The income part includes. The state budget

The content of the article

THE STATE BUDGET– 1) a centralized fund of monetary resources at the disposal of the state intended for financial support of the activities of the state and local governments; 2) the financial plan of the state, which has the status of law for the corresponding financial year. Is the central link budget system modern countries.

History of state budgets.

The prototype of the state budget appeared simultaneously with the emergence of the first states. At first, the state budget coincided with the income and expenses of personal funds available to the head of state (king, shah, emperor, prince). Only in the modern era was the state budget separated from the personal funds of the ruler: a revenue system began to be built (taxes, fees, income from state property) and expenses (yard, army and navy, law enforcement, public administration) related only to public administration.

To imagine a typical budget of pre-capitalist states, consider a list of income and expenses of Muscovite Rus' in 1680, under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, brother of Peter I. The amount of income was 1.5 million rubles, the largest part of the income (49%) was indirect income (mainly customs and tavern duties), direct taxes accounted for 44% (the largest item was emergency taxes - 16%). Almost half of the income went to military needs (more than 46%). The courtyard absorbed 15% of the budget, and communications - 5%. Russian budget has always been primarily a military budget, since Russia fought continuous wars. Under Peter I, military spending increased even more: if in 1680 700 thousand rubles were spent on the army, then by 1725 the expenditure on the land army was more than 5 million rubles, and on the navy another 1.5 million rubles, which was at least 2/3 of the budget.

The situation when the army and the state apparatus “seized” most of the treasury is quite typical for all ancient and medieval states. For example, in Byzantium, the total share of these expenses consistently amounted to 80–90% (Table 1).

Table 1. Expenditures on the state apparatus and army in the budget of the Byzantine Empire
300 g. 540 g 641 842 1025
To the state apparatus 9 10 13 16 14
For the army 81 71 78 65 70
TOTAL 90 81 91 81 84

Transparency and openness of the budget, and indeed the budget itself in its true sense, developed only with the development of parliamentarism. Under an absolute monarchy, when the head of state is not responsible to anyone, the budget has only the form of an estimate, i.e. records of income and expenses. With the advent of popular representation, subjects inevitably face the question: what is the considerable money that they pay to the treasury spent on? If an autocratic monarch could spend funds at his own discretion (for example, Anna Ioanovna spent more on the stable of her favorite Biron than on healthcare and education in Russia combined - cm. Table 2), now the government had to necessarily coordinate expenses and revenues with parliament. Many revolutions (including the English Revolution of the 17th century and the Great French Revolution of the 18th century) began precisely with people's dissatisfaction with the government's budget policy.

Another incentive that contributed to the development budget practice, were a complication government functions and the separation of government agencies. To achieve their strategic goals, they need to know exactly how much money they will have on hand next year.

In countries where there was no parliamentary system (such as the Russian Empire of the 19th century), the demands of foreign creditors played a large role in the disclosure of budget information. As in lending to enterprises, when the lender requires balance sheet to assess the borrower’s creditworthiness, and when lending to the state foreign banks demanded that its “balance sheet”—the state budget—be made public.

During the 20th century. in the budgets of all countries of the world the social component has increased: most of the expenditures of a typical modern state budget are expenditures on health care, education and social protection citizens.

Table 2. Expenditures of the state budget of the Russian Empire in 1734.
Expense name rub. % of the state budget.
1. Contents of the Empress, total 408 000 5,23
yard 260 000
imperial stable 100 000
relatives of the empress 48 000
2. State and local government 332 031 4,25
salary for senior officials 96 082
salaries of office employees 153 688
expenses by institution 17 072
customs and port officials 14 332
provincial employees 36 525
travel and office expenses in the province 14 465
3. Law enforcement and prisons 11 494 0,15
police 9 748
prisoners and exiles feed 1 746
44. Foreign policy and assistance to friendly states (Georgia, etc.) 131 311 1,68
5. Healthcare 16 006 0,21
6. Education and science 51 871 0,66
Admiralty Academy and Academy of Sciences 47 371
surveyors and school teachers 4 500
7. Social protection 79 972 1,02
beggars and veterans 41 876
pensions 38 096
8. Construction 256 813 3,29
9. Purchasing salt abroad 14 792 0,19
10. Armed forces 6 505 154 83,32
army 4 935 154 63,21
Navy 1 200 000 15,37
artillery 370 000 4,74
Total 7 807 577 100
Source: Soloviev S.M. Essays. In 18 books. Book X. History of Russia since ancient times. T. 19 – 20/ Rep. ed.: I. D. Kovalchenko, S. S. Dmitriev. M.: Mysl, 1993. P. 468, 680–682

Budget process.

