They will give me a loan for maternity leave. My experience of obtaining a consumer loan while on maternity leave: it’s real! My story of getting a loan while on maternity leave

Hello Svetlana! Loan in maternity leave Sberbank can give it to almost anyone, however, to get approval you need to meet certain requirements.

How can I get a loan while on maternity leave from Sberbank?

There are two ways to get a loan from Sberbank during maternity leave:
  1. Hide the fact that you are on maternity leave by agreeing with the accounting department of your organization. But, like any deception, this can end in unfavorable consequences in the form of a negative credit history, troubles in the workplace and refusal from Sberbank.
  2. Directly inform the Sberbank manager about maternity leave. It is imperative to prepare documents confirming that you can pay monthly payments, ideally, provide collateral. If the loan amount from Sberbank does not exceed 100,000 rubles, your chances of getting approval will increase significantly.

You can submit an application while on maternity leave on our portal:

Most often, women on maternity leave are given a loan from Sberbank with a one-time guarantee from a spouse or other relative. Before issuing a loan, Sberbank assesses solvency.

If total income the family is enough to pay off, such a loan is given quickly and without complications. If there is only one parent (for example, a woman on maternity leave) and he urgently needs funds, then the money will be given if a deposit is provided.

Sometimes young mothers, while on maternity leave, decide to radically change their lives and start their own business. If the purpose of your loan is to open your own business, we recommend that you do not indicate this purpose when submitting your application. Business loans are one of the riskiest banking products, and the chance of getting it while on maternity leave tends to zero.

Svetlana, a woman on maternity leave will be given a loan from Sberbank. But it is given when preparing documents that will confirm that you will be able to repay the debt.

Maternity leave is a wonderful time, however, you always need more money for a child than you actually have. It’s good if the spouse can provide alone financial well-being and prosperity. And if not? If temporary serious financial difficulties have arisen, which can be solved, for example, only through borrowed money?

Is it possible to get a loan while on maternity leave? The answer is yes. Another thing is that when receiving different types of loans, their own nuances will arise. Let's look at all the options in this material.

Personal loan, credit card or cash loan

I think getting a consumer loan, that is, a loan to buy something in a store, will not be a problem. The main thing is not to specifically advertise this moment when preparing documents for a loan and that’s all. Typically, the decision to provide store credit is made within a few minutes. Exactly the same as when issuing an express loan in cash or for a small amount at a bank branch.

By promoting such loan products to the market, banks rely on the speed of processing and issuing a loan; accordingly, the requirements for both the package of documents and the documents themselves are reduced to a minimum.

Accordingly, the easiest way to take out a loan while on maternity leave is in a store or at a bank under an express loan program. There is a possibility that where a decision is made in a few minutes, they will not pay attention to your “special situation” at all, and they will not have time to check it in such a short time.

Cash loan for a large amount

But what to do if you need a loan for a large amount? It is clear that banks do not offer special loans for those who are “sitting” on maternity leave, the logic is very simple - since they are “sitting” at home, then their monthly income is small, how will they pay off the loan?

Basically, there are two options to take out a loan while on maternity leave.

Firstly, you can “hide” from the bank that you are on maternity leave. But then you need to make an agreement at work so that if the bank’s security service calls and double-checks your employment, they confirm at work that you are actually working and not babysitting.

Not very much, I must say good option. The fraud may be revealed, and then you will end up on special lists of unreliable borrowers who provide false information when filling out loan applications. And with such an entry in the databases, you can completely lose the opportunity to take out a loan from a bank; security services exchange such databases quite quickly.

Secondly, you can honestly warn about the maternity leave if the bank asks directly. In this case, you need to prepare answers to questions like “what income will you use to repay the loan,” and provide Required documents, confirming the availability of sources of income, savings, property, etc.

To be honest, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive a large amount (more than 100,000 rubles) in cash while on maternity leave. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a woman on maternity leave to get a loan for such socially important purposes as treatment of a child (or mother), educational services, etc.

