A sample financial trust management agreement concluded between legal entities. Trust management of funds Agreement trust management of funds

financial means in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Trader", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Investor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Trader undertakes to accept for management financial assets in the amount of rubles on the Investor’s trading account with the company and manage them during the term of the Agreement.

1.2. The Investor undertakes to transfer to the management of the Trader an account opened with the company with an initial deposit in the amount of rubles placed on it, accept the services provided and pay for them in accordance with paragraphs. 3.1-3.5 of this Agreement.

1.3. Management of financial assets is carried out through trading on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange MICEX in order to extract maximum profit with a certain amount of maximum reduction in the initial deposit (drawdown) on the Investor's account.


2.1. Rights and obligations of the Trader:

2.1.1. The trader is obliged to immediately accept the account for trading operations from the moment he receives the login and password to access the account. The account is considered accepted for management from the moment the investor transfers the account login and password to the trader. The Investor is given the Investor's password to monitor the Trader's trading operations.

2.1.2. The Trader is obliged to send the Investor Statement invoices within one business day, as of the time of the request.

2.1.3. The trader has the right to open and close trading positions at his own discretion, and the amount of the maximum reduction in the initial deposit should not exceed % of the initial deposit.

2.1.4. The trader receives his share of the profit, according to paragraphs. 3.1-3.5 of this agreement.

2.1.5. The trader is obliged to compensate the investor's loss if the loss on the account exceeds more than % of the initial deposit. The procedure and amount of compensation are defined in clause 3.5 of this Agreement.

2.1.6. The trader has the right to manage the account only for trading on the MICEX market.

2.1.7. Upon expiration of the Agreement, and if one of the parties does not agree to its extension, the Trader is obliged to stop trading operations on the Investor’s trading account and transfer the login and password of the trading account to the Investor.

2.2. Rights and obligations of the Investor:

2.2.1. The investor is obliged to open an account with the company up to and including 2019, place a deposit in the amount of rubles on it and provide the Trader with the necessary details for managing the account.

2.2.2. The investor has the right to view the account status at any time, but without interfering with the course of trading.

2.2.3. If the trader violates clause 2.1.3 of this agreement, the Investor has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement.

2.2.4. The Investor is obliged to withdraw part of the profit from the trading account at the first request of the Trader and pay for the Trader’s services within the agreed settlement period under this agreement.

2.2.5. Transfer by the Investor and Trader of their rights and obligations under this agreement to third parties is not permitted.


3.1. The remuneration for the Trader's services is % of the profit recorded on the balance sheet during the billing period. The remuneration is paid to the Trader within banking days to the accounts specified by the Trader or through transfer systems.

3.2. The billing period is determined by clause 4 of this agreement or an additional agreement to this agreement, which determines the beginning and end of the billing period and the balance amount recorded at the beginning of the billing period.

3.3. If the end of the settlement period coincides with the end of the Agreement and the Agreement is not renewed, then the Trader is obliged to close all positions before the end of the settlement period. In this case, the Investor pays remuneration to the Trader for the last settlement period, and the Trader completely transfers the account to the Investor.

3.4. If there is no profit at the end of the billing period, no remuneration is paid to the Trader for this billing period and the amount of the opening balance of the previous billing period is taken equal to the opening balance of the next period.

3.5. If upon completion of the Agreement, or at the time of fixing the deposit, the amount in the account is % less than the amount of the initial balance of the last billing period, then remuneration to the Trader for the last billing period is not paid, and a loss exceeding the investment risk equal to % of the amount of the initial deposit is compensated by the Trader from own funds.


4.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until terminated by the Parties.

4.2. Termination of the Agreement is possible only at the end of the next billing period. Each of the parties to this agreement has the right to terminate the agreement by notifying the other party no less than calendar days before the end of the next billing period.

4.3. The billing period under this agreement should be understood as a period of time equal to the number of days between the last Fridays of calendar months.

