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On the procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for development project documentation to the object capital construction

Not applicable from September 12, 2016 on the basis
order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services
Russian Federation dated April 15, 2016 N 248/pr

Cm. Comparative analysis Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 04/01/2008 N 36 "On the Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project" and Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 04/15/2016 N 248/pr "On the procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development design documentation for a capital construction project".

Document with changes made:
(Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, No. 3, 01/17/2011).

This document was declared invalid on the basis of order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 N 406/pr.
Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 N 406/pr was canceled on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2014 N 592/pr.
- Database manufacturer's note.

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ “Technical Regulations for the Safety of Buildings and Structures” (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2010, N 1, Art. 5) and paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” ( Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 8, Art. 744; 2009, N 21, Art. 2576; 2009, N 52, Art. 6574; 2010, N 16, Art. 1920) (preamble as amended,

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Minister regional development Russian Federation V.A. Tokarev (clause as amended by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
April 11, 2008,
registration N 11517

Application. The procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project


I. General provisions

1. This Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project establishes general requirements to the development and approval of special technical conditions (hereinafter - STU) in the event that for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project (hereinafter - the object) the requirements for reliability and safety established by regulatory standards are insufficient technical documents, or such requirements are not established.

2. STU are technical standards containing (in relation to a specific capital construction project) additional to the established ones or missing technical requirements in the field of safety, reflecting the features engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, as well as dismantling (demolition) of the facility.

3. Depending on the degree of provision of the facility planned for construction with current regulatory provisions, by decision of the customer (investor), three types of STU can be developed:

standards containing technical requirements for the design, construction and operation of facilities specified in Article 48_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1 (Part I), Article 16), facilities cultural heritage(historical and cultural monuments), as well as other objects for the design of which the requirements for reliability and safety established by regulatory technical documents are insufficient;

standards containing technical requirements for ensuring seismic safety during the design, construction and operation of facilities at sites with seismicity of more than 9 points for all types of facilities;

standards containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety.

II. The procedure for developing special technical conditions and requirements for their content

4. The development of STU is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer (investor) by a design organization, research or other organization with scientific and technical potential and practical experience in the relevant field.

5. The terms of reference should contain a brief justification for the need to develop STUs, data on the level of responsibility of the facilities in accordance with current building codes, as well as other requirements necessary for the development of STUs, including requirements related to fire and seismic safety.

6. The development of STU should be preceded by the determination of the fundamental technical solutions of the facility (including space-planning and design solutions, materials and products used), as well as an analysis of the existing regulatory framework in relation to a specific object, which serves as the basis for the development of missing regulations or the development of missing regulations in certain areas. Fundamental technical solutions can be determined in relation to the object as a whole, its parts or individual types of structures or engineering systems.

7. The STU must contain the following data:

a detailed justification for the need to develop STUs and the missing regulatory requirements for this specific facility, set out in accordance with the structure of the current technical standards in this area;

a list of forced deviations from the requirements of current technical regulatory documents, containing the rationale for their necessity and measures to compensate for these deviations.

In addition, the STU must contain:

foundation for construction;

data including the name and location of the facility and construction conditions;

information about the investor (customer), general design organization and STU developer;

description of the object as a whole and its most important elements, outlining space-planning and design solutions with an application of an organization diagram land plot and drawings of architectural and planning solutions.

8. It is permitted to include provisions in the STU that contain deviations from current standards, provided that the need for such deviations is justified and regulations are developed within the STU that compensate for these deviations.

Similarly, additional requirements must be justified in comparison with the requirements established in the current technical regulatory documents.

9. The structure of the STU is determined at the drafting stage terms of reference for their development and, as a rule, must comply with the structure of existing technical standards in this area.

Additional requirements of each section (subsection) of the STU must be related to a specific regulatory document or its section. The specific composition of sections and their content is determined by the developer of the STU in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

10. Certain provisions contained in regulatory documents foreign countries, may be included in the STU provided they comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. The STU does not include provisions contained in current technical regulatory documents, including calculation formulas in a different structure. The designations and units of quantities used in the STU must correspond to the designations and units adopted in building codes and rules state standards Russian Federation and national standards.

