Sample application for full early repayment of loan. Application for early loan repayment

The loan agreement implies the possibility of repaying the debt in one payment. The borrower only needs to write an application to early repayment loan from Sberbank. And no bank has the right to refuse this. Moreover, it can be repaid as part credit debt, and so on.

Procedure for early loan repayment. How to fill out an application?

An application for early repayment of a loan at Sberbank is a document that notifies credit institution about the creditor's intention to repay the debt before the deadline established by the agreement. This opportunity was introduced by law in 2011. The legal norm applies to any program, ranging from consumer loans, ending with a mortgage. The right of early repayment applies only to individuals.

What is necessary for early repayment of a loan from Sberbank

The law states that the client is obliged to notify the bank of his intention to repay the loan ahead of schedule one month before the transfer of money. Sberbank’s internal rules allow for submitting a request 5 days in advance, but it is better to find out this at a specific bank branch. After requesting an application form from the bank, you must fill it out, indicating:
  • passport and other personal data;
  • information about the loan, incl. number loan agreement;
  • debt repayment date;
  • bank account number from which the debit will be made Money;
  • transfer amount (can be repaid in part or in full).

Sample application for early loan repayment

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When repaying a loan in full from Sberbank, you should pay special attention to ensuring that the debt is repaid in full. It is unacceptable to leave even a small debt, because in case of late payment, high interest will be charged on the balance.

If you have chosen the partial early repayment scheme, you will be presented with a new regular payment schedule.

How to make early loan repayments

An application for early repayment of a loan from Sberbank (sample) can be obtained at any Sberbank branch.
You can deposit funds in four ways:
  • transfer from your bank account in Sberbank;
  • transfer from an account or card belonging to another bank;
  • deposit cash at a self-service terminal;
  • deposit cash through a cash register at the nearest branch.

Particular attention should be paid to the exact correspondence of the amount paid with the balance of the debt specified in the agreement.

To make a partial debt repayment, you must visit a bank branch and receive a new payment schedule.

Full loan repayment procedure

When repaying your loan debt in full, you need to make sure that your obligations to Sberbank are fully repaid. To do this, you need to visit the office and request a certificate of debt repayment, which is legal evidence that the lender has no claims against the borrower. If the loan was secured by an insurance policy, then you will additionally need to return the insurance amount.
You can return what has already been paid insurance premiums even if the debt is repaid. This only applies to cases where the loan is repaid in full and not in installments. Carrying out a return will be advisable only in cases where the deadline insurance policy expires after 6 months or more. The amount for contributions will be returned in full if less than 30 days have passed since the date of registration of insurance; if more than 30 days, but less than 6 months, half of the deposited funds will be returned. If more than six months have passed, then you should not count on a refund; even in court it will not be possible to refute the insurer’s assurances that the transferred funds have already been spent on securing the policy.

Preliminary online repayment calculation

Early repayment of the loan allows you to save on interest payments. You can calculate the exact amount of money saved using special online calculators. However, they are effective only when repaid in unequal payments, while most programs at Sberbank require repayment of the loan in equal installments throughout the entire term. Sberbank does not provide for any fines or additional fees for depositing amounts in excess of the established schedule.

Legal features of early loan repayment (video)

IN Bank's name
Address of the bank
from Last name First name Patronymic
Address for sending a response
Contact number________________


“___” On _______ 20__, a loan agreement was concluded between me and your bank, according to which I was provided with a loan in the amount of _______ rubles for a period of up to ___.___.20___ year.

According to Part 2 of Art. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of a loan provided at interest to a citizen borrower for personal, family, home or other use not related to business activities may be returned by the citizen borrower
early in full or in parts, subject to notification of this to the lender at least thirty days before the date of such return. The loan agreement may establish a shorter period for notifying the lender of the borrower’s intention to repay the funds ahead of schedule.

