Rosselkhozbank deposit rate per year. Profitable investments of Russian Agricultural Bank

Due to the fact that the state always tries to protect the most vulnerable segments of the population, in particular pensioners, banks that are considered reliable, stable and loyal to government programs also develop offers with more favorable conditions for this social group.

Deposits for pensioners in Sberbank in 2015

Sberbank traditionally offers a wide range of stable deposits for pensioners. For 2015, the bank offers 5 deposits; the conditions for placing funds on them are described below.

Deposit Pension-plus

Deposit Top up Online

It is worth noting that this deposit has a higher percentage than just the “Top up” deposit, which is opened in Sberbank offices. It is better to familiarize yourself with the conditions for opening this deposit on the Sberbank website or by calling the toll-free hotline:

Contribution Save Online

Another deposit with the advantages of remote opening, which will allow pensioners to receive higher income due to increased interest.

Deposit Top up

An option available to everyone for investing money in Sberbank of Russia.

Contribution Save

A pensioner can make this contribution for a period of one month and in an amount of 1 thousand rubles.

Deposits of pensioners in 2015

Not everyone cares about the maximum interest rate on a deposit, the minimum and maximum terms, the possibility of replenishment, full or partial early withdrawal of funds, here is a small selection of pension deposits with a description of the benefits for the investor.

Documents for opening a deposit in Sberbank

Form of agreement and conditions for placing pension deposits under Sberbank of Russia programs.

Conditions for placing deposits for pensioners and individuals in Sberbank of Russia (valid from May 20, 2015):

Deposits for pensioners - what you need to remember

All retirees save money in an effort to provide themselves with a reserve for a “rainy day” or to be able to help their family and friends. Therefore, many of them have long overcome their fear of financial institutions and invest money in order to make a profit by accruing interest.

Many banks provide them with this service, and deposits for pensioners have more favorable interest conditions than for ordinary clients, since the former are an attractive segment due to their large number, and some workers have funds that they can afford to invest for receiving additional income.

For banks, this is of interest, as it allows them to stabilize their deposit base, so they are taking a number of measures to attract pensioner clients by developing favorable conditions.

To sign the contract, the client must have a passport and pension certificate with him. The deposit term can range from 1 month to several years, depending on the specific program. The deposit amount may vary due to the capabilities of the pensioner and the limits of banking institutions, but some of them do not provide for minimum deposit thresholds. Banks set the rate on invested funds, depending on the type of deposit (in rubles or foreign currency).

Interest is offered to be withdrawn monthly to receive part of the income. Some programs allow you to deposit or withdraw funds at any time. When the contract expires, you can extend it or withdraw your savings. Almost all deposits have an automatic type of extension of the deposit period, which is valid if the client does not close the account at the end of this period.

There are also opportunities to open deposits online. Typically, they feature higher rates, automatic interest accumulation and renewal at the end of the term. Retirees can also sign a will or power of attorney, which will allow relatives or others named in it to access their funds in the event of death.

VTB 24 - deposits for pensioners 2014-2015

VTB 24 Bank actively works with this social group and develops optimal and loyal conditions. They allow you to open an account in several types of currencies and make additional deposits at any time, which is convenient for this group of clients. Deposits offered at VTB 24 for pensioners:

Contribution - Freedom of choice

This program offers an optimal placement period: from 1 month to 5 years and a bank rate of 8.15% on a deposit in national currency (the highest rate of all offers). The minimum contribution amount is from 15 thousand rubles, with the possibility of periodic additional funds. They offer to withdraw interest once per period: month, quarter, at the end of the term, by transfer to another account or by card. You can also accumulate them, which will increase the deposit amount and allow you to receive more income from interest in subsequent periods. After six months, you are allowed to withdraw the entire amount without losing interest.

Contribution - Growing Income

A savings program in which accruals are made once in a certain period (month or quarter). The validity period is 3 years with the possibility of extension, and savings can be withdrawn only at the end of this period. After six months, you can withdraw cash early without losing your interest rate. The minimum investment for this area is 30 thousand rubles, the bank rate is 7.5% with subsequent increases annually.

Deposit - Comfortable

Suitable for pensioners who have a certain amount of free funds on hand, since the initial deposit is 50 thousand rubles. The validity period is 0.5-3 years, the rate is 4.35-6.8%, the accrued interest on which can be withdrawn every month.