12. Technical requirements as part of the STU must be specific and allow for the possibility of control in the prescribed manner.

III. The procedure for agreeing on special technical conditions

13. The approval of the STU is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia).

Organizational and technical measures for preparing the approval of STU are carried out by the authorized department of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

To review STUs and prepare recommendations on approval or refusal to approve STUs, a Normative and Technical Council of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is created. The recommendations of the Council are formalized by the conclusion of the Council (hereinafter referred to as the Conclusion).
(Clause as amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454.

14. To consider the issue of approving the STU, the construction customer submits the following documents to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as Documentation):

a free-form application from the construction customer addressed to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for consideration of the STU, signed by the head or person performing his duties and certified by the seal of the organization;
If the application is submitted by a legal entity.

an explanatory note containing information on the need to develop STUs, adopted design technical solutions, compensatory measures (in case decisions are made to deviate from current technical standards), a description of regulations containing new technical requirements (in case of development of new requirements), information on ensuring safety object, as well as, if necessary, information on the approval of technical specifications with interested parties federal authorities executive power. STUs containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety are submitted if there is a positive conclusion from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations;

draft STU in two copies, signed officials developer;

a copy of the technical specifications for the development of STU, certified by the head of the construction customer or the person performing his duties.

Documentation submitted by the construction customer cannot be returned, except in cases established by this Procedure.

15. The decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU is made by the Minister or a person authorized by him by order within a month from the date of receipt of the Documentation by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

In some cases, by decision of the Minister, the period for reviewing Documentation and making relevant decisions may be extended to 3 months.

In case of refusal to approve the STU, the decision shall indicate the justified reasons that served as the basis for the refusal.

16. If the Documentation is submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in violation of the list established by paragraph 14 of this Procedure, it is returned to the construction customer without consideration on its merits within ten calendar days from the date of submission of the Documentation to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

17. Review of the submitted Documentation includes:

studying the composition of the documents and materials submitted by the Department;

review (scientific and technical examination) of documents and materials by the Council.
(Clause as amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454.

18. The clause was excluded by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454..

19. Organizations or specialists who participated in the development of project documentation, their affiliates, as well as organizations for conducting state examination and government experts working in such organizations cannot be involved in scientific and technical examination.

20. The paragraph was excluded by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454..

The conclusion, agreed upon with the supervising Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, is presented to the Minister or a person authorized by order of the Minister to make decisions specified in paragraph 15 of this Procedure (paragraph as amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454.

21. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted Conclusion, the Minister or a person authorized by order of the Minister makes a decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU.

The said decision is formalized by approving the submitted Conclusion, which is assigned a corresponding serial number in chronological order.

22. Approval of the STU is formalized by affixing title page two copies of the STU with the approving signature of the Minister or a person authorized by him, as well as by affixing on each sheet two copies of the STU with the endorsement signature of an authorized employee of the Department (clause as amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454.

23. O the decision taken the construction customer is notified by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia within three working days from the date of the decision by sending an appropriate written notice. The notification may be signed by the Minister, the supervising Deputy Minister, the Director of the Department or persons performing their duties on the basis of the order.

If the STU is agreed upon, a copy of the STU, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 22 of this Procedure, is attached to the notification.

In case of refusal to approve the STU, the following shall be attached to the notification:

copy of the Conclusion;

one copy of STU.

24. After eliminating the reasons that served as the basis for refusal to approve the STU, the Documentation may be resubmitted for approval in the general manner.

25. If there is a need to make changes to previously agreed STUs, the construction customer submits the relevant Documentation to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in accordance with the general procedure.

At the same time, in the case of approval of newly amended STUs, the previously agreed STUs lose force from the date of the decision to approve new STUs, which is reflected in the corresponding Conclusion.

