Compulsory insurance minimum period of insurance. Cost and terms of MTPL insurance

In what cases is such car insurance possible?

Paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the MTPL Law reveals the concept of limited use of machines. One type of such vehicle operation is seasonal use.

For vehicles driven and owned by citizens, a minimum period of 3 months is established. This means that this category of car owners falls under the provision that allows them to purchase compulsory motor liability insurance for a minimum period.

As for vehicles on the balance sheet of enterprises, the minimum period of use for them during the year is 6 months. Hence, It is not possible to obtain compulsory insurance for 3 months.

An exception for both cars registered to both an individual and a legal entity are cases when the policy can be purchased for a period of 5 days or more:

  1. in case of temporary driving of a car from a foreign country;
  2. in case of transporting a vehicle to another city to undergo the registration procedure (but not more than 20 days);
  3. in case of traveling to the place of technical inspection (but not more than 20 days).

Under the above circumstances, all categories of owners are allowed to issue compulsory motor liability insurance for a period of less than 3 months.

How much does it cost in different insurance companies?

The cost of the policy depends not only on the period for which it is designed, but also on many other factors:

  • vehicle registration places;
  • make and year of manufacture of the car;
  • technical characteristics of the machine;
  • year of birth of the owner and year of obtaining a driver's license;
  • the presence or absence of insured events during the validity of previous policies;
  • number of drivers allowed to drive.

Therefore, to determine the cost of three months insurance it is necessary to proceed from the individual data of the car and the driver.

However, for all cases there is a general rule: in order to determine the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for three months, it is necessary to calculate the cost of the policy for the year (?) and multiply by a factor of 0.5.

Let's analyze what insurance premium different insurers can request for a policy for a period of 3 months. To do this, consider, for example, a 2017 Nissan Almera with a power of 102 hp, owned by an owner over 22 years old and with more than 3 years of experience.

Among the analyzed insurance companies The following organizations offer the lowest prices:

  1. Absolute insurance.
  2. Helios.
  3. Soldier.
  4. ERGO.
  5. Hyde.

If the owner of the car described in the example purchases an auto insurance policy from one of these insurers, he will be able to save up to 20% of the payment amount.

How to calculate the cost?

You can calculate the cost of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy using or manually, using Bank of Russia Directive No. 5000-U dated December 4, 2018, which sets the size of the base rates and coefficients used to determine the price of the policy.

Let us give an example of calculation based on the provisions of the Central Bank Directive, using the example of a Nissan Almera.

If you use an online calculator, then for the calculation you will also need to indicate all the characteristics and factors that were indicated during the manual calculation. The system itself will determine the size of the coefficients and the final amount of the premium to the insurer, based on the entered data.

Where can I determine the price online?

The website of the Russian Association of Auto Insurers has an online calculator that you can use to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. In this case, the system will indicate the minimum and maximum cost that the insurer can set.

To determine a specific price, you should use the online calculator of a specific organization, which is located on its official website.


Considering that the legislation provides for the duration of insurance for one year, then Having purchased insurance for 3 months, it can be extended up to a year.

It should be noted that when renewing the policy, the total amount for the year will be the same cost that the policyholder would have paid if he had bought it for a year at once.

That is, if the price of OSAGO for 3 months is determined as 50% of the annual one, then in order to renew the policy you can pay another 50%. In this case there will be no overpayment.

Design features

Among the features of purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance for a minimum period are the following:

  1. It is allowed to set an annual period, but subject to seasonality (use within 3 months). This option will allow you to establish the right to drive a car for 3 non-consecutive months.
  2. The registration method is no different from purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance for a year.
  3. In the future, the policy can be extended up to a year.
  4. When calculating the cost of short-term compulsory motor liability insurance, a price equal to half the annual one is used.
  5. A 3-month motor vehicle permit can be issued electronically.

Pros and cons

Advantages of registration of compulsory motor liability insurance for 3 months:

  • this type of policy is suitable for owners who do not drive a car all year round, but for example, only in the summer;
  • When setting the seasonality condition, you can select months in different seasons (for example, March, July and August);
  • suitable for car enthusiasts who do not immediately have the entire amount to pay for an annual policy;
  • if there is no need to take out insurance for a year, this will save money;
  • when extending the policy to a year, the driver does not lose money compared to if he had purchased OSAGO for a year at once.

Among the disadvantages is that the renewal process will take some time. When taking out a policy for a year at once, the driver will not have to deal with renewal every few months.

