Rosbank board. Shareholders bailed out Rosbank

2 based on 138 votes this month Reviews Deposits News Rating

Deposit and lending rates Rosbank

Min. loan rate - 13.5%

Max. deposit rate - 6.2%

Main state registration number: 1027739460737 Assets, billion rubles: 1125 Issuance and acquiring of bank cards: American Express, China UnionPay, JCB International, MasterCard Int., VISA International, gold Crown, United settlement system, ROSBANK, Customs card Official website of Rosbank: Single free phone: 8 800 200-66-33

Public Joint Stock Company RosBank is a universal bank within the international financial group Societe Generale, which controls the bank by 99.5 percent. In addition to RosBank, the group in the territory Russian Federation also includes subsidiary banks "DeltaCredit" and "Rusfinance Bank". The bank was registered in 1993 and at the time of its creation was called "Independence". In 1998, the bank was bought by the Interros industrial and financial group. In 2002, RosBank was merged with investment bank MFK is also from the Interros group, and in 2003 Rosbank took over the OVK banking group, which at that time was the largest retail banking group in the Russian Federation. The consolidation of Rosbank and the OVK banking group was completed by mid-2005. In 2006, part of the bank's shares were sold to the French bank Societe Generale, and in 2008 the financial group Societe Generale increased its stake to a controlling stake. And in 2013-2014, Societe Generale bought stakes from VTB Bank and the financial group Pharanco Holdings Co., registered in Cyprus. Ltd., thus bringing its shareholding to 99.5 percent.

By asset size and equity At the beginning of 2015, RosBank was in twelfth place among the largest Russian banks. The bank's client base totals more than three million individuals. The bank's branch network includes more than 600 branches, more than a thousand sales points and three thousand ATMs in seventy regions of Russia. Such expansion became possible precisely after the merger with the banking group Societe Generale Vostok.

The main strategic direction of RosBank is to improve the quality of customer service, as well as to achieve a leading position in the field of innovation in the field of banking. And as a result - ensuring stable growth of the banking group through business development, while strengthening the interaction between branches to achieve sustainable profitability.

Third Party Ratings and Rating Agencies

Expert RA
Fitch BBB-
Min. car loan rate
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Latest Reviews of Rosbank

On June 13, at 18.02, a call was made to Rosbank at number *** in order to find out why not all funds were credited to the credit card account. By SMS alerts and personal account the balance amount as of June 2 is 180 thousand rubles, I will add 20 thousand rubles - up to full repayment credit limit ( credit limit 200 thousand rubles). In my personal account, I see that only 6 thousand rubles were received on the account and the balance amount is 186 thousand. I call Rosbank, the conversation takes more than 50 minutes (operator: Marina 1484 - any question confuses the operator and she turns off for 10-15 minutes, connects - says incomprehensible things, I ask the question again and she turns off again). The issue is not resolved. The question remains open, where did you lose 14 thousand rubles? Why can't I see them on my credit card balance? Rosbank is doing very badly, what are you stealing from customers? Understand the situation and return 14 thousand to the account, otherwise I am writing a statement to the police.

nkharlashina, 13.06.2019 Link

A normal bank, there are never queues, the employees are competent on any issues. Here I have salary cards employees are serviced, there are never any questions about them. The other day my manager called and offered to start a savings account. plastic card with 7.7% per annum on any balance. Interested, drove up, read the conditions. The service is free, I did not find a small text about mandatory payments and a minimum balance. I decided to try this card. I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks, I’ve already flown on vacation with it, ordinary plastic, like everyone else. Only with the possibility of accruing 7.7 percent. I didn’t try to withdraw cash from it, but according to the conditions, you can withdraw it without interest once a month at any ATM or at your own as much as you like. The limits are decent - 500 thousand per day or 1.5 million per month. My recommendations, it turned out to be a good product.

Paul, 5.06.2017 Link

Several years ago I took out a mortgage from Rosbank. They didn’t give it in rubles, I had to take it in foreign currency. I paid for several years without any problems, but when the exchange rate began to fluctuate, I contacted the bank with a request to convert the loan into rubles. But the answer was a refusal. Now I don’t even know what to do, the overpayment is incredible...

