Is it possible to get ki for free from nbki and other verification methods. Credit history bureau - check your credit report for free by last name! Like in a credit bureau

Most clients consider the information that you can check your credit history for free by name to be false. However, this is a misconception. According to Federal Law No. 216, every borrower can check their credit history by name online or at any bank for free.

You can check your CI by last name for free only once a year. In other cases, you won’t be able to check it for free; you will have to pay a certain fee.

How to check your credit history by last name for free?

A credit history (CI) is formed free of charge after applying for a bank loan. It reflects the name of the borrower and information about how he paid his debt, whether there were any delays, etc. The credit histories themselves are stored in special bureaus (BKI). There are several dozen of them in Russia. This is where you need to submit a request to check your CI by last name for free.

You can check your CI by last name in three ways, two of which are free:

Submit a free request to check your personal information by name to the Central Bank of Russia. You can check the information online by visiting the official website of the organization.

There is a special questionnaire presented there. To check the CI for free, you will need to indicate the last name and other passport data, the borrower’s personal code, and a list of banks where the loans were opened. Once completed, the form must be submitted. After receiving the answer, you will check your CI for free;

At a credit bureau or any bank. In these institutions, you can check information by name free of charge only once a year. Other requests will no longer be free.

To do this, the client needs to find out which office stores his history or provide a personal code. This code is assigned to the borrower by his last name at the time of signing the loan agreement;

Through an online intermediary. As a rule, such intermediaries are brokers. This method allows you to check your CI by last name, but it is not free. The cost of the service is small (around 400 rubles), but there is a very high risk of falling into the hands of deceivers and not finding out any information.

You can check your credit history by name online for free not only at the Bank of Russia. As mentioned above, you can check the borrower’s data by last name for free when contacting a bank or BKI. But only once a year. If a citizen is denied such a request or does not want to check the CI for free, this is considered an unlawful act.

Will my credit history change if I change my last name?

Many borrowers want to know this question. By changing their last name, many try to correct their credit history and start over with a clean slate. However, it is not worth checking this method, because... ineffective. The fact is that the last page of a new passport must contain information about the previous document.

A vigilant bank employee, checking documents, will definitely pay attention to the previous name. In this case, your credit history will be checked using your old last name.

Thus, changing your last name is an ineffective way to correct your CI for free. It is effective to process small loans and repay them on time. Thus, the borrower “gains points” for his credit history. The approach allows you to gain a reputation as a responsible citizen who has reconsidered the approach to cooperation with banks.

A credit history (CI) is an official document containing information about loans. This, in addition to personal data, includes information about approved and rejected borrower applications. The formation of CI starts from the moment you first apply to the bank for a loan and is stored in the credit history bureau (CBI). The largest number of CIs is covered by the NBKI database (). Therefore, many people have a question about how to find out their credit history for free online through the National Bank.

How is a credit history formed at the bureau?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, each financial organization must have an agreement with the bureau for the transfer of information. It must be said that BKI is a commercial organization that provides services for collecting, processing, storing, and protecting information about borrowers. Law No. 218-FZ authorizes BKI to transfer the requested information to legal entities and individuals. The storage period is 10 years, after which the information is transferred to the archive. To carry out its assigned functions, the bureau is required to register.

Consolidation of information occurs in Central catalog , which is subordinate to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is worth understanding that directly The Bank of Russia does not store borrower files. At his disposal are the title parts, which are provided as answers to requests.

According to the latest information, 16 BKIs are officially registered in the state register of the Russian Federation.

NBKI are considered business sharks, covering up to 90% of information about Russian borrowers.

The largest database of credit histories - NBKI

The largest database of borrowers is located in NBKI. The bureau's activities began in 2005. The main responsibilities are: consolidation of information on loans from banks, microfinance organizations (MFOs) and other lenders. NBKI strives to constantly increase the number of partners. The database includes more than 3 thousand financial institutions.

You can find out your credit history for free through the National Bank of Ukraine by:

  • sending a request by mail. The request must be notarized. If the period specified by law (1 year) has not passed since the last request, then you will need to pay 450 rubles (this does not include notary and postal services) and attach a receipt to the request.
  • sending a request by telegram. In this case, the signature is certified by a post office employee.
  • personal visit to the office in Moscow;
  • appeals to partner organizations in the regions. ↪ You can order the report using this link
    The cost of a credit report is determined by the partner and is not provided free of charge.