4.4. The end of the billing period for summing up the results is considered to be the last Friday of each calendar month.

4.5. In case of early termination of the contract (before the end of the next billing period) by the Trader or Investor, the Trader is paid a percentage of the profit received for the billing (unfinished) period.


5.1. The liability of the Parties under this Agreement is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the impossibility of full or partial fulfillment of obligations by any of the Parties under this Agreement, namely: fire, flood, war, terrorist acts, natural disasters, etc., the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is suspended in proportion to the time, in during which such circumstances operate.

6.2. The Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the contract must notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence and termination of such circumstances no later than days from the date of commencement/termination of these circumstances. Additional terms and conditions. If the details of any of the Parties change, the Party changing its details must notify the other Party of their change no later than calendar days. All changes, additional agreements, acts, appendices to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both Parties in person.



Investor Legal address: Postal address: INN: KPP: Bank: Cash/account: Correspondent/account: BIC:




Please note that the property management agreement was drawn up and checked by lawyers and is exemplary; it can be modified taking into account the specific conditions of the transaction.

The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity of this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Trader in person,

acting on the basis of hereinafter referred to as the “Trustee”, and________________________________________________

Hereinafter referred to as the “Grantor”,


have entered into this agreement as follows:

1.1. In accordance with the conditions provided for in this agreement,

management, and the trustee undertakes to carry out

_____________________, .

management of these funds in the interests of the trustor

1.2. Under this agreement, the parties undertake to act in accordance with

in accordance with the Civil Code, Regulations on

trust management of funds.

other acts of legislation.

1.3. Funds transferred to trust management may be

used by the trustee only in the following areas:

investments in operations on the international financial market..


2.1. The grantor transfers to trust management:

Cash in the amount of _____________________________________

(indicate the amount of funds, type of currency).

2.2. Funds transferred to trust management are free from

encumbrances, including collateral.

2.3. Funds transferred to trust management are

property of the trustor.

2.4. If the funds transferred to the trust

management are common shared property, the trustor undertakes

provide the trustee with a document confirming the consent of all

owners of funds.

2.5. Upon termination of this agreement, the principal will be refunded

funds in the amount of no less, if their decrease is not associated with the interference of the trustor in trading operations.


3.1. The trustor undertakes, no later than five working days after signing this agreement, to conclude a trust account agreement and transfer to this account the funds transferred to trust management specified in clause 2.1 of this agreement.

3.3. The trustor undertakes to pay the trustee 50% of the net profit for the week at the end of each working week.

3.4. The principal has the right in case of non-performance (improper performance)

obligations of the trustee to present to the court ()

request for amendment or termination of this agreement and for compensation

3.5. The principal has the right to unilaterally withdraw from this agreement

order under the conditions of full settlement with the trustee. On unilateral termination of the contract by the principal

is obliged to notify the trustee in writing 3 (three) working days in advance.

3.6. The trustor has the right to receive a report on the activities of the trustee

manager in the manner and within the time limits provided for in this agreement.


4.1. The trustee has the right to carry out activities on

trust management on your own behalf. At the same time, the trustee

must indicate in the manner prescribed by law that it operates in

as a trustee.

4.2. The trustee is obliged to carry out trust management

in the interests of the trustor (beneficiary) and use the transferred

trust management of funds only in the areas specified in

clause 1.3 of this agreement.

4.3. Under this agreement, the trustee provides

the following services to the trustee:

Maintaining a trust account;

Storing funds and those acquired in the process of trust


Perform trading operations (purchases, sales);

4.4. The trustee is obliged to separate those in the trust

management of the trustor's funds from his own

property, as well as from other property of the trustor.

4.5. The trustee does not have the right to pool funds

with the funds of other trustors for whom he is a trustee.

4.6. The trustee is obliged to lead those in

trust management of funds and the trustor, income,

received during trust management, calculate remuneration,

due to the trustee, and that part of the income that

transferred to the trustor (beneficiary), to make other necessary calculations.

