Is it worth it now to sell dollars in. Is it worth it now to buy dollars and euros

Is it worth buying the euro at the end of August 2018

In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons of such investments. Let's start with the positive side:

  • you can invest any available amount in the currency, this method of investing money is available to everyone;
  • long-term currency investment is likely to work for you, due to the growth of the exchange rate;
  • currency can be quickly sold at any convenient time at the market price.

All these advantages undoubtedly attract small investors, but there are also disadvantages, among which:

  • when it is most profitable to buy currency, even professionals cannot say with accuracy;
  • cases when money was invested at the peak of growth, followed by a rollback, is not a rare phenomenon and it is almost impossible to predict such moments in advance, and this is fraught with financial losses;
  • banks always sell foreign currency for more than they buy, which leads to inevitable expenses when converting dollars and euros into rubles. Therefore, any transaction implies losses that will need to be covered by future income;
  • problems are not ruled out when buying foreign currency in the right amount from large investors;
  • in 2018, you cannot be 100% sure that by buying dollars and euros, you are guaranteed to have a stable profit. You can only count on a one-time increase in income from investments;
  • storing currency in cash is inefficient, as it is no longer an investment. Money should work, not be a dead weight;
  • you need to think in advance where exactly to store the currency, so as not to become a victim of robbers.

What do the experts think about this?

People who are little enlightened in such matters are accustomed to relying on the opinion of experts. Especially given the ambiguity of the situation today. Owners of small capital are at a loss, not knowing how to do the right thing so as not to lose their hard-earned money. Should I buy dollars and euros now? Literally 1 hour ago, the following information was received from supporters of investments in foreign currency - they believe that if investments are long-term, then, of course, yes.

Since there is a constant growth of the currency against the Russian ruble. So it is, but if we consider the amount of profit, then it is insignificant, because the inflation rate is much higher.

There are times when a sharp rise in the currency is able to cover all costs, but this rarely happens, and, as a rule, this is accompanied by an instant increase in prices.

Answering the question of citizens today regarding the advisability of buying euros and dollars, experts unanimously say no, simply because at the moment, their value has reached its peak. This is evidenced by the strengthening of the ruble.

It is difficult to say how events will develop in the foreign exchange market in the future. In this regard, people who are not enlightened in this matter are advised to wait and not rush to run to the exchange office for foreign currency, since even experts do not take responsibility for making any forecasts, it is not at all clear how dollars and euros will behave.

Everyone has the right to dispose of the earned funds and, by and large, he is responsible for his capital. The main thing, when making this or that decision, is to think it over carefully so as not to be a loser.

What is the best currency to keep money in?

It happens that a person has made a firm decision to transfer his savings into a currency, but does not know which one. There is no need to rush in this matter, you need to understand that investing is not such a simple process as it might seem at first glance.

Here it is worth listening to the advice of financiers who recommend making the distribution of capital between different currencies:

  • convert part of the money into dollars;
  • transfer part of the money into euros;
  • leave part of the money in rubles.

Insufficiently understanding such matters, it is difficult to determine the proportions. The situation on the market is constantly changing and you need to quickly navigate in order not to burn out and stay in the red.

You need to know when the moment has come to change the ratio of currencies. It is not at all easy for a person who does not have a financial education to make the right decision in this matter. This is fraught with a transaction at the most inopportune moment.

There is no definite answer as to whether it is worth buying dollars or euros. It all depends on the time and circumstances. Buying currency today is not particularly profitable.

In what case do people buy currency, and what determines its fall and rise

The purchase of foreign currency is mainly due to the fear of a fall in the ruble exchange rate and inflation. In order not to lose their savings, many people prefer to invest in dollars and euros. With regards to the fluctuations of this pair, for several years now this mark has not exceeded 10%.

Foreign currency is directly dependent on oil. When oil (also called black gold) becomes cheaper, the dollar and the euro strengthen their positions and grow in price. With the ruble, the situation is exactly the opposite.

According to the information of the last hour, in 2018, according to the prediction of analysts, oil will remain in a moderate corridor. Prices for it largely depend on the following factors:

  • from deals by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC);
  • from global demand;
  • from conflicts in the Middle East;
  • from the economic crisis in Venezuela;
  • from shale gas production in the United States of America.

