How much maternity money is given in. How much do they pay on maternity leave? How to calculate maternity benefits, maternity benefits

The maternity benefit calculator is designed to quickly calculate maternity benefits.

When specifying the amount of income for the billing years, separately enter the amount for each year. If you had disabled days during these two years, then indicate their number.

Calculation of maternity leave in 2019

First of all, when you independently calculate sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, you must calculate the average daily earnings. To do this, you need to sum up the earnings for two calendar years, and then divide the amount received by 730 (731 or 732 - if leap years are included in the calculation). But, keep in mind, when calculating the maternity allowance, you should exclude disabled days of the following periods if they were present in two years:

  • maternity leave
  • Holiday to care for the child
  • temporary disability
  • paid days off to care for a disabled child
  • release of the employee from labor activity with the preservation of a partial or full salary.

SDZ \u003d (SZ1 + SZ2): (730 - ND)

SDZ- average daily income

SZ1 and SZ2- the amount of earnings for the first and second accounting year

ND- non-working days

The average daily earnings received cannot be less than the minimum wage established on January 1, 2019, which is calculated from the minimum wage, namely 370.85 rubles. If you got less, count 370.85 rubles each. The maximum average daily earnings in 2019 is 2,150.68 rubles, if 2017 and 2018 are used in the calculations. If you got more, consider the allowance for 2,150.68 rubles.

Now multiply the received average daily earnings by the number of days of maternity leave:

  • Conventional delivery - 140 days
  • Complicated delivery - 156 days
  • Multiple pregnancy - 194 days

DP \u003d SDZ * DDO

DP- maternity allowance

DDO- days of maternity leave

In addition to the maternity allowance, there are also other mandatory payments that have changed since January 1, 2018:

  • Lump-sum allowance for women registered before the 12th week of pregnancy - 628.47 rubles;
  • Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth - from 51,919 to 417,233.86 rubles;
  • One-time allowance at the birth of a child - 16,759.08 rubles;
  • Monthly allowance for the period of maternity leave - from 3,142.33 to 24,536.57 rubles monthly;
  • Maternity capital in 2019 will remain at the same level - 453,026 rubles.

Often women are not even interested in what benefits they should receive before the birth of the baby and after it is born. Maternity leave payments are usually calculated in the accounting department, but you need to familiarize yourself with some rules in order to verify their compliance with legal requirements.

Early referral to a doctor

This is a very modest amount that is accrued and paid along with the rest of the money for the fact that a woman is registered with a antenatal clinic before the fetus is 12 weeks old.

This is done in order to encourage expectant mothers to be more attentive to their health and the condition of the baby. Since it is at this time that it is already possible to identify some developmental anomalies and have time to take the necessary measures.

To receive this payment, you need an application, a copy of the page of the work book with the last place of work, a certificate from a gynecologist confirming the early setting, a certificate from the employment center, if future mom temporarily not working. You may need confirmation from the authorities social protection population of the fact that no such benefit was received in the current year.

The amount of payment in 2017 amounted to 614 rubles. But every year this amount is indexed. Of course, it's not much, but it's still nice.

One-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth

It is also called maternity leave. As a rule, a woman's period of incapacity for work is paid 70 days before the expected date of the baby's birth and the same period after. But there are exceptions here:

  1. Complicated births (by caesarean section) suggest an increase in the sick leave period by 16 days.
  2. If more than one child is to be born in the family, another 14 days are added before their appearance, and after - 40. Thus, almost 28 weeks will be obtained.

According to the law, payments are formed based on the average salary of the mother for the last two years. To receive maternity leave, a working woman must apply to the accounting department of the organization with a statement and sick leave, which the gynecologist gives her from 30 weeks of pregnancy.

If for some reason it was not possible to issue this payment on time, do not despair. You can contact the place of work at any time before 70 days have passed since the birth.

The company is obliged to pay maternity money within 10 days from the date of submission of documents. But often this rule is neglected. Some organizations issue money only after the employee returns to work, while others time the transfer of funds to the date of the salary of all employees. Both of these are against the law.

It should be noted that only the mother is entitled to this allowance. If she was unemployed at the time of pregnancy, then she will still receive money from the state, but in a very modest amount.