4.7. The trustee is obliged to ensure the safety of those in

trust management of funds.

4.8. The trustee is obliged to report to the trustor (and

beneficiary - when concluding contracts in favor of a third party) in

in the manner prescribed by this agreement.

4.9. The trustee is obliged to carry out trust management

personally. The trustee, in accordance with the law, can

entrust the implementation of trust management to another person, having received for this

prior written consent of the trustor, or if he is forced

to do this due to circumstances to ensure the interests of the principal or

beneficiary and does not have the opportunity to receive instructions from the trustor

within a reasonable time. He is obliged to inform the principal about such actions no later than

5 (five) days after their completion.

4.10. The trustee is entitled to remuneration in accordance with

with section 7 of this agreement.

4.11. The trustee has the right to reimbursement of necessary

expenses incurred by him under trust management, at the expense of income

(profit) from trust management.

4.12. The trustee has no right to be liable for his debts

funds and valuables held by him in trust

securities, cannot transfer the specified funds to

collateral to secure one's own obligations.

4.13. In accordance with current legislation, a fiduciary

the manager has the right to protect the rights to funds acquired in

during trust management, bring claims for recovery

of this property funds from someone else's illegal possession, and also demand

elimination of any violations of his rights.

4.14. The trustee has the right to unilaterally

terminate this agreement and demand payment of what is due to him

compensation and damages if he was not notified of the transfer to

trust management of funds encumbered with obligations, including

including collateral.

4.15. The trustee has the right to unilaterally

terminate this agreement in case of failure by the principal to comply with clauses 3.1,3.2,3.3

actual agreement.


5.1. The report must contain the following information:

On the directions of use, the amount of funds of the trustor (acquired during trust management),

held in trust at the date of the report;

About income (profit) received by the trustee (amount of income,

received from placing funds in deposits, the amount of income,

received in the course of, acquired in the course of a trust

management) for the reporting period, as of the date of the report;

About the expenses incurred by the trustee under the trust

management for the reporting period as of the date of the report;

5.2. Upon first request, the trustee is obliged to provide

the trustor (beneficiary) the following information:

About the amount of funds of the trustor (beneficiary) on the date of receipt


7.1. The amount of the trustee's remuneration is

50% (fifty percent) of the income received during trust management.

7.2. The remuneration due to the trustee is paid by the trustor in accordance with clause 3.3.


9.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of signing and is valid for

within one year.

9.2. In the absence of a statement from one of the parties about the intention to terminate

this agreement is considered extended for the same period and for the same

the conditions specified therein.


11.1. This agreement is drawn up in two copies, according to

one for each side. Each copy has equal legal force.


"___"___________ ____ G.


Bank ___________, represented by ___________, acting on the basis of _________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Trustee”, and

In the person of ___________, acting on the basis of ____________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Grantor”, we have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. In accordance with the conditions stipulated by this agreement, the Trustee transfers funds to the trustee for trust management, and the trustee undertakes, for a fee, to manage these funds in the interests of the trustor (in the interests of _____________________), who enjoys all the rights of the beneficiary specified in this agreement ( in case of concluding an agreement in favor of a third party), (hereinafter referred to as the beneficiary).

1.2. Under this agreement, the parties undertake to act in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on Trust Management of Funds, approved by Resolution of the Board of the Central Bank of November 25, 1999 N 25.1, and other acts of legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Funds transferred to trust management can be used by the trustee only in the following areas: __________________________.

1.4. Trust management under this agreement is carried out in the form of ___________________________________.

1.5. Type of trust management under this agreement __________________________________________.

investments in operations on the international financial market..

2.1. The trustor transfers to trust management: ______________________________________________________________ (indicate the amount of funds, type of currency).

2.2. The funds transferred to trust management are free from encumbrances, including collateral.

2.3. The funds transferred into trust management are the property of the trustor (in the case of the establishment in accordance with the law of trust management by trustees who are not the owners of the funds, the agreement specifies who exactly owns the funds).