26. Agreed STUs are subject to archival storage and recording in the appropriate register. The register must include information about:

construction customer (name, legal form, location, bank details, information about the manager (last name, first name, patronymic, telephone);

name of STU;

date and number of the Conclusion on approval of STU;

changes in STU;

other information necessary to ensure proper accounting of technical specifications.

The said register is maintained by the Department.

27. The construction customer has the right to withdraw his application at any time during the consideration of the Documentation by sending an appropriate written notification to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. In this case, consideration of the Documentation on its merits is terminated, and a corresponding conclusion is drawn up, subject to approval by the Minister or his authorized person.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2008 N 36 "On the procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project"

STU are technical standards containing (in relation to a specific capital construction project) additional to the established or missing technical requirements in the field of safety, reflecting the features of engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, as well as dismantling (demolition) of the facility.

Depending on the provision of the facility planned for construction with current regulatory provisions, they can be developed the following types STU:

Standards containing technical requirements for the design, construction and operation of particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects, cultural heritage sites, as well as objects for the design of which the reliability and safety requirements established by regulatory technical documents are insufficient;

Standards containing technical requirements for ensuring seismic safety during the design, construction and operation of facilities at sites with seismicity of more than 9 points for all types of facilities; - standards containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety.

The development of STU is carried out by a design, research organization or organization with scientific and technical potential and practical experience in the relevant field in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer (investor).

The technical specifications must include:

Brief justification for the need to develop STU;

Data on the level of responsibility of objects in accordance with current building codes;

Other requirements necessary for the development of STU, including requirements related to fire and seismic safety.

The development of STU should be preceded by the determination of the fundamental technical solutions of the facility (including space-planning and design solutions, materials and products used), as well as an analysis of the existing regulatory framework in relation to a specific facility, which serves as the basis for the development of missing regulations or the development of missing standards for certain directions.

STUs are sent for approval to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

To consider the issue of approving the STU, the construction customer submits the following documents: - application from the construction customer on consideration of the STU;

An explanatory note containing information, in particular: on the need to develop STU;

Adopted design technical solutions, compensatory measures, description of regulations containing new technical requirements; if necessary, information on the approval of STUs with interested federal executive authorities (STUs for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety are presented if there is a positive conclusion from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations);

STU draft in two copies;

A copy of the technical specifications for the development of STU.

The decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU is made by the Minister or his authorized person within a month from the date of receipt of the documents by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Review of submitted documents includes:

Study of their composition;

Conducting scientific and technical examination of STU (if necessary, with the involvement of independent experts);

Preparation of a Conclusion on approval (refusal of approval) of STU based on the results of review of documents;

Making a decision on approval or refusal to approve STU.

If accepted positive decision approval of the STU is formalized by affixing the approving signature of the Minister or an authorized person on the title page of the STU, as well as affixing the approving signature of the Director of the Department on each sheet of the STU (in two copies).

In case of refusal to approve the STU, it is possible to eliminate the reasons that served as the basis for the refusal, after which the documentation can be resubmitted for approval in the general manner.

After approval, the STUs are subject to approval by the customer, who must be notified of the decision made within three days from the date of its adoption.

Agreed STUs are subject to archival storage and recording in the appropriate register. The register must include:

Information about the construction customer;

Name of STU;

Date and number of the Conclusion on approval of STU;

Information about changes to the STU;

Other information necessary to ensure proper accounting of technical specifications.

Documents that are heroes current review - Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2008 N 36 "On the procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project", you can download.

(Based on materials from an analytical review prepared by ConsultantPlus)

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about the personal data of applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements Russian legislation about personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”



On the procedure for developing and approving special
technical conditions for the development of design documentation for the facility
capital construction

N 454, changes have been made to the preamble of this order, which come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 6 Federal Law dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations for the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 1, Art. 5) and paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 8, Art. 744; 2009, N 21, Art. 2576; 2009, N 52, Art. 6574; 2010, No. 16, Art. 1920), I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for capital construction projects.

By Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454, paragraph 2 of this order is set out in new edition, which comes into force 10 days after the day of official publication of the said order

2. Control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation V.A. Tokarev.

Minister D.N. Kozak


to the order of the Minister

regional development

Russian Federation

development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project

I. General provisions

1. This “Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project” establishes general requirements for the development and approval of special technical conditions (hereinafter - STU), if for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project (hereinafter - the object) the requirements for reliability and safety established by regulatory technical documents are insufficient, or such requirements are not established.

2. STU are technical standards containing (in relation to a specific capital construction project) additional to the established or missing technical requirements in the field of safety, reflecting the features of engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, as well as dismantling (demolition) of the facility.

3. Depending on the degree of provision of the facility planned for construction with current regulatory provisions, according to the decision of the customer (investor), three types of STU can be developed:

standards containing technical requirements for the design, construction and operation of facilities specified in Article 48" Town Planning Code Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 03.01.2005, No. 1 (part 1), art. 16), cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments), as well as other objects for the design of which the requirements for reliability and safety established are insufficient regulatory technical documents;

standards containing technical requirements for ensuring seismic safety during the design, construction and operation of facilities at sites with seismicity of more than 9 points for all types of facilities;

standards containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety.

II. The procedure for developing special technical conditions and requirements for their content

4. The development of STU is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer (investor) by a design organization, research or other organization with scientific and technical potential and practical experience in the relevant field.

5. The terms of reference should contain a brief justification for the need to develop STUs, data on the level of responsibility of the facilities in accordance with current building codes, as well as other requirements necessary for the development of STUs, including requirements related to fire and seismic safety.

6. The development of STUs should be preceded by the determination of the fundamental technical solutions of the facility (including space-planning and design solutions, materials and products used), as well as an analysis of the existing regulatory framework in relation to a specific facility, which serves as the basis for the development of missing regulations or the development of missing standards for certain directions. Fundamental technical solutions can be determined in relation to the object as a whole, its parts or individual types of structures or engineering systems.

7. The STU must contain the following data:

a detailed justification for the need to develop STUs and the missing regulatory requirements for this specific facility, set out in accordance with the structure of the current technical standards in this area;

a list of forced deviations from the requirements of current technical regulatory documents, containing the rationale for their necessity and measures to compensate for these deviations.

In addition, the STU must contain:

foundation for construction;

data including the name and location of the facility and construction conditions;

information about the investor (customer), general design organization and STU developer;

description of the object as a whole and its most important elements, outlining space-planning and design solutions, attaching a diagram of the organization of the land plot and drawings of architectural and planning solutions.

8. It is allowed to include into the STU provisions containing deviations from current standards, subject to justification of the need

such deviations and the development of regulations within the STU that compensate for these deviations.

Similarly, additional requirements must be justified in comparison with the requirements established in the current technical regulatory documents.

9. The structure of STUs is determined at the stage of drawing up technical specifications for their development and, as a rule, must correspond to the structure of current technical standards in this area.

Additional requirements of each section (subsection) of the STU must be related to a specific regulatory document or its section. The specific composition of sections and their content is determined by the developer of the STU in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

10. Certain provisions contained in regulatory documents of foreign countries may be included in the STU, provided they comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. The STU does not include provisions contained in current technical regulatory documents, including calculation formulas in a different structure. The designations and units of quantities used in the STU must correspond to the designations and units adopted in building codes and regulations, state standards of the Russian Federation and national standards.

12. The technical requirements as part of the STU must be specific and allow for control in the prescribed manner.

III. The procedure for agreeing on special technical conditions

By Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454, paragraph 13 of this appendix is ​​stated in a new wording, which comes into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order

13. The approval of the STU is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia).

Organizational and technical measures for preparing the approval of STU are carried out by the authorized department of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

To review STUs and prepare recommendations on approval or refusal to approve STUs, a Normative and Technical Council of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is created. The recommendations of the Council are formalized by the conclusion of the Council (hereinafter referred to as the Conclusion).