Part 4 of Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Consumer Credit (Loan)” stipulates that 4. the borrower has the right to repay the creditor ahead of schedule the entire amount received consumer loan(loan)
or part thereof, notifying the lender about it in the manner established by the consumer credit (loan) agreement no less than thirty calendar days before the day of return of the consumer loan
credit (loan), unless a shorter period is established by the consumer credit (loan) agreement.

I hereby declare to you my intention ____.____.201___ (plus 30 days to the date of submission of this application to the bank) repay the debt under the specified loan agreement in full ahead of schedule.

If you want to repay the loan partially, indicate how much you are willing to contribute.

In connection with the above, I ask you, within 5 days from the date of receipt of this application:

Issue me a notification of the amount for full partial early repayment of debt under loan agreement No. dated ___.___.20___ on the date ___.___.20___, indicating the amounts for repayment of the principal debt and interest on the loan, commissions and other payments;

- (for full repayment) after I have paid the required amount for early repayment of the loan, issue a certificate stating that I have fulfilled my obligations to your bank under the loan agreement No. dated ___.___.20___ in full;

- (for partial repayment) give me a new payment schedule under the loan agreement:

option 1 I ask you to maintain the current monthly payment amount and reduce the period for full repayment of the loan;
option 2 I ask you to maintain the full repayment period for the loan and reduce the monthly payment to ____ rubles.

Sample application for early repayment of a loan at Sberbank

If the borrower has the opportunity to close his obligations ahead of schedule, in full or in part, it is worth taking advantage of this in order to incur lower costs for overpayment. You will first need to submit an application for early repayment of the loan at Sberbank.

Features of submitting an application

The early repayment procedure at Sberbank occurs in a certain order. If you simply deposit a larger amount into your credit account, only the required amount will be written off according to the schedule.

Therefore, you must first notify the bank of your wishes. You will need to visit the office and write an application for partial early repayment of the loan to Sberbank. The application form is equally suitable for full and partial payment.

To fill out the form correctly, you can ask the employee for a sample. But even without a sample, filling out the form does not cause any difficulties. You will need to provide basic information on the planned repayment:

  • Personal data, credit agreement (account) number;
  • Amount to be repaid;
  • Date of payment;
  • Payment method (debit account).

Read the text of the application for early repayment of the loan from Sberbank

As evidenced by sample applications, the specified payment date must fall only on a working day. At the same time, the day does not have to coincide with the payment date according to the schedule.

Partial payment of a Sberbank loan

If the borrower wishes to repay the debt in part, he has the right to indicate any amount. Partial repayment is not limited to a minimum amount.

An application form for early repayment of a loan can be requested from Sberbank at any time. It is worth knowing that you need to submit it in advance. Sberbank does not set a clear time frame, but the law stipulates mandatory notification 30 days before payment.

You can make early partial or full repayment using any of the options provided for the monthly payment: online bank, ATM, transfer, cash, etc. It is mandatory to follow the parameters specified in the form: day, amount, method.

When paying a larger portion, there will be a recalculation and change in the payment schedule by shifting the end date. The online bank will display the current schedule.

Full repayment rules

If you need to close the loan completely, it is recommended to first clarify the current amount of obligations at a particular moment. You can do this in Sberbank Online, in Mobile application, By hotline or directly from an employee in the office. It is recommended to use the latter option to eliminate a technical error. As evidenced by sample applications for early loan repayment from Sberbank, it is necessary to indicate a specific figure, including kopecks.

When incorrect closed loan, the borrower is left with an insignificant debt, usually in the amount of a few kopecks. The program perceives the balance as a debt, applies fines to it, penalties for non-payment, etc. As a result, the client may accumulate a considerable amount of debt, although he will be confident that the loan will be closed. This can be tracked in online banking.

In order not to encounter problems, after writing off the debt, you need to visit the Sberbank office again and request a certificate of loan closure

This document is sometimes issued on the day of application or within 3-5 days after receiving the application. The certificate confirms the absence of debt and the fact that the account has been closed.

Download sample form online


You cannot submit an application for early loan repayment to Sberbank Online, but you can pay the debt online. The application is submitted at the branch, indicating the specific parameters of the expected payment. They must be complied with in full for repayment to occur correctly. If you wish, you can study the sample to avoid mistakes.