Thus, despite the fact that the legislation provides for an annual period of compulsory motor insurance, insurers provide the service of issuing an MTPL policy for 3 months. At the same time, the car owner will be able to extend short-term insurance in the future.

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OSAGO is necessary after an accident to compensate for damage caused to the owner’s car and other participants in the incident. When talking about the minimum insurance period, it is necessary to take into account the vehicle category.

Car owners who have insured their civil liability in this way can no longer worry about the issue of compensation to the injured party. If you have an MTPL policy, compensation falls on the shoulders of the selected insurance company.

Minimum period of compulsory motor liability insurance

The minimum period of MTPL insurance depends on the vehicle category. Each category has its own minimum terms for motor vehicle citizenship.

It is customary to distinguish three main categories of vehicles:

  • Cars that were registered in another state and then entered the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Transit vehicles.
  • And vehicles that are in constant operation on the territory of our country.
Insurance period in months (total for the year) Term coefficient, calculated based on the cost of annual insurance
3 0,5
4 0,6
5 0,65
6 0,7
7 0,8
8 0,9
9 0,95

Thus, the minimum period of MTPL insurance is 3 months. The shorter this period, the cheaper MTPL will cost the vehicle owner.

The benefits of purchasing an MTPL policy for 12 months at once are obvious.. Despite the imaginary advantage of re-registration once every three months, in the end such actions will cost the car owner a little more. The cost of insurance issued for a year will correspond to the figure established in the policy at the time of purchase. And it will remain unchanged, even if insurance prices rise.

If you need to take out insurance for a short period, it is better to inquire about the cost of an annual policy. In any case, for car owners there is the possibility of additional payment if it is necessary to extend the period of compulsory motor liability insurance, even if it was initially issued for only three months.

The insurance period is divided into parts, which means that when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance, it can also be distributed according to these criteria immediately for a year in advance. At the time of payment, the total number of months for the current calendar year will be taken into account.

Validity period of OSAGO

Those who own a vehicle registered in another country, but are temporarily on the territory of the Russian Federation (provided that this period does not exceed 2 weeks) purchase insurance for a period of 5 to 15 days.

Transit vehicles moving to places of permanent use and vehicles moving along the route to PIK are insured for a period of 20 days. At the end of this period, the owner who refuses to take out a permanent policy is forced to leave the country.

All other vehicles that are in permanent use on the territory of the Russian Federation enter into a contract for 1 year. Important: the insurance year is not equal to the calendar year in all cases. All information given above is valid only for those owners whose vehicles are regularly used. If the car has been in use for less than 1 year, then the policy is issued for a shorter period, in accordance with the current regulations. The final insurance price will be reduced to a commensurate amount.

Method for calculating insurance for a shorter period

Regardless of the fact that the insurance company may insist on purchasing a policy for a year at once, the car owner can issue it for a shorter period. But if you count all the costs, then obtaining a citizenship in a shorter period of time will cost significantly more. For example, for insurance for 3 months you will have to pay 50% of the cost of the insurance year, for six months - 70%, 10-11 months - it costs the same as compulsory motor liability insurance for a year.

How to extend the period of use

The cost of annual policy issuance is constant. Typically, car owners sign a contract for a year, and if they plan to sell the vehicle in the near future, they choose insurance with a minimum validity period. This saves money for the owner, but the sale may be delayed in time, and then the insurance must be renewed. For the 9 months remaining from the policy year, you need to pay half of the full price, that is, this is the same amount as for the first 3 months. It turns out that the first six months will cost 0.7 of the annual insurance, and the next six months will cost 0.3 of the annual compulsory motor liability insurance.

How to save on an MTPL policy

Unfortunately, the rules of motor insurance do not provide for the possibility of purchasing a policy on an installment plan. But car owners often pay the cost of insurance in several stages. This is done like this: an initial payment is made for 3 months, and it is equal to 0.5 of the price of the annual compulsory motor liability insurance, then they are extended for another 3 months, paying 0.2 of the year, and then they pay extra for the remaining six months - 0.3 of the total amount .

The period must be extended in advance! If this is not done, the owner of the vehicle will be required to pay a fine with an increase in the term coefficient.


If a traffic police officer detained a driver while driving a vehicle within the period not provided for in the policy, then a fine may be imposed. fine of 500 rubles. If there is no agreement at all, the fine increases already up to 800 rubles. When an accident occurs during the non-insurance period, the insurance company will pay the injured party part of the loss, but then the person without compulsory motor liability insurance will be required to reimburse the insurance costs.