Vadim, 11.09.2016 Link

Hello! I am an individual entrepreneur. On 07/07/16, without any explanation, the bank blocked all my accounts and cards. After lengthy proceedings, which lasted almost a month, the bank opened access to my account. During this period, not a single official statement was made by the bank. It is quite clear that any official statement could be challenged in court. I wrote letters to the bank, appeals on the Rosbank website. About a month later, my account and cards were opened. Unfortunately, one lawlessness leads to another! For some reason that is completely unclear to me, they do not open a client bank. According to bank tariffs, the cost of one payment order is 120 rubles, electronic - 30 rubles. When concluding an agreement between PJSC Rosbank and me, both parties signed an Appendix indicating the tariffs and the range of services provided. Now the bank is forcing me to use the most expensive and inconvenient service, grossly violating my consumer rights and imposing an expensive service. Let me remind you that I paid for opening the account, I paid for its maintenance, I did not violate a single clause of our Agreement with the bank. The bank, for its part, violated all conceivable and inconceivable decency, and at the same time the laws of the Russian Federation. On official appeals the site is not responding. Doesn't give information over the phone. HELP!!!

Mikhail92, 2.09.2016 Link

I signed up for a Rosbank credit card on June 30, 2015 for a year, after asking how the card was renewed, the manager replied that it was automatic. 07/04/2016 I received an SMS about the debt credit card, contacted the bank, where they asked to pay the entire amount on a credit card. At the same time, on June 26, 2016, when paying the next payment at the bank, no one said about the extension, there were no calls or SMS. Being a conscientious payer and regular customer (I paid off two loans from this bank), I trusted the manager and did not control the renewal process. The SMS about the debt arrived only on the fifth day of the debt (I paid for the SMS notification separately) and it was not possible to extend the contract due to the debt. I had to give back the money I had saved for my vacation. Be careful! What was it - the employees’ negligent attitude towards their duties, my sluggishness or a deliberate trick? P.S. In principle, everything is not so bad, I am relaxing in the vastness of my native land, but the unpleasant aftertaste of deception remains.

nazarka23, 23.07.2016 Link

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Rosbank is one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation, which has a huge network of branches, representing a form of open joint-stock company. Offers retail business services, corporate clients, including the provision of investment banking services, including the system private banking. The activities of Rosbank are controlled by representatives of the French financial group. 2000 legal entities and individuals are shareholders of this institution.

History of Rosbank

It emerged in 1993, receiving the name “Independence”. During the crisis in 1998, it was transferred to the Interros structure (industrial and financial group). Starting in 2002, Rosbank began to acquire various investment and banking structures, and by 2003 acquired the largest retail trade group at that time, UWC.

Range of activities of the bank

Offers various programs lending for small and medium-sized businesses, including short-term and long-term lending. Provides the opportunity to obtain unsecured loans for businesses, as well as express financing.

A wide range of types of deposits: for 3 months, for 6 months, for a year, with preferential termination, under high percent, with capitalization and many others.

Despite the fact that the registration date of Rosbank is 1993, the actual history of the brand dates back to 1998, when the owners of ONEXIM Bank, which went bankrupt as a result of the crisis, Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov acquired JSCB Nezavisimost, transferred there the necessary personnel, assets, customers and gave the bank a new name “Rosbank”. Thus, Rosbank of the late nineties can rightfully be called the bridge bank of the bankrupt ONEXIM.

Rosbank entered the 2000s in the form of an open joint-stock company, and in 2003 acquired the OVK banking group (successor to the well-known SBS-Agro) for $200 million, thereby expanding its branch network and customer base. This transaction, completed by 2005, allowed Rosbank to become one of the largest retail banks in Russia at that time.

In 2006, Rosbank attracted the attention of the French banking group Societe Generale, which by the end of 2008, through a series of transactions, managed to buy out a controlling stake (50% plus one share), paying the previous owners of the bank 2.33 billion US dollars.

Currently, the bank's shareholders are Societe Generale S.A. – 82.4%, VTB Bank – 10%, Vladimir Potanin – 7% and minority shareholders – 0.6%.