The actions of executive and representative authorities to develop and implement fiscal policy and manage the country's budget system are called the budget process. Its universal patterns can be considered using the example of our country ( cm. Rice. 1).

The following stages are distinguished: budget process:

– budget forecasting;

– budgeting

– consideration and approval of the draft budget;

– execution of the budget within budget year;

– analysis and control of budget execution.

Budget forecasting.

The goal is to develop and justify optimal ways for budget development based on current trends and socio-economic conditions.


determination of the amount of funds necessary to financially support the functions assigned to the bodies state power and local government. The draft state (federal) budget is developed by the Ministry of Finance. In our country, this work begins in January of the previous year. At the first stage of the formation of the draft budget, scenario conditions for socio-economic development for the next year are developed. After their approval by the Government, the Ministry of Finance develops the main characteristics of income and expenses federal budget for the planned year. At the second stage, distribution occurs budget funds by article budget classification, as well as their targeted distribution among the main managers of budget funds.

IN modern Russia these activities must be completed by July 15th. After this, until August 15, the Government and other executive authorities study the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and the draft federal budget, making changes and additions.

Budget review.

consists of several stages . At the first stage, the Government submits the budget for consideration to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. At the second stage, the Council of the State Duma sends the bill to the State Duma Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance. There, the materials are reviewed by deputies with the participation of officials, economists, and scientists. At the third stage, the draft federal budget is sent to the President, other committees of the State Duma, as well as to the Accounts Chamber for conclusion. In it, the Accounts Chamber describes the results of an audit of the legality and validity of expenses and income included in the draft federal budget. After consideration of the budget in parliamentary committees, it is submitted to meetings of the State Duma, which adopts it in four readings.

In the first reading

The State Duma discusses its general qualitative characteristics: the concept and forecast of socio-economic development Russian Federation for the next financial year, the main directions of the budget and tax policy for the next financial year, basic principles and calculations on the relationship between the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft state program external borrowings of the Russian Federation in terms of sources of external financing of the federal budget deficit, as well as the main characteristics of the federal budget, which include:

– federal budget revenues by groups, subgroups and articles of classification of budget revenues of the Russian Federation;

– distribution of income from federal taxes and fees between the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

– the federal budget deficit in absolute numbers and as a percentage of federal budget expenditures for the next financial year and sources of covering the federal budget deficit;

– the total volume of federal budget expenditures for the next financial year.

In the second reading

his expenses are approved by section functional classification expenditures of the budgets of the Russian Federation within the total volume of expenditures of the federal budget approved in the first reading, and the amount Federal Fund financial support for constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The State Duma considers the said bill in the second reading within 15 days from the date of its adoption in the first reading.

In the third reading

The State Duma approves federal budget expenditures, classifying into subsections what budget funds should be spent on and who should carry out these expenditures. The State Duma considers the draft law on the federal budget for the next financial year within 25 days from the date of adoption of this bill in the second reading.

In the fourth reading

The Duma is considering amendments to the law, as well as the quarterly distribution of income, expenses and deficit.

State budget approval.

Adopted by the State Duma the federal law transferred to the Federation Council. After its adoption by the Federation Council, it is signed by the President and made public.

Budget execution

- these are actions to find and use budget funds. Since 1992, Russia has introduced treasury execution of the federal budget, i.e. there is a single body for budget execution - Federal Treasury. If in the process of budget execution it is necessary to change any of its articles, then these changes are adopted in the form of a law. This deprives the Government of the Russian Federation of the opportunity to freely manipulate funds and change budget priorities without coordination with the State Duma.

Control over budget execution.

An important stage of the budget process is control over budget execution. Control over the execution of the state budget is carried out by representative authorities (parliamentary control) and executive authorities (administrative control).