What to expect from 2018 financially

Everyone understands that the ruble is dependent on the price of oil and the situation is such that black gold will hold out at the annual maximum mark. Accordingly, the national currency will remain quite strong.

Studying the dollar exchange rate chart for the last year, it is clear that the American currency has not been rising in price for quite a long time. She has never since the moment of a sharp jump, when she reached a price maximum of 60 rubles per dollar, failed to exceed this threshold, as it was before. We all remember the crisis, when the dollar was given 80 rubles.

Now it is not worth buying foreign currency, if the price of oil rises, the dollar will inevitably fall in price and it is not yet clear how much. It is possible that they will give 80 or even 100 dollars per barrel.

The well-being of the population has declined sharply, people do not have the opportunity to play in the foreign exchange market. The income is barely enough to buy the bare necessities.

As of February 9, 2018, carry trade operations are not so profitable. The reason for this not rosy trend was the reduction of the key rate by the Bank of Russia to 7.5%.

As for the overall situation on the currency market of the Russian Federation today, it is quite stable. But still, it is worth listening to the advice of experts and not rushing to buy up the currency for the purpose of subsequent conversion back into rubles after the rate rises. It is possible that it is in 2018 that the exchange rate of our national currency will not only remain stable, but will also strengthen.

There is no need to rush in any business, especially when it comes to finances. Solving the dilemma of whether it is worth buying dollars and euros now, you need to carefully weigh and think everything over. According to experts, received 1 hour ago, it is worth refraining from such operations for the time being.

The ruble started the year on an optimistic note, breaking through the psychological mark of 60 rubles per dollar.

In January last year, the situation was the opposite: the ruble weakened, the rate reached 83 rubles per dollar. Will the national currency continue to strengthen, is it worth waiting for the rush demand for dollars?

"Thank you" oil

In the last two years (December 2014-January 2015 and December 2015-January 2016), there has been a significant weakening of the Russian currency on the foreign exchange market. In January 2016, the ruble reached an absolute historical low of 83 per dollar. Now the dollar is worth 59.9 rubles. The main reason for the sharp depreciation of the ruble in December-January in previous periods was, of course, the dynamics of the oil market. At the end of 2014, oil prices were declining due to an imbalance in supply and demand, and at the end of 2015-beginning of 2016, against the backdrop of a general deterioration in sentiment in global markets.

This year, oil prices, on the contrary, showed positive dynamics after the decision of OPEC and independent producers to reduce oil production in the aggregate by almost 1.8 million barrels per day. In January 2016, the minimum price of oil was $27 per barrel, now it is stable and significantly exceeds $50 (on January 11, March Brent oil futures on the London ICE Futures exchange traded at $53.8 per barrel).

“At the beginning of 2016, the ruble barely recovered from the December currency panic associated with large external payments. In addition, powerful sales were observed in the oil market. However, the high rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the subsequent correction in oil prices did their job, and the domestic currency began to strengthen. The 2017 budget was drawn up based on the oil price of $40 per barrel and the exchange rate of 67.5 rubles per dollar, ”says Andrey Kochetkov, an analyst at Otkritie Broker.

Ruble support group

Since the beginning of 2017, the ruble has been gradually strengthening against the dollar. On January 4, the national currency was trading at the rate of 60.91 rubles per dollar, and by January 10 - at 59.98. “In the near future, oil will continue to feel confident, I do not exclude that the scenario with the rise in the price of Brent just above $60 is being implemented. So, ceteris paribus, the USD / RUB rate can easily go to 58, ”says Stanislav Novikov, Managing Director of BCS Ultima.

However, he believes that the dollar will not last long below 60 rubles: after the inauguration of the elected US President Donald Trump on January 20, the dollar will feel more confident again. According to Novikov, for the Russian economy, which is focused on returning to the growth zone, it is optimal for the dollar to stay in the range of 58-61.

The strength of the ruble in December 2016, experts also explain the actions of the Central Bank. In response to the growth in demand for foreign currency on the part of market participants, the regulator significantly increased the volume of foreign exchange repos at its auctions, which contributed to the stabilization of the exchange rate. “On the horizon of the first half of 2017, external conditions may develop positively for the ruble,” believes Mikhail Poddubsky, Leading Analyst of the Debt Market Analysis Group of the Research and Analytics Department of Promsvyazbank. “The key factors remain the dynamics of the oil market and the risk appetite in global markets.” According to him, on the horizon of the next month there is a risk of falling demand for risky assets, the USD / RUB pair may fall to the area of ​​61-62 rubles per dollar.

