Congratulations on the day of financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of Russia Congratulations on the Day of Financial Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. By decree of the President of Russia, the Day of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was added to the list of professional holidays and memorable days. According to the decree, military financiers will celebrate this holiday annually on October 22. The appearance of the Decree was preceded by painstaking work with archival documents, thanks to which it was possible to supplement the history of the emergence and formation of army financial bodies, as well as to re-evaluate the contribution of military financiers to increasing the country's defense capability. It was on October 22, 1918, that by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR), for the first time in the history of the army and navy, a regulation on the financial department was adopted and a legal document on an independent financial body was put into effect. The issuance of this order was due to the fact that in connection with the abandonment of the volunteer principle of recruiting the Red Army and the transition to the construction of a regular army, it was necessary to abandon various extra-budgetary sources of financial support for volunteer detachments and organize financial support for regular units and formations entirely from the state budget . The Financial Department under the RVSR was entrusted with providing the necessary loans to the fronts and individual armies and treasury services for the army. The financial department had to perform its functions in conditions of economic devastation and depreciation of money. During the Civil War, the functions of the Finance Department expanded in accordance with the situation. Thus, the department was entrusted with the management and management of all field treasuries, financial control and other functions. When forming the Financial Department under the RVSR and the Regulations on it, two fundamentally new circumstances were identified. First: it was established that the positions of financial workers were filled with commanding officers. Before this period, in the tsarist army, the financial authorities were staffed by military officials. In the post-revolutionary years, this was due to the need to subordinate the financing system to people who took the oath of allegiance to the new government on an equal basis with other representatives of the command staff. Second: the “integration” of the financial support system (as well as other support systems) into the regular organization of troops and command and control units and into their daily activities was determined. This was due to the special conditions of combat activity, the need to carry out tasks by troops in any situation and ensure their independence. The financial service of the Red Army, under the leadership of the Financial Department under the RVSR, fulfilled its duties in 1918-1920, having accumulated a wealth of experience in mobile response to rapidly changing economic and military circumstances, and laid certain foundations for organizing financial support for the further improvement of the country's Armed Forces. During the period of construction of the Red Army from 1921 to 1941, the position of the financial service was strengthened. 1921-1936 was a period of self-service practice for troops, in which internal sources of financing were of great importance. And in the pre-war years, the troops switched to strict budget financing. In the 30s, with the increasing role of the financial service, all management systems were improved, Regulations on financial management were issued (1936, 1938, 1940), Regulations on financial control (1936 and April 4, 1941), Regulations on monetary allowances for military personnel and pension provision, a special order on measures for the transition of the financial service to support troops in war conditions. When you read these documents, you understand that the basic approaches to organizing financial support for troops contained in them are still relevant today. During the Great Patriotic War, along with the main task of uninterruptedly ensuring the combat activities of the troops, a very important task arose - to achieve, through the introduction of a strict economy regime, high efficiency in the use of military appropriations. The establishment of the Day of Financial and Economic Service can be considered state recognition of the contribution of military financiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War to strengthening the country’s defense capability, as well as a tribute to our veterans who managed to build an effective system of financing the army and navy, emphasized Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Tatyana Shevtsova. – On October 22, we will have another reason to meet with our honored specialists, congratulate them, and remember those who are no longer with us. The modern generation of military financiers is determined to preserve and enhance the traditions of service accumulated over decades of worthy work in the interests of the state.” Military expenditures then accounted for 51 percent of the state budget, and the task was set: to save on everything. During the Great Patriotic War, military financiers managed to create a mechanism that ensured the mobilization of the state's economic resources and the restructuring of its economy on a military footing, and to organize competent planning of budget expenditures. The key issue was ensuring uninterrupted financing of the needs of the front. Suffice it to say that more than half of all budget expenditures of the country passed through the financial system of the army and navy during that period! From the first days of the war, the procedure for financial planning and financing for wartime was put into effect. Quarterly planning of cash needs has given way to monthly planning. In accordance with wartime requirements, the structure of financial bodies at the military level was adjusted, in particular, financial departments were created within the fronts and armies. The “household” of the regiment chief of finance was extremely ascetic: a small metal box for storing money, a wooden box for financial documents, and a field bag with a money book and a control book. The organization of financing for the active army was carried out simultaneously with the establishment of their cash and settlement services. Field institutions of the State Bank were formed: in the fronts - offices, in the armies - branches, in formations - cash desks. At the same time, significant amounts of funding fell on military supplies: up to a third of all expenses according to the estimate of the People's Commissariat of Defense. It is interesting that the quality of the work of military financiers in those years was also assessed by the level of non-cash payments. Family certificates were introduced for officers, subscriptions to government loans and contributions to defense funds were organized. Financial services specialists were also entrusted with the tasks of accounting for captured valuables and foreign currency, which were capitalized according to acts of commissions of military units. The quality of work of the financial service of the Red Army during the war years is eloquently evidenced by the memoirs of the then Minister of Finance Arseny Zverev: “Having large funds at its disposal, the Financial Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense had such reserves that even the Narkomfin did not have. But it never clung to them, but approached matters in a statesmanlike manner. In this regard, the contact between me and Khotenko (Head of the Financial Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense) was complete. If the People’s Commissariat of Finance encountered difficulties (and this naturally happened more than once during the war), I knew for sure that by contacting the Financial Directorate of the People’s Commissariat of Defense, I would find assistance.” The contribution of military financiers to ensuring Victory was appreciated by the state. 95 percent of army and navy finance officers were awarded orders and medals. In the first post-war years, when the country directed colossal resources to restore the national economy destroyed by the war, the army and navy were given the task of developing and using the economic capabilities of the Armed Forces. Hence the accelerated development of various areas of the economy of the Armed Forces (construction, industrial and agricultural production, military trade, internal affairs of troops, etc.) and, accordingly, the strengthening of the role of the financial service of the Ministry of Defense and its gradual transformation into a financial and economic one. During the Cold War, when the reform of the Armed Forces was carried out in the direction of strengthening the nuclear missile component, the size of the army and navy was increased to almost five million people, which entailed the inevitable development of the uninhabited northern, eastern and southern territories. These circumstances put the troops in conditions that required the development of their own internal economy, independent support services, incl. and financial. This also led to the widespread development of a network of field banks. The financial support system of the Armed Forces was improved along with changes in its combat strength, military and social infrastructure. The troops must be engaged in solving their main task - achieving high combat readiness. Therefore, today all functions of material and financial support have been removed from the combat echelon and concentrated in territorial bodies. This solves not only the problem of increasing the mobility and combat readiness of troops, but also the possibility of the most effective use of human resources, the introduction of modern analysis tools, technical innovations and, of course, saving financial resources. Such a system of financial support for troops (forces) has already shown its advantages and corresponds to the chosen strategy for building the Russian Armed Forces. Today, the financial support system is based on the territorial-sectoral principle. Financial support for military units and organizations of the Armed Forces is carried out through territorial financial bodies and sectoral managers: these are military educational and scientific centers and leading military medical institutions, which have their own financial bodies. The levels of delivery of budget funds to recipients and participants in the budget process have been optimized, and the principle of operational subordination of the heads of territorial financial bodies to the commanders of military districts has been implemented. At the same time, tasks related to financial support of units are excluded from the responsibilities of commanders. Settlements with military personnel have been transferred to the Unified Settlement Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The created system of financial support for troops (forces) ensures transparency of financial flows and makes it possible to solve problems of timely and complete financing of military formations in various conditions, including when solving unexpected problems. In response to threats and challenges to its security, Russia has launched a large-scale modernization of its Armed Forces. Objectively, this is a long-term and very expensive process. And the national security of the Russian Federation directly depends on how effectively the federal budget funds are spent. In turn, a high level of military security, by the very fact of its existence, guarantees the stability of the economic system, the security of investments in the Russian economy and people’s confidence in the future.

