Calculate building material calculator. Building block calculator

Regardless of whether you want to build a house from timber or brick, you definitely need calculation of building materials, which will be used for the foundation at the beginning and finishing at the end, not to mention the roofing.

You are about to build a house. This is a very serious undertaking and, undoubtedly, you decided to approach it with all responsibility. This means that it must be decided what the external and internal walls will be made of, what kind of ceilings and floors there will be (this is not always the same thing), what material will be laid on the roof. If the cottage is made of brick, this does not mean at all that you will not need boards or hardware. Therefore, we begin to compile a list of everything necessary in order to then calculate the building materials.

Foundation calculator

The foundation is the basis of everything, so let’s look at it first. There are options here. Most often, in order to save money, a tape type is made. That is, a ditch is dug strictly along the perimeter of the building, which is filled either with ready-made reinforced concrete blocks with additional cement filling, or simply with concrete mortar. Therefore, you at a minimum need sand, crushed stone and water in certain proportions. To lay blocks, which are quite large in size, into a trench, you will need to use a crane. A columnar foundation is less commonly used, which will save a lot of building materials; even less often, houses are built on wooden piles, which are separate beams or logs.

Next, you should make calculations for the walls, including the plinths. Different types of blocks, timber or logs are used for construction. Determining the amount of materials for each of the listed options is carried out separately, however, the formulas for woodworking products are quite similar. Since beams, as well as bricks, are sold by cubic meters, you will have to operate not only with areas, but also with volume, correlating these completely different units of measurement. The main difference in determining the number of building blocks and is precisely in the area of ​​the walls, since for the first all openings can be subtracted, but for the second they will have to be included in the cost.

The calculation of rafter legs can be performed separately or combined with the calculation of the amount of timber for building a house. In addition, it is quite possible that the project will include metal trusses, which means it will be necessary to purchase hardware, at least a corner, or pipes with a square or rectangular profile. This will require additional calculations of rolled metal, especially with regard to the resistance of the structure to loads. The amount of roofing covering is calculated separately, based on the roof area and its shape, for example, a multi-gable version will require more materials due to high percentage waste.

The foundation of any building must be reliable, and if the cottage is built from ordinary brick or gas silicate, we discard the piles immediately. Let's focus on strip and columnar foundation options, without reinforced concrete blanks, so as not to involve equipment. Typically, pouring under a house is done in a ratio of 1:3:5 or 1:4:4 cement, sand and crushed stone, respectively. It is much more important to choose the right amount of water; for this, the W/C ratio is used, that is, dividing the volume of water by the mass of cement. You can also use the table of ready-made W/C results, thanks to which, knowing the amount of cement, it will be easy to calculate how much water is needed:

Concrete grade
Cement brand
300 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 0,40
400 0,85 0,75 0,63 0,56 0,50 0,40
500 0,85 0,71 0,64 0,60 0,46
600 0,95 0,75 0,68 0,63 0,50

The volume of the strip foundation is determined by the formula V=SL, Where S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the fill, and L– its length, consisting of the perimeter of the building, added to the lintels for the internal walls. Columnar foundation is defined in a slightly different way, the formula looks like V=SHn, Where S– cross-sectional area of ​​the support, H is its height, and n– number of pillars. The cross-section of a square or rectangular base is determined by the formula S=ab, Where a And b– lengths of the sides. The round cut of the support is calculated as follows: S=πR 2, Where R is the radius, and π – constant equal to 3.14.

The number of blocks that will be needed to build walls can be calculated in several ways. It is usually known in advance how many units of ordinary brick or gas silicate are in a cubic meter. Now it is enough to find out the volume of the walls, for which we multiply the area of ​​each by the thickness and subtract from the result the sum of the areas of window and door openings. However, in this case the result will be slightly overestimated, since we did not take into account the angles. In order for the calculation of building materials to be correct, we determine the error. It is enough to carry out the same calculations for the area of ​​the internal walls and subtract the second result from the first. Now all that remains is to multiply the total by one cube, and we get the total amount of materials. You can also use the table:

Number of blocks in 1 m2 of masonry

Type of masonry

Brick size

Quantity excluding mortar joints, pcs.

Quantity including mortar joints, pcs.

0.5 bricks


one and a half

1 brick


one and a half

1.5 bricks


one and a half

2 bricks


one and a half

2.5 bricks


one and a half

If you want to build a good-quality log house or a small bathhouse, you will need to determine the height of the building in the crowns, which will build up the walls row by row. But, first of all, it is recommended to find out how many beams or logs, given their dimensions, are contained in one cubic meter. If the cross-section is large enough, rest assured that the number of woodworking products will amount to only a few units. Let's start by determining the volume of one product, with an eye to the cross-sectional shape.