Rosselkhozbank deposits for pensioners 2014-2015

Rosselkhozbank is one of the most stable financial institutions in the country. Upon presentation of a document confirming that a person has received a pension or a pension certificate itself, the bank provides a service for opening a deposit. Offered deposits in Rosselkhozbank for pensioners in 2014:

Contribution - Golden pension

A savings deposit that does not provide for early withdrawal of part of the funds. The term is chosen by the client and can range from 3 to 24 months; the rate depends on it (7.1% - 8.25%). To open a deposit, you will need to deposit funds in the amount of 1 thousand rubles; replenishment can be made at any time. Interest is offered to be capitalized, at the request of the client.

Deposit - Pension plus

To open an account, you will need to deposit an amount of at least 500 rubles; you can top it up with any amount (from 1 ruble). When concluding a contract for 1 year, the bank rate is 7.8%, for a period of 2 years - 8.15%. The possibility of capitalization of charges is offered.

If it is necessary to withdraw money before the end of the term for any of these types of deposits, Rosselkhozbank reserves the right to change the rate by 0.1%.

If you are interested in deposits for individuals, you can read about them in the article on our website Rosselkhozbank deposits for individuals 2015.

Sovcombank - deposits for pensioners

Deposits offered to pensioners at Sovcombank are made under the Pension Program, which provides a number of advantages for this group of the population. It involves making deposits for a short-term period (6 months) and allows you to open an account for any amount (minimum 500 rubles).

Subsequently, you can add funds in any amount and at a convenient time, without restrictions from Sovcombank. The monthly interest rate is 7%, at which it is recommended to capitalize the accrued funds. You can withdraw money from the pension program at the end of the deposit period. If you need to withdraw the entire amount before this period, the bank will recalculate at a rate of 0.1% of the deposit. If it is necessary to withdraw some part, but keeping the balance equal to the amount of the first payment, then interest is charged as expected.

For pensioners - to have something to invest

You should be more careful about spending money and remember that pensioners have always been targets for scammers, so in order to make a deposit in the bank you need to have this money, and not spend it or simply “give it” to scammers.

Today, interest rates on deposits in Rosselkhozbank are the highest among the 10 largest banks in Russia. By investing 1,500,000 rubles for 1,460 days, here you can receive almost 12.7% per annum.

Interest rates and terms of deposits of Rosselkhozbank

Gold, from 11.8% to 12.7%

From 1,500,000 rubles (50,000 dollars, 50,000 euros) for a period of 91 to 1460 days.

Classic, from 8% to 12.2%

From 3,000 rubles (100 dollars, 100 euros) for a period of 31 to 1,460 days.

Cumulative, from 7.5% to 8.65%

From 3,000 rubles (100 dollars, 100 euros) for a period of 91 to 730 days.

  • Replenishment
  • Interest capitalization

Formula for Success, from 8% to 11.4%

From 3,000 rubles for a period from 91 to 540 days.

  • Replenishment is not provided
  • Payment of interest at the end of the deposit term
  • Partial withdrawal is not provided

Platinum, 7.85% to 8.35%

From 1,500,000 rubles (50,000 dollars, 50,000 euros) for a period of 91 to 1095 days.

  • Replenishment
  • Interest capitalization
  • Partial withdrawal

Managed, from 7.7% to 8.05%

From 10,000 rubles (300 dollars, 300 euros) for a period of 180 to 730 days.

  • Replenishment
  • Interest capitalization
  • Partial withdrawal

Rosselkhozbank deposits for pensioners and children

In addition to several standard deposits, Rosselkhozbank also has special ones - for example, "Children's". Its main feature is that the deposit is opened in favor of a minor child. The minimum amount is 3,000 rubles (or the equivalent in foreign currency), the term is from one to five years, monthly capitalization of interest, replenishment is possible. The interest rate in rubles ranges from 7.8% to 9.15% per annum.

Rosselkhozbank offers deposits for pensioners "Golden pension" And "Pension Plus". The minimum amount is only 500 rubles, the maximum interest is 9.5% per annum.

What banking products does Rosselkhozbank offer to pensioners today?

Rosselkhozbank has a whole line of products for pensioners, which today includes individual deposits on favorable terms and bank cards, as well as offers for loans at relatively low interest rates.

Today there are three special deposits for people of retirement age at the Russian Agricultural Bank:

1. “Income pension” with a maximum interest rate;

2. “Pension income” with the possibility of replenishment;

3. “Pension plus” with replenishment and withdrawal without loss of interest.

Who can open pension deposits at RSHB

Deposits for pensioners in Rosselkhozbank are opened upon presentation of a pension certificate or a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the establishment and/or assignment of an insurance pension. In private cases, it is also possible to open a deposit by providing a court document establishing a monthly lifelong maintenance, if any. But you can do without a pension certificate, especially since the Pension Fund has stopped issuing them, replacing them with certificates.

