Where is the best place to get a car loan? Which banks give car loans? What to do if you can’t get a car loan

January 2019

If you are confused about the purchase new car on credit, that's it main question on the agenda: “Where to get the best favorable loan to buy a car? We propose to study the issue of obtaining borrowed money to purchase a car, and also consider the most profitable offer in the field of auto lending.

Which banks have low interest rates on car loans?

Car lending is a loan of funds for the purchase of vehicles at interest. This type of loan is different in that it takes money specifically for the purchase vehicle. This type of loan is offered in almost every bank. Below we will look at three banks with the most profitable credit offers to buy a car.

VTB 24 Bank is one of the best financial institutions for obtaining a car loan. It offers its clients several car loan options:

  • “AutoStandard” loan (interest on the loan starts from 10% for a period of up to 7 years);
  • “Autolight” – car loan from VTB 24 (does not require proof of income);
  • car loan “Autoexpress” – decision on issuing money from 30 minutes;
  • “Freedom of choice” – car loan for the purchase of a used car;
  • “Driver” – purchasing a foreign car on favorable terms.

In addition to such a wide selection of car loan programs, VTB 24 offers lucrative special offers for purchasing a car:

  1. State program (car loan with state subsidies at a rate of 5.5% per annum).
  2. LADA Special ( special offer to purchase LADA on the most favorable terms).
  3. AutoPrivilege (advantageous special offer for the purchase of a foreign car costing from 1,500,000 rubles).

Of course, VTB 24 is one of the best banks for car loans with a huge selection various programs and special offers for every taste.

RosselkhozBank offers two main car loan programs:

  1. Loan for the purchase of a new car (from 12.5% ​​per annum).
  2. Loan for the purchase of a used car (from 16.5% per annum).

The conditions for purchasing a car on credit are as follows:

  • the maximum amount of credit funds is up to 3 million rubles;
  • down payment - 15% of the cost of a new car and 25% when purchasing a used car;
  • the loan is provided for a period of up to 5 years;
  • the collateral is the purchased car;
  • consideration of the application up to 4 working days.

This bank offers the following car loan options:

  • Car loan with state support for new car costing no more than 1,450,000 rubles.
  • Car loan for a used car from 600,000 rubles.

LocoBank's conditions for the purchase of a new car with state support:

  • interest on the loan - 6.4% and 7.5% (for a loan for a period of up to 12 and 36 months, respectively);
  • down payment - from 20%;
  • loan term - up to 3 years.

Conditions for a car loan without government support:

  • interest rate- from 12.4% per year;
  • initial payment - from 30%, or from 15% at an increased interest rate;
  • car loan term - up to 7 years.

The following conditions apply for purchasing a used car:

  • loan agreement term - up to 7 years;
  • mandatory registration of CASCO and OSAGO;
  • down payment from 40% or from 15%, but with an increased interest rate;
  • interest rate from 12.9% per annum.

Car loan with government support

Some banking organizations offer loans for the purchase of a car with government support. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The state makes it possible to purchase a car using credit funds at the most low percentage. This offer is extremely profitable, but not all financial institutions offer such programs to their clients. For these programs state subsidies interest on car loans has been reduced by 6.7% per annum. This offer has several conditions for the borrower:

  • the loan must be repaid in full no later than 36 months;
  • the loan amount is up to 1.45 million rubles (you won’t be able to buy a car for more than this amount);
  • the purchased vehicle must be produced no earlier than 2016-2017;
  • the new car is collateral for the loan.

Lowest interest rate on car loan

In this part of the article, we will look at banks with the lowest interest rates on car loans. It is important to know here that the percentage value can either decrease or increase.

In the same bank, the percentage can “jump” very much, this is influenced by the following factors:

  1. The bank may offer several different car loan programs, each of which has different terms and conditions and different interest rates.
  2. You can achieve a lower interest rate if the borrower is a client of the bank (for example, the borrower has a salary card here, on which wages are regularly charged).
  3. The loan interest varies depending on the documents provided. If you are applying for a loan using full package documents, then the rate will be lower. If a car loan is issued using two documents, the interest rate will increase.
  4. The higher the down payment on a car loan, the lower the interest rate.

