Interest on the balance on the world card. How to get a Sberbank card with interest on the balance

Sberbank debit cards are a convenient financial instrument. They allow their owner to place funds, use them at any time, carry out cash and non-cash transactions, receive income and bonuses. In the line of offers there are cards for every taste and status. Read more about interest on all types of available transactions in the article.*

Interest on the social card of Sberbank

The social card is the most accessible and beneficial for a certain category of customers. The expenditure of funds and the replenishment of social "plastic" are free. The exception is cash deposit through the cash desk in another territorial bank of Sberbank. The commission in this case is 1.5% of the amount, at least 30 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles.

In addition, the expenditure of funds in excess of the daily limit set by the bank of 50 thousand rubles. is subject to a commission of 0.5% of the excess of the limit. Commission for - 40% per annum.

Transfers from a card to accounts abroad are not covered by the terms of the product.

Interest on funds within the country is the same for all types of "plastic":

  1. Transferring money from card to card in one branch is free of charge.
  2. When transferring by any means to a Sberbank card opened in another city, a commission of 1% of the amount is charged, minimum 10 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles.
  3. When transferring from a card to an account opened with Sberbank, but in another city, the transfer fee is:
  • through Sberbank Online - 1%, minimum 10 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles;
  • through the cash desk of Sberbank - 1.5%, minimum 30 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles.

4. When transferring money from a card within Sberbank for cash withdrawal, the commission is 1.5%, minimum 30 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles.

5. Transfers from a Sberbank card to a card of another credit organization cost the client 1.5%, minimum 30 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles, regardless of the method of transfer.

6. When transferring funds through the cash desk of Sberbank from a card to an account opened with another bank, regardless of the location of the recipient, the commission is 2%, minimum 50 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles. With the same transfer, but through Sberbank Online or "", the client pays 1%, a minimum of 30 rubles, a maximum of 1000 rubles.

Selecting a profitable transfer is available using the assistant program:

Interest on a Sberbank pension card

The social card is a pension card, so the fees for making transfers are identical for them. The main condition for opening is confirmation of the status of a pensioner, regardless of age. Not only the old-age pension, but also other social benefits are transferred to the card. When applying, the client, in addition to the passport, must provide a pensioner's certificate. Russian citizenship is not required.

Interest on the balance on a Sberbank card

The Maestro Social card from Sberbank is the only one of all debit cards of this credit institution, which accrues interest on the balance of funds. The yield is 3.5% per annum. Interest is accrued every three months from the date of opening the card. The calculation takes into account the receipts and expenditures of the account. Interest amounts accrued but not withdrawn by the client remain on the account and are taken into account at the next capitalization.

The card is issued free of charge and has no service fee. All discounts and additional features that are provided by the MasterCard payment system are available on it. "Plastic" is allowed to pay in retail chains and the Internet, pay utility bills, taxes, fines, loans, etc. The card can be connected to the Thank You bonus program, which will further increase the client's income. The program rate is 0.5% of the purchase amount.

Interest on the gold card of Sberbank

Sberbank Gold Cards are a high-level service product with an extended range of features. The card is used both in Russia and abroad to withdraw cash, replenish, make payments for purchases and services. Cardholders have access to discounts from bank partners and payment systems, as well as status privileges. Card income is not credited.

Replenishment of the card by the holder at the cash desks and terminals of Sberbank is free of charge. Commission in the amount of 1.25% of the amount, minimum 30 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles. is taken only when cash is deposited through the cash desk of another territorial branch of Sberbank by a third party.

Consumption within the daily limit costs the client free of charge at any branch of Sberbank. For exceeding the limit, 0.5% is charged. When withdrawing money at the box office and third-party banks, the commission is 1% of the amount, at least 150 rubles. / 5 dollars or euro.

Interest on the salary card of Sberbank

As part of the salary project of Sberbank, customers are offered both classic products and platinum, gold, and partner products. The exception is the instant issuance card, social and virtual. Depending on the type of "plastic", commissions are deducted for various operations. Unauthorized overdraft costs the client 40% per annum. There is no provision for accrual of funds on the card.

