Interest rate on deposits in a savings bank. All about Sberbank deposits

At the end of last year, Sberbank was the leader in attracting money from the population to deposit accounts. According to forecasts, Sberbank deposits for 2014 will also be in high demand. At the same time, bank rates were and remain far from the highest. This fact suggests that against the backdrop of the closure of a number of banks in recent years, the main criterion for depositors is not the profitability of the deposit, but the safety of the money.

Types of deposits offered by Sberbank

In addition to the fact that Sberbank is absolutely reliable in the eyes of most people, clients are also attracted by the wide opportunities that open up for depositors. As before, Sberbank deposits have various options aimed at meeting customer needs. Existing ruble deposits allow you to accumulate money, make current payments and receive income from placing funds in the bank.

They vary depending on the set of account functions, amounts and terms of deposit. The most profitable at current rates is the “Save Online” deposit. It opens without visiting the bank in the Sberbank Online@yn system, and the rate on this deposit can reach 8.07% per annum. The product does not provide for replenishment or partial withdrawal, which is why it has the highest rate in the line of ruble deposits.

You can also open a deposit without leaving your home in the following banks:

  • Rosselkhozbank– “Classic” (up to 9.95% per annum);
  • UniCredit Bank– “Click Deposit” (up to 7.75% per annum);
  • VTB24 - Telebank– Profitable” (up to 7.5% per annum);
  • Alfa Bank– “Potential” (up to 6.7% per annum);
  • Raiffeisenbank– “R-Connect! Money grows!” (up to 6.1% per annum).

Almost all Sberbank deposits for 2014 in dollars are also a profitable tool for accumulation, settlements and currency conversion. The list of possible foreign currencies also includes the euro, pounds sterling, Swiss francs and Japanese yen. The maximum rate on the “International” deposit is set at 3.25% per annum. The “Multicurrency” deposit offers up to 1.78%, and for online deposits the maximum rate for currency is 2.43% per annum. For comparison, here are some foreign currency deposits of other banks, where you can convert funds from one currency to another without losing interest (the maximum rate for US dollars is indicated in parentheses).

  • Binbank– “Multi-currency” (up to 3.9% per annum);
  • Alfa Bank– “Multi-currency” (up to 1.8% per annum);
  • VTB 24– “Freedom of choice” (up to 1.9% per annum);
  • NOMOS Bank– “NOMOS Multicurrency” (up to 1.55% per annum);
  • Raiffeisenbank– “Multi-currency” (up to 1.2% per annum).

Sberbank deposits for pensioners

The main savings program for pensioners is the Pension Plus deposit. The main purpose of the account is again not profitability. When developing Sberbank deposits for pensioners, bankers studied the needs of people who are on pensions. As a result, this product was developed and introduced. The interest rate is only 3.5% per annum, but in terms of functionality the deposit is practically no different from a regular current account.

Pensioners have the opportunity to top up their account with any amount. Even to open a deposit, it is enough to deposit only 1 ruble. From this account, pensioners can pay utility bills or withdraw money in cash for their own needs. At the client’s request, interest can be capitalized, that is, accrued income will be added to the total deposit amount. To compare Sberbank's conditions with deposits offered by other banks, check out the following ruble deposits for pensioners:

  • NOMOS Bank– “NOMOS-Pension” (up to 8.05% per annum);
  • Promsvyazbank– “My pension” (up to 7.95% per annum);
  • Rosselkhozbank– “Golden pension” (up to 7.5% per annum);
  • Gazprombank– “GAZFOND Pension” (up to 6% per annum);
  • Binbank– “Decent pension” (up to 4.1% per annum).

Consumer interest in the state of affairs on the bank deposit market traditionally intensifies in the autumn, when credit institutions conduct various promotions that have a beneficial effect on increasing the profitability of deposits. In addition, autumn is the time to take stock, and now we can judge what will happen to the profitability of bank deposits at the beginning of 2014.

Deposit rates have decreased

Within the framework of this article, the reader is offered an overview of interest rates on Sberbank deposits as of mid-November 2013. This year, the bank quite seriously reduced rates, both on retail deposits and on certificates, the official explanation for this was Sberbank’s desire to increase the profitability of deposits.