If a car loan is supported by the state, then the interest rate will be significantly lower, but a number of additional conditions arise here:

  • You can only buy a Russian-made car or a Russian-assembled foreign car;
  • the maximum cost of the car is 1.45 million rubles;
  • year of manufacture of the car - no earlier than 2016-2017;
  • The term of the loan agreement is up to 3 years.
Bank's name Loan program Bid (%)
New cars under the state program 10%
New cars without government subsidies 16,7%
Foreign cars from 1.5 million rubles From 11.1%
Car loan for a used car From 11.9%
Buying a new car From 12.5%
Buying a used car From 16.5%
Car loan for a new car From 6.4%
Car loan for a used car From 12.9%
UniCredit Bank “Prestige” program From 12.9%
Used car loan From 14.9%
Loan for a new car From 15.4%
Car loan with state support From 8.7%
Rusfinance Bank Loan for a new foreign car From 16%
Loan for a used foreign car with mileage From 15%
Loan for a new domestic car From 14.5%
Loan for a domestic used car From 15%

Please note that the interest rate will vary up or down depending on the bank's conditions. The table shows the minimum possible rate on car loans.

Which car is better: new or used?

Can't decide on a car? Don't know which car is better: new or used? We will try to help you.

Purchasing a new car

A new vehicle is always better than a used one, you can’t argue with that. But let's weigh the pros and cons.

Advantages of purchasing a new car on credit:

  1. The most significant plus is the technical condition of the car. A new car will not let you down on the road. You will always be confident in the serviceability of your vehicle, and if it breaks down, the car will be repaired under warranty.
  2. The interest rate on a loan for the purchase of a new car is lower than the interest rate on a loan for a used car.
  3. Some auto loans for purchasing a new car are government-backed. A car loan with state support is very profitable, since the interest on it is significantly reduced.

The only downside that can be noted is the higher price compared to the price of a used car.

Used car loan

The only advantages of purchasing a used car include: low price the car itself. But there are plenty of disadvantages to such a purchase:

  1. Interest rates on used cars are higher than interest rates on a new car loan.
  2. Loans for used cars are not supported by the government.
  3. Since the car is not new, its care requires more attention from the owner, and this means additional costs for maintaining such a car.

Consumer loan for the purchase of a car

In addition to a specialized car loan, the purpose of which is to purchase a car, you can take out a regular consumer loan for any purpose. In this article we will not consider issues of obtaining consumer loan. More details about this type of lending can be found in the corresponding article.

Not all banks offer car loans, but a consumer loan can be obtained from almost any bank.

Advantages of obtaining a consumer loan to purchase a car over a car loan:

  • You don’t have to take out a CASCO insurance policy (when receiving a car loan, a CASCO policy is a prerequisite, which significantly hits your pocket).
  • When buying a car with money from a consumer loan, the car will not be subject to collateral, as is the case with a car loan.

Purchasing a car on credit from an official dealer

All car dealerships cooperate with a large number of banks, so there are no problems with choosing the right one financial organization and you won’t have a loan program. Interest on a loan from a car dealership will be inflated, since the car dealership is an intermediary between the borrower and the bank.

If you find an official representative of a particular car brand in your city, then it will be possible to get a car loan on better terms. An official dealer often offers profitable promotions and special offers on cars of our own brands.

What documents are required for a car loan?

In order to get a loan to purchase a car, you will need to prepare certain documents. By collecting the necessary list of documents, you will increase your chances of getting a loan approved with a more favorable interest rate.

The documents required to obtain a car loan are as follows:

  1. Passport.
  2. Driver's license or TIN.
  3. Application form for a loan.

The first two documents are mandatory and are quite sufficient to obtain a loan. But based on only these two documents, the bank will not be able to fully assess the client’s solvency, so the interest on the loan and the amount of the down payment will increase.


After reading this article, you should have an understanding of all the intricacies of car loans. Take your time with the purchase, carefully consider all the points and study all bank offers. When concluding a loan agreement, carefully read all documentation. We wish you good luck in purchasing the car of your dreams!