Cards have become an alternative to deposits. They receive a salary, and if the money is in the account, then some banks charge interest on the balance. For example, if you have a card with a yield of 7.5%, then having 100 thousand rubles, in a month the bank will charge 575 rubles. It seems to be a little, but if the same amount is put on a deposit in Sberbank at 4.35%, then the income will be 358 rubles. At the same time, the money on the card is also insured, and if the license is revoked, the state will compensate up to 1.4 million rubles, including interest.

We studied cards with balance income in 50 largest banks in Russia.

Top 10 cards with a large percentage of the balance

Bank - card name

Rate with a balance of 100 thousand rubles.

Service cost with a balance of 100 thousand rubles.

Ak Bars - Evolution

8% (with an account balance of 30 to 100 thousand rubles, otherwise - 3%)

Free when credited to an account from 10 thousand rubles. per month and when making purchases in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. Otherwise - 79 rubles. per month.

Bank St. Petersburg - Bright

7.8% (every first and second month - 5%, every third - 10%)

If the spending on purchases was from 30 thousand rubles. per month, then free of charge, otherwise - 99 rubles. per month

Rosevrobank - Cumulative

7.7% (with a balance of more than 3 million rubles - 0%)

For free

Rocketbank (FC Otkritie) - Cozy Cosmos

For free

Home loan - Cosmos

7.5% (with an account balance of 10,000 to 500,000 rubles)

The first year is free, the next one is free with a balance of 10 thousand rubles. or when buying in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. per month. Otherwise - 99 rubles. per month.

MTS Bank - Money Deposit (Package Plus)

7.5% (with a balance of 1–299 thousand rubles, from 300 thousand rubles - 6%)

590 rub. in year

Moscow Industrial Bank - Fresh card

99 rub. per month

UBRD - Maximum

7.5% (with a balance of 20–350 thousand rubles and when making purchases in the amount of 10 thousand rubles per month)

1400 rub. in year

OTP Bank - Profitable

7.5% with a balance of 100–200 thousand rubles, with a balance of more than 200 thousand rubles. - 4%

1788 rub. in year

Novikombank - Novikomcard

1200 rub. in year

The most advantageous offer was from Ak Bars Bank - 8% per annum. But a significant disadvantage of the card is that if the account has more than 100 thousand rubles, then the rate will drop to 3%. In second place is the bank "Saint-Petersburg", where on the balances you can earn an average of 7.8%. There is an unusual accrual of income: every first and second month - 5%, and every third - 10%.

Only two out of ten banks do not charge a service fee under any circumstances - these are Rosevrobank (7.7%) and Rocketbank (7.5%).

How did you find the cards?

The search for the most profitable offers took place in the top 50 banks by assets as of August 1, 2017. Each bank took only one card with the highest interest on the balance in rubles, provided that 100 thousand rubles were kept on the account. Cards for certain categories of clients (for example, pensioners or students) were not considered. The calculator acted as a data source. If the profitability of several cards coincided, then they were ranked by the cost of annual maintenance.

The Tinkoff Black debit card is one of the most popular in the Russian financial market and participates in almost every rating. This is not surprising, because it makes it possible to receive interest on the balance of your own money in the amount of 6% per annum. Funds are credited when storing an amount up to 300,000 ₽, subject to purchases over the past month using a card for at least 3,000 ₽. With the currency version of the card, the rate is set at a value of 0.1%. In addition to calculating interest, debit plastic from Tinkoff makes it possible to:

  • Free maintenance subject to the balance on the card for the reporting month or on a term deposit in Tinkoff in the amount of 30,000 ₽ or more, and also subject to a completed. If none of the requirements for the past 30 days are met, then you will have to pay 99 rubles per month.
  • Receive up to 30% cashback from partners for any purchases, 5% in selected categories and 1% for all other expenses.

