Why banks refuse loans, the main reasons and ways to get a cash loan. Why do banks refuse loans? Why don't they issue loans?

Why did the bank refuse the loan? It would seem that the borrower meets all the requirements, there are no problems with credit history and no arrears. What could be the problem?

For what reasons can a loan be denied?

Reason #1. Or maybe it's all about credit history?

Even if you are 100% sure that you have a good credit history, according to the papers, things may be slightly different. All data about the borrower is stored in the Credit History Bureau database, and it is likely that some kind of error could have occurred. How to find out your credit history and correct it if the facts are unreliable, you can read in.

If, after all, this is not a mistake, and you really have somehow ruined your credit history, it makes sense to correct it urgently. IN otherwise, you can’t count on issuing loans from good banking institutions. This problem is the most common, but it is completely solvable. The question is discussed in detail in other articles on our portal “”.

Reason #2. No credit history

If you have not yet had time to “sin” and default on your debt to any creditor, this is not a guarantee that you can be trusted. Quite often, refusal of a consumer loan without explanation is precisely due to the lack of a credit history, since banks prefer to remain silent about this reason.

Reason #3. Are you a fan of paying off debts early?

Why are people with a good credit history denied a loan? It would seem that if you often take out loans and repay them ahead of schedule, you should only inspire confidence on the part of the lender, but it is obvious that the bank expects not just to “help those in need,” but, first of all, to earn interest during the entire period of validity loan, otherwise its expenses will not be justified.

Reason #4. Incorrect information when filling out the application

Another common reason for loan refusal is errors in the application form, due to which the lender considers the information you provide as unreliable and/or inaccurate. In this case, even MFOs with the highest application approval rates will tell you “no”. Double-check your application and make sure you have provided all your details correctly.

Reason #5. Low income

Even if the bank refused a loan without explanation, this does not mean that there were no compelling reasons. You may simply be insolvent in the eyes of the creditor (even if you are not). Re-read the terms of the loan and the requirements for the borrower: as a rule, the bank provides information about what the minimum level of monthly income of the borrower should be. For example, in some banks this figure may be 10 thousand rubles (after taxes), while in others a minimum income of 30 thousand is provided for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region and 12 thousand rubles for residents of other regions. Each banking institution will have its own unique terms and conditions.

Reason #6. Lack of employment

If the borrower is unemployed, then he has practically no chance of getting a loan. Please note that for many banks, the concept of “unofficially employed” will be equated to unemployed, and a pensioner will be more likely to get a loan than a freelancer with a high monthly income.

Reason #7. Little work experience

Often the minimum standard of work experience at the last place of work is 6 months (sometimes 3 months of experience is allowed), and the total work experience must be at least 12 months.

Reason #8. Frequent job changes

The creditor will definitely be trusted by those people who have been working in the same companies for years (although it is not a fact that they will not be refused for another reason). If you regularly change jobs, you can arouse suspicion and fall into the category of clients who should not be trusted, because you can leave your job at any time and become insolvent to pay off your debt.

Reason #9. The borrower's work falls into the category of increased risk to life and health

The reasons for loan refusal often come down not only to the length of your work experience, but also to the characteristics of your work. If you risk your life every day to fulfill your responsibilities to your employer, the lender is unlikely to appreciate it. According to statistics, ordinary employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and other similar structures receive refusals more often than others. Despite the fact that banks treat government employees with confidence.

Reason #10. Do you work for a private company or individual entrepreneur?

This reason does not always become the main reason for refusal of a loan, however, among employees of government institutions (teachers, doctors, employees tax inspectorates etc.) are more likely to get a loan than those who are employed “under the roof” of private companies.

At the same time, employees of an LLC or JSC, for some reason, inspire more trust than hired employees of an individual entrepreneur.

Reason #11. Your profession is not in demand on the labor market

Why banks refuse loans to representatives of narrow specialties is not so difficult to explain. The demand for a specific profession generates stability in this segment of the labor market. Accordingly, rare professions run the risk of no longer being in demand, and borrowers no longer being solvent.

Reason #12. You're too young

Despite the fact that you can often find information that the borrower must be at least 21 years old (or 18 years old), if you are under 25 years old, most likely you will be denied a loan - the reasons are quite obvious:

  1. Men under the age of 25 are most likely to be drafted into military service.
  2. At this age, many girls go on maternity leave, losing their jobs and, as a result, a stable income.
  3. Most young specialists are less in demand on the labor market and, as a result, their employment may be in question.

To get a loan in this case, the easiest way is to apply.

Reason #13. Are you close to retirement age or so?

It would seem that the lender indicates information that the acceptable age of the borrower can be up to 65 years. Why then is an elderly borrower denied a loan without explanation? Whatever the numbers are written in the papers, in fact, banks prefer to issue loans to middle-aged citizens - from 25 to 50 years.

Solution: Find a specific retiree program that provides special conditions for borrowers of this category.