2.4. If the funds transferred into trust management are common shared property, the trustor undertakes to provide the trustee with a document confirming the consent of all owners of the funds.

2.5. Upon termination of this agreement, the trustor will be returned funds in the amount of at least _______________.

funds in the amount of no less, if their decrease is not associated with the interference of the trustor in trading operations.

3.1. The grantor undertakes, no later than ___________________, to conclude a trust account agreement and transfer to this account the funds transferred to trust management specified in clause 2.1 of this agreement.

3.2. The grantor undertakes to provide the trustee with the documents necessary to open a trust account.

3.3. The trustor has the right, in the event of non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of the obligations of the trustees, to submit to the court (arbitration court) a demand for amendment or termination of this agreement and for compensation for losses.

3.4. The trustor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from this agreement, subject to payment to the trustee of remuneration in the amount of __________________. The trustee is obliged to notify the trustee in writing about unilateral termination of the contract _______________ days in advance.

3.5. The trustor has the right to receive a report on the activities of the trustee in the manner and within the time limits provided for in this agreement.


4.1. The trustee has the right to carry out trust management activities on his own behalf. In this case, the trustee is obliged to indicate in the manner prescribed by law that he is acting as a trustee.

4.2. The trustee is obliged to carry out trust management in the interests of the trustor (beneficiary) and use the funds transferred to trust management only in the areas specified in clause 1.3 of this agreement.

4.3. The trustee is obliged to open a trust account for the trustee within _____________ on the basis of documents submitted by the trustee, the list of which is established by the trustee taking into account the requirements of the law.

4.4. Under this agreement, the trustee provides the following services to the trustor:

4.5. The trustee is obliged to separate the trustee's funds and securities from his own property, as well as from other property of the trustor.

4.6. The trustee does not have the right to combine funds and securities acquired during trust management with the funds of other trustors for whom he is a trustee (When organizing trust management in the form of a general trust, the agreement should stipulate the right of the trustee to combine funds received from different trustees) .

4.7. The trustee is obliged to keep accounting records of the trustor's funds and securities in trust management, income received during trust management, calculate the remuneration due to the trustee and that part of the income that is transferred to the trustor (beneficiary), and make other necessary calculations.

4.8. The trustee is obliged to perform accounting and other operations necessary for the implementation of trust management and execution of this agreement.

4.9. The trustee is obliged to ensure the safety of funds and securities under trust management.

4.10. The trustee is obliged to transfer to the trustee (beneficiary) all income from trust management of funds, with the exception of funds allocated to cover expenses incurred related to trust management, taxes, and remuneration due to the trustee, in the manner prescribed by this agreement.

4.11. Before carrying out transactions related to trust management, the trustee is obliged to obtain the prior written consent of the trustee.

4.12. The trustee is obliged to report to the trustor (and the beneficiary - when concluding agreements in favor of a third party) in the manner established by this agreement.

4.13. The trustee is required to determine the current (market) value of the trust assets on a daily basis.

4.14. The trustee is obliged to carry out trust management personally. The trustee, in accordance with the law, may entrust the implementation of trust management to another person, having received the prior written consent of the trustor, or if he is forced to do this due to circumstances to ensure the interests of the trustor or beneficiary and does not have the opportunity to receive the trustee’s instructions in reasonable time. He is obliged to inform the principal about such actions no later than _________ days after they were committed.

4.15. The Trustee is entitled to remuneration in accordance with Section 7 of this agreement.

4.16. The trustee has the right to reimbursement of necessary expenses incurred during trust management from income (profit) from trust management.

4.17. The trustee does not have the right to answer for his debts with the funds and securities held in trust, and cannot pledge the said funds and securities to secure his own obligations.