In Russia, parliamentary control is exercised by the Accounts Chamber created by the Federal Assembly, which conducts audits in ministries, departments and enterprises related to the formation and execution of the federal budget, as well as the use of budget funds. It submits quarterly reports to Parliament on the progress of budget execution and gives an annual opinion on the Government's report on the execution of the state budget.

Budget systems abroad

are built according to approximately the same basic principles as in Russia. There are six principles:

1) the principle of adoption of the budget by a representative body of government - in most countries, budgets are adopted in the form of a law, and in the USA, Finland and some other countries, parliamentary approval is required to approve the budget;

2) the principle of completeness - all government income and expenses are reflected in the budget in full (of course, this is an ideal requirement - in practice there are often some secret expenses, the contents of which the government does not detail);

3) principle of budget unity – uniformity of all budget documentation and classification (in Russia, the first budget classification was introduced in 1812);

4) the principle of priority of mandatory expenditures - the implementation of government expenditures approved by law is not made dependent on the amount of income received (this is why budget deficits often arise);

5) the principle of annual budget approval - budgets, as a rule, are prepared for a year;

6) the principle of budgetary balance - balance (at least approximately) of the expenditure and revenue parts of the budget.

The beginning of the financial year differs in different countries:

State budget structure.

The budget system depends on the form of government and administrative structure of the country. In unitary states, the budget system consists of two main links - state and local budgets, in federal ones - from three - the federal budget, the budgets of the subjects (parts) of the federation and local budgets. Sometimes local budgets are in turn divided into separate levels. This division exists, for example, in the USA.

In accordance with Article 10 Budget Code The Russian Federation budget system of modern Russia consists of budgets of three levels:

Federal budget and budgets of state extra-budgetary funds;

Budgets of federal subjects and budgets of territorial extra-budgetary funds

Local budgets.

An extra-budgetary fund is a fund of funds formed outside the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the federation and intended to realize the rights of citizens to pension provision, social insurance, social security in case of unemployment, health care and medical assistance.

The totality of the budget of a subject of the Russian Federation and the budgets of its constituent municipalities is called consolidated budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation this is the sum of the federal budget and the consolidated budgets of 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The structure of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation is presented in Figure 2.

The term “state budget” is used in two senses. In the first case, they mean only the federal budget - the budget of the central government. Sometimes The consolidated budget of the Russian Federation is also called the “state budget”. A similar approach emerged in Soviet time, when all lower-level budgets were included in the state budget of the USSR. Therefore, they try not to use this term so as not to create confusion.

The structure of the Russian federal budget is presented in Table. 3 and Fig. 2 and 3.

Before the government reforms of 1993–1997 in Russia, local budgets were also divided into budgets:

– cities of republican, regional, regional, district subordination;

– regional;

– cities of regional subordination;

– village;

– rural.

At the moment, local budgets are unified, however, after the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", Russia will return to the global and Soviet practice of several levels of local budgets, which will be divided into:

– settlement budgets;

– budgets of municipal districts;

– budgets of city districts.

This division of budget funds will better take into account the interests of the population and, therefore, increase their efficiency.

Table 3. Revenues and expenses of the Russian state budget

In the United States, the federal budget system is in many ways similar to the Russian one. It is divided into three levels - federal budget, state budgets, local budgets. In turn, the latter consist of the budgets of counties, municipalities, city governments, school districts and special districts. The structure of the US consolidated budget is shown in Table. 4.

Over the past decades, the US federal budget has grown significantly (from 1980 to 2002 alone - 4 times). The structure of income and expenditure of the US federal budget is shown in Table. 5 and 6.

