Savings Programs - Investments in Savings Programs. Endowment insurance programs Significant benefits of endowment insurance

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In order to protect yourself from big expenses and save up for a small house somewhere on the seashore, it is not necessary to deny yourself everything and tightly sew up savings in a mattress. Sometimes it’s enough just to use personal assistants that fit in a regular smartphone. website collected 10 applications for saving, counting and increasing your income.

Zen money

A convenient tool for budget planning with SMS recognition from all the largest banks in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and automatic creation of transactions. You can work on multiple devices - the data will be automatically synchronized. In addition, the program analyzes costs and builds forecasts. It's pretty easy to understand here.


It is very convenient for quick fixing of expenses right at the checkout. The main screen of the application is similar to a large coin holder. Income, wallets and expenses are presented as stacks. To fix the spending, it is enough to transfer a coin from a pile to a pile. In addition, the application analyzes income and expenses for different periods, helps to make forecasts and has a lot of other useful features.


There are 4 concise directories in the application: expenses, incomes, movements and exchange. You can make a shopping list and then audit it: what is bought, what is not, how much is spent. The application allows you to make both short-term and long-term budget. You can plan to buy, say, a sofa, and Drebedengi will diligently count how much is left to save. The application has a multi-user mode - you can connect all family members to the system and keep track of the total budget.


The application has a fairly minimalist functionality, so it will take no more than a couple of seconds to enter a purchase into the database. The strong-willed can look into the spending statistics section. After this, many are guaranteed to begin to refrain from unnecessary trifles, which they usually grabbed from the windows without hesitation.

Toshl is quite similar in functionality to Spendee and is more of an eye-pleasing alternative, as you will be supervised by cute Asian cartoons to keep track of expenses. Of the minuses: you can not specify several accounts, but you can separate them with tags.

Daily Budget

If you want to start saving money for something bigger than dining out, this app will help you pull yourself together and figure out how much you spend every day. First you need to enter your monthly income, indicate the amount of standard monthly expenses (for example, utility bills) and indicate the percentage of total income that you want to save in a piggy bank. After a little thought, the application will give you an amount that you can safely spend during the day.


Convenient and appreciated by many applications for home bookkeeping. Allows you to record expenses, income, transfer from account to account, evaluate account balances. It is possible to view the entered information in the form of graphs - and it immediately becomes clear where the holes are in the budget.

M8 - my money. my way

Life insurance has been popular all over the world for decades. The advantages of such programs allow you to protect your loved ones from sudden waste, for example, in the event of an illness, accident or death of the insured, relatives will receive financial capital that will help not only bury the deceased, but also solve the financial difficulties of the family.

Today there is a standard life insurance, which is issued for a specific period. The insured, under this program, pays premiums, and in case of illness, injury or death, the trusted person receives compensation. Cumulative life insurance is a program that allows you not only to protect yourself and your family from unplanned financial losses in the event of illness or death, but also provides an opportunity to secure your old age by increasing family capital.

Specifics of accumulative insurance

The essence of the program is that the insured person undertakes to pay contributions in a timely manner within the period specified in the contract. At the end of the specified periods, the insured person receives payments with interest (specific contributions and interest rates are negotiated), most programs insure for at least 5 years. At the end of the program, the participant can choose convenient way payouts:

  • payment in a single amount immediately;
  • payment in installments, the so-called Lifetime pension.

Accumulative capital insurance in Russia is offered by private and state insurance companies. Each company offers its own conditions, so before entering into an agreement with the first company that comes across, it makes sense to find out what conditions their colleagues put forward.

As soon as the accumulative insurance policy is purchased, its action is activated. In cases where, during the period of validity of the policy, the insured person becomes disabled, for example, group I, the insurance continues to operate according to the stipulated conditions in the contract, but now there is no need to make contributions, the insurance company will make contributions on its own. All refunds and payments at the end of the program must be paid in 100% amount.

How is the accumulation of funds

According to the concluded contract, at the end of the program, the insured person receives a specific amount, as well as the income that has accumulated due to the investment of personal funds. The contract can be concluded not only in rubles, but also in the desired currency.

The cost of the pole, as well as the amount of the final payment, depends on many criteria:

  • age;
  • duration of insurance;
  • amount of monthly payments.

The monthly fee is divided into 2 installments. One part goes to the guaranteed payout amount, the second part is invested and accumulated as income. If the insured person wants to receive the main part in case of an insured event, then the amount of savings will be less. Regular notification of the insured person about the current situation of his savings is considered mandatory.

Endowment life insurance programs are not a way to become rich, but it is a unique opportunity to save money. financial position your family, and in the event of an insured event, also receive compensation. In the most difficult cases for the family - death, relatives will receive significant financial capital. Moreover, this type of insurance allows you to save up for a child's education or for a major purchase, but most often insurance is used to ensure a decent old age.

What to do if a participant of the insurance program is faced with financial difficulties

If during the period of validity of the contract the insured person experiences unforeseen circumstances, financial difficulties that do not allow continuing to pay premiums, the contract is subject to termination, while the program participant receives the income earned on his investment deposits, as well as the redemption amount.

Attention: Not all Insurance companies provide for the payment of the redemption amount, i.e. the amount that the company undertakes to pay in the event of termination of the contract with the insured person.

