Forecast of the situation on the mortgage market. Forecast of the situation in the mortgage market Factors determining the interest rate

A mortgage is an extremely profitable way of lending, and providing a loan secured by purchased real estate is beneficial for everyone:

  • For citizens interested in improving their living conditions. For many families, a mortgage is the only opportunity to purchase their own home;
  • For banks for which profitable investment of funds at interest is secured by reliable, liquid collateral in the form of purchased real estate;
  • For a state that is interested in the development of housing construction. The interest lies in reviving the construction market as a promising tax base and maintaining a significant number of jobs, as well as providing housing for socially vulnerable categories of the population

This article provides an overview of Sberbank mortgage loans that are currently in effect. The main trends that have an impact on the loan market now and will affect Sberbank’s mortgage interest rates in 2014 will also be considered. This will allow the reader to get a better idea of ​​what to expect from the lending market in the near future.


First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that the growth rate of the mortgage lending market has been slowing for the third year in a row. If in the first half of 2012 the growth rate was 57%, then in the same period of 2013 this figure was already 26%.

Mainly, such a strong “cooling” of the market is explained by a fairly steady increase in interest rates, which started at the beginning of 2012. In November 2013, on the contrary, there was some recovery in mortgage lending; the market is reviving due to the influence of the following factors:

  • Active development of government programs providing preferential lending to certain categories of the population. Moreover, preferential programs are developing not only at the federal, but also at the regional level;
  • Reduction of interest rates by the largest banks operating under government control. Sberbank was the first to reduce interest rates, followed by rate reductions by VTB24 Bank and a number of other large credit institutions;
  • Relaxation of requirements for the financial condition of borrowers and the size of the down payment for smaller banks, which was caused by the lack of other opportunities to compete in the mortgage market.

At the moment, interest rates on mortgage loans have stabilized; market experts believe that no significant changes are expected until the end of the year.

A fairly low percentage is now offered exclusively as part of promotions valid until May 31, 2014, and similar promotions are valid in a number of banks.

However, this forecast was made based on the current economic situation. If the inflation rate does not rise, a reduction in rates is quite possible, since mortgages are a completely reliable way for banks to invest funds, and banks have accumulated significant amounts of funds (which is partly confirmed by the general decrease in interest rates on deposits while large banks are tightening requirements for borrowers).

Mortgage and new buildings

The widespread popularity of mortgage loans is observed in the primary housing market; in 2013, the share of loans for new homes accounted for 30% of all mortgage loans, and analysts predict that this share will rise to 40% in 2014. This is due to the growth of the construction market - the range of offers for potential buyers has expanded significantly, and the layouts of modern apartments (even if we are talking about the economy class segment) compare favorably with the layouts of apartments presented on the secondary housing market. At the same time, the price difference makes it possible to give preference to a more comfortable apartment in a new building.

On the other hand, analysts believe that the increase in the issuance of loans for the purchase of new buildings is associated with a certain risk for the bank loan portfolio. After all, if a secondary apartment can be registered as collateral when issuing a loan, then a new building can only be registered with the official registration of property rights, which does not happen immediately even after its construction. If at this stage there are problems with payments, it will be quite difficult for the bank to get its funds back. This circumstance may have a negative impact on mortgage loans issued for the purchase of housing under construction.

Forecast for 2014

So, based on the available information and opinions of mortgage loan market experts, we can conclude that market growth will continue to slow down in 2014. If the economic situation does not change, growth will be within 20%, but if the situation worsens, growth can be predicted within 15%.

Based on the fact that the housing construction market continues to grow rapidly, and developers, builders and banks are increasingly developing joint products, the focus of lending will shift towards the primary housing market. In addition, banks are ready to support construction even if the developers encounter difficulties. Therefore, the general forecast remains the same - no changes in the 2nd quarter of 2014 and a possible reduction in rates throughout the year.

Sberbank mortgage loans

Next, we will consider the mortgage products that Sberbank offers in the current 2014. Like all bank credit lines, mortgages from Sberbank include basic programs that meet the needs of citizens who plan to purchase finished housing, as well as real estate under construction, and loans directly for construction.

