. After all, it is almost impossible to make a profit from such loans. The longer the term, the more money the bank will earn.
  • Applying for a loan from several banks at once. If you have submitted an application to several banks at once, know that information about this will appear in the BKI and the bank will certainly know about it. In this case, you may be denied a loan, assuming that you have financial problems.
  • The borrower's appearance and behavior during the interview. Even if your documents are in order, you meet all the bank’s requirements and have brought a salary certificate, you may still be refused. The reason is unpresentable appearance, alcohol or drug intoxication, nervousness when communicating with the bank manager.

The credit consultant evaluates the appearance and behavior of the borrower and assigns a certain status that corresponds to her personal considerations regarding the client. One tick can deprive an honest person of a loan or vice versa. The presence of visible tattoos plays an important role.

Sberbank refused a loan. Where can I get a loan?

Sberbank refused a loan, what should I do? Topics with similar questions can be found on many forums. Borrowers are interested in why Sberbank refused the loan, but there is no exact answer to this question. This bank has very strict requirements for its clients; getting a loan here is quite problematic even for exemplary borrowers with a positive credit history and a certificate of a high salary. The only right decision in such a situation would be to apply for a loan from another bank, since there are plenty of them. If you have doubts about your credit history and want to check, you can order a credit report online

Get your credit history online

I was denied a loan, what should I do?

If you are everywhere denied credit, try to improve your credit history. This can be done with the help of microloans from the Platiza microfinance organization. You need to take out and pay back several small loans.

Here the requirements for borrowers are much more modest than in banks and almost anyone can get a short-term loan. Information about a couple of microloans returned on time will definitely appear in your credit history, which will undoubtedly improve it. This is not done in one day, but you can count on receiving a loan in the future.

If you need a small amount of money and the banks refused, you can take out a loan from the same microfinance organization. You can be provided with a loan of up to 80,000 rubles for a period of up to 1 year. An alternative solution would be to turn to private investors.

If these options do not suit you, and you want to get a loan from a banking organization, it is better to contact certain banks where the percentage of issuance is the highest and the requirements for borrowers are minimal.

Another option is to contact credit brokers who will help you get a loan or tell you what reasons prevent you from getting a loan.

Below are advertisements of verified brokers

Banks that do not refuse loans

Banks that do not refuse loans do not exist; there are banks that are very loyal to clients and issue small loans to problem borrowers at a very high interest rate. It is the high interest rates that justify all the risks.

For example, you can get a loan without a credit history from RosGosstrakhBank, Orient Express Bank, Tinkoff, Russian Standard and Probusinessbank. Fairly favorable conditions for the borrower and Renaissance

Application for a cash loan at RenCredit

If you have a damaged credit history and large banks denied credit, contact KB “Let’s Go” for help. The specificity of this organization is its unusual loan processing. There is no scoring (computer program) that decides to give or not to give. Here everything is decided by a living person, a credit consultant who serves you. Of course, they check the CI here, but if they convince you that you really will pay everything back, you can get a loan without any problems.

A similar scheme operates at Probusinessbank, which allegedly lends on trust. Of course, these are all fairy tales, but the approval rate here is very high. Despite the delays and the presence of outstanding loans, you can get a small loan of up to 100-150 thousand rubles.

Orient Express Bank is very loyal to borrowers. Here you can get a second loan, even if the first loan has not been repaid and there are large delays in payments.

Loan from Vostochny Bank

Russian Standard will remain firmly on the list of banks that do not refuse loans. You can get a small amount of money or a credit card even with monthly delays on loans from other banks. Home Credit Bank is a little more demanding of clients, although even here it is quite possible to get a loan with a bad CI.

Today, every third Russian thinks about how to quickly repay a loan. The situation on the market was and is such that it is not always possible to buy what you want for cash. Therefore, loans have been issued, are being issued and will continue to be issued, often under “enslaving” conditions for clients. Of course, there are ideas on how to quickly repay a loan, but... We believe that doing this does not always make economic sense.