Providing a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not required if the investor has reached retirement age: for women 55 years old, for men 60 years old, and also if no more than 2 months remain before the onset of these years.

BY THE WAY! Elderly people can also apply for a Rosselkhozbank pension card, which allows them to receive additional income in the form of interest accrued on the account balance.

Now let's move on to interest rates and conditions.

What deposits for pensioners are available at Rosselkhozbank today?

Elderly people today can choose any of the deposits of individuals of Rosselkhozbank in rubles and US dollars with favorable rates and conditions. And we will begin our review with special pension deposits.

Rosselkhozbank deposit "Profitable Pension"

This is a classic deposit that allows the client to invest savings at a high interest rate. But replenishing your account or partially withdrawing money if you suddenly need it is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you may lose all accrued interest.

A special feature of this deposit is also a fairly wide choice of investment terms: from 3 months to 4 years. Accordingly, you can deposit funds in the bank for a short period of time, or for several years at once.

Like all Rosselkhozbank deposits for pensioners, this deposit has a very low minimum amount - only 500 rubles. But, of course, opening a deposit without replenishment with an amount of 500 rubles is pointless. You won't earn anything from it. So it is advisable to give the maximum possible amount to the bank at once. But we must remember that in case of early termination of the deposit agreement, interest is paid at the “Demand” rate.


Duration: from 3 months. up to 4 years.
Amount: from 500 rubles.
Replenishment: no.
Interest payment: at the end of the term or monthly to the account.

Interest rates

Duration, days

At the end of the term


See also profitable deposits for pensioners at Sberbank -

Rosselkhozbank contribution “Pension income”

This deposit is also opened only upon presentation of a pension certificate. Its main distinguishing feature is the possibility of replenishment. Additional contributions are accepted throughout the entire term. That's a plus. But expense transactions with the same interest rate are not allowed. This is a clear minus.

Of course, if you suddenly need all your savings, then you can terminate the agreement with the bank early at any time and withdraw the money. But it is advisable to do this only as a last resort. After all, if the deposit is withdrawn ahead of schedule, interest is paid at the “On Demand” rate.

So, take the money after the deadline. And if you forget to do this, the deposit agreement will be automatically extended for the same period.

By the way, if you have a deposit of 50,000 rubles or more, you will be given a free card with the tariff plan “Amur Tiger - card for deposit”.


Duration: 395, 540 and 730 days
Amount: from 500 to 2 million rubles.
Replenishment: yes.
Expense transactions with the same interest rate: no.
Interest payment: monthly to account or capitalization

Interest rate of the “Pension income” deposit

395 days

540 days

730 days

Rosselkhozbank deposit "Pension Plus"

This is a pension deposit with the possibility of replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest. It is very comfortable. The main thing is to ensure that there is at least 500 rubles left in the account. But such freedom in handling money also has its downsides - the interest rate is not very favorable. So you have to choose - either the ability to withdraw money at any time or high interest rates.

Another feature is monthly capitalization, which allows you to increase income by increasing the amount of money invested. The possibility of withdrawing interest separately is not provided, since you can already withdraw part of the money, at least once a month, at least every day.

But remember that if all money is withdrawn early, interest is paid at the minimum rate “On demand”. So it’s better not to do this, but to leave a minimum balance on the account - 500 rubles.


Duration: 395, 730, 1095 days.
Amount: from 500 rubles to 10 million rubles
Replenishment: yes
Expense transactions with maintaining the interest rate: are provided subject to maintaining a minimum balance of 500 rubles.

Interest rate of the “Pension Plus” deposit

395 days

730 days

1095 days

Rosselkhozbank deposit calculator for pensioners: calculate income

The Rosselkhozbank online deposit calculator for individuals will help you calculate income depending on the interest rate and term. It allows you to find out the profitability taking into account capitalization, replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the account.

Deposits of individuals of Rosselkhozbank without benefits for pensioners

Pensioners can open at Rosselkhozbank not only special deposits for the elderly, but also other deposits of individuals, which today may turn out to be even more convenient and profitable.

1.Rosselkhozbank deposit "Profitable"

This deposit involves receiving a high interest rate even for a small amount of money. Can be opened through remote service channels. If you have an account of 50,000 rubles or more, you will be issued a free card with the tariff plan “Amur Tiger - card for deposit”.


Amount: from 3,000 Russian rubles / 50 US dollars / 50 euros;
Duration: from 31 to 1460 days;
Replenishment: no;
Expense transactions: no;
Payment of interest at your choice: at the end of the term or monthly, to the account or capitalization.

Interest rate

2.Contribution “Secure Future”

Opening this deposit is possible with the simultaneous purchase of an investment life insurance policy (ILI) from one of the insurance companies - the bank's partners. The amount of the ILI policy must be equal to the initial deposit payment.