Mandatory clauses in the insurance contract

  1. Complete list of information about relatives insurance person, they must be listed as beneficiaries and nothing else.
  2. Contact information (address of residence, current telephone numbers, details of the parties).
  3. Date of signing and duration of the contract.
  4. A complete list of the discussed and agreed risks, as well as the procedure for actions in the event of accidents.
  5. The selected currency in which contributions will be paid and final payment will be made at the end of the program.
  6. The interest must be indicated in the program agreed upon by the insured person.
  7. The procedure for terminating the contract in the event of financial difficulties.

If the contract misses at least 1 of the above points, then before signing, you need to make sure that the insurance company is serious.

In addition, the insurer and the insured person must sign the contract, and after that the company must put a wet seal. The program participant must obtain an insurance policy confirming the successful conclusion of the contract.

Medical examination when applying for endowment life insurance

Before the insurance company agrees to conclude a contract for participation in the funded program, the applicant will have to undergo a full medical examination. No one can say how long it will take to receive the test results, so if you plan to join the program at a certain date, you should start filling out documents, including undergoing a medical examination, in advance.

For example, at the age of 25, a person wants to become a member of a funded insurance program lasting 5 years. In order to receive a large payment at the age of 30, you need to apply to insurers at least 2-3 months in advance.

Sometimes, after passing a medical examination, the insurance company is forced to refuse the accumulative program. The following factors may serve as reasons for refusal:

  1. Oncological diseases, including the presence of malignant tumors in the body of the applicant.
  2. Severe diabetes mellitus disease.
  3. The presence of mental disorders and hereditary diseases.
  4. The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What risks are included in the endowment insurance program

Each company can set its own criteria and its own list of risks in relation to the insured person, but in most cases the risks taken into account are the same, they include:

  1. Death of the insured program participant (due to illness or accident).
  2. The emergence of legal capacity due to serious illness.
  3. Injury or accident resulting in temporary disability.
  4. Disability due to accident or illness.

Significant benefits of endowment insurance

The main advantages of insurance are:

  • financial protection and independence in the event of unforeseen circumstances;
  • the accumulative system allows you to gain material stability in the near future, allows you to purchase long-awaited purchases;
  • thanks to annual indexation, the company protects the savings of the insured against inflation;
  • this program allows Russian citizens to act as investors;
  • when considering risks, the widest possible limits are stipulated under which the insured person may suffer to one degree or another;
  • the insurer regularly calculates the interest rate in accordance with the terms of the contract;
  • if an insured event occurs, the insurer pays the entire amount, as well as the accrued interest, to the relatives specified in the contract;
  • the insurance premium is not taxed.

The most popular endowment insurance programs

Endowment insurance programs are divided into several categories:

Today, large companies offer Russians profitable endowment insurance programs. Some of the most successful and sought-after insurers in Russia this year are:

  • "Alfa Bank" offers profitable children's and pension savings programs;
  • "Renaissance Life" concludes 40% of transactions in the Russian insurance market;
  • "Russian standard" offers decent insurance conditions, the insurer concludes more than 12% of transactions in the domestic market;

When choosing a program for accumulative insurance, it is necessary to pay special attention to deaths and accidents.

Particularly noteworthy are the programs from Sberbank, which allow you to save a certain amount by the desired date, as well as insure your life and receive decent financial assistance in the event of a first accident. The insurer offers to collect targeted children's capital, maintain and increase the family financial situation thanks to the favorable conditions and benefits of the program. Important is the fact that the amount invested in the insurance program is not subject to collection, taxation or confiscation, and is also not jointly acquired property if the couple decided to divorce. Upon the death of the insured person, relatives will be able to receive financial assistance after calendar month, in contrast to the registration of the inheritance, stretching for six months.

All details about this program - "Cumulative life insurance": what is it, what conditions are offered, the amount of payments and the duration of the program must be found out before concluding an agreement.

Federal State Statistics Service, monthly average wage in Russia as a whole for the third quarter of 2017 amounted to 37,723 rubles, which is 5.5% higher compared to the same period in 2016. Wherein minimum fee for studying at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 2017 was 310,000 rubles a year; the cost of the MGIMO undergraduate program in the direction of " International relationships» for the current academic year - 530,000 rubles, at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman in the direction of "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" - 206,380 rubles.

It turns out that the average Russian cannot pay for the education of a child in the leading universities of the country. Prestigious education, even on credit, creates a significant burden on the family budget. Obviously, in these realities, most Russian parents have no other choice but to create savings for their children for the future.

However, this practice is not yet widespread. According to the observations of experts interviewed by Forbes, Russians who have their own business, or those whose income is more than 100,000 rubles a month, are mainly thinking about the long-term financial support of their children. The top popular goals include education, real estate, expenses for a wedding (organization of a celebration), less often - a car.

“For the rest, such a financial goal as providing for children is more ephemeral than real. It is more important to acquire assets for the family as a whole, which will then be inherited by children, ”Saida Suleimanovna, an independent financial adviser, Associate Professor of the Department of Insurance and Economics of the Social Sphere of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, shares her observations.

