Postal services for the delivery of letters and parcels. Delivery of documents Delivery of documents by courier service accounting

Delivery of documents- sending documents by road with their subsequent transfer to the recipient. Sending is carried out in a separate cargo space.

Return of documents- delivery of documents certified by the recipient to the sender or customer by motor transport.

How it works?

Calculation of transportation costs and placing an order

Document tracking

Documents receiving

When the documents arrive at the terminal, the recipient will receive a notification.
Cargo arriving at the terminal will be stored at the terminal for 2 working days free of charge. The cost of further storage is 300 rubles per 1 m³ per day; The minimum cost is 300 rubles for the entire storage period. To obtain documents yourself, check out the directions on the terminal addresses page. When ordering delivery, documents will be sent to the recipient's address. Loading and unloading operations when delivering documents to the address are carried out free of charge.

Additional services

  • Delivery of documents from/to address

In addition to the inter-terminal transportation of documents, you can order the “Delivery from/to address” service. Please see detailed

Accounting- an integral part of economic activity enterprises from all sectors of the economy. This is recording of all operations carried out by a particular entity, drawing up related documentation, submitting reports to authorities government controlled. It is carried out by specially trained specialists - accountants. Thanks to the work of the accounting department, operational internal and external control of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet of the enterprise becomes possible. This allows you to soberly assess the state of affairs and, if necessary, make ongoing adjustments to the work of the company.

Accounting is strictly regulated legislative acts, regulations and standards accounting(PSBU), and also has a certain time frame for submitting reports to state control authorities. For failure to comply with accounting rules and untimely submission of reports, the accountant and the head of the enterprise bear financial, and in some cases even criminal liability.

An organization such as a delivery service also needs constant monitoring. The economic activities of courier services are accompanied by the following operations:

  1. Arrival of goods and services. It is drawn up with invoices - a document that indicates the number of received inventory items (materials and materials). Are primary documents for crediting inventory items to the balance sheet of the enterprise.
  2. Consumption of goods and services. It is drawn up with invoices - issued in the event that inventory items are removed from the balance sheet. Receipt and expense invoices contain the following fields:
    • Number.
    • Details of the supplier's company.
    • Counterparty details
    • Name of goods and materials.
    • Quantity of inventory items.
    • Price of goods and materials.
    • The amount with and without VAT (if the organization is not a payer of this type of tax).
    • Signatures and seals.
  3. Inventory. This is a comparison of the actual quantity of goods in stock with accounting data. If during the inventory process a discrepancy between these values ​​is detected, the following is performed:
    • Capitalization of surplus.
    • Write-off of shortages or damaged goods and materials.
    • Internal movement of goods and materials (in case of re-grading).
  4. Depreciation on vehicles contained on the balance sheet.
  5. Accounting for the use of fuels and lubricants.
  6. Accounting for receivables and payables.
  7. Accrual wages employees.
  8. Drawing up reports.

All types of transportation by land, sea transport, as well as air transportation of goods are classified as transport costs and are included in the cost of production.

Previously, accounting was carried out manually, by making entries in paper books. Clarification, paper, is appropriate, since modern accounting is also carried out using the book method, only the registers are contained in special programs. In Russia, the 1:S Accounting program is used to automate accounting at enterprises. This is a domestic product, in no way inferior to foreign analogues. The program's capabilities allow you to customize it for a specific type of activity. Add or remove unnecessary fields, develop new document internal controls, configure access levels and remote access, and much more. The program is maintained by programmer 1:C. In addition to programming, this activity is related to explaining to accounting employees the principles of operation of a particular register, bringing updates to the staff and methods of working with them. This is not necessarily a full-time employee; often a 1:C programmer serves several organizations.