There are also special loan programs that involve lending for the purchase of suburban real estate, garages, as well as programs for refinancing loans, loans with the participation of government subsidies.

As part of mortgage lending from Sberbank, citizens are also offered participation in promotions, which offer participants more interesting interest rates than in standard mortgage products. There are currently 3 promotions limited to different dates (until May 31st or June 31st, 2014).

Basic lending programs

Loan for the purchase of finished housing

This Sberbank program is intended for the purchase of finished housing; the loan can be secured by the purchased real estate or other housing. The loan product has an attractive interest rate (within 12% - 14%), the period for which the loan can be granted is limited to 30 years (the borrower’s age at the time of final repayment should be no more than 75 years).

For citizens participating in the bank's salary (pension) projects, the rate can be reduced by 1%; there are also certain benefits for young families. In addition, an undeniable advantage of the loan program is that there is no need for compulsory life and health insurance of the borrower, however, the purchased housing or collateral property must be insured.

The minimum loan contribution is from 15% (for a young family the minimum contribution is 10%). The loan can be obtained in rubles or in foreign currency (US dollars, euros), the minimum loan amount is 45 thousand rubles, the maximum amount cannot exceed 85% of the estimated value of the collateral property.

The program includes special conditions for:

  • Purchase of housing built with the participation of Sberbank funds;
  • Obtaining a loan up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • Obtaining a loan with the participation of “maternity capital”

Loan for the purchase of housing under construction

The loan product will be assessed by citizens who intend to purchase housing under construction; the collateral may be housing under construction or other real estate. The interest rate ranges from 12% - 14%, the loan amount is from 45 thousand to an amount not exceeding 85% of the estimated value of collateral housing or housing under construction. The loan term is limited to 30 years.

There is no requirement for life and health insurance of the borrower, but the collateral property must be insured. The remaining requirements are similar to the requirements of the loan program described in the previous paragraph.

Loan for the construction of a residential building

The loan is intended for citizens planning to build housing on their own, and can be obtained for a period of up to 30 years; the collateral can be both the housing being financed (under construction) and other real estate. The minimum loan amount is 45 thousand rubles, and the maximum amount is up to 85% of the estimated value of the collateral property. The interest rate varies from 12.5% ​​to 14.5%, there are special conditions for young families and borrowers in need of up to 300 thousand rubles.

As part of this credit project, it is possible to attract co-borrowers (no more than three), and the total income of all co-borrowers is used to calculate solvency. Traditionally, there are special conditions for participants in salary (pension) programs; there is also the opportunity to obtain a deferment to repay the main part of the loan if the cost of construction increases (documentary evidence).


Percent. bid



Down payment

Loan for the purchase of finished housing

Loan for the purchase of housing under construction

From 45 thousand

Loan for housing construction

From 45 thousand to 85% of the estimated value of the collateral

Special lending programs

Home loan refinancing

The program is designed to repay a loan for housing or housing construction provided by another bank. The loan is provided only for residential premises for which a certificate of ownership has been issued.

The loan is provided for a period of up to 30 years, the collateral is the housing being financed (housing under construction), the interest rate ranges from 12.25% to 13.75%, and the maximum loan amount cannot exceed 80% of the estimated value of the collateral property (being financed or under construction). Funds are provided exclusively in rubles.

country estate

A special program that allows you to purchase a dacha, other suburban housing, complete the construction of residential or other consumer buildings, and purchase a plot of land. You can get a loan using any form of collateral approved by Sberbank (requirement of mandatory insurance of collateral).

The loan is issued in rubles or in foreign currency (US dollars, euros), funds can be obtained for a period of up to 30 years. The interest rate varies from 12% to 13%; for citizens who are not participants in the bank’s salary (pension) projects, there is an increase - the interest rate increases by 0.5%. For the period before registration of the mortgage there is also a surcharge of 1%. Among the special conditions is that the borrower’s spouse automatically becomes a co-borrower, and without taking into account solvency. In general, the program involves attracting co-borrowers whose income is taken into account as a total.