Reason #14. The goal specified in the application does not comply with the program rules

Borrowers are often denied consumer loans, if the specified purpose involves the repayment of debts in other banks. The only exceptions are special refinancing programs, although even here everything is not so simple. The bank refuses to refinance loans if the purpose of lending is:

  • opening a business (other programs are provided for it);
  • bringing an organization out of bankruptcy;
  • NOT paying off old debts.

Reason #15. Lots of existing loans

As a rule, the number of loans per borrower is not regulated, however, it is natural that one person is unlikely to be able to service many loans at the same time. Behind the scenes, 3-5 active loans are considered normal, but cases in which the only possible solution- take only one loan, no more.

Reason #16. Having a criminal record

Even expunged or suspended convictions are good reasons why a loan may be denied, and if they are related to economic issues (for example, fraud or failure to pay fines), then you cannot count on approval from the bank under any circumstances. The only solution available to you is .

Reason #17. Close relative with bad credit history

This reason extremely rarely becomes fundamental, however, you must take into account that this may be the case.

Reason #18. Unemployed spouse

The presence of three or more minor children with an unemployed spouse may also be a reason for refusal, since hypothetically your income will not be able to cover current expenses and planned debt.

Reason #19. Lack of ownership

Even if you do not apply for a loan secured by property, the lack of property may be one of the unspoken reasons for refusal of a loan.

Reason #20. You don't have a landline phone

If this clause is not specified in the terms of the contract, then the reason for the refusal is something else, but if this is one of the requirements that you neglect, refusal is quite likely.

This is a so-called security requirement: having a landline number confirms that you permanently reside or work at a specific address, and in case of overdue debt, bank representatives will be able to find you.

Reason #21. Mismatch between your location and banking institution

If you are registered (and/or actually live) in a region in which there are no representative offices of the bank being considered as a lender, then you will be 100% denied. In this case, you have several options to get a loan:

  • , webmoney or other available e-wallet without personal presence;
  • Design credit card online with courier delivery to your home, for example in, this bank has no branches and specializes in issuing credit cards with delivery to the address.
  • Choose a bank that is located in your region.

Reason #22. In different banks you provide different information about yourself

In this case, we are talking about income level and place of work. If you indicate different data in the questionnaires of different banking institutions, this can very quickly be revealed through the work of the corresponding security services. As a result, you will be rejected by all banks.

Reason #23. You are in arrears on utility bills

Any debts of Russian citizens, including late payments for mobile communications and utility bills, are recorded in the defaulter’s credit history and, as a result, serve as a reason for refusing a loan. Of course, if you did not manage to pay your utility bills on time and were late for 2-3 days or a week, then nothing will happen to your credit card, but if your debt was transferred to the court by the utility services, then you will have 10 calendar days left to pay off all debts, otherwise your credit history will be ruined.

Reason #24. You evade paying taxes and/or alimony

In this case, everything is clear, tax evasion is a criminal offense, and as for non-payment of alimony, this threatens not only a refusal of a loan, but also a ban on leaving the country, as well as administrative punishment.

Reason #25. Do not count on credit if you are engaged in repurchasing debts (Collector)

In this case, there is a law on the protection of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, which limits the activities of private collectors and microfinance organizations that are not included in state register, which in turn is under the supervision Federal service bailiffs.

In addition to fines individuals Those who are engaged in collection activities are not given the opportunity to take out a loan from a bank.

How to find out why a loan was refused?

If all the reasons stated are not your case, but you still receive refusals, it makes sense to do the following (optional):

  1. and find out for yourself if there are any problems with your CI.
  2. Use the paid service "" to find out your credit rating, possible debts and reasons for refusal.

The policy of refusing to issue a loan is not always reasoned for the client, so you should not get hung up on any one bank, try to consider more favorable lending conditions or look at the loan issue.

You may also be interested in our article “”, in which we regularly update information regarding banks and various financial institutions where the likelihood of loan approval is highest.

- This is a question that interests people who have received a negative decision on lending. He stands especially tough when a person did not expect that the situation would develop in exactly this way. After all, most people, when applying for a loan, are confident that everything is in order and are committed to a positive result.

Each bank uses its own portrait of an ideal potential borrower when assessing risks. Typically, among most financial institutions you can find the following requirements that their future debtor must meet:

  • age at the time of application from 25 years and up to 60 years at the time of loan repayment;
  • minimum work experience in the last place of six months;
  • cumulative work experience of 1 year;
  • place of residence and registration in the region where the lender has a branch.

Particular attention is paid to income level. It is advisable that monthly loan expenses do not exceed 50% of the borrower’s monthly income; a critical value is a ratio greater than 80%.

And, of course, the first thing banks check when applying for a loan is presence of overdue debt And bad credit history. And getting the necessary information about the borrower’s reputation is not so difficult - you just need to take an extract from the credit history bureau (BKI).