The convenience of issuing and receiving a card is one of the main advantages of Tinkoff Black. You simply fill out an online application on the official website of the bank, and the plastic is delivered to you by a courier.

Smart card from Otkritie Bank

The Smart card from the opening bank is universal and gives its owner great opportunities. The most profitable interest accrual on a debit card occurs with a balance of 30,000 ₽. The rate in this case will be 7% per annum. If own funds range from 30,000 ₽ to 500,000 ₽, then 5% is already given for this money, and 3% is given for excess of half a million. Smart also gives its owner the following benefits:

  • Free use with expenses from 30,000 ₽ or a debit card balance of more than 30,000 ₽ over the past 30 days. Otherwise, the fee will be 299 ₽ per month.
  • Accrual of 1.5% cashback interest on expenses for the reporting period from 30,000 ₽. If the amount was less, then 1% is returned from each purchase.

The most profitable Smart debit card becomes for its owner with monthly expenses from 30,000 ₽. Replenishment and withdrawal of cash without commission within the established limits. You can receive interest on the balance immediately after opening and activating the plastic.

Calculation of interest from the Halva installment card

The Halva card is not a debit card in the usual sense. Its main purpose is to buy goods in installments. But this does not prevent the cardholder from receiving an interest on the balance of his own funds in the amount of 8.25% per annum, subject to making at least 4 purchases last month using Halva for a total amount of 10,000 ₽, and one of them must be worth more than 3,000 ₽ . If this condition is not met, then it is charged to the balance 7.75% per annum, which is also very good. Other advantages include:

  • Purchase of goods by installments from partners of Halva (more than 10,000 outlets). The cost of the goods is divided into a maximum of 12 parts and is paid monthly without overpayments.
  • Completely free registration and use of the card during the entire period of validity.
  • The percentage of cashback is set at 1.5%, subject to spending personal money in a huge network of partners. The maximum amount of accrual per month is 5,000 ₽.

Accrual on the rest of the Space from Home Credit

The Cosmos debit card from House Credit Bank allows you to receive interest in the amount of 7.5% per annum, subject to a balance of 10,000 ₽ to 500,000 ₽. With a smaller amount, money is not credited, and for excess, a rate of 3% is set on own funds in excess of 500,000 ₽. Other pluses include:

  • Free first year use. Subsequent ones will be free of charge, subject to the balance on the debit card from 10,000 ₽ or monthly purchases from its use for more than 5,000 ₽. In other cases, you will have to pay 99 ₽ per month.
  • A 1.5% cashback percentage is charged in selected categories and 1% for any other purchases.

In the patched version, you can get a refund with a large percentage of debit plastic - up to 10%. Accruals on the balance can be transferred to the card monthly.

Interest from Pyaterochka from Post Bank

The Pyaterochka bank card is intended for making purchases in the supermarket chain of the same name. For its owners, it makes it possible to receive accruals on the balance in the amount of 7.0% per annum, like other debit competitors from our rating. But to receive such a percentage, the balance of own funds must be at least 50,000 ₽. With an amount from 1,000 ₽ to 49,999 ₽, the rate is set at 3%. For less money, nothing is charged on the card. Other functions of Pyaterochka from Post Bank:

  • Free annual maintenance and registration at any Post Bank branch.
  • When making purchases in the Pyaterochka supermarket, cashback up to 2.0% is credited. For any other expenses, the percentage is 0.5%.

The accumulated balance of points for spending on debit plastic can only be spent in supermarket chains. Cash withdrawal without commission within the established limits. Charge for SMS informing from 3 months 49 ₽.