4.18. In accordance with the current legislation, the trustee has the right, in order to protect the rights to funds and securities acquired during trust management, to file claims for the recovery of funds from someone else’s illegal possession of this property, as well as to demand the elimination of any violations of his rights, even if these violations are not were connected with deprivation of possession.

4.19. The trustee has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement and demand payment of remuneration and damages due to him if he was not notified of the transfer to trust management of funds encumbered with obligations, including a pledge.

4.20. In the event of termination of the trust management agreement, the trustee undertakes to return the funds (securities) that are the subject of trust management in the manner and amount provided for by this agreement, as well as income from trust management and all other funds due to the trustor no later than ________ days before the date of termination of this agreement.

4.21. The trustee has the right to provide other persons with information about the trustee only in cases provided for by law.

4.22. The trustee has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement in the event of failure by the trustor to comply with clause 3.1 of this agreement.


5.1. The trustee's report to the trustor (and to the beneficiary - in the case of concluding an agreement in favor of a third party) is submitted no later than the _______ day of each month by ____________.

5.2. The report must contain the following information:

On the directions of use, the amount of the trustor's funds (types, value of securities acquired during trust management) held in trust management as of the date of the report;

on income (profit) received by the trustee (the amount of income received from placing funds in deposits, the amount of income received during the circulation of securities acquired during trust management, including funds from the redemption of securities) for the reporting period, as of the date of the report;

About the amount of funds of the trustor (beneficiary) as of the date of receipt of the request;

on the current value of securities owned by the trustor, acquired during trust management, as of the date of receipt of the request; other information.


6.1. Income (profit) received by the trustee under this agreement is transferred to the trustor (beneficiary - in the case of concluding an agreement in favor of a third party) in the following order: __________________________.


7.1. Amounts of expenses incurred by the trustee in the course of trust management are subject to exclusion from the amount to be transferred to the trustor (beneficiary). Documents confirming the expenses incurred are sent to the trustor (beneficiary) within _____________.

7.2. The amount of the trustee's remuneration is ___________ from the income received during trust management. The remuneration due to the trustee is withheld by the trustee from the amount of income from trust management.

7.3. Upon termination of this agreement in the case provided for in clause 3.3 of this agreement, the amount of the trustee’s remuneration is ___________.


8.1. For late transfer of funds in accordance with clause 3.1 of this agreement, the trustor shall pay the trustee ____________________.

8.2. For delay in the return of funds upon termination of the agreement in accordance with clause 4.20 of this agreement, the trustee shall pay the trustor __________________.

8.3. For violation of the deadline for submitting the report specified in clause 5.1 of this agreement, or for submitting an incomplete report, or for including false information in the report, the trustee shall pay the trustee a fine in the amount of ______________________.

8.4. Disagreements and disputes arising in connection with this agreement that are not resolved by the parties are considered in the Arbitration Court of the city of ____________.


9.2. In the absence of a statement from one of the parties about the intention to terminate this agreement, the latter is considered extended for the same period and on the same conditions that are stipulated in it.


10.1. In addition to the grounds provided for by law, this agreement may be terminated:

Expiration of the established term of the agreement, except for the cases provided for in clause 9.2 of this agreement;

death of the principal-citizen (liquidation of the principal - legal entity);

liquidation of the trustee or declaring him bankrupt;

refusal of the trustee to withdraw from the agreement in the event of failure to notify him of the transfer to trust management of property encumbered with obligations, including a pledge; Trader", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Investor refusal of the principal from the contract in accordance with clause 3.4 of this contract; by a decision of the court (arbitration court) in the event of improper performance by the trustee of his duties under this agreement. 11. OTHER CONDITIONS

1.1. The Trader undertakes to accept for management financial assets in the amount of rubles on the Investor’s trading account with the company and manage them during the term of the Agreement.

11.1. This agreement is drawn up in Russian, in two copies, one for each of the parties. Each copy has equal legal force.

1.3. Management of financial assets is carried out through trading on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange MICEX in order to extract maximum profit with a certain amount of maximum reduction in the initial deposit (drawdown) on the Investor's account.


