What can you use mat. Using maternity capital: what to spend the money on? Increasing mom's future pension

In the Russian Federation, the program for issuing maternity capital originated more than 10 years ago. During the period of the program, the growth of the Russian population increased. At the same time, the funds received can be used in some areas. We will provide a more detailed overview of matcap directions in our material.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

According to Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006, maternity capital (hereinafter referred to as MK) can be spent on the following areas:

  1. Improving living conditions– implies the acquisition of residential real estate, as well as the reconstruction of existing real estate.
  2. Children's education– a number of conditions must be met, namely:
    • child age 3-25 years;
    • a university, college or other educational institution is located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • the relevant educational organization has a complete list of documents for carrying out such activities.

At the same time, MK can be spent on such institutions as:

  • kindergarten, nursery;
  • secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • music and art schools;
  • sport sections.
  1. Repayment of mortgage and target loan– most often the amount of MK is not enough to purchase a full-fledged home, so most couples prefer to take out a mortgage. Wherein one thing to consider– you cannot repay part of the mortgage at the expense of microfinance companies with a loan from microfinance organizations.
  2. Transfer of MK to the funded part of future pension payments– in 2017, this direction is not in demand, since the funded part is frozen for an indefinite period.

Previously, authorities sought to expand the list of uses of MK. For example, the following options were considered:

  • purchasing a car;
  • purchasing medicines for children with serious illnesses;
  • agricultural development;
  • purchasing household items (furniture, appliances);
  • trip to a sanatorium;
  • buying a wheelchair for a child.

But in 2017, not a single one of the listed items was added to the maternity capital program.

MK funds do not have to be spent on only one of the listed areas; several can be combined.

When can capital funds be used?

In 2017, MK is allowed to be used, when the child turns 3 years old.

But in some situations, MK can be spent at an earlier date, for example:

  1. Paying off a loan or mortgage, which was received for the purchase of real estate, as well as making an initial (mortgage) payment. It is important to take into account one condition - the loan must be intended for the purchase of real estate.
  2. Construction own residential property.
  3. Purchasing goods and services that are necessary for the social adaptation of a disabled child.

How to get MK for up to 3 years when buying real estate? Let's figure it out right now:

A woman signs an agreement with the selected bank for the purchase (or construction) of real estate.

The client buys the selected object.

After registering the transaction, the woman applies to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application to transfer the MK to the bank.

If a positive decision is made, the funds are transferred to the credit account within 2 months.

When the family did not use MK before the child’s 18th birthday, then the rights to use MK funds are transferred to an adult.

Also, MK is transferred to the child if the parents die (or are deprived of parental rights). Only spending MK is allowed after 18 years.

Maternity capital and repairs

According to the law, parents do not have the right to use MK for home repairs.

But MK funds can be used for the construction or reconstruction of their own property.

But it is important to understand the difference between reconstruction and repair work. Reconstruction implies an increase in living space. Each resident must have at least 18 square meters. If the area is higher than the established indicators, then MK is not applied.

In some regions, the norm for square meters varies between 12 - 18.

In addition, reconstruction differs from repair work in the following respects:

  • reconstruction involves changing the layout of the entire building, including size, area, number of rooms, moving walls;
  • As a result of reconstruction, the purpose of the premises may change, for example, a store becomes a residential property.

Reconstruction is allowed only in residential buildings (prohibited in apartments).

Facilities MK for reconstruction can only be used when the child reaches 3 years of age. If the family has its own capital, then changes to the living space are allowed to be made at its own expense, and when the child reaches the appropriate age, the family receives compensation from the MK. At the same time, it is important to document that the house was reconstructed.

Consequently, the family is prohibited from carrying out repair work under the guise of housing reconstruction.

Use of capital when buying a car

Funds for maternal certificate cannot be spent on buying a car. But when introducing this program, legislators proposed introducing this item into one of the ways of spending MK. As a result, the authorities were divided into two camps, offering both positive and negative factors.

First, let's discuss the reasons why rejected similar idea:

  • Quick resale of vehicles to obtain cash.
  • Possible car theft.
  • Rapid wear and tear of vehicles (especially Russian-assembled vehicles).
  • A car is not a mandatory purchase for a family with two or more children.