Nuances of early loan repayment and sample applications

Early payment of a loan is a common practice that became especially popular after 2011, when indirect obstacles to this in the form of restrictions set by banks were legislatively removed. Take advantage of early repayment credit debt Any borrower can - this is his right. However, it is important to do this competently - on the most favorable terms for yourself.

Right to early repayment

The general right to early fulfillment of loan obligations is enshrined in Article 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the law:

  • this right applies to all types of credit (borrowed) obligations not caused by entrepreneurial activity;
  • it cannot be limited by anything other than the terms of the contract, but the latter cannot contradict the law and worsen the position of the borrower in comparison with what is established at the legislative level;
  • Both full and partial payments are possible – without restrictions;
  • The borrower’s only obligation is to notify the lender of his intention in a timely manner, no less than 30 days in advance.

The terms of the loan agreement may establish a specific procedure for early fulfillment of obligations, including shortened notice periods, and also define in detail procedural nuances. The terms of the agreement detail the borrower’s right, but cannot limit or condition it.

Early repayment of a mortgage loan

For a mortgage, the same rules apply as for any other type of lending, however, before you decide to repay the loan early, it is very important to determine whether it will be profitable and to what extent.

Some nuances:

  1. There are many arguments in favor of paying off your mortgage early, but unlike other loans, there are just as many arguments against it. Paying off your mortgage early is not always profitable. This is a long-term and complex type of lending, seriously susceptible to the influence of market factors - inflation, rise or fall in real estate prices, changes credit policy banks and the peculiarities of state support and regulation of mortgage lending.
  2. It is more correct to consider a mortgage as a subject of long-term and strategic financial planning. Before making a decision on early payments, it is necessary to correctly place the emphasis, make calculations based on the conditions of today and the future, and accurately determine whether it will be profitable. The best solution is to involve a specialist in the analysis.
  3. Consider whether early repayment will be more profitable than the possibility of receiving tax deduction, using maternity capital funds, directing free funds to form a reserve, investment activity, opening a deposit at interest.
  4. If you nevertheless decide to pay off your mortgage early, clearly define the goal - to shorten the mortgage term or reduce the monthly financial burden - the approaches to solving these problems will be different.
  5. Often, the conditions for early payment of a mortgage are detailed in the contract - be sure to study them. It is possible that the bank has established a moratorium on early settlement for a certain period of time (usually several months) and (or) minimum size contribution amount.

Early repayment of an annuity loan

Since the legislation limited the actions of banks related to their rights to influence the terms of early settlements on loans, the majority credit products They use a system of annuity payments that are more profitable for banks, rather than differentiated ones.

With the annuity system of loan payments, the borrower is obliged to pay an equal amount every month, which consists of the loan body and interest. This is quite convenient for the borrower, but the trick is that he primarily repays the interest rather than the principal. As payments progress, the monthly interest payment decreases and the principal payment increases. The benefit of the bank is obvious - it earns on interest.

When repaying an annuity loan, two methods of early partial repayment are possible. As a rule, the specific method is specified in the contract, and if not, it is determined by the borrower when submitting an application and agreed with the bank. With the first method, the goal is to reduce the planned payment amount, with the second - to shorten the loan term.

On the part of the borrower, when submitting an application, it is very important to clearly state what purpose he is pursuing. Otherwise, all amounts exceeding monthly payment, will simply accumulate on the borrower’s account (loan account) and be written off by the bank according to the payment schedule, without affecting either the reduction of the planned payment or the reduction of the loan term.

A client’s application may serve as a basis for automatically changing the schedule, but not always. If this is not possible automatically (you should check with the bank), you need to get a new schedule.

An exception to the above situations is the method of repaying the debt by directly debiting funds from the borrower’s account (loan account or pre-specified when applying for a loan, for example, a deposit or card account). With this method, it is possible to write off without acceptance not only the scheduled monthly payment, but also the entire amount in the borrower’s account on the day of writing off. The specific condition and the procedure for its fulfillment must be reflected in the loan agreement, an additional agreement with the bank or in a separate application from the borrower, entailing a change in the terms of the agreement.