However, market experts express the opinion that Sberbank has taken such steps in order to spur consumer interest in credit products - by attracting deposits at a reduced rate, the bank can automatically offer more favorable loan rates. Undoubtedly, on the eve of the New Year holidays, banks are less interested in the issue of raising funds than in increasing interest from potential borrowers.


Sberbank carried out its last reduction in interest rates on deposits at the beginning of October 2014; in total, such a measure was taken three times during the year. In addition to the internal reasons that prompt the bank to take such measures, there are factors that are common to the entire deposit market. You can pay attention to changes in interest rates on deposits in other fairly large and stable banks, including credit institutions under state control.

Banks such as Alfa-Bank, OTP-Bank, Orient Express, and Vozrozhdenie have reduced deposit rates since the beginning of October. However, in this case, Sberbank traditionally became the leader, since in other banks the decline was less noticeable, and in the case of other banks, this decline did not affect the entire product line.

Judging by the comments that necessarily accompanied the reduction in rates in each of the banks, as well as the relatively stable economic situation, we can conclude that until the end of the year, rates in banks will no longer be reduced. Therefore, this review of deposits offered by Sberbank can be considered relevant at the end of this year and at the beginning of 2014.

All Sberbank products that provide for the accrual of interest on deposited funds are divided into the following categories:

  • Time deposits that meet the needs of the main category of depositors. To work with deposits belonging to this category, you must visit Sberbank offices;
  • Online deposits, which provide the opportunity to manage funds without visiting a bank branch;
  • Deposits for pensioners – special programs for citizens of retirement age, characterized by more attractive interest rates;
  • Unallocated metal accounts, which provide additional income due to the increase in the cost of precious metals.

Time deposits

Savings certificates of Sberbank of Russia

The certificate is a security issued to bearer. Placing funds through the purchase of Sberbank savings certificates involves a higher interest rate than for other types of deposits. The higher yield is explained by the absence of the need for compulsory deposit insurance.

The income on the certificate is calculated at the time of its presentation for payment, according to the time of storage of funds and the denomination of the deposit, the calculation occurs at the rate in effect at the time of presentation. The ability to deposit additional funds or withdraw part of the funds is not provided. The term for placing funds under the certificate is from 91 days to three years, the interest rate varies depending on the amount and period of placement of funds.

The minimum placement amount is 10 thousand rubles; in the range from 10 to 50 thousand rubles, the interest rate does not change and is 0.01%. Within the deposit amount from 50 thousand rubles to the upper limit up to which the interest increases (100 million rubles), the interest rate varies in the range from 5.5% to 9.30% per annum.

The certificate can be presented to another person without the need for re-issuance (ordinary delivery); if the rights to the security are lost, they can be restored in court. In addition, the savings certificate can be transferred to the bank for safekeeping (the service is free).

“Save” deposit

A time deposit that involves capitalization of interest (the accrual of interest that is added to the total amount of the deposit and on which interest is also accrued). The “Save” deposit is designed to obtain maximum income from available funds and offers the most interesting interest rates in the line of time deposits. The deposit period can vary from 1 month to 3 years, funds can be placed both in rubles and in foreign currency (US dollars, euros), the minimum is 1000 rubles (or in foreign currency at the exchange rate).

The interest rate varies depending on the term of the deposit and the amount; the minimum interest rate of 4.4% per annum is valid for the lower limit (amounts from 1 thousand to 100 thousand rubles), as well as for the minimum placement period (1 month). The maximum interest rate applies to the upper barrier amount (from 2 million rubles) and is 7% per annum (without capitalization) and 7.76% (with capitalization). Special conditions apply to investors of retirement age.

There is no possibility of subsequent replenishment of the deposit amount, as well as the possibility of withdrawing part of the funds. Interest is accrued monthly, and the client can choose whether to withdraw funds accrued as interest or capitalize them. The “Save” deposit is provided for automatic prolongation under the conditions valid until the expiration date. In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, bank sanctions are applied, expressed in the recalculation of interest.