Loan for the purchase of a garage

The loan program is intended for the purchase of a garage or parking space, funds can be obtained against any collateral approved by the bank, the property pledged is required to be insured. The loan term is up to 30 years, the maximum loan amount cannot exceed 85% of the estimated value of the collateral property. Funds can be received in rubles or in foreign currency (US dollars, euros).

There are special conditions for garages (car spaces) built with the participation of Sberbank funds (down payment of 10% of the loan cost). Interest rates range from 12.5% ​​to 14.5%. All other conditions are similar to the conditions of the loan program described in the previous paragraph.

Mortgage plus maternity capital

This loan offer is, in fact, a modification of the basic products “Loans for finished housing” and “Loans for housing under construction.” Unlike the basic versions, the size of the loan provided can be increased based on confirmation of the down payment using maternity capital funds.

Additional documents for granting a loan are:

  • Maternity capital certificate;
  • Certificate of maternity capital balance

To obtain this loan, special conditions apply:

  • Housing purchased with the help of credit funds provided by Sberbank must be registered in the common shared ownership of spouses/children or at least one borrower;
  • After six months from the date of issuance of the loan, maternity capital funds must be transferred to pay off the debt (to do this, you must contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).

Military mortgage

A loan product with the participation of government funds allows military personnel to obtain a mortgage using funds allocated under the NIS program (Savings and Mortgage System, Federal Law-117). The loan is issued exclusively in rubles, and the loaned living space can serve as collateral.

The loan is issued for a period from 3 months to 20 years, and at the end of payments on this loan, the military personnel must be no more than 45 years old. The maximum loan amount cannot exceed 2,178,000 rubles. The interest rate on the loan is 10.5%, the down payment is from 10%. It is not possible to attract co-borrowers. As with the entire line of Sberbank mortgage loans, there are no requirements for life and health insurance, however, the housing being financed must be insured.


Proc. bid



Down payment

Home loan refinancing

up to 80% of the assessed value of the collateral

country estate

up to 85% of the assessed value of the collateral

Loan for the purchase of a garage

up to 85% of the assessed value of the collateral

Mortgage plus maternity capital

From 45 thousand to 85% of the estimated value of the collateral

Military mortgage

up to RUB 2,178,000


So, considering the mortgage products of Sberbank, we can draw the following conclusions. Firstly, interest rates are quite attractive even for basic loan programs. Secondly, the conditions for obtaining a loan, requirements for the value of collateral, loan terms and requirements for the financial condition of the borrower are very uniform throughout the entire line of mortgage loans.

This makes it easy for the average citizen to choose a loan program for almost any task. On the pages of the official website of Sberbank, where loan products are described, there is a convenient calculator that allows you to quickly calculate the chances of receiving a loan, the amount of payments and calculate the real capabilities of the borrower.

The beginning of 2014 is a very favorable period for obtaining a loan. In addition, participation in Sberbank promotions allows you to further reduce the final cost of credit housing due to a lower interest rate. The promotions are not described in this article, since they are based on the bank’s main loan products and provide certain advantages, primarily to young families, as well as to those who have already decided to purchase housing in a new building.

The state of the mortgage real estate market depends on the economic situation in the state. Against the backdrop of recent events in the country, it is interesting to follow the trend in mortgage rates from the formation of the real estate credit market to the present.

In Russia, the development of the mortgage market began relatively recently: in 1997, the Mortgage Lending Agency was created, and the following year the main document in this area, the Mortgage Law, was adopted. During the first year of operation, only 150 mortgage certificates were issued. They were issued under the following conditions: the amount is in foreign currency, and the rate is 10% per annum.

Until the mid-2000s, the development of the mortgage market was slow. The lending conditions were such that only very wealthy people could take advantage of such an offer. The maximum mortgage rate was set in 1999 - 35% per annum with a loan term of only 5 years. But already in 2000, the rate decreased by 5%, and the repayment period was increased to 10 years. Loans were issued only in US dollars. It is interesting that during the whole year of work in one mortgage agency, only 17 transactions were completed.