One of priority areas activities of our company - courier delivery against signature of invoices and other accounting documents. Over 22 years of work, we have accumulated sufficient experience to become a reliable partner for customers of various sizes and profiles. We serve both individual entrepreneurs with several counterparties, as well as large companies with a client base of many thousands. Thanks to this specialization, our services are quite comparable to the rates of regular mail, with immeasurably greater comfort and reliability for the sender of invoices. We offer you to evaluate the benefits of cooperation with us along the entire chain from issuing an invoice to its receipt by the counterparty’s accounting department and payment control.

Preparation and execution of invoices

Already at this stage we can significantly reduce time and financial expenses customers using the invoice printing outsourcing service. Our customers only need to download invoices from the billing system to in electronic format and redirect them through an agreed communication channel. We can take care of all further work from printing to conversion. Centralized purchase of paper and envelopes, printing on high-performance equipment, signature by our employees by proxy from the customer, efficient packaging in envelopes - all this makes outsourcing of invoice printing beneficial to the customer both financially and organizationally.

We provide the technical ability to print one line of text in the part of the delivery slip where recipients sign. This can be either a common text for all counterparties (for example, “deed, invoice, invoice dated January 31, 2014”) or individual text (for example, “invoice No. 12345 dated January 31, 2014 and additional agreement No. 3 dated February 1. 2014"). Thus, the recipient will sign for the delivery of specific documents, rather than a regular letter of unknown content.

Transfer of invoices for delivery

For our customers, there is no need to bring bills themselves, stand in line, or go through a lengthy procedure for registration for delivery. It is enough to make a request by phone or online call the courier and our employee will arrive to collect your bills within the desired time range. For large mailings a vehicle is provided at no additional cost.

We offer invoice delivery within 1 to 5 business days. The customer has the opportunity to select from the mailing list the most priority accounts for himself (for example, with a large amount for payment) and send them in a faster delivery mode. Benefit from more fast payment invoices by the client may be many times higher than the slightly higher rate corresponding to high urgency.

Invoice delivery progress

Each of our couriers serves a specific area of ​​the city. During his training, he thoroughly studies all the details: routes, location features of the recipient companies, their work schedule and other important details. Given that the address base of invoice recipients typically undergoes only slight changes from month to month, delivery is not a problem.

Typically, the courier makes an initial delivery attempt without first calling the recipient (except in cases where the address is immediately in doubt). If the invoice cannot be delivered due to an incorrect/inaccurate address, absence/relocation of the recipient, etc. - the courier returns it to our office. Operators contact the recipient by phone or email, if available. When it is possible to successfully negotiate re-delivery, it is done free of charge for the customer.

When delivering invoices, recipients have the opportunity to transfer response documentation to the sender (signed contracts, acceptance certificates, etc.). Couriers will accept them and transmit them along with the delivery report without charging additional payment, provided that no additional waiting is required.

The excellent price-quality ratio of our courier delivery service in Moscow attracts customers for mass mailing of invoices, which in turn makes the courier’s work more productive. As a result, the courier practically does not need to use transport to serve his area; the density of addresses served requires walking.

If the customer provides not only physical but also electronic addresses of invoice recipients, we can provide an additional free service. For example, notify counterparties about the receipt of delivery invoices and the expected time of the courier's visit. Another example is to send an email notification to the customer when a delivery attempt is unsuccessful.

Interaction with the customer's customer department

For convenience of working with the client base, digital identifiers of counterparties are usually used. In our delivery accounting database, we use identifiers accepted in the customer’s billing system. Thus, it is convenient for the client department to work with reports and find out the delivery history using familiar numbers. It is also easy to upload data from our delivery report to the customer’s system for further payment control.

There are situations when the customer needs to intervene in the process of sending out invoices. For example, it turned out that the invoice was issued with an error, or the counterparty announced that he was moving or collected the invoice on his own. Accordingly, it is necessary to stop delivery or change the address. The customer just needs to inform the operator about this. If the invoice has been submitted to our courier service but has not yet been delivered, we will be able to make the necessary adjustments.

A small percentage of invoice delivery problems are inevitable. Contractors move, close down, go on vacation as a team, etc. Information about this is recorded in our database as soon as it arrives from the courier. Based on the electronic delivery report, the customer's customer service department can take action necessary actions without waiting for the mailing to complete.

