“Tsar Apartment”: why does Shuvalov need a floor in a Stalinist high-rise building? Navalny spoke about plans to attach the lobby to the “Shuvalov apartments” on Kotelnicheskaya Shuvalov apartments for 600 million investigation

Alexei Navalny's FBK discovered that Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov bought an entire floor in a house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment; this property does not appear in the declaration - the politician published a new investigation on his blog.

In the photo - the Stalin skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, a residential building where the apartments have five-meter ceilings, marble, panoramic views of the Kremlin.

As Navalny writes, more than a year ago, FBK began receiving messages and letters from residents, they wrote that some high-ranking person was buying apartments in this building.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation decided to check all 700 apartments and find out who might be behind the purchase. It turned out that a certain gentleman purchased the central apartment in the main tower in 2014, and then month after month began buying neighboring apartments one after another.

In 2014 I bought 5 apartments. In 2015, he became the owner of four more. Just recently, in May 2016, I bought another one. Total - 10 in two years.

The most important: all apartments are located on the same (14th) floor and adjacent to each other .

Kotlyarenko and Shuvalov are classmates. Since 1999, Kotlyarenko’s career has been inextricably linked with one official - Igor Shuvalov. Shuvalov arranged for him to work wherever he himself served as an official.

And in parallel, Kotlyarenko was entrusted with an even more important function.

He monitored and managed all the Shuvalov family assets (it has been written in detail about where these assets came from). Even before the Deputy Prime Minister allegedly transferred them to Russia. The shares of the famous offshore Severin, owned by housewife Olga Shuvalova, bear the signature of this particular Kotlyarenko.

Previously, Shuvalov allegedly transferred all his assets to a blind trust in order to avoid a conflict of interest prohibited by the civil service; Kotlyarenko is also the “independent” manager of Shuvalov’s assets. Here is the Profdir company, 100% owned by Kotlyarenko:

Below is a list of companies managed by Profdir. All three are directly owned by Shuvalov or members of his family. Companies directly owned by Shuvalov are managed by Kotlyarenko’s company:

This is what the diagram of all the apartments bought by Kotlyarenko looks like.

The first apartment was purchased in April 2014, immediately after the annexation of Crimea and the start of the war in Eastern Ukraine. The area of ​​the first apartment is 142 m2. The next month we bought a small apartment on the right, and a month later the one next door. In both cases, the previous residents moved to apartments on other floors of the same building. In October 2014, we bought an apartment to the left of the largest one. In 2015, there were 3 more apartments in the same wing and the missing one in the right. Thus, the entire central part of the building and adjacent apartments were purchased by the end of 2015. Just recently, in May 2016, Kotlyarenko bought another apartment, on the same floor, but with a different elevator landing (the leftmost one in the picture). Apparently, the purchase is not over, and in the near future the buyers will be able to collect a royal flush of 17 apartments on the floor, Navalny suggests.

In almost every case (8 out of 10), the old residents simply moved to the same apartments on other floors of the high-rise. As the residents and neighbors themselves wrote, everyone moved more than voluntarily. New apartments were offered with renovation and additional payment. No haggling was required; the buyer agreed to any conditions.

Apparently, 10 apartments will be combined into one huge one. Or more than ten, the buying process is clearly not completed yet. The combined apartment of 1000 m2, taking into account the history of the house, panoramic views, marble entrances and fresh renovation of the entire building, will probably become the most expensive and impressive apartment in the capital.

Next, Navalny publishes an example of another similar investment by Shuvalov. The house is located at the very beginning of the street. Kosygin, quite famous and called “Kosygin’s house”, since the latter lived in it. Some relatives, by the way, still live.

The story is like a carbon copy only three years ago. Three apartments are bought in one month. Two neighboring ones with a total area of ​​322 m2 and one several floors below with a total area of ​​152 m2.

Everyone is already pretty tired of the meme, but today we have a wonderful reason to return to it. Look, so to speak, from a new angle.

Everyone probably thought, “in the end, the officials have become brutish in their palaces and state dachas and are laughing at ordinary apartments.” That's exactly how it is. The Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the economy was amused by the fact that it is possible to live on 20 m 2. And even take out a mortgage to buy such an apartment. It’s funny and unimaginable to him at the same time.

Why was Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov so amused?

We at FBK have been following Shuvalov for a long time, he is one of our longest-standing heroes. A bunch of materials have accumulated over several years, and among them the answer to why Shuvalov has no strength, how fun it is, was very successfully found.

Here is a house that needs no introduction. Stalin's skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. One of the most grandiose residential buildings in Moscow - five-meter ceilings in the entrance, marble, panoramic views of the Kremlin, rich history.