Yury Kravchenko, Senior Analyst of Investment Company Veles Capital, did not rule out the same levels until the end of January. In his opinion, the strengthening of the ruble in late December - early January was largely due to increased demand for ruble liquidity. In the next week, a significant inflow of liquidity into the banking system is expected through several channels at once (budget, cash deposits by the population, etc.), which should significantly reduce the need for ruble liquidity. “In addition, the levels of 60 rubles per dollar look extremely attractive for those depositors who currently have expired or are expiring long ruble deposits opened at high rates in late 2014 and early 2015,” Kravchenko added. Vladimir Zotov, head of the financial markets directorate at the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD), believes that in the next two weeks the exchange rate will be in the range of 59-62 rubles per dollar.

“In January 2017, the ruble is one of the most highly profitable currencies in the world with an insignificant external debt burden, with the economy recovering and hopes for an improvement in the situation in the foreign policy direction,” says Andrey Kochetkov.

The key rate of the Central Bank of 10% with an inflation of 5.4% differs for the better from many debt instruments, balancing on the verge of negative rates. The risk for the ruble, according to Kochetkov, remains oil: market participants may be disappointed in the low discipline of producers who have agreed to reduce production. In addition, hopes for a new US administration may also not come true, as the Congress remains quite hostile to Russia. Plus, expectations of a Fed rate hike may further intensify.

“Finally, purely speculative moments can play against the ruble, namely, a possible large-scale profit-taking on the Russian currency, which in 2016 strengthened by more than 20%,” the analyst believes.

Do you expect hype

The Central Bank data suggests that citizens were waiting for the weakening of the ruble in December 2016. In September, they bought $6.1 billion from exchange offices, and $6.6 billion in October. Net demand (including the sold currency) amounted to $2.2 billion and $2.8 billion, respectively, these are record values ​​since December 2014. In ten months, purchases reached $7.2 billion, which is 110% more than in the same period in 2015.

Experts do not expect a rush demand for dollars now. “Usually clients buy dollars at the moment when the situation in the market becomes volatile, in order to save their assets. Now the currency is purchased more in order to go on a trip, or to invest in foreign assets. But this demand is constant at any time and does not depend on currency fluctuations. And we do not expect drastic changes. In addition, the rates on ruble deposits are much higher,” notes Vladimir Zotov from UBRD.

Stanislav Novikov believes that there is no need to talk about rush demand because the ruble has been quite stable for a long time and the population does not follow the exchange rate so closely, getting used to minor fluctuations of 1-3%. In addition, people have less free funds that could be converted into currency. Also, people are increasingly thinking about why they actually need a currency. “If we talk about buying a currency in order to diversify savings and protect against possible sharp exchange rate fluctuations, the current levels are quite suitable for the partial formation of a currency position. Its optimal share in the savings structure of a person living and spending money in Russia is 40%. It is advisable to keep at least 60% in rubles,” advises Novikov.

Olga Lapshina, chief analyst at Nordea Bank, notes that there are no significant factors for the fall of the ruble now, so it’s not worth buying currency for the sake of saving money or earning on the difference in exchange rates, and not to repay foreign currency loans or make other foreign currency payments.

“When it comes to savings, the ruble, as the currency of a country with a developing economy, does not always diligently perform the function of savings. Therefore, it is hardly rational to keep all your funds in ruble assets,” says Mikhail Poddubsky. If we are talking about speculation, then, according to him, the possibility of strengthening the ruble in the coming months is still visible. Therefore, it is risky to enter the dollar purchase at current levels.

According to Andrei Kochetkov, it cannot be ruled out that the ruble will continue to strengthen.

However, in the long run, the current exchange rate is quite beneficial for those who are planning foreign trips or want to slightly diversify the tools for saving accumulated funds. “In the near future, the dollar will trade in a narrow range of 59-61 rubles, but during the year the situation may change, and the rate will return to the range of 61-66, as a strong ruble begins to stimulate imports, which will ultimately put pressure on the Russian currency” , the expert predicts.

Watching the unstable situation in the country's economy, many people quickly panic and begin to massively buy currency.

Any, even the slightest, changes in the social situation have repeatedly demonstrated how unsteady the position of the Russian monetary unit is, and how sensitive the exchange rate is to political fluctuations. Stock exchange quotes are a good example.