The most realistic option for taking out a loan while on maternity leave is to apply for a loan for yourself while simultaneously obtaining a guarantee from your spouse, relative or friend. Here, of course, the banker will have a logical question: why shouldn’t a spouse or relative apply for a loan directly to themselves? But this question can be answered simply: “it’s convenient for us.”


As for, on the one hand, under such a program it is easier to take out a loan on maternity leave due to the fact that the bank receives good reliable collateral in the form of purchased real estate or real estate already owned by the borrower as collateral. On the other hand, the bank will still have questions regarding your solvency.

Therefore, even when obtaining a mortgage loan, it is desirable to have co-borrowers or guarantors.

By the way, as part of special lending programs for young families, some banks give financial and documentary “indulgences” to young families (and, at the birth of a child, they are even provided credit holidays), as well as single-parent families.

Car loan

With a car loan, the situation is basically the same as with a mortgage; the bank receives reliable collateral in the form of a car. However, here there is also the question of whether they will give you a loan on maternity leave; doubts about your solvency remain. So with a car loan, it is desirable to have guarantors or co-borrowers.

Loan to start your own business

I repeat once again, special programs for those who are on maternity leave, banks do not have them, you can try to get standard bank loans, in the hope that the bank will not pay attention to this when making a decision.

We previously wrote on that banks are extremely reluctant to lend to start-up entrepreneurs. Although the same Sberbank has a special one. The terms of the loan there are very friendly, the main thing is that the franchisee company is ready to cooperate with you. Well, the franchisee will definitely not pay attention to such issues as maternity leave; the commercial aspects of your future activities are more important to them.

In other banks, most likely, they will not give you targeted loan to open a business when they find out that you are on maternity leave. If you can’t get a business loan from Sberbank, it’s better to look for financing from venture funds And municipal funds small business support.

Women on maternity leave belong to a special category of citizens. On the one hand, motherhood gives them more serious social protection on the part of the state, the right to receive benefits.
On the other hand, the possibilities of young or expectant mother in terms of providing oneself with money are reduced to almost zero.

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Banks are reluctant to work with such clients because independent income the woman is not on maternity leave. What to do in this situation?

General provisions

You may need money not only for clothes or a stroller, that is, for current needs. In some cases, parents may be concerned about purchasing or improving living conditions.

In any case, a woman on maternity leave has only one option for quickly obtaining the required amount - bank loan.

Another thing is that, in fact, a young mother has one source - child care. Is this enough to get approval? loan specialist- this is the question that worries mothers on maternity leave.

The good news is that it is not in the bank’s interests to refuse a loan. However, there will be much more nuances than when issuing a loan to a woman.

What it is

Maternity leave is a fairly broad concept. This period is divided into at least three parts:

During maternity leave, the only source of income will be a benefit paid by the state. Its size depends on the amount the woman received before going on maternity leave.

A loan taken from a bank is a cash loan, which can be consumer or targeted, that is, taken under a specific program to make a clearly defined purchase (for example, a car or purchase).

If the mother of a newborn does not have the opportunity or time to save up money to make a purchase, she can contact the bank with a request to receive a particular amount.

To receive a targeted loan, the bank must be provided with relevant supporting documents.

To obtain a regular consumer loan, repayment guarantees are sufficient Money.

The service of issuing a loan is not free of charge - the bank makes money from this. That's why financial institution First of all, it seeks to minimize its risks of non-return of issued funds.

It is this point that complicates the issuance of loans to women on maternity leave. Child benefit is not income, but a social benefit.

Parents should spend it only to provide for the needs of the child. It is not entirely legal to repay a loan at the expense of social welfare.

Citizens who do not have a regular source of income are not considered priority clients. It doesn’t matter that before going on maternity leave the young mother earned good money.

At the time of applying for a loan, she does not receive a salary, which means there is no guarantee of money back.

Who falls under the category

Thus, the solvency of the young mother is in question. The bank’s risks in this case increase significantly compared to solvent, employed citizens.

Therefore, it is much easier to get a loan for a working husband or a woman who has given birth than for herself.

Where to contact

Where can I get borrowed money? To get a loan, you can contact any financial institution in the city.