Now let's select positive characteristics when buying a car using MK funds:

  • the problem with the movement of families and children in urban areas is being solved;
  • accessibility of rural residents to schools, hospitals and other institutions;
  • using a vehicle as a way to earn extra money (taxi);
  • MK consumption without adding own funds.

Construction of a household

MK can be used to build a house. In this case, home ownership must meet the following criteria:

  1. Suitability for habitation.
  2. The land belongs to the category of individual housing construction (residential development).
  3. The site is either personally owned or leased by the owner of the MK. However, MK cannot be used to acquire land.
  4. The facility must be built only on Russian territory.
  5. The citizen has a building permit.
  6. The house was built after January 1, 2007.

It is allowed to build a house either individually or with the help of a construction organization.

When construction is carried out on its own, then payments to MK are made at the beginning of the construction process in the amount of 50%. The second part of the MK is transferred 6 months after the provision of documents confirming construction work. It is important to keep all receipts and other payment documents.

When construction companies are involved in the work, then MK funds are provided after concluding an agreement with the relevant company. This document is provided to the Pension Fund when submitting an application.

MK can be spent on shared construction.

To obtain MK for construction a citizen must visit the Pension Fund with the following list of documentation:

  • application;
  • documentation of the right to own (or use) land;
  • building permit;
  • Bank details;
  • obligation to divide the shares of the house between the whole family (notarized).

To translate the second part MK needs:

  • documentation confirming the fact of work performed;
  • Bank account;
  • parents' passports;
  • marriage certificate (or divorce certificate).

After completion of construction work homeownership is registered as common shared ownership among family members(parents and children). Otherwise, the rights to dispose of home ownership do not differ from generally established rules.

Using MK for a mortgage

Each family, upon receipt of the MK, has the right to contribute funds to partially repay the mortgage. At the same time, spending MK on this area is allowed at any age of the child.

Consequently, after receiving the MC, the certificate holder has the right to contact a banking structure to conclude a loan agreement. But first you should calculate the amount of your salary, part of which will be spent monthly on repaying the mortgage loan. In addition, bank employees take into account the applicant’s length of service, which should not be less than 6 months. And, of course, the applicant’s credit history is analyzed.

The acquired real estate must be properly registered. At the same time, most banks require that all documentation be up to date, in particular the cadastral and technical passport.

According to the law, real estate can be purchased from close relatives (father, mother, brother, grandfather, uncle), with the exception of purchase and sale from one of the spouses.

MK funds can be made as a down payment for the purchased property.

To obtain a mortgage loan, the certificate holder must first contact the bank, where employees make a preliminary calculation of the mortgage based on the price of a specific property. The monthly income of both spouses is also taken into account.

In this case, the client provides a number of documents that differ in different banking areas. But the basic ones are:

  • parents' passports;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • documents on the housing that is planned to be purchased (certificate of ownership, cadastral passport, technical passport, house register);
  • passports of the owners of the purchased housing;
  • expert assessment of real estate.

Step 2– obtaining credit funds and purchasing the selected object. The property will remain under the bank's encumbrance until the mortgage is fully paid off.

Step 3– after receiving the document on the ownership of the object, the client contacts the Pension Fund. The citizen must submit an application and other documents, such as:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • maternal certificate;
  • bank agreement;
  • certificate of the amount of total debt;
  • ownership documents;
  • if available, from the borrower (usually a spouse) – a passport; a document confirming the fact of relationship with the applicant.

The period for reviewing documents in the fund is 1 month. Once the decision is made, written notification is sent to the applicant. If the outcome is positive, the citizen submits the notification received to the bank where the loan was issued. After transferring the MK to the bank, the debt amount is recalculated (if there is a balance).

Loan repayment

MK can be used to repay a targeted loan that was associated with the acquisition of real estate. In other cases, MK is not used.

If one of these conditions is missing, the MC does not apply.

To repay a loan, the loan agreement must indicate that the funds were spent on the purchase or construction of residential real estate. Secondly, the borrower must be the owner of the MK.

The Maternity, Family Capital program is already 10 years old. On this topic, watch the video:

We can admit that the program for issuing MKs worked 100%. After all, not only has the number of Russians increased in the Russian Federation, but many young families have been able to purchase their own housing. Read more about how you can spend MK in this article.