MTPL insurance is a mandatory document for a car. However, the cost of insurance today is overpriced, due to the high competitiveness of insurers in the PCA market. For this reason, many motorists prefer to take out OSAGO for a short-term period, in order to subsequently search for the most advantageous offer. For what minimum period can you insure a car under MTPL, we will consider below.

Minimum MTPL insurance period

Every vehicle owner knows about the need to register for compulsory motor liability insurance. The insurance contract protects not only the motorist’s property from accidents on the road, but also his liability to other road users. Under compulsory motor liability insurance, the insurer undertakes to cover the losses of the victim in the amount of:

  1. 400 thousand rubles - in case of damage to property;
  2. 500 thousand rubles - in case of injury to the victim as a result of an accident.

MTPL insurance covers the following risks:

  • car theft;
  • total loss of property;
  • Road accident caused by the driver or third parties;
  • damage to a vehicle due to a natural disaster;
  • vehicle repair in case of street vandalism, etc.

If desired, the policyholder can choose other risks that the insurance company will be obliged to compensate. To save money, the policy is issued for a short-term period.

In some cases, car insurance is issued temporarily:

  • if the policy is issued by an intermediary (trusted person);
  • if the car is used seasonally;
  • when driving a car abroad (issuing a Green Card), etc.

The minimum possible period for obtaining a policy primarily depends on the category to which the vehicle belongs. Many motorists are sure that insurance is provided for at least 12 months. However, not many people know that you can significantly save on the price of the policy if you choose a shorter period of insurance coverage under the contract. However, it is necessary to issue such a compulsory motor liability insurance policy only if the transport is not used regularly.

IMPORTANT!According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for the absence of an insurance policy, the driver is fined in the amount of 800 rubles. For repeated violations, more severe penalties are applied, including deprivation of a driver’s license until the driver issues a compulsory motor liability insurance policy or renews its validity.

There are the following types of vehicles for which a temporary policy can be issued:

  • cars registered in another country that entered the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • transport entering Russia in transit;
  • vehicles constantly in use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to current legislation, the minimum insurance period for citizens of the Russian Federation in 2018 is 3 months. The shorter the insurance period, the cheaper its cost will be. To calculate the price of the policy, a special coefficient table.

Owners of cars registered in another state and temporarily located on the territory of the Russian Federation (no more than 14) can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance for 5 or 15 days. Newly purchased vehicles traveling to another destination must be insured for 20 days. If the owner of the vehicle does not take out a permanent MTPL policy after this period, a fine of 800 rubles is imposed.

For other vehicles operated on the territory of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the compulsory motor insurance contract is 12 months. However, the insurance year will not always be equal to the calendar year. If the vehicle is operated seasonally, the MTPL agreement includes certain months and even days. The cost of such a policy will be reduced by a commensurate amount.

How is insurance calculated for a minimum policy period?

The price for compulsory motor insurance is fixed and is regulated by Federal Law No. 40. When calculating the cost of insurance for a short-term period, individual decreasing and increasing coefficients are used, such as:

  • driver age;
  • driving experience;
  • place of registration of the vehicle;
  • number of machine users;
  • car mileage;
  • engine power;
  • degree of risk;
  • minimum tariff from the insurer.

To simplify the calculation, specially developed online services are used.

Extension of the validity period of the MTPL policy

If necessary, the driver can extend the policy period at any time. To do this, you need to contact the insurer’s office or use the services remotely on the official website of the insurance company.

Compulsory motor liability insurance is regulated in sufficient detail by current legislation. Including, the minimum period of insurance for compulsory motor liability insurance has been established. So, how much minimum insurance can you take? We'll look into it below.

Minimum period of compulsory motor liability insurance

When answering the question about what is the minimum insurance period for compulsory motor liability insurance, you need to find out what category your vehicle belongs to. In accordance with current legislation, there are 3 categories of vehicles, depending on where they are planned to be used. Each of these categories has its own minimum period of validity of MTPL insurance. What are these categories?

  1. Vehicles registered in the territory of a foreign state that entered the territory of our state for some time.
  2. Cars that enter the territory of Russia to travel to a place of permanent operation, that is, the so-called “transit vehicles”.
  3. Cars that are supposed to be constantly operated on the territory of the Russian Federation.

As mentioned earlier, depending on the purpose (out of those indicated above) a particular car is intended for, the minimum insurance period will be determined.

Validity period of OSAGO

So, if the vehicle is registered in another country and enters the territory of our state temporarily, and will not stay in Russia for more than two weeks, then you can purchase a policy valid for 5 to 15 days.