One-time payment at the birth of a child

This allowance is another form of support for parents. It is fixed and does not depend on income. In 2017, it amounted to 16353.33 rubles. This payment can also be issued to the father of the child at the place of work. You will need a birth certificate, a certificate from the organization of the second parent that he has not yet received this money, and an application.

You must apply for this form of social support within six months of the baby's birth. It is not necessary to go somewhere in person, you can send everything by regular letter or e-mail to the company where my mother worked. The transfer of money is made within 10 days from the date of receipt of all supporting documents.

In urgent cases, the terms for receiving this benefit are extended:

  • natural disasters;
  • long-term treatment of the mother after a difficult birth;
  • change of residence;
  • delay in the issuance of a certificate by the employer.

Also, if the parents are far from the place of employment after the replenishment of the family, you can apply with a package of documents to the Multifunctional Center.

Allowance for the care of a child up to one and a half years

These payments are assigned in the amount of 40% of the average earnings of the person who will take care of the baby. It can be not only mom, but also dad. There are minimum size restrictions. For the first child, at least 3065.69 rubles should be paid monthly from the moment he reaches the age of two months. On the second and next - 6131.37.

Additional Information

Expectant mothers need to know the following nuances of calculating benefits:

  • When several children are born, the funds for early placement, for the birth of babies and for their care are multiplied by the number of newborns.
  • If the mother did not work during pregnancy, the money will be paid to her by the social assistance service. But she will not be entitled to paid parental leave.
  • You can sit with a child even after 1.5 years, but in this case the allowance will be symbolic - only 50 rubles.

Maternity leave is a social leave that includes part of a certain period of pregnancy and the time after childbirth. Conventionally, it is divided into two parts: 70 days before childbirth and 70 days - the postpartum period, subject to the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. On the sick leave, maternity leave is not divided into parts, writing it out for all 140 days.

Payments are made in the next salary. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to predict the exact date of birth.

Date of departure and term of maternity leave according to legislation

The legislation does not contain the term "maternity leave", as it is called in the old fashioned way. Maternity leave is named after the document “Decree on the payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth”, according to which this benefit began to be paid since 1917. Correctly this period is called - maternity leave. Terms of social leave regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006 (Chapter 3).

In the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, the total number of vacation days should not exceed 140 days. In this case, the figure before and after childbirth can be changed up or down while maintaining the total number of days. The date of departure for this social leave is the date of issue of the maternity leave. Based on this document, an allowance will be calculated.

According to the legislation, the period of social leave can be extended in such cases:

  • if pregnancy and childbirth are complicated, for example, a caesarean section was performed (total number - 156 days);
  • multiple pregnancies (two babies or more) were detected before delivery - a total of 194 days;
  • 2 or more babies were born without detection of multiple pregnancy - only 194 days;
  • adopted 2 or more newborns under the age of 3 months.

The sick leave is issued from the 30th week of pregnancy in the standard case, from the 28th week - in case of multiple pregnancy. But the exact date of issue of the sick leave depends on several factors: the expected date of birth according to the first ultrasound (12 weeks), the second ultrasound (20-21 weeks) and the gestational age by menstruation are taken into account. All three dates may not coincide, the average value is displayed.

The procedure for calculating maternity leave in 2019

According to the law, maternity sick leave is provided not only for pregnant women, but also for adoptive parents of children up to three months old. The adopter receives a sick leave from the moment of adoption for the remaining number of days. The allowance is paid according to the document in full, without reference to the length of service. For the calculation, the amount of income for 2 years from the date of issue of the document is used.

It should be remembered that pregnant women who do not have official work, do not study at the day department educational institution and are not registered with the employment center, Decree does not provide benefits. In these cases, in order to receive payments, it is necessary to submit a maternity hospital certificate from the employment center or from the place of study to the maternity leave. The allowance can be issued either from the moment the sheet is issued, or after childbirth, but only within six months after the date of childbirth, not later.

When calculating payments, the wage limit of the corresponding billing period, established by law, must be taken into account. The minimum and maximum allowable size is checked. If the income of the maternity leaver for the entire month of work is less than the allowable amount, the minimum wage rate is taken into account, if it is higher, the maximum allowable amount. In 2016, the limit limit for the year was 670 thousand rubles, in 2017 - 755 thousand rubles, in 2018 - 815 thousand rubles

You can reduce the period of the decree only at your own request. Maternity leave may be reduced according to the law only in certain cases:

  • if the child died before the age of 6 days;
  • if the pregnancy was terminated for medical reasons during the maternity leave.