Alena Nikitina, General Director of the Organization for Personal Finance, adds that people who have their own business most often think about the issue of creating investments for children. They are aware of the risk of financial loss at any time, so they create capital for children to mitigate the consequences of possible damage. In addition, this category of people is convinced that large expenses should be planned in advance.

According to a study by the NAFI analytical center (the survey was conducted in 2016, 1663 people participated), Russians are best aware of savings products for children and adolescents. These tools were named by 61% of respondents. At the same time, 44% of respondents knew about educational loans, a third of respondents (30%) indicated debit cards issued as additional to the parent, 29% called prepaid bank cards.

However, the majority of respondents (74%) did not register any of the listed financial products and services. 17% of respondents have experience in opening savings accounts for children and grandchildren, 8% have made prepaid bank cards for children, 7% of respondents have debit cards as additional to their own.

What tools to choose

Considering a bank deposit as the only way to accumulate a significant amount of money in the long run is a dubious option, since the return on it usually does not compensate for the increase in expenses even for essential goods. Over the past year, food prices in a number of regions have increased by 9.5%, which is three times higher than the official inflation. The key rate of the Central Bank is now 7.5% and will continue to decrease. For bank customers, this will mean a drop in deposit rates, which are now within 8%.

“In order to solve the problem of accumulating children's capital, there is no need to look for special products. On financial market There are many tools that can be used to raise money for a child, including trust strategies, bonds, investment funds, structural products, and so on,” says Katerina Mileeva, head of the Large Private Wealth Management block at Alfa-Bank.

When choosing an instrument, it is important to understand that it corresponds to the investment goals that the parent sets for himself, to be aware of the risks and capital protection mechanisms, the expert adds. Creating capital for a child is also a great way to learn how to work with various financial instruments.

The choice of investment instruments is an individual question, the answer to which depends on the client's risk profile. “There are investors for whom 2.5% per annum in dollars is an attractive yield, and there are those who are not ready to discuss figures below 5% per annum,” explains Katerina Mileeva. Today, almost all banks and brokerage companies offer clients to go through a profiling procedure at the start, which reveals how ready and able they are to accept risk, their expectations regarding profitability and other parameters. As a result, this allows you to choose the optimal investment proposal.

Investments with moderate risk

NAFI representative Olga Dolgova believes that choosing a way to save for children is from a conservative position: long-term savings associated with a life start should be protected as much as possible. Apart from bank deposit she proposes to consider the option of so-called people's bonds (OFZ-n). The yield on them is now at the level of 7-8% per annum, there are no taxes, and the brokerage commission when buying or selling is minimal. “Investments in bonds are generally more profitable than deposits, and for amounts over 1.4 million rubles - even more reliable,” the expert comments.

A good option might be to open an individual investment account (IIA) with the purchase of OFZ or corporate bonds of large Russian companies issued in 2017-2020, the deputy adds CEO Finam JSC Yaroslav Kabakov.

“These securities are highly reliable and, in addition to the potential yield above a bank deposit, they have preferential taxation (coupon income is not taxed). In addition, any amount can be “parked” in bonds, while deposits have an insurance limit of 1.4 million rubles,” the expert explains. He also recommends including foreign currency assets in the portfolio in order to protect the ruble component from exchange rate fluctuations.

IIS allows you to get tax deduction in the amount of 13% on the funds contributed (maximum 52,000 rubles) - this factor can also be considered as an additional source of income. Reinvestment of tax deductions on IIA will provide an opportunity to further increase profitability. Maximum amount, which can be paid to the IIS during the calendar year, now amounts to 1 million rubles.

Alena Nikitina from the Organization of Personal Finance suggests using a scheme that involves a combination of several tools: the minimum required is the purchase of real estate and a deposit (preferably in dollars and / or in another currency) plus tools for foreign investment. The expert mentions accumulative programs from foreign insurance companies, which can bring good returns, but only on condition of regular payments. So this tool can only be called beneficial if the parents have a financial reserve that will allow them to make contributions throughout the entire term of the agreement with the investment company.

For those who need more

Investors focused on higher returns and a long investment horizon may consider investing in shares, including through Russian or foreign funds, experts agree. “The risk of such investments is much higher, but the historical return on investments in stocks over the long term usually exceeds the return on bonds,” explains Katerina Mileeva.

Financial consultant, founder of the company "Personal Capital" Vladimir Savenok notes that only stocks can outperform inflation in the long run. “The historical average annual return on US stocks was 9%. Today, at such low interest rates on the dollar and the euro, the yield will decrease, but it will still overtake inflation, which is also very low,” the expert comments. He advises investing 100% of the capital in stocks and equity funds in the first six years, and spreading investments between stocks (70%) and bonds (30%) in the next seven years. In the last five years (before the child's 18th birthday), it makes sense to increase the share of bonds by 10 percentage points every year, he concludes.

“Today I would invest 90% of my capital in equity funds developed countries: USA (40%), Europe (30%) and Asia (20%). The remaining 10% - in developing countries. In the future, this ratio can be revised depending on who will be the main engine of the world economy. Exchange-traded funds (ETF) or mutual funds can act as instruments,” the expert specifies.