Video on the topic

Currently, car loans from banks are one of the most popular types of loans used by consumers. The bank bears minimal risks: if the borrower cannot repay the debt, the vehicle is confiscated by the lender.

Many banks cooperate with car dealerships, so the borrower wonders which bank is better to take out a car loan from. This issue must be approached very seriously: the interest rate and the amount of overpayment depend on which bank the client applies for a loan. The main banks with which car dealerships work are: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Nordea Bank, Rosbank, MDM Bank, VTB 24. The choice of bank remains with the borrower, because he decides where it is profitable for him to take a loan and which bank is better.

Can a loan be interest-free?

Most profitable car loan- no interest, but does that really happen? Naturally, the bank cannot issue the borrower cash without making any profit from it. Therefore, the contract will necessarily indicate the interest rate.

This explains the cooperation of car dealerships with many banks at once. To increase the number of cars sold, the seller often makes a discount on the car in the amount of interest that the borrower must overpay for a certain period.

When the contract amount is repaid in full, the value of the vehicle is the same as if the car were purchased for cash. Therefore, these loans usually have a fixed term and down payment. For example, 30-0-48, where 30% is the down payment, 0% is overpayment, 48 is the term in months. Despite this, the borrower will still bear additional expenses, such as compulsory insurance car or life, or any one-time fees when issuing a loan or its full early repayment.

Such loans are completely unprofitable for both the bank and the car dealership, so the seller carries out such joint promotions very rarely in order to increase sales. Therefore, against the backdrop of standard car loans, the bank can offer a promotion with a minimum interest rate and overpayment, which will still be beneficial to the borrower.

It’s more profitable to take out a car loan if you can joint action with the state, because it helps promote cars of its own production or domestic assembly to the market. You need to select a car, and then check whether it meets the conditions state support. If the vehicle is included in the list of such cars, then the loan rate will be the minimum - 4.5%. The state compensates 2/3 of the refinancing rate. The car must be no more expensive than 750,000 rubles. This loan only available from a few banks.

Also, if you have a car that is more than 6 years old, you can purchase a new one by recycling the old one. The borrower saves his time on selling a used vehicle, and the state thereby reduces the risk of unfriendly cars appearing on the roads.

Car loan from which bank is issued? special programs? These are Sberbank and VTB 24.

Documents provided

The interest on the loan may depend not only on the type of car (new or used), the availability of a down payment and the term, but also on the documents that the borrower can provide. Often banks issue a car loan using two documents. The first and mandatory must be a passport Russian Federation with permanent registration in the region where the car was purchased, the second one is optional.

  1. Driving license with the category that corresponds to the purchased vehicle.
  2. Certificate of income in the form of a bank or 2 personal income tax.
  3. A foreign passport with travel abroad at least 1 or 2 times in the last calendar year.
  4. Availability of deposits in other banks.
  5. Availability of cards from other banks. Necessary to confirm the client's solvency.
  6. Statement of the borrower's salary card.
  7. Certificate of registration of an existing vehicle.
  8. A copy of the work book.

Many credit organizations can offer a profitable car loan to those who have an open salary project, thereby he sees the borrower’s constant income and there is no need to request any additional documents. Each bank has its own list of such securities. If, when considering the application, the loan officer has doubts about the borrower, then additional confirmation of his income and solvency may be required. Having a positive credit history with successfully repaid loans will also be a big plus.

Sberbank conditions

Sberbank is one of the most famous and reliable banks that works with most car dealerships and offers the most profitable car loan. The borrower's age is 21-75 years, citizenship of the Russian Federation, length of service at the last place of work is at least 6 months, total work experience is at least 12 months. The minimum contribution is from 15% of the cost of the car. Providing a certificate 2 of personal income tax or a certificate of income in the form of a bank is a mandatory condition.

If the client makes a down payment of 30% or more, then proof of income is not required. The loan amount is from 45 thousand to 5 million rubles, the contract period is 12-60 months, the rate is 13.5-16%, there are no commissions, there is the possibility of full and partial early repayment. It is more profitable to take it from Sberbank if the client has a salary card, because the interest rate will be reduced by 1% and the period during which the application will be considered will be no more than 2 hours. Annuity payments are made under the agreement. The application review period is 2 days.

