State regulation in the industry. State regulation of the oil and gas industry

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    The influence of the state on economic processes in order to create optimal conditions for the development and support of the existing market mechanism, and its changes if necessary.

    In history economic thought There have always been discussions about the degree of government intervention in the economy. The mercantilists spoke “for”, and the representatives classical school political economists defended the slogan “ economic freedom" The 20th century—the century of world wars and economic crises—redistributed the scales towards government regulation. The victory was won by the theoretical justifications of J. M. Keynes, called Keynesian model economy. Its heyday was in the 50s and 60s, but in the 70s, chronic deficits in state budgets led to the weakening of its positions and their replacement by neoliberalism and the modern theory of “supply-side economics.”

    Objectives and goals of state regulation

    Regulation is designed to ensure the effective functioning of the state’s economic system, which consists in the interaction of all spheres, primarily financial, legal and social. In this regard, there are theoretical aspect and practical implementation. The first includes forecasting and drawing up action models. Practice involves the implementation of specific legislative, executive and regulatory measures aimed at regulation.

    The main goal of government regulation is to improve the well-being of society as a whole, which implies the well-being of each of its members. The goals of government regulation are usually structured into economic, social and political. The main components are:

    • stable economic development and growth;
    • employment policy;
    • maintaining stability national currency and pricing;
    • social protection of the population;
    • foreign economic activity.

    The implementation of the first 4 directions and their interrelation ensure the achievement of balance in the macroeconomic sphere. In the context of the globalization process, the results of their complex interaction directly influence the foreign economic sphere of state activity. At a certain historical stage in the development of society, the sequence of achieving goals may change.

    It should be noted that methods of government regulation are divided into direct and indirect. Direct ones involve administrative and legal measures, and their impact is that economic entities act on the basis of government regulations and cannot be fully guided by free economic choice. They are an element of a mixed economy and have demonstrated high efficiency, especially in those countries where it is underdeveloped.

    Indirect methods, as a rule, are of an economic nature and create the prerequisites for the independent choice of subjects of economic relations in favor of achieving general economic goals. Competent interaction of methods with each other ensures the solution of the main task - increasing the well-being of society.

    Functions and instruments of state regulation

    As for the functions of the state, the most important thing is to create the necessary legislative framework, provision legal basis for the functioning of a market economy. An important function of the state is to intensify innovation and entrepreneurial activity and stimulate investment policy.

    In modern market economy the state acts as a guarantor in the sphere social protection population. The tool for this is the function of income redistribution in favor of less protected groups of the population. Social policy its importance is not inferior to such an instrument as management of the public sector of the economy, since it prevents the growth of social tension in society and contributes to the achievement of social security. As for the use of state property, it acts as a basic element for the implementation of long-term goals, especially in those areas that require significant capital investments.

    It is necessary to know the features of state regulation of the construction industry against the backdrop of the developing construction market of the Russian Federation. Recent years have seen a change in the economic structure and an expansion of the capabilities of entities working in this sector. The working capacity of other sectors of the economy and the standard of living of the population depend on the state of the construction sector. Its control is a system for managing this type of activity with the mandatory participation of government bodies.

    State regulation of the construction sector guarantees the improvement of the system, the unification of personal and public interests for economic development, increased competition, as well as the creation of a balance between accumulation and investment activities based on various types of planning and financing of the industry from the country's budget. Below we will consider what the essence of state regulation is, what its features are, and which bodies deal with these issues

    Regulation of the construction sector state level- a type of management activity of the state, in which authorized bodies take part, ensuring the optimization of economic relations in construction to protect the private and public interests of participants in the relationship.

    State regulation is formed from:

    • Creation of a unified policy in the field of construction, housing and urban planning.
    • Regulatory legal regulation- urban planning and technical.
    • State supervision and construction control.

    The peculiarity of state regulation is the creation of legal norms that are mandatory for all participants in the construction market.