Direct debiting of the entire amount in the account on the payment date is quite convenient and usually entails an automatic adjustment of the loan repayment schedule. If only the planned amount is written off, it can be increased by writing a corresponding application to the bank and determining what goal you are pursuing - to reduce the loan term or reduce the amount of future planned payments. After the bank has executed the application, you must receive a new schedule.

Full and partial repayment

Full and partial repayment of a loan have slightly different goals. With full repayment, the problem of early termination of the contract in connection with its execution is solved. At partial repayment The goal is to either reduce your monthly debt burden or shorten its overall duration. From the point of view of the law, the borrower’s right to pay off his obligations ahead of schedule is in no way limited to the tasks being solved.

The procedure will look like this:

  1. A statement of intention to partially or fully repay the loan is sent to the bank. Please note: when repaying a loan partially, it is necessary to indicate that the amount exceeding the planned payment must be used to repay the principal debt, otherwise it is possible that the bank will use it to repay interest. In case of full repayment, this intention must be indicated in the application.
  1. The amount necessary for partial or sufficient for full repayment is deposited into the account.
  2. After debiting funds from the account, if you repay partially, you should receive a new schedule; if you repay in full, you should receive a certificate stating that the loan was repaid in full.

Early repayment rules

For successful and profitable early loan payment, follow these simple rules:

  • Define, what goals and objectives you intend to achieve by paying off the debt in whole or in part.
  • Analyze whether achieving your goals will really be beneficial. Financial and credit consultations from specialists can help with this.
  • Explore terms of the agreement regarding the procedure for settlements and early repayment of obligations.
  • Execute calculations, determining the amount of partial/full repayment. When repaying in full, it is advisable to confirm the correctness of your calculations with the bank.
  • Prepare and send a statement of your intention to the bank. The period of 30 days is basic; it is often reduced by banks. The application form can be obtained from the bank or found on our website.
  • Enter into the account the required amount.
  • Make sure that the amount you contributed has been written off by the bank and used to pay off the debt. As a rule, the write-off date is considered to be the date of making the scheduled payment. Until this day, interest and commissions may accrue and will be required to be repaid.
  • Get a new schedule or document confirming full payment of your loan obligations.

Is it possible to repay the loan with smaller payments than written in the contract?

Repaying a loan with smaller payments than is written in the agreement and provided for in the schedule is a violation of the terms of the loan, which may entail the application of penalties. However, in some cases this is possible:

  • by agreement with the bank, which is properly executed (additional agreement, installment/deferred payment agreement);
  • in the case of using a loan account as a kind of savings account, for example, when you previously transferred larger amounts to the account than were provided for in the schedule, and the excess was not written off by the bank to repay the loan, but accumulated - in this situation, the main thing is that on the date of the next write-off there should be sufficient funds for planned repayment.

Is it possible to repay the loan in larger amounts and reduce the interest rate?

Partial repayment can solve the problem of either reducing the monthly payment or shortening the loan term. If this is not expressly provided for by the terms of the agreement or not agreed upon with the bank in the process of fulfilling loan obligations, reduce interest rate early repayment by itself cannot.

If we consider the goal of reducing interest as a goal of reducing monthly payment, then this is achievable regardless of the payment system - annuity or differentiated.


  • if an annuity payment system is used, the reduction in the amount of interest paid in the monthly payment may not be particularly noticeable - the essence of such a payment system is affected;
  • with a differentiated payment system - when interest is charged on the balance of the debt - the amount of interest payments actually decreases significantly.

At the same time, when setting a goal to reduce the overpayment on the loan, which is formed by interest, it is better to resort to solving the problem of reducing the loan period. Obviously, the shorter the loan term, the faster the amount of the principal debt will decrease and the smaller the total amount of accrued and paid interest will be on the date of full repayment of the debt.