Amount: from 50,000 rubles
Term: 180 and 395
Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: not provided;

Interest rates


180 days

395 days

3.Rosselkhozbank deposit “Investment”

The Rosselkhozbank deposit for individuals “Investment” provides an opportunity for clients, including pensioners, to receive income both from money placed on deposit and from investments in mutual funds. When opening a deposit, a free card is issued with the tariff plan “Amur Tiger – card for deposit”.


Duration: 395 and 730 days;
Amount: from 50,000 rubles / 1,000 US dollars;
Replenishment: not provided;
Expense transactions with saving interest: not provided;
Interest payment: at the end of the term.

Interest rates

up to 1.60% per annum in US dollars.

See also 10 profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks - review >>

4.Rosselkhozbank deposit "Amur Tiger"

This is a standard time deposit for individuals from Rosselkhozbank with monthly interest payments to a card with the “Amur Tiger - card to deposit” tariff plan.


Duration: 395, 540 and 730 days.
Amount: from 50 thousand rubles.
Replenishment: no.
Expense transactions with the same interest rate: no.
Interest payment: monthly to the card account with the “Amur Tiger – card to deposit” tariff plan.

Interest rate

395 days

540 days

730 days

Replenishable deposits of Rosselkhozbank

Pensioners can register deposits with individuals at Rosselkhozbank with the possibility of replenishing their account. Their interest rates are slightly lower, but you can save money by depositing it in an account in a reliable bank.

5.Rosselkhozbank deposit “Replenishable”

The deposit of individuals of Rosselkhozbank is suitable for pensioners who want to accumulate funds for a specific event or date. Can be opened through remote service channels (in this case, the interest rate on the deposit will be higher). If you have a deposit of 50,000 rubles or more, you will be issued a free card with the tariff plan “Amur Tiger - card for deposit”.


Duration: from 91 to 1095 days
Amount: from 3 thousand rubles / 50 dollars or euros.
Replenishment: yes.
Minimum additional contribution: 3,000 Russian rubles / 50 dollars or euros.
Expense transactions with maintaining interest rate: no

Interest rate

See also the most profitable replenishable deposits today - review >>

6.Rosselkhozbank contribution “Save for a dream”

This deposit for individuals from Rosselkhozbank with preferential early termination will be especially interesting for pensioners who plan to purchase real estate or a car on credit. If 90 percent of the deposit amount is used for the down payment on a mortgage or car loan issued at Rosselkhozbank, then if the deposit is withdrawn early, no interest is lost.

If you have a deposit of 50,000 rubles or more, you will be issued a free card with the tariff plan “Amur Tiger - card for deposit”.


Duration: 730 days.
Amount: from 3,000 Russian rubles / 100 US dollars or euros.
Replenishment: yes.
Minimum additional contribution: 3,000 Russian rubles / 100 US dollars or euros.
Expense transactions with the same interest rate: no.
Interest payment: monthly capitalization.

Interest rate

Rosselkhozbank deposit with partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest

This deposit for individuals may be especially interesting for pensioners, since it allows you to freely manage money in a bank account: replenish the deposit and withdraw money if necessary, without loss of profitability. In this way it is similar to the Pension Plus deposit, but has its own characteristics.

7.Rosselkhozbank deposit “Comfortny”

A Rosselkhozbank deposit can be useful for pensioners who are used to planning their expenses. Can be opened through Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. If you have a deposit of 50,000 rubles or more, you will be issued a free card with the tariff plan “Amur Tiger - card for deposit”.


Duration: from 91 to 730 days.
Amount: 10,000 Russian rubles / 150 US dollars or euros.
Replenishment: provided no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the deposit period.
Minimum additional contribution: 5,000 Russian rubles / 100 US dollars or euros.
Expense transactions with maintaining the interest rate: are provided subject to maintaining the minimum balance.
Interest payment: monthly to the account or capitalization.

Interest rate

8 .Deposit "Savings account"

This is a new financial product that is becoming increasingly popular among the Russian population. This is a kind of electronic wallet. You can replenish it, you can withdraw money to 0, but it will still be valid, and indefinitely. Until you close it.

The peculiarity of the savings account at the Russian Agricultural Bank is that interest is accrued daily on the balance of funds in the account as of the beginning of the operating day. But interest is paid monthly on the last working day of the month by crediting the amount of interest due to the account.

Interest rates

Conclusions: which Rosselkhozbank deposit is the most profitable for pensioners

On this page, correspondents of the Business Information Agency ​​reviewed the deposit programs of Rosselkhozbank for pensioners and ordinary individuals. Which one is the most profitable?