For cars that go to the place of permanent operation (transit vehicles), or cars that go to the place of technical inspection (PIK), the minimum (also maximum) validity period of the MTPL insurance policy is 20 days. Consequently, after this time, the motorist will either have to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy that is valid on a permanent basis, or leave the territory of the state, since driving such vehicles is prohibited.

Don't know your rights?

If we talk about the bulk of vehicles, that is, cars operated on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the validity period of compulsory motor liability insurance, regardless of the wishes of the parties, will always be 1 year. It should be said that the insurance year will not always coincide with the calendar year. You can verify this by reading the contents of the agreement.

The first column will indicate the duration of the contract, which is 1 year. And the next column reflects the period of validity of the contract, that is, 12 months are indicated during which your insurance will be valid.

All the provisions described above about “permanent” compulsory motor liability insurance are valid only for those motorists who regularly operate their vehicle. If the period of operation is less than 1 year (several months a year), which may be the case, for example, for people who constantly go on long business trips, do not use the car in the cold season, etc., then you can take out insurance for the required amount months, but not less than 3. At the same time, the cost of insurance will be proportionately reduced.

Method for calculating insurance for a shorter period

Of course, it is more profitable for policyholders to sell insurance for the full period (1 year), so “short” insurance when calculated for a year turns out to be more expensive. So, for example, when taking out insurance for 3 months, you will have to pay half the cost of the annual compulsory motor liability insurance, and for six months - 70% of the cost. If you purchase compulsory motor liability insurance for 10-11 months, then the cost of insurance will be equal to the cost of a “full” year.

The issue of concluding an MTPL agreement is quite clearly regulated by current legislation, in particular, the Federal Law “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” dated April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 40-FZ). But in practice, questions still arise regarding the terms of insurance, especially for drivers who do not use the vehicle all year round.

○ How to extend the period of use of OSAGO?

As a general rule, the validity period of the MTPL policy is 1 year - an indication of this is contained in the upper right corner of the document. After this period, the car owner enters into a new contract with the insurance company.

If we are talking about seasonal use, and this option is also used if a citizen decides to sell the car and does not want to spend money on paying an insurance premium for the whole year, then after this period, you can contact the insurance company with a corresponding application to renew the insurance for another 9 months. In addition to providing the necessary documents, the car owner will need to pay an additional insurance premium according to the established coefficients.

○ Registration of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a period of up to 1 month.

Citizens are allowed to issue an MTPL policy for a period of up to 1 month in 2 cases:

  • When moving a car from the place of purchase to the place of permanent registration.
  • When driving the car to the place of inspection.

In this case, insurance can be issued for a period of no more than 20 days. This type of insurance is called “transit” and is quite often used in practice. When the policy expires, the car owner must take out a new policy. Otherwise, he will face a fine.

○ Car insurance under OSAGO for a month.

For citizens of the Russian Federation, the minimum period for obtaining an MTPL policy is 3 months, with the exception of cases of obtaining “transit” insurance. For a period of less than 3 months, insurance organizations cannot issue a policy. But there are 2 exceptions to this situation:

  1. If we are talking about the use of a vehicle registered in the territory of a foreign state, but temporarily operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, the minimum validity period of the policy is 5 days, the maximum is the time the car stays in the Russian Federation (it can be 1 month).
  2. If a “seasonal” car is issued for a period of 7 months, then 2 documents will be issued: a policy for 6 months and for 1 month (additional insurance).

○ How to save on compulsory motor liability insurance?

The cost of the MTPL policy is calculated based on the coefficients approved by the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3384-U dated September 19, 2014 “On the maximum amounts...”. A car owner who has a long driving experience, has not been in an accident and drives a low-power car will pay less for the policy.

However, not only these indicators are used in the calculation. It is possible to increase the coefficients depending on the insurance region. In some cases, enterprising car owners insure their car in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the legislator does not introduce restrictions on a territorial basis, in practice, when an accident occurs, problems with payments/repairs may arise. Therefore, we recommend notifying the insurance company that the car will be used in another region of the Russian Federation.

Many insurance companies provide an installment plan option when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. In some cases, this option is very convenient, especially for those who are selling a car. Since insuring for 3 months (season) is not always profitable, you can ask for an installment plan, and after the sale write a statement terminating the contract and not pay the remaining amount.

Another saving option is to pay for the policy in stages: we make the first payment for 3 months - 0.5 of the cost of annual insurance; we extend the policy for another 3 months – 0.5 of the cost of the annual policy; we pay extra for the 6 remaining months - 0.3 of the total amount for the year.