The expert also recommends long-term investment in foreign currency through foreign intermediaries: brokers, banks, insurance companies. “In Russia, the legislation has not yet been worked out, almost every year it changes. Therefore, it is better to keep money where everything is more stable (in a country with a higher rating) and in a more stable currency than the ruble,” Savenok explains.

Natalia Smirnova, General Director of the Personal Advisor company, adds that if parents are not afraid of risks, then one of them can open IIS by adding shares, exchange-traded funds (ETF) plus Eurobonds to minimize taxes. “As capital accumulates on IIS, especially if the future of the child is seen outside of Russia, the savings can be transferred to a foreign brokerage account and form a fully foreign currency portfolio,” says Smirnova.

Insurance for the future

In recent years, proposals have appeared on the market that are positioned specifically as tools for parents who want to create capital for their child. First of all, we are talking about endowment life insurance. “Almost any insurance company has them in its product line with the ability to flexibly customize the product for the client: you can choose the desired term, the frequency of contributions, the scheme for paying savings after the specified age (for example, there are programs that provide for the annual payment of part of the amount to the child during his education in university) and so on,” describes the parameters of the programs Katerina Mileeva.

Cumulative life insurance (CLI) works according to the following scheme. One of the parents enters into an agreement with the insurance company, indicating the child as the insured. You can choose the term and acceptable for family budget the amount of regular deductions (insurance premiums). The company invests the contributions received, forming additional income, which, together with the sum insured specified in the contract, will be paid at the end of the program.

The advantage of the NSZH is the protection of the family budget in case of unforeseen circumstances with sums insured for each of the risks included in the program. “If a child is injured at school and needs care, then the insurer compensates for the loss of parents in wages,” explains Evgeny Gurevich, general director of RGS Life.

The guarantee of payment is maintained even if something unforeseen happens to the parent and the transfer of contributions stops. The expert adds that recently the functionality of accumulative life insurance programs has been actively expanded by connecting new options. For example, it may be to provide protection not only to the child, but also to the insured for a wide range of risks, including protection against deadly diseases.

In comparison with other ways of savings, for example, deposits, HOA programs have such advantages as tax breaks(tax deduction 13%) and high level legal protection of investments: money directed to purchase insurance policy, are not subject to penalties and arrests, are not included in the composition of divisible property. The beneficiaries who are registered in the policy cannot be disputed. The inheritance under the policy is paid to the specified beneficiary without waiting 6 months and so on.

Meanwhile, the NSZH products also have their drawbacks. “You need to understand that this is a life and health insurance policy and this is in the first place, and savings is just an additional option,” Vladimir Savenok explains. “At the same time, the conditions for saving here are not particularly attractive: the yield is very low and it is quite possible that after the expiration of the program, the client will receive an amount less than he invested.” Insurance and savings can be combined with two programs: risk insurance life and health (it will be much cheaper) and investing in a different, more profitable strategy, Savenok summarizes.

Yaroslav Kabakov, Deputy General Director of Finam JSC, among the disadvantages of such programs, points out the lack of flexibility in managing funds and the inability to influence asset management decisions. “In addition, at early termination contract will have to lose a certain amount. Let me remind you that investment policies are not insured. state program, as contributions, and this point must also be taken into account, ”adds the expert.

Nevertheless, endowment insurance can be used as a component of an investment portfolio, experts agree. Natalya Smirnova recommends making a parent both an insured and an insured person, since the accumulation process depends on the adult's ability to work. “If parents are 100% sure that the child will study in Russia, then contributions can be made in rubles. If you are not sure - better in the currency. Sum insured should be in the amount of the minimum required amount for training. The deadline is until the child enters the university, ”she clarifies.

When drawing up a contract, it is imperative to take into account the risks: disability for any reason, dangerous diseases, exemption from paying contributions. Then, upon the occurrence insured event the program will continue to operate at the expense of contributions from the insurance company.

  • Before making an investment decision, it is necessary to formulate the main tasks for yourself: the term for placing funds, the desired level of capital protection, acceptable risks, expected profitability, as well as liquidity requirements for the instrument - is there, for example, the need to receive regular payments or the possibility of early sale of the instrument.
  • You need to carefully understand all the conditions of the product before buying it. Do not rely on information obtained from only one source, for example, from a bank representative. Ideally, you need to compare the offers of several banks in order to make a meaningful choice.
  • Need to think tax consequences associated with a specific tool.
  • The terms of the contract need to be studied in detail. Can attract financial advisors which will help you understand the terms and specifics. Since there can be a lot of nuances, it is difficult to single out the most important and necessary ones. For example, when concluding an insurance contract, you need to look at exceptions to payments and insurance rules. When concluding a brokerage service agreement, make sure that you have a license and clarify service rates.
  • The key to success is the regular replenishment of the portfolio. Keep your monthly contributions small but regular.
  • You should not use high-risk instruments (for example, cryptocurrencies).
  • It is necessary to teach the child the competent handling of money, otherwise all investments will be in vain.

Dear our clients!!!

Before proceeding to the description of endowment insurance programs, I propose to start with general definitions. Let's talk about what is money, personal capital, financial planning, financial unsinkability....

Dear, are there any among you who are not interested in money at all? If so, then this site will not be useful to you. If not, and you are really interested in the laws and mechanisms related to money, then we are on the way.