There is an option in any currency to choose from: ruble, US dollar or euro. The car will be collateral with the bank until the debt is fully repaid. In case of non-repayment of the loan under the agreement, the bank has the right to take the vehicle instead of paying the debt. Reviews are good regarding interest rates, but negative ones are due to the rather long processing of the application.

Credit programs of VTB 24 and MDM Bank

VTB 24 can offer a very wide range of programs. Through the bank’s website you can send online application without leaving home, while saving your time. Age - 21-65 years, citizenship of the Russian Federation, work experience - at least 1 year, and at the last place of work - at least 3 months. Income must be at least 10,000 rubles, while in the family the income is distributed to each member and must be at least 8,000 rubles for each.

The contract is drawn up according to 2 documents. The loan amount varies from 30,000 to 6,000,000 rubles, depending on the chosen program. Interest rate - 10-18%. Depending on which car is selected, the appropriate program is selected. The first payment must be at least 10% of the cost of the car. There are no commissions, it is possible to fully partial repayment with a reduction in both the payment and the loan term. Having a CASCO policy is a prerequisite for execution of the contract.

MDM Bank may offer a car loan without a down payment. To do this, the client must satisfy the following parameters:

  • The length of service at the last place of work must be at least 6 months;
  • It is possible to have both permanent and temporary registration, provided that the period for loan agreement will be less;
  • second additional document to choose from.

The contract amount is drawn up from 100,000 to 4,000,000 rubles, for a period of up to 5 years, interest rate - from 12.5%, if available salary card bank rate is reduced by 1-1.5%. Reviews about this financial institution positive due to the privilege of the loan without a 1st installment and temporary registration.

At the Consul car dealership you can buy any car you like, regardless of its cost. This is possible thanks to current program car loans.

Buying a good modern car can seriously hit your budget, and not everyone is ready for such a decision. However, thanks to our car loan, you can get the car you want not only without a down payment, but also on the most favorable terms.

The Consul car showroom regularly holds various promotions, in which every client can participate. Within their framework, we can offer the most favorable conditions both for regular car purchases and for obtaining a loan.

Benefits of car loans

Our car dealership cooperates with more than thirty banks. Thanks to this, you can choose a car loan with the most favorable conditions. So, we can offer:

1. Wide range of down payments from 0% and above.

2. Minimum loan rate.

3. Terms from 6 months to several years.

Also at the Consul car dealership you can apply for a car loan without the need to purchase CASCO.

Due to the fact that we cooperate with a large number of banks, the chance of approving your loan is 95%. And in order to get the car of your dreams, you just need to present your passport and driver’s license, which can also confirm your identity.

In addition to car loans, you can also participate in the Trade-in system. In this case, you don’t have to think about how to sell your old car. We will take care of its sale. In return, you will receive a favorable down payment, which will be equal to the cost of the old car.

In the car lending sector, even during the years of crisis, there is a pronounced positive trend: in the second quarter of 2016, car credit sales almost doubled. About 41% of all cars (new and used) were purchased at borrowed funds.

If we use quantitative calculations, from April to June 2016, 133 thousand cars were sold on credit, which is 140% higher than the figures for the first quarter. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the total debt on loans: it also does not stand still and increases in parallel with the growth of sales. Debts in this sector have grown to 70 billion rubles, and this despite the not very high average price of credit cars (it is 640 thousand rubles).

There is only one conclusion: our population is still very far from achieving financial literacy. People haven't learned how to manage things properly family budget, cannot compare their capabilities with their desires, and are “led” to advertising by banks. The result is the inability to pay the creditor and the seizure of the vehicle that remained as collateral. But all you need to do is be able to select the most profitable car loan in terms of your own capabilities. The fact is that the choice in this case is individual: some people find it more convenient to pay more and faster, others are interested in a small monthly payment, so they are ready to take out a car loan for a long period in order to reduce the amount.