In this case, it is necessary to leave part of the period for recovery, the minimum period is 3 days. The used part of the vacation is not taken into account.

If during the period of validity of the maternity hospital employee works, then for the entire period of work will be accrued wage. The allowance is paid for the remaining days of the decree from the date of the actual execution of the decree upon application. If the amount of income in terms of a full working month is less than the minimum wage, the payment is calculated from the amount of the minimum wage, which in 2019 is 11 280 rubles.

If the maternity leave is with a child up to 1.5-3 years old when applying for sick leave, then this period is not included in the calculation. The employee has the right, upon application, to replace it with other years at his own discretion. If the income was lower than allowed, the minimum wage is used, and benefits up to 1.5 years during this period are paid in a fixed amount.

Algorithm for calculating maternity payments

First, income is calculated (total amount with bonuses, allowances and other payments) for the previous two years from the date of issue of the decree, for example, the period from October 15, 2017 to October 14, 2018.

Received number Divisible by 730 days in a normal year, by 731 in a leap year. At the same time, in this period, the following are omitted:

  • non-working period;
  • periods of sick leave;
  • absenteeism and time off;
  • tariff holidays;
  • periods without pay;
  • periods when earnings are not paid in full or at an average value.

If there are such periods, the remaining number of days is taken into account, for example, 530 or 100. We received an average income for 1 day.

This amount is multiplied by the number of days of the decree. The calculation includes all days from social leave.

The formula for calculating the maternity allowance for the minimum wage:

Minimum wage = minimum wage × 24:730, Where

  • Minimum wage - the minimum rate, taking into account all regional coefficients and allowances on the date of issue of the sheet;
  • 24 is the number of months in the given period;
  • 730 is the number of days in a given period (731 is for a leap year).

For 2019, the minimum will be 51,918.90 rubles. Calculation: (11280 x 24) / 730 x 140

In case of complications and the birth of several children without prior medical establishment of a multiple pregnancy, the sick leave consists of two parts: the first part is standard, issued for 140 days, and the second, additional, for the rest in accordance with the law. The billing period is the same. The total amount of the allowance for the two documents must correspond to the above.

Examples of registration and calculation of the decree in non-standard cases

  1. Calculation of benefits in the case when the annual income is more than the limit. If maternity leave is issued from 01/01/2019 and in the subsequent period, the maximum allowable amount of benefits for the past 2 years is calculated as follows, the maximum income per day is: (755,000 + 815,000) / 730 = 2150.68 rubles This maximum amount SDZ for calculation in 2019.
  2. Calculation of benefits when the maternity leaver continues to work. The decision was made due to the fact that the income will be higher than the amount of the allowance. Decree sick leave issued from September 1, 2019. The employee wrote a statement according to which he continues to work from September 1, 2019 to October 15, 2019. For 45 days of work, wages are paid according to the load. Sick leave is paid for the remaining period of 95 days. Maximum size sick leave in 2019 (in case of payment from 100% of average earnings) is 2150.68 rubles for 1 day on sick leave. ((755,000 +815,000) / 730). 2150.68 x 95 = 204314.60 rubles.
  3. If the decree is a part-time job, income is taken into account from each enterprise. To do this, at the main place, you must submit certificates of earnings from each company and a document confirming that payments were not made in other companies. The amount of payments is calculated taking into account the maximum limit.
  4. If a part-time employee draws up a decree in 2019, and during 2018-2017 he worked in the same place where he is now, the allowance is issued separately in each company. To do this, you need to submit the original sick leave to each organization. You can also receive payments in one of the organizations of your choice, if you have certificates of earnings from other places.
  5. If the maternity leave works at the first place of work for less than 6 months, while the insurance period is equal to the period of work, the maternity sick leave is calculated based on the minimum wage rate.

Video about the calculation of maternity

On the video - advice from a lawyer on the design and calculation of maternity leave.

The decree is without a doubt a great time when we have the opportunity to take a break from work and devote ourselves to motherhood. A career can wait, don't worry. Moreover, even with a small child, you can always find time for your favorite activities, if you know.