For timber, the formula will be simple: V=abl, Where a And b– sides of the section, and l– length of lumber. For a log, the calculation will be different: V=πR 2l, Where R– section radius. If all parameters are taken in meters, then the result will be in cubic meters. When purchasing, you should do the full calculation, as some sellers tend to reduce the volume to whole numbers if the end result is a decimal.

We have a formula of the form V=HPb, Where H– height, and P– perimeter. The total number of beams is calculated by dividing the result by the volume of one product with a rectangular cross-section. With a log it is somewhat more complicated; here you should multiply the number of crowns by the number of walls, including internal ones (a typical option is a five-walled structure), and then by the volume of one rounded lumber. There are usually as many logs in the crown as there are walls in the building. For more complex cases You will need a building materials calculator.

The best way to quickly estimate costs

Before you begin the pleasant and at the same time exciting procedure of building a future family nest, you need to carry out the financial analysis issue and clearly define the acceptable level of expenses for creating a residential building. If you have already decided on building materials, then an approximate online calculation of the cost of construction can be made directly on the company’s website. An intelligent calculator will allow you to create a preliminary estimate online, while it will take into account the area of ​​the house, the type of foundation, the material of the walls and roof.

In addition, you can choose one of two options for finishing the facade, installing heating, electrical, water supply systems, and add to the estimate the costs of additional insulation and autonomous sewerage. The cost calculator for building a country house will take into account all your wishes and display the approximate cost. Of course, the geolocation of the site, the season of work and the complexity of the project will adjust its cost. Therefore, we recommend contacting the company manager to clarify the estimate.

Today, the construction of houses made of foam concrete is gaining momentum. And this is not surprising, because this material has such parameters that cannot but attract buyers. There are several opinions on how to correctly calculate the cost of building a house made of foam blocks.

We will focus on this issue in this article.

Why foam block

First of all, let us remind you: do not confuse foam concrete with aerated concrete. One of the articles on our website discusses in detail the fundamental differences between these two materials. It is worth noting that the price of foam concrete is more favorable.

What he really is

A foam block is a small “block” made by mixing concrete mixture with special foaming components. It is the foam that forms cavities in the concrete, which reduce its weight and increase its thermal insulation parameters.

Its standard size is 200*300*600 mm. For clarity, look at the photo below and imagine how much time you can save on laying foam blocks.

Houses made of this material cost significantly less than houses of the same size made of brick or, for example, timber. And if you are not lazy and build everything yourself, then the savings will exceed even your wildest expectations.

Having an attractive price, foam block houses or cottages are in no way inferior in their parameters to stone or wooden ones. Another attractive feature of the material is its environmental friendliness.

Advantages of the material

  1. No additives that negatively affect human health are used in production, which makes it possible to build children’s or health complexes from it. With such a construction, considerable attention is paid to sound insulation - and foam concrete has no equal in this regard.
  2. The structure of the material itself is favorable for further processing. With the help of simple tools you can give the block any desired shape.
  3. The porous structure does not interfere with gas exchange and the house “breathes” no worse than a wooden one.
  4. From the previous point it logically follows that such a house is not characterized by excessive humidity and dampness. With foam concrete you will forget about mold and drips.
  5. Not only the size, but also the principle of laying will help save time and mortar. After all, the gap between the blocks should not exceed 3 mm.
  6. Both exterior and interior decoration will also not cause you unnecessary trouble, because the layer of plaster does not have to be thick.
  7. Foam concrete has excellent fire resistance. At high temperatures, the material does not crumble or crack and protects the reinforcement from heating. In the event of force majeure, such a house will not let you down.

Disadvantages of the material

There are few of them, but they are still present:

  • Low weight with a large volume, of course, leads to a loss of strength. For this reason, foam block has not received and will not receive widespread use in multi-story construction. Although, after all, you are building a private house, and this is unlikely to be a problem, because cottages are rarely higher than 3 floors.
  • The need to monitor the correctness of the masonry. If the solution layer exceeds 3-4 mm, then you risk losing both heat and sound insulating properties.

Let's move on to the main question

So, our main task is to calculate the cost of building a house from foam blocks. It cannot be done separately from clarifying the stages of construction. After all, only by analyzing the entire process in parts can you take into account every detail.


The calculation of foam blocks for building a house should be based on the area of ​​the walls. Foam blocks are sold in cubic meters and to find out the quantity you need, simply multiply the thickness of the block by the area of ​​the walls.