Every year, the Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is celebrated on October 22. At this time, specialists from this field of activity receive congratulations in SMS, poetry or prose. These professionals are doing important work for the country.

Happy Financial Service Day!

Congratulations on your wonderful holiday!

May luck guide you on this Earth,

So that everything in life is subject to control!

You are a master at handling money.

Directing them to good deeds,

You are the pride of Russia, a great country,

She can be with you at peace!

Do you form the troop budget so that they

We were always able to complete the job on time!

You have many directions and tasks, and you

Don't let them become lawless!

Happy Financial and Economic Service Day,

I want to congratulate you on this autumn day!

Let your home and bosses praise you,

So that you won’t be too lazy to come to work!

I wish you joy, interesting work,

Always be in good shape, with sparkling eyes.

And remain sweet and lovely,

And enjoy life and poetry!

On Financier's Day I wish you a lot:

Good luck, aspirations, take off in your career!

And I sincerely congratulate you,

So that I can open any doors in life.

Let your finances be excellent

Let everything be harmonious, easy,

Let fate please you decently

Salary, bonus and something else!

Congratulations on the Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in prose

This morning, I just can’t wait to congratulate you on the day of financial and economic service! Well, I won’t restrain myself: I wish you health, joy, love, positivity, good luck, goodness, and may proximity to money make you richer. Let life be full, bright and happy. Happy holiday, happy professional day!