It is mandatory to involve guarantors and co-borrowers. This is one of the requirements that the bank sets to reduce its own financial risks.

If a woman is on maternity leave, you can take advantage of the following preferential options to improve your living conditions:

Indicators Description
Login to the “Young Family” program under which, at the birth of a child, a deferment on the loan is provided for the duration of maternity leave, as well as reduced interest rates when applying for a targeted loan
At the birth of a second child the family can use it to pay off the principal debt or as a down payment on the purchase of a home
Single women with official status as single mothers can try to become participants in the Affordable Housing for Young People program if they are under 35 years of age. A mother on maternity leave can receive a subsidy from the state in the amount of 40 percent of the cost of social housing when purchasing it with a mortgage

There are other options, which may vary depending on the region and the specific bank.

If a mother on maternity leave plans to get a mortgage loan, she should contact the credit departments of those banks that operate in her city and get expert advice.

It is unlikely that a woman will be able to get mortgage independently, but with the involvement of co-borrowers and if there are additional sources of income, this is a valid option.

Existing alternative

If the bank refuses to issue a loan to a young mother consumer loan, it has alternative options:

Usage decision alternative options should be taken as a last resort, when all opportunities to obtain official bank approval have been exhausted.

Registration procedure

To apply for a consumer loan, a woman on maternity leave needs to go through the standard procedure. It is provided for all categories of borrowers and differs according to the purpose of the loan.

What does the procedure for obtaining a consumer loan include:

If the bank does not see anything dangerous in providing the client the required amount money, after the application is approved, all that remains is to receive the money on the card or in cash through the bank operator.

The procedure is not difficult for a young mother.

Required documents

To confirm your identity, sometimes to receive a small amount without cash (for example, in a store when purchasing a product), just two documents are enough:

Moreover, often a loan is provided only on the main passport. This is an ideal option in which the bank does not require confirmation of the applicant’s solvency.

The only thing that may be needed to provide a loan is the telephone number of colleagues to establish the official place of employment or relatives for additional guarantee.

If we are talking about a larger amount of money in cash, then you will have to either prove solvency or present evidence that the young mother has additional sources of income, savings or liquid property:


Banks issue loans to young mothers at very high interest rates. Depending on the term and amount, they can reach 50 or even 70 percent, which is a very high figure.

If the loan amount is small, and the bank is not interested in confirming the financial wealth of the young mother, she can count on at least a 20 percent overpayment.

The term for which the loan is issued ranges from several months to five years. As a rule, the amount is divided into 12-24 months, if we are talking about standard line of credit by bank card.

Video: is it worth taking a loan?

Main nuances

The easiest option in which an officially employed woman can get a bank loan without any problems is to submit an application a few weeks before going on maternity leave.

During this period, it is possible to confirm income, which will suit the bank, reduce interest rate and will provide positive decision on the issue. It is not at all necessary to inform the bank that a woman will soon become a mother.

What else can you do:

Another question is how to pay a loan while on maternity leave. If the amount was taken before going on maternity leave, you can re-read the terms of the contract.

They may contain a footnote about deferred payment. If it is not there, then you can contact the bank with a request to revise the payment terms and grant a deferment for six months.

What is regulated

The issuance of consumer loans is regulated by Federal Law:

Issue mortgage loans regulated by Federal Law:

Number Description

A new addition to the family is a great joy for all its members. But, unfortunately, this is not only joy, but also significant financial expenses. Many people understand that after the birth of a small child, new items for expenses appear in the budget. In addition, it may happen that money will be needed to furnish the baby’s room or for essentials, such as a stroller, crib, diapers, etc.

In fact, a woman on maternity leave is no different from an ordinary borrower. In reality, everything happens somewhat differently. Firstly, while on maternity leave, a woman receives only benefits, which are much less than her usual salary. Secondly, after the end of maternity leave, it is not known what the job situation will be, so the woman’s solvency is in question.

The ideal solution would be to take out a loan for your husband or parents. But what to do if a woman cannot hope for outside help? How to apply for a loan while on maternity leave?

Options for obtaining a consumer loan

There is always a way out. There are several solutions to situations.