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The full cost calculation for building a house made of foam blocks is as follows:

  • Let us immediately stipulate that our sample has a width of 8 m, a length of 10 m and a height of 3 m. Main and external walls are taken into account.
  • the cost of the roof, foundation and other work can be calculated using separate calculators on our website.
  • So, let’s calculate the perimeter of the building: 10*2+7.4*2=34.8 m (rounded to 35). A reasonable question arises: how much is 7.4 meters and not 8? The answer is simple: you stacked 2 walls of 10 meters each, and from eight you need to subtract the width of the block, that is, 30 cm.
  • Now we find out the area of ​​the walls: 35*3=105 sq.m. Everything is clear here: perimeter multiplied by height.
  • From the resulting area, subtract the area of ​​windows and doors. This is purely individual for each project, so for convenience, let’s assume that they occupy 10 sq.m. 95 sq.m. left.
  • We find out the area of ​​the foam block: 0.6*0.2=0.12 sq.m. It turns out that for 1 sq.m. accounts for 1/0.12 = 8.3 foam blocks.
  • So, we complete the calculation: 95 * 8.3 = 788.5 blocks are needed for the external walls.
  • It would seem that the calculation of materials for building a house made of foam blocks is complete, but no! We did not take into account the main wall.
  • Its length in our sample will be 9.4 meters. Multiply by height - we get an area of ​​28.2 square meters. Again, let’s assume that the windows and doors will take up 5 square meters. We get 23.2 sq.m. 23.2*8.3= 192.5 blocks.
  • We add up the resulting numbers: 788.5+192.5=981 blocks are needed for such a construction.

So, calculations for building a house from foam blocks showed that we need 981 blocks. There are 27.7 blocks in one cubic meter. With a simple calculation we find out that we need 35 cubic meters.

The cost of 1 cubic meter is about 3,000 rubles. As you can see, a house of a given size will cost a very modest amount. Of course, this is just the frame of the building, but you must admit that the same brick would cost 2-3 times more.

It is worth noting that these instructions are approximate and accurate calculations are only possible with a thorough knowledge of the project.

Construction progress

  • First of all, the foundation for the house is built from foam blocks. Since the foam block is lightweight, there is no need to spend money on expensive monolithic foundation. An excellent replacement for it can be a belt one, which uses much less crushed stone, sand, concrete, and even uses reinforcement of a smaller diameter.

  • After the base has gained the required strength, it is time for laying. It starts with laying roofing felt between the base and the first row as waterproofing.
  • The corner blocks are laid first. Moreover, special attention is paid to the corner, which according to the plan will be the highest. The corner is leveled and proceed to the next one.
  • then a cord is pulled over the corners and the space between them is filled. If a whole block does not fit in one of the rows, then the excess part is cut off and the resulting piece is placed in the gap.
  • Each next row is installed according to the same principle: from the corners. Verticals and horizontals are checked by level and cord.

Remove possible unevenness immediately with a plane.

  • To prevent the walls from cracking during shrinkage, the masonry must be reinforced. Reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is placed in pre-cut grooves measuring 4 by 4 cm, which after installation are filled with glue or mortar.
  • Electrical wiring is also laid in grooves according to the same principle, but the laying pattern depends on the specific project.

  • Particular attention is paid to door and window openings. All cut grooves are lined flush with a metal corner.

Another little tip: to cut the blocks you need to use a special hacksaw for foam concrete with large teeth.
If you cut correctly, you will avoid crumbling of the material.

  • For interior decoration Drywall, board and textured plaster would be an excellent option. It’s even easier on the outside - use siding or finishing bricks.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the calculation of building a house from foam blocks cannot be called very complex process. But this in no way detracts from its importance when planning work.

To further understand the process of constructing a foam block building, pay attention to the video in this article. See you again on the pages of our website.

When thinking about building a house, a person tries to approximately calculate the costs that he will have to incur. Beginners in this business do not know all the nuances, so “figure out in your mind” the approximate amount Money required for construction work is simply unrealistic. Fortunately, there are a lot of devices and services that help eliminate these problems and uncertainty. A house construction calculator is one of them.

Types of house construction calculations

The process of calculating a house consists of several stages. For reliable data, many details must be taken into account. Let's take a closer look at what the procedure consists of:

  • indicators of the area of ​​the house are the size of the structure that is planned to be built, as well as the number of storeys of the structure;
  • design solution - an approximate design cost that can be calculated for structural, engineering and architectural solutions;
  • type of foundation – you need to decide which foundation will be used: strip or tiled;
  • type of floors - the device can take into account the material that will be used for the construction of floors;
  • calculation of the cost of building materials.
Before starting actual construction, it is necessary to calculate the costs of building materials for a particular structure

Main feature The calculator is the ability to experiment and choose a variety of combinations. During the calculation process, the client will be able to change the type of structure, building materials several times and completely change the design solution.