Today we will talk with you about the sore - in 2019, because financial question With the birth of a baby, it becomes even more relevant. Therefore, it is important to study in more detail the benefits that you rely on from the state. Read about what documents are needed to draw up a decree.

Maternity allowances are divided into two parts - maternity allowance and monthly payment for child care. In the first case, the period for which the allowance is accrued is, as a rule, 140 days (if the woman is pregnant with one baby, and her childbirth takes place without complications).

If the pregnancy is multiple, the B&R leave is increased by 14 days, with delivery by caesarean section - by another 16 days, and with the birth of two or more children - by 40 days. As soon as the first part of the decree ends, parental leave will take effect, which first lasts up to 1.5 years, and then, if necessary, is extended up to 3 years. True, the allowance for caring for a baby is currently received on my mother's card only up to a year and a half.

Are you at 28 (for multiple pregnancies) or 30 weeks? I congratulate you with all my heart on the beginning of a full-fledged decree! Now you should take care to get to the maximum all the entitlement benefits, which are reflected in articles 225 and 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Very often, expectant mothers ask themselves the question: “When you go on maternity leave, what benefits do I have?” or “What payments does the employer make when going on maternity leave in 2019?”.

To get started, arrange the first part of the leave - for pregnancy and childbirth. Contact your gynecologist for a sick leave, which should be taken to the accounting or human resources department so that the employer pays you lump sum according to BiR.

In addition, if you are registered in the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks, the gynecologist observing you must also issue you a certificate of this to provide at work. For this, you will receive a small but pleasant bonus from the state - a one-time payment for early registration, which in 2019 is 649 rubles 84 kopecks

After giving birth, you need to apply to your employer for a one-time allowance on the occasion of the birth of your baby, which, from February 1 of this year, is 17 479 rubles 73 kop. If you have several children born at once, then you will receive such a payment for each of them.

Well, as soon as your maternity leave ends, you will be credited with a monthly childcare payment, the amount of which varies depending on different situations, which will be discussed in detail in the article. In addition, you should keep in mind that sometimes on the occasion of the birth of a baby, you can receive an additional bonus from the enterprise and / or financial assistance, the amount of which is specified in the Collective Agreement.

Maternity payments in 2019: minimum amount and maximum amount

The minimum amount of maternity payments is calculated based on the fact that minimum wage in 2019 became equal 11 280 rubles. Therefore, the smallest amount of the lump-sum benefit for pregnancy and childbirth is now:

  • 51 918 rubles 90 kopecks- with normal childbirth (140 days);
  • 57,852 rubles 60 kopecks- in complicated childbirth by caesarean section (156 days);
  • 71 944 rubles 90 kop.- with multiple pregnancy (194 days).

The minimum monthly payment for child care must be this year 4 512 rubles for the 1st And 6 554 rubles 89 kop. for the 2nd and each subsequent baby.

The maximum amount of maternity benefits is calculated based on the average earnings for the previous two years, minus sick days. Thus, the maximum amount of the BiR benefit is equal, depending on the duration of the vacation:

  • 301,092 rubles 20 kop.– 140 days;
  • 335,506 rubles 08 kop.- 156 days;
  • 417,231 rubles 92 kopecks- 194 days.

The maximum monthly payment for child care is now 26 152 rubles 33 kop. for every baby.

Minimum maternity pay for the first, second and third child

If you have worked for less than two years, worked unofficially or received a “gray” salary, then you will receive the minimum wage on maternity leave.

So, in 2019, for the first child, the smallest lump-sum payment for pregnancy and childbirth is 51,918 rubles 90 kopecks. In this case, the baby care allowance will be assigned in the amount of 4,512 rubles every month.

For the second baby, the amount of the minimum maternity allowance for BiR this year is also equal to 51,918 rubles 90 kopecks, if you have a natural birth without complications (surgical intervention). In this case, you will receive a monthly payment for child care in the amount of 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks.

For the third crumb minimum amount maternity benefits is the same as in the case of the second baby. If his birth is planned not this year, then the amount of payments will be increased in accordance with the current minimum wage level at that time.

How to calculate the amount of maternity payments in 2019 without an online calculator?

To correctly calculate the amount of benefits you are entitled to, you need to know your average daily earnings for the last two years. This can easily be done without an online calculator, which many sites like to brag about so much (by the way, you can also find it on the official FSS portal).