Refund of insurance upon early repayment of loan

Early full repayment loan is a legally significant fact that affects the terms of the insurance contract.

To get your insurance back, you must submit your claims:

  1. Analyze the terms of credit and insurance. It is important to determine who the beneficiary is - a bank or an insurance company, how payment was made under the insurance contract - the amount was immediately paid out of the corresponding part credit funds or was transferred gradually along with monthly loan payments in the form of a fixed amount or as a percentage of the amount of loan obligations.
  2. Prepare and submit an application for recalculation and return of insurance payments to the bank or insurance company- depending on who the beneficiary was. If the amount of insurance payments involves planned repayment during the loan term, then we are talking about termination of the insurance contract.
  3. If you refuse to return insurance payments or ignore the requirement, the actions of the bank (insurance company) can be appealed in court. Our online duty lawyer is ready to promptly advise you on this issue.

How to calculate the amount for early loan repayment?

​There are several options for making calculations:

  1. Use the calculator on the bank's official website.
  2. Take advantage universal calculator for early loan repayment on our website.
  3. Contact the bank and ask to calculate the amount.
  4. Do the calculations yourself.

Using calculator services is the easiest way to make calculations. At the same time, it is possible to calculate and analyze various options, for example, based on your goal - to reduce the planned payment or the loan term. When contacting a bank, the service may be regarded as a paid service and a certain amount may be charged for it. Independent calculations require an understanding of the formulas used by the bank and do not exclude errors.

If you have any unresolved questions regarding full or partial early repayment of the loan, our online lawyer is ready to answer them immediately.

To repay a loan or part of it early, you need to submit an application to the Sberbank branch where the mortgage was issued. The application can only be executed after the overdue debt has been repaid, as well as the current annuity payment (if the early repayment date coincides with the payment date). Read more about the conditions and procedure for partial early repayment of a mortgage at Sberbank.

The date of repayment of the debt is the date of transfer of funds. The application is reviewed quite quickly and the borrower can calmly close his credit account or reduce the amount of payments by paying part of the debt ahead of schedule.

What is the best way to pay off a mortgage loan in full?

It's best to pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule gradually reducing the amount of debt. For example, if you are supposed to pay 10 thousand rubles a month, you can deposit 15 or 20 thousand rubles. Due to this, the loan term is shortened and the amount of overpayment is reduced.

The document is drawn up in writing in two copies. In the application, the borrower asks the lender to write off funds without acceptance on the day of the next scheduled repayment from a specific bank account (you must indicate the number). The amount to be written off and the loan agreement number must be clearly indicated. within the framework in which all this is done.

If only part of the funds is deposited, that is, the loan is not closed, then a note is made that the amount written off does not include funds in the amount necessary for the planned repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest, the availability of which must be ensured. Below you need to put a personal signature with a transcript. The application is assigned its own registration number.

Important! Application for early repayment - mandatory document, without which it is impossible to remove the encumbrance in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Therefore, simply depositing money into the account to close the loan will not work. It is necessary to comply with all the requirements of the procedure provided for by law.

Instructions for completely closing a loan ahead of schedule

Closing a loan is the happiest day in a borrower’s life. But it is important to do everything correctly so that it does not turn out that he still has some debt left behind, which over time increases like a snowball due to non-payment and fines. To do this, you first need to request a certificate from the bank about the status of the debt with all accrued interest on the specific date when the borrower scheduled early repayment.

Procedure step by step:

  1. Writing an application for early repayment of a loan and closing a loan account.
  2. Application the required amount to close the debt.
  3. Control over the closure of accounts by tellers.
  4. Obtaining a certificate of no debt from the bank.
  5. Removal of encumbrance from an apartment in Rosreestr.

On the appointed day, the borrower receives a certificate of no debt and a mortgage note(if it was issued). All this will be needed to remove the encumbrance in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. It is recommended to store documents for at least three years, as this is the statute of limitations for a mortgage. Next, you will need to visit Rosreestr and clear the registration record of the encumbrance.