Deposit “Top up”

The deposit is also a fixed-term deposit and involves capitalization of interest; this product will be of interest to citizens who create savings. The deposit period can be calculated with an accuracy of one day and ranges from 3 months to 3 years; there is the possibility of depositing additional funds into the account, while the possibility of withdrawal is not provided.

The minimum amount required to open an account is 1,000 rubles; the account can also be opened in foreign currency (US dollars, euros), and the minimum amount is calculated at the exchange rate. There is a limit on the maximum amount; if there is a tenfold increase in the initial deposit, the total interest rate may be changed. The minimum replenishment amount in cash is also 1,000 rubles (or in foreign currency at the exchange rate); there are no restrictions on non-cash replenishment. The accrued interest (calculated monthly) can be withdrawn to the card or capitalized, at the request of the client.

The interest rate on the “Replenish” deposit varies depending on the deposit amount and term. The minimum rate is 4.6% per annum for a deposit for a three-month period and amounts in the range of 1,000 - 100,000 rubles. The maximum deposit amount, which is the threshold in the tariff schedule, is 2 million rubles. By placing an amount exceeding 2 million rubles for a three-year period, the investor can count on a rate of 6.6% (without capitalization) and 7.28% per annum with interest capitalization.

As the amount accumulates to the next gradation level, the interest rate increases automatically, the deposit is also extended automatically, under the conditions in force at the end of the deposit term. If the deposit is withdrawn early, the bank's sanctions come into force, providing for the recalculation of accrued interest downward. Special conditions apply for pensioners.

“Manage” deposit

A time deposit with the possibility of interest capitalization is intended for investors who want to manage their existing funds - deposit and withdraw money as needed, without losing interest. Naturally, such flexible options have a negative impact on the interest rate, but the ability to use funds fully compensates for some of the difference.

The term of the “Manage” deposit is calculated individually with an accuracy of one day and can be opened in Russian rubles or in foreign currency (dollars, euros). The minimum amount for opening a deposit is 30,000 rubles (or in foreign currency at the exchange rate). This threshold is also the minimum balance, sufficient for interest on the deposit to continue to accrue. You can replenish your account by non-cash payment for any amount, and for cash replenishment there is a minimum limit of 1,000 rubles.

The interest rate for the minimum possible deposit amount (from 30 thousand to 100 thousand), placed for the minimum period (3 months) is 4% per annum. For the upper threshold level (from 2,000,000 rubles), the interest rate on the amount placed for three years is 6.1% per annum without capitalization of interest, and 6.68% with capitalization.

Interest is accrued monthly, these funds can be withdrawn to the card or capitalized, at the request of the depositor. Other conditions related to the products already described are unchanged for the “Manage” deposit. This applies to early withdrawal of deposits, special conditions for retired depositors, restrictions on the maximum amount and extension conditions.

“Gift of Life” contribution

The contribution is intended to help children who suffer from serious illnesses and need treatment. The main condition of this deposit is the transfer by Sberbank from the depositor’s account of 0.3% per annum (of the deposit amount) to the special fund “Gift of Life”, which implements the corresponding assistance programs.

This special product of Sberbank has fairly simple conditions. The deposit implies the possibility of capitalization of interest, but accrued interest can also be withdrawn to the card. Interest, unlike previous products, is calculated every three months.

The “Gift of Life” deposit is placed for a period of 1 year; during this period it is not possible to withdraw or deposit additional funds. Funds are placed exclusively in rubles, the interest rate is 6.40% (without capitalization) and 6.56% per annum (with capitalization). If the deposit is withdrawn early, the bank's sanctions come into force.

Deposit Multicurrency

This deposit can be opened in rubles and in foreign currency and involves the investor receiving additional profit due to the increase in the value of currencies. The deposit is opened simultaneously in three currencies (rubles, euros, US dollars), the depositor can make conversion transactions between accounts at the Central Bank exchange rate.