Money has its own laws. And in Soviet times, and, alas, now we were taught anything, but they did not teach the two most important things: how to make money and how to spend it! Communism never came, no one canceled money and will not cancel it in the near future, so let's look at our life from the point of view of money.

All human life is divided into three periods:

1. Study - up to about 20 -22 years old

2. Work - from the moment you start making money from 20-22 to 55-65 years old.

3. Pension - from 55 - 65 years

It may seem strange to some, especially to young visitors to our site, that they are talking about retirement (after all, they have their whole life ahead of them!). But we are talking not only about pensions, but about our life in terms of money. After all, free education, free medical service, guaranteed state pension. This means only one thing - if you are a serious person, responsible primarily to "your loved ones", to your family or people who are financially dependent on you, you must understand:

No one will take care of you but yourself!

And there is no one to shift this responsibility to! While we are working in the second period of our life, youth, health, energy allow us to earn money and increase our material well-being. But with age, you want to work less, and get more, or at least the same. What conclusion can be drawn from this? While there is an opportunity, earning money today, to ensure your comfortable existence tomorrow - do it! Invest in your own future today! Every person has the right to choose. What choice does a citizen of our country with unstable economic, political and social spheres have? Let's just say it's small. Most people do not trust Russian banks, pension funds, insurance companies. Yes and the legislative framework leaves much to be desired. Invest in real estate? According to the latest data from the State Statistics Committee and the Association of Moscow Realtors, today the profit from the acquisition of real estate for its own sale does not cover the inflation rate. Invest in a business? So this is active capital, which at any time can become risk capital. We are talking about the creation of reserve capital. What to do?

Lack of attention to their finances is severely punished.

Remember how often and how much you lost money on the advice of home-grown "experts"? Maybe you invested in MMM to earn a lot and immediately? Or placed money in the bank at a high interest rate? Now remember who advised you to do this? Relatives or neighbors who once received high interest and immediately imagined themselves as big financiers?

Do you think that this is only our problem? By no means! The same problems exist in developed countries. People are chasing high quick profits, risking all their funds, without thinking about their loved ones. Many act on someone else's advice without any analysis of what they are doing. We offer you not fabulous profits and the opportunity to lose all your savings, but we advise you how to invest your finances competently and reliably, which will allow you to live calmly and confidently, protect yourself and your loved ones. We are here because we want to help you in this difficult task for you.

WHY should you listen to us? Why are we better than "experts" - "analysts", on whose advice you have already lost your money and decided that the most reliable place is a glass jar?


We are experienced consultants with many years of experience in all segments of the financial market.

We do not give advice on where to invest money today - in a bank or in stocks. We encourage everyone to analyze their investments, assess the reliability of a company or bank and teach how to assess reliability

We do not just answer individual questions on finance and financial planning, we offer and help you make your finances not only bring you income, but also protect you.

90% of people in the world do not understand financial matters enough. At best, they place their money in banks, at worst, they simply keep it under their pillows at home. Some get into risky financial transactions without realizing what they are doing. Seek advice from experts. We will show you how to objectively evaluate and analyze every investment you are about to make.

We often hear from people: "I have no free money, I have nothing to manage and nothing to plan." We believe that they have no money, but we cannot believe that they have nothing to manage. They are not unemployed people, they have families. Every month they spend their earned money on food, clothes, transport. They go on holiday every year. So why do they have non-free money set aside? Why don't they have personal capital?

It doesn't matter how much a person earns per month. As statistics show in our country, 95% of people do not have deferred free funds. Why? Why don't they think that tomorrow they may have problems with work, business, health, and even life? Don't they love their loved ones? They believe they love and care for them. But, nevertheless, they do not protect them from possible problems, because they do not have any financial plan.

Finances should protect you and your loved ones and bring a constant stable income!

Can $10,000 turn into $2,000,000? Of course they can! The only question is how quickly this can happen and what is the degree of risk of such a transformation. You can invest these funds in a risky business and double them within 2-3 months. But you can also lose them completely.

What is financial planning?

Can you risk all your money?

Are you and your loved ones protected from unforeseen circumstances?

Is it safe to store money in a glass jar?

How much do you lose if you don't invest your money?

A number of questions that are very difficult to answer. But if you think about it, then you have taken your first step towards financial independence.

How to save $25,000 by saving only $50 a month without risky investment?

This is not a bluff. This is reality and many the richest people of the world started with small amounts and became billionaires thanks to their clear investment strategies.

Sometime you have to start. And if you do not have free funds now, it will be easier for you to start from the very beginning. Financial planning is what every person needs to achieve financial independence. Do not be intimidated by this complex phrase. The action itself is simpler than the name.

How much do you regularly set aside for your future? In other words, have you set yourself a specific percentage that you set aside for every amount you receive? Or do you just put money "in the piggy bank" that for some reason remained unspent? Or even worse - you find that you have nothing to put off?

It is wise to set yourself a savings limit at a certain level. In any case, the most important thing is to establish a regular "rhythm" of savings and stick to it, even if it takes some time to live economically than current funds allow.

You should also have sufficient funds at your disposal to allow you to live for three to six months without resorting to emergency measures, and these funds must be in a checking account or kept in another accessible place. So, one of the options for storing on a flexible account is offered by insurance companies.