To do this, subtract from the total salary for the last two years cash received on sick leave, and divide the rest by 730 or 731 days (if one billing year was a leap year), not including sick days.

To calculate how much of the lump sum maternity benefit you are entitled to, the average daily earnings must be multiplied by 140, 156 or 194, depending on the number of days according to your sick leave.

The amount of the monthly payment for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old can be obtained if the amount of your income at work per day is multiplied by 30.4 and by a factor of 0.4.

For non-working mothers and those with less than 6 months of experience, maternity benefits will be calculated on the basis of the minimum wage, which in 2019, let me remind you, is 11,280 rubles.

How can working mothers calculate the amount of benefits for the first child?

When a baby is about to appear in your family for the first time, even before going on maternity leave, you can independently calculate how much the employer will pay you. To do this, as we have already said, we first calculate our average daily income for the previous two years.

Let's say that in 2017 you earned 300,000 rubles, of which 10,000 rubles is payment for 14 days on sick leave. And in 2018, your income amounted to 400,000 rubles without a single sick leave. Thus, first we consider your total earnings for two years without sick leave: 300,000 + 400,000 - 10,000 = 690,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate the number of days for two years without sick leave: 730 - 14 = 716. Next, we calculate the average daily income for 2017 and 2018: 690,000 / 716 = 963 rubles 60 kopecks. In the case of a one-time maternity payment for BiR without complicated childbirth 963.6 * 140, we get 134,904 rubles. Calculating the amount of the monthly allowance for caring for a baby up to one and a half years old, 963.6 * 30.4 * 0.4, and we get approximately 11,717 rubles.

In addition, at the direction of the President of Russia V.V. Putin, if your first child was born no earlier than January 1, 2018, and the total family income is less than one and a half times living wage, you are entitled to receive a monthly state payment in the amount of 11,522 rubles.

What payments are due to a working mother in 2019 for the second and third child?

To find out what benefits you, as a working mother, are entitled to for a second or third child, first you need to calculate the main ones - a lump sum payment for BiR and a monthly amount for caring for a baby up to one and a half years. How to do this was discussed in detail in the previous parts of the article.

Let me just remind you that the minimum wage for the 2nd and 3rd baby will be 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks. per month. The maximum payments for caring for a baby can only be received by those who had a high white salary. In 2019, it is 26,152 rubles 33 kopecks.

Until the age of 3, only mothers with many children can count on the payment of benefits in the amount of the subsistence minimum (each region has its own). In addition, at the birth of a third baby, a woman has the right to apply for a land plot and a one-time regional payment.

For the second crumb, a woman receives a certificate for maternity (family) capital, which this year is 453 026 rubles(not indexed since 2016). By the way, since 2018, at the birth of the 2nd or 3rd baby, you have the right to receive monthly allowance from his mother's capital.

Moreover, if you have a mortgage or plan to build your own home, you have the right to refinance an existing loan or take a new one at a rate of only 6% within federal program Family Mortgage. Preferential loan can be used when buying from legal entity apartments in the primary real estate market.

The amount of the allowance in the decree for the first child for a non-working mother

For non-working pregnant women, the state does not pay sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, even in minimum size. Thus, an unemployed mother receives from social security only a one-time payment at the birth of a child, which in 2019 is 17,479 rubles 73 kopecks, as well as the minimum monthly allowance for caring for a baby (4,512 rubles).

Also, non-working mothers can count on a monthly payment on the occasion of the birth of their first child from January 1, 2018, if your spouse does not officially earn more than one and a half times the subsistence level.

To do this, you or your husband need to contact the social security at the place of residence with a package of documents, which must contain:

  • baby's birth certificate
  • document on registration or dissolution of marriage
  • proof of residency
  • certificates of income of both spouses for the last 12 months.

What payments are due in 2019 for the second and third child for a non-working mother?

If you are unemployed, then at the birth of the 2nd or 3rd baby, you will without fail receive a lump sum payment in the amount of 17,479 rubles 73 kopecks. for every crumb. In addition, from social security you will receive monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years in the amount of 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks.

For the second baby, regardless of your employment, you will be issued a certificate for maternity (family) capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles, from which you can arrange a monthly payment for yourself. In addition, you get the right to participate in the state program "Family Mortgage" by issuing a loan at a rate of only 6%.