A deposit account opened for a period of 1 to 2 years can be replenished by non-cash payment (without restrictions) or in cash (min. amount - 1000 rubles). The interest rate depends on the deposit amount and placement period. The interest on the minimum allowable amount, the minimum balance (5 rubles, dollars and euros), and up to the amount of 15 thousand rubles, is 0.01% per annum. Above this threshold, the interest rate varies from 5.30% per annum (5.41 with capitalization) to 5.9% (6.21%). The maximum interest rate is when placing an amount of 1 million rubles or more for a period of 2 years.

Interest is accrued every three months, they can be withdrawn to the card or capitalized; if the deposit is withdrawn early, the bank's sanctions come into force. Prolongation of the deposit upon expiration occurs automatically. If the minimum balance for each account is below the permissible limit, the deposit is terminated.

Deposit Savings account

The deposit is intended for citizens who want to freely use available funds and at the same time receive additional income. The “Savings Account” deposit differs from the “Manage” product in the absence of a “minimum amount”, as well as restrictions in the form of a minimum and maximum amount. There is no placement period as such. On the other hand, the interest rate on this deposit is quite low and the accrual of interest can only be considered as a small additional income.

The minimum interest rate works in the range from 0 to 30 thousand rubles and is 1.5% per annum, and the maximum rate works for amounts over 2 million rubles, amounting to 2.3% per annum.

The Savings Account deposit can be opened in rubles, dollars or euros; the interest rate changes automatically when the amount reaches the next threshold of the tariff schedule. Interest is calculated monthly according to two indicators:

  • The minimum balance that was recorded on the account during the month (calculated based on the interest rate assigned for a certain amount);
  • The difference between the minimum balance and the actual balance (at a rate of 0.01% per annum).

The same conditions apply to early termination of the deposit.

Contribution Currency Min. amount (rubles) Deposit term Interest rate (maximum)
Savings certificates rubles 10 000 From 91 to 1095 days 9,30%
Save Rubles, US dollars, Euros 1 000 From 1 month up to 3 years 7,76%
Replenish Rubles, US dollars, Euros 1 000 From 3 months up to 3 years 7,28%
Manage Rubles, US dollars, Euros 30 000 From 3 months up to 3 years 6,68%
gift a life rubles 10 000 From 1 year to 2 years 6,56%
Multicurrency Rubles, US dollars, Euros 5 rubles 5 USD 5 EURO From 1 year to 2 years 6,21%
savings account rubles 2,30%

Online Deposits

The line of Online deposits offered by Sberbank, to a certain extent, copies the three main products of the line of time deposits (“Save”, “Replenish” and “Manage”). The difference lies in the order of placing deposits - in order to open any of the “Online” deposits, there is no need to go to Sberbank branches, this can be done using your personal account on the bank’s official resource. The depositor can also work with his own funds in bank accounts remotely (within the conditions of each type of deposit).

In addition, unlike the mentioned deposits, interest rates on “Online” deposits are more attractive. This is, to some extent, due to the lower costs of customer service that the bank is forced to bear when working remotely.

The remaining conditions of the “Save Online”, “Replenish Online” and “Manage Online” deposits correspond to the conditions of the basic products. For pensioners, special conditions are offered for these deposits, suggesting a sharper increase in the interest rate depending on the increase in the threshold barriers of the tariff schedule.

Contribution Currency Min. amount (rubles) Deposit term Interest rate (maximum)
Save Online Rubles, US dollars, Euros 1 000 From 1 month up to 3 years 8,07%
Top up Online Rubles, US dollars, Euros 1 000 From 3 months up to 3 years 7,58%
Manage Online Rubles, US dollars, Euros 30 000 From 3 months up to 3 years 6,97%

Deposits for pensioners

For pensioners, Sberbank offers deposits that are modifications of basic products - “Savings Certificate”, “Save” and “Replenish”, as well as the “Pension-plus” deposit of Sberbank of Russia.

If the conditions of the “Savings Certificate” deposit for pensioners are absolutely no different from the conditions for all other depositors, then the “Save” and “Replenish” products for pensioners have some differences. These differences translate into a more favorable interest rate.