In the first two cases, the response to the request is 3 business days (the response is sent by mail), in the rest - from 15 minutes (when contacting a partner online) to 1 day (visiting the office).

IMPORTANT! The list is exhaustive, that is, it is not possible to find out your credit history for free online through NBCI. Works through couriers, mail, partners.

The demand for checking the financial status of borrowers is growing every day. Being the largest, but not the only database, NBCI offers an additional service - obtaining a certificate from the Central Control Commission, which will filter information about you from all bureaus. The service is paid - 300 rubles. And again all the circles of hell: request, notary, mail, waiting. And the result is a list of BKI where to look for the dossier. And the same manipulations, only for each bureau listed on the list.

ATTENTION! There is no unified CI database in Russia. Ordering a credit report using specialized services will cost less than working with each bureau separately. Not to mention the time spent, which, as we know, costs money.

Online credit history report without headaches in 15 minutes

It turns out that the newly formed BCI collects information from banks and then begins to sell it. Borrowers for whom there are no clear recommendations for obtaining a CI suffer from diversity and confusion. BCIs find themselves in the convenient position of having ignorant citizens buy a dossier that can be sold countless times.

Many borrowers do not want to use the free option. They don’t know the subject’s mysterious code, they don’t want to wait and waste time running around. In addition, receiving a dossier once a year is not so free, given the associated costs. When you read how much you need to do to work with the NBKI database, you understand that it is better to pay 350 rubles, which will save you from headaches. This is how much a report costs on the partner platform ↪ BKI24.INFO.

BKI24 offers prompt receipt of a credit report on the website (within 15 minutes) without traveling. The report contains complete information about the number of loans, payments on them, and the amount of debt. The percentage of probability of approval of subsequent applications becomes valuable. In case of low probability, the reasons are specified.

The credit dossier on the BKI24.INFO website is available 24 hours a day without limiting the number of requests. This is a convenient and optimal option for obtaining a report, since NBKI can find out your credit history free online does not allow.

Is it possible to get a CI for free from NBKI and other verification methods? was last modified: October 11, 2017 by Alexander Nevskiy

Hello, friends!

Today is a serious and very important topic. It applies to any person who has ever taken out a loan anywhere. Since 2005, the state has obliged special organizations to store, process and provide upon request information about our loans. In this article we will talk about how to find out your credit history.

Not so long ago, namely since 2005, many citizens of our country acquired a credit history. What it is? This is information about all the obligations assumed by a particular person and the fulfillment of these obligations. Who is it for? First of all, for the borrower himself, as well as for financial institutions.

For those who want to understand this issue thoroughly, I can recommend studying the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”. It contains all the important concepts and definitions that we will talk about throughout the article.

If you apply to a financial institution for a loan, the bank will check your borrower history. It is from this that he will learn how conscientiously you treat your debts and will decide to issue you another loan. Therefore, it is so important that the information is reliable and complete.

Where and for how long is a file on a specific user of banking services stored? 10 years in the credit history bureau (BKI). The Central Bank has created the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH) - this is a special department that is designed to collect, store and provide information about the bureau.

How long does it take for the information to be updated? According to the Federal Law, banks are required to provide information to the bureau with which they have an agreement no later than 5 business days. As I already noted, the storage period for information is 10 years. But this period is counted from the moment the last change was made. Therefore, every time changes are made, the countdown of a new shelf life begins.

As of May 14, 2018, 14 BKIs were registered with the Central Control Committee. They are located not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in several other cities of Russia. This information is necessary for anyone who wants to check their borrower reputation because it may be stored by any of these bureaus. You may need the organization's postal address, website, email and telephone number. I’ll tell you what to do with this information a little further.

The document consists of 4 parts:

  1. Title. Full name of the individual, his TIN and SNILS, passport details.
  2. Main. Registration and actual residence address. Information about registration as an individual entrepreneur and bankruptcy, if such data is available. Detailed information about loans received by an individual (amounts, interest, conditions and specific repayment dates, collateral, etc.)
  3. Additional (closed). Information about the financial institution that issued your loan and the person who obtained your consent to receive the loan report.
  4. Informational. It is generated for each application of an individual for a loan, including those applications for which the loan was refused.