Many families were able to significantly improve their living conditions thanks to maternal capital. When the program was first introduced, the money received was allowed to be used to repay a loan taken to buy an apartment or build a house. After recent changes in the law (from 2016 and 2018), funds were allowed to be used as a down payment when purchasing a home with a mortgage. At the same time, all the previous possibilities of capital have been preserved: it can still be spent on paying off “apartment” loans, paying for education, living in a hostel, and so on. A more detailed list can be found on the Pension Fund website.

Major changes in 2016 and 2018

According to the latest decision of State Duma deputies, the program will operate at least until 2023. It is recognized as an effective means of supporting families. The amount of capital remained the same - 453 thousand 26 rubles. In 2018, it will not be indexed, but in the following years the deputies promised to return to the issue of indexation, and it is possible that the amount of capital will increase further.

Is it possible to use maternity capital to buy a home before the child turns 3 years old?

You can use the money after the child grows up a little and turns three years old, but this does not apply to those cases when the funds are needed to repay “apartment” loans. In this case, the certificate can be used at any time. The main changes in 2016 include the fact that now funds, without waiting for the child to turn three years old, can be spent as a down payment when buying a home with a mortgage.

By the way, it doesn’t matter when the loan was issued, before the birth of the second child or after that. It makes no difference who it is registered to - the mother or the father. The only important condition that applies to both mortgages, loans, and the construction and reconstruction of a house is housing must be registered in the name of both parents and children. If the housing does not yet have such documents, then the family must provide an undertaking certified by a notary that in the future this will be done with the area: it will be registered for everyone.

The new provisions of the law also allow money to be spent on the adaptation of children with disabilities into society, which was not provided for in previous amendments to the law.

Funds can be used in parts or in full at once.

New conditions for maternity capital in 2018

Since 2018, maternity capital is allowed to be used for:

  1. Improving the family’s living conditions: purchasing new housing, renovations;
  2. Educating a child in an educational institution or kindergarten.
  3. Adaptation and social integration of disabled children.
  4. Mother's funded pension.

Housing purchase options

​How to use maternity capital funds to build a house?

According to the law, you can use the money to build a house or reconstruct an existing one. Repair by reconstruction does not mean, in this case we are talking about increasing the area of ​​​​an apartment or house so that all family members can accommodate it. If all requirements are met and there are documents confirming the construction work and its legality, the family will first be given 50 percent of the required amount (approximately 225 thousand rubles). After six months, it will be possible to receive the remaining part, again only after providing documents confirming that the work is ongoing or has already been completed.

Can maternity capital be used to repay a loan?

There are three ways to take advantage of government support for the purchase of ready-made housing:

  1. Pay the body of the loan. As practice shows, this is exactly what is done in most cases. This can be quite a profitable investment, because subsequently the borrower will have to pay less interest accrued on the remaining debt.
  2. You can also lower your monthly payment by using the funds as interest-only payments. In most cases, this option is more beneficial to the bank, although at the same time it significantly relieves the burden on the payer.
  3. Using funds as a down payment on a mortgage. While this is a new way of using funds, many certificate holders have already used them this way. It is worth considering that not all organizations that provide the opportunity to purchase an apartment with a mortgage agree to this option (among those who agree are Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, AK BARS and a number of other banks). More often than not, banks are willing to accept capital as a supplement to the down payment. All this is due to the fact that institutions doubt the solvency of clients. Gradually the picture is changing. However, the conditions under which financial organizations operate are not always beneficial to young families, since they usually charge high interest rates in this case. At the same time, there is a mortgage with government support. Under the subsidized program, interest rates are within 12 percent. However, it is necessary to take into account that when a family applies for a mortgage with state support, the down payment for the purchase of an apartment is set by banks at no less than 20 percent of the total amount. With the current amount of maternity capital, there is enough money to buy housing, which costs no more than two million two hundred and sixty thousand rubles. While in some regions of Russia you can buy decent housing for this amount, in the capital it is simply impossible to find such prices today.

The procedure for purchasing housing using maternity capital

To use the funds, you need to provide the bank with a passport, a certificate for receiving capital and a statement of readiness to repay part of the debt early or in full. After processing the data, the bank issues a special certificate containing all information about the loan. You also need to take a document from the bank confirming ownership and a purchase and sale agreement.