An insurance funded pension program (or a funded insurance program) is elementary financial planning. By opening such a program, you oblige yourself to annually save a certain amount for your future. You do not need to waste your time making other plans. If you can't or don't want to do this, just open the program and you'll have some serious financial protection.

Are you and your loved ones protected? Do you have pension savings? Not thinking about it today is putting yourself at risk. How to save money for retirement and protect your loved ones at the same time? Endowment insurance programs kill two birds with one stone.

If you think that you know everything you need about finances and do not need advice or consultations, we are happy for you and sincerely wish you never lose your money. We recommend that you - check once again those companies that have been entrusted with their funds.

But how to determine whether a particular company is reliable or not? To do this, you need to have your own criteria for assessing the reliability of the company.

The reliability of the company or bank to which you entrust your personal funds is the most important criterion when choosing a partner. Neither profitability nor liquidity can come first. ONLY RELIABILITY. Therefore, when choosing a company, you must evaluate this very reliability according to a number of criteria. Next, we will give the most basic of them, by which you can understand how reliable the company is.

So, what should you pay attention to first of all.

This is the simplest and most effective method reliability ratings for those who are familiar with such a concept. A company's rating is a measure of reliability given by independent rating agencies. That is, they do all the work for you to study the company and publish the result of their research. Companies are almost always interested in such an assessment by agencies, since customer acquisition and business development depend on their rating. Ratings are denoted, as a rule, by letters - a large number of letters "A" means a higher degree of reliability.

For example, US government bonds have the highest reliability rating - AAA. Further, the degree of reliability decreases as follows:


. A.
. BBB.
. …
. D. The letter D means that a company with such a rating is bankrupt.

The question arises - if a financial company is registered in the USA, does this mean that it has the same rating as the country itself - the USA? AAA rating? The question is not idle.

The answer is no! Just because a company is registered in the US or Switzerland does not mean that it has the same rating as the country. In any country there are different companies with different ratings. Therefore, regardless of where the company is registered, you should look for the rating not of the country, but the rating of this particular company.

Where to look for ratings? I use the site Agency Standard Poors There you can find ratings of companies, banks, etc.

Important note: a company (bank) cannot have a rating higher than the rating assigned to the company's country of incorporation. This means that if you are told that some Russian company has an international AAA rating of the highest reliability, do not believe it, since Russia's rating is much lower - BBB.

But, in addition to international rating agencies, there are country agencies that assign ratings to companies and banks in a particular country. For example, a Russian agency may assign an AAA rating to a large Russian corporation such as OAO Gazprom. And at the same time, OAO Gazprom really deserves this rating, as it is a leading and reliable company in Russia. But this rating is not international, but Russian. That is, OAO Gazprom has the highest reliability rating in Russia. International ranking this company cannot be higher than Russia's rating (today it is BBB).

2. The structure of the company's assets, or, more simply, how the company allocates your money. If a company (bank) promises its depositors a return on US dollars of 15–20%, then it is obvious that the company (bank) is making risky investments. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to ask the company where it is going to invest your money in order to pay you such interest. None of the affected MMM depositors asked the company about it at the time. That is why they are the victims today.

All known investment companies with world-famous names ALWAYS show their clients where they place their money: in which securities, currencies, countries, etc. At the same time, they also talk about what potential profitability a client can receive when investing according to a particular strategy.

Foreign insurance companies offering accumulative insurance programs are limited by the legislation on the methods of investing attracted funds. They are not allowed to risk the money they borrow from individuals for a long period. For example, an Austrian companyGRAZER WECHSELSEITIGE VERSICHERUNG AG (GRAWE) , formed in Austria in 1828, invests as follows:

* state. loans and mortgage bonds (rated A and above) - 74%;

* shares 5%

I deliberately indicated in parentheses next to each of the assets that the ratings of these assets cannot be lower than A. This means that if a company buys real estate, it only buys it in those countries that have an A rating or higher. She (the company) does not buy real estate in Russia and even in Poland. The same applies to securities, and banks, and other investments.

This structure is indicative of high degree reliability of the company and provides depositors with a guarantee of the safety of their funds in the company. In Russia, I often hear about companies that raise money by promising high investment returns (15-30% per annum) to their clients.

If you ask them where they invest their money, the companies will tell you about it only in general terms: “We invest money in blue chip stocks, real estate, bonds, etc.” But, as a rule, they can never (or do not want to) tell in what proportions and in what assets the money is invested at one time or another. If such a company gives you its guarantees not only for the safety of your funds, but also for high profitability, then they have little weight, because they disappear along with the liquidation of the company itself.

Therefore, I will return once again to the same recommendation. If you are given a guarantee by a company or bank that has neither a rating nor a long history, ask them why they would not take such a guarantee from some reputable financial institution? For example, if a company told you that all clients are guaranteed safety of capital, and Sberbank of Russia provides such a guarantee, this could be considered a completely safe investment in Russia. For example, a companyGRAWE gives full obligations and guarantees under all contracts of its subsidiaryMEDLIFE .

Such a question very quickly puts the interlocutor in his place and makes him think about why his company really cannot get such a guarantee.