Failure to meet at least one of the above criteria may be the answer to the question: why do banks refuse a loan? But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find out exactly what exactly was the reason for the refusal, since the credit manager has the right not to voice it to the client, but simply to report a negative decision.

Before considering the main reasons for loan refusal, it should be noted that each bank evaluates the borrower using its own scoring model. Information is entered there from documents provided by the client, as well as from the completed questionnaire. And the more points a potential borrower scores, the greater the chance of receiving positive decision.

13 main reasons for loan refusal

What has a significant impact on scoring and can cause a refusal?

1. Insufficient income

If monthly income lower than monthly payment on a loan, then the bank will refuse to lend. Possible ways solution to the problem: reduce the loan amount or attract co-borrowers.

2.Negative credit history

The presence of a current and long-term arrears is a guaranteed refusal of lending. Information about the client's debts is very easily verified by the credit history bureau.

3. Incorrect information

If the application form contains incomplete, incorrect or distorted information - this is the basis for the credit manager to believe that the potential borrower deliberately hid it from the bank or decided to provide false information in order to receive a loan. Well, as a result, the client receives a refusal.

For this reason, it is necessary to fill out all fields in the form very carefully and correctly.

4.Lack of source of income

It is quite logical that without a job and without a salary, a person will not be able to fulfill all loan obligations in a timely manner, and since the bank does not need a potential delay, the client will most likely be refused.

Many will say, but there are loans where banks do not require a certificate of income? Yes, there are such programs. But, firstly, the lender has a tax base, and if a person officially works, then the amount of income is very easy to calculate based on the taxes withheld.

Secondly, the interest rate on such loans is always higher, and the available amount is smaller.

And thirdly, in addition to a passport, the lender requires another document to confirm solvency in order to indirectly assess the level of income of a potential client.

5. Constantly changing jobs

Constantly changing jobs and insufficient work experience in the current place - these traits are characteristic of irresponsible borrowers. Frequent job changes can lead to a decrease in income and, as a result, the appearance of arrears.

6.Profession of the borrower

Banks are very careful when lending to people who work in areas where life is at risk: military personnel, stuntmen, firefighters, etc.

Of course, this risk can be mitigated with the help of insurance contracts, but insurers are not very eager to insure the life and health of people in such professions. Usually they refuse or the tariff for such contracts is very high.

Also, people whose profession is not in demand in the labor market receive few points in scoring.


Definitely, the bank refuses to lend to a borrower who is not suitable in age: younger or older than the time frame provided for by the loan program. have their own characteristics and limitations.


Absence contact numbers telephone, at least two and it is desirable that one of them be a landline also leads to failure. There is also a problem when the telephone numbers of the accounting department or human resources department of the employing enterprise are not indicated.

Without telephones, it will be difficult to quickly contact the borrower if necessary, for example, to discuss repayment of arrears.

9.Large number of dependents

In addition to repaying the loan, the borrower also needs to ensure the normal life of his family members: children, as well as his spouse if he/she does not work, and these are additional expenses.

Therefore, the more people are supported, the higher the salary must be in order to receive a positive decision on lending.

10.Criminal record, alimony or non-payment of taxes

Having a criminal record, failure to pay taxes or alimony - all this characterizes an unreliable person with whom the bank does not want to deal.

11.Residence far from the region where the bank branch is located

Given the long distance, it will be difficult for the client to repay the loan on time, which means there is a high risk of overdue payments;

If the potential client already has loans from other banks. And issuing another one will significantly increase the financial burden on his budget, which will very soon lead to a decrease in the quality of service.

13.Lack of real estate and other property

This fact does not directly affect the decision to issue a loan, but this indicator does not assign points during scoring, and therefore reduces the chances of a positive lending decision.

Stop factors

Some of the above reasons are stop factors(criminal record, delay, lack of income, insufficient age). This means that if a borrower is found to match at least one of them, then he is immediately rejected and no further assessment of his solvency is carried out.

Usually stop factors are the same in all financial institutions, and this is the main reason why all banks refuse a loan.

But a client may be denied a loan, even if he has no stop factors. Everything is connected with the small number of points that he gains in scoring.

For example, a borrower applies for a loan who has worked for less than 1 year as an ordinary employee at an enterprise, is not married and has no children. He also does not have any property, and his level of income allows him to service his debt. Most banks will refuse to lend to him, since with such data you will not receive a sufficient number of points.

The only way out for such a person is to contact the bank through which he receives his salary, where he will be able to set the minimum credit limit to your payment card.

Why was a good client denied a loan?

There are several other reasons why a client with good performance may be denied a loan - this is a mistake by the credit manager when assessing solvency or a technical error. As well as purposeful actions of a bank employee aimed at making a negative decision.

The reasons why banks refuse a loan may be related both to the borrower itself and to the bank’s policies or the targeted actions of the credit manager.