    Features of state regulation of the construction industry

    The investment and construction sector includes the following “elements”:

    • Investors (customers, construction companies). In this category, private organizations, states, enterprises various forms property and individuals who invest money in creating or maintaining construction projects.
    • Contracting and design and survey construction companies, enterprises in the building materials or construction industry, as well as other organizations in the construction sector that ensure implementation investment projects. They carry out the design, creation of building materials, products, structures and other elements of the construction market.
    • Companies from various industries national economy, which are engaged in the supply of goods, materials and services to other participants.
    • Commercial and central banks which calculations are made.
    • Information or intermediary companies.

    A powerful network of state regulation and control has been created in the industrial and housing construction sectors. Today, the following forms of this process are distinguished.

    Technical regulation (TR)

    The task of construction regulation is to organize standards in the safety and quality sector that do not create obstacles to the creators of goods and services in the construction market. This important point, because changes in this area lead to adjustments in pricing, product costs, cost levels of business entities, and certification.

    From a legal position, the tasks of technical regulation are as follows:

    • Monitoring the implementation of technical regulations. The identification of violations in this sector requires urgent action.
    • Supervision of the areas of industrial and housing construction.
    • Protecting human health and life, including preserving the environment.

    State TR in the construction sector takes the form of accreditation, organizing registration events, accepting finished structures, putting them into operation and solving other problems. In addition, technical regulation ensures the creation and maintenance of a register of work already completed in relation to facilities in the industrial and housing sectors.

    Task government agencies is to stimulate participants in the construction market to comply with current regulations. As a result, it is possible to improve the quality of constructed structures and reduce the level of danger to the life/health of people using construction sites.

    State control in the field of TR and GOS has much in common, including in relation to the functions performed:

    • Observation. Regulatory authorities use different organizations from the manufacturing or housing sector as “mentees”. They take on the function of regulation and control.
    • Collection of information. This category includes obtaining data about the controlled object and its compliance with the current technical regulations and legal requirements.
    • Taking action. If supervised bodies have violated technical regulations or existing standards, enforcement action will be taken against them, and the perpetrators will be punished. In particular, regulatory authorities have the right to create a register of violators and hold such entities accountable.
    • Determining the reasons that led to the emergence of such a situation, as well as taking measures to prevent violations in the future. The implementation of the tasks is undertaken by the State Statistics Service, whose reports reflect violations in the construction (housing and manufacturing) sector.

    State construction supervision

    An equally important element is considered to be construction supervision by the government, which is entrusted to the executive authorities and public services. In a number of cases, powers are transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. If the object does not fall within the zone of influence of the mentioned body and Rostekhnadzor, the tasks of TR are assigned to the executive branch.

    There is an opinion that industrial sector is self-regulating. This is a misconception, because generally accepted principles apply here. During the inspection process, attention is paid to the legality of the construction (reconstruction) of the object. In other words, actions are controlled construction company. During the verification process, attention is paid to the technical and legal aspects of the verification. The authorized body performs the following tasks: monitors the implementation of current regulations, determines the offense and penalties.

    The main goal is to ensure transparency at all stages of activity, ensure positive dynamics in the development of the construction sector, and accelerate the process of realizing common goals. Supervisory activities also involve performing the following tasks:

    • Organizations construction work.
    • Compliance with the rules for the implementation of various activities (installation or reinforcement).
    • Monitoring the correct application of coatings that protect against corrosion, as well as resolving other issues.

    In order to improve the quality of work, the current regulations define the period for performing inspections, indicate the subjects of supervision, the grounds for carrying out various activities, as well as the criteria for inclusion in the register. A number of issues concern self-regulatory bodies, which are also required to comply with current standards.

    Issuance of permits

    Issues of issuing construction permits are considered in the Land Code, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as legal and a number of other acts. The authority to issue such papers lies with the local (executive) or federal authorities. Here a lot depends on the object of inspection. After completion of construction work, the object is entered into the register. It is worth considering that some structures do not require permission (Article 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) - these are territories that are occupied by linear objects or public areas, cultural heritage monuments and others.

