How to increase capital without risk. How to increase your capital with a small amount of money

But this will be of little use if you do not know how to increase your capital, which you have accumulated. Of course, you can simply continue to save money, or keep the accumulated amount for a “rainy day”. But there are many ways to use this money more efficiently and increase your capital with even a small amount of money.

  • Attitude towards money.Indeed, those people who respect their finances always earn more than others. Many people say that money does not bring happiness. Of course not, happiness is in their quantity. Naturally, there are many important, intangible things, but without money in our time it is impossible to survive, and everyone knows this. Therefore, you need to love your money, even, preferably, keep it in a beautiful wallet, and not in anything.
  • You need to think positively.You need to think well not only about money, but also about life in general. The mental attitude is a powerful thing. Therefore, if you tell yourself that you will get rich, and, most importantly, believe in it, then your chances of earning more will definitely increase! Of course, in addition to positive thinking, you need to work a lot, but, believe me, it is also worth a lot.
  • Bad habits need to get rid of.Now it has become very fashionable to live in the moment, not to think about tomorrow. It sounds good, of course, but if today you spend half your salary, then what will you live on for the next month? Someone says that if there is no money in the account, then you need to spend it, and not limit yourself in anything. Naturally, you can’t limit yourself too much, because you need to live on something, but spending everything to the last penny is stupid and unreliable. If you have a good profit - do not forget to save and think about the future.
  • It is better to invest in something than just saving.It will be a little more promising and profitable to invest your savings in some business than just saving them in a bank account. Thus, you can receive passive income without doing almost anything for this;
  • Investments are not only money, but also losses.You must understand that before you invest your finances in something, you need to familiarize yourself well with the project that you are going to invest in and calculate whether it can bring you real profit, or only losses.

How to save and increase a small amount of money

Which way of saving and accumulating finances suits you best depends on what goals you are pursuing. Rapid accumulation of money, stable income in the future or others.

If we are talking about multiplying a small amount of money, then there are several options for how to deal with them:

  • Keeping money in precious metals.The main advantages of such options for investing finances are that jewelry is always valuable, it is easy to buy and sell it, both in the form of jewelry and in the form of scrap. However, there may be problems buying such a commodity in the form of bullion, storing it, and changing its price due to various incidents. In general, the option is real, but it has more minuses than pluses.
  • Keeping money in securities.Here, too, there are both pluses and minuses. On the good side, they are easy to acquire, and you can earn a lot of money on them quickly. From the bad - you must always be aware of various changes in the market, it is easy to both earn a lot of money and lose it at one moment, constant dependence on brokers and the market. Here the number of minuses also exceeds the number of pluses. Therefore, the option is not bad, but rather risky.
  • Keeping money on deposit.A fairly common option, but now it is losing its popularity a little. Putting money on a deposit is certainly very convenient, but at the same time you need to find a bank that you will trust, and also take into account the fact that the percentage of profitability will always be less than inflation. Conclusion: you can put money on a deposit, but it is desirable that these are not large amounts, and that they are not stored there for too long a period.

  • Investing in yourself: education, study.This, of course, is a very good and promising option for investing money, because if you learn to better understand this or that area, then, of course, you can earn more. The main thing is to choose the right direction. It is better that these are specialized courses and master classes than standard higher education, since in the courses you will receive much more practical skills and knowledge.
  • Investing money in your business.There are about the same number of pros and cons. Pros: you can work for yourself and realize the idea that you want. Cons - all responsibility, of course, will also lie with you, and in case of failure, you will have to pay for everyone. Therefore, the option of investing finances is good, but before you start implementing it, you need to think it over very well and carefully.
  • Become a member of an investment fund.In order not to engage in capital market operations on your own, you can become a member of an investment fund using the collective investment service.
  • Buying a property.This is probably the most reliable option that can bring you stable profits for a long time. Of course, you will need a large initial capital, but the result is certainly worth it.

How to increase capital without risks

Most likely not. Whichever option you choose from the above, there will still be some risk. Everyone has the right to make a mistake, and in working with investments it is very difficult to always do everything right. The main thing is not to rush, carefully and carefully examine all the sites and markets in which you want to work, to appreciate your competitors and not immediately invest all the finances that you have in one project. It is better to play it safe and distribute your money not to several projects, or simply invest some part, and after receiving the first profit - everything else. In this way, you can minimize your risk as much as possible.