  • The first option is to take out a loan in advance or a pre-approved loan. It is no secret that many banks approve a loan without the client’s knowledge and send a notification about it. If you wish, you can go and apply for it at any time before the offer expires. Such offers are especially often received for Sberbank clients.
  • The second option for the development of events is to take out a loan during maternity leave, if the amount of the benefit is worthy, or take a loan against collateral. Here it is important to correctly calculate your income and strength. And if you are a participant salary project, then the process of obtaining a loan is further simplified.
  • The third option is the easiest to implement - a credit card. Getting a credit card is much easier than getting a consumer loan. Especially if we are not talking about cosmic sums, but real ones, for example, 50 thousand rubles. This type of credit card can only be issued using a passport. There will be especially good conditions if you have been a client of the bank for a long time and have good credit history.
  • The fourth method is similar to the second and involves taking out a consumer loan, but with a guarantee. Moreover, it is better if the guarantor is a person with an impeccable history and a long-time client of the bank. And if your spouse turns out to be such a person, then it’s just perfect.

It should be noted that getting a loan for a woman while on maternity leave is not so easy due to her low solvency. After all, it’s no secret that our maternity benefits are much less salary. If you need a loan, it is possible to get it, but it is not easy.

In addition to applying for a consumer loan, you can apply for a car loan and a mortgage.


A mortgage loan, on the one hand, is beneficial to the bank, because the purchased housing will be secured by the bank. However, no one canceled the same unconfirmed solvency. It is also better to take out a mortgage with a guarantee.

Car loan

The situation with a car loan is the same as with a mortgage. On the one hand, the car pledge, on the other, solvency. To push the bank to make a decision in your favor, you should choose a car that is not expensive and take out a loan for a long period, say, 5 years. Here it will already be clear that you will repay the loan in full while you are at work and not on maternity leave.

In general, the situation for women on maternity leave is quite precarious, because... there are no special conditions or shares for them. You just have to operate with facts and hope that the decree will not become a decisive factor.

Hello, dear blog visitors. If you decide to look at this page, most likely you are interested in any questions related to maternity leave - a period that is, of course, incredibly important for every woman. This topic is in great demand, so I systematically consider various problems related to it. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to take out a loan while on maternity leave.

From this article you will learn:

Loans for various purposes are a very common phenomenon today. It came to us from the West.

For example, the vast majority of Americans choose to take out loans when they are young for housing, furniture, cars, and education, and then pay off the bills until retirement age.

This allows you to “live in the present” without postponing important and significant purchases for the future and providing yourself with a decent standard of living. Payments there, as a rule, are calculated for a long period and, if you have a permanent job, are not something overly burdensome.

In our country, loans have also become widespread. We actively practice issuing mortgage and consumer loans, microloans, car loans, and so on. Some people use a credit card on a regular basis when there is not enough money to make it to payday, others take out loans only for urgent needs such as surgery or purchasing a car after losing their old vehicle. But the fact remains: loans are needed.

Another question is that not all categories of citizens can count on receiving them. If a person has a reliable and stable job, high wage, and his credit history is not spoiled by any dubious incidents, most likely, any bank will be ready to issue a loan for him, since in this case the client’s reliability does not raise any doubts.

It is much more difficult in this regard for students, pensioners and the unemployed - in a word, for those who are more likely to need a loan due to a lack of funds. Banks often refuse them. Those who may have problems obtaining a loan include women who are on maternity leave.

This is, in general, logical, because a mother, focused on caring for her baby, most often does not have a fixed source of income, which means it is not at all a fact that she will be able to pay the loan on time. But situations are different, what should a woman who is on maternity leave do if she needs money urgently?

Why does a mother on maternity leave take out a loan?

A child is an insane amount of expenses, and a woman who knows firsthand what maternity leave is will agree with this. A newborn baby needs a “dowry” - a crib, bedding, an envelope, diapers, clothes, a stroller, a changing table, a sterilizer and much more. Costs are somewhat reduced if the child is breastfed, but very often the mother does not have the opportunity to provide the baby with natural nutrition, and she has to buy artificial formula for him, which is very, very expensive.