The desire of the population to protect their financial interests as much as possible is understandable, however, in order to increase capital, one must be able to make the right decisions. The urgent question today: whether it is worth investing in foreign currency, mainly in the US, is also of concern to authoritative experts, whose opinion we will consider below.

Why is the ruble falling

Traditionally, in Russia, citizens prefer the American currency, which has noticeably strengthened in recent years. What caused this trend? Of course, the ongoing conflict of political interests between the United States, Russia, Ukraine, and now Syria also has a huge impact.

The weakening of the ruble exchange rate is mainly caused by the following reasons:

  • decrease in the cost of "black gold" - oil;
  • imposition of economic sanctions against our state;
  • termination of trade with Western companies;
  • the decision of the Central Bank on the use of foreign exchange interventions only in emergency situations;
  • predominantly dollar settlements in the implementation of export operations;
  • instability of the EU and Eurozone.

The annexation of Crimea, humanitarian and social support for the population of Eastern Ukraine also have a significant impact on the weakening of the economy.

In connection with the events taking place in the world, experts from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation predict two options for the development of the country's economy:

  1. Optimistic - the situation in Ukraine is stabilizing, anti-Russian sanctions are being lifted, the cost of a barrel of oil is growing, and the dollar exchange rate is falling to 35-40 rubles.
  2. Pessimistic - the escalation of the Ukrainian military conflict continues. Sanctions from the West will be tightened, and the cost of oil will fall even more. In this scenario, the ruble exchange rate will fall, inflation will rise.

Leading experts - experts, economists, chairmen of large banks (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, BCS Premier) still count on the stabilization of the Russian ruble.

Looks at the situation more realistically Andrey Nechaev- Founder of the Russian Financial Corporation and first minister of economy. He believes that as long as there is growing panic among the population, the strengthening of the ruble is not to be expected. And this is logical, everyone remembers the currency rush at the end of 2014, which led to an insane demand for "Americans" and "Europeans", and, as a result, to an increase in their value.

Alexei Kudrin, former Minister of Finance, I am also sure that by the end of 2015 the ruble is expected to weaken.

And here is the director of the Finam investment company Solabuto Nikolai predicts a noticeable improvement in the current situation only by the end of 2018. Russian Security Council Chairman German Gref I agree that the long-term perspective of 2016-2018 will bring the dollar down to 45 rubles.

What do foreign experts think?

Despite the confidence of the US government in the growth of the country's economy, the rate of the US currency will begin to decline in the coming months. It is already noticeable now.

The opinions of independent foreign experts are also divided into several points of view:

  • optimistic- Sanctions will not be lifted, Russian-Chinese trade relations are developing at a slow pace, the dollar exchange rate is holding average positions;
  • realistic- Russia's foreign economic relations are being established with Asian countries and the PRC, this allows the Russian monetary unit to strengthen and not lose ground;
  • pessimistic- Russia and its partner countries are minimizing dollar transactions, which leads to a fall in the US currency.

As you can see, no one gives unambiguous forecasts about what the exchange rate will be and whether it is worth investing in foreign money. And what will happen next, time will tell. Definitely, you should not transfer all the money into any particular currency. Distribute the amount evenly to reduce the risk of losing everything.

Important Findings

  • Anton Siluanov, head of the Ministry of Finance, believes that short-term investments in dollars are fraught with the loss of existing savings. A promising option is to buy dollars during the “rollback” period (usually after direct lines with Vladimir Putin, signing lucrative contracts for oil and gas deals, etc.) and subsequent sale during the growth period - with transaction amounts from 50 thousand rubles. Trading less does not make sense.
  • Non-cash exchange transactions by converting from your account will cost less. In addition, banks usually offer favorable rates in the evening, by the end of the working week and in direct exchange, for example, euros for dollars.
  • Do not forget about the mandatory commission, the amount of which must be taken into account when planning the income from the transaction. It is advantageous to withdraw currency cash from your card.
  • Leading experts advise keeping money in the currency in which you receive the main income.
  • When choosing a bank, evaluate the proposed conditions - quotes, commission, safety and reliability of a financial institution.