Thus, the increase in the interest rate (in “Save” and “Replenish”) for pensioners no longer depends on the size of the invested amount, and changes solely depending on the term of the deposit. Moreover, interest rates, which for basic products begin to apply from amounts over 2 million rubles, for pensioners apply directly from the minimum amount (1000 rubles). The accrued interest can also be capitalized or withdrawn to the card; other conditions exactly repeat the conditions of the basic products.

The “Pension Plus of Sberbank of Russia” deposit is a completely independent product, designed only for pensioners receiving pensions both from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and from non-state pension funds. The deposit can be opened only in rubles, and only for a three-year period. Capitalization of interest is provided, which is accrued every three months.

The minimum amount is also the minimum balance and is 1 ruble. During the validity period of the deposit, you can replenish it without restrictions, as well as withdraw funds (up to the minimum balance). Prolongation is carried out automatically; in case of early termination of the deposit, interest is recalculated without taking into account capitalization.

Contribution Currency Min. amount (rubles) Deposit term Interest rate (maximum)
Savings certificates Rubles 10 000 From 91 to 1095 days 9,30%
Save Rubles, US dollars, Euros 1 000 From 1 month up to 3 years 7,76%
Replenish Rubles, US dollars, Euros 1 000 From 3 months up to 3 years 7,28%
Pension-plus rubles 1 3 years 3,67%

Unallocated metal accounts

Anonymized metal accounts (OMA) can also be considered as a deposit - Sberbank has been providing the service of opening an account in grams of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium) since 2002. A depositor can make a profit by selling the metal he has to the bank during a sharp rise in prices.

The minimum deposit amount is calculated in weight of metals (0.1 gram for gold, platinum and palladium and 1 gram for silver). This is a classic account on demand terms, there is no mandatory storage period. One client can open several accounts, but without the ability to transfer funds from account to account. A metal account can be opened for a child under 14 years of age; from 14 to 18 years of age, an account can be opened independently, but this requires the written consent of a parent or guardian.

The depositor can top up his account with metal bullion or purchase it from the bank. The client can “cash out” the account - receive metal from the bank by paying the bank’s commission, as well as VAT in the amount of 18%.

Sberbank of Russia is considered the most reliable bank and guarantor. Even simple statistics show this. In 2013, depositors deposited more than eight trillion rubles into deposit accounts! 45% of deposits belong to Sberbank.

Not a single Russian or foreign bank operating in Russia can boast of such data. It is no coincidence that there are people who attribute the functions of the Central Bank to Sberbank.

Interesting paradox. When a person decides to take out a loan, he first of all considers the offers of commercial banks, believing that they have more favorable conditions. But when it comes to deposits, first of all, he pays attention to Sberbank, since it is believed that nothing will break this financial monster.

The Savings Bank of the Russian Federation really offers a wide range of deposits, taking into account the interests of depositors and social status. All contributions are in principle divided into three areas: “ Save», « Manage" And " Replenish" Moreover, almost any Sberbank deposit is duplicated by the opportunity to open a deposit account, offering the service online.

Types of deposits in Sberbank in 2014

“Save” deposit

The minimum deposit is 1000 rubles or 100 euros or US dollars. It’s worth noting right away that if you decide to open deposits in dollars or euros, then the interest rate will be much lower than in domestic rubles. In rubles the minimum rate will be 4.4%, and in dollars 2.33%, but already the maximum (food for thought).

The “Save” deposit has no limit on the amount of the deposit account, but to determine the interest rate, the following is done:

From 1,000 to 100,000 rubles – 4.4%;

From 100,000 to 400,000 - 4.5%;

From 400,000 to 700,000 – 4.65%;

From 700,000 to 2,000,000 – 4.8%;

From 2,000,000 rubles – 5.00%. Interest rates are indicated for the shortest deposit for one to two months. The “Save” deposit can be made for a period of up to three years, and accordingly, the interest will be higher. For example, the interest on a deposit of 1000 rubles for a period of one year will be 5.4%, and if it is issued for 13-14 months, you can get a rate of 5.8%.

The deposit does not provide for replenishment or partial withdrawal of money. You can only withdraw interest. If the interest income is not withdrawn, then the deposit is capitalized and further interest is accrued from the amount of deposit + interest.