Income items billion rubles Expenditure billion rubles
Tax revenues, 2 071,385 Public debt servicing 287,570
of them:
income taxes 164,587 Financial assistance to other budgets of the budget system 813,970
taxes on goods and services (VAT, excise taxes 1 088,390 National defense and weapons 430,185
payments for the use of natural resources 279,381 Education, healthcare, culture, science, media 203,854
foreign trade taxes 532,538 Social politics 161,194
other taxes 6,489 Courts, law enforcement 343,828
Civil Defense and Emergency 2, environment 38,651
Organization National economy 149,000
Functioning of authorities and international activities 122,052
Trust funds 1 14,061
Table 4. US fiscal system (1952-2002)
Table 4. US BUDGET SYSTEM (1952-2002)
Budget type 1952 1962 1972 1982 1992 2002
Total budgets: 116807 91237 78269 81831 85006 87576
Federal 1 1 1 1 1 1
States 50 1 50 50 50 50 50
Local: 116756 91186 78218 81780 84955 87525
Counties 3052 3043 3044 3041 3043 3034
Municipalities 16807 18000 18517 19076 19279 19429
Cities 17202 17142 16991 16734 16656 16504
School districts 67355 34678 15781 14851 14422 13506
Special districts 12340 18323 23885 28078 31555 35052
1 Includes Alaska and Hawaii, which became states in 1959.

Leading link financial system of any country is the state budget. State budget- is a collection financial relations arising between the state and individuals and legal entities regarding the creation, distribution, and use of national funds of funds. The state budget is more often defined as an annual estimate (list) of state revenues and expenses.

The structure of the budget is determined by the state structure. In countries with a unitary structure, it includes central and local budgets. In states with a federal structure, there is also an intermediate link: the budgets of states (USA), lands (Germany), republics (Russia).

The central budget concentrates the bulk of the state's funds, which are used to finance national needs. Its expenditure and revenue parts can be used to regulate the economy.

Local budget funds are intended to solve problems within the competence of local authorities authorities. A significant share of them, as a rule, is directed to the development of economic and social infrastructure region.

The most important principle of building a budget is the principle of unity. It means that the country has one budget, which combines all government expenditures and revenues. Recently, this principle has been increasingly abandoned, which is manifested in the creation of state extra-budgetary funds, and the formation, in some cases, of a special, emergency budget within the state budget. The principle of completeness involves taking into account all costs and revenues for each budget item. The principle of truthfulness is directed against falsification of budget statements; The principle of transparency means that the government is obliged to publish the budget and report on its implementation.

The budget performs the following functions:

  • distribution (from 20 to 60% of national income is redistributed through the state budget)
  • control (the movement of budget resources reports on financial condition economy and allows you to control it)
  • regulatory (changes in state budget expenditures and revenues make it possible to mitigate the decline in production, reduce the unemployment rate, i.e. stabilize the economy)

Typically, the state budget is prepared for the year. In a number of countries, the timing of the budget year does not coincide with the calendar year. In the UK, Japan, Canada it starts on April 1, in the USA - from October 1.

Budget expenses and revenues.

The budget consists of expenditure and revenue parts and each country has its own characteristics. Budget expenditures are related to the functions of the state and show directions budget allocations. Central budget expenditures in the CIS countries are divided into the following groups:

  • financing of the national economy, socio-cultural events, defense, management
  • expenses related to foreign economic activity, servicing public debt

Each group consists of specific types of costs, which are classified according to their intended purpose. Thus, the first group includes costs for government capital investments, subsidies, etc. Until recently, expenditures on financing the national economy were the most significant. However, as we move to market economy their share is decreasing and the costs associated with financing socio-cultural events are coming to the fore. Costs for social and cultural events include costs for education, healthcare, culture, social security, etc. Classifying expenses according to their intended purpose helps control the use of budget funds. The largest budget expenditure items in countries with market economies are:

  • maintaining income levels (pensions for the disabled, disabled people, assistance to the unemployed living below the poverty line, etc.)
  • national defense
  • education and health
  • payment of interest on government debt
  • etc.

The main source of budget revenue is taxes. They account for 80 to 90% of central budget revenues. In local budgets developed countries taxes account for up to 50% of all revenues.

Each tax is legally assigned to the government and local authorities. The largest taxes, as a rule, are at the disposal of the government, smaller ones are sent by local authorities to local budgets, and in some cases - to off-budget funds.

In many countries, when drawing up budgets, the excess of expenses over income is taken into account, which makes government borrowing the second most important source of income. The size of loans, like taxes, can be set when planning the budget. They are of greatest importance for the execution of the central budget.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, revenue from the sale of state property may become a source of income.