The only reason why you shouldn’t try to pay off your loan early.

Of course this is a low interest rate. Banks often organize various types of promotions. They do this to maintain brand awareness, as well as to increase customer flow for the future. These promotions are based on interest rates. Or rather, its decrease. So, if you were lucky enough to get into this promotion and get a consumer loan at 12-13%%, there is no point in repaying such a loan ahead of schedule. The reason is simple - the constant depreciation of the money supply in the country. Namely, if you repay strictly according to schedule, you lose practically nothing due to inflation. Every year it is more than 12%. It makes more sense to pay according to schedule and start saving, for example. In this way you can achieve what you have dreamed of for so long. Vacation, cottage, car and much more. There are not many such lucky ones; most borrowers still think about how to repay the loan faster. Before writing this article, we looked at a lot of information material from different sites. Unfortunately, the recommendations are of the same type. Borrowers are encouraged to learn how to save. Repay the loan according to the rules of some 10 percent. Some particularly resourceful authors go to the point of absurdity and suggest going on a diet altogether,

until the loan is repaid.

We can say with confidence that there are few ways, but they exist, and in this article we will talk about them.

How to pay off a loan faster.

Method one:

Repay the loan as much as possible. If you plan to repay a loan with an amount greater than the schedule, be sure to notify the bank employee. The reason for this is a statement that must be signed so that the entire deposited amount will be repaid. Otherwise, only the monthly payment will be debited, the remaining amount will remain on the account. There is one very important nuance in this method. When making partial early repayment of a loan, be sure to reduce the term, not the amount. The reason for this is that psychologically it is very difficult to pay more. Especially if there is an understanding that there is an opportunity to pay less.
Reduce the term, not the repayment amount!

Method two:

Credit. Despite the improving situation in the area of ​​financial literacy in Russia, many consumers have existing loans of 30% per annum and above. The best way to repay the loan faster, as well as reduce the financial burden, is to re-issue the loan with another bank. Refinancing allows you to close an existing loan by applying for more favorable terms. Moreover, today banks offer quite interesting rates. You can reissue a loan at 15-16% per annum. Thus, almost halving the payment and significantly reducing the overpayment on the loan.

Method three:

It would be more correct to say not a method, but a kind of rule. And it must be strictly adhered to!
Never go overdue. If the payment date is much later than the salary, make it immediately after receiving the salary. This way we avoid the occurrence of overdue debts. In case of overdue payment, most banks have quite serious penalties. For each day of delay, borrowers pay from 2% of the monthly payment to 500 rubles of a fixed amount. The fix may be more. It all depends on the lender's bank.
If these three simple components are observed, dreams of how to quickly repay a loan will become closer to reality.

At the end of the article, I would like to add that creditor banks often take measures to prohibit early repayment. For banks, early repayment is very unprofitable; they lose the interest accrued on the loan. They can act in the following ways:
Setting a moratorium for partial early repayment, for example, for a period of one year from the date of loan issuance. This means that even if the borrower wants to repay early, the moratorium simply will not allow this to happen. At a minimum, the amount in excess of the monthly repayment will simply remain hanging in the account. At a maximum, penalties will be applied to the borrower.

Important! A moratorium on early partial or full repayment is not legal. The establishment of a moratorium is prohibited at the legislative level. This is easily challenged in court. And always in favor of the borrower.

The monthly payment is written off only on the date specified in the contract. No matter how hard the client tries to make the payment early, the bank will write it off only on the date of the monthly loan payment. And since interest accrues daily, it will not be possible to save on paying off the principal debt by repaying it ahead of schedule.

How to get a loan with a bad credit history if you are refused everywhere? Where can I urgently get a cash loan to pay off other loans? Which bank can you get a loan at a low interest rate without refusal?

Hello, friends! Eduard Stembolsky and Dmitry Shaposhnikov welcome you again.