Bank policy

Reasons related to bank policy include a limited number credit resources. This usually applies to lending within benefit programs, the funding of which is very limited and, as often happens, not everyone has enough money.

Therefore, the bank’s management may decide not to issue such loans to everyone, but only to the “necessary” clients.

Credit manager

Regarding the targeted actions of the credit manager, the reason for the refusal may be the fact that the client simply did not like it.

In addition, the manager may have a financial interest in refusing to issue a loan. This often happens in retail outlets, where representatives of several banks are located. Having denied a client a loan, the manager can refer him to competitors and receive a monetary reward for this.

How to find out why a loan was refused

So, hoping to get a loan soon, people get very upset when a negative decision comes. It is quite normal that they are interested in why this is the result of consideration of their application.

So, how do you find out the reason for refusing a loan, because banks have the right not to explain the result of their decisions. You can try to find out information from the manager. Usually it is not difficult for them to tell about the reasons for the refusal, but sometimes they themselves may not know about them. It often happens that they simply send the client’s completed application form to the lawyers and security service for verification, and from there they receive a refusal and that’s it.

There may be such a situation: a potential client is self-confident, has a high salary, good credit history, property, etc., but he is denied a loan without explanation. In such a situation, it is recommended to contact higher management.

Banks are interested in processing loans good clients, because they will bring them interest income, and not problems with repayment. Therefore, the failure may be due to a technical failure or a human error.

Why do banks refuse loans? A potential client will receive a negative decision if he does not meet the criteria established by the lender, for example, he does not have sufficient income, he lives in a region where there is no bank branch, he has arrears, etc.

Considering that a loan can be denied for various reasons, the client is still recommended to find out about them. And if it is impossible to obtain information from the bank itself, then it is recommended to contact credit services. Which will not only tell you your credit history and rating, but also the reasons for loan refusal and how to eliminate them.

Alexander Babin

At all times, regardless of the political regime and the state of the economy, people develop a strong demand for borrowed money. Banks would be happy to satisfy this need of citizens by providing loans to everyone, but they cannot do this due to very obvious circumstances: there is a high risk that the borrower will not return the money, not even to mention interest. Lending is a common service from which the lender wants to make money. If you buy a product in a store, then you pay for it immediately, and if you take out a loan, then you pay for it over a long period. Neither you nor the creditor can know 100% that the debt will be fully repaid, so the applicant’s task is to show (relatively speaking) “the goods face to face”, prove that he can be trusted, and the creditor’s task is to assess all risks as accurately as possible and eliminate insolvent citizens. This is why banks do not provide loans to a significant number of people who request them.

It’s curious, but even a person with a good salary and no arrears (read: with a good credit history) can be refused, and the reasons for the refusal cannot be immediately given (they simply will not be told to you). But nevertheless, there are well-known reasons that every applicant should know in order to try to avoid them and try to become (so to speak, change their status). In this article, we will analyze the obvious and hidden factors why banks refuse a loan to almost every second person. As they say, you need to know your enemy by sight.

Why do banks refuse loans? Main reasons for refusal

Online application for a loan is a common thing today, but if you decide to visit the branch in person, then do not forget the old saying: “You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind.” Actually, even an application via the Internet will not save you from a meeting with a credit manager, where they will begin to evaluate you as a borrower. It's not even about appearance. It matters how and what you answer the questions - consider this a kind of psychological test. If you stammer and answer uncertainly, this may arouse suspicion among the employee. It makes sense to prepare for the meeting in advance.

The first thing the “acquaintance” begins with is the identification of the borrower’s personality. The passport must be in its normal form without unnecessary marks, pasting marks, etc. The result of the first meeting is a completed application form, after which the second, in-depth stage of verification begins. If you fill out a form online, the bank, as a rule, checks your solvency, checks whether you are a fraudster (fraud monitoring), and only then pre-approves the loan.

Before filling out (sending) the application form, start with the basic requirements of the bank - do you meet them?

Non-compliance with bank requirements

Each financial and credit institution has a number of requirements for the future borrower:

  • Age. Usually from 18 to 70 years old, but can often be seen age restrictions from 21 to 65;
  • Work experience. More the better. As a rule, a person is required to have 1 year of continuous experience;
  • Citizenship;
  • Registration or residence in the region where services are provided
  • Minimum salary level. Usually in Moscow the salary requirements are higher than in the regions, etc.

If the applicant does not meet at least one of the specified criteria, you can forget about the loan. The questionnaire will not even be submitted for consideration; it will simply be rejected at the consultation stage. If you filled out a form on the website of a credit institution, the effect will be the same: either the completed form will issue a warning about the discrepancy, or (the algorithm for automatically checking the applicant’s creditworthiness) will issue a refusal.

In order not to waste your time, read the bank’s requirements for the borrower in advance - they can be found in the public domain on the bank’s website or check with loan specialist When you visit a bank branch, you can ask all your questions there.