And now I want to look at its main financial document - the state budget. After reading this article, you will learn what the state budget is, how and why it is formed, what the income and expenses of the state budget are made up of, and much more. useful information about this theme. More on all this below in order.

The essence of the state budget.

The state, like any business entity, has its own budget. Moreover, in view of the scale of its activities, the state budget can also be called the most serious and large-scale financial document.

The state budget - this is a financial plan for the country’s income and expenses for the next period (usually a calendar year), which is adopted at the legislative level and subsequently implemented, but may be subject to adjustments.

In each country, before the start of a new calendar year, a budget for the next year is adopted, which is detailed in the Budget Law. This Law, like others regulations countries, is mandatory, but if it is impossible to implement it, various types of additions (amendments) are adopted to the Budget Law.

Budgets can coexist in a state different levels, for example, the country's budget, regional/regional budgets, city budgets, etc.

Functions of the state budget.

Let's consider the main functions of the state budget, that is, why it is adopted at all.

  1. Planning income and expenses for the coming year;
  2. Regulation of financial flows in the state;
  3. Informing the population and business entities about economic policy for the coming year.

In fact, the state budget is an indicator of the state’s implementation of its functions: it is with the help of the budget that issues of macroeconomic regulation in the country are resolved. Thanks to the budget, the income and expenses of economic entities in the state, including the population, are formed, the volumes of production and trade are regulated, and various reserve funds are formed. The state budget most directly influences the formation of the most important countries.

Here are just the most key points that are affected by the state budget:

  • Investments (inflow and outflow of capital);
  • Real incomes of citizens;
  • Price level;
  • Level of money supply in circulation;
  • Inflation rate;
  • Loan rates;
  • Exchange rate;
  • Export and import volumes.

State budget deficit and surplus.

We always try to plan revenues and expenses of the state budget so that they coincide. If such an equality is obtained, then this is balanced budget. However, in practice, ideal equality is practically impossible to achieve, so the budget can be adopted with a deficit or surplus.

State budget deficit- This is the excess of expenditure over revenue. The resulting difference is the size of the deficit.

State budget surplus- this is the excess of revenue over expenditure. The resulting difference is the size of the surplus.

Of course, a budget deficit is a more negative phenomenon than a surplus, because it must be covered by something: this could be additional money issue, external or internal loans, spending reserve funds, etc. But a budget surplus that is too large is also undesirable - this will indicate an inability to correctly distribute received income.

Now let's briefly look at the structure of state budget revenues and expenditures.

State budget revenues.

State budget revenues– these are the funds that are planned to be received into the budget during the planned period.

First of all, state budget revenues can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Tax revenues- everything required by law tax payments: taxes, fees of different levels, penalties, fines.
  2. Non-tax revenues– payments to the budget not related to taxes and fees: rent, income from the privatization of state property, profit of state enterprises, revenue from the provision of paid services, redistribution of funds from budgets of other levels, financial assistance, interest on deposits, income from valuable papers etc.
  3. Income of target budget funds.

As a rule, the first category is significantly predominant.

In addition, state budget revenues can be divided into:

  • Own– revenues assigned specifically to the state budget;
  • Regulatory– revenues received by budgets of other levels with the obligatory transfer of part of the funds to the general budget of the country.

State budget expenditures.

State budget expenses– these are funds that are planned to be paid from the budget during the planned period. Expenses are paid from income.

All state budget expenses can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Capital Expenditures- this is actually an investment - investing money in various assets, projects, with the aim of their development and further profit. In particular, this category of costs includes expenses for scientific activities and innovations.
  2. Current expenses– expenses for current activities, ensuring the functioning of the state apparatus, government and budgetary institutions different levels.

The higher the share of the first category in the structure of the state budget, the higher the country’s development prospects.

Also, state budget expenditures can be classified according to the areas of spending:

  • Education expenses;
  • Health care costs;
  • Defense spending;
  • Social expenses;
  • Expenses for repayment and servicing of internal and external debts;
  • Expenses for the formation of state reserves;
  • Expenses for state support sectors of the national economy;
  • Etc.

Now you have a certain idea of ​​what the state budget is, how it is formed, what it consists of, what functions it provides. I think that the information will always be useful for a more competent interpretation of economic news and understanding the essence of many processes occurring in the state’s economy.