Naturally, it is up to everyone to decide which currency to invest in and for how much. If you do not plan foreign exchange spending, trips abroad, it makes no sense to buy euros and dollars for all your savings. A moderately correct decision would be to invest in several major currencies, among which, in addition to the leaders, are also the Chinese yuan and the ruble. If you intend to make money on the difference in rates, today is not the best time for this, according to professional financiers. To compare points of view, read forecasts and track all the changes, visit the popular forum on the information resource Here, fresh discussions of the latest financial news and offers in the world of banking services appear promptly.

The economic situation in countries is always changeable. Any economic factor can lead to an increase or decrease in the value of a currency. Therefore, many people try to make a profit on foreign currency purchase and sale transactions. The national currency of the United States, the dollar, is especially popular.

If you want to get an exact answer to the question of whether it is worth buying dollars in 2017, then you should understand that you will not get a definite answer. It all depends on the situation on the foreign exchange market, which is sometimes almost impossible to predict.

What to expect from the dollar in 2017?

The main indicator of the situation in the country's economy is the value of the dollar in terms of the national currency. Many experts and analysts offer different versions of events, but, nevertheless, they can predict what the ruble and dollar will be like in 2017.

Very often you can observe such a picture when people massively start buying dollars after the next jump. But they do not take into account that the ruble has strengthened. It is important to remember that no expert will ever give a 100% guarantee of what will happen to the ruble and dollar tomorrow.

Today, the dollar is at the level of 59 rubles, but it is not known what will happen to it tomorrow. It can both rise in price and fall in price. Moreover, the ruble began to strengthen. Over the past year, the ruble has fallen by almost 20%. Many factors contributed to this event, including:

  • falling oil prices;
  • imposed sanctions;
  • deterioration of the geopolitical situation;
  • difficult relationship with Ukraine.

Any economic activity in the oil and gas sector can instantly change the situation in oil exporting countries, which will lead to an increase or decrease in national currencies. Therefore, there is no definite scenario for the development of the further fate of the ruble and the dollar. According to a Forbes poll, many analysts believe that the price of a barrel of oil in 2017 will be $54.1. In this case, the exchange rate of the currency itself will be equal to 63.1 rubles.

Experts note that throughout the year, high volatility will remain in both the oil and foreign exchange markets. If we consider the first months of 2017, then the fluctuations of the ruble against the dollar were not significant. For example, on January 22, the dollar cost almost 60 rubles, and on March 15 - 59 rubles. At the same time, there were no serious jumps in the dollar exchange rate.

Today you can see that the dollar is growing up. But what will happen tomorrow, no one can be sure. Any earnings on the difference in currencies are fraught with serious risk, and without specialized knowledge in this area there is nothing to do. In order not to be left without your money, you can buy dollars today for part of the funds, and the remaining half when the risks decrease. If the currency rises in price, then you can benefit.


Buying dollars in 2017 is a sore point for many analysts. Some experts call for abandoning the purchase of foreign currency in order not to lose existing savings, while others, on the contrary, see a prospect in buying dollars. Thus, the head of the Ministry of Finance, A. Siluanov, is convinced that there is no need to make short-term investments in dollars.

If you want to buy dollars, then it is better to do it during the period when Russia is signing major contracts in the oil and gas sector. When the value of the dollar rises, you need to sell them quickly. In this case, the amount of the transaction should not be less than 50 thousand rubles.

The Central Bank of Russia tried in various ways to stabilize the foreign exchange market, but all the measures were not crowned with serious success and the proper results were not achieved. Therefore, only indirect methods of influence can affect the foreign exchange market. But even with their application, it is impossible to say with accuracy how much a dollar will cost in a month or six months. Experts suggest two scenarios for the development of events, both optimistic and pessimistic. Moreover, the probability of both one and the second development scenario is at the same level.

It is also worth paying attention to non-cash transactions that are carried out using conversion from your account. Banking institutions offer a favorable rate for buying dollars in the evening, at the end of the working week. Also, no less profitable rates can be offered at the time of direct exchange. For example, you can profitably exchange euros for dollars.

Of course, each person makes their own decision to buy dollars, but if you are not planning a trip to another country, foreign currency spending, then it makes no sense to buy foreign currency with the last money, since at any moment you can be left with nothing. To prevent this from happening, many experts advise investing your savings in several foreign currencies. For example, in dollars, euros and Chinese yuan. But if your goal is to make money on the difference in dollar rates, then you should carefully study the information about the currency, visit specialized forums and keep track of world financial news.