In what cases and how is a construction calculator used?

A calculator for building a house is a very convenient thing, which is primarily intended for approximate (preliminary) calculations of the cost of constructing a structure. Using the program, you can choose any technology for building a house, compare prices for materials and choose the most suitable ones, delve into the process and calculate the future decoration of the room (facades, etc.).

However, having received the estimated cost of building a house, the user must understand that the figure will be much less than the original. This is because the program chooses the average cost. During the execution of work, materials are purchased, the price of which can be significantly higher, as well as the cost of services for construction and installation work.

The disadvantages of the system are the lack of flexibility and transparency of calculations.

The construction calculator for calculating the foundation was created for approximate calculations of the costs of building premises and comparing the cost of structures built using different technologies.

What do construction calculators calculate?

The program helps calculate the cost of the foundation, walls, floors and roofing. Each item comes in different types and is manufactured with different characteristics. Therefore, the price of work will vary significantly. This is another advantage of using a calculator - the ability to select options.

The speed of construction work also depends on the quality of the calculations made, since a lack of any material can slow down the process

Calculation of materials for the foundation

The foundation is one of the most important stages of construction. The strength and reliability of the structure directly depends on the quality of work performed. The calculator helps users decide.

For a successful procedure, you should select the following options:

  1. Type and shape of the foundation. The base can be strip or pile-grillage. The shape, as a rule, is chosen as standard - rectangular, but it is also possible to calculate a structure that has additional load-bearing walls.
  2. You should decide on the thickness and length of the formwork boards.
  3. For a more accurate calculation, the program asks you to indicate the grade of concrete, linear measurements and type of reinforcement.

After entering the parameters, the device displays on the screen how much fill, reinforcement and wire, as well as other materials need to be purchased to complete the work. In addition, the user will be able to find out what the length of the tape will be, the total load on the soil, the weight and volume of concrete, and other details. It is important to understand that all data is indicative and may change during the construction process.

Using a foundation construction calculator allows you to carefully design the work. This is necessary for the successful construction of the structure.

Strip foundations are considered the most practical and are popular among builders. This is a monolithic closed reinforced concrete strip that runs under all load-bearing walls Houses. Thus, the load is distributed along the entire length. The corners in such cases are loaded the most. There are monolithic, prefabricated, shallow and deep-buried strip foundations. To properly construct the foundation of the room, you need to do.

Calculations can be not only of a technical nature, but also of an economic nature, which plays a positive role in the preparatory stage of construction work

Nuances of calculating the consumption of bricks and blocks for walls

Bricks and building blocks have a similar shape, so consumption calculations can be carried out with the same data for each type of material.

You can start the calculation process after entering the following data:

  • the total length of the walls of the structure (i.e., perimeter);
  • area of ​​openings (doors and windows);
  • thickness of the walls of the house;
  • weights and walls of one product;
  • heights of walls at corners;
  • thickness of the material (mortar) in the masonry;
  • type and size of bricks (L*W*H in mm).

There are devices that do not ask you to indicate the thickness of the masonry joint. The program takes a standard value of 1 cm and automatically increases the dimensions of a unit of material.

Thus, it is realistic to understand, because the procedure is quite simple. The user receives data on the mass, total area and cost of the masonry. Block walls occupy one third of the entire construction, so a detailed calculation will help determine future costs.

Some calculations allow you to calculate the economic component of the proposed work, for example, by indicating the cost of one unit of material, the calculator will calculate the total cost of the entire required quantity

What is pre-calculated when building frame houses?

When thinking about building a room, users study the question of how to calculate building materials for building a house. Fortunately, the calculator helps avoid a lot of problems and displays approximate indicators that will be useful to the builder in the future.

The construction process should always begin with a preliminary calculation of building materials.

To create an estimate, the user must enter the following parameters:

  • type of foundation: strip, slab or pile;
  • wall material: brick, construction, aerated concrete, ceramic or foam block, timber, carriage or rounded log;
  • material for insulating the structure;
  • roof type: single-pitch, gable, mansard or hip roof;
  • equipping the house with utility networks and other communications;
  • calculation of building materials for building a house: heavy or light concrete, mortar, insulation, cable cross-section;
  • internal and external finishing of the structure.