14. To consider the issue of approving the STU, the construction customer submits the following documents to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as Documentation):

compiled in free form application from the construction customer addressed to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for consideration of the STU, signed by the head or the person performing his duties and certified by the seal of the organization 1;

an explanatory note containing information on the need to develop STUs, adopted design technical solutions, compensatory measures (in case decisions are made to deviate from current technical standards), a description of regulations containing new technical requirements (in case of development of new requirements), information on ensuring safety object, as well as, if necessary, information on the approval of the STU with the interested federal executive authorities. STUs containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety are submitted if there is a positive conclusion from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations;

draft STU in two copies, signed by officials of the developer;

a copy of the technical specifications for the development of STU, certified by the head of the construction customer or the person performing his duties.

1 In case the application is submitted by a legal entity.

Documentation submitted by the construction customer cannot be returned, except in cases established by this Procedure.

15. The decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU is made by the Minister or a person authorized by him by order within a month from the date of receipt of the Documentation by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

In some cases, by decision of the Minister, the period for reviewing Documentation and making relevant decisions may be extended to 3 months.

In case of refusal to approve the STU, the decision shall indicate the justified reasons that served as the basis for the refusal.

16. If the Documentation is submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in violation of the list established by paragraph 14 of this Procedure, it is returned to the construction customer without consideration on its merits within ten calendar days from the date of submission of the Documentation to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

By Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454, paragraph 17 of this appendix is ​​stated in a new wording, which comes into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order

17. Review of the submitted Documentation includes:

studying the composition of the documents and materials submitted by the Department;

review (scientific and technical examination) of documents and materials by the Council.

18. Excluded.

19. Organizations or specialists who participated in the development of project documentation, their affiliates, as well as organizations for conducting state examination and government experts working in such organizations cannot be involved in scientific and technical examination.

By Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454, changes were made to paragraph 20 of this appendix, which come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order

20. The conclusion, agreed upon with the supervising Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, is presented

The Minister or a person authorized by order of the Minister to make decisions specified in paragraph 15 of this Procedure.

21. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted Conclusion, the Minister or a person authorized by order of the Minister makes a decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU.

The said decision is formalized by approving the submitted Conclusion, which is assigned a corresponding serial number in chronological order.

By Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated October 21, 2010 N 454, paragraph 22 of this appendix is ​​stated in a new wording, which comes into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order

22. Approval of the STU is formalized by affixing two copies of the STU on the title page of the STU with the approving signature of the Minister or a person authorized by him, as well as by affixing on each sheet of two copies of the STU the endorsement signature of an authorized employee of the Department.

23. The construction customer is notified of the decision made by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia within three working days from the date of the decision by sending an appropriate written notice. The notification may be signed by the Minister, the supervising Deputy Minister, the Director of the Department or persons performing their duties on the basis of the order.

If the STU is agreed upon, a copy of the STU, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 22 of this Procedure, is attached to the notification.

In case of refusal to approve the STU, the following is attached to the notification:

copy of the Conclusion;

one copy of STU.

24. After eliminating the reasons that served as the basis for refusal to approve the STU, the Documentation may be resubmitted for approval in the general manner.

25. If there is a need to make changes to previously agreed STUs, the construction customer submits the relevant Documentation to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in the general manner.

At the same time, in the case of approval of newly amended STUs, the previously agreed STUs lose force from the date of the decision to approve new STUs, which is reflected in the corresponding Conclusion.

26. Agreed STUs are subject to archival storage and recording in the appropriate register. The register must include information about:

the construction customer (name, legal form, location, bank details, information about the manager (last name, first name, patronymic, telephone);

name of STU;

date and number of the Conclusion on approval of STU;

changes in STU;

other information necessary to ensure proper accounting of technical specifications.