Credit history and payment discipline

If we talk in simple language, then a credit history (CI) is a database in which every action of the borrower with a loan (receipt, repayment) and a lot of other information indirectly indicating his solvency are recorded. Without getting acquainted with CI, not a single bank will approve your application. The bank requests your credit history bureau (BKI) in the form credit report and conducts a thorough analysis of it. If the applicant wants to get a loan a small amount, That financial institutions may limit themselves to calculations. The program, based on the mathematical model embedded in it, will calculate (make a forecast) based on the borrower’s CI and other data about him, possible risks non-refundability, and will assess the applicant’s solvency in quantitative terms (by issuing a certain number of points).

Refusal or approval depends on the score. Denial of credit is possible if you:

To fully analyze the report received from the BKI, go through the article

Purpose of lending

It is important to wisely indicate the purpose for which you want to spend the money. Remember that the bank lends for the essential needs of a citizen, and not just waste of funds in the first tavern that comes along. That's why never indicate purpose of the loan:

1. Repayment of other debt obligations. There are special ones for this. They are primarily beneficial to the debtor due to their relatively low interest rates. If there is no refusal, then you will definitely receive a notice about changing the lending program.

2. Valuable gifts to family and friends. A circumstance that brings absolutely no benefit. Financially illiterate waste of funds and the corresponding conclusions of bank employees. You can cheat a little by writing about purchasing household appliances.

3. Own treatment. Who knows whether a planned operation will end in death or not? And from whom will the bank then have to collect your debts? A financial institution does not need such risks.

4. Investments in business. If you are an entrepreneur, the bank will definitely offer special loan products that are focused on business development. But consumer lending intended for individuals.

You need to ask for really important things, for example:

  • purchasing home appliances;
  • cosmetic repairs (for capital repairs, our own loan products have also been developed);
  • expenses for subsidiary farming;
  • construction of outbuildings, fences, etc.;
  • purchasing furniture;
  • and much more related to your daily needs.

Labor activity

Constantly changing jobs and the associated lack of stable income can also become the reason why banks do not make concessions. There you will never be sure that tomorrow you will not look for another employer again. In the meantime, you are in search, you will probably be late. It's good if there's only one. It is not for nothing that a line appeared in the questionnaires in which you need to indicate the number of places of work in recent years, as well as the duration of this same work at each of them.

If possible, indicate additional sources of income. This may not only affect the approved loan amount, but will also provide an additional guarantee that payments will be made to the loan account on time.


Banking structures must evaluate each potential client for his ability to service debts. The main reasons for refusal here include:

1. Insufficient wages. From total income financial institution will take away mandatory expenses for utility bills and servicing current debts, as well as living wage for the borrower himself and each of his dependents. The remaining amount should be enough to cover the monthly amount of the planned loan.

2. Large. This refers to the presence of several existing loans with a potential client. Even if the amount of earnings is enough to pay everyone, you can still get a refusal. High debt load (the amount of all obligations is more than or equal to half of the income) is always regarded as a negative factor.

3. Inconsistency of earnings with the position held or the client’s level of education. The bank must be sure that if you lose your job, you will be able to find a job with a similar income level.

4. Inability to verify income. Everyone knows about salaries in envelopes, but for the bank these are just words. The approved amount is calculated based on the official level of income (confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate or according to the bank’s form). If there is none, then lending will not work for you.

5. Income of an entrepreneur who is on a simplified taxation system. In this case, it is impossible to reliably determine the amount of profit received.

“Unreliable” profession or employer

When deciding to issue a large sum of money The bank's security service will definitely check your employer. This is due to the fact that significant loans are issued for a long period. In this case, refusals are received if:

1. The type of activity of your company is very risky or is in a precarious position at this particular point in time due to economic situation countries. Perhaps this sector of the economy will simply fade away, unable to cope with the next crisis.

2. Your profession involves a risk to life (workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, firefighters, military, etc.), and in the event of an accident, the bank loses its income. Health and life insurance can be a way out of this situation.

3. You are an individual entrepreneur. There is no guarantee that you will spend the money on yourself and not on your business. As you know, every bank has a ruler credit products for individual entrepreneurs. But all of them are issued for strictly defined purposes, non-cash to the seller’s account and require a report on the funds spent. In addition, you will need to provide a business plan with a mandatory calculation of the payback period of the project. Getting such a loan is always more difficult than a standard consumer loan, so entrepreneurs resort to tricks and try to hide the true purpose of the loan.

4. You work for an individual entrepreneur. It is always easier to be unemployed with such an employer than with any other organization.

Negative information

Any previous conviction, especially if it was related to theft or fraud, will definitely lead to a negative decision. Current trials and being under investigation, as you understand, will give a similar result.