You went to a car dealership, chose a car, and immediately ran into a problem - several banks work with this institution and they all offer their own rates and terms. Which to choose? First, we would advise you to take your time and consider first of all the salon where your “native” bank is represented (after all, you probably get wages to a card of some credit institution). A condition that applies unconditionally: requirements for salary clients much more loyal. All that remains is to figure out whether the car loan conditions here are the best.

Of course, a car loan at 0% is considered the most profitable, but alas, this is impossible. The loan already implies the payment of remuneration for the provision of a vehicle practically for nothing. Even if the agreement does not indicate the percentage of overpayment, the commission will be charged at the refinancing rate in effect on the day of repayment, although this is also a utopia: the bank is not a caring husband and is not going to give away cars. The overpayment percentage is one of the most striking indicators of “profitable/unprofitable”, but in general, ideal conditions for a car loan look something like this:

  • Lowest overpayment for the entire period: this means that the program indicates minimum percentage compared to competitors' products, there are no commissions;
  • Two documents: you only need a passport and a second document – ​​usually a driver’s license;
  • An initial fee: it is not provided, but can be included at the request of the buyer;
  • Sum monthly income accepted from the client’s words: no need to go to the employer for a 2NDFL certificate;
  • CASCO: insurance for the entire term of the loan is not a mandatory condition;
  • Credit history: any, including none;
  • Deadlines: the longer the better, so that the client himself chooses what is most profitable for him.

Car loan with government support

The state does not want to remain indifferent to the fate of the domestic automobile industry. To support our manufacturers, a state car loan program was developed. Simply put, the state allocates funds from federal budget. The money is used to repay part of the loan, due to which the lender can charge car loans reduced rates, thereby making them accessible to citizens. According to the terms of the state program:

  • Only vehicles weighing no more than 3.5 tons take part in it;
  • The maximum cost of the vehicle should not exceed 1 million rubles;
  • Down payment: from 20%;
  • Interest: not higher than 2/3 of the key rate of the Central Bank (remember that today (April 2017) it is 9.75%).

Down payment: pros and cons

This indicator determines not only the amount that you will have to overpay for using the loan, but also the interest rate itself: it directly affects the FCC (the total cost of the loan). The dependence is not difficult to trace: the more you contributed own funds When drawing up an agreement, the smaller the balance, and accordingly, the less amount for overpayment will be accrued.

Most banks include a down payment of 10-30% of the cost in the list of mandatory conditions. Others use it as a tool to regulate interest rates. If you can’t deposit more than 10% of the amount on the day of application, get the car at the maximum interest rate, and vice versa, if you gave the bank part of the cost, then the interest on the balance will be minimal.

A car loan without a down payment is beneficial for those who do not have equity, and the car is needed urgently, but since the loan is overpaid and monthly payment will be high, it is very important to calculate your strengths using the “golden rule”: after all payments, “at least 60% of the family’s income should remain for living needs (with a salary of 45 thousand rubles, you can safely part with 15 thousand rubles, but not from 25-30 thousand). If you see that there is less left, it is better not to take risks.

It’s also not possible to come to a car dealership with 0 rubles in your pocket: you’ll still have to buy an MTPL insurance policy, and in some cases CASCO, and if you decide to take out a loan with state support and save on interest, then they won’t consider your application at all if you are not ready to contribute 20% of the cost of transport if approved.

Car loans without a down payment are available at HomeCredit Bank, AiMoneyBank, Loko Bank, etc.

Car loan without CASCO: is it really profitable?

There is no point in telling what CASCO is: everyone knows about the features of this type of car insurance. Some consider it very relevant for our time, others are skeptical about the product, so they prefer “not to throw money away” and do not express a desire to purchase a piece of paper that fails unnecessarily within a year, or even more.

That’s right, a car loan without CASCO will cost less, but there are still pitfalls here, and it’s not a fact that you won’t stumble over one of them.