The said register is maintained by the Department.

27. The construction customer has the right to withdraw his application at any time during the consideration of the Documentation by sending an appropriate written notification to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. In this case, consideration of the Documentation on its merits is terminated, and a corresponding conclusion is drawn up, subject to approval by the Minister or his authorized person.

Order No. 36 of 04/01/2008
Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 8, art. 744), I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for capital construction projects.

2. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be assigned to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, SI. Kruglika.

Minister D.N. Kozak


to the order of the Minister

regional development

Russian Federation

dated April 1, 2008 No. 36

The procedure for developing and agreeing on special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure for the development and approval of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project establishes general requirements for the development and approval of special technical conditions (hereinafter - STU), if for the development of design documentation for a capital construction project (hereinafter - the object) the requirements for reliability and safety established by regulatory technical documents are insufficient, or such requirements are not established.

2. STU are technical standards containing (in relation to a specific capital construction project) additional to the established or missing technical requirements in the field of safety, reflecting the features of engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, as well as dismantling (demolition) of the facility.

3. Depending on the degree of provision of the facility planned for construction with current regulatory provisions, by decision of the customer (investor), three types of STU can be developed: standards containing technical requirements for the design, construction and operation of facilities specified in Article 48" of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation ( Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 01/03/2005, N 1 (part 1), art. 16), cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments), as well as other objects for the design of which the requirements for reliability and safety established by regulatory technical documents are insufficient ; standards containing technical requirements for ensuring seismic safety during the design, construction and operation of facilities at sites with seismicity of more than 9 points for all types of objects; standards containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety.

II. The procedure for developing special technical conditions and requirements for their content

4. The development of STU is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer (investor) by a design organization, research or other organization with scientific and technical potential and practical experience in the relevant field.

5. The terms of reference should contain a brief justification for the need to develop STUs, data on the level of responsibility of the facilities in accordance with current building codes, as well as other requirements necessary for the development of STUs, including requirements related to fire and seismic safety.

6. The development of STU should be preceded by the determination of the fundamental technical solutions of the facility (including space-planning and design solutions, materials and products used), as well as an analysis of the existing regulatory framework in relation to a specific facility, which serves as the basis for the development of missing regulatory provisions or the development of missing ones standards in certain areas. Fundamental technical solutions can be determined in relation to the object as a whole, its parts or individual types of structures or engineering systems.

7. The STU must contain the following data:

A detailed justification for the need to develop STUs and the missing regulatory requirements for this specific facility, set out in accordance with the structure of the current technical standards in this area;

A list of forced deviations from the requirements of current technical regulatory documents, containing the rationale for their necessity and measures to compensate for these deviations.

In addition, the STU must contain:

Foundation for construction;

Data including the name and location of the facility and construction conditions;

Information about the investor (customer), general design organization and STU developer;

Description of the object as a whole and its most important elements, outlining space-planning and design solutions, attaching a diagram of the organization of the land plot and drawings of architectural and planning solutions.

8. It is permitted to include provisions in the STU that contain deviations from current standards, provided that the need for such deviations is justified and regulations are developed within the STU that compensate for these deviations.

Similarly, additional requirements must be justified in comparison with the requirements established in the current technical regulatory documents.

9. The structure of STUs is determined at the stage of drawing up technical specifications for their development and, as a rule, must correspond to the structure of current technical standards in this area.

Additional requirements of each section (subsection) of the STU must be related to a specific regulatory document or its section. The specific composition of sections and their content is determined by the developer of the STU in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

10. Certain provisions contained in regulatory documents of foreign countries may be included in the STU, provided they comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. The STU does not include provisions contained in current technical regulatory documents, including calculation formulas in a different structure. The designations and units of quantities used in the STU must correspond to the designations and units adopted in building codes and regulations, state standards of the Russian Federation and national standards.

12. Technical requirements as part of the STU must be specific and allow for the possibility of control in the prescribed manner.