For pensioners who have made a “Save Pension” deposit, the maximum interest rate applies. 5% for a deposit for 1-2 months and 7.76% for a period of up to three years. If the depositor reaches retirement age during the validity of the deposit, then Sberbank makes a recalculation for the remaining period.

Deposit “Top up”

The gradation amounts are the same as for the “Save” deposit, but the minimum deposit period is 3 months. Moreover, if you decide to win on the interest rate, then the best option is to make a deposit for a period of 6 months, since it belongs to the category of savings.

Interest is accrued monthly and added to the principal deposit amount, but it can also be withdrawn or transferred to the card. But keep in mind that if you withdraw interest (that is, without replenishing the deposit account in any way) and make a deposit for a period of more than 6 months, then the interest rate on the “Replenish” deposit will be lower than on the first deposit in the “Save” line.

Another point about this contribution is noteworthy. If you have opened a deposit account in an amount from one to one hundred thousand rubles, you are accrued interest according to this gradation. If you do not withdraw interest and replenish your account with cash, if the barrier of 100,000 rubles is exceeded, it will be recalculated to the next interest rate.

For pensioners, the same rules apply as for the “Save” deposit. Everything is calculated at the maximum interest rate.

“Manage” deposit

It happens that you put money in a deposit account, but after a couple of months you needed some amount. In order not to close the account, Sberbank of Russia opened the “Manage” deposit. The minimum amount for this deposit is 30,000 rubles or 1,000 US dollars.

But its difference is that you can withdraw money up to the minimum limit (minimum balance). This means the minimum in each gradation, that is, 30,000, 10,000, etc. It turns out that you can withdraw money and interest on the minimum balance continues to accrue.

“Gift of Life” contribution

This type of deposit deserves special attention. If you want to not only make a profit from your “extra” money, but also help someone, then this is the place for you. Depositors of this deposit take part in a promotion of the same name, which is held by Sberbank.

Each quarter, 0.3% of the total amount will be withdrawn from your account. The money goes to the account of a charitable foundation that helps children with oncohematological and other serious diseases.

The minimum amount is 10,000 rubles (dollars are not provided), no gradation and a single rate of 6.4% per annum. The account is not replenished and there are no partial withdrawals. The deposit is valid for 1 year.

Benefits have already been mentioned above, but they also have their own line of pension deposits. If you would like to learn more about the terms of Sberbank deposits, you can do this on its official website or at any branch.

The past year was not just successful for the first bank of Russia. The turn towards non-standard solutions for Sberbank surprised not only its most loyal and conservative clients.

According to statistics, in the Yandex search engine alone, more than 9 million queries are devoted to it every month. As for attracting funds from individuals, bank analysts note the launch in Moscow of a special tariff plan for premium clients (Sberbank Premier channel), as well as the opening of the 100th office for wealthy clients (Sberbank First channel). Wealthy clients placed more than 780 billion rubles on bank deposits. The share of the remaining liabilities of the Sberbank First channel in the total volume of Sberbank liabilities increased over the year from 9.3% to 10.6%.

Results of the past year

A completely natural result of the new policy was an increase in household deposits in 2013 by 20.6%, the total size of which already amounts to more than 40% of all bank deposits of individuals. In December alone, individuals’ funds increased by 644 billion rubles and approached 8 trillion. rubles If we compare this number with the volume of deposits of the country’s largest retail bank VTB24, which ranks second in terms of the amount of capital raised from individuals, then for the latter the same figure only reaches 1.3 trillion. rubles, i.e. it turns out to be 6 times less. According to preliminary data, Sberbank's net profit last year amounted to 350 billion rubles, and this is almost 10 times more than the income of the second bank of the Russian Federation.

It would not be amiss to remind you that not only in terms of these balance sheet indicators, Sberbank consistently ranks first in various financial ratings among Russian financial institutions. The classic Sberbank index of net asset size, which traditionally ranks banks in the global financial system, shows a level of 16.7 trillion. rubles, which is 5 times more than Gazprombank, which ranks next in the Russian economy.