What documents and when should the bank issue?

After full repayment of the loan from Sberbank, you need to pick up a certificate of debt repayment, a mortgage note with a note stating that the obligations under it have been fulfilled in full. If you plan to apply for a tax deduction, you will also need copies of the loan agreement, interest payment receipts, and a bank certificate about interest paid for the past year.

To remove the burden you will need:

  • borrower's application;
  • a document confirming the borrower's ownership of housing;
  • mortgage and loan repayment certificate from the bank.

If the mortgage has not been formalized, then a joint application of the borrower and the lender is submitted to Rosreestr, on the basis of which the encumbrance will be lifted. In this case, you don’t even need to pay a state fee. If there was a mortgage, then When the mortgage registry is redeemed, the mortgage is canceled and transferred former borrower .

How to repay and close debt through Sberbank-online?

To repay a loan early through the Sberbank-online service, you need to gain access to the website. By logging into your personal account, you can make all the necessary payments. The service is available only to those who have a phone number and a Sberbank card.

Let's look at how the procedure occurs. The borrower will have to go through the following steps:

As we see, online repayment A loan is not such a complicated procedure. The main thing is that there are funds in the borrower’s account, for example, in his payment card, which can be used to pay off the debt. Later the borrower can observe how the size of monthly payments has changed due to early payment. To do this, you need to go to the “Payment Schedule” section, where current loan payments and the amount of new loan payments are reflected.

How to obtain supporting documents from the Security Service in this case?

If the loan is repaid in full, then to remove the encumbrance you will need an official bank certificate with a signature and seal stating that the debt has been repaid. Printout from personal account In this case, payment of the full loan amount will not work. Therefore, the borrower still needs to go to the bank and order a paper version of the certificate for submission to Rosreestr.

Which option is more convenient and preferable - online or offline?

From the point of view of how profitable it is to pay, both options are convenient, but if you want to complete the procedure faster, it is better to choose online repayment. It is usually used by those who have wage goes to the Sberbank card. This method is also ideal for those who regularly pay off their loans slightly ahead of schedule. In this case, you do not need to come to the bank and fill out an application every time.

If the loan is repaid in full, then it may make sense to do it immediately at a bank branch to collect everything necessary documents to remove the encumbrance in Rosreestr. In addition, large sums that are usually required to close a mortgage early are not always convenient to keep on a card.

No restrictions. Moreover, you can even transfer money online using a special bank service. When closing a loan, you will have to obtain a certificate of early repayment of the loan and remove the encumbrance from Rosreestr. After this, the borrower becomes the full owner and can sell, change, bequeath, or donate his property without regard to the opinion of the old lender.

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Early payment of a loan is a common practice that became especially popular after 2011, when indirect obstacles to this in the form of restrictions set by banks were legislatively removed. Any borrower can take advantage of early repayment of a loan debt - this is his right. However, it is important to do this competently - on the most favorable terms for yourself.

Right to early repayment

The general right to early fulfillment of loan obligations is enshrined in Article 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the law:

  • this right applies to all types of credit (borrowed) obligations not caused by entrepreneurial activity;
  • it cannot be limited by anything other than the terms of the contract, but the latter cannot contradict the law and worsen the position of the borrower in comparison with what is established at the legislative level;
  • Both full and partial payments are possible - without restrictions;
  • The borrower's only obligation is to notify the lender of his intention in a timely manner, no less than 30 days in advance.

The terms of the loan agreement may establish a specific procedure for early fulfillment of obligations, including shortened notice periods, and also define in detail procedural nuances. The terms of the agreement detail the borrower’s right, but cannot limit or condition it.

For a mortgage, the same rules apply as for any other type of lending, however, before you decide to repay the loan early, it is very important to determine whether it will be profitable and to what extent.