Companies often change their location and do not inform their partners about it in a timely manner. If the courier is unable to obtain information at the old address, then we, together with the customer’s customer service, are forced to find out new addresses by phone. To legally secure this fact, when delivering to a new address, the courier can fill out an application for a change of address in the agreed form and transfer it to the customer along with the report.

Reporting and control of invoice delivery

Couriers hand over invoices to responsible persons, who must not only sign on the delivery slip, but also indicate their contact information listed above. This data is entered into our database and provided to the customer in electronic reports.

We provide information about invoice delivery in a convenient form. Data is reflected on the website without delay as it is processed by operators. By specifying the name or identifier (personal account/contract number), the customer can track the entire history of deliveries to the desired counterparty. Also in this section you can monitor the general status of the mailing by selecting a search by order number.

The currently processed data is formed into one file. The customer can use this file at his own discretion: import it into his database or use it offline.

Delivery sheets have continuous numbering. Electronic reports for each recipient indicate the number of the sheet on which to look for delivery confirmation. If it is necessary to check the original signature of the recipient, the customer can quickly find the required sheet.

Peculiarities of tariffing for courier delivery of invoices

For deliveries of different urgency, there is no difference in the quality of service. The format and reporting are identical. It’s just that a shorter delivery time imposes obvious restrictions on the courier when planning routes and, accordingly, pays more. It is also important to consider that even with the most economical 1-5 day delivery, up to 60-70% of invoices are actually delivered in the first two days.

The customer is not required to pay any subscription fee when concluding the contract. Only courier services actually provided are paid. An act of provision of services and an invoice for payment are provided at least once a month.

Most courier services use step-by-step pricing for their services (from 100 letters per order, from 500 letters, from 1000 letters, etc.). We went further and calculated the discount from total cost orders per month. Thus, if the main mailing of invoices at a cost has reached a certain discount level, then all additional mailings in the month will be carried out with the same discount or even move to the next level along with the main one.

We don't charge additional payment for delivery to hard-to-reach areas. We have courier delivery to addresses within the Moscow Ring Road, as well as in Mitino, Solntsevo, Novoperedelkino, Northern and Southern Butovo, Zhulebino, Kosino, Novokosino, and the cost is the same.

Sometimes in the course of business activities there may be a need for urgent delivery of important documents, for example, to another region. In this article we will look at accounting for such costs.

In practice, state (municipal) institutions independently determine how to deliver important documents to third-party organizations. The list of delivery methods that allow you to reliably confirm the fact of receipt of the sent document is not very long. In particular, you can send documents:

    using postal services;

    using our own courier delivery;

    by using the services of express delivery companies.

Quite often, the choice is made in favor of the latter option as it guarantees timely receipt of documents, as well as having additional guarantees and providing compensation for damage to the sender in case of loss of documents.

Legal aspect.

The proper organization of accounting largely depends on the correct legal qualification of contractual relations.

An agreement for the provision of courier services, including express delivery of documents, is more consistent with the characteristics of a transportation agreement.

Let us remind you that according to paragraph 1 of Art. 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the sender to the destination and hand it over to the person authorized to receive the goods (recipient), and the sender undertakes to pay a fee for the carriage of goods.

Similarly, under an agreement for express delivery of urgent documents, the contractor is obliged to accept correspondence from the customer or another person on the customer’s instructions, deliver it to the address designated by the customer and hand it over to the person specified by the customer or determined in the manner prescribed by the contract in agreement with the customer. Delivery times are directly established by the agreement between the customer institution and the courier service.

In practice, the title of the contract in question often uses language about the “provision of services” for express delivery. However, this does not mean that the rules of civil law governing the relations between the parties to the agreement on the provision of paid services are applied to these legal relations.