The ruble once again slides down, and the currency soars in value. Money is taken out from under the mattress so that inflation does not eat it. We will tell you how to increase money without risk by investing it profitably.

How to invest and increase money

In a rather unstable economic situation, more and more people are looking for ways to save and at the same time profitably invest the accumulated money. Let's look at the TOP 10 ways that will help in solving this issue.

Savings account

The easiest way to increase money is to transfer it to a separate savings account. The main thing is that it should be unlimited, with capitalization and the possibility of replenishment. And, of course, the withdrawal of funds without loss of interest.

Such accounts are offered by many banks, including Tinkoff, VTB, Alfa-Bank, FC Otkritie. The rate on them is low, but it is compensated by mobility in savings management.

To calculate interest, the money must be kept in the account for at least one month.

Income card

In fact, this is the same savings account, only on a plastic card. You can go to the store with this card, pay online, withdraw funds. Interest will be charged monthly.

Many banks offer cashback in addition to this feature. So you can save on purchases, because from 1% to 5% of the funds spent will be returned to the account.

For example, such income cards can be ordered at Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisenbank, Binbank, and FC Otkritie.

Term deposit

The essence of the investment - you deposit money into the account for a certain period and receive a fixed percentage after its expiration.

The rates vary from bank to bank, and the maximum you can earn is:

  • if you invest money on a deposit on special conditions - for example, Immediately 7 from Alfa-Bank or In the game! from MTS-Bank;
  • if you issue an additional product, for example, a life insurance policy;
  • if you open an account online;
  • if you belong to a preferential group of depositors - for example, Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank increase the deposit rate for pensioners.

The rate is influenced by the term of the deposit and the amount. The more money you invest, the more interest you get.

Do not forget that deposits in banks are insured for amounts up to 1.4 million rubles - but on condition that the bank has membership in the DIA. Otherwise, the deposit does not protect anything, and you can lose savings if the license is revoked or the institution goes bankrupt.


One of the least risky ways to profitably invest and multiply money in the stock market is to purchase federal loan bonds. There is only one risk of losing an asset - the state will default on its obligations. But even in the current difficult economic situation, this is unlikely.

The yield of OFZ is determined by the offer, on average it is at the level of 7-8% per annum. In addition, you can earn if you buy a bond at a price below par and wait for its redemption.

For example, as of August 13, OFZ issue 46020 was sold at a price of 880 rubles. If you buy it and wait for redemption in 2036, then in addition to the coupon yield of 8.27%, you can earn another 120 rubles per bond.

OFZ can be bought through any Russian broker. They are traded on the Moscow Exchange.


The so-called "people's" bonds are distributed only in Sberbank and VTB. The minimum purchase amount is 50 pieces. The cost of OFZ-n is determined by the Ministry of Finance and is usually in the region of 95-98% of the face value.

OFZ-n of the third issue provides for a stepwise increase in yield - from 6% to 8.6%. The total coupon yield for 3 years will be 219.53 rubles at a par value of 1,000 rubles, i.e. the total return on the instrument is 21.9% for three years or 7.3% for one year.

The disadvantages of OFZ-n, as one of the ways to increase money, are limited liquidity and high commissions. Pluses - predictable profitability, the possibility of bequeathing paper and ultra-reliability.

Real estate

"Square meters" has always been considered a particularly reliable way to increase money without risk. And even now, when real estate prices are falling, this asset remains quite valuable and attractive in the eyes of investors. The reason is that an apartment can be used not only for making a profit, but also for personal living, i.e. it has value in itself.

Now that home prices have fallen and mortgage rates are at historic lows, real estate investment is one of the promising areas for investing.

You can further reduce costs by investing in housing during the construction phase. But this increases the risks: under construction, fraud, increased costs ...

mutual funds

A balanced portfolio of mutual funds is ideal for investors with relatively small capital - literally 50-60 thousand rubles is enough to invest in 5-6 promising mutual funds and increase them.

Mutual funds invest in several securities at once within the same industry or country. This allows you to achieve diversification already at the initial stage. But you can reduce the risks if you invest in various mutual funds - bonds, stocks, industry and real estate.

In this case, you will not be dependent on the value of only one type of asset. For example, when stocks fall, then investors go to bonds and real estate as protective instruments.