The real boom in the development of the mortgage market began in 2005, when a new edition of the Housing Code was adopted. This was also facilitated by a decrease in the refinancing rate and the inflation rate. Real market competition has begun. In pursuit of each client, loan rates began to decline. At the beginning of 2006, the weighted average rate in rubles was 14.9%, and in foreign currency - 11.8%. The total volume of lending in dollars and rubles was approximately the same. In total, in 2005, mortgage loans amounted to 56 billion rubles.

A systematic reduction in loan rates was observed for several years, until the summer of 2008. By this time, the rates were 12.4% and 10.9% per annum in rubles and foreign currency, respectively. The 2008 crisis slowed down the development of the mortgage market. In those years, many financial institutions that did not have access to long-term lending ceased their activities or curtailed mortgage projects. This caused an increase in loan rates. The peak increase occurred in May 2009: 14.9% in rubles and 13.8% in foreign currency. In 2009, there was a record low number of mortgage transactions.

Gradually the crisis receded, and in December 2011 the rate on foreign currency was already 9.8%, and in rubles - 11.4% per annum. These figures are the lowest in recent years. After this time, only an increase in mortgage rates is observed. Thus, at the end of 2014, the weighted average rate in the country was 12.7% per annum.

The turning point came on December 16, 2014, when the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided to increase the key rate to 17%. This led to an immediate increase in mortgage rates to 17-20%.

Such lending conditions, of course, cannot but slow down the development of mortgages. Buying real estate is becoming almost impossible. The government is currently developing a number of measures to overcome the crisis in the real estate market. For example, it was decided to allocate 20 billion rubles to provide interest rates to banks. This will allow credit institutions to issue mortgages to the population for the purchase of housing in new buildings at 13% per annum. In this way, the authorities expect to support developers.

However, these preferential conditions will not be available to everyone. The government advocated that loans at 13% can be issued only for the purchase of a single economy-class home or to increase living space due to the birth of two or more children.

It is very difficult to predict what will happen next with mortgages in 2015. Most likely, the key rate will continue to decline (at the moment its value has already been reduced from 17 to 15%). This fact will have to be reflected in the reduction of loan rates. But significant improvements will require stabilization of the macroeconomic situation in the country, and this is only possible with an increase in oil prices, the lifting of sanctions and a strengthening of the Russian ruble.

The purpose of a mortgage loan is to improve the living conditions of those who do not have their own funds. But in order not to become a hostage to the situation when, due to ignorance, you find yourself facing unexpected commissions, payments, or some force majeure events have led to the inability to fully fulfill your loan obligations, and this has become the reason for serious penalties, which you are not even aware of implied, you should carefully study the terms of the mortgage in 2014.

The fact is that they can change under the influence of various reasons, so try to find out in advance exactly what requirements are imposed on a potential borrower, and which loan offer will be beneficial for you at the moment.

Where to start searching for an organization

You can find out what banks offer today, avoiding the fatigue associated with studying a large amount of information, on our website. Here are the most necessary services that facilitate a quick and simplified search for profitable mortgage and other types of loans. We make sure that our clients are always up to date with the latest banking news, bank products and promotions. The site operates without breaks or weekends, which allows you not to adjust to the work schedule of many credit institutions, but to search for a loan offer at any convenient time.

Where to find out mortgage terms in 2014

If you are encountering a mortgage loan for the first time and do not know where to find out all the lending conditions, then today it is quite easy to do this - information on the Internet, advertising, etc. It will be more difficult to find what is right for you. However, one cannot fail to note the downward trend in interest rates on housing loans, which is due to the desire of credit institutions to attract as many clients as possible. There is also a simplification of the requirements that the borrower must meet, options are appearing when a down payment is not required, etc.

  • How can you use a mortgage loan?

    The funds received on credit can be used to purchase housing under construction, the resources of the secondary market are not bypassed, you can also purchase a country house, a plot of land on which you can start construction, buy a garage and much more. Despite the fact that a mortgage is a targeted loan, there are many options for which it can be used. They can satisfy many borrowers, including those with a bad credit history. Special programs designed for different categories of citizens help ensure that an increasing number of citizens can implement plans to improve their living conditions.