Features of accrual of VTB 24 Multicards

The amount of interest accrued on the debit option of the Multicard will be 7.0% per annum, subject to monthly expenses in the amount of 75,000 ₽. The rate on the balance of own funds on the card with expenses from 15,000 ₽ to 74,999 ₽ will be 2%, up to 14,999 ₽ - 1%. But this applies to money stored directly on the Multicard. VTB 24 makes it possible to connect 1 of 6 options, among which there is "Savings". It makes it possible to charge with the active use of the card interest on the balance at a rate of up to 10% per annum, but for the funds stored in the savings account. Its automatic replenishment can be easily configured. Other benefits of Multicard:

  • Free use subject to crediting within a month in the amount of 15,000 ₽ or balances on accounts in VTB 24 more than 15,000 ₽. If one of the requirements is not met, the monthly fee will be 249 ₽.
  • Connecting the options for a refund makes it possible to receive a cashback of up to 10%.

The advantage of the Multicard is that it is possible to configure and connect the option that is needed right now. If necessary, they can be changed.

Interest accrual on debit card savings account

In many debit cards, interest is not charged on the balance of own funds, but on personal money kept in a separate savings account. This is often more beneficial, but not always more convenient. Replenishment of this account is configured in the Internet bank. You can transfer part of the money from each credit to the card, round up when making a purchase and transfer the balance there, or regularly replenish a certain amount on a certain date. Of the inconveniences, it can be noted that the accrued interest is credited to the debit card once a month (in some banks and less often), and the account balance can be withdrawn only at the end of the contract. But it is not always the case. Below we have collected the best offers from this category.

We have presented you with a rating of the most profitable cards that allow you to accrue your own funds directly to a debit card or savings account. You just have to choose the most convenient and attractive option and do not postpone the design indefinitely.

An overview of debit card offers with interest accrued on the card balance.

Safely storing your money on a debit card and even making money on it is quite realistic. And you don't do that yet?

Among banks today there is a fierce competition for a client. Therefore, banks come up with new profitable products for banking customers.

They have long ceased to be just cards for storing money. Today, banks offer cards for goods and services that you pay for. Using such a card is very beneficial if you have sufficient spending.

But if you keep a lot of money on the card, then the calculation of interest will not be superfluous. Let's take a look at which cards are actually profitable today.

Multicard from VTB

The best according to many experts is considered " Multicard» from VTB.

  • The card will be charged up to 8,5% cashback.
  • If a client of a financial company activates the “Savings” option, then the percentage will be 8,5% , and if not, then 6% . At the same time, the rate depends on such indicators as the period during which the card is used and the turnover.
  • For cash withdrawals, no interest is charged at an ATM; this is done completely free of charge.
  • There are also bonuses for purchases, and here the customer is offered a choice. Available up to 10% for categories such as Restaurants" And " Auto", before 2% for all other purchases. And you can choose up to 4% in the shape of a mile.
  • Another nice feature of the card is miles.
  • The card is opened completely free of charge, and if the client spends from 5 thousand per month, then the service will be completely free, if less - 249 rubles per month.
  • You can apply for a card directly on the site, going to the branch only for a ready-made card. The card is issued within 3-5 days.
  • Issued under such payment systems as WORLD, Visa, master card

"Benefits" from Home Credit

The card that took second place is " Benefit» from Home Credit. This bank also occupies a worthy place in the Russian market and is in great demand.

A Home Credit card is ideal for those who want to not only save money, but also receive bonuses for purchases.

  • The card balance is credited up to 7,5% per annum. At the same time, interest is charged only if at least five transactions took place on the card per month. Otherwise, accruals fall to 3% per annum.
  • Through ATMs of this financial company, funds can be withdrawn constantly without restrictions on the amount and completely free of charge. In other ATMs, you can also do this for free, but up to five times a month.
  • Additional bonuses are awarded for purchases. In categories such as "Travel", "Cafe" and "Gas Station", the amount of bonuses is 3% , in any other places - 1% .
  • As in the case of the VTB card, you can also pay with this banking product paypass.
  • The card is opened completely free of charge, but with the service everything is more difficult. If on the account from 10 thousand rubles, or if you spend at least a month 5 thousand rubles the service will be completely free. Otherwise, it will be 99 rubles per month.
  • The application for the card can be submitted online, and it will be ready within a week.
  • Payment system - Visa.