If your portfolio contains mutual funds of different directions, then you will be protected from a variety of risks.


An exchange-traded fund invests in a specific index, such as the RTS or S&P 500. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs are not actively managed, which allows them to save on maintenance. If in the case of mutual funds you pay 3-5% for management, then for the purchase and sale of an ETF share, it is enough to pay a standard brokerage commission.

Since the ETF, while forming the structure of its assets, seeks to match the index as closely as possible, its value also depends on the price of the index. As practice shows, indices grow over the years - therefore, the price of ETF shares also increases.

Additionally, you can earn on receiving dividends.

Structured products with capital protection

They consist of two parts:

  • the base part - funds are invested in deposits or OFZ;
  • risky - money is invested in a speculative asset.

For example, 95% of the funds can be invested in OFZs, and 5% in Coca-Cola shares. If, after the agreed period, the shares grow up, then the investor will receive a large profit - how much depends on the terms of the contract. If the shares fall, then the investor will receive only the planned income - for example, 6% per annum.

The larger the base part, the lower the potential income, the lower the risks. The task of the investor is to find a balance between risk and return.

Cumulative life insurance

If you are determined to save a tidy sum in a risk-free way, take out a life insurance policy. For the duration of its validity, you will receive insurance protection against various troubles, including disability or death (a specific set of risks will be determined by the agreement).

Part of the funds transferred by you to pay for the policy will be invested by the management company in low-risk assets. If your insurance expires and you don't use it, you'll get that money back plus income.

The housing insurance policy is both an investment and insurance in one bottle. And no risk.


Thus, even in unstable financial times, the market is full of suggestions on how to invest and increase money without risk. The main thing is to choose what is right for you, based on the minimum entry threshold, potential profitability and your understanding of exactly how this tool works. With the help of such assets, you can significantly increase your savings without undue risk.

Earning money, each of us accumulates a certain amount. When there are no urgent expenses, there is a desire to use this chance and invest your capital somewhere in order to get even more.

There are many options for this, some of them do not even require you to leave your home, just use the Internet.

How to increase money through the Internet? To scroll your money, you need to use one of the methods of investing in the network.

There are not so few of them, when choosing you need to start from your capital and knowledge. There are options for scrolling small money, you can start investing without knowledge, read the article and find out about all the possibilities.

Invest money profitably and multiply it

Already today you can invest money and after a while get a large amount. How? Here are some of the best ways:

  1. Binary options.

The most money you can earn on bets. Binary options allow you to bet on changes in exchange rates and the value of other assets. For example, if you are sure that in a few hours or days, Apple stock will rise in price, bet money on it and win about 80% of the rate.

The plot is different everywhere, birds are bought somewhere, gnomes are hired somewhere, and somewhere you need to develop your farm, but the essence is the same - invest and make a profit. For a beginner with little starting capital, this is the best way to start investing.

If you do not have starting capital, use one of the.

The sooner you start investing, the sooner you will earn income. As you can see, not everywhere you need a lot of money to start, so you can increase even a little money.

Try to start, in 2-3 months you will definitely get tangible profits and will be able to evaluate the results of the work done.

In previous editions of our articles, we talked about how, without special knowledge and skills, and now we will talk about increasing money. And so the friends went...

For almost every person, there comes a time when he begins to seriously think about how to increase and save his money.

If you have not yet got free money, or you want to increase their amount, then you need to know a few general rules, following which you can achieve wealth.

What you need to know to start making money

Systematic and dispassionate in the conduct of finances. As you know, money loves an account, but, unfortunately, in our society, with the help of a powerful advertising industry, a stereotype is imposed that it is necessary to spend gigantic sums on certain goods to live a rich and interesting life, with which a happy life will become possible. Don't give in to this illusion. Clearly define what you need and what is secondary to buy and control your costs. Only this will help you increase your capital.

Create a specific financial goal for yourself and set a time frame for implementation. The result should be a program for the accumulation of money to achieve a certain material or spiritual benefit. Never forget that money is a tool, not an end in itself. It is necessary to multiply them only to achieve something.

Don't borrow or borrow. This is especially true for the purchase of goods that depreciate over time. One of the most common mistakes is taking out a loan to buy household appliances or a car. The cost of these goods falls annually, and the money spent on loan repayment could be multiplied, invested and receive income from this.