Stalin's skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

More than a year ago, we at FBK began receiving messages and letters from residents. " Someone important is buying apartments!», « Motorcades and FSO arrive at the house», « The construction of the century has begun, all for the sake of some official».

Well, we looked at all the large apartments in the house, which in our opinion are suitable for bureaucratic scale, we looked - there was nothing. All recent transactions are made by anyone, but not by any official. And the messages kept coming and going. At some point, we decided to do something radical and check all the apartments in the building. And there are 700 of them, just for a moment.

And this is what we found. There really was a powerful landlord in the house. A certain gentleman purchased the central apartment in the main tower in 2014, and then month after month began to literally sweep away the neighboring apartments one after another.

In 2014 I bought 5 apartments. In 2015, he became the owner of four more. Just recently, in May 2016, I bought another one. Total - 10 in two years.

The most important: all apartments are located on the same (14th) floor and adjacent to each other .

Windows of adjacent apartments on the 14th floor

Apartments in such a building, you understand, are not a cheap pleasure. On the websites there are offers in the region of 45 million for one apartment of 60 m2, standard for a house. But there are also much more expensive ones.

This means what the mysterious buyer is doing - very expensive . We need a billionaire here.

The buyer's name is Sergey Pavlovich Kotlyarenko. Let's take a look at this rich man and spender.

Kotlyarenko S.P. - nominal owner of 10 apartments in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

Do you recognize? And we don't.

Kotlyarenko is not an oligarch or an oil tycoon. He is not a governor, not a Rockefeller son, or a Hollywood superstar. He is a lawyer.

Kotlyarenko worked in the Federal Property Management Agency, the Government Office and the Presidential Administration.

And now into the biography of one very funny official?

Shuvalov worked in the Federal Property Management Agency, the Government and the Presidential Administration.

Kotlyarenko and Shuvalov are classmates. Since 1999, Kotlyarenko’s career has been inextricably linked with one official - Igor Shuvalov. Shuvalov arranged for him to work wherever he himself served as an official.

And in parallel, Kotlyarenko was entrusted with an even more important function.

He monitored and managed all the Shuvalov family assets. Even before the Deputy Prime Minister allegedly transferred them to Russia. The shares of the famous offshore Severin, owned by housewife Olga Shuvalova, bear the signature of this particular Kotlyarenko.

Do you remember the “blind trust” to which Shuvalov allegedly transferred all his assets in order to avoid a conflict of interest prohibited by the civil service? Let me remind you that the concept of a “blind trust” is that one person gives his assets to be managed by a third party, completely independent, not related to him, and has no access to management at all.

So, this “independent” manager of Shuvalov’s assets is also Kotlyarenko.

Here is the Profdir company, 100% owned by Kotlyarenko:

And here is a list of companies that Profdir manages. All three are directly owned by Shuvalov or members of his family.

Companies directly owned by Shuvalov are managed by Kotlyarenko’s company

Let's return to Kotelnicheskaya. This is what the parade of apartments bought by Kotlyarenko looks like now.

We have no doubt that Kotlyarenko is buying high-rise apartments without bargaining specifically for Shuvalov. For Shuvalov's money.

Our “most honest and transparent official” was embarrassed to openly buy ten apartments with a total area of ​​720 m2. It is not appropriate for the Deputy Prime Minister to utter the phrase “I will buy it for any money.” The manager is trying, and then he will re-register only one super apartment.

Why are we sure that this is exactly what will happen? Look, another house. Moscow, st. Kosygina, 8.

The house is located at the very beginning of the street. Kosygin, quite famous and called “Kosygin’s house”, since the latter lived in it. Some relatives, by the way, still live. The house also has provenance, in general.

The story is like a carbon copy only three years ago. Three apartments are bought in one month. Two neighboring ones with a total area of ​​322 m2 and one several floors below with a total area of ​​152 m2.

Here the apartment is first owned by Kotlyarenko, but now it becomes the property of the Shuvalov family firm “Sova Real Estate” (the London apartment is registered in its name).

One of the apartments (151 m2) was re-registered as the property of Kotlyarenko, for which he received the right to head the local HOA. We asked the locals, they say that it’s not just any Kotlyarenko who lives there, but a “servant.” We don’t know if the Shuvalovs really settled servants there, or if they speak about Kotlyarenko like that.

Here's a story about real estate. Let me remind you that Shuvalov is shouting at every corner that he is the most honest and transparent official and has declared everything. Brags about it, look:

After searching for a relatively short time, the Anti-Corruption Foundation found 13 (!!!) apartments in Moscow with a total area of ​​1200 m2 (!!!), which Shuvalov did not mention a word about in his declaration. According to Shuvalov, we are not interested in knowing about them. Look at the declarations yourself, there is an endless list of real estate, but these 13 apartments are not there. And they should be - Shuvalov may not declare his Rolls-Royce, registering it as a legal entity, but he is obliged to register the real estate.