Some nuances:

  1. There are many arguments in favor of paying off your mortgage early, but unlike other loans, there are just as many arguments against it. Paying off your mortgage early is not always profitable. This is a long-term and complex type of lending, seriously susceptible to the influence of market factors - inflation, rising or falling real estate prices, changes in the credit policy of banks and the peculiarities of government support and regulation of mortgage lending.
  2. It is more correct to consider a mortgage as a subject of long-term and strategic financial planning. Before making a decision on early payments, it is necessary to correctly place the emphasis, make calculations based on the conditions of today and the future, and accurately determine whether it will be profitable. The best decision is to involve a specialist in the analysis.
  3. Consider whether early repayment will be more profitable than the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction, using maternal capital funds, directing free funds to form a reserve, investment activities, or opening an interest-bearing deposit.
  4. If you nevertheless decide to pay off your mortgage early, clearly define the goal - to shorten the mortgage term or reduce the monthly financial burden - the approaches to solving these problems will be different.
  5. Often, the conditions for early payment of a mortgage are detailed in the contract - be sure to study them. It is possible that the bank has established a moratorium on early settlement for a certain period of time (usually several months) and (or) a minimum contribution amount.

Since legislation has limited the actions of banks related to their rights to influence the terms of early settlements on loans, most credit products use a system of annuity payments that are more profitable for banks, rather than differentiated ones.

With the annuity system of loan payments, the borrower is obliged to pay an equal amount every month, which consists of the loan body and interest. This is quite convenient for the borrower, but the trick is that he primarily repays the interest rather than the principal. As payments progress, the monthly interest payment decreases and the principal payment increases. The benefit of the bank is obvious - it earns on interest.

When repaying an annuity loan, two methods of early partial repayment are possible. As a rule, the specific method is specified in the contract, and if not, it is determined by the borrower when submitting an application and agreed with the bank. With the first method, the goal is to reduce the planned payment amount, with the second - to shorten the loan term.

On the part of the borrower, when submitting an application, it is very important to clearly state what purpose he is pursuing. Otherwise, all amounts exceeding the monthly payment will simply accumulate on the borrower’s account (loan account) and will be written off by the bank according to the payment schedule, without affecting either the reduction of the planned payment or the shortening of the loan term.

A client’s application may serve as a basis for automatically changing the schedule, but not always. If this is not possible automatically (you should check with the bank), you need to get a new schedule.

An exception to the above situations is the method of repaying the debt by directly debiting funds from the borrower’s account (loan account or pre-specified when applying for a loan, for example, a deposit or card account). With this method, it is possible to write off without acceptance not only the scheduled monthly payment, but also the entire amount in the borrower’s account on the day of writing off. The specific condition and the procedure for its fulfillment must be reflected in the loan agreement, an additional agreement with the bank or in a separate application from the borrower, entailing a change in the terms of the agreement.

Direct debiting of the entire amount in the account on the payment date is quite convenient and usually entails an automatic adjustment of the loan repayment schedule. If only the planned amount is written off, it can be increased by writing a corresponding application to the bank and determining what goal you are pursuing - to reduce the loan term or reduce the amount of future planned payments. After the bank has executed the application, you must receive a new schedule.

Full and partial repayment

Full and partial repayment of a loan have slightly different goals. With full repayment, the problem of early termination of the contract in connection with its execution is solved. With partial repayment, the goal is to either reduce the monthly debt burden or shorten its overall term. From the point of view of the law, the borrower’s right to pay off his obligations ahead of schedule is in no way limited to the tasks being solved.

The procedure will look like this:

  1. A statement of intention to partially or fully repay the loan is sent to the bank. Please note: when repaying a loan partially, it is necessary to indicate that the amount exceeding the planned payment must be used to repay the principal debt, otherwise it is possible that the bank will use it to repay interest. In case of full repayment, this intention must be indicated in the application.
  1. The amount necessary for partial or sufficient for full repayment is deposited into the account.
  2. After funds are debited from the account, in case of partial repayment, you should receive a new schedule; in case of full repayment, you should receive a certificate stating that the loan has been repaid in full.