Don't go to extremes. It is important to remember that the money that is saved for savings through debt cannot increase your wealth from scratch. Also, they should not be withdrawn to the detriment of the personal budget.

Open different accounts. It is necessary to have separate bank accounts for spending and savings. The first account will be used for current transactions with daily expenses, and the second - in order to increase capital from scratch.

half rule. According to this rule, half of the money that you receive from extra income (bonus, salary increase, bonus, etc.) must be kept for your long-term goal. This rule applies to everyone, regardless of the level and source of income, and is especially true for young people. Once you get into the habit of doing this, you'll be surprised how much you can save and multiply quickly.

Make sure that your income never exceeds expenses, and with an increase in the former, the latter remain at the same level or increase only by a small amount. This is one of the secrets of how to quickly and competently increase money.

Determine the amount of monthly savings. Using simple mathematical calculations, determine your income and expenses, as well as the REAL amount that you can allocate monthly for savings.

Decide for yourself in which currency/bank/deposit you prefer to keep your savings.

Calculate your family budget and keep track of all your income and expenses. This will help streamline financial activities and most competently calculate deductions, which will help to increase money as a result.

Growth Tools: Risk, Return, Guarantees

When you have free money and the question is how to increase it from scratch, do it quickly and safely, you should consider a few important points.

Important to remember! Before determining the way in which you want to increase money from scratch, you must definitely decide on two things:

1. What is the PURPOSE of increasing money.

2. What is the TERM of its execution.

It is from a competently and clearly set goal (for example, the purchase of housing, a trip abroad, teaching children, and so on) and the deadline for achieving this goal (short-term, medium-term or long-term) that the success of all your actions depends most of all.

TO REALLY increase money is the acquisition of additional funds by accumulating them with certain instruments through passive income.

Investment directions

Let's take a closer look at a number of the most popular and reliable areas for investment, which are preferred by investors.

Real estate. Perhaps the most popular way to invest and increase money, which does not require special knowledge and skills, but requires significant funds for acquisition. The main advantage of this method of increasing money is that real estate does not depreciate over time, but only grows in value. You can earn income both from the sale of property and from renting.

Jewelry. Just like real estate, the method is quite reliable, but, unfortunately, in addition to the content (namely, precious stones), there is also a design component, which over time can turn the price of a piece of jewelry as an investment object not in your favor and the increase can turn into in loss of money.

Collecting. Unlike the previous option, investing in art objects is a very reliable way to increase money, since over time, masterpieces of masters only become more expensive. The only downside, like real estate, art requires a lot of capital to invest.

Precious metals. For example, gold is an excellent form of guaranteed income and money multiplication. Its price has always been high and steadily rising. This method is suitable for long-term savings, but when you buy the bullion itself, the state charges you a value-added tax, and does not return it upon sale. Also, each ingot is subject to examination, also carried out at your expense. So, it is realistic to increase income in this way only with additional troubles and costs, since gold needs special operating and storage conditions, as well as special insurance. All this, of course, requires additional cash costs.

Another situation is with gold coins. Unlike bullion, they are not subject to value added tax, have almost the same value as precious metal, are difficult to counterfeit and may become interesting not only to investors, but also to collectors over time. If you nevertheless chose precious metals for yourself as a method of increasing money, then technically, it is best to use depersonalized metal accounts with this method. This feature is available at most major banks. The advantage of this method is manifested, first of all, in the absence of the need to engage in the purchase of a gold bar, operations (including closing an account) are easy to carry out, and the money is returned in full, with this method of investment, value added tax is not charged. As a minus of this way to increase funds, one can indicate that these depersonalized metal accounts, unfortunately, are not subject to state insurance.

Deposit account. Along with the acquisition of real estate, it is one of the most affordable ways to increase money, as well as to receive a clearly fixed income with a minimum share of risk and costs. You should be especially careful when choosing a bank, be sure to check its reliability and guarantees for the return of the deposit in case of an emergency. A number of significant advantages make this method very attractive, namely: the possibility of depositing small amounts of money, deposit insurance and money back guarantee in case of problems beyond the control of the depositor, the ability to withdraw your funds in any case (the maximum threat is the loss of interest savings). The main disadvantage of this tool is that the income is low and clearly fixed.