If we consider only special offers for pensioners, then the choice is not great. Let us remember that there are only three of them. But they cover almost the entire range of customer needs.

1. “Income pension” has a high interest rate and a wide choice of investment terms;

2. “Pension income” gives the client the opportunity to replenish his bank account;

3. “Pension Plus” allows you to freely use money: replenish and withdraw funds without losing interest.

Now let’s compare their returns for the same amount and investment period. Let’s invest 100,000 rubles for 395 days and see which investment is more profitable.

Accordingly, if you need the maximum percentage, then it is better to open the “Income Pension” deposit. Of course, you won’t be able to top up your account and partially withdraw money without losing income, but the interest rate is very profitable. In addition, you can choose a suitable period and method of interest payment.

About the bank

In 2014, Rosselkhozbank not only updated its online presence and made the website more modern, but also paid attention to updating its line of deposit products. This year, more than 10 deposits are offered for investors who prefer reliable investments. The conditions for placing temporarily free funds for individuals are different and it is worth first familiarizing yourself with all the available options in order to choose the most suitable one for your specific purposes.

So, what kind of deposits does Rosselkhozbank offer to individuals in 2014?

To save cash

Contribution " Poste restante» is essentially an analogue of a wallet, which is kept in a bank for better safety. It does not bring much profit, but you can fearlessly keep any amount in your account that can be accessed without hindrance. You can also replenish this deposit without restrictions. You can open it in any of the three main currencies, but also in rubles, dollars, and euros, the rate will be the same - 0.01% per annum. The placement period is any, the minimum amount for opening is 10 rubles or 5 units of foreign currency.

A similar proposal is the contribution " AgroPartner" Only the initial payment, also known as the minimum balance, is 300 rubles, and the term is strictly limited - 2 years. Deposits and partial withdrawals are possible at any time. Such a deposit will bring 2% per annum to salary clients of Rosselkhozbank.

To accumulate from a young age

Contribution " Children's» opens in the name of a minor child. The term of such a deposit reaches 1-5 years. The minimum for placement is 3000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros. The larger the amount and term, the higher the interest rate. Interest is charged within the range of 7.4-9% per annum in rubles, 1.65-3.85% in dollars and 1.7-3.35% in euros. Deposit with capitalization and the possibility of replenishment. There is a limit on the additional contribution - it must be more than 1000 rubles or 50 dollars (euros).

For pensioners in 2014

For representatives of the older generation, there are special offers from Rosselkhozbank in 2014:

Contribution " Pension plus» no time limit, amount and minimum balance – 500 rubles, free replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds, rate – 7-7.3% per annum;

Contribution " Golden pension» - minimum for opening - 1000 rubles, placement period - from 3 months to 2 years, interest rate - 6.3-7.5% per annum. Capitalization, replenishment, no possibility of withdrawal.

To increase capital

For deposit " Classical“You can deposit any amount from 3,000 rubles for a period from 31 days to 4 years. As a result, it will bring from 6.6 to 9.95% per annum in rubles, or 0.6-3.85% in foreign currency. No top-ups or use of funds during the contract period. Interest is paid at the end of the term, and if the money is withdrawn early, it is completely recalculated at the demand rate.

Contribution " Gold» also does not provide for regular accrual of interest, replenishment or spending. But he promises the maximum rate, the minimum amount when opening a deposit is 1.5 million rubles, the term is from 3 months to 4 years, the rate is 6.55-10% per annum in rubles.

To receive passive income

You can withdraw monthly interest on the following deposits:

« Platinum» - from 1.5 million rubles, for 3 months – 3 years, at 6.5-7% per annum, with replenishment from 30 thousand rubles and the possibility of partial withdrawal;

« Managed» - from 10,000 rubles, from six months to 2 years, rate – 6.35-6.7% in rubles, can be topped up and partially spent;

« Managed Plus» - from 1.5 million rubles for 1-2 years at 7.2-7.5% per annum, with replenishment and withdrawal up to the amount of the initial contribution to the deposit.

To receive savings by a specific date

Contribution " Cumulative» allows you to choose any period from 91 days in order to receive your money by a certain date with an increase of 6.3-7.7% per annum in rubles or 0.85-2.4% in dollars and 0.7-2, 05% in euros. There is capitalization, replenishment is possible, but only no later than a month before the end of the deposit period and in amounts of more than 3,000 rubles or 100 euros/dollars. The same amount will be required when opening a deposit.

All these opportunities are provided by Rosselkhozbank for depositors in 2014. The main thing is that this bank has state participation and is part of the deposit insurance system, which allows you to safely place your savings for any convenient period.