  • What is available to young families in 2014

    If you are no more than 35 years old and do not have your own funds to purchase housing, then you can use the offers of credit institutions that provide favorable conditions for this particular category of people. Mortgage conditions in 2014 for young families suggest a simplification of the registration procedure, and parents can be involved as co-borrowers. The state, in an effort to support young people, has created special programs that provide subsidies that you can use to purchase housing or use them as a down payment. Federal programs are also designed to simplify mortgage lending by offering benefits to those in need of improved housing conditions. Offers from commercial banks also contribute to the profitability of mortgages. The best way to determine which option is right for you is to use the services of professionals. Fill out the form, and our agency will select a loan for you, focusing on your parameters. You don’t have to choose, compare and identify the most optimal option yourself. Our service will do all this. Moreover, by entrusting the work of preparing documents, negotiating with a credit institution, and resolving current issues to a credit broker, you completely free yourself from the hassle associated with obtaining a loan.

  • How to use online services wisely

    We find an option for almost every client who contacts us. In this case, all the rules and conditions of mortgages in 2014, as well as all the nuances and details available in mortgage lending, must be taken into account. The online application for a mortgage loan will be sent by the system to organizations that suit you in all respects - both in terms of available offers and in terms of your parameters. You only need to fill out the loan application form, which is located on our website. As a result of the system's operation, you may be offered several options containing approved loans. Choose one of them, and make your dream come true quickly, without unnecessary hassle and costs - our services are offered to borrowers free of charge.

The state program “Military Mortgage” was developed by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending to provide military personnel with housing. The savings and mortgage program is designed to solve the housing problems of the Russian military.

In 2014, changes were made to the program, so the article will discuss: the features of the program; on changes in legislation in 2014; about the principles of operation of the system. In addition, we will review the offers of banks that issue military mortgages

Features of the program

Military mortgages started in 2005, and in 2006 amendments to the law “On the Status of Military Personnel” were adopted, according to which military personnel who entered into a contract after January 1, 2005 can participate in the savings mortgage lending program. Since 2007, AHML began implementing this program.

Officers who entered into a contract before January 1, 2005, warrant officers and midshipmen serving three years before the start of the program, sailors, soldiers and other military personnel who entered into a second contract before the end of 2004, as well as officers serving since January 2005 can take part in the program. of the year.

Reforms in 2014

Reforms are being carried out in the area of ​​providing housing for military personnel. According to changes in the program, from 2014, military personnel will receive not apartments, but a lump sum payment for the purchase of housing. As a result, queues for apartments should completely disappear.

The draft Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”” states that military personnel who have served for more than twenty years; or upon dismissal upon reaching the service age limit, for health reasons or in accordance with regular measures; employees for more than 10 years are provided with a one-time payment from the federal budget for the purchase or construction of housing.

The standards for the total area of ​​housing when issuing a lump sum payment are determined by the government of the Russian Federation. The payment amount will correspond to the average cost of housing without taking into account the region. In fact, instead of providing housing, the military will be paid a cash equivalent that does not correspond to the real cost of housing. In addition, there is no guarantee that the reform will not stimulate an increase in housing prices.

After the 2008-2009 cuts, the number of unhoused officers reaches 43,000. There are 58,700 families of warrant officers and officers on the waiting list for apartments, and 15% of them plan to get housing in Moscow. Therefore, replacing apartments with cash payments does not solve the problem of providing housing for military personnel, but only aggravates the situation.

Changes in legislation

For 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense presented three bills related to the savings-mortgage lending system for military personnel. According to the innovations, contract workers will be able to enter the mortgage lending system immediately after signing the first contract.

Currently, to receive a mortgage, military personnel must serve under a contract for at least three years. One of the bills clarifies the provisions for the payment of funds, as well as the length of service for midshipmen and warrant officers to receive a housing loan. In addition, a project has been submitted to the government providing for the use of maternity capital in military mortgages.

The Federal Budget Law for 2014 provides for a savings contribution for military personnel in the amount of 233,100 rubles per person, which means that 19,425 rubles will be credited to his account monthly. Military personnel can independently choose banks for obtaining a mortgage, and the Agency for Mortgage Lending (AHML) refinances the loan received.