The advantages of a loan without insurance are obvious: part of the money is intact, it can be spent on accessories. There are still more negative aspects here:

  • Increased interest rate;
  • The down payment becomes not only mandatory - its level rises significantly and in some cases reaches half the cost of the vehicle;
  • Early one-time repayment of the entire loan balance if it is stolen during the term of the agreement (the condition is not mandatory, but some lenders resort to it in order to protect themselves as much as possible from the risk of non-repayment);
  • If an accident occurs, you will spend much more to repair your car and the injured party's car at your own expense;
  • It is impossible to buy a used car on credit: more often than not, banks are ready to make concessions and not require the purchase of a policy when registering a new car.

How convincing this is is for you to judge, but in practice it turns out that the “ten” saved at the start will ultimately result in a double or even triple overpayment.

If you decide that you do not intend to overpay the bank by purchasing an insurance “add-on” along with the car, consider a cash loan as an option: buy a car for money and decide for yourself whether you will participate in motor hull insurance or not. The bank doesn't care about this anymore.

A car loan without CASCO can be obtained from UniCredit Bank, Tatfondbank, Rosbank, Credit Europe Bank, etc.

Bad credit history is not a death sentence

How many people left car dealerships on foot because they were refused? The reason is bad credit history. Alas, the bank does not care how responsibly you intend to approach repayment of the debt this time: if you had problems with this in the past, then you caused them, and it is not a fact that you will act differently now. Not all lenders are so categorical, which means you can buy a car with borrowed funds even if you have a negative credit rating.

The benefit here is that you will have access to credit funds, but only. ABOUT minimum rates, deadlines, lack of collateral and a bunch of additional certificates, don’t even dream about it. A car loan with a bad CI is issued under the following conditions:

  • High percent;
  • Very limited maximum car value;
  • Short loan period: usually no more than a year or two.

It is very likely that the purchased car will remain pledged to the bank. The lender may also require another object as collateral, the cost of which is commensurate with the price of the car, and sometimes it is necessary to bring a guarantor with an impeccable CI, so that in case of anything there is someone to ask for the unpaid balance. Be sure to prepare a down payment, take care of a certificate of income, a copy of your work record book or contract (you will have to confirm the presence of a constant and sufficient income, as well as work experience at one place of work). If you meet all the criteria, and the length of service does not reach the required 6 months, the bank may make concessions, but will ask you to indicate in the contract that you undertake not to resign from your position of your own free will within a specific period - this way the lender will have confidence that you will not lose solvency in the near future.

It is unlikely that official websites will indicate that this or that bank issues car loans to people with poor CI. Such decisions are made individually. Read reviews on our website, ask a question at specialized forum– people will respond and help you find a product that will be beneficial only for you.

To buy a new car you have to save up for several years. Buying a used car also cannot be called a cheap deal, and for some Russians even this option is still in their dreams. Due to the fact that car loans in Moscow allow you to purchase any car without exception, the ranks of capital car enthusiasts are replenished every year.

What car loans are offered in Moscow?

Let's start with the fact that you can buy a car on credit in Moscow directly at a car dealership. As a rule, car dealerships cooperate with 2-4 banks, whose representatives accept and review applications on their territory. An application submitted in this way is considered under general conditions.

  • new car loan;
  • funds for a used car;
  • program for purchasing a specific car brand;
  • new car on credit in Moscow for preferential terms with government subsidy;
  • loans for the purchase of Russian-made cars.

Car loan in Moscow - conditions and main parameters

In Russia, established requirements for individuals who applied for a loan. They vary slightly and may differ in different organizations, but in general Russian banks adhere to this list:

  • age: 18+;
  • Russian citizenship;
  • registration: permanent;
  • experience: from 4 months;
  • solvency;

In 2019, not all banks establish a requirement for registration in the area of ​​their location; registration in any region is allowed. The same applies to proof of income. Certificates in the form of a bank or employer, and pension account statements are accepted for consideration.

You can take out a car on credit in Moscow under these conditions:

  • down payment 10-50% of the cost of the car or without a down payment;
  • interest rate from 14.00%;
  • for 5 years;
  • without income certificate;
  • secured by the purchased vehicle and/or other property;
  • with bad credit history subject to security.

How to find a loan on the site?

All you need to choose a loan here is to know the amount and loan period. In addition, the car loan calculator in Moscow makes it possible (at the user’s request) to search for a loan, taking into account additional conditions.