Today we'll talk about loans. Money (small and large sums) may be needed at any time: everyone has their own life circumstances.

In situations where there is no way to borrow money from friends, you have to take out a loan from banks or microloan companies.

We will also consider many other questions - where to get a loan without a guarantor, how to get a loan via the Internet and how not to take out unnecessary loans so as not to get into debt.

So, let's begin!

1. What is important to know about the modern credit and loan market

How to get a loan at the minimum rate? Where can I get a loan in cash or by bank transfer? In a person’s life, situations often arise when money is needed urgently and in large quantities.

In such cases, a loan is almost the only way to solve a financial problem quickly and efficiently.

The only thing you should remember when taking out a loan is the need to repay the loan.

There are many ways to get a loan: each of them has pros and cons. You can take out a loan from a bank, a microfinance organization, or a pawnshop - later in the article each option will be discussed in detail. The main thing is to approach the matter soberly and reasonably assess your own financial potential as a borrower.

Before borrowing, experts advise taking into account several important points and answering a number of pressing questions:

  • Think about whether you really need this loan? Are you ready for an increase in financial burden? If you buy an expensive item with the help of a loan, decide – is this item really necessary for you?
  • Decide on the loan amount. You should think especially carefully if you decide to take out a mortgage that lasts for several years (or sometimes even decades).
  • Turn on your mind and put aside your emotions: in monetary matters one should be guided only by sober calculation.
  • If you take out a loan from a bank, take care of all the documents, which will help you borrow money with a minimum interest rate.
  • Decide in advance the purpose of the loan: banks often offer targeted loans (for weddings, education, buying a car and an apartment). Find out which bank is more willing to give car loans, and which one is more profitable to get a mortgage. Many banks offer consumer loans for urgent needs - for such loans you will not be required to report on what purposes you intend to spend the funds.
  • Decide which bank to take out a loan from. If you already have a salary account or have opened a deposit in a bank, then its employees will be more willing to consider a loan. In this case, the interest rate will be more feasible, and in some cases, income certificates and other documents will not be required, since the information is already on your account.
  • Every reputable bank posts important information for clients in its office or website - carefully read all points of the “borrower’s memo”: This will help you correctly apply for a loan.
  • Be sure to check with the bank how can I pay a loan?. It is important that this method is as convenient as possible for you. Sometimes late payments occur due to the inconvenience of repaying the debt.

Observation from life

If the bank employee with whom you are consulting about applying for a loan answers your questions evasively, reluctantly, or often finds it difficult to answer, do not rush to draw up an agreement - you will probably find some “pitfalls” after its conclusion.

However, banking services are not the only way to solve your financial difficulties. Below we will look at other ways to borrow money urgently, without a guarantor or certificates.

2. Bad and good loans - what's the difference?

Some people have a negative attitude towards any loans. But this is not entirely true.

It is important to know that credit is different from credit. The fact is that not many people know that there are good and bad debts.

Let's explain the difference.

For example

You took out a car on credit, took advantage of a car loan (in this case, your car can either bring you money or take it away).

Then you have 2 options for using the car:

  1. For fun. You take your friends (girls) for rides, go on trips. At the same time, you pay for insurance, gasoline and maintenance in any case. But to these expenses you also have loan payments. That is, your car is a money eater for you, or in other words, a liability. In this case, your credit is bad.
  2. For work. You are a professional private driver and taxi driver. Then, let’s say you earn 45,000 rubles per month using a car, and pay 15,000 rubles on a car loan. Then your car is an asset, that is, property that increases your income. In this case, your credit is good.

Conclusion: if you take out a loan in order to earn more with it, that is, your profit will be higher than the loan payments, then it can be called good.

If you borrow money in order to improve your mood, “show off,” and so on, then such loans are classified as bad.

If you want to learn how to earn money with good loans and effectively manage your personal finances, we recommend that you play the Cash Flow game.