2.1. in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as "

2.1.1. The trader is obliged to immediately accept the account for trading operations from the moment he receives the login and password to access the account. The account is considered accepted for management from the moment the investor transfers the account login and password to the trader. The Investor is given the Investor's password to monitor the Trader's trading operations.

2.1.2. The Trader is obliged to send the Investor Statement invoices within one business day, as of the time of the request.

2.1.3. The trader has the right to open and close trading positions at his own discretion, and the amount of the maximum reduction in the initial deposit should not exceed % of the initial deposit.

2.1.4. The trader receives his share of the profit, according to paragraphs. 3.1-3.5 of this agreement.

2.1.5. The trader is obliged to compensate the investor's loss if the loss on the account exceeds more than % of the initial deposit. The procedure and amount of compensation are defined in clause 3.5 of this Agreement.

2.1.6. The trader has the right to manage the account only for trading on the MICEX market.

2.1.7. Upon expiration of the Agreement, and if one of the parties does not agree to its extension, the Trader is obliged to stop trading operations on the Investor’s trading account and transfer the login and password of the trading account to the Investor.

2.2. ", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as "


2.2.2. The investor has the right to view the account status at any time, but without interfering with the course of trading.

2.2.3. If the trader violates clause 2.1.3 of this agreement, the Investor has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement.

2.2.4. The Investor is obliged to withdraw part of the profit from the trading account at the first request of the Trader and pay for the Trader’s services within the agreed settlement period under this agreement.

2.2.5. Transfer by the Investor and Trader of their rights and obligations under this agreement to third parties is not permitted.


3.1. The remuneration for the Trader's services is % of the profit recorded on the balance sheet during the billing period. The remuneration is paid to the Trader within banking days to the accounts specified by the Trader or through transfer systems.

3.2. The billing period is determined by clause 4 of this agreement or an additional agreement to this agreement, which determines the beginning and end of the billing period and the balance amount recorded at the beginning of the billing period.

3.3. If the end of the settlement period coincides with the end of the Agreement and the Agreement is not renewed, then the Trader is obliged to close all positions before the end of the settlement period. In this case, the Investor pays remuneration to the Trader for the last settlement period, and the Trader completely transfers the account to the Investor.

3.4. If there is no profit at the end of the billing period, no remuneration is paid to the Trader for this billing period and the amount of the opening balance of the previous billing period is taken equal to the opening balance of the next period.

3.5. If upon completion of the Agreement, or at the time of fixing the deposit, the amount in the account is % less than the amount of the initial balance of the last billing period, then remuneration to the Trader for the last billing period is not paid, and a loss exceeding the investment risk equal to % of the amount of the initial deposit is compensated by the Trader from own funds.


4.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until terminated by the Parties.

4.2. Termination of the Agreement is possible only at the end of the next billing period. Each of the parties to this agreement has the right to terminate the agreement by notifying the other party no less than calendar days before the end of the next billing period.

4.3. The billing period under this agreement should be understood as a period of time equal to the number of days between the last Fridays of calendar months.

4.4. The end of the billing period for summing up the results is considered to be the last Friday of each calendar month.

4.5. In case of early termination of the contract (before the end of the next billing period) by the Trader or Investor, the Trader is paid a percentage of the profit received for the billing (unfinished) period.


5.1. The liability of the Parties under this Agreement is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the impossibility of full or partial fulfillment of obligations by any of the Parties under this Agreement, namely: fire, flood, war, terrorist acts, natural disasters, etc., the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is suspended in proportion to the time, in during which such circumstances operate.

6.2. The Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the contract must notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence and termination of such circumstances no later than days from the date of commencement/termination of these circumstances. Additional terms and conditions. If the details of any of the Parties change, the Party changing its details must notify the other Party of their change no later than calendar days. All changes, additional agreements, acts, appendices to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both Parties in person.