Stories like this honestly make me furious. Think about it, a person has been in the civil service since 1998. In the past, he was a lawyer for the oligarchs who “hurricaneed in the 90s.” He talks nonsense about the money he earned on the “Sibneft option” from Abramovich. 18 years since Shuvalov “serves the people”. And after 18 years of bureaucratic service, he simply imagined himself to be a natural aristocrat. He is not some gray clerk with a dusty office in the government house.

He is an impressive gentleman driving a Rolls-Royce, the owner of extremely exclusive real estate, where historical figures certainly lived before him. The economic crisis, which is so insightful reasons Shuvalov on TV, his family was not affected. An apartment in London for 12 million pounds (this house, by the way, used to be the headquarters of MI6), a castle in Austria, Suslov’s party dacha in Zarechye, Kosygin’s apartment, and now the pearl of his aristocratic collection - an apartment in Stalin’s high-rise.

Excesses and luxury that go beyond any decency - this is about Igor Ivanovich. Family coats of arms, family nests all over the world, dozens of servants - Igor Ivanovich loves it all! A winter garden with exotic plants worth 2 million euros, collectible cars - Igor Ivanovich likes it all!

Shuvalov's dacha in Zarechye and the family coat of arms depicted on the gates of this dacha

Looking at these owls on the coat of arms, I wouldn’t be surprised if Shuvalov soon added a “Kommersant” to his surname for greater noble effect.

Let's return to the Kotelnicheskaya skyscraper. With the money spent only on buying this high-rise (without repairs, finishing, etc.), it would be possible to buy 600 (!!!) twenty-meter apartments, which Shuvalov laughed at so much in Kazan.

Well, you hang in there, let's go!


They won't talk about this on TV. But I really want more Russian citizens to learn about the lifestyle of the Deputy Prime Minister of their government, right?


“Today we were shown apartments of 20 m2, it seems funny, but people buy such housing...”

This quote from Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov, which he said while inspecting a 20-meter apartment in Kazan, instantly spread across the Internet and acquired the status of a fashionable meme.

Everyone is already pretty tired of the meme, but today we have a wonderful reason to return to it. Look, so to speak, from a new angle.

Everyone probably thought, “in the end, the officials have become brutish in their palaces and state dachas and are laughing at ordinary apartments.” That's exactly how it is. The Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the economy was amused by the fact that it is possible to live on 20 m2. And even take out a mortgage to buy such an apartment. It’s funny and unimaginable to him at the same time.

So what's so funny? There are funny things in the news, yes, someone lives in the forest, eats bark and roots - funny, people probably do that. And from family cowards the Russians do fancy T-shirts. A girl draws with her grandfather's ashes, and Ivanovo children made an image of Russia from garbage. And here is a dwarf with a beard at the circus! Haha. But what’s wrong with apartments in Kazan?

And now I’ll tell you why Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov was so amused.

We at FBK have been following Shuvalov for a long time, he is one of our longest-standing heroes. A bunch of materials have accumulated over several years, and among them, the answer to why Shuvalov has no strength, how fun it is, was very successfully found.

Here is a house that needs no introduction. Stalin's skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. One of the most grandiose residential buildings in Moscow - five-meter ceilings in the entrance, marble, panoramic views of the Kremlin, rich history.

Stalin's skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

More than a year ago, we at FBK began receiving messages and letters from residents. " Someone important is buying apartments!», « Motorcades and FSO arrive at the house», « The construction of the century has begun, all for the sake of some official».

Well, we looked at all the large apartments in the house, which in our opinion are suitable for bureaucratic scale, we looked - there was nothing. All recent transactions are made by anyone, but not by any official. And the messages kept coming and going. At some point, we decided to do something radical and check all the apartments in the building. And there are 700 of them, just for a moment.

And this is what we found. There really was a powerful landlord in the house. A certain gentleman purchased the central apartment in the main tower in 2014, and then month after month began to literally sweep away the neighboring apartments one after another.

In 2014 I bought 5 apartments. In 2015, he became the owner of four more. Just recently, in May 2016, I bought another one. Total - 10 in two years.

The most important: all apartments are located on the same (14th) floor and adjacent to each other .

Windows of adjacent apartments on the 14th floor

Apartments in such a building, you understand, are not a cheap pleasure. On the websites there are offers in the region of 45 million for one apartment of 60 m2, standard for a house. But there are also much more expensive ones.