Entrepreneurship. Starting a business is another well-known way to get a good income and multiply your money. But in order for your own business not to be unprofitable, and so that in addition to income you do not lose your capital, you must have a set of skills, abilities and quality, as well as a rather large amount of free funds.

Participation in the stock or foreign exchange market. This method comes with high risks, but can provide big returns and really multiply your money. The success of this type of investment will depend on financial literacy, the ability to work with financial instruments, the availability of free time to analyze the market situation, as well as a large set of personal qualities (for example, analytical thinking, diligence, patience, diligence, and so on) without which, alas, , this method is doomed to fail.

Participation in a mutual investment fund (PIF). Contribution to this type of income also requires a high level of financial literacy and good awareness of possible adverse external factors that may adversely affect the value of the acquired share. The advantages of this way to increase money include the ability to control the activities of the fund, the presence of professionals in managing them, as well as the diversification of risks. But it is also necessary to mention the disadvantages of such an investment, namely: the payment of money to the company regardless of the profitability or loss of the fund, the increase in the profitability of the fund is associated with an increase in risk, the absence of any guarantees for the return of funds, if you want to sell your share, you will have to pay income tax on him. So, it is possible to increase money in this way, but it is quite dangerous, since the risk of negative factors and, as a result, the loss of your money is very high.

Cumulative life insurance system. A fairly new method in our country to increase money. It combines the functions of life insurance and a funded program. It is possible to defer to the implementation of some costly task or as a retirement option. This method has the following advantages:

  • insurance protection comes into force immediately after the first installment;
  • funds invested in this type of investment cannot be seized, confiscated or divided upon divorce;
  • The insurance payment under such a program is not subject to taxation.

Reliability or profitability?

Achievement of short-term goals. If you set yourself a goal that you need to achieve within a period of one year, then one of these ways to increase money will definitely suit you:

  • Bank deposit.
  • Bonds with a high degree of reliability.
  • PIF (share investment fund).

All three ways to increase money are recognized by experts as reliable for the short term, but at the same time they will bring the least income.

Achieving long-term goals

If your goals are long-term, then you should use tools to increase money with a higher level of risk, which, in turn, can be divided into several groups:

1. Instruments with a minimum level of risk and guaranteed income. This group includes government bonds, as well as bank deposits. You can increase the money of this group minimally, but you will be absolutely sure that you will not lose money.

2. Instruments with minimal risk and NOT guaranteed income. Insurance programs can be attributed to these tools to increase money, since they do not give guarantees of income.

3. Instruments with an average risk of loss. This is, first of all, the transfer of your capital to a trustee, who can both increase your money and completely lose it, and the transfer of funds to traders.

4. Tools with a high level of risk. These are tools that can be used to repeatedly increase capital, and completely lose it. These include stocks, stock exchange, investment funds. To choose the tools of this group, you must have exceptional experience and preferably an economic education.

Regularity or flexibility?

Another decision that you must make before you decide how to multiply the money and where to invest it is the replenishment system. That is, how you will supplement the amount of savings. There are three possible options here:

  • One-time investment (purchase of real estate or precious metals).
  • Monthly deductions (deposits with the possibility of replenishment, insurance savings programs).
  • Re-investment of the amount (including income already received) anew (short-term deposits and certificates, bonds, and so on).


The final chord of your plan to increase money is the choice of a strategy for their withdrawal. There are three such strategies:

  • Free withdrawal of funds: currency transactions, deposits with the possibility of withdrawal, and so on.
  • Limited withdrawal of funds: deposits with renewal, securities and mutual funds.
  • Difficult withdrawal of funds: long-term deposits, endowment insurance, commercial pension fund and so on.


In a difficult time of crisis, the question of how not only to save, but also to increase money is very acute. One of the main reasons for this is inflation, which depreciates money. If you do not put money into circulation and increase it, but simply store it, then sooner or later inflation will “eat” it. That is why you should choose a reliable way to protect them from this problem.

When choosing a method for investing and a way to increase money from scratch, you should remember that not all methods are equally good and reliable, and in order to choose the best one for you, you must first study all reliable investment options, then determine the amount that you can realistically allocate from your budget every month to increase your cash income.

At the same time, you should ensure that your expenses do not exceed income, and savings do not go to the detriment of the main personal budget. It is also worth immediately abandoning the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcredits and borrowing for both purchases and investments, and depending on the time you have determined to achieve your financial goal, choose a program of how to increase money.