There is a popular article on this topic on our website:. In this article, Alexander Berezhnov, our colleague on the project, shares his experience of participating in and running this game.

3. How to get a loan without refusal - 7 real ways

It is quite possible to get a loan without refusal and urgently, you just need to know where to turn. We have selected 7 real ways to receive cash and non-cash loans.

Method 1. Microfinance organizations

Microloans are a relatively new financial service. This is a cross between private and bank loans. Microfinance organizations lend more readily than banks and do not require the client to report on the purpose of the loan and other points. The only negative is the small size of loans compared to bank loans.

Microloan- this is a loan in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles for a specific period. Under standard conditions, this is a month from the date of execution of the contract.

To take out a loan, you only need a passport (no guarantors are required) and a decent appearance. Microfinance organizations are an option to get a loan for an unemployed person or a person without a credit history.

Advantages of microloans:

  • Quick processing: the application is completed in 5-10 minutes, you do not have to waste time collecting certificates;
  • No guarantor is needed;
  • You can complete the transaction online at home;
  • You can repay the debt within a month or less.

This is the most convenient option when you need money right now. Microloans are an alternative way if you are refused by the bank (due to the lack of necessary guarantees). Microfinance companies will help those who want to get a loan quickly and without numerous questions from the lender.

Most firms providing such services operate both in “ground-based” application collection points and through the World Wide Web.

You simply register on the portal and receive money without collateral, guarantors, income documents, financial history information and other “troubles”. On the resource you need to fill out a form, leave your phone number and go to your personal account.

After this, all that remains is to select the required amount, the debt repayment period, agree to the company’s terms and conditions and submit an application for a loan.

You should take only as much as you need: you should not succumb to the persuasion of employees of a microfinance organization to take an amount greater than you yourself want (say 10 thousand instead of 8). The difference of several thousand in case of delay will increase into tangible payment percentages.

If you have a Qiwi wallet, taking out a loan will be even easier: the money will be transferred to your account almost instantly after completing the application.

True, the initial loan on a card without providing financial history will be small ( up to 5,000 rub.), but subsequent amounts will increase many times over. If you repay the loan early, the interest rate will be minimal.

If working with the site seems too complicated for you, you can take out a loan using your passport at the office of a microfinance company closest to your home. A decision on your request will be made literally in 5 minutes.

What determines the interest rate on loans? From two points - the amount and repayment period of the debt, which you choose yourself.

Microloans also have disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage – accrued interest. Microcredit rates are usually higher than for a bank loan.

The overpayment percentage will be especially high if for any reason you are late in payment.

Example from life

A friend of ours took 20,000 rubles before salary to buy a gift for his girlfriend. His salary was supposed to be transferred literally in a week. However, there was a delay with the transfer, and then the money was urgently needed for other needs. As a result, a slight delay of a few weeks cost him almost 15 thousand in overpayment.


microloans are a convenient way to take a day off for urgent needs, but they must always be paid on time.

Method 2. Private loans against receipt

Where to get a loan without a credit history? What to do if you are refused by a bank or a microfinance organization (this happens)?

There are two options left - take it from relatives (friends) or from an outside private person.

We don’t consider the first method: let’s say relatives refused, and friends, as luck would have it, don’t have cash at the moment. Let's consider the second option - to borrow from a private person, a complete stranger to you.

Advertisements of this type can be found at any bus stop or even at the door of your own entrance: “Money from a private person”, “I will lend without guarantors”.

It sounds quite strange - why on earth would an outsider suddenly decide to lend money to another outsider? Thoughts about free cheese immediately come to mind. In reality, such an operation is quite safe and It is completely legal if it is executed properly.

The guarantee of repayment of funds on a private loan is a legally competent receipt certified by a notary.

Such a document looks like this:

We invite you to download a receipt form for receiving funds

If you think about it, the borrower is at greater risk in this situation, not the lender. Private investors always take into account the likelihood of non-repayment of the debt, so they charge impressive interest for their services. Sometimes they are 2 times higher than bank loan rates.