That's all. See you in other publications on - a site where you can level up financial literacy and learn a lot of interesting and useful information in the field of finance and economics.

Government expenditures are monetary relations that arise at the final stage of the distribution process in connection with the use of funds financial resources subjects economic relations in order to finance the basic costs of expanded reproduction and meet other social needs.

The specificity of the public purpose of government spending is to ensure financing of government activities.

The volume and structure of government spending in GDP depend on many factors: the stage of social development, external and domestic policy state, level of well-being of the population, size public sector in economics and others. In addition, the wider the functions of the state, the more resources are needed to implement them. If in slaveholding and feudal states the state's expenses consisted mainly of the costs of maintaining the squad and military campaigns, as well as the private expenses of the sovereign, then with the development productive forces V modern conditions government expenditures are significant in ensuring financing of such state functions as economic, social, managerial, environmental, and military. According to public purposes, state expenditures are divided into the following groups:

1. Expenditures for social needs. Such expenses include expenses for health care, education, social security, and social insurance.

2. Foreign economic expenses are associated with the fact that the state in one way or another helps the manufacturer to break into the market. These are direct subsidies to companies from the budget, exemption of exporters from taxes, provision of credit to the exporter or importer for preferential terms, export insurance, etc. This group also includes government costs for the implementation of various international treaties, cultural, scientific and other connections.

3. Economic expenditures are of great national economic importance: they contribute to the structural restructuring of social production, building up scientific and technical potential, modernizing enterprises and technical re-equipment of all industries. Investments are spent on financing infrastructure sectors, which require huge capital investments because they are low-profit; financing new progressive industries, unprofitable industries (coal mining, Agriculture), scientific research work, especially fundamental research.

4. Expenditures on the country's defense (military expenses), which include the costs of maintaining personnel, weapons, material and technical equipment, construction of military facilities, military research and development, pensions for military personnel and members of their families, etc. There are indirect military expenses, i.e. expenses for eliminating the consequences of war and militarization, pensions and benefits for war participants, and for economic restoration.

Hidden military expenses include research expenses, expenses for preparing for mobilization activities, and preparing the population in case of war.

5. Management costs include maintenance costs legislative bodies, government, local authorities and administration, police, judicial authorities and prosecutor's office.

According to their role in the reproduction process, federal budget expenditures are classified into productive ones, which are associated with financing material production, and unproductive, which go to maintain the non-productive sphere.

Depending on the nature of the needs, expenses are divided into ordinary and emergency. Ordinary ones meet constant needs and are renewed every financial year. Emergencies are caused by random and changing needs. In financial science, it was recognized that ordinary expenses are covered by ordinary income (taxes, duties and others), and emergency ones - through emergency revenues (sale of state property or the conclusion of a loan).

According to their intended purpose, state expenses are divided into three groups: current expenses, capital expenses, as well as expenses associated with the formation and maintenance of insurance and reserve funds. Each group of expenses is approved separately. Current budget expenditures represent the part of budget expenditures that ensures the current functioning of state authorities, local governments, budgetary institutions, state support for other budgets and individual sectors of the economy in the form of grants, subsidies and subventions for the current functioning, as well as other budget expenditures.

The provision of budget funds is carried out in the form of:

Allocations for the maintenance of budgetary institutions;

Funds to pay for goods, works and services performed by individuals and legal entities under state or municipal contracts;

Transfers to the population, including allocations for the implementation by local governments of mandatory payments to the population;

funds for the implementation of certain state powers transferred to other levels of government;

Provisions for compensation additional expenses arising as a result of decisions taken by government bodies and leading to an increase budget expenditures;

Budget loans legal entities;

Subventions and grants to individuals and legal entities;

Budget loans, grants, subventions, and subsidies to budgets of other levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds;

Loans to foreign countries;

Funds for servicing and repaying debt obligations, including state or municipal guarantees.

Capital expenditures of budgets represent expenses that provide innovative and investment activity. They include expense items intended for investment in existing or newly created legal entities in accordance with the approved investment program. In addition, they include funds provided as budget loans for investment purposes to legal entities, expenses for capital (restoration) repairs and others, expenses associated with expanded reproduction, as well as expenses during the implementation of which the property located in property, respectively, of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities.