By virtue of the provisions of Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a contract for the provision of paid services, the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide services (perform certain actions or carry out certain activities), and the customer undertakes to pay for these services. The rules established by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to contracts for the provision of services apply to contracts for the provision of communication services, medical, veterinary, consulting, information services, training services, tourist services, but do not apply to contracts of transportation.

In Chapter 40 “Transportation” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, contracts for the carriage of mail or documents are not mentioned. However, other regulatory legal acts indicate that the provisions on transportation are applied to the relations under consideration.

Thus, mail transportation is carried out in accordance with the standards established in federal laws on communications (dated 02/16/1995 No. 15-FZ), on postal services (dated 08/09/1995 No. 129-FZ), which directly mention the term “transportation”.


Expenses for express delivery of documents are reflected in the same manner as other contracts with performers. Difficulties can only arise with the choice of the KOSGU subarticle to be applied.

Read also

  • Responsibility officials government institutions
  • Reimbursement of funds as prescribed by control authorities
  • Misuse of subsidy funds: overview judicial practice
  • Analysis of judicial practice: misuse of compulsory medical insurance funds
  • Improving control conditions

There are three main points of view on this issue and three options for choosing between KOSGU 221, 222 and 226.

In accordance with the norms of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for applying budget classification Russian Federation» Subarticle 221 “Communication Services” of KOSGU includes expenses for the purchase of communication services, including:

    postal services, in particular the forwarding of postal items (including the cost of packaging postal items), forwarding postal correspondence using a franking machine;

    courier and special communication services;

    other similar expenses.

Subarticle 222 “Transport services” of KOSGU includes expenses for the purchase of transport services, including:

    payment for the transportation (delivery) of goods (shipments) under the relevant contracts of carriage (delivery, charter);

    payment for civil contracts concluded with individuals, for the provision of transport services;

    other similar expenses.

Expenses not included in subarticles 221, 225 are subject to subsection 226 of KOSGU.

In a Letter Federal Treasury dated 06.08.2013 No. 42-2.2-
06/45, a position agreed with the Ministry of Finance on the issue under consideration was expressed. IN this document It is stated that document delivery services provided:

    FSUE "Russian Post" should be classified under subarticle 221 "Communication Services" of KOSGU, if a license is required to carry out this type of activity;

    organizations that, in accordance with the types of activities they carry out, provide cargo transportation services, as well as cargo transportation organizations (for example, DHL International), should be classified under subarticle 222 “Transport services” of KOSGU;

    organizations providing courier delivery services should be classified under subarticle 226 “Other work, services” of KOSGU.

However, it is worth adding that in the situation under consideration it is necessary to analyze the contract with the courier service and the list of documents that are issued to confirm the execution of the contract. Most often, express delivery of documents must be reflected in accounting using subsection 222 of KOSGU.

Let's consider an example from judicial practice. Thus, based on the materials of one of the cases in 2015, the institution accepted the advance report of an employee for payment for air express delivery of documents under an air waybill.

These expenses were accepted for accounting under code 226 “Other work, services” of KOSGU and account 0 208 00 000 “Settlements with accountable persons for payment for other work and services.”

The court did not consider this procedure to be in accordance with the law for the following reasons. The main activity of the executing company, by virtue of the extract from it, was cargo transportation. According to the terms of delivery, the customer acted as a shipper, and “cargo” meant all documents transported under one air waybill.

The costs of document delivery were confirmed by an air waybill. At the same time, on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the preparation and issuance of a waybill to the sender of the cargo confirms the transportation of the cargo, therefore, the costs of paying for services for the delivery of documents were subject to subsection 222 “Transport services” of the KOSGU.

Issues of targeted use of funds.

By virtue of Art. 306.4 BC RF misuse budget funds the direction of budget funds is recognized budget system RF and payment monetary obligations for purposes that do not fully or partially correspond to the goals determined by the law (decision) on the budget, the consolidated budget list, the budget
signature, budget estimate, contract (agreement) or other document that is the legal basis for the provision of these funds.