Debit card from Renaissance Credit

In third place is a debit card from Renaissance Credit under the same name " Debit».

  • The balance is charged up to 7,25% .
  • It will be possible to withdraw funds from ATMs free of charge, but only in the amount of up to 25 thousand rubles per month.
  • If you keep on the map from 30 thousand rubles and more, or pay for purchases from 5 thousand rubles the service will be free. Otherwise, monthly 59 rubles.
  • The card is issued in seconds 99 rubles using an online application.
  • If the account will have up to half a million, then the interest indicated above will be charged. Otherwise - 6% .
  • There are also bonuses here. In the special category, the remuneration is 10% , for all the rest, not included here - 1% .
  • Payment system - master card.

Cash Back card from Alfa-Bank

  • Maintenance cost 1990 rubles in year.
  • 10% from petrol stations.
  • 5% from accounts in cafes and restaurants.
  • 1% from all other purchases.
  • Accrued up to 6% on a savings account.

Unique debit " card number one”from the Eastern Bank suggests that any amount can be stored on it. But in order for it to earn interest, you need to make purchases.

  • Up to 7% , but on condition that the card will be spent up to 5 thousand rubles 2% .
  • Withdrawing from an ATM will be free, but provided that you withdraw at least 3 thousand rubles.
  • For selected categories, the financial company additionally compensates 5% , for all the rest - 1% .
  • You can open a banking product for 99 rubles. If there are no transactions on the account, or if the account has at least 30 thousand rubles- The service will be free. Otherwise - 99 rubles.
  • Production time up to 5 days.
  • Payment system - Visa.

Card "Maximum" from UBRD

Stylish and multifunctional card " Maximum» is issued by one of the largest financial companies in the Ural region — UBRD Bank. It is intended primarily to actively pay for purchases. The conditions for it are as follows:

  • The rate is up to 6,75% , but only if the account is spent in the amount of 12 thousand rubles.
  • As a bonus, a cashback is offered, which is up to 10% in selected categories and 1% in everyone else.
  • Issued and maintained free of charge, but only with spending from 12 thousand rubles per month. Otherwise - 120 rubles monthly.
  • The payment system is Visa.

Tinkoff and his Black card

The peculiarity of the Tinkoff card is that it works exclusively via the Internet, without branches and ATMs.

Get a debit card Black» can be wherever a financial specialist gets to you.

  • The percentage is up to 6% per annum. But you need to spend at least 3 thousand rubles per month.
  • You can withdraw funds from any ATM, but 3 thousand rubles.
  • For payment from the category of favorites is charged 5% , for everything else 1% .
  • A banking product is opened for free, it is also serviced for free, but only if you have on your account from 30 thousand rubles. Otherwise, you will be charged 99 rubles.
  • Issued online with delivery to your hands within 1-2 days.
  • Issued with payment systems such as WORLD, master card And Visa.

Bank Post Bank and its Savings Account card

A financial company that appeared relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity and has been recognized as one of the fastest growing, is Post Bank.

This bank's card savings account» is ideal for people who receive wages for it, pensioners and budget categories - then the rate will be higher.

  • The rate is up to 6% . Moreover, if for standard clients it will be 5% , then for payroll clients and pensioners - 6% .
  • Funds can be withdrawn at VTB ATMs and post offices for free.
  • Additional bonuses when paying in a taxi, at a gas station, in public transport and in pharmacies is 3% .
  • Opens for free if named - 700 rubles, and if with delivery to the department, then 100 rubles.
  • Serviced free of charge.
  • The payment system is WORLD.

Financial company Uralsib and its Piggy bank card

Multifunctional card " Money box”, unlike previous products, is ideal not only for paying funds, but also for storage. Moreover, the larger the amount on the card, the higher the percentage.