    Previously, the acceptance of buildings included in the housing sector was carried out with the involvement of a special state commission. On modern stage the entry permit is issued under the same structure as the building permit. In the legal sector, the issue is regulated extremely strictly - a register is formed and filled out, and responsible persons are appointed. But inspection authorities have the right to refuse permission to enter or construct. The developer, in turn, has the right to sue.

    Pricing and estimates

    State regulation implies control in the field of prices and preparation estimate documentation. The practice is that in the field of construction (residential and industrial) errors are allowed in the process of calculating the labor force and the applied building material. The task of legal regulation is as follows:

    • Reducing deviations of calculated parameters from real data.
    • Maintaining a register of violations.
    • Separation of power between state and local authorities.
    • Establishment of a system of standards at the federal level.

    In Russia, work on controlling prices and estimates is carried out by the Federal Center, which was specially created to solve such problems. It is subordinate to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Current enforcement measures allow the design organization to accurately determine the funding limit and make a decision based on the amount received.

    Which construction industries are regulated?

    As noted above, government regulation applies to the main sectors of construction - industrial and residential. The essence of such activities is to systematize the work of authorized structures and protect participants in the construction market.

    State regulation includes the following types of regulation - urban planning, regulatory, technical and construction control. Each area of ​​activity has individual nuances in the development of legal norms. For example, state regulation in the field of urban planning is guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Here, all processes are related to the development of suburban and urban areas, including the work of people in this area.

    Construction regulation also includes territorial planning, engineering surveys, urban planning zoning, design, including construction, reconstruction and repair of capital construction projects. State regulation in the urban planning sector implies that a construction company obtains SRO status, as well as control over the activities of the general contractor.

    In addition, in the industrial and residential construction sector, relations that are associated with emergency prevention, taking measures to ensure construction safety, as well as actions to eliminate consequences are monitored.

    Which authorities carry out the regulation?

    The functions of control of construction activities lie on federal bodies authorities. At the present stage, this is the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, which checks and implements government decisions in the field of construction. In addition, the following bodies participate in government regulation:

    • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
    • Federal Service for Nuclear, Technological and Environmental Supervision.
    • Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
    • FSB of the Russian Federation.
    • State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Modern industrial complex Russia was formed under conditions of centralized economic management. During this period, the main goals of its development were established by directive. Heavy industry and the defense complex have become hyper-turfed. Industries and enterprises producing consumer goods developed more slowly. Due to the irrational structure of the economy, the increase in gross social product in 1976-1980 amounted to. 4.2%, in 1981-1985 - 3.3%, in 1986-1989. - 2.8%. The increase in national income used for consumption and accumulation amounted to 3.3%, 3.0% and 2.8%, respectively." Production volumes did not meet needs, which was manifested in a shortage of goods. Their quality was significantly inferior to foreign ones. All this says about the inconsistency of the economic management system with the needs of society. At the same time, it would be wrong to completely deny attempts to rationalize management on the basis of a scientific approach to the formation of industrial policy and the sectoral structure of production. sectoral structure production was regulated by inter-industry balance. In the 70-80s. In the 20th century, attempts were made to reduce the share of accumulation in national income, and measures were taken to develop the production of consumer goods at defense enterprises. Much has been done to implement economic methods management and deployment of economic accounting. But all of them did not affect the foundations of centralized management, the structure of the economy, and did not pursue the goals of carrying out radical measures, the objective prerequisites for which were ripe.
    At the same time, the first decade of market reforms showed that industrial production left to its own devices without government regulation stagnates. The exception now is the energy, raw materials and some other industries working for export. At the same time, consumption of the goods they produce on the domestic market has decreased. Theoretically, it is possible to restructure industry based solely on market mechanisms. However, this will take quite a long time. Russia on social and economic reasons cannot go for this option.
    Currently, market structures in Russia are not interested in long-term investments. Public investment decreased. Predatory exploitation of the previously created production base is underway and natural resources. Interests big business do not coincide with the interests of the state and society. Therefore, structural restructuring on market conditions first leads to stagnation of unclaimed goods. market system or uncompetitive industrial potential and then to its slow renewal. But this is hampered by a lack of investment and international competition, which is reflected in the low rate of economic development and improvement in the standard of living of the population. Solving Russia's social problems requires more effective economic and industrial policies.
    To shorten the period of economic transformation, active use of government regulation is necessary. Contents of industrial management in modern conditions significantly liberalized. But the economic conditions for its functioning are created by the state. It shapes and industrial policy. Government regulation methods are widely used developed countries, especially during periods of economic downturns and crises. They are based on the development of a strategy for the development of national industry, the study of domestic and foreign markets, efficient utilization of natural resources from the state’s point of view, the use and renewal of technological potential based on incentive economic mechanisms, and direct financing of large government investment programs.
    Industrial production is the main source of GDP creation, the mass of goods for domestic consumption and export. In a steadily developing economy, the share of industry in GDP is about 40%. In the economy of the USSR in the late 80s. it reached about 60%. During the period of stable economic development, industrial enterprises employ about 40% of the working population. Therefore, the main task of the government is to preserve, develop and provide support to domestic industry. Based on the volume and role in the formation of GDP, budget and employment, in economic policy Russian industry should be a top priority.
    This was not observed during Russia's transition to a market economy. The processing industry was hit hardest by the economic crisis. For the period 1990-1998. recession industrial production amounted to more than 60%, including more than 80% in mechanical engineering. In 2000-2001 There has been a revival of domestic industry, but its pace is 3.5-4% of achieved level. In 2002, industry growth rates are projected to be 4%. This is about 1.5% compared to the 1990 level. Considering the scale economic downturn, it can be argued that the potential of industrial potential is underutilized.
    Russia's industry is in such a state that its independent revival is impossible. In a period of industrial downturn, stimulus measures are needed state support and regulation, development and implementation of a targeted state industrial policy that optimally takes into account existing economic relations, Russia's long-term interests and participation in the international division of labor.
    Government regulation (especially today) is the main factor in industrial development. But the choice of its directions, the assessment of costs and results in modern conditions should be based on market mechanisms. With their help, it is necessary to implement the principles of efficiency and increase in sales volumes, reproductive orientation and efficiency of innovation investment activities, social outcomes and environmental constraints.
    Currently the system public administration Russia is moving from direct control to economic mechanisms, creating conditions for self-adjustment of production and sales processes. The industrial development strategy is based on the transition to market methods of regulation, which can be effectively implemented with a corresponding marketing concept for industrial development.
    The main functional link in a market economy is industrial enterprises. All regulatory influences are designed to support and stimulate their effective activities. In other words, government regulation is carried out to implement a general effective industrial policy in commodity markets, to create conditions for the effective functioning of enterprises that have adapted to market conditions. It is also necessary for selective support of industries and enterprises with commodity specialization in Russian industry, creating the basis for economic growth, meeting Russia's future domestic and export needs for goods and services. These needs can be satisfied directly through the production and sale of goods consumed on the domestic market or through the exchange of goods on foreign markets.
    The national industry is called upon to successfully compete with imports. For a country like Russia, a positive foreign trade balance should be formed not only on the basis of exports of products from the energy and mining industries, but also taking into account the development of exports of processing industry products for industrial and non-manufacturing purposes, including industries that create high-tech products.
    Industrial policy covers the development of everything commodity production, but its participants are at different stages of using market mechanisms. Therefore, the methods of economic influence on them should be different. For those who have fully adapted to market conditions, it is necessary to create common economic conditions development. Those who are depressed need selective support depending on their national economic importance.
    The state long-term industrial development program, implementing industrial policy, must be implemented state commission with the participation of Ministries economic development and trade, industry and science, finance. It is also important to attract large industrial corporations and resource-providing production systems. The program must be reviewed by the Government of the Russian Federation and approved State Duma who monitor its implementation.