Misuse of budgetary funds, expressed in misuse by financial authorities (main managers (managers) and recipients of budget funds to whom interbudgetary transfers are provided) of interbudgetary subsidies, subventions and other interbudgetary transfers having a designated purpose, as well as to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, entails the undisputed recovery of the amount of funds received from another budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation, in the amount of funds used not for their intended purpose, and (or) in the amount of fees for using them or suspension (reduction ) provision of interbudgetary transfers (except for subventions).

The relevant question is: can and under what circumstances the costs of express delivery of documents be recognized as misappropriation of budget funds with the threat of corresponding negative consequences for the institution?

Materials of control activities of state (municipal) financial control bodies allow us to conclude that misuse of funds can, for example, include:

    use of funds to pay expenses not provided for in the financial and economic plan for the corresponding financial year;

    the use of budget funds to pay for expenses that should be financed from extra-budgetary sources;

    use of funds to pay for work and services not related to the activities of the institution.

In order to avoid the risk of recognizing the costs of express delivery of documents as inappropriate, you must be prepared to justify that another, less costly method of delivering documents was for some reason unavailable or did not satisfy the interests of the institution.

This is confirmed by inspection materials on similar (similar) situations. Thus, in accordance with the materials of Bulletin No. 3(17) for 2013, the control and accounts chamber of the region, during an inspection of the feasibility and legality of spending funds for economic purposes of one of the institutions, found that, according to advance report the employee was reimbursed for travel expenses to Moscow to deliver the documents of the participant in the All-Russian competition. Based on the conditions of the All-Russian competition, the form and method of submitting documents for participation in the competition were not established. Considering the fact that the documents could be sent to the recipient in another, less costly way (for example, by post), the above costs of institutions for personal delivery of documents were recognized by specialists of regulatory agencies as economically unjustified and impractical.

Delivery of accounting documents by courier can significantly simplify the work of the financial sector of an organization. This makes document management easier. Therefore, the practice of using courier services is implemented in many companies. We will talk about the nuances of delivering reports to higher authorities and much more related to this difficult topic.

Advantages of delivering accounting documents by courier

Every organization is faced with the need to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, GoskomStat and other government bodies. It's everyone's responsibility legal entity, and it evokes pleasant emotions in few people. Firstly, the manager needs to allocate time for delivery or find a responsible employee who can cope with this task without mistakes. Secondly, he will have to overcome numerous traffic jams that may occur on the way to tax office. Thirdly, the very waiting in government agencies is very tiring. Not everyone has free time to sit and wait their turn. Therefore, delivery of accounting documents by courier is more profitable for modern companies. As the head of an organization, it gives you the opportunity to:

  1. Do not leave your workplace to submit reports. You can continue to deal with urgent matters and concentrate on current projects;
  2. Automate the process of interaction with higher authorities. An agreement for the delivery of accounting documents can be concluded for a long period, and on the specified day the courier will come and pick up the papers without unnecessary reminders;
  3. If necessary, have the ability to promptly submit documentation to government agencies. The “express delivery” service in Moscow is carried out within just one hour. It will not be difficult for an experienced courier to reach authorities located in the Moscow region in a minimum amount of time and quickly and efficiently deliver accounting documents.

Organized financial activities with clear document flow is the key to successful business development. Today this is possible, including thanks to the intermediary assistance of courier agencies. The Meteor service has been operating in the market for the delivery of official papers and parcels since 2002 and successfully cooperates with the largest Russian enterprises.

Nuances of the delivery process

Organizing the process of delivering accounting documents with our contractor is very simple:

  1. The head of the organization should write a power of attorney addressed to the courier and give it to him necessary papers;
  2. After this, the courier leaves for government agency, takes a turn there;
  3. Next, the courier comes to see the inspector. He hands over all the documents to him, receives notes on acceptance of the reports and can bring you your copies on the same day.

If you are interested in courier delivery of accounting documents, please contact our consultants by phone. In the “Prices and Tariffs” section you can find information.