Operating principles of the system

Every year, the amount of money included in the budget is credited to the mortgage program participant’s account. Funds accumulated over several years can be used to make a down payment on a home loan.

Regular loan payments are repaid from funds transferred monthly to the serviceman’s special account. Military personnel can withdraw these funds from their account only after twenty years of service.

To take advantage of a mortgage, military personnel choose a bank that has a corresponding program, enter into agreements with the bank and the home seller, and submit documents to the Rosvoenipoteka organization, which transfers the funds to the bank. The maximum loan amount is 2,000,000 rubles. The minimum loan term is 3 years, the maximum until the borrower reaches the age of 45 years.

Registration of a transaction under the military mortgage program takes a week. A prerequisite is the conclusion of a comprehensive mortgage insurance agreement, which is associated with the risks of the borrower’s professional activities.

Currently, about a hundred banks offer mortgage programs for the military. The choice of a credit institution is of great importance, because before the transaction is completed, it is necessary to deposit at least 10% of the cost of the purchased housing.

Information on offers from banks under the Military Mortgage program that have entered into an agreement with AHML can be obtained on the website of the Mortgage Lending Agency. However, this will not be complete information because many banks offer their own mortgage programs for the military.

It is necessary to carefully study the conditions for granting loans in different banks: the interest rate, the loan amount, the loan term, housing requirements, commissions and the cost of insurance. The loan is provided for the purchase of real estate on the primary and secondary markets and for individual houses, including in the suburban sector.

Since 2011, document forms for participation in shared-equity construction have been officially approved. But in practice, military mortgages do not always apply to shared construction.

Review of bank offers


The loan term ranges from 3 months to 20 years, but at the end of the agreement, the borrower’s age should not exceed 45 years. The down payment is 10% of the property value, the interest rate is 10.5% per annum. Insurance of the property pledged is mandatory; there are no loan fees.


A military serviceman who is a participant in the savings-mortgage system (NIS) has the right to apply for a mortgage three years after joining the NIS. Payment of the down payment and monthly payments is made from the borrower's savings account.

Housing can be purchased on the secondary market, as well as during the construction phase. The loan amount is determined in such a way that the total amount of contributions when the borrower reaches 45 years of age is enough to repay the loan.

The minimum loan amount is 400,000 rubles, the maximum is 2,200,000 rubles. The loan term is from 3 to 20 years. The interest rate in the first year is 9.5% per annum, in subsequent years -10% - 10.5% per annum depending on the size of the down payment, at the construction stage - 11.3% -11.5% per annum, after completion of construction - 10 .5% per annum.

Insurance against the risk of loss and damage to the property pledged is mandatory. It is recommended that you obtain title and personal insurance. If you cancel title insurance, the interest rate increases by 3% per annum.

VTB 24

The program is intended for NIS participants who can independently choose a region and real estate, and the loan is repaid through targeted contributions from the program participant’s account.

The maximum loan amount is up to 2,400,000 rubles; there are no fees for issuing or processing a loan. It is allowed to purchase an apartment on the secondary and primary housing market, as well as a house with a plot of land.

The minimum down payment when purchasing an apartment is 10% of the cost and 25% when purchasing a residential building with a land plot. Interest rate – from 8.7% per annum. Insurance for the risk of loss and damage to the purchased property is required. The maximum loan term should not exceed the age of the borrower, 45 years, at the time of loan repayment.


The program is designed for participants in the savings and mortgage system (NMS), who can purchase urban and suburban real estate on the primary and secondary markets.

The down payment when buying an apartment on the secondary market is 10%, on the primary market – 15%, a house with a plot of land – 20% and a house with a plot of land at a distance of more than 30 km. from the city - 30% of the cost. The down payment can be paid from the borrower's own funds.

The maximum loan amount is 2,200,000 rubles, calculated based on the amount of the savings contribution established at the moment and the loan term. The maximum mortgage term is 25 years. There is no fee for providing a loan. Insurance against the risks of loss and damage to real estate is mandatory.