Dear employees of the financial and economic service of the RF Armed Forces, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! Let material well-being make you even better, give you great opportunities for career growth and financial independence. Know that the whole country and people are proud of you and appreciate you and your work. Your work is invaluable. We value you and your talents. May everything in your lives work out well.

Congratulations on the Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in verse

Colleagues, you are on top terms with finances!

I wish you energy and beauty,

Prosperity spiritual and material,

And an almost ideal life partner.

Don't let money blind your eyes

May you have happiness, kindness,

Good human relations

Harmony and positive impressions!

You, fellow financiers,

I want to congratulate you.

Always new goals

Put it in front of you.

So that work is a joy,

And the salary is decent.

So that everything is great

In your personal life.

The world of numbers always attracts,

There is a power of magic in it.

They always add up

Let him be clear in his consciousness.

Financiers of the Armed Forces, be successful,

Grateful work, health, of course,

May your paths be bright,

Let people always take care of their loved ones!

Actively develop your industry

Give the best blessings to the country,

Always value good friends

Be loved and love yourself!

History of the holiday Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

On October 22, the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrates its professional holiday. It was established as an official holiday by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 437 of August 24, 2015. The appearance of the Decree was preceded by painstaking work with archival documents, thanks to which it was possible to supplement the history of the emergence and formation of army financial bodies, as well as to re-evaluate the contribution of military financiers to increasing the country's defense capability.

It was on October 22, 1918, that by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR), for the first time in the history of the army and navy, a regulation on the financial department was adopted and a legal document on an independent financial body was put into effect.

The issuance of this order was due to the fact that in connection with the abandonment of the volunteer principle of recruiting the Red Army and the transition to the construction of a regular army, it was necessary to abandon various extra-budgetary sources of financial support for volunteer detachments and organize financial support for regular units and formations entirely from the state budget .

“The establishment of the Day of Financial and Economic Service can be considered state recognition of the contribution of military financiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War to strengthening the country’s defense capability, as well as a tribute to our veterans who managed to build an effective system of financing the army and navy,” emphasized Russian Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova . – On October 22, we will have another reason to meet with our honored specialists, congratulate them, and remember those who are no longer with us. The modern generation of military financiers is determined to preserve and enhance the traditions of service accumulated over decades of worthy work in the interests of the state.”

The Minister of Defense highly appreciated the activities of veterans of the financial service of the Armed Forces, who have done a lot of work to develop the service over many years. In the most difficult conditions, they did everything to ensure that the Army and Navy of the country did not need anything and were fully provided with everything they needed.

The best employees of the organization are presented with certificates of honor, awards, certificates of commendation and prizes, are awarded titles, and are given thanks for their excellent service to the Fatherland and are included in their personal files.

Veterans of the organization are congratulated with cards and flowers, invited to a banquet and an official ceremony, where once again they are presented with letters of gratitude and paid tribute for their invaluable contribution to the development of financial support for the Armed Forces of modern Russia.

On October 22, 1918, for the first time in the history of the Russian Armed Forces, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 135, the Regulations on the Financial Department under the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic were announced, a legal document was put into effect on an independent financial body, which marked the beginning of the creation of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces.

In war, post-war and peacetime, the financial and economic service continuously developed, and its role constantly increased (see Attachment).

The financial and economic service made a significant contribution to strengthening the defense power of the Russian state, successfully repelling emerging external and internal threats by its Armed Forces, the socio-economic development of the country and improving the living standards of its citizens, including military personnel and members of their families.

As the combat personnel, military and social infrastructure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were transformed, the system of their financial support was also improved, taking into account the development of treasury and information technologies.

The reform of the Armed Forces, the creation of four military districts and operational strategic commands of military districts necessitated the construction of a new system of financial support for the Armed Forces.

At present, a system of financial support for the Armed Forces has been formed, which is based on the territorial and sectoral principle of financial support for military units and organizations of the Armed Forces.

The territorial principle is the financial support of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces through territorial financial bodies.

According to the territorial principle, 41 financial support departments (departments) have been created and are functioning in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The industry principle is 8 military educational institutions, 11 leading military medical institutions and other individual organizations that also have their own financial authorities.

In the course of bringing the system of financial support for troops to the new look of the Armed Forces, the levels of delivery of budget funds to recipients and participants in the budget process were optimized.

The created system of financial support for troops (forces) ensures transparency of the financial flows of public funds and makes it possible to solve the assigned tasks of timely and complete financial support of military formations in various conditions, as well as when solving unexpected problems.