As the child grows up (and children grow very quickly!), he needs new clothes, shoes, educational toys, medicines, diapers and other things, the list of which even the most exemplary mother may not be able to list right off the bat. When there is a child in the house, many families cannot do without a car, since they do not live in the most convenient place. To purchase a vehicle, you often take out a car loan. Also, in connection with the replenishment, many decide to improve living conditions and take out mortgage loans.

Of course, you can always get a loan from a bank for the child’s father - if he has stable income, and he supports his family, the banks will probably be more favorable, and the application may receive a positive verdict, but some mothers raise children alone and can only rely on themselves. This is why it is so important that a woman on maternity leave also has the opportunity to take out a loan and provide for the current needs for herself and her child.

A loan on maternity leave may not be the best option solve current financial difficulties, but sometimes this cannot be avoided.

Of course, when a woman goes on maternity leave, she receives certain payments, and at work, as a rule, they inform you, but you can’t count on them alone.

Can I count on a loan during maternity leave?

So, a young mother urgently needs money. It doesn’t matter what, but she can only get them from the bank. Should she expect that her hopes of taking out a loan will come true? How much money can the bank give her? For how long?

The answers to all these questions are strictly individual in nature and largely depend on the bank to which the woman applies. Formally, a lady on maternity leave is no different from an ordinary average borrower, but in practice the situation is somewhat different.

It doesn’t matter what her earnings were before maternity leave - after all, she is currently “stuck” at home, does not receive a salary, the only fixed source of income is a penny child care allowance, and the woman is simply not able to confirm her solvency. Therefore, the likelihood that the loan will be approved decreases sharply. In any case, it’s worth trying to get it, and if one bank refuses a loan, then another, quite possibly, will give it.

The bank’s verdict may be influenced by a certificate about the movement of funds in the woman’s bank account, the presence of guarantors and movable and real estate, age, credit history and other nuances. Based on all of the above, bank employees will calculate credit rate and the period during which the loan will need to be repaid.

There are several types of loans, and if you need to take out a loan while on maternity leave, you can choose the one that best suits your needs and will not cause much damage to your wallet. Let's look at these varieties in more detail.

Credit card

Today almost everything large banks provide their clients with the opportunity to use a credit card - this simplest option lending in cases where the borrower requires small amount for a short time.

This is very beneficial, because grace period, which most banks offer, you can safely deposit the missing amount onto the card and avoid overpaying interest. Moreover, there is intense competition between banks, so they attract customers by announcing free service in the first year of using the card and other bonuses.

Such a card can be topped up either through an ATM or cash register, or online, without leaving home, which is very beneficial for the mother, who does not always have the opportunity to leave the child and do some things outside the home. You can get a credit card at a bank office by first writing a corresponding application and waiting for confirmation of the application.

Credit cards certainly have their downsides. For example, “grabbing money before payday” can turn into a bad habit, and every month you will have to put the missing amount on the card, spending it again when the money runs out. This is lengthy, and repayment of the loan may take longer, but, of course, if you control your spending and use your credit card wisely, this problem can be avoided. The remaining disadvantages are that credit cards often have quite high fees. high percent, A credit limit minimum is provided.

It is very profitable to get a credit card not on maternity leave, but before it. Credit manager will see that you have a stable salary, and there are chances that you will receive attractive conditions - more low percentage on a loan and a high credit limit.

Consumer loans

If your credit card isn't enough to cover your expenses, or you're worried about the interest rate being too high, you should turn to the next option – consumer loan. Getting a consumer loan from a bank is quite simple, especially if we are talking about a relatively small amount.

The easiest way is to take out such a loan in a store, for example, if you are purchasing furniture for a baby, a stroller or other accessories he needs. Large stores employ bank representatives who specialize in issuing loans, and processing (including drawing up an application and its approval) takes little time.