For non-working mothers, at the birth of a third child in 2019, they also rely land plot, a one-time regional payment, as well as the right to participate in the Family Mortgage program.

In addition, you will receive a monthly allowance from Social Security for up to three years in the amount of the living wage established in your region. If you have not yet spent the funds from the federal capital, then in addition to all payments, you can apply for an additional allowance from it, which will be credited to your card every month.

What benefits are on maternity leave for a disabled mother and a single mother?

A disabled mother in our country has the right to receive three types of pensions - social, state and labor. The first two are paid regardless of the presence or absence of children. Their size varies depending on the disability group and the reason for the disability.

But a labor pension is assigned to disabled mothers in an amount that depends on the number of dependents and the assigned group, and varies between 3,000 - 12,000 rubles. In addition, you are eligible for monthly cash payments if you apply to Pension Fund RF.

You are also entitled to the same maternity benefits as non-working mothers, maternal capital and the opportunity to participate in the Family Mortgage program at the birth of a second and third child, payments and benefits to large families at the regional and federal levels.

As for single mothers, it should be recalled that legally only those women who are recorded as single parents in the birth certificate of their children (there is a dash in the father column) receive such a status. If the mother is divorced, left a widow, or the father of the child is deprived of parental rights, she is not considered a loner.

Moreover, in Russia at the moment there are no special maternity payments in relation to single mothers. If her financial situation leaves much to be desired, the maximum that she can apply for is a child benefit for the poor in an increased amount. And so, a mother raising children alone can count on the same payments as ordinary parents.

And in this video, a single mom shares her thoughts on how such a category of citizens can live in Russia on an allowance of 1,500 rubles a month.

Maternity payments for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 and other child benefits

This year is not much different from the previous ones in terms of benefits for mothers-businesswomen on maternity leave. Unless the lump-sum payment at the birth of a child has increased (now 17,479 rubles 73 kopecks) and the monthly amount for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years old (currently 4,512 rubles or 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks, depending on the number of children).

The fact is that business women at the state level, when calculating maternity payments, have the status of non-working mothers, if you did not separately conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund. That is, you will not receive maternity benefits and a one-time allowance for early registration up to 12 weeks from social security.

As for the rest of the payments, while on maternity leave, in 2019 you have the right to:

  • one-time allowance for the birth of a child
  • the minimum monthly allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years
  • monthly payment for the first baby born on January 1, 2018
  • certificate for maternity (family) capital at the birth of a second child in the amount of 453,026 rubles
  • opportunity to get preferential mortgage at a rate of 6% under the state program "Family Mortgage" at the birth of the 2nd or 3rd baby
  • a land plot and a one-time regional payment for a third child
  • monthly allowance up to three years for mothers with many children.

If you want to receive from the FSS also payment for a sick leave for BiR, then a year before the planned pregnancy, conclude an appropriate agreement with the Fund. Art. p9

An example of receiving benefits from maternity leave without going to work

Very often, a woman gives birth to her first child and does not have time to get out of the decree, when she has a second baby. In this case, she faces a choice - to continue the maternity leave, or close it and open a new one, having issued a maternity benefit. After all, you cannot be in two decrees at the same time!

So, what can a woman count on who, without going to work, went on a new maternity leave?

  1. She can receive a one-time payment for early registration up to 12 weeks if she provides a certificate from the antenatal clinic at the place of work.
  2. She is entitled to B&D allowance (140, 156 or 194 days).
  3. She receives a lump sum when the child is born.
  4. After the end of maternity leave, a mother can apply for a baby care allowance, which will be accrued to her by her employer every month.

Moreover, all calculations of the average daily wage will be based on the two years that preceded the first decree! If, for example, a woman took her B&R leave for the first time in 2015, and became pregnant again in 2017, then 2013 and 2014 will be taken as the basis for calculating the average daily income.

Moreover, if the employee in the first decree received minimal benefits, then on the second vacation she will receive the minimum wage, but in a larger amount due to annual indexation. In 2019, the minimum amount for pregnancy and childbirth is 51,918 rubles 90 kopecks, and the payment for caring for a second baby is 6,554 rubles 89 kopecks.