  • The card is charged up to 6% . Moreover, if the account is from a million, then it will be charged 6% , and if less 3-5% .
  • You can withdraw funds at any ATM, but for free - only from 3 thousand rubles.
  • Regarding bonuses, there is also a system that is different from others. So, for every spent 50 rubles accrued 1 a bonus that can then be spent on a certificate from partners.
  • It opens for free and is also serviced for free, but only if you have more than 30 thousand rubles on your account, or if you have spent from 10 thousand rubles per month. If the limit is not reached, then you will have to pay 99 rubles.
  • Completed quickly - in just 2-3 days.
  • The payment systems are Visa, master card.

The next banking product is a card from Expert Bank. It is considered universal, as it allows you to store funds and spend them both within the country and abroad. True, this card is different in that it does not accrue bonuses.

  • The balance is charged up to 6% . It all depends on how much you buy and how much money you keep in your account.
  • You can withdraw funds completely free of charge at any ATM, but no more 300 thousand rubles per month.
  • In Europe, this card can be issued tax free.
  • Opened and maintained completely free of charge.
  • It takes to issue a card 3-5 days.
  • Payment system - master card.

Russian Standard Bank and its "Bank in your pocket" card

Russian Standard also offers a product where you can both accumulate funds and spend them, receiving a cashback. Additionally, an account is opened, on which, regardless of the conditions, interest is accrued.

  • Up to 5% . But only if in the previous month it was spent from 3 thousand rubles.
  • Funds can be withdrawn from ATMs of the bank and its partners for free.
  • The company has a selected category for which accrued 5% . In other cases - 1% . These funds can be either withdrawn to the account or spent in the bonus program catalog.
  • The card is issued free of charge, and it is also serviced free of charge only if the account has at least 30 thousand rubles. If the account is less 30 thousand rubles, then the service will be 99 rubles per month.
  • The card is issued within just a couple of days.
  • Payment system - Visa, master card.

"Smart Card" from Otkritie Bank

  • The interest rate is up to 5% .
  • It is issued completely free of charge, and the service depends on the expenses and funds in the account and is from 0 to 3588 rubles.
  • The interest rate also depends on the amount in the account. If the account contains up to 29999 rubles, then it will be calculated 5% . If from 30 thousand to 499999 rubles4% . Half a million and up 2% .
  • The payment system is Visa.

Debit cards have been in high demand lately. After all, you can earn income and at the same time have access to money in your account at any time. Find out what percentage of the balance on the Sberbank card.

Which debit card of Sberbank accrues interest on the balance?

Today, Sberbank offers income on the balance of personal funds only to a pension card of an electronic payment system. The owners of this plastic can only be recipients of pensions, therefore it is not possible for people of non-pension age to open an income card at Sberbank today. Previously, this was provided for cards such as VISA. However, there is no other such profitable function.

How is interest calculated on the balance on the Sberbank card?

Despite the low rate (only 3.5% per annum), it is profitable to keep personal money on a card account.

  • Firstly, in comparison with a deposit, money from a card can be used at any time without loss of interest. While in case of early termination of the deposit, most of the accrued profit is lost.
  • Secondly, we offer to compare accrual conditions in Sberbank and other banking institutions. Here, an indisputable advantage is the absence of the need to make mandatory expenses. Interest of 3.5% is charged only if the condition is met - the minimum amount on the account. By the way, the requirements for the minimum amount are also insignificant.

Interest is calculated once a quarter and added to the total amount on the balance sheet

Interest on the balance on the MIR Sberbank card

All pension cards that have been issued by Sberbank since November 2016 are now part of the Mir electronic payment system. According to the conditions, withdrawals from ATMs are made without commission.

In addition, Sberbank provided for the possibility of receiving additional income in the form of interest. So, on the balance of funds on the balance of the pension account, 3.5% per annum. Interest is calculated quarterly and added to the amount of personal funds at the end of the quarterly period.

And what is the percentage on the balance on the Sberbank Visa card?

Previously, Sberbank accrued interest on VISA cards. However, now this accumulative function is available only for pension accounts of the Mir type.

By the way, earlier on VISA GOLD you could receive up to 1% per annum for keeping your own savings. And on VISA CLASSIC 0.1% per annum.

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