Reforming the system of providing military personnel with housing is intended to solve the accumulated problems. But opinions on the effectiveness of the measures taken are contradictory.

Since 2014, a one-time cash payment has been introduced to military personnel for the purchase and construction of housing, which is designed to eliminate queues for housing. However, in practice, the size of the payment will not allow military personnel to purchase housing in the region they were counting on, because the calculation of the payment is carried out without taking into account the intended place of residence.

The changes also affected the savings-mortgage lending system for military personnel. Bills have been submitted to the government that provide for obtaining a mortgage immediately after signing the first contract and using maternity capital to pay for the loan.

At the end of 2013, Sberbank retained its position as the undisputed leader in the Russian mortgage lending market. What loans for the purchase of real estate will the bank offer in 2014? What will the terms and interest rates be for these programs at the beginning of the year? What social projects does Sberbank implement in the field of housing lending? Read in this article.

General overview of programs

Sberbank, like VTB24, another large bank with state participation, issues loans for the purchase of housing (finished or under construction) in apartment buildings, an individual house, a garage or a parking space, and also provides financing to military borrowers and allows the use of maternal family capital. Before moving on to a detailed analysis of each program, let's consider their general conditions.

1. Loan term- up to 30 years (except for military mortgage: it is issued for a maximum of 20 years).

2. Minimum amount– 45 thousand rubles. All loans, except for “military” and “maternity” loans, are issued in rubles, US dollars or euros. The maximum mortgage amount is determined by Sberbank individually and is calculated based on the following conditions:

Documented source(s) of income. These are considered to be: wages at the main, additional place of work, income from business activities, private practice, pension, as well as other sources permitted by law, including leasing of real estate, remuneration from the use of intellectual property, remuneration under GPC agreements;

Documented value of the property that is being sold by the borrower and/or his spouse/co-borrower in order to be able to make a down payment on the purchase of a new home or garage (parking space). In this case, the maximum loan amount will be no more than the difference between the value of the property being loaned and the property being sold.

3. Minimum interest rate:

In foreign currency – from 10.5% per annum for “garage” mortgages and loans for the construction of a residential building, from 10% – for other programs;

In rubles – from 11.5% per annum for a “maternal” mortgage, as well as a loan for the construction of a country house, and from 12% per annum for other offers.

The specific interest rate is determined individually and depends on the following parameters:

Amount of down payment;

Dates of registration of the property (if this occurs before the registration of the mortgage, the interest rate will be 0.5-1 point higher).

Thus, if you want to make your mortgage as cheap as possible, it is advisable that:

The property you are purchasing was registered after the mortgage was registered;

Your down payment was as large as possible;

You belonged to the “preferential” category of borrowers.

Conditions in practice

We will show how this looks in practice using three examples (we will not take into account the amount of overpayment - this is a topic for a separate article).

Example 1. A person receiving a salary through Sberbank buys an apartment for 5 million rubles in a new building built with the participation of credit funds from this bank. The property was registered after registering a mortgage, which was issued for a period of 10 years, the down payment is 51%. In this case, the loan rate will be minimal - 12% per annum.

Example 2. A person receiving a salary through Sberbank is wondering: to buy an apartment for 5 million rubles in a new building built with the participation of Sberbank loans, or for the same money, but in a house nearby, the construction of which was financed by another bank? The term of the mortgage loan is the same 10 years; a person can make only 10% as a down payment. Then the loan rate for this borrower will be:

a) if the property was built without attracting funds from Sberbank, then it does not matter whether it was registered before or after registration of the mortgage: in both cases the rate will be 12.5% ​​per annum;

b) if a property built with the participation of Sberbank money is registered after registration of the mortgage - 12.5% ​​per annum;

c) but if such a property is registered before the mortgage is registered, the rate will increase to 13.5% per annum.