The bank is led by a board of directors (12 people), chaired by Ogel Didier, and the Management Board, headed since December 2, 2013 by Chairman Dmitry Olyunin (ex-head of Transcreditbank, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University).

Rosbank today is a modern universal bank providing services to all categories of private and corporate clients. Despite its versatility, the priority direction of its activity is servicing legal entities - corporate clients, and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Special investment products, various lending and trade financing programs have been developed for them. In addition, Rosbank is one of the leading arrangers and underwriters in the market of ruble corporate and municipal bonds.

As for working with private clients, on the one hand, this is done by the subsidiaries of Rosbank - Rusfinance ( customer credit) and DeltaCredit (mortgage), and on the other hand, the bank itself offers the population of the country a full range of financial products: time deposits, credit and debit cards, consumer loans and mortgages, as well as a package of related banking services. Separately, it is worth noting the increasingly popular remote service systems, such as Internet banking and mobile banking.

Rosbank in numbers is more than 600 branches, 1,200 points of sale and 3,000 ATMs in 340 populated areas Russia. Its clients are more than 3 million individuals, 56 thousand individual entrepreneurs and over 9.5 thousand of the largest Russian and international companies. The number of employees as of April 2013 is 13.17 thousand people.

Rosbank, Rosbank official website
Public joint stock company

Rosbank- a universal bank, based on the results of 2014, Rosbank ranks 12th in terms of assets among Russian banks in the Russian Federation in terms of assets. Full name - Public Joint Stock Company ROSBANK - PJSC ROSBANK. The headquarters is located in Moscow.

Rosbank is part of the international financial group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, the process of consolidation of the Russian assets of the Société Générale Group was completed, and another Russian bank this group is Banque Societe Generale Vostok.

  • 1. History
    • 1.1 Merger with BSGV and rebranding
  • 2 Owners
  • 3 Manual
    • 3.1 Board of Directors
    • 3.2 Board
  • 4 Activities
  • 5 Regional network
  • 6 Logo
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Links


Founded in 1993 as JSCB "Independence" (JSC), subsequently changed its organizational and legal form several times (1994 - LLP, 1996 - CJSC). In September 1998, Interros Holding Company acquired the bank and renamed it JSCB ROSBANK (CJSC). In 1999, Rosbank received the organizational and legal form of an open joint stock company.

In 2003, Rosbank acquired the UWC banking group for $200 million, thereby significantly expanding its branch network.

On December 1, 2005, he became a laureate of the “Golden Banking Lion” award in the category “Leader in the field of consumer lending.”

In June and September 2006, blocks of 10% shares of the bank for $317 million each were sold to the French banking group Société Générale. The French bank also received an option to purchase another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion by the end of 2008, which was exercised in February 2008.

On May 2, 2012, a cooperation agreement was signed between Rosbank and Alfa Bank. The parties agreed to cooperate and also united the ATM network.

On November 23, 2012, Rosbank signed an agreement to sell Belrosbank to Alfa-Bank, which plans to expand its positions in the Republic of Belarus.

Since 2010, Rosbank has been a partner of the Russian Sustainable Energy Financing Program.

On May 15, 2013, the chairman of the board of the bank, Vladimir Golubkov, as well as vice-president Tamara Polyanytsyna were arrested on suspicion of receiving a bribe of 5 million rubles from Andrei Kovalev. On May 27, Rosbank announced the dismissal of the arrested Vladimir Golubkov; Until the approval of the candidacy and appointment by the board of directors of a new chairman of the board, the duties of the head of Rosbank were temporarily assigned to the first deputy chairman of the board, Igor Antonov.

Merger with BSGV and rebranding

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank's shareholders (Societe Generale and Interros) to consolidate the Russian assets of the Group were announced: Rosbank, Societe Generale Vostok Bank, DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank. The total volume of assets was estimated as of January 1, 2010 at 656 billion rubles. Upon completion of the merger, Rosbank became the third largest private bank in Russia by assets, behind Alfa Bank and its principal competitor, Unicredit Bank.