    More on the topic State regulation of industrial development:

    1. 11.2 Interstate regulation of public utility of transnational companies
    2. Interstate regulation of international economic relations.
    4. State regulation of investment activities
    5. State regulation of employment and labor market
    6. State regulation of industrial development
    7. State regulation of sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex
    8. 2. State regulation of regional development
    9. State regulation of insurance activities
    10. 1.1. State credit as an economic category. State regulation of the economy and state credit
    11. § 3. State regulation of intellectual property relations

    - Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and administration - Civil law and process - Monetary law circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law - Electoral law - Investment law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings -

    Explanatory note to Checkpoint No. 3

    Definition characteristic features market and planned economy in economic system

    (establishing the current percentage relationship between the market and the plan)

    The answer to this question should be reduced to filling out Table 1.

    Table 1.

    Primary data for determining the characteristic features of a market and planned economy in an economic system

    Industry Industry share in the economic system, % of GDP Share of people employed in the industry out of the total number of people employed in the economy, % Availability of industry regulation by the state yes / no Description of the current form of competition in the industry
    Agro-industrial complex
    Light industry
    Fuel and energy complex
    Chemical forestry and metallurgical complex
    Mechanical engineering complex
    Military-industrial complex
    Transport and communications
    Other service industries


    The list of industries is formed based on the structure of the national economy of a particular economy. The list provided may not be complete. During execution test work You will need to create your list by industry based on the economic data you receive.

    Industry share in the economic system

    The assessment of the industry in this case is done on the basis of the indicator “GDP by sectors (industries) of the economy.” General logic: volume data is given Country's GDP(taken as common for all industries) ® each industry produces a certain volume of products (also given in in monetary terms) ® we further determine what percentage this part is in the total volume of the country's GDP, that is, % of GDP. This will make it possible to determine exactly what place (in terms of scale) the industry occupies in the country’s economy.

    Predominant type of ownership

    Since we are talking about assessing the relationship between the market and the plan, that is, how self-regulating (decentralized) or centralized the system is, we establish the relationship according to two forms of ownership: private and state. ONLY FOR THEM!!! There should not be anything personal, intellectual or even social in the presentation, even if you can identify them in the course of describing the system (you simply leave them without attention).

    How to determine the ratio? It is possible that the percentage of private and state ownership will initially be given by industry. It is also possible to indicate the percentage of state-owned enterprises (they operate on the basis of state ownership) in the total volume of enterprises in the industry (also taken as an equivalent percentage of state ownership).

    Share of people employed in the industry from the total number of people employed in the economy

    Most likely, the number of employees will be indicated in absolute numbers (that is, in thousands of people). In this case, the algorithm is as follows: if the total number of employees in the economy is not initially given, then sum up all absolute values ​​by industry, that is, 100% of employees ® calculate what percentage (share) in total number is the number of employees in a particular industry ® after filling out the entire table, you will be able to understand which sector of the economy this or that industry belongs to, therefore you will be able to find what share of employees is in the private and public sectors ® one of the characteristics for the desired market-plan relationship.

    Availability of industry regulation by the state

    It is important to remember that government regulation can be divided into two types: direct and indirect. If you answer this question in the table “yes”, you must indicate in brackets the type of regulation with an explanation. For example, yes (direct, 63% of demand in this industry is generated by government orders).

    Direct influence methods imply such regulation by the state in which the behavior of economic entities is based not on independent choice, but on clear instructions of the state. They assume direct subordination of enterprises to the state. Direct methods include: state order (if > 25% of the state order in the demand system, then the industry is already regulated), targeted programs, nationalization of the economy (expanding the scale of state ownership), management state property and lawmaking.