And one more disadvantage: if for some reason the client does not repay the borrowed funds on time, the investor can contact a collection company, which will have the right to deprive the borrower of the collateral. Lenders may have other, even less pleasant ways to return money.

That is why this method of quickly getting a loan should be practiced only when you We are absolutely sure that you will return the money on time .

The advantages of this option are obvious:

  1. Availability– many offers that give you the opportunity to choose the most profitable option;
  2. Efficiency: made a decision, completed a deal, took out a loan;
  3. Transparency of design. The minimum set of necessary documents and a clear form of registration is a promissory note.

Offers from private owners can also be found on the Internet. Many people with a lot of money are not averse to lending their finances to everyone.

Before you sign a contract, carefully study its terms, especially the clauses written in the smallest font.

Method 3. Credit card

A credit card (also known as a “credit card”) is a bank payment card that can be quickly issued at almost any bank. With such a card you can carry out payment transactions within the limit provided by the bank.

Limits on the amount are set according to the client’s solvency, which is determined by bank employees.

The card can be used as a replacement for a consumer loan or a loan for emergency needs.

The main advantage of a credit card is the ability to use a loan without reporting to the bank about its intended use.

Another plus is the constant renewal of credit opportunities after debt repayment.

Also, most cards have a so-called interest-free loan repayment period. That is, if you replenish your balance on time to the original balance, then you will not be charged interest.

More useful information is in the article “”.

Method 4. Loan secured by property

There are loans without collateral and loans secured by property. An unsecured loan requires guarantors and a large official salary. The total income of your guarantors should allow you to pay off your loans if this becomes difficult for you.

As a rule, larger loans are issued against collateral. In which case the bank has the right to seize and dispose of the collateral at its own discretion.

You can use the following as collateral:

  • Real estate;
  • Personal car;
  • Securities;
  • Land;
  • Other valuable property at the discretion of bank employees and parties to the agreement.

The mortgaged housing must be suitable for living. If it is in shared ownership, the bank requires the official consent of all parties to the agreement.

Throughout the loan repayment period, the borrower has no right dispose of (sell, donate) one’s own property.

Remember that banks always reduce the real value of collateral ( sometimes up to 50%) - in this way they insure themselves against the risks of late repayment of the loan, so that if something happens they sell the property profitably.

Method 5. Pawnshops – quick cash lending

Most people have valuable items that can be taken to a pawn shop and received cash for them. These institutions willingly accept jewelry, gold and antiques, although the valuation of such things is not always adequate to their real value. If the item is dear to you as a family heirloom, take care of its timely redemption from the pawnshop.

If you fail to redeem your property on time, it becomes the property of the pawnshop - then the office disposes of the items at its own discretion. Usually the organization sells such things to fellow lovers of valuable things directly from its counter.

Some companies that buy valuables accept, along with jewelry, modern mobile devices, expensive equipment in good condition, and sometimes even cars. Such companies call themselves digital equipment pawnshops.

In any case, any valuable item, be it an expensive mobile phone, an LCD TV or a gold ring, can bring you money even without being sold.

What to consider when working with pawn shops:

  • operations to hand over property to a pawnshop can only be performed by adults;
  • A passport is required;
  • there is a storage fee;
  • the return of property is carried out after depositing (returning) the full amount of borrowed funds;
  • Pawnshops do not accept raw stones (semi-finished diamonds).

A significant disadvantage of pawnshops when obtaining a loan is that the valuation of your item is lower than the real value of the item due to the specifics of the business.

Method 6. Credit brokers

A credit broker is a kind of intermediary between banks and borrowers. The broker selects optimal lending schemes, interacts with appraisal and insurance companies, and fully supports the financial projects of its clients.

For its services, the broker, of course, charges a certain fee, measured as a percentage of loan transactions. Based on individual agreements with banks, brokers can offer their clients more attractive conditions.