The loan rate here is also quite high, but usually lower than in the case of credit cards . An income certificate is almost never needed; one passport is enough. Paying for purchases this way is quite simple, the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you risk ruining your credit history. You don’t even have to tell them that you’re on maternity leave—most likely, they won’t even ask you about it. After successfully applying for a loan, all that remains is to deposit money into the account every month, gradually closing the debt.

If you need a large amount of cash, getting it will be much more difficult. The bank will require not only a passport, but also a 2NDFL certificate, which reflects income individual over the past 3 years. It is unlikely that a mother on maternity leave will be given a loan, the amount of which exceeds 100 thousand rubles. Most likely, additional guarantees will be needed - guarantors or property pledge. In addition, if there are additional risks, be prepared that the bank issues loans at a higher interest rate.

Car loan

When there is a child in a family, a car is needed like air, because... public transport You won’t get much rides with a baby, and taxi drivers are either reluctant to take passengers with children or do not have child seats, without which the transportation of small passengers in the car is prohibited. Therefore, the best solution is to purchase your own car..

It is not always possible to buy it for cash, so many who want to acquire an “iron horse” resort to car loans. Since competition in this area has reached unprecedented heights, most likely the bank will not be embarrassed by the desire of a mother on maternity leave to take out such a loan. Experience shows that women on parental leave are quite successfully given car loans, and banks very often do not require any proof of income or compliance with other formalities.

The car is pledged for the entire time during which the loan is repaid, so the risks financial organization are kept to a minimum. In addition, clients often purchase an additional car insurance policy to avoid unpleasant accidents and unnecessary risks.

Such a loan will be expensive, especially if you also take into account insurance, and it would be best to find money for it before applying for it. an initial fee. Otherwise, the amount you will have to pay is it will turn out really huge, and such expenses are poorly compatible with maternity leave.


When there is an addition to a family, in many cases it turns out that it needs to “expand” - change housing to a more suitable one. And because of this, it is now very popular mortgage credit lending. ? It will be difficult for a mother on maternity leave to get it, but if you involve co-borrowers and guarantors in the matter, you can achieve what you want in this matter.

In addition, there is various programs, allowing you to get a mortgage and close it on more favorable terms than the majority of clients. This maternal capital, the Young Family program, as well as various regional programs.

How to pay off a loan faster while on maternity leave?

Of course, a loan is always a burden, especially if a woman is on maternity leave, is forced to constantly take care of a child whom she is raising alone, and does not have the opportunity to return to work in order to receive normal money. Benefits and payments solve the problem only partially; not everyone can count on the help of wealthier relatives. How to survive on maternity leave with loans?

A great option is to find a job. Some believe that this is unrealistic with a small child in your arms, and you will have to wait at least until the moment when the baby can be sent to kindergarten. However, it is not. There are many worthy options that allow them to provide themselves with a stable income. Please note the following options:

  • copywriter;
  • nanny;
  • manicurist, pedicurist, hairdresser, etc. (at home);
  • Call center operator;
  • online consultant;
  • tutor;
  • joint procurement organizer
  • etc.

You can also turn to sites that specialize in student work, translations, visit freelance exchanges, become an employee of an online newspaper, or choose any other option for working from home. This will make paying off the loan much easier.

In addition, an excellent option is one that will allow you to master a new profitable profession.

So, dear readers, as you can see, there are a lot of options for taking out a loan during your maternity leave, however, they do not always have favorable conditions and may suit you. In any case, you should look for the option that seems most optimal and will not drive you into long-term bondage unless absolutely necessary.

There are banks that are willing to accommodate women on maternity leave, and the main thing is to find the one that suits you. In addition, working part-time while on maternity leave can be a great help in repaying the loan, or even help you get by without it. The main thing is to choose a business that you like and that will not cause you unnecessary trouble. What if after this you don’t want to return to your old job at all?

I can say with confidence that the topic of lending that women on maternity leave can count on is certainly one of the most pressing and painful. I hope that it will help some of you, dear readers, solve the existing problem and decide whether it is worth taking out a loan, or whether it is better to resort to some other methods of resolving a difficult situation.
In the future, we will certainly study other issues that may be relevant for mothers on maternity leave - in such a situation, it is extremely important to know your rights and opportunities!

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