In addition, the reason for refusal may be:

  • availability writ of execution with overdue payment;
  • debt on utility bills;
  • late payment of taxes and fees;
  • overdue fines;
  • established fact of treatment in a drug treatment or psychoneurological dispensary.

There is also a so-called black list, which was created and maintained by banking institutions. Any financial structure has access to this database with the rights to view and edit information. Not only outright swindlers and defaulters, but also banal complainers and brawlers can be blacklisted. In most cases, those who like to “download their rights” are shown the way out.

False information

Any false information provided in the loan application is not on your side. Why lie if the bank will conduct an audit anyway and find out the true state of affairs?

Most often they deceive about their place of actual residence. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you rent an apartment or live with your significant other. Please indicate honestly that your registration address is different from your place of residence. A security officer can call the place of registration and ask if they have such a tenant. And you can lose the necessary funds because of a trifle.

To be fair, let’s say that errors in questionnaires are not always intentional. Anyone can make mistakes. But a simple typo in the information provided can have a detrimental effect on your ability to take out a loan. Therefore, carefully re-read everything you wrote. And preferably more than once.

What if banks don't give loans? Hidden reasons for refusal

In addition to the obvious reasons why banks do not provide loans, there are also so-called hidden reasons why rejection is possible. loan application. They are called hidden not because someone is hiding something. It’s just that these factors have not a direct, but an indirect influence on the decision made by the bank.

So, hidden reasons include:

1. Serious illnesses in close relatives. It is assumed that you will not spare a certain amount for treatment for your closest relatives. And this is an additional burden on your family budget, which may lead to the impossibility of fulfilling obligations within the established time frame.

2. Social status. It is not clear why, but married couples are rejected less often than singles. Perhaps this is due to the fact that two people in the family already receive income, or increased social responsibility. If one person is unemployed, the loan can be repaid from the earnings of the second person.

3. Untidy appearance. An unpleasant smell, signs of alcohol consumption, tattoos on open parts of the body and other “decorations” do not make you look good at all. The impression is negative, which means the bank’s decision cannot be positive. Even if you are a slob or had a good time with friends yesterday, clean yourself up at least before visiting the bank.

4. Challenging behavior. Here we are talking about a shifting gaze, trembling hands and similar signs.

5. Lack of a landline telephone. Not everyone has one in this age of cell phones, but security officials continue to be critical of the issue. It is understood that he must be in decent company and at his place of permanent residence. Otherwise it's some kind of fraudulent scheme.

6. Inconsistency between income and the requested amount. When you earn 50 thousand rubles, asking for a loan of 15 thousand for a new modern phone is at least strange. Why can't you save up for it? And vice versa. For some reason, when you receive 20 thousand rubles, you ask for 300 thousand for a year. How are you going to pay?

7. No ownership, especially when high level income. Perhaps the citizen simply does not know how to manage his finances and wastes them.

8. Lack of security. Not all lending programs require the application to be supported by a guarantee or collateral, but refusals for this reason continue to exist.

And another probable reason for refusal is that the client is the nominal owner of a business. And sometimes several companies. Such citizens, as a rule, have nothing to do with the affairs of the company; documentation was simply drawn up for them. There is a possibility that the applicant will turn out to be a swindler.

Why doesn't the bank provide the reason for the refusal?

Russian legislation allows financial institutions not to disclose the reason for refusing a loan. And they enjoy using this right. Why is this happening? Doesn't the applicant have the right to find out why he turned out to be bad?

The fact is that many of the points in connection with which it was refused are in fact controversial. They themselves do not carry anything criminal, but at this particular moment in time, bank employees considered this a negative factor that increases the risk of non-fulfillment of obligations. In order to avoid contestation of such conclusions, the reasons for the refusal are not disclosed.

The second option is the not entirely legal methods by which the bank obtains information. It would seem that the security service and illegal methods are incompatible things. But this rule applies only in large state banks. Small financial and credit institutions may well be guilty of using unreliable and not entirely legal sources of information.

And the last thing that occurs in practice is the lack of information. That is, bank workers They themselves do not know the reason for the refusal. This happens when applications are processed using scoring programs that assess the risk of non-payment by borrowers. The program is impartial, it “coldly” analyzes all the information according to a pre-built algorithm, and the server responsible for the final decision on the loan is often located at a fairly large distance from the bank’s office (in another area or even region). Credit manager cannot in any way influence the final decision; in fact, it is already automatically made by the program.

Having studied the probable reasons why banks refuse a loan, you can independently analyze your situation and draw appropriate conclusions. Perhaps all is not lost, and you will be able to correct some mistakes that prevent you from using borrowed resources, or at least try to avoid them in the future.

Visitors to our site often write that banks refuse to issue them a loan for no apparent reason. And this is not surprising, because banks do not disclose the reasons for the refusal, and warn the borrower about this immediately, everything is fair here. Banks do this not out of harm, but only out of fear that the borrower, knowing the reason for the refusal, will come to the bank again and provide a deliberately false questionnaire. Meanwhile, in most cases the reasons for refusal lie on the surface.