It is based on the indicators of these five, which attract the largest number of funds from the population, that the Central Bank calculates the maximum deposit rate as a guideline in the bank deposit market.


According to most experts, Sberbank's deposit offers in the coming year will be characterized by a gradual reduction in rates. And all thanks to the fact that new loan programs with very attractive conditions for borrowers are constantly appearing among the bank’s retail products. And, as a result, it is no longer profitable for Sberbank to attract money to deposits on the same terms, because after the reduction in the cost of credit programs, the cost of attracting free funds from depositors decreases.

It should be clarified that we are talking about a decrease in the yield on ruble deposits. In the case of foreign currency deposits, the question remains open for now, since processes occurring in the global economy will have a certain influence here.

Deposits in 2014

The Sberbank deposit program for 2014 includes classic time deposits in rubles and foreign currency, deposit accounts for pensioners, for clients on the Internet, and a special charity account. Also, to save and accumulate funds, the bank offers to open impersonal metal accounts or purchase. Each person will be able to choose the most optimal option for their savings in order to not only save them, but also increase them.

The product's nameRates (range in %)Duration (range in months)Minimum amount

Classic time deposits


Yen: 0.3 - 2.25 Swiss francs: 0.1 - 2.5 Pounds sterling: 0.55-3.25 1,000,000 yen 10,000 Swiss francs 10,000 pounds sterling


Rubles: 0.01 - 5.9 Dollars: 0.01 - 1.78 Euro 0.01 - 1.78 5 rubles5 US dollars5 euros


Rubles: 4.6 - 7.28 Dollars: 0.4 - 2.11 Euros: 0.4 - 2.11


Rubles: 4.4 - 7.76 Dollars: 0.3 - 2.33 Euros: 0.3 - 2.33 1,000 rubles100 US dollars100 euros


Rubles: 4 - 6.68 Dollars: 0.35 - 1.9 Euro: 0.35 - 1.9

Online deposits available for opening on the Internet

Top up Online

Rubles: 4.85 – 7.58 Dollars: 0.5 – 2.22 Euros: 0.4 – 2.22 1,000 rubles100 US dollars100 euros

Save Online

Rubles: 4.65 - 8.07 Dollars: 0.4 - 2.43 Euros: 0.4 - 2.43 1,000 rubles100 US dollars100 euros

Manage Online

Rubles: 4.25 - 6.97 Dollars: 0.45 - 2.01 Euros: 0.45 - 2.01 30,000 rubles1,000 US dollars1,000 euros

Deposit accounts for retirees

Pension Plus

Rubles: 3.5 (3.67)

Top up (pension)

Rubles: 5.3 – 7.28

Dollars: 0.8 - 2.11

Euro: 0.8 - 2.11

1,000 rubles

100 US dollars

Save (retirement)

Rubles: 5 - 7.76

Dollars: 0.6 – 2.33

Euro: 0.6 - 2.33

1,000 rubles

100 US dollars

Special charitable contribution

Gift a life

Rubles: 6.4 (6.56)

10,000 rubles

Metal bills

Payment in rubles at the sales rate established by the bank:

gold, silver, platinum, palladium

Savings certificates

Savings certificate of Sberbank of Russia

10,000 rubles

Maximum interest rates are indicated taking into account capitalization.

As we can see from the table, the duration of savings in Sberbank starts from one month and ends with a period of 3 years, if we talk about deposits, and has no limiting period if investing in precious metals.

The interest rate depends on the amount range in deposits: International, Multicurrency, Replenish, Replenish (pension), Replenish Online, Save, Save (pension), Save Online, Manage, Manage Online.

By the way, pensioners now also have the opportunity to open Sberbank deposits online. Moreover, the bank conducts free training seminars for them on eliminating computer illiteracy. In addition to learning how to use Internet banking, the courses talk about other useful functions that are available to anyone through a virtual network: searching for transport schedules, buying tickets, government services and information about benefits.

The procedure for paying and accruing interest on Sberbank deposits in 2014 may be as follows:

— At the end of the term: International, Savings certificate.