So what the mysterious buyer is doing is... very expensive . We need a billionaire here.

The buyer's name is Sergey Pavlovich Kotlyarenko. Let's take a look at this rich man and spender.

Kotlyarenko S.P. - nominal owner of 10 apartments in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

Do you recognize? And we don't.

Kotlyarenko is not an oligarch or an oil tycoon. He is not a governor, not a Rockefeller son, or a Hollywood superstar. He is a lawyer.

Kotlyarenko worked with the Federal Property Management Agency, the Government Office and the Presidential Administration

Sorry, but I want you to take another look at the plan of Shuvalov’s Tsar’s Apartment. It's incredibly simple. With the money spent only on buying the Kotelnicheskaya high-rise (without repairs, finishing, etc.), it would be possible to buy 600 (!!!) twenty-meter apartments, which Shuvalov laughed at so much in Kazan.
And that's life official and his purchases.

Purchases began immediately after the start of the conflict with Ukraine and sanctions. They continued actively against the backdrop of the economic crisis. Real incomes are falling, food prices are rising, there is nothing to index pensions, and one of the government leaders is buying up luxury real estate by the floor.

It means that we are in a frenzy of patriotism, St. George ribbons and “must rally around the leader, the party and the government,” while they themselves take the goldfish out of this troubled water.

The population, according to Shuvalov, is ready to eat less and use electricity less often in order to support the Kremlin. And what did he refuse? What price is paid for war and crisis? Risking his life, sliding on the marble floor of a new apartment?

Once again, distribution is encouraged.

“Today we were shown apartments of 20 m2, it seems funny, but people buy such housing...”

This quote from Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov, which he said while inspecting a 20-meter apartment in Kazan, instantly spread across the Internet and acquired the status of a fashionable meme.

Everyone is already pretty tired of the meme, but today we have a wonderful reason to return to it. Look, so to speak, from a new angle.

Everyone probably thought, “in the end, the officials have become brutish in their palaces and state dachas and are laughing at ordinary apartments.” That's exactly how it is. The Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the economy was amused by the fact that it is possible to live on 20 m2. And even take out a mortgage to buy such an apartment. It’s funny and unimaginable to him at the same time.

So what's so funny? There are funny things in the news, yes, someone lives in the forest, eats bark and roots - funny, people probably do that. And from family cowards the Russians do fancy T-shirts. A girl draws with her grandfather's ashes, and Ivanovo children made an image of Russia from garbage. And here is a dwarf with a beard at the circus! Haha. But what’s wrong with apartments in Kazan?

And now I’ll tell you why Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov was so amused.

We at FBK have been following Shuvalov for a long time, he is one of our longest-standing heroes. A bunch of materials have accumulated over several years, and among them, the answer to why Shuvalov has no strength, how fun it is, was very successfully found.

Here is a house that needs no introduction. Stalin's skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. One of the most grandiose residential buildings in Moscow - five-meter ceilings in the entrance, marble, panoramic views of the Kremlin, rich history.

Stalin's skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

More than a year ago, we at FBK began receiving messages and letters from residents. “Someone important is buying apartments!” “Motorcades and the Federal Protective Service are approaching the house,” “The construction of the century has begun, all for the sake of some official.”

Well, we looked at all the large apartments in the house, which in our opinion are suitable for bureaucratic scale, we looked - there was nothing. All recent transactions are made by anyone, but not by any official. And the messages kept coming and going. At some point, we decided to do something radical and check all the apartments in the building. And there are 700 of them, just for a moment.

And this is what we found. There really was a powerful landlord in the house. A certain gentleman purchased the central apartment in the main tower in 2014, and then month after month began to literally sweep away the neighboring apartments one after another.

In 2014 I bought 5 apartments. In 2015, he became the owner of four more. Just recently, in May 2016, I bought another one. Total - 10 in two years.

The most important: all apartments are located on the same (14th) floor and adjacent to each other.

Windows of adjacent apartments on the 14th floor

Apartments in such a building, you understand, are not a cheap pleasure. On the websites there are offers in the region of 45 million for one apartment of 60 m2, standard for a house. But there are also much more expensive ones.

This means what the mysterious buyer is doing - very expensive . We need a billionaire here.

The buyer's name is Sergey Pavlovich Kotlyarenko. Let's take a look at this rich man and spender.

Kotlyarenko S.P. - nominal owner of 10 apartments in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

Do you recognize? And we don't.

Kotlyarenko is not an oligarch or an oil tycoon. He is not a governor, not a Rockefeller son, or a Hollywood superstar. He is a lawyer.