Example from life

Our friend Andrei needed to get a large sum of money from the bank. At the same time, he had to attend a business matter in another city: he simply did not have time to formalize the transaction and collect the necessary documents.

Andrey decided to entrust his affairs to a reliable credit broker (member of a brokers association) and was not mistaken: he saved time and at the same time received a more favorable interest rate.

Method 7. Borrow from friends

Also, by the way, an option to get a loan. If you respect the peace of mind of your friends and family, you can formally issue a loan by notarizing it.

Friends are unlikely to charge you interest on loans, but if it was a substantial amount and a long repayment period, it is worth thanking your creditors with a good gift.

And at the end we wanted to show you a visual comparison table of various credit options:

Time spent Cash costs (overpayment)
1 Bank loan1-5 days to collect documents10-28%
2 Microloan5-30 minutes15-50%
3 PawnshopOn the day of treatment5-10% commission
4 Credit brokersFrom 1 dayby agreement

4. Where can you get a quick loan - TOP 7 trusted banks

We present a list of banks that offer adequate interest rates, work quickly and rarely refuse clients.

1) Tinkoff Bank

Accelerated loan processing up to 70,000 rubles. This microfinance organization operates exclusively via the Internet. The client just needs to make an application by filling out several required fields, and loans will be available to him for a period of 5 to 18 weeks. If during this time you do not have time to repay the debt, you have the right to extend the loan terms.

Early repayment of the loan is not prohibited. For each day you use funds, the company will credit you with 1.85%. The first loan is up to 10,000 rubles. If you repay the loan on time and in full, larger amounts will become available to you. The only documents you will need are a passport. Funds are transferred to the card instantly after loan approval.

Example from life

Natalya (a friend of our friends) is taking out a loan for the third time in a row to purchase technological innovations. She needed her first loan to purchase the latest model of a smartphone from a well-known company.

The second was spent on purchasing a tablet from the same company. Now it's time to buy a new laptop. The salary in the beauty salon is only enough to repay one of the 3 loans. Natalya has not yet figured out what to do with the other two.

Why is this happening? Is it really difficult to master at least the basic concepts of financial planning? Psychologists say that the reasons should be sought much deeper.

People who take out loans for immediate needs subconsciously believe that they will not be able to make such purchases in the future - in other words, they do not believe in themselves.

6. Conclusion

Let's sum it up, friends!

We told you about where to get a loan, the types of loans, how to get them and alternative options. In conclusion, we would like to add that, of course, you should not be afraid of loans, but a frivolous attitude towards them is also dangerous.

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From October 1, 2015, ordinary citizens can declare themselves bankrupt in Russia. Previously, this “privilege” was available only to organizations (firms, enterprises, etc.). What came of this can now be seen from the information about seasoned debtors. Now they, skillfully taking advantage of the legal opportunity, get away with it, freeing themselves from multimillion-dollar obligations. Who is left with the nose? Let's look at specific examples.

Pensioner Marina V. (initial changed. – Note RZ) from Svetlogorsk receives a gift from the state for her 55th birthday: she becomes officially bankrupt. She filed for bankruptcy herself. She was represented in court by two lawyers. It was there that Mrs. V’s credit history was revealed.

May 20, 2008 – loan agreement with CJSC Russian Standard Bank. Credit card with a limit of 25,000 rubles. Later it was increased to 150,000 rubles. Minimum payment per month (recommended) – 6 500 rubles

June 17, 2010 – loan agreement with Tinkoff Credit Systems. Same story again: credit card with a limit of 25,000 rubles. Later it was increased to 150,000 rubles. Minimum payment per month (recommended) – 7 500 rubles

Payments are increasing, but income, obviously, is not increasing. Marina V. is not lost and knocks on the next bank. The bank doesn't object.