A bank or other financial organization from which citizens receive borrowed money can enter into an agreement with several bank accounts at once. As a result, information about you may end up in not one, but 2, 3, etc. bureaus.

You can ruin your own credit history

The document records everything, even the most minor changes in the issues of issuing and repaying loans, providing installment payments, servicing bank cards, etc. Therefore, it is very easy to ruin your reputation by not paying, for example, a couple of hundred rubles. In the article, I already wrote how you can get into debt without noticing in time the moment of overdraft.

How credit history deteriorates:

  1. Deviation from the loan repayment schedule and the formation of arrears.
  2. Applying for one person several loans at once or submitting applications to several banks at once.
  3. Litigation with the bank.
  4. Technical errors of banks.
  5. Inattention of the borrower (for example, debts for annual servicing may accumulate on a credit card that has not been used for a long time).
  6. Acting as a guarantor.
  7. Early repayment of loans, which deprives banks of part of their profits.
  8. Oddly enough, the lack of information about you in the BKI is also not a good sign for the bank. You are a “dark” horse for him. It is not known how you will make payments to repay the debt.

A borrower can remove many of the dark spots in his financial biography. In the article on how to improve your credit history, I share the most accessible ways to do this.

Who gets a credit report?

Anyone can request a credit report. What it is? This is information from his credit history. Experts recommend doing this at least once a year for the following reasons:

  1. Have full information about your obligations and their fulfillment if you intend to use borrowed funds from banks now or in the future.
  2. Understand why the bank refused to receive a loan.
  3. Recognize in a timely manner errors made during document generation and take measures to correct them.
  4. Identify illegal actions of fraudsters. For example, those who issued a loan in your name using a lost passport.

The report can also be ordered by:

  • banks when they decide to issue a loan to a client;
  • notaries when checking the purity of a transaction;
  • courts;
  • TsKKI and Bank of Russia.

The listed organizations gain access to the information part of the report without your consent. Access to the main part is provided only with the written consent of the borrower.

Before describing how to obtain a credit report, we need to understand what a credit history subject code is and where to get it. The fact is that if it is available, access to information is greatly simplified.

What is a credit history subject code and how can I find it out?

This is a kind of PIN code that you enter on the Central Bank website to gain access to the BKI list where your credit history is located.

Where does this code come from? You must come up with it when concluding a loan agreement with a financial institution. It is a set of letters and numbers. The implication is that we had to remember it or write it down in order to later access the information.

I would like to address the readers of the blog. Has anyone ever heard from bank employees that you need to save the code? I interviewed all my friends and acquaintances who use borrowed funds. Nobody knows anything about this code. I took out my two loan agreements, which were repaid a long time ago - there is no code in them. So how was I supposed to know him?

I made only one conclusion from this - our state, just like us, still needs to learn financial literacy. At least in terms of timely informing the population about important issues. Laws have been written, special organizations have been created, but they recommend figuring out how to use all this yourself. Well, then we’ll figure it out.

Ways to check your credit history

There are several ways to get a report on all your loans:

  • Send requests to the BKI by mail, telegram, or visit these institutions in person.

Let me remind you that some bureaus are not located in the capital (for example, there are in Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk or Rostov-on-Don). And your file may be in one of these organizations.

  • In the bank.
  • With the help of special online services that will take care of all the work for your money.

Let's consider all the methods in order.



Step 1. Find out in which BKI (or which) information about you is stored.

You make a request to the Central Control Commission via the Internet on the website And here is the time to remember the subject code. CCCI will send a list of bureaus to your email.

If you do not know the subject code, contact any bank or bank account to generate it. This can only be done if you have a credit history. If you don’t have it, then you don’t have a code.

The service is not free. A study of the bureau's websites revealed a price of 300 rubles.

You can send a request to the CCCI without a code through the BKI, microfinance organization, post office or notary.

Step 2. Contact BKI to receive a report.

Once a year, we have the right to request your credit history free of charge from any bank.

For example, I went to the website of the NBKI (National Bank of Credit Histories). This is the oldest and largest bureau. Created in 2005. It offers the following ways to obtain a shareware report:

  • by mail, filling out a request using the BKI form and having your signature certified by a notary;
  • when visiting the BKI in person, you can receive a report on your passport;
  • by telegram (the report in this case will be sent to the specified postal address).