In this material:

The ruble has been strengthening since the beginning of the year. And this is despite fluctuations in oil prices, as well as the fact that the Reserve Fund, on the initiative of the Central Bank, made purchases of foreign currency. Considering the state of our economy, there is no longer any certainty that the price of oil will fall and the currency will go up (as it was before). The US dollar continues to update its lows.

The part of investors who bought the currency in the period from February-March 2015 to April 2016 is especially waiting for the currency to rise in price. Despite all the macroeconomic indicators, we see a rapid strengthening of the ruble. In this regard, ordinary people who have savings, the question arises: in what currency should you keep your savings?

Recall that last year, Russian banks offered 75-80 rubles per dollar, taking into account their commission. Our mentality is such that as soon as we see a downward trend in the national currency, we immediately frantically try to buy dollars for any money, thinking only about the possible lost profit. It was from the middle of 2015 that throughout the year, people acting exclusively on an emotional level began to buy currency at any cost, wanting to win on the difference between the purchase and sale prices. In mid-2016, investors began to return to the bank again to sell dollars, but the exchange rate was already 65-67 rubles, while fixing losses.

The dynamics of the dollar

Unreasonable and thoughtless actions are associated with unexpected economic factors that entail losses from such decisions. At the moment, the Central Bank continues the policy of "free" exchange rate of the ruble. Thus, any jump in the currency should not be regarded as a sustainable direction for the growth of the US dollar and for the weakening of our economy. The current situation serves as a vivid example for us: since the beginning of last year, the department has been implementing a smooth policy towards a free exchange rate, after which the rates on deposits in banks have decreased, and the ruble, despite everything, continues its rapid strengthening.

You should take into account the basic rule of investing: in what currency future expenses are planned, in that currency and keep your savings. So, for example, if you plan to spend the accumulated funds in rubles, then you should take into account that it would not be reasonable to shift them into dollars for a short period of time. Of course, no one knows what will happen to the American currency in relation to the Russian ruble in the future of several years. However, if you rely on history, only those who clearly think through their financial plans and investment opportunities, having additional knowledge and information, take profits.

What do banks and management companies offer?

To date, the maximum income on deposits in the bank is 8-10% per annum. Now there are many management companies that offer different levels of income. It is for this reason that now many investors turn to management companies, which in turn offer a variety of investment strategies. Moreover, the profitability in such companies is significantly higher than bank deposits. So, for example, the management companies FINAM, BK-Savings, Otkritie promise an average income of 20 to 80%, it should be borne in mind that these are possible interest, without guarantees of their payment.

At the beginning of last year, Capital Financial Corporation Management Company offered its clients up to 22% per annum guaranteed income. The advantage of such companies is that the investor does not need to learn the rules of exchange trading for them, this is done by professional managers. It is important to understand that classic trust management does not guarantee return on investment. That is, when buying securities of various issuers, placing money on the stock or currency markets, management companies are not responsible for the final result.

According to the Capital Financial Corporation Management Company, it is not worth chasing possible profit by shifting savings over a short time period from one currency to another. Especially if there is a more reliable financial instrument on the Russian market, like guaranteed interest and "design" square meters. In the current economic situation, prices for all types of goods and services are growing very quickly, and it is no secret that the real estate market will also respond to fluctuations in prices by increasing prices. Recall that the rise in prices per square meter in our country did not stop even in the most difficult crisis times.

Comparison of the profitability of the "Rentier" deposit and the purchase of currency

Real estate prices as an investment

Now real estate prices show a positive trend. According to the results of the first quarter of this year, the average cost per square meter in twenty large regions of Russia showed its growth, including in annual terms. According to CIAN, the average weighted level in the regional markets amounted to 102.2 thousand rubles. All these indicators indicate that the acute phase of the crisis is over, in turn, the economic indicator of price growth has returned to the zone of positive values.

It should be remembered that all economic trends are cyclical and a fall is always followed by an increase. The Russian real estate market has repeatedly repeated its ability to recover. Rate fluctuations are a temporary phenomenon and, perhaps, you can make money on it, if, of course, you are lucky, and you not only have time to “catch” a wave of increase, but also exit the asset in time. But what will happen tomorrow, no one knows, and therefore we have to make decisions here and now. In any case, today there are many financial instruments and investment products with different levels of return and guarantees, as well as risk. And where to store your savings - the choice is always yours.