Early repayment rules

For successful and profitable early loan payment, follow these simple rules:

  • Define, what goals and objectives you intend to achieve by paying off the debt in whole or in part.
  • Analyze whether achieving your goals will really be beneficial. Financial and credit consultations from specialists can help with this.
  • Explore terms of the agreement regarding the procedure for settlements and early repayment of obligations.
  • Execute calculations, determining the amount of partial/full repayment. When repaying in full, it is advisable to confirm the correctness of your calculations with the bank.
  • Prepare and send a statement of your intention to the bank. The period of 30 days is basic; it is often reduced by banks. The application form can be obtained from the bank or found on our website.
  • Enter into the account the required amount.
  • Make sure that the amount you contributed has been written off by the bank and used to pay off the debt. As a rule, the write-off date is considered to be the date of making the scheduled payment. Until this day, interest and commissions may accrue and will be required to be repaid.
  • Get a new schedule or document confirming full payment of your loan obligations.

Is it possible to repay the loan with smaller payments than written in the contract?

Repaying a loan with smaller payments than is written in the agreement and provided for in the schedule is a violation of the terms of the loan, which may entail the application of penalties. However, in some cases this is possible:

  • by agreement with the bank, which is properly executed (additional agreement, installment/deferred payment agreement);
  • in the case of using a loan account as a kind of savings account, for example, when you previously transferred larger amounts to the account than were provided for in the schedule, and the excess was not written off by the bank to repay the loan, but accumulated - in this situation, the main thing is that on the date of the next write-off there should be sufficient funds for planned repayment.

Is it possible to repay the loan in larger amounts and reduce the interest rate?

Partial repayment can solve the problem of either reducing the monthly payment or shortening the loan term. If this is not expressly provided for by the terms of the agreement or is not agreed upon with the bank in the process of fulfilling loan obligations, early repayment in itself cannot reduce the interest rate.

If we consider the goal of reducing interest as the goal of reducing the monthly payment, then this is achievable regardless of the payment system - annuity or differentiated.


  • if an annuity payment system is used, the reduction in the amount of interest paid in the monthly payment may not be particularly noticeable - the essence of such a payment system is affected;
  • with a differentiated payment system - when interest is charged on the balance of the debt - the amount of interest payments actually decreases significantly.

At the same time, when setting a goal to reduce the overpayment on the loan, which is formed by interest, it is better to resort to solving the problem of reducing the loan period. Obviously, the shorter the loan term, the faster the amount of the principal debt will decrease and the smaller the total amount of accrued and paid interest will be on the date of full repayment of the debt.

Refund of insurance upon early repayment of loan

Early full repayment of the loan is a legally significant fact that affects the terms of the insurance contract.

To get your insurance back, you must submit your claims:

  1. Analyze the terms of credit and insurance. It is important to determine who the beneficiary is - a bank or an insurance company, how payment was made under the insurance agreement - the amount was immediately paid from the corresponding part of the loan funds or was transferred gradually along with monthly loan payments in the form of a fixed amount or as a percentage of the loan amount obligations.
  2. Prepare and send an application for recalculation and return of insurance payments to the bank or insurance company - depending on who was the beneficiary. If the amount of insurance payments involves planned repayment during the loan term, then we are talking about termination of the insurance contract.
  3. If you refuse to return insurance payments or ignore the requirement, the actions of the bank (insurance company) can be appealed in court. Our online duty lawyer is ready to promptly advise you on this issue.

​There are several options for making calculations:

  1. Use the calculator on the bank's official website.
  2. Use the universal calculator for early loan repayment on our website.
  3. Contact the bank and ask to calculate the amount.
  4. Do the calculations yourself.

Using calculator services is the easiest way to make calculations. At the same time, it is possible to calculate and analyze various options, for example, based on your goal - to reduce the planned payment or the loan term. When contacting a bank, the service may be regarded as a paid service and a certain amount may be charged for it. Independent calculations require an understanding of the formulas used by the bank and do not exclude errors.

If you have any unresolved questions regarding full or partial early repayment of the loan, our online lawyer is ready to answer them immediately.