The most reliable programs on how to increase money, as well as investing funds, can be considered a bank deposit, the purchase of real estate and precious metals, mutual funds, a deposit program for an accumulative life insurance system, playing in the stock and foreign exchange markets, as well as opening your own own business. Despite the fact that some of the proposed methods to increase funds do not require specialized knowledge and skills, financial literacy, diligence and calculation are the secret of success in any of the proposed options for increasing money.

It should also be understood that the accumulation of money and the desire to increase it should not be the goal itself, on the contrary, it should serve as a tool to achieve a specific goal. It is then that your success will bring not only financial well-being, but also joy and harmony in relationships to you and your entire family.

19 872 0 Hello. In this article, we will talk about how to increase your own money without risk. Today you will learn: what are the types of profit? Which way to choose to make a profit? Thanks to what you can avoid risks? How not to fall into the hands of scammers.

Types of profit

It is no secret that funds must work and bring profit to their owner. That is why many citizens are interested in how to profitably invest their accumulated savings in order to get the maximum income without any risk.

As a rule, the choice largely depends on how you want to receive your profit. There are two ways to earn income:

  1. Short when you receive a fixed income constantly. For example, these are well-known deposits, the accrual of interest on which is possible on a monthly basis, to a separate account.
  2. long term when the profit is accrued at the end of the specified period.

To understand exactly how the type of attachment is right for you, consider the listed types in more detail.

Short term investments

If you regularly want to receive a fixed profit, then you should pay attention to short-term investments.

Binary Options

This type of profit is very popular today solely because of the high profitability. That's just to make a profit, you need knowledge and a proven site with a good reputation. No wonder they say that a successful trader is not born, they become one.

The essence of binary options trading is to choose the right profitability of an asset for a specific period of time. If you guess right, you can get a yield of 61 to 91% of the bet amount. If you make a mistake, you will lose money. Everything is very simple.

It turns out that this is a kind of risk. But this type of income generation is nevertheless very popular, despite the fact that anyone can lose their entire fortune in a matter of minutes.

Short term loans

Today, the services of private investors are very popular. As a rule, citizens who have been refused by the bank, but are in dire need of financial assistance, apply for help.

The main thing is to correctly draw up a contract in the presence of a notary. Experienced private investors advise issuing large amounts only to proven and regular customers.

To maximize profits, you can issue short-term loans for up to 30 days. The amount under the contract should not exceed 10,000 rubles. The interest rate in most cases is charged for each day of use of borrowed funds and ranges from 1.5% to 2.5% per day.

Bank deposits

This is the old proven way to get guaranteed income. Of course, the profitability in this case will be minimal, but guaranteed. The risk that you will not be able to get the desired return is very small.

When opening a savings account, you should consider:

  • for how long to open a deposit;
  • how to receive interest: monthly, quarterly or at the end of the year.

You can open a deposit both for several months and for several years. Deposits up to a year are classified as short-term investments, those that are open for a longer period are long-term investments.

Long-term investments

This type of investment is suitable for those citizens who are ready to place their own savings for a long time, in order to maximize profits.

Investment accounts

If earlier investment projects were offered by special companies, today a profitable product can be purchased at any bank office. There are various areas of investment: medicine, tobacco and alcohol products or construction.

Investment contracts are concluded for a period of 3 to 7 years. The yield on this type can reach 70% per annum. There is just a small downside. If you want to return the funds ahead of time, then you will lose not only profitability, but also part of your own savings.

For example, if you place 10 million rubles on your account for 5 years and after a few years you want to withdraw your funds, the company will return only 7 or 8 million rubles. These conditions will be spelled out in the contract. It turns out that withdrawing money ahead of time is completely unprofitable.


Today, all large companies offered to buy shares in their enterprise. The larger and more stable the company, the more expensive the block of shares. The peculiarity of this type of investment is that it will not work to get a good return a year after the purchase of shares. Good profit can be expected only after 5-7 years.

Shares can be sold or bequeathed at any time. It should be taken into account that the value of shares will grow if the company develops actively. Otherwise, you may lose your savings. Often, companies sold shares, but after a while they declared themselves bankrupt and did not return the funds to shareholders.

It turns out that you can only buy shares of large companies that have proven their stability over the years.