III. The procedure for agreeing on special technical conditions

13. The approval of the STU is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia). Work on the approval of STUs, as well as the preparation of documents provided for by this Procedure, is carried out by the Department, determined by order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

14. To consider the issue of approving the STU, the construction customer submits the following documents to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as Documentation):

A free-form application from the construction customer addressed to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for consideration of the STU, signed by the head or the person performing his duties and certified by the seal of the organization;

An explanatory note containing information about the need to develop STUs, adopted design technical solutions, compensatory measures (in case of decisions to deviate from current technical standards);

Description of regulations containing new technical requirements (in the event of development of new requirements), information on ensuring the safety of the facility, as well as, if necessary, information on the coordination of technical specifications with interested federal executive authorities. STUs containing technical requirements for the design and construction of facilities in terms of ensuring fire safety are submitted if there is a positive conclusion from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations;

The STU draft in two copies, signed by the developer’s officials;

A copy of the technical specifications for the development of technical specifications, certified by the head of the construction customer or the person performing his duties.

Documentation submitted by the construction customer cannot be returned, except in cases established by this Procedure.

15. The decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU is made by the Minister or a person authorized by him by order within a month from the date of receipt of the Documentation by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

In some cases, by decision of the Minister, the period for reviewing Documentation and making relevant decisions may be extended to 3 months. In case of refusal to approve the STU, the decision shall indicate the justified reasons that served as the basis for the refusal.

16. If the Documentation is submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in violation of the list established by paragraph 14 of this Procedure, it is returned to the construction customer without consideration on its merits within ten calendar days from the date of submission of the Documentation to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

17. Review of the submitted Documentation includes:

Studying the composition of the submitted documents and materials;

Conducting scientific and technical examination of STU;

Preparation of the conclusion of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia based on the results of consideration of the Documentation (hereinafter referred to as the Conclusion);

Making a decision on approval or refusal to approve STU.

18. The Department may involve relevant experts to review the Documentation and prepare the Conclusion.

19. Organizations or specialists who participated in the development of project documentation, their affiliates, as well as organizations for conducting state examination and government experts working in such organizations cannot be involved in conducting scientific and technical examination

20. Based on the results of consideration of the Documentation, the Department prepares a Conclusion on approval (or refusal to approve) the STU.

The said Conclusion, agreed upon with the supervising Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, is presented to the Minister or a person authorized by order of the Minister to make decisions specified in paragraph 15 of this Procedure.

21. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted Conclusion, the Minister or a person authorized by order of the Minister makes a decision to approve the STU or to refuse to approve the STU.

The said decision is formalized by approving the submitted Conclusion, which is assigned a corresponding serial number in chronological order.

22. If a positive decision is made, the approval of the STU is formalized by affixing the approving signature of the Minister or a person authorized by order on the title page of the STU, as well as affixing the approving signature of the Director of the Department on each sheet of the STU (in two copies).

After approval of the technical specifications, they are subject to approval by the customer.

23. The construction customer is notified of the decision made by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia within three working days from the date of the decision by sending an appropriate written notice.

The notification may be signed by the Minister, the supervising Deputy Minister, the Director of the Department or persons performing their duties on the basis of the order.

If the STU is agreed upon, a copy of the STU, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 22 of this Procedure, is attached to the notification.

In case of refusal to approve the STU, the following is attached to the notification:

Copy of the Conclusion;

One copy of STU.

24. After eliminating the reasons that served as the basis for refusal to approve the STU, the Documentation may be resubmitted for approval in the general manner.

25. If there is a need to make changes to previously agreed STUs, the construction customer submits the relevant Documentation to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in the general manner.

The said register is maintained by the Department.

27. The construction customer has the right to withdraw his application at any time during the consideration of the Documentation by sending an appropriate written notification to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. In this case, consideration of the Documentation on its merits is terminated, and a corresponding conclusion is drawn up, subject to approval by the Minister or his authorized person.