Payments and benefits upon maternity leave under a fixed-term employment contract

According to Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer can terminate any contract only upon liquidation of the organization. Otherwise, he is obliged to renew a fixed-term contract with the employee and has the right to demand a certificate of pregnancy from her no more than once every three months.

Therefore, if a woman is at work on an urgent basis employment contract finds out that she is in a position, she needs to write a corresponding application addressed to the management and attach a certificate from the antenatal clinic to it. In this case, an additional agreement is concluded with the pregnant employee and the period of her activity at this enterprise is extended.

Accordingly, such a woman, when she goes on maternity leave, is entitled to the same payments as a working mother under an indefinite employment contract: payment of a sick leave according to BiR, lump sum benefits for early registration and at the birth of a baby, as well as a monthly payment for child care up to 1.5 years.

True, she will receive child care allowance only if the employment relationship with the employer is not terminated at the end of her maternity leave. Otherwise, a woman should apply to social security for the calculation of the corresponding maternity payments in the minimum amount.

Calculation of payments for reduction after maternity leave

If you went to work after the decree, and the employer told you about the reduction, then let them first provide a written notice of this. Two months must pass from this period, and only after that you can be fired, paying the average monthly severance pay.

There are a couple of nuances in the calculation. If you continue to work 2 months from the date of receipt of the notice of reduction, then your severance pay will be in the amount that takes into account earnings during this time.

If you are “in idle” a couple of months before your dismissal, then the average monthly income will be calculated from the salary for the last 12 months before your maternity leave.

At the same time, before complete dismissal, in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must first offer you another job, if available, or pay you compensation for three months (two of which are for “simple” and the third is severance pay for a month).

Maternity benefits upon liquidation of an organization in 2019

There are also cases when, some time before going on maternity leave, the employer can inform you about the liquidation of the enterprise. How to deal with payments in this case?

In order to receive the benefits due to you, you need to know that when the organization is liquidated, the obligation to pay them is assigned to the FSS, where the employer previously made the necessary contributions for you. Therefore, if you remain pregnant and unemployed in 2019, to apply for a decree, contact the Social Insurance Fund directly with necessary documents, it is possible through electronic public services.

In this case, you will be paid in full all the benefits due at the place of work. Only the procedure will be carried out not through the employer, but through social insurance - that's the whole difference. The main thing is that you will definitely receive everything that is yours in the decree!

In today's article, I tried to reveal to you as much as possible the current topic related to maternity payments. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. I will also be very glad if you, dear mothers, share your experience with other readers. See you on the blog!

As such, there is no legal concept of "maternity payments".

At the state level, the funds that a woman receives in connection with the expectation and upbringing of a child are divided into two types of payments:

  1. . Together with him they usually make out.
  2. Benefits assigned after the birth of the baby (and monthly care for him.)

The first of the above benefits a woman receives when leaving. The right to it is provided for by Art. 255 and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Monthly payments begin when the woman takes the appropriate leave. ( .) .

Settlement and payment sums of money for the duration of the decree are regulated on the basis of Federal Law No. 81 of May 19, 1995 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” and Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006 “On Compulsory Social Insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood”.

Who can receive?

An important feature is that maternity allowance can only be received by a woman who later became a mother, it is assigned to the following group of persons:

  1. Women working formally.
  2. Unemployed women registered at the employment center.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs registered with the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Full-time students of universities and colleges.
  5. Women serving in the military under contract.

People who have adopted a child under the age of 3 are also entitled to childcare benefits.

Not only the mother can count on other payments, but also, or any other person who is looking after him.

Who charges and pays money?

According to Law No. 255, all benefits related to pregnancy and the birth of children are required to be paid by the employer, and not by the state.

Subsequently, the Social Insurance Fund returns to the employer the money paid to the employee, subject to the provision of the necessary documents.

Mom's Social Status Affects Where You Get Financial Assistance:

  • full-time female students are funded from local budget through the dean's office;
  • who are registered with the CZN are entitled to an allowance for B&R. Funds are allocated for their payment from the state budget through the FSS. Also, employees who have been laid off have the right to receive maternity leave;
  • women engaged in small business () are also entitled to receive maternity leave, provided that they are registered with the Federal Tax Service and make contributions to the FSS fund. Financing is provided by the FSS.

If the employer refuses to pay maternity money, the woman has the right to file a complaint with the FSS in the area where the employer is located.