In the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military command and control bodies have been created, subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation T.V. Shevtsova:

In order to preserve and enhance the traditions of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces, by order of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation T.V. Shevtsova (order No. 760 of September 29, 2014), it was approved.

For great personal contribution to the development and improvement of the Financial and Economic Support of the Armed Forces, in order to encourage financiers and other officials, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 7, 2006 No. 450, which is one of the main departmental awards for financiers of the Armed Forces .

On August 24, 2015, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Day of Financial and Economic Service was established.


dated December 26, 1932 No. 250

Regulations on the financial bodies of the Red Army

The situation ended during 1928-1931. the process of restructuring the military financial service.

On January 1, 1939, a new Regulation on the financial management of military units and institutions of the Red Army was introduced, which introduced significant changes to the principles of organizing the financial management of military units.

The draft regulations were studied and discussed at service meetings in military districts


Revolutionary Military Council
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
dated July 22, 1933 No. 130

A new edition of the Regulations on monetary allowances for personnel of the Red Army has been put into effect. The issues of calculating monetary allowances for ordinary and junior commanding military personnel of fixed-term and long-term service are regulated; middle, senior and senior military personnel of the Red Army, including those occupying the positions of staff commanders. Features associated with additional types of remuneration, benefits, and bonus payments to military personnel of the Red Army, including the Air Force of the Red Army and the Navy of the Red Army, have been established.

The peculiarities of remuneration of teaching staff, as well as wages of civilian workers and employees of the People's Commissariat for Naval Affairs (NKVM) are taken into account. Compensation payments related to monetary payments (benefits) for service in remote areas, travel allowances (lift allowance, daily allowance, payment for premises, etc.) are considered.


NGO USSR No. 415 of 1940:

“Regulations on the financial economy of the district,
formation and military unit of the spacecraft"

The main guiding document that defined the specific tasks and functions of all levels of the financial service of the Red Army in the overall scope of the tasks of building the Armed Forces on the eve of the war was Order No. 415 of the NPO of the USSR dated November 14, 1940. This order introduced for the first time the Regulations on the financial economy of the military district and Regulations on the financial economy of the military district and Regulations on the financial economy of the military unit. Based on the experience of financial support for troops in the conditions of hostilities in the Far East, in the war with the White Finns and in the liberation of the peoples of Western Belarus, Western Ukraine and the Baltic states, a number of changes were made to the financial economy of the troops. The regulations on the financial management of a military unit in 1940 strengthened the strictly targeted nature of budget funds allocated to the military unit. The estimated organization of the finances of a military unit was retained (financial estimate, estimate - calculation of extra-budgetary funds), however, instead of annual planning, quarterly planning of the needs of military units for funds was introduced. The financial estimate approved by the formation commander was also the quarterly request of the military unit for funds. All balances of budget funds, except for the balances for the initial establishment, were subject to donation at the end of the year for the restoration of loans or to budget revenues.

The Regulations on the Financial Economy of a Military Unit summarized the annual experience of the activities of this new unit of the financial service of the Red Army. It clearly defined the tasks, rights and responsibilities of the formation commander, heads of departments and services for financial management, tasks and functions of financial management, financial planning and financing of military units and payments for supplies and services.


Military Minister of the USSR No. 80 of 1950

With the update of the “Regulations on the financial economy of the military unit of the Soviet Army”

The Regulations take into account all the changes that occurred in the financial and economic activities of military units in the post-war period.


Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 80 of 1973:

“Regulations on the financial economy of the military unit of the Soviet

Army and Navy"

The last Regulation on the financial management of a military unit, which was issued during the existence of the Soviet Army and Navy. This provision generalized and systematized the entire experience of the financial and economic activities of the military unit in the realities of that time. The tasks of financial and economic activities and the requirements of financial discipline are regulated. The duties and rights of officials of a military unit for financial management, sources of financing for a military unit, the procedure for planning, claiming and spending funds, concluding contracts, etc. are determined.

The Financial and Economic Service of the Russian Armed Forces performs the functions of financial support for all military command and control bodies and paramilitary forces. The organization has an old, complicated history and has existed for almost a century.


Training new cadres of military officers and financiers is a very serious and fundamental task for the country. The employees of this structure are graduates of specialized higher and secondary educational institutions. But it was not always so. At first, personnel training was limited to preparatory courses or studies in military economic schools. At all times, the state has been particularly attentive to the training of these specialists.