3. The main founders and managers of the company

This information is very important for assessing the reliability of the company. It is unlikely that any sane person will invest in a company founded by S. Mavrodi.

Founders must have an impeccable reputation and trust from investors.

If you want to invest your money in the shares of a company, read the biographies of the main founders and managers of the company. If, for example, the president of a company has previously managed five different corporations and all five corporations have successfully "went down", that is, they have gone bankrupt, then the chances that new company will be prosperous, scanty.

Let's take the company mentioned above as an example.GRAWE , then she is the founder of many financial structures in different parts of the world. This means that the company tightly controls its structures, not allowing any questionable transactions on their part. Why You Can Trust These Child StructuresGRAWE ? Simply because a company that has gained credibility with its work for 186 years will never allow anyone to destroy it with their actions. This will entail a downgrade of the company's rating, an outflow of depositors and other negative consequences that will lead to huge losses.

4. Financial reporting

If you can evaluate the state of the company by financial reporting, it never hurts to do this to feel calmer. A company's balance sheet and income statement can tell you a lot about a company's health. It is important to pay attention to the following articles:

The amount of short-term loans in the "Current Liabilities" section of the balance sheet, that is, loans that need to be repaid in the next 3 months. If the debt is large, then it is important to understand how the company is going to repay this debt. To do this, you need to pay attention to another part of the balance sheet.

. « Current assets» and the following articles in this part:

* Funds in the bank. This is the best article ever. It shows how much money is in the company's account. This money is the most liquid, that is, they can be used at any time.

* Accounts receivable, that is, the funds that the company must receive from its customers for the goods or services sold. It is important to look not only at the amount of receivables, but also at its dynamics. If accounts receivable increases from quarter to quarter and from year to year, this may mean that the company's buyers pay poorly for the purchased goods and the company may have financial problems because of this.

* Items in stock. This article shows how much goods are in stock. That is, this article reflects how much money you can get if you sell all the goods in stock.

The sum of these three items must be greater than the item "Short-term debt". If this is not the case, then the company has problems and may not be able to pay off the existing debt.


Insurance companies offer you to take this step by opening a funded insurance program. What it is, you will see below on the example of programs offered by an insurance companyGRAWE (Grazer Wechselseitige) / Medlife Insurance Ltd, partners and partners of which we are employees of an international brokerage information companySI Save-Invest.

Unfortunately, we have all been accustomed for a very long time to the idea that the state will take care of us (when we stop working) and our loved ones (if something happens to us). But today, looking at all the problems that exist in the countries former USSR more and more people understand that help to themselves should be expected only from themselves. The pension reforms being carried out in the Baltic States, in Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries confirm the validity of this postulate. So is it worth waiting for someone to tell you that you should take care of yourself? Why waste time?

Start thinking about your future today.

Insurance savings pension programs(or endowment insurance programs) offered by insurance companies solve the issues of your pension (pension savings), protection of your loved ones (life insurance), protection of the future of your children (savings for children to study abroad), as well as simply reliable preservation of your free funds , in complex.


Having opened endowment insurance programs for yourself and your loved ones, you:

Receive pension insurance and provide yourself with a decent lifelong pension, which will be paid to you at any address you wish and under any circumstances, regardless of what happens in the country where you live;

* Protect your loved ones from unforeseen circumstances (your life insurance) and ensure their existence, so that nothing happens to you;

* Make your children truly happy by giving them seed capital for education, weddings, starting a business, etc.;

* Ensure the complete safety of your free funds in the most reliable companies, which themselves are diligently looking for the owners and heirs of the accumulated funds in the event of a break in ties and loss of contacts;

You will feel more confident from the knowledge of your complete security.

It is prestigious and profitable for you!!!

How can one program give its customers so many benefits? What other financial institution can offer so many services to its clients? Bank? Look at the TABLE OF COMPARISON OF BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES and you will understand that you need a bank only for current needs, but not for saving money for the future.

Over the past 30 years, 70% of personal capital has flowed from banks to insurance companies!

I understand that it can be very difficult for people to take the advice of a stranger, especially if it concerns financial matters. But believe that it is very difficult for us, just like for you, to see the problems of our current pensioners and realize that our problems will be even harder if we do not take care of our future today.

Endowment insurance programs offered by insurance companies are a simultaneous combination pension fund, an insurance company and a bank rolled into one.

If you decide to take an important and necessary step in your the savings program and find out more detailed information, you are welcome.

So what is an insurance savings program?

Let's turn to the experience of developed capitalist countries. For example, to such generally recognized international financial institutions like Switzerland and Austria. In these countries, young people are required from the age of twenty to acquire their own social savings programs.

If a young person cannot do this on his own or with parental help, then the state finds work for him and allocates money for these programs. Since 1991, residents of the post-Soviet space have also been able to use such programs. What are these programs?