— Monthly annuity or capitalization once a month at the client’s choice: Top up, Top up (pension), Top up Online, Save, Save (pension), Save online, Manage, Manage Online.

— Quarterly annuity or capitalization once a quarter at the client’s choice: Multicurrency, Give Life.

— Quarterly annuity: Pension plus.

Most Sberbank deposits provide additional management options during the term of the agreement:

— Replenishment: Multicurrency, Pension plus, Top up, Top up (pension), Top up Online, Manage, Manage Online, compulsory medical insurance.

— Partial expense: Pension plus, Manage, Manage Online, compulsory medical insurance.

— Simultaneous possibility of spending and replenishing: Pension Plus, Manage, Manage Online, Compulsory Medical Insurance.

— Preferential interest accrual upon early termination of the contract: International, Multicurrency, Top up, Top up (pension), Top up Online, Save, Save (pension), Save Online, Manage, Manage Online.

You can make a deposit in favor of third parties, for example, for minor children or other relatives, in the products: Replenish, Manage, Save, Save Online, Compulsory Medical Insurance.

In 2013, out of ten deposits offered by Sberbank of Russia, two can be opened in rubles, five in rubles, US dollars and euros, and three, respectively, in pounds sterling, Swiss francs or Japanese yen.

Since Russians prefer to open deposits in rubles to a greater extent, we present a summary table that indicates the main conditions for ruble deposits.

comparison table
Contribution Min. original contribution Deposit term
Possibility of replenishment Possibility of withdrawing money
Replenish 1,000 rub. 3 months
3 years
Yes No
Save 1,000 rub. 1 month
3 years
No No
Manage 30,000 rub. 3 months
3 years
Yes Yes
Multicurrency 5 rub. 1 year
2 years
Yes No
International 10,000 rub. 1 month
3 years
No No
gift a life 10,000 rub. 1 year 7,25% No No
savings account Absent Is not limited 1,5%
Yes Yes


From the line of five classic ruble deposits, the deposit is of interest to those who want to receive the highest possible income "Save":

  • To open this deposit, it is enough to deposit 1000 rubles.
  • The deposit term varies from one month to three years.
  • Its profitability depends on the amount and duration of the deposit and ranges from 4.90 to 8 percent.


For those bank clients who would like to be able to replenish their deposit, it is advisable to open a deposit "Replenish":

  • The opening and replenishment of this deposit is carried out when 1000 rubles are deposited into the deposit account.
  • The deposit term is set by the client in the range from three months to three years.
  • The return on the deposit is determined by the term and amount of the deposit and varies from 4.85 to 7.25 percent.
  • Partial withdrawal of the deposit is not provided.


For those depositors who would like to open a deposit with the possibility of partial withdrawal, the bank offers a deposit "Manage":

  • For a period from three months to three years.
  • At interest rates from 4.05 to 6.50%.
  • The deposit opens when 30 thousand rubles are deposited into the account.
  • The terms of the deposit provide for replenishment in the amount of 1000 rubles.

Opening a deposit through Sberbank Online

To receive higher bonuses, he suggests using online banking services to open a deposit. "Sberbank Online" or ATM. Subject to opening a ruble or foreign currency deposit through the global network, the interest rate is accordingly 0.75% and 0.15% higher than when opening similar deposits in the offices of a credit institution.

To open deposits via the Internet, you must first connect to the Sberbank Online system.. To do this you need:

  • Visit the bank office to conclude the relevant agreement. You must have your passport with you. The agreement must indicate the investor’s mobile phone number
  • Order and then receive a debit bank card. The card is issued free of charge, and the cost of its annual maintenance varies depending on the type of card from 0 to ten thousand rubles.
  • Connect the received card to the Mobile Bank service
  • Get one-time passwords at an ATM/payment terminal. In these self-service devices, you can receive 20 one-time passwords at a time. If you use a mobile phone, a one-time password will be sent via SMS every time you log in to the system and carry out certain operations in the Sberbank Online system.

Connection to the Sberbank Online system is free, and There is no subscription fee for using the system. The Mobile Bank service, when connected to an economical package that does not provide for sending SMS messages about card transactions, is also free.