The training of military financiers did not stop even in wartime, and the enormous service experience of wartime financiers became the basis for training new personnel in peacetime. Graduates of military financial schools were very valuable specialists, especially in turbulent times, because only during the years of the Patriotic War a significant part of the country’s total budget passed through the military financial and economic system. During the war years, employees in this area occupied high command positions.

The main educational institutions for training specialists are located in Moscow and Yaroslavl. In the 90s, a proposal was published to create a basis for training this kind of financiers in civil higher education institutions, but this idea was never implemented.


Employees of the organization often celebrate the holiday with their colleagues. Banquets or corporate events with an official part are often organized, where employees are congratulated by political and senior government officials (Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister of the country). The best employees of the organization are presented with certificates of honor, awards, certificates of commendation and prizes, are awarded titles, and are given thanks for their excellent service to the Fatherland and are included in their personal files.

Veterans of the organization are congratulated with cards and flowers, invited to a banquet and an official ceremony, where once again they are presented with letters of gratitude and paid tribute for their invaluable contribution to the development of financial support for the Armed Forces of modern Russia. In honor of the heroes of the occasion, fireworks of local significance are set off; national pop stars and comedians congratulate them with their songs and dances.

Financier's Day in Russia is celebrated annually on September 8. On this day, all financial industry workers exchange gifts and congratulations with each other.

How did this holiday come about?

For the first time, Financier's Day was celebrated in Russia back in 1802. It was on September 8, more than 200 years ago, that the first Ministry of Finance was formed by Alexander I. The holiday became official only in 2011 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Today in Russia there are several thousand first-class specialists focused on the intricacies of budget and tax legislation. With their help, budget regulations, control of structural costs and profits are carried out. This profession is one of the most important in the country, because the budget concerns every citizen. Therefore, it is very important to know what date is Financier’s Day in Russia.

How are they celebrated?

Every holiday in our country is celebrated loudly and cheerfully. September 8 was also no exception. On this day, all specialists working with finance, namely bank and stock exchange employees, representatives of trade areas and economists, organize corporate parties. Festive concerts, comic and themed performances and competitions are also created for them. On this day, every financier feels responsible for his actions and feels the significance of his work for the whole country.

Officially, Financier's Day in Russia is a working day, but some enterprises can afford to take a day off or have a shortened work shift. Every specialist looks forward to September 8, because it is on this day that he can receive gratitude for his work. In honor of the holiday, the most distinguished employees are awarded a bonus and a valuable gift.

How to congratulate?

On September 8, congratulations are heard everywhere on the Day of Russian Financier. It is best to say kind and sincere words to the hero of the occasion. For example, you can congratulate him as follows:

  • “The most responsible work is in your hands - financing the country. You eliminate all mistakes and shortcomings, like the most vigilant and dexterous hunter. Thank you for your invaluable work. We wish that there are always only bright days in your life, that luck always illuminates the path" .
  • “Only a financier understands how dear the word “money” is to him. So let there always be a positive balance in your life: your wallet will always be full, your body will be strongly charged with health, and your family with prosperity.”
  • “We wish you to become a master in financial matters, career success and, of course, patience and strength.”

On September 8, the holiday is Financier's Day in Russia. It applies to everyone whose work involves money. However, there are also significant dates for representatives of a particular branch of this structure.

Military Financier Day

There is also a military financier in Russia. When did he appear? Officially, this date is considered to be October 22, 1918. On this day, the first Financial Department in the military sphere appeared in our country. This day is celebrated by workers who make up the financial structure of the army. There is an official holiday, which is celebrated annually on October 22 by presidential decree; it is called the Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is celebrated in the same way as any other holiday in the country, with themed concerts, feasts with colleagues and beautiful congratulations. However, every worker in this field is looking forward to Military Financier Day in Russia, when he will be able to receive a certificate of honor for his work, a bonus or a new military rank.

The benefits of a financier for the country

When it comes to the holiday dedicated to Financier’s Day, it is impossible not to emphasize how important every worker in this field is for the whole country. There are several areas that such an employee can engage in:

  • The banking sector is an irreplaceable part of human life. Lending, deposits, transfers - all this makes a person’s existence easier.
  • The scope of investment includes the issue of securities and the stock market. It is a kind of intermediary between the bank and the corporation.
  • The insurance industry is the best protection for your life, property and transport.
  • The scope of factoring is deferred payment services.

The above are just a few of the most common areas of work for a financier. It’s easy to guess that the work of a specialist in this area directly affects every person, because everyone receives a salary, uses credit cards, creates transfers, and so on. Don’t forget about who helps you use convenient money services.

Therefore, on September 8, it is imperative to congratulate every financier on their professional holiday, saying “thank you” to them for their enormous contribution to the life of every person and country!