Bad credit history

One of the main reasons for being denied a loan is a bad credit history. And even if you say that “this is not about me,” we would recommend that you take an interest in your credit history. After all, there are also cases when the owner of a bad credit history has not previously taken out a loan at all or believes that he repaid everything on time. But no one has canceled the human factor; erroneous information could also end up in your credit history. To check this, use one of the methods indicated in. If your credit history is truly damaged, whether through your fault or mistakenly, you need to fix it. Read about how to do this.

Availability of several loans

In modern times, many borrowers no longer have one, but two or even three loans. And, although in the requirements for the borrower, the bank does not indicate the permissible number of loans that the borrower can have, but, nevertheless, each bank has an “upper limit of loans per person” (usually 3-5 loans, including the one received). And, if you go beyond this limit, the bank will refuse a new loan. That is, to get new loan, you will need to pay off one or more previous ones.

Insufficient income

We have also mentioned this factor more than once in our articles. When receiving a loan, you must be sure that your earnings will be enough to service it and your personal expenses. Typically, banks adhere to this standard: your payments on all loans should not exceed 30-50% of your monthly income.

Inconsistency with the borrower's portrait

This mysterious term hides several factors that may lead to a loan being denied. You probably noticed that on their websites banks are required to indicate requirements for a future borrower, which include the following requirements:

  • by age (usually from 23 to 60 years, but there are banks offering loans to both young people and);
  • for registration (in most cases, permanent registration will be required in one of the Russian cities where there is a bank branch, but a limited number of banks issue);
  • to work experience (usually from 3 months in the last place).
  • to the availability of telephones for communication. This is a separate point that we will dwell on in more detail. The fact is that, despite the century information technology and progress, banks are not enough mobile phone. Some of them require you to provide a landline (home) phone, or even two landline phones at once - home and work.

If you do not meet one, or, God forbid, several of the parameters presented in the requirements for a borrower, then you will definitely be denied a loan.

In addition, some credit institutions may have a negative attitude towards borrowers working for individual entrepreneurs and to the entrepreneurs themselves.

Therefore, before applying for a loan, carefully read these loan conditions.

Many early repaid loans

It would seem that the fact that you not only repay your loan obligations, but also do it ahead of schedule, should please the banks, and they should covet such a borrower. But no. If you take out loans and repay them within 3 - 6 months ahead of schedule, then this will not work in your favor, but, on the contrary, will be a compelling additional conclusion in refusal. This is explained by the fact that the bank issues loans in the hope of earning money from them throughout the entire term of the agreement, and if you repay the loan ahead of schedule, the bank will earn a smaller amount than planned. Therefore, the bank is not happy with such borrowers.

Having a criminal record

I don’t even want to comment on this point, since the presence of a criminal record (even if it was subsequently removed) almost 100% means a negative decision on the loan. In some cases, the bank may turn a blind eye to suspended convictions.

Purpose of the loan

Another reason for refusal of a loan may be hidden under the “wrong purpose” of obtaining borrowed funds. Although, for most cash loans it is written that the loan is provided for any purpose, this statement is not entirely true.

You should not indicate “repayment of existing loans” and “business goals” (for example, starting your own business) in the lending purpose.

In the first case, you will be refused, since this is a separate song. In the case of business goals, the bank’s refusal is also obvious; for business projects and start-ups, there is a different package of documents and other requirements for borrowers.

Dangerous professions

Owners of “dangerous” professions, for example, security guards, police officers and firefighters, may also be denied a loan. Here the reason is obvious, such borrowers are exposed to danger every day, and in case of disability or death, the bank will suffer losses. True, this issue is removed when concluding a life and health insurance contract for the borrower.

Currently, the question of why banks refuse loans is a pressing issue for many. It would seem that what is difficult about getting borrowed money from the above institutions, which actively advertise lending programs and assure citizens that they will easily lend funds, and the registration procedure will take only 20 minutes? However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. In practice, a situation often occurs when an employee of a financial institution says to a potential borrower: “I’m sorry, but we cannot lend you money.” Here the question of why banks refuse loans suggests itself.

How to react to a loan refusal

If you hear the above phrase addressed to you, do not get upset or panic under any circumstances.

The situation when a person is denied a loan without the reasons being given to him is quite common. Please note that the bank employee is not at all obliged to explain to you on what grounds the decision was made to refuse the loan. To minimize such risks in the future, ask him to tell you why you were not suitable as a borrower. It is likely that an employee of the financial structure will contact you and explain the complexity of the situation.

However, it should be noted that there are many reasons why banks refuse a loan. Let's look at the most common of them.

Reasons for refusal

Let us emphasize once again that it is quite difficult to foresee in advance on what grounds they may not lend you money. It’s good if a person knows at least the basics of banking. Then he can at least partially predict the situation and develop appropriate tactics of behavior. But it is often difficult for the average person to understand why banks refuse a loan, and he most likely cannot do without the help of specialists. In any case, the information below will be of interest to him.