Example 3. Let’s assume that the doubtful borrower from the second example receives a salary from another bank, but decided to apply for a mortgage to Sberbank (category of borrowers “General Conditions”). Interest rates for this borrower will be:

a) if the purchased property was built with the participation of Sberbank money and registered after registration of the mortgage - 12.5% ​​per annum;

b) if such an object is registered before the registration of the mortgage – 13.5%;

c) if the object was built without attracting funds from Sberbank and was registered after registering the mortgage - the same 13.5%;

d) but if such an object is registered before the mortgage is registered - already 14.5%.

Conclusion: If you are a “third-party” borrower for Sberbank and do not want to take out a mortgage at the maximum rate, you need to be especially careful when choosing housing and take into account the moment of its registration.

4. Minimum down payment– from 15% for a “garage” mortgage and a loan for the construction of a country house, from 10% – for other programs.

5. Borrower category. Sberbank has three such categories (listed in ascending order of interest rates): employee of an enterprise accredited by Sberbank; a client receiving a salary into an account in Sberbank; other borrowers (“General Conditions”). Therefore, if you want to take out a mortgage loan from this bank, be sure to find out whether your organization is on the list of those accredited by Sberbank - this will help reduce the mortgage rate.

Now let’s look at all the loans in more detail.

Special mortgage programs

1. “Military mortgage.” This loan is issued at 10.5% per annum for a period of up to 20 years, the down payment is from 10% of the cost of the purchased home. For comparison: VTB24 offers a military mortgage with the same down payment at 8.5-10.5 percent. The borrower for such a loan can only be a participant in the savings-mortgage system for providing housing for military personnel. In this case, full repayment of the loan must occur no later than the borrower reaches the age of 45 years. The maximum amount of a “military housing” loan is not higher than the least of the following values:

90% of the contractual value of the residential premises being financed;

90% of the estimated value of the residential premises being financed, indicated in the expert report.

2. " ». This Sberbank offer is valid only for borrowers who decide to use the “Purchase of finished housing” or “Purchase of housing under construction” program (see below). When buying an apartment or house with the help of Sberbank mortgage money, maternity capital can be used as a down payment or part of it. Let us recall that in 2014 the amount of maternity capital is 429.4 thousand rubles.

Standard mortgage programs

1. “Purchase of finished housing.” Sberbank is ready to issue such a loan for the purchase of an apartment, residential building or other residential premises on the secondary real estate market. Interest rate – from 12% per annum.

2. “Purchase of housing under construction.” This program is intended for borrowers planning to buy an apartment in a residential building or other residential premises in a new building (on the primary market). The name of the program does not quite correspond to its goal: it is no secret that many people prefer to buy housing in already completed new buildings rather than in houses under construction. In addition, the rate and conditions for this loan are practically no different from a mortgage for the purchase of finished housing (see above).

3. Construction of a residential building. Sberbank is ready to issue such a loan for individual housing construction. The minimum interest rate on this loan in rubles is 12.5%, the maximum is 15% per annum. The maximum will have to be paid by the borrower “from the outside,” who is able to contribute only 15% of the cost of his future home, the registration of which will occur earlier than the registration of the mortgage (if later, the rate is reduced by 1 point and will be 14%).

4. . This program can be used by a person who needs money for the purchase/construction of a summer house, garden house or other “buildings for consumer purposes”, for the completion of the construction of such objects or the construction of a residential building, as well as for the acquisition of a land plot. The conditions regarding interest rates and down payment for this program are exactly the same as for the previous one.

5. Garage. In the “digital” part, such a loan is no different from the previous two; it can be used by a person who wants to purchase a parking space or a garage (put into operation or under construction). An interesting detail: the calculator on the Sberbank website shows that the maximum loan under this program can reach 999,999,999 rubles. Of course, a loan for the purchase of an object built with the participation of Sberbank loan funds will cost the borrower (as in the case of housing) 1 percentage point cheaper.

Note that few domestic banks issue loans for the purchase of garages - among the largest are VTB24, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, Rosavtobank and Rosbank. And if Sberbank asks a potential borrower to pay at least 15% of the cost of the purchased garage/parking space, then VTB24, Tatfondbank and Svyaz-Bank agree to issue a loan if the client has only 10% of this cost, and Zapsibkombank is ready to finance 100% of the cost of the property.