Please note that getting a notarized signature and sending a telegram costs money. The procedure is no longer free.

In other bureaus, the procedure for obtaining a report is similar.

Through banks

Banks provide a service for obtaining a report, but not free of charge.

For example, its cost at Sberbank of Russia is 580 rubles. But you should keep in mind that it will only give out information that is stored in the United Credit Bureau (UCB). If you are sure that this is where information about you is located, then you can take advantage of the free right to receive a report once a year. To do this, you should contact the OKB directly.

If you want to use the online method of receiving a report, then this service is provided only on a commercial basis by OKB itself or through Sberbank Online.

AB Russia JSC will make a request and send you a report for 900 rubles. Post Bank promises to provide a report in 15 minutes using your passport, but for 3,000 rubles.

Online services

The question is often asked whether it is possible to view your history online by last name. The online service is provided, for example, by the Credit Information Agency, an official partner of NBKI and a commercial organization. But in addition to your last name, you will need to enter your passport details.

The cost of the service is 450 rubles.

The largest financial portal also provides a service for obtaining a credit report. Its cost is from 800 rubles. The portal cooperates with three BKIs. The price line looks like this:

BKI “Equifax” offers the legally required free report online once a year. To do this, you need to register on the official website and go through the request process. If you want to receive a report more than once a year, then you can buy an annual (795 rubles for 1 report per month) or monthly (795 rubles - unlimited) subscription, packages of 5 for 595 rubles, for 10 - for 795 rub.

Is it possible to check information about your loans through State Services? Unfortunately no. The portal provides a description of the service for obtaining an extract from the Central Control Commission indicating which BKI contains the document. But it is not possible to obtain it directly on the State Services website. You must contact the Central Control Committee.


Let's summarize this difficult topic. What points should you pay special attention to:

  1. The formation of your credit history cannot be left to chance. Your reputation as a responsible borrower depends on its content.
  2. You have the right to check it once a year completely free of charge.
  3. Before filling out an application to receive a credit report, you must send a request to the Central Control Commission about the bank accounts in which information about you is stored.
  4. It's a good idea to know the subject's personal code. This simplifies access to information at the Central Control Commission.
  5. You can receive the report in several ways: at the BKI, through banks or online services.
  6. Experts advise doing this at least once a year.

Subscribe to our blog to always be aware of financial issues that can impact our lives. I have never seen my credit history. Let's try to get it together and share the ways in the comments.

To begin with, as in the first option, you should find out the list of bureaus, for which we send a request to the Central Bank. After that, we go to the websites of these organizations and look in the list of services to see if it is possible to obtain data online. If there is, then you will have less trouble.

It is worth noting that gradually all banks and bank accounts will switch to an interactive work scheme. At the moment, there are already more than 30 such organizations, and their number is gradually growing. Among them are the following options:

  • NBKI (national BKI) provides such a service through the Credit History Agency. The service becomes available after registration. In addition, you can find out a lot of useful information for those who are planning to take out a loan.
  • Equifax BKI offers the service free of charge only the first time. Subsequent calls must be paid. At the same time, this bureau provides such services as correcting errors in the CI, informing via SMS about changes in the CI, protection from fraudsters, etc.
  • On the Mycreditinfo web resource, the service is also provided after authorization. Here, in addition to obtaining information about your credit history, they offer services such as checking a car that is pledged, informing you via SMS, scoring tests, etc.

It should be taken into account that some bureaus may offer the service for a fee, since as commercial legal organizations, they also pay for requests to the BKI.


If the required banking institution is located in another region, you can visit it in person or send a request certified by a notary office to the specified address. To write a request addressed to the head of the organization, use a free form indicating your full name and passport details. Please keep in mind that your request will not be considered without notarization. The cost of such certification usually costs several hundred rubles (depending on where you live). The bureau employees are obliged to send the answer to the address you specified within ten days.

You should know that credit history is never stored in one place. It usually consists of several parts and is stored in different places for your safety.

Checking your credit history through online banking

If you were unable to find the credit history check button in your account on the Internet banking website, then to clarify information about the availability of this service, you need to contact a consultant. Consultation can be obtained online (in real time) on the website, by sending an email to the support service or by dialing the toll-free telephone number indicated on the resource.