Perhaps someone thinks that there are banks that do not refuse loans? Alas, there are none, but there are financial structures that are more loyal to borrowers than others.

Insufficient income

Any credit institution is primarily interested in how a person intends to repay the principal debt and pay interest on it. To determine the approximate amount of borrowed funds that a client can expect, he must divide his monthly income by two. This is the loan amount that the bank will consider. If in your case it is equal to 15,000 rubles, then you are unlikely to receive an amount of 30,000 rubles. It is for this reason that Sberbank refused loans to many of its clients. And this institution is no exception.

Remember the minimum requirements

Each financial and credit structure has its own set of requirements for potential borrowers. In this case, we can highlight several general conditions, compliance with which is mandatory.

Official employment

For a banking institution, it is very important that the person who receives the loan has a stable source of income, that is, works under an employment contract.

Moreover, the length of service at the last place of work should not be less than 3-4 months. Of course, there are credit organizations that do not need any income certificates, but it is better to protect yourself in this matter in advance.


Many financial structures take into account the age criterion when considering the issue of issuing borrowed funds. For example, the Bank of Moscow refused a loan to those under 21 years of age. Moreover, it is important to remember about age limits. As a rule, borrowers over 70 years of age cannot count on receiving a loan.

Permanent registration

Most financial and credit institutions issue loans only to those clients who have permanent registration. This should also be remembered by those who intend to borrow money. For example, Leto Bank denies loans to borrowers with temporary registration.

Criminal record

If a person has had problems with the law in the past and has suffered a well-deserved punishment for this, then his chances of getting a loan from a financial institution are very slim.

However, if the illegal actions were not serious, some banks may give the go-ahead for receiving a loan, but in any case, the criminal record must be expunged.

The potential of loan programs has been exhausted

Situations often arise when a bank refuses a loan to the most reliable borrower. Why is this happening? The fact is that there come times when a financial structure has exhausted the limit that it was allotted for lending. In most cases, this problem concerns small banking institutions, whose management simply does not want to admit that their volumes financial resources leave much to be desired.

Professions and nationalities

Many credit institutions are afraid to sign agreements with clients of certain professions. As a rule, this list includes firefighters, police officers, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Representatives of these professions are at risk of losing their health or life every day. Naturally, in this case, the guarantees of timely repayment of the loan are minimal.

Also, banks do not want to issue cash loans to people from Central Asia. Tajiks and Uzbeks often do odd jobs and do not have permanent registration.

Bad credit history

If a person has already taken out loans in the past and did not repay them on time, then this is also a strong argument for the bank not to lend money. Moreover, he is not at all interested in whether the person was late with payments for good reasons or not.

At the same time, some financial institutions are ready to “turn a blind eye” to the above problem and issue borrowed funds to the client. However, their list is limited. In any case, the issue of delay is resolved depending on the time frame, so the chances of getting a loan are greater where there are fewer late payments.

It is noteworthy that the client may be completely unaware of his own credit history, especially if it is unfavorable. The situation looks ridiculous when a person decides to take out a loan for the first time and at the same time he finds out that he previously had overdue payments. Of course, swindlers had a hand in this and fraudulently took possession of the passport of such a borrower.

However, the human factor in the above situation cannot be excluded either. None of the bank employees are immune from accidentally confusing the information of one person with another and entering it into someone else’s credit history. Thus, we can draw a disappointing conclusion that the lack of credit obligations in the past is by no means a guarantee of an impeccable credit history.

Once again about income

It should be noted that indicating a high income may also serve as a reason for refusing to issue borrowed funds. How can this be explained? The point is that the bank may question the fact that the borrower received a “high” salary if, for example, he indicated in the “Profession” column that he is a programmer. If the level of wages nevertheless corresponds to the declared one, then the financial and credit organization may have suspicions that the employing company is stable, since it allows it to pay its employees such money.

Also causing distrust is the situation when, at a relatively high wages The borrower wants to borrow a small amount. Such a client, as a rule, is not of interest to the bank, since the loan can be repaid in just a couple of months, and therefore you will not get much profit from it.

Potential borrowers may be advised to indicate in the loan application maximum term payments for monetary obligations, since bank income depends on interest.

Contact information

Some banking institutions When applying for a cash loan, a condition is put forward that the borrower has a city (landline) telephone. Thus, Alfa Bank refused a loan to its clients on the above grounds. However, even if you provide a “working” number, there is a high probability that you will leave the credit institution with nothing. Please try to fill out all applications and questionnaires legibly. Photocopies of documents must be of the highest quality, and numbers indicated phone - always available.

Please note that the above list of reasons for refusal to issue a loan is far from complete, so for a deeper study of the issue you will need the help of a professional.