A well-known Austrian company offers these programs in the form of insurance policies to residents of the CISGRAWE , founded in 1828 by the brother of the Austrian Kaiser. The management of the company is still inherited and this privilege is only for members of the royal family. The company distributes policies through its partner - a Swiss international consulting companySi Save Invest, of which we are employees and serves customers in more than 120 countries around the world. The point is. that each client, concluding an agreement with the company, pays his annual fee (minimum - 300, maximum - 10,000, (currency dollars and euros)), the client chooses the amount and denomination of banknotes. The minimum option is 10% of annual income, invest in the future. And with this amount you will part painlessly (remember the church tithe). 10% per year of the total income is exactly the amount that you can invest in your future easily and without limiting yourself in everyday life. The company, in turn, responding to your trust, undertakes to preserve and increase your deposits.

For exampleA: the client pays for 15 years at $2,000 per year. Over 15 years, $30,000 in interest accrues on his account. Moreover, during the entire term of the contract, from the first day and all 15 years, the client is under insurance protection. If, as a result of an accident, he becomes disabled, the company will pay him an insurance benefit and, despite the payment, he will remain a client of the company until the end of the contract. If the client dies as a result of an accident or dies due to natural cause, then the company will stand up for his family or those whom the client indicated as heirs at the conclusion of the contract. Heirs receive a solid insurance payment, the value of which depends on the amount of the contract. In addition, the client has the opportunity to use another account under the contract. This account is similar to a bank account, with the only difference being that the money in this account is not subject to taxation. At the end of the contract, the client has the right to either withdraw his money from % or leave it in the company, become a lifelong Austrian pensioner, and receive his pension annuity for the rest of his life. Did you know, our dear guests, that you have the right and opportunity to become a rentier, like any resident of developed countries and on the same conditions as they?

The accumulated capital under the endowment insurance policy is not divided between the spouses upon divorce. The form of the contract is POLIS (this security). Under this policy, the client can take a loan (in foreign currency) from any bank in the world and from the insurance company itself. The capital accumulated under the policy is not subject to confiscation. All information about money, heirs, etc. under this policy is strictly confidential.

We are sure that among the people who have read this information there are many who are not indifferent to his life in terms of money. Welcome to the civilized world!

Services for monitoring personal finances are created to help users keep track of income and expenses, remind them of the dates of current payments ( public utilities, internet, loans, etc.). At the same time, these applications can be called educational, they allow you to set aside money by a certain date, form and adjust the family budget.

Pay off your debts with Moneywiz 2

This elegant and powerful application will easily bring all your bills, budgets and payments together. It also provides functionality such as internet banking and synchronization between all devices.

Moneywiz will help you get out of the "debt hole" because it will carefully analyze the user's financial situation and identify the most vulnerable spots. Thus, the client will be able to optimize costs and, gradually paying off debts, completely get rid of them. Also, Moneywiz will notify you in time about the need to pay the bill, distribute cash so that you do not exceed the limit.

Users rated this application 4.2 points. Paid content can be purchased for 329 rubles.

Finance PM - "money catcher"

The unique and easy-to-use Finance PM service will allow clients to manage their money quickly and wisely. By controlling expenses, you can reduce them, and, accordingly, save up a decent amount of money for a useful and often inaccessible future purchase.

For example, together with Finance PM you will be able to calculate how many TV channels you really watch, and, having estimated the size of the overpayment, you can easily and without much regret switch to a budget package or free Internet TV. Savings - a thousand monthly. And if you stop spending money on coffee in a cafe, because at home the drink turns out to be both tastier and more aromatic, and what is especially nice - many times cheaper, then you will save up to 4 thousand rubles a month.

In addition, using Finance PM, you can manage any number of wallets in different currencies, make changes and customize widgets for frequently performed transactions, and you can import and export data.

25.5 thousand users rated the application at 4.6 points.

Save 400 rubles per month with Dr. Tariff

Brilliant App Dr. Tariff, having studied the statistics of your telephone conversations and Internet traffic, will select the best tariff plan and free additional options. On average, the client will save 400 rubles per month.

Now you can prove that money was illegally deducted from your account mobile phone. Cellular operators will no longer be able to connect paid options and services to your number. After all, the Dr. Tariff will immediately detect any changes on your tariff plan which will notify you immediately. By learning how to manage bonuses, the user will be able to successfully save significant amounts. For example, when going abroad, feel free to use the tips of Dr. tariff. So you will not spend extra on roaming and Wi-Fi. Also, using Dr. Tariff, you can automatically top up your mobile phone balance.

34.5 thousand people rated this application at 4.5 points.

Kopikot will return part of the money

Kopikot will give you a share of the money spent on purchases in your favorite online stores. After all, retail chains that you access through Kopikot applications pay services for new customers and a wide reach of the target audience. Kopikot will gladly refund your money so that you can purchase even more quality products at great prices. Also in Kopikot you will always find discounts and free promotional codes from your favorite stores. Experienced users manage to save up to 90% of the cost of goods in this way.

Piggy bank 2.0

The main idea behind this cozy app is planning. You will be able to distribute your income according to certain categories, for example, food, clothing, housing and communal services, entertainment, and “sort” them into “virtual wallets”. Each of them has its own limit, which is not recommended to be exceeded. Knowing how much and what you can spend on a daily basis will help you control your spending and strive to cut it down. Gradually, you will learn to set aside savings without particularly limiting yourself in anything, but only by optimizing expenses and reducing them in those segments where it is not even noticeable. It will be very useful and pleasant, say, for a vacation or a holiday, to receive an additional substantial amount.