In February 2010, BSGV and Rosbank united the ATM network. At all Rosbank ATMs, BSGV cardholders were able to make transactions without additional fees, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares of Rusfinance Bank and DeltaCredit Bank.

On April 15, 2011, the shareholders of Rosbank decided to reorganize the bank in the form of merging CJSC BSGV into it, which took place on July 1, 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, the bank began rebranding, which consists of switching to the symbols of the Société Générale group. The bank's new logo became a red-black square with a white stripe, the font of the bank's name was changed, and information about its affiliation with the Société Générale group appeared under it. In the summer of 2011, new symbols were introduced on bank cards, a legal merger was carried out, and from October 2011, all branches and ATMs became completely equivalent, and the process of changing signs at branches began. The network of partner banks was also significantly expanded, and consequently the number of ATMs and terminals that Rosbank clients can use without commission.


The main shareholder is the French bank Société Générale (99.4216%).

In December 2008, Interros pledged 19.99% of shares to VTB to secure loans received. In December 2013, VTB sold Société Générale almost 10% of Rosbank shares. In April 2014, Société Générale bought the remaining 7% of Rosbank shares from Interros.

  • Didier Augel is the chairman of the bank's board of directors.
  • Dmitry Olyunin - Chairman of the Board

Governing body

  • Dmitry Olyunin. Having worked in the VTB Group for 9 years (from May 2013 to November 2013, he served as President and Chairman of the Management Board of TransCreditBank OJSC), and continued his career as Chairman of the Board of Rosbank. Date of entry into office: December 2, 2013.
  • Francois Bloch - First Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Finance, risks, HR, compliance and constant control
  • Alexi Lacroix - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Retail business, contact center management and development
  • Jean-Philippe Aractingy - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Financial block, work with suppliers
  • Ilya Polyakov - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Corporate business, client relations and investment banking, SG CIB for Russia and the CIS
  • Ulan Ilishkin - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Corporate communications, development of a control system and improving the quality of customer service, working with wealthy clients and asset management, coordination of collection business
  • Jürgen Grib is Deputy Chairman of the Board. Capital Markets and Investment Banking
  • Perizat Shaykhina - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Risk management.
  • Konstantin Artyukh - Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board. Legal and administrative blocks.


The bank is multi-profile financial institution, provides a full range of banking services to both individuals and legal entities. The bank has a general license to carry out banking operations, licenses professional participant securities market, licenses to carry out transactions with precious metals etc. Rosbank's clients include more than 3 million private clients and 73 thousand corporate clients.

In the ranking of the largest banks by first-order capital, compiled by The Banker magazine (July 2012), Rosbank ranks 5th among Russian banks and 1st among private banks in the country. The bank's assets, as of October 1, 2012 according to RAS, amount to 1.2 trillion rubles, capital - 81.4 billion rubles, net profit for the third quarter of 2012 - 9.7 billion rubles.

Regional network

To coordinate the activities of the bank's divisions, a multi-level management system has been formed: the head office in Moscow, 10 regional directorates (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Lipetsk, Yaroslavl), as well as operational offices, additional offices And operating cash desks. At the beginning of 2014, Rosbank had more than 600 branches, 1,200 points of sale in 340 cities and towns in Russia.


Changed 2 logos. The current one is the 3rd in a row.

  • In 1998-2005, the logo was a hexagon made up of two jackdaws and a dark blue dot, under it was the signature “Rosbank” in dark blue, below it was the signature “Shareholder commercial Bank» dark blue.
  • In 2005-2011, the hexagon was placed on a blue hexagon and it became white, at the bottom or on the right is the signature “Rosbank” in blue with a large letter “P” and the font changed.
  • From 2011 to the present, the logo is a red and black square with a white stripe, to the right of it the word “Rosbank” is in black and the font has changed, below is information about belonging to the Société Générale group.

    Logo in 1998-2005.

    Logo from 2011 to present.