The expenditure side of budgets at all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation provides for the creation of reserve funds. The size of reserve funds in the federal budget cannot exceed 3% of approved federal budget expenditures.

The size of reserve funds in the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is established by the legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation when approving budgets for the next financial year.

The reserve funds are used to finance unforeseen expenses, including emergency restoration work to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and other emergencies that occurred in the current financial year. The federal budget provides for the creation reserve fund President of the Russian Federation in the amount of no more than 1% of approved federal budget expenditures. The funds from this fund are used to finance unforeseen expenses, as well as additional expenses provided for by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and on the basis of his written order.

Among the federal budget expenses, a special place is occupied by the costs of routine maintenance of state internal and external debt. It occurs when a government loan is used to cover budget deficit. Its appearance is associated with the excess of budget expenditures over its income, i.e. the state becomes a borrower financial resources or among the population, banks and enterprises, in which case an internal state debt, or from another state or international financial organizations, then external public debt arises.

If a federal law or other legal act is adopted that provides for the introduction of new types of budget expenditures that were not financed by any budget before the adoption of the legislative act, this legal act must contain rules defining the sources and procedure for financing new types of budget expenditures.

The state performs its functions either directly through the system of governing bodies, or through enterprises, organizations, and institutions belonging to it.

Government expenditures are carried out from various funds: both centralized (budgets of various levels and state extra-budgetary funds) and decentralized (funds of state-owned enterprises). State centralized government expenditures remain decisive, and the state budget is a form of formation and expenditure of funds to ensure the functions of public authorities.

The set of specific types of government expenditures, closely interrelated, constitutes a system of government expenditures. The organizational structure of this system is based on certain principles established by the state. The most important of them include: targeted allocation of funds, irrevocability of spending public resources, free of charge, compliance with the economy regime, control over their use.

Targeted allocation of funds means that government spending is carried out strictly for its intended purpose in accordance with the areas of spending provided for in financial plans. The main target areas of government spending in the commercial sector are capital investments and financing working capital, in non-profit - wage, costs of ongoing maintenance, capital investments and the like.

The state sets the priority of certain needs, regulating the order of their satisfaction, based on economic policy and available resources.

The principle of irrevocability of spending public resources means that funds used to finance the national economy, social and other purposes do not require mandatory reimbursement. However, following this principle does not mean that one can be indifferent to the outcome of the use of public resources. The procedure and conditions for their investment should be such as to contribute to the development of the economy and culture, increased labor productivity and growth of national income, and ultimately lead to a general increase in public financial resources.

Free means that the allocation of budget funds is made without paying the state any income in the form of interest or other types of payment for allocations.

Achieving the greatest effectiveness in the process of implementing public expenditures corresponds to such a principle of their organization as adherence to the economy regime. It can be characterized as a system of forms and methods of consistent minimization of costs relative to the result obtained. This principle is not always associated with cutting costs, but necessarily involves their most appropriate implementation.

Control is aimed at combating mismanagement and waste, at observing the law and the requirements of financial discipline when spending funds.

The state budget- one of the instruments of state regulation of the economy, the main financial plan for the formation and use of a centralized fund of state funds.

The main elements of the state budget are revenues and expenses. Revenue includes taxes and fees; expenses include financing the economy, socio-cultural programs, defense and administration.

Balance of budget revenues means the equality of its income and expenses. If expenses exceed income, then there is a deficit, and if income exceeds expenses, there is a surplus or surplus.

Government procurement is the government's demand for goods and services. Social payments (transfers) are payments that are made without the corresponding provision of any goods and services to their recipients.

Principles for constructing the state budget:

1. Unity of the budget system (unity of budget legislation, monetary system, budget classification and policy, forms of budget documents and reporting).

2. Distinction of income and expenses between levels of the budget system.

3. Independence of budgets at all levels (each has its own sources of funds, its own expenses).

4. Balanced budget (no deficit).

5. Effective and economical use of budget funds.

6. Reliability of the budget (reliability of indicators and their adequacy to the economic situation).

7. Completeness of reflection of budget income and expenses.

8. Publicity.

9. Targeted and targeted use of budget funds.

State budget policy- is a set of activities in the field of organization budgetary relations in order to provide the state with funds to perform the functions assigned to it.