June 2, 2011– loan agreement with VTB 24. Here is a loan for 150,000 rubles on 60 months (5 years) at 23.9% per annum. Monthly payment - RUB 4,306.49

July 30, 2012 – loan agreement with OJSC "East Express Bank" for the same 150,000 rubles on 60 months. But the bet is different: 25% per annum. Monthly payment: 5,305 rubles.

November 10, 2013 Marina V. enters into a loan agreement with Leto Bank OJSC (part of the VTB group) for 200,000 rubles on 35 months under – attention! – 39,9%. (By the way, right now Leto Bank is offering a loan on its website at 16.9% per annum.) Obviously, not a single muscle moved on the face of the bank employees when they gave a obviously unrepayable loan to a pensioner who already had four loans hanging on her. The monthly payment for this loan is 9,600 rubles.

TO April 2015 Marina V.’s monthly payment for all loans (without penalties) was already 33,211.49 rubles.

As of November 20, 2015, banks demanded from the debtor 754,533.4 rubles:"Russian standard" - RUB 240,939.62; "Tinkoff" - RUB 134,745.07; "East Express Bank" - RUB 124,172.03; VTB 24 - RUB 45,260.58(in fact, the debtor repaid only this loan); "Summer Bank" - RUB 209,415

Since April 2015, Marina V. stopped paying altogether. 9 months before her retirement, the debtor took out her last loan - which she obviously could not repay personally.

In court it turned out that her old-age pension was only 7,309 rubles + monthly cash payment to a labor veteran – 1,600 rubles.

Marina V.’s husband is also a pensioner with a pension benefit in 11,000 rubles. Of all the property, the court identified a Mercedes 240 produced in 1982 and two accounts in Sberbank with a total balance of funds 35.31 rubles.

The apartment in which Marina V. lives belongs to her husband and his two children from previous marriages. Consequently, the imposition of a penalty is unlikely, since it was acquired, obviously, not in a joint marriage.

According to the law, a citizen who has debts of at least 500,000 rubles, for which no payments are made for three months.

The court has the right to check whether a citizen is insolvent. There is a big difference between bankrupt and insolvent. The insolvent can pay, but not very much.

In court, Marina V. asked to be declared bankrupt. The court agreed. Marina V. deposited 10,000 rubles - the remuneration to her financial manager for the bankruptcy procedure. (She had this money.)

Now she doesn't owe anything to the banks. Well, unless her financial manager finds some of her property. Then he will be able to sell it, take 2% of the reward for himself, and give the rest to the banks on a first-come, first-served basis.

Valery G. (initial changed. – Note RZ) lives in a newly renovated two-story house on the southern outskirts of Kaliningrad (the street is named after a tributary of the Volga).

He began his credit history at the age of 62, borrowing on September 16, 2013 from another citizen 750,000 rubles at 20% per annum. The contract contained clause 4.1: for each day of delay - 1% of the unpaid amount as a penalty.

By November 23, 2015, Valery G. became obliged to: 312,500 rubles as interest on the loan + 3,202,500 rubles as a penalty. Not bad for two years, isn’t it?!

March 4, 2015 Valery G. managed to go to Russian Standard Bank and received a loan there 599,897.25 rubles under 28% per annum. Monthly payment: 14,990 rubles. How and with what he was able to convince the bank is not reported in the case materials.

Total by the end of November for Valery G. the debt was listed in 4,864,897.25 rubles. Pension as of December 2015 – 7,161 rubles. Payment of a strictly monthly pension in full will take 679 months or 56 years old.

However, Valery G. discovered a plot in 1,000 square meters in the Tula region, in the deep wilderness. Lenders will be very lucky if its value is at least one tenth of the debt. Most likely, you won't be lucky.

Valery G. was represented in court by a lawyer.

The court appointed him a financial manager, whose tasks now include identifying the property and selling it. And Valery G. himself is now bankrupt, whom no collectors have the right to pursue.

Since October 2015, it has been protected by Russian law.