  1. Rosbank management
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Quarterly report on securities of OJSC AKB ROSBANK for the first quarter of 2014
  3. Banks of Russia. Key performance indicators (thousand rubles) - 2014
  4. 1 2 Quarterly report on securities of OJSC AKB ROSBANK for the 2nd quarter of 2011
  5. On December 1, in Moscow, in the Celebration Hall of the Catherine Palace, the First ceremony of presenting the National Banking Prize, established by the Association of Russian Banks and the National Banking Journal (Russian), took place. "Association of Russian Banks" (December 2, 2005). Retrieved August 2, 2013. Archived from the original on August 13, 2013.
  6. Alexander Zayats. The banking sector is expecting mergers and acquisitions. (November 11, 2012). Retrieved November 26, 2012. Archived from the original on November 29, 2012.
  7. Rosbank became a partner Russian program financing sustainable energy. IA REGNUM (01.11.2010). Retrieved January 28, 2014.
  8. The head of the board of Rosbank and his deputy were detained for bribery
  9. Businessman Andrei Kovalev told how Rosbank extorted millions from him
  10. Rosbank fired the arrested chairman of the board.
  11. Elena Khutornykh. The first after state banks // Vedomosti, 30 (2548), February 19, 2010.
  12. | Bank ratings
  13. Banque Societe Generale Vostok and Rosbank have expanded the functionality of their ATMs (February 26, 2010). Retrieved June 17, 2011. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012.
  14. Rosbank acquired 100% of the shares of DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank. (January 18, 2011). Retrieved June 17, 2011. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012.
  15. Message about the decision taken about reorganization credit organization(PDF). Retrieved June 17, 2011. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012.
  16. Pavel Nefedov. We are moving to a new corporate identity (inaccessible link - history). Retrieved June 17, 2011.
  17. Changes that occurred in the list of affiliates for the period from 04/04/2014 to 04/11/2014.
  18. Yulia Fedorinova, Vasily Kudinov, Dmitry Simakov. Potanin shared the bank. // Vedomosti, No. 001 (2271), January 11, 2009.
  19. VTB sold Societe Generale almost 10% of Rosbank shares. //, 12/19/2013.
  20. Societe Generale bought a 7 percent stake in Rosbank from Interros. // RBC, 04/12/2014.
  21. Rosbank management


  • Official website of the bank

Rosbank, Rosbank ATMs, Rosbank deposits, Rosbank Internet bank, Rosbank Krasnodar, Rosbank credit, Rosbank Moscow, Rosbank Nizhny Novgorod, Rosbank online, Rosbank official website

Rosbank Information About


  • 1. History
  • 2 Merger with BSGV and rebranding
  • 3 Owners
  • 4 Manual
  • 5 Activities
  • 6 Regional network
  • Notes


Rosbank- a Russian commercial bank, based on the results of the first quarter of 2010, it ranks thirteenth in the Russian Federation in terms of assets. Full name - Open Joint Stock Company Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Rosbank". The headquarters is located in Moscow.

Rosbank is part of the international financial group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, another Russian bank of this group, Banque Societe Generale Vostok, was merged with it.

1. History

Founded in 1993 as JSCB "Independence" (JSC), subsequently changed its organizational and legal form several times (1994 - LLP, 1996 - CJSC). In September 1998, Interros Holding Company acquired the bank and renamed it JSCB ROSBANK (CJSC). In 1999, Rosbank became Open joint stock company.

In 2003, Rosbank acquired the UWC banking group for $200 million, thereby significantly expanding its branch network.

In June and September 2006, blocks of 10% shares of the bank for $317 million each were sold to the French banking group Société Générale. The French bank also received an option to purchase another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion by the end of 2008, which was exercised in February 2008.

2. Merger with BSGV and rebranding

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank's owners (Societe Generale and Interros) were announced to merge Rosbank, Bank Societe Generale Vostok, DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank. As a result, it is expected that the largest private bank in Russia will be created (total assets were estimated at 656 billion rubles as of January 1, 2010).

In February 2010, BSGV and Rosbank united the ATM network. At all ATMs Rosbank BSGV cardholders can make transactions without additional fees, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares of Rusfinance Bank and DeltaCredit Bank.