Kotlyarenko worked with the Federal Property Management Agency, the Government Office and the Presidential Administration

Sorry, but I want you to take another look at the plan of Shuvalov’s Tsar’s Apartment. It's incredibly simple. With the money spent only on buying the Kotelnicheskaya high-rise (without repairs, finishing, etc.), it would be possible to buy 600 (!!!) twenty-meter apartments, which Shuvalov laughed at so much in Kazan.
And that's life official and his purchases.

Purchases began immediately after the start of the conflict with Ukraine and sanctions. They continued actively against the backdrop of the economic crisis. Real incomes are falling, food prices are rising, there is nothing to index pensions, and one of the government leaders is buying up luxury real estate by the floor.

It means that we are in a frenzy of patriotism, St. George ribbons and “must rally around the leader, the party and the government,” while they themselves take the goldfish out of this troubled water.

The population, according to Shuvalov, is ready to eat less and use electricity less often in order to support the Kremlin. And what did he refuse? What price is paid for war and crisis? Risking his life, sliding on the marble floor of a new apartment?

Once again, distribution is welcome. And it’s very easy to support FBK.

Attributes of a stable past

“Labor” and savings books have long been attributes of stability for Russians. But they are becoming a thing of the past: savings books are being replaced with plastic cards, and “labor cards” are no longer needed due to the lack of official work. During the crisis, more and more Russians are being laid off or leaving due to unfavorable conditions themselves, joining the ranks of the so-called “informally employed.” Today there are about 20 million of them in the Russian Federation.

Any whim at 750 percent

Many banks refuse to issue loans to borrowers - the risk of non-repayment is too high. Some people do not try to get a loan themselves, because in order to confirm their solvency, they must provide information about their employment and regular salary. Microfinance institutions offer a solution - when issuing an express loan, they only ask for a passport. The rate can reach 750 percent per year.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

Market economy

Clothing markets, which had seemingly almost completely become a relic of the 90s, are regaining popularity. As a rule, they are located near metro stations. The people who work here are mainly people from Central Asia and the Caucasus. A vest or T-shirt can be bought for 150 rubles (about 1.7 euros), a shirt - for 500 (about 5.8 euros). Of course, we are not talking about any cash receipts.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

"Alik" is the best Chinese friend

Middle-class Russians and young people prefer to buy clothes and equipment online, and foreign stores are becoming increasingly popular. Recently, the Chinese site AliExpress has taken the lead. Shopping here is cheaper than on eBay, not to mention regular stores and shopping centers. Sometimes you have to wait several weeks for a package, but the savings are worth it.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

Time to pick up the knitting needles

Pensioners in Moscow live much better than in the periphery, but even here it has become very difficult to live on a pension. After paying utility bills, about 8 thousand rubles (about 93 euros) remain on hand. With this money you need to buy food and medicine for a whole month. Elderly women are increasingly trying to earn money through their handicrafts: they knit socks, shawls, scarves and sell them near the metro.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

Stale press

If you want to read a glossy magazine, but don’t have the money for it, you can buy a magazine that’s three or four months old at a discount. If previously unsold, expired magazines were mostly thrown away or distributed free of charge to libraries, now kiosk owners prefer to give them away for resale. After all, there is demand.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

Not from the shelf, but from under the counter

During a crisis, some entrepreneurs justify their name by being particularly entrepreneurial. As you know, one of the cost items for grocery stores is a license to sell alcohol. You can save money by refusing it and removing all goods from the shelves. And for regular customers, bring the goods from the warehouse in an opaque bag. The price is arbitrary. There is a risk, but those who don’t take risks don’t sell champagne.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

"Networkers" win

Purchasing activity in Russia decreased by about 10 percent during the crisis. They began to buy less, trying to choose cheaper goods. However, many, having received a salary or pension, try to immediately spend it by buying food and household chemicals for future use: they do not become cheaper, but the income depreciates due to inflation. Preference is given to chain supermarkets where promotions take place.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

Don't worry about middlemen!

A place of honor on newspaper shelves is occupied by publications dedicated to finding housing and work. Looking for an apartment through a realtor is expensive - you have to pay him a commission for services, so the demand for renting without intermediaries has increased. The same applies to work - not every employer or applicant wants to pay for the services of recruitment agencies. Advertising in a newspaper carries risks, but you can still find useful information.

How to survive a crisis: Russians are looking for a way out

Hope is only for passers-by

It cannot be said that there are noticeably more people begging on the streets of Moscow or in the metro and underground passages. Another thing is that more and more often you can see people who are embarrassed by this activity, clearly not accustomed to it. When they see the camera, they turn away or walk away. Although, it would seem, it is not them who should be ashamed.