Calculating building materials for a house allows you to choose the ideal option for the user and begin work, having an understanding of how much materials will be needed and what the room will be like in the future.

Preliminary calculations must be coordinated with experts in the field or they must check the calculations already carried out

Calculation of the amount of finishing materials

Lining is very often used as a finishing material. It can be made of wood (which significantly increases the cost of the material) or plastic. Wooden lining requires special care, therefore the estimate also includes all kinds of impregnations and other means, for example, varnish or paint. The plastic product has a long service life and excellent moisture resistance properties.

To calculate the approximate price for the material, you should enter data on the number of windows and doors, as well as their sizes, and the perimeter of the building, indicating the height of the walls. The construction calculator makes it possible to calculate such components as cornices, soffits, strips, trims and more. In addition to the lining, you should calculate the amount of other materials: plaster, wallpaper, paint.

Universal online calculators

There are universal construction calculators that will help you calculate the cost of a structure in general terms. Using such a program, you can compare the technologies used in the construction of buildings and the cost of work using different materials, and other parameters. To make a calculation, you must indicate the size of the house, the number of floors, the type of roof and foundation, the type of floors and materials that you would like to use.

In the calculator you can specify the number and sizes of windows, doors, as well as the height, width and length of the house. Universal devices allow you to calculate the price for additional options: insulation, electricity and water.

How much does it cost to build a house - the calculator will give you the answer

Using a calculator helps simplify the construction process and avoid problems with purchasing materials. This is an indispensable program for both novice users and professionals. It is important to understand that the system will not provide accurate data, but the builder will be able to make an approximate estimate.


A construction calculator will help you save time, calculate the volume of concrete and other materials, choose a construction technology, draw up an estimate and set a construction budget.

No less useful will be information about. The calculator will help you calculate the amount of material, and the instructions for each product indicate the required proportions. Liquid glass makes concrete moisture-resistant and waterproof. It is important to know that the materials are mixed dry.

There are universal devices and individual ones, for example, a construction calculator for foundations. To work with it, you need to decide on the type of foundation of the house and other details. In just a couple of minutes the cost will be shown on the screen.

In the modern construction industry, more and more innovations are appearing that are designed to make the work of architects and their clients much easier. In this article we will talk about such a tool as construction programs, which allow you to determine with the necessary accuracy the main costs, construction time and many other parameters.

Any Internet user can download construction programs for free. Most modern applications are developed and uploaded to the network by popular construction companies, who thus conduct a competent advertising campaign for their services in the domestic market.

As a rule, construction programs of any class have an intuitive graphical interface and many tutorials. Thus, any user of a personal computer can independently, without the help of an experienced designer or architect, create a 3D model of their dream home. A secondary program for construction calculations will help you estimate the cost of upcoming work with maximum accuracy.

It is not uncommon for many users, both private and corporate, to use illegal or “pirated” copies. It is important to remember that many construction calculation programs from the “hacked” class have an unlimited validity period, but a simplified and reduced set of tools. Because of this, many difficulties can arise not only with demonstrating the model, but also with its addition or re-development.

Before you turn your attention to free construction programs, you should note that professional applications for modeling and estimating a home have either paid or limited access. Therefore, if you do not need to delve into the basics of the architectural and design profession, you can use free services.

IN this section The main parameters that programs for construction design should have are considered.

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The main requirement for any construction software is ease of use. That is, the software shell should not use complex construction terminology, control should be as simple as possible, system processing of the finished model should not take long, the interface should be based on the Russian language.

The My Estimate 2.0 application meets all these requirements. This program is designed for frequent use. Its main advantages are multifunctionality, simple interface, flexibility, support for several languages, including Russian.

Calculation program construction estimates"My Estimate"

Classic applications are controlled using the mouse, with which the user can move various elements of the future home. The program should also display error messages if the user has performed an incorrect action.

Construction drawing program

A standard program for construction drawing must comply with all real laws of physics and take into account the characteristics of each building material. A simplified version of this type of program is Home Plan Pro. Using this tool, the user can create a basic drawing of the house with pinpoint accuracy, as well as draw up a detailed plan of the interior. Basic skills in drawing and architecture are required to use this application. Thanks to the simple interface, the user will quickly get used to the presented professional environment.

House drawing in Home Plan Pro program

And another important parameter of any construction software is a rich set of software tools. The program for construction drawings is equipped with a special designer, where each element is assigned a place in the appropriate category. Also, when constructing certain structures, any application should provide the user with the opportunity to see how a real model will behave under different weather conditions.