This is the most popular type of investment for those citizens who have a small amount. To purchase a minimum package, you will need from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Special companies today are ready to help in the acquisition of securities and calculate the maximum yield for each product.

This is an excellent low profitability with minimal risks. The main advantage is that, as in the contribution, the yield will be spelled out in the contract.

Real estate

Purchasing valuable real estate is the best long-term equity investment. It is this option that helps to profitably invest and increase money.

Experienced investors prefer to buy real estate at the construction stage. It is at the initial stage of construction that you can buy real estate at a minimum cost.

For example, you can buy an apartment in a house where the foundation has just been laid for 300-500 rubles. As soon as half of the house is built, the cost of apartments will increase by 2 times. As soon as the house is delivered, the cost of apartments is 3-4 hours, depending on the type of finish. It turns out that in 5 years you can get a good profit. The main thing is to purchase property only from trusted developers .

How to increase your own money: proven methods

Many novice investors do not know how to save and increase money, without risk. Especially for you, we will consider simple, but proven ways to generate income, both with a minimum and maximum investment.

Cumulative life insurance

Have you ever thought about the fact that as a result of an accident you will not be able to perform work duties and receive wages? Often you can hear from most citizens that nothing bad will happen to him. However, in practice, everything can be different, and an accident can occur at the most inopportune moment.

That is why in recent years endowment life insurance is in high demand. Thanks to the contract, you can not only get protection from an accident, but also increase your own savings.

The program works quite simply:

  1. You apply to the office of a financial company;
  2. Choose the term and the maximum amount under the contract, within which the insurance company will make payments;
  3. Deposit funds to the cashier;
  4. You get a quality product.

The yield on endowment insurance will be clearly stated in the contract.


Ivan Ivanovich turned to the office of the insurance company on May 15, 2012 and signed a contract for 5 years, with a yield of 6% per year. The sum insured under the contract was 1 million rubles.

A year later, on May 15, 2013, the company made a payment to Ivan in the amount of 60,000 rubles. A month later, Ivan had an accident and broke his leg. The insurance company paid a compensation payment under the contract in the amount of 150,000 rubles.

In May 2014, the company again made a payment to Ivan in the amount of 60,000 rubles. Such a payment was consistently received by the client annually, within the specified period.

Ivan decided to spend his winter vacation in 2016 at a ski resort and broke his arm. The insurance company immediately paid compensation in the amount of 120,000 rubles.

After 5 years, Ivan turned to the office of a financial company to close the savings agreement. For all 5 years he was able to receive:

  • May 15, 2017 - 1,000,000 rubles, which he invested in the contract 5 years ago;
  • Two insurance payments for a total amount of 270,000 rubles;
  • Profitability in the form of interest, with a total amount of 300,000 rubles.

It turns out, an excellent contract with a low yield, which helps to get a good guaranteed income and compensation payment, as a result of an accident.

precious metals

This way of investing has been known for a long time. This is the most proven way to protect your savings from inflation. You can invest in precious metals in any way convenient for you:

  • buy gold bars;
  • place funds on depersonalized metal accounts;
  • buy futures on the stock market.

As for profitability, in this case it will not work to get a big income.


Today there are a lot of art connoisseurs who are ready to give fortunes for antiques. In this case, we are talking about paintings, sculptures, interior items, etc. According to the law, an item is considered antique if it is over 50 years old. But not all things have value.

You can buy antiques at special exhibitions or auctions. For example, having bought a painting for several million, you can sell it after a while for 2 or 3 times more. The main thing is to be well versed in antiques, since there are a lot of scammers who can sell a fake for the price of the original.

Internet project

It should be noted right away that this method of generating income is suitable for those citizens who have special knowledge and can open a website or project on the World Wide Web. Today, there are many ways through which you can make a profit with your website.

The initial investment will be:

  • hosting purchase - from 100 rubles per year;
  • domain purchase - from 250 rubles per year
  • ordering articles - from 250 rubles per article.

When opening a project, you will need at least 50 articles. The initial investment can pay off after 5-6 months, after which everyone will be able to make a good profit. Just don't hope that you will open a site and just get your money. It takes a lot and hard work, but it's worth it. A dedicated assistant can help you manage the project.

Psychologist, family therapist, career coach. Member of the Federation of Consultant Psychologists of Russia and a member of the professional Guild of Psychotherapy and Training.