On April 15, 2011, the shareholders of Rosbank decided to reorganize the bank in the form of merging CJSC BSZHV with it, which took place on July 1, 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, the bank began rebranding, which consists of switching to the symbols of the Société Générale group. The bank's new logo became a red-black square with a white stripe, the font of the bank's name was changed, and information about its affiliation with the Société Générale group appeared under it. It is planned that in the summer of 2011 new symbols will appear on bank cards, and in the fall of 2011 the process of changing signs at branches will begin.

3. Owners

The bank is controlled by foreign capital. The main shareholder is the French bank Société Générale (71.9901%). Other major shareholders are V. O. Potanin, who, through ICFI (Cyprus) Limited and Pharanco Holdings Co. Ltd, which are 100% owned subsidiaries CJSC Holding Company Interros controls 14.0344%, as well as OJSC VTB Bank (11.5681%).

In December 2008, Interros pledged 19.99% of shares to VTB to secure loans received. In December 2009, the bail was extended.

4. Manual

Rosbank logo from 1998 to 2005

Among the main managers of the bank:

  • Mattei Jean-Louis is the chairman of the bank's board of directors.
  • Vladimir Golubkov - Chairman of the Board.
  • Marc-Emmanuel Vives is First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Coordination of the activities of the Russian divisions of the Societe Generale group.
  • Igor Antonov is First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Retail business, regional development, work with SMEs, private banking.
  • Sergey Degtyarev - First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Corporate governance, logistics.
  • Juan Carlos Albizzati is Deputy Chairman of the Board. Risk Department.
  • Olesya Afanasyeva - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Corporate business, credit risk management.
  • Olga Skorobogatova - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Information Technology and remote maintenance.
  • Ulan Ilishkin - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Personnel management and organizational development.
  • Alexey Chukhlov - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Financial management.
  • Mikhail Ershov - senior vice president.

5. Activities

The bank is a multi-profile financial institution that provides a full range of banking services to both individuals and legal entities. The bank has a general license to carry out banking operations, licenses of a professional participant in the securities market, licenses to carry out operations with precious metals, etc.

Rosbank's clients include more than 3.5 million individuals, 60 thousand small and medium-sized enterprises, 7 thousand large companies.

The bank's assets as of December 31, 2007 according to IFRS amounted to 408.06 billion rubles, capital - 40.9 billion rubles, net profit for 2007 - 6.17 billion rubles.

6. Regional network

To coordinate the activities of the bank’s divisions, a four-level management system has been formed:

  • Head office in Moscow
  • Territorial departments: Central, Far Eastern, Ural-Siberian.
  • Branches (total 66)
  • Additional offices and operating cash desks

The bank's branches operate in 70 regions of Russia; the bank has 55 branches in Moscow. More than 600 service points are open in Russia.


  1. Slogans, mottos, slogans: BANKS - //
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Report on securities of OJSC AKB ROSBANK for the 4th quarter of 2009 -
  3. INTERFAX-100. Banks of Russia. Key performance indicators for the first quarter of 2010 -
  4. Elena Khutornykh. The first after state banks - // Vedomosti, 30 (2548), February 19, 2010.
  5. Bank Societe Generale Vostok and Rosbank have expanded the functionality of their ATMs - (February 26, 2010).
  6. Rosbank acquired 100% of the shares of DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank - (January 18, 2011).
  7. Notice of the decision made to reorganize the credit institution - (PDF).
  8. Pavel Nefedov We are moving to a new corporate identity -
  9. Information about persons having significant influence -, 11.29.2010.
  10. See also: Yulia Lokshina. Rosbank reported with honors - Kommersant (01/22/2010).
  11. Yulia Fedorinova, Vasily Kudinov, Dmitry Simakov. Potanin shared the bank - // Vedomosti, No. 001 (2271), January 11, 2009
  12. VTB extended loans to Interros, the collateral for which was about 19% of Rosbank shares -
  13. List largest companies at market value (capitalization) as of September 1, 2009 // Expert, No. 38 (675), October 5-11, 2009.
  14. Board of Directors of Rosbank -
  15. Board of Rosbank -
  16. Tatiana Voronova. Prokhorov entrusted Rosbank with $2.7 billion - // Vedomosti, No. 114 (2136), June 24, 2008.