Budget policy involves defining goals and objectives in the field of public finance, developing a mechanism for mobilizing funds into the budget, choosing directions for using budget funds, managing public finances, the tax and budget system, and organizing the regulation of economic and social processes using fiscal instruments.

In accordance with the intended goals, tasks, which determine the strategic directions and guidelines of budget policy. Typically this is:

· concentration of financial resources on solving priority issues;

· reduction tax burden on the economy;

· streamlining government obligations;

· creation of an effective system of interbudgetary relations and public finance management.

Budget policy is the core of the state's economic policy and reflects all its financial relationships with public institutions and citizens.

The main instruments for carrying out state budget policy are, first of all, fiscal levers such as taxes, government spending, transfers, government purchases and government loans.

According to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on budget policy for the next year is an integral element of the procedure for preparing the federal budget. The budget message sets strategic and short-term guidelines for budget policy, consistent with the general goals and objectives of the state’s economic policy, which are decisive in medium-term budget planning and in drawing up the draft federal budget for the next year.

Budget deficit- the excess of budget expenditures over its revenues. When revenues exceed expenses, a budget surplus occurs.

The causes of a budget deficit can be:

    Increase in government spending due to structural restructuring of the economy and the need for industrial development.

    Reduction in state budget revenues during the economic crisis.

    Extraordinary circumstances (wars, riots, major disasters, natural disasters)

    Ineffectiveness of the state's financial system.

    Political populism, expressed in the growth of social programs that are not backed by financial resources.

    Corruption in the public sector.

    Ineffectiveness of tax policy, causing an increase in the shadow sector of the economy.

Budget deficits can be classified according to a number of criteria.

By nature of occurrence random or valid. Random (cash) budget deficits are usually caused by temporary gaps in the receipt and expenditure of funds. Random deficits are mainly characteristic of local budgets, since they are more dependent on one source of financing. The actual deficit is explained by the irreparable lag between the growth of budget revenues and the growth of expenditures. The actual deficit is set in the budget law for the financial year as a limit, but may turn out to be higher or lower during the budget execution process.

By duration, the budget deficit may be chronic or temporary. Chronic deficits recur in the budget year after year. Most often, chronic shortages are a consequence of a prolonged economic crisis. A temporary shortage may not last that long. It is not so dangerous for the economy and occurs due to random fluctuations in income and expenses. The problem is that a temporary deficit, if mismanaged, can also develop into a chronic one.

In relation to the plan, the budget deficit May be planned that is, provided for by the legislative act on the budget or unscheduled due to an unexpected increase in expenses or a sharp decrease in income.

Taking into account the costs of servicing the state debt, the budget deficit may be primary or secondary. The primary deficit is the net excess of budget expenditures over revenues. A secondary budget deficit does not imply an excess of expenses over revenues, but is explained by the presence of additional expenses for interest servicing of an existing budget debt.

The state budget- a document describing the income and expenses of a particular state, usually for the year (from January 1 to December 31).

Functions of the state budget:

    Regulates cash flows state, strengthens ties between the center and the subjects of the federation

    Legally controls government actions

    Provides information about government intentions to economic participants

    Determines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework for possible government actions

The state budget serves as a prerequisite and financial basis for the functioning of the state and the implementation by it of those functions that society has authorized it to perform. With the help of the budget, issues of financial regulation are resolved at the macro level and throughout the economy. Economic significance The budget lies in the fact that it forms a significant part of the final demand (at the expense of its funds, most of the income from the population is generated, large volumes of products are purchased, and state reserves are created). Significant financial flows pass through the budget; it directly influences the formation of important economic indicators(Fig. 27):

Rice. 27. Impact of the state budget on key economic indicators:

State budget revenues:

    Taxes on income of legal entities and individuals

    Receipts from real sector(income tax)

    Receipt of indirect taxes and excise taxes

    Duties and non-tax charges

    Regional and local taxes

State budget expenditures:


    Social politics


    Public Administration

    International activity

  • Law enforcement