Payment procedure and conditions

Benefit in connection with pregnancy and childbirth

His woman receives a single amount before childbirth, and not after, and it is calculated as follows:

  • the income of a woman going on maternity leave is summarized for the last two years;
  • the amount received is divided by the total number of days of these two years (730 or 731);
  • the result of the division is multiplied by 140 (standard sick leave). The resulting number will be the sum for lump sum payment on the occasion of pregnancy and childbirth.

In some cases, the period due to multiple pregnancy, or complications during pregnancy.

A one-time payment of maternity leave is made by the employer when the employee submits the following to the accounting department:

  1. A sick leave issued by a gynecologist observing a woman. This document is issued when the gestational age reaches 30 weeks.
  2. Certificate of income from the last place of work for the previous two years. Required if the woman worked for another company in previous years.
  3. Application for payment.

Unemployed pregnant women registered with the CZN receive benefits under the following conditions:

  1. From the moment of dismissal or liquidation of the enterprise to 30 weeks of pregnancy, no more than 12 months have passed.
  2. To receive benefits, you must provide the social security authorities with a sick leave, a work book with a record of the last place of work and a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the pregnant woman is registered as unemployed.
  3. The allowance is paid in accordance with the norms established in a particular region for the unemployed (the amount is indexed annually).

A full-time student is paid benefits based on the average scholarship amount of the educational institution where she is enrolled.

The allowance is also paid in the form of a scholarship. For registration, you only need a certificate from a doctor and an application.

For individual entrepreneurs to receive maternity payments, you need to contact the local FSS agency with an application, sick leave and a copy of the state certificate. registration as an individual entrepreneur.

In general, the order of registration looks like this:

  • An employee (unemployed, student, individual entrepreneur) submits the entire package of documents to the employer (FSS, dean's office);
  • The employer (FSS, dean's office) calculates the amount of maternity;
  • The employer (dean's office) submits his calculations to the FSS, from where the woman receives funds. If there is a delay, the employer himself pays the money, which is then compensated to him from the local budget.

Other payments

When a child is born, a woman needs to collect in order to receive monthly payments and a lump sum birth allowance.

The list of documents includes:

  1. Baby's birth certificate.
  2. Certificate from the father's work about the absence of payments to the child on it.
  3. Application for payment.

Otherwise, the procedure for obtaining these benefits is similar to obtaining financial assistance for pregnancy and childbirth.

How is money calculated and paid out?

After submitting all necessary documents to the accounting department, the employer has 10 days to check them and calculate payments.

Learn more about the timing of the payment of BIR benefits. The employer is obliged to pay the employee money even if she continues to work at the enterprise after 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The social security authorities transfer the payment no later than the 26th day of the next month.

This benefit is non-taxable.

Read more about the timing of the payment of financial assistance at the birth of a baby.

Where to go to receive?

  • Officially employed pregnant women apply for payments to the accounting department of the organization in which they work.
  • Full-time students can get help in this matter from the dean's office of their educational institution.
  • Temporarily unemployed women who are registered with the employment center and individual entrepreneurs apply for their maternity allowance to the local FSS authorities.
  • Unemployed mothers apply for benefits to the social security authorities.


Working women who are about to become a mother should be prepared for the following moments:

  • Employers are usually reluctant to hire pregnant women, but they do not have the right to refuse her work for this reason.
  • Payments in the amount of 40% of the salary will be made only for the first year and a half after childbirth, in the next 18 months the amount of payments will be 50 rubles per month.
  • A woman has the right to leave maternity leave before its end, but only at her own request, the employer does not have the right to demand this.

Maternity payments for twins

According to the law, women who are expecting one child can go on maternity leave 70 days before giving birth.

If twins are expected, then this period becomes longer by 27 days, i.e. starts 97 days before delivery.

Accordingly, and billing period it will not be 140 days, as in the case of one child, but 194 days, which will slightly increase the amount of the lump sum.

In addition, a woman for a year and a half after giving birth can receive a monthly allowance separately for each baby.

However, the amount of the benefit cannot be more than the average salary in the region. Otherwise, the mother of twins is entitled to the same payments as the rest.

Any woman, becoming a mother, has the right to receive material assistance. She also needs time to restore her health and care for the newborn baby.

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