Then you need to contact the Pension Fund branch to obtain approval to transfer funds using the certificate to the bank. You will need the following documents (originals and copies):

  • maternity capital certificate;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from the bank about the amount of debt, as well as a purchase and sale agreement and a document confirming the loan;
  • certificate of ownership of the purchased housing;
  • an obligation, notarized, to register housing as the property of parents and children;
  • statement of desire to use the money to repay the loan.

For assistance in drawing up the above obligation, you can contact our duty lawyer online.

In return, the Pension Fund is required to issue a receipt confirming that the documents were received on such and such a date. According to the regulations, the Pension Fund can make a decision on approval and send funds to the bank within one month. If the decision is positive, a confirmation is sent to the address of the applicant, with which he again needs to go to the bank. All banks are required by law to accept capital as payment of debt. Only some of them accept this money solely to reduce the amount of the loan, while others also agree to repay interest; here you need to find out in each individual case separately in your institution.

The fund usually sends funds within two months, after which the bank confirms the payment and introduces the borrower to the new lending conditions.

It is important to note that many banks require that within a month after the Fund makes a positive decision, they are notified of this by providing a certificate.

Don't forget that citizens have the right to receive a tax deduction: if a person repays the debt on time, he can return thirteen percent of the entire amount paid, and if he repays it ahead of schedule, he is also entitled to a refund of the insurance amount. Fines and penalties on a mortgage loan are not repaid.

What to do in case of refusal?

If the Pension Fund refused to transfer maternity capital money to the bank, you should find out the reason: perhaps not all documents were collected or errors were made in the application. However, if the reasons seem far-fetched to a person, he has the right to seek protection from the judicial authorities.

Maternity capital as a down payment

In principle, the procedure if a family wants to contribute maternity capital funds as the initial amount for a mortgage loan is the same as described above. First you need to obtain documents from the bank (the client provides a copy of the certificate on the basis of which the bank agrees or not to conclude a mortgage and sale agreement), and then contact the Pension Fund.

However, it should be taken into account that if at least part of the capital has already been spent on other needs, at least one ruble, the balance can no longer be used as a down payment, but it will still be suitable for repaying an existing loan.

If you have any questions about purchasing housing using maternity capital, or you need help in drawing up applications, then our online lawyer on duty is ready to help you promptly.

The current state maternity capital program has been extended for four years - the new law began to work on January 1, 2018. In December, the Russian government decided that it was not going to index the MSC until the end of 2019, its amount remains the same - 453,026 rubles. If you have already received a certificate, but still have not decided where to invest your maternity capital, hurry up. The sooner you write an application to pay for the destinations you have chosen, the less you will lose due to the inevitable rise in prices. Moreover, since the new year there have been more ways to manage maternity capital and there is even one option with cashing out.

How best to invest maternity capital

Important! Matkapital is not a wad of money, but a state certificate giving the right to spend it. You write an application to the Pension Fund - it directs finances to the goals you choose.

Maternal family capital (MCC) can be invested - in whole or in parts - only in the following options:

  1. improve living conditions;
  2. give children an education;
  3. use it to pay monthly benefits - an option in which MSC can be cashed out; it is intended only for low-income families;
  4. buy products for the adaptation and socialization of children with disabilities;
  5. transfer to the funded part of the future pension for the mother.

1. How to invest maternity capital in improving the quality of housing

Important to remember! When it comes to a mortgage, you can immediately use the money to pay off the principal debt or pay the down payment. In other situations related to improving the quality of housing, you will have to wait until the youngest child reaches the age of 3 years.

If you are going to invest MSC to acquire an apartment or house, you must submit a purchase and sale agreement and an extract from the Unified State Register to the Pension Fund of Russia. Money can also be invested in the construction or reconstruction of the so-called individual housing construction project. Individual housing construction is a separate building no higher than 3 floors, intended for one family. You will need papers giving the right to use the land and a building permit.

To build/renovate a home, you hire builders or do everything yourself. In the second option, the money will be issued in 2 stages - half at once, and the rest in six months, when you prove that the work has been done. If the housing was built earlier, maternity capital will allow you to compensate for the costs, but you must provide an agreement confirming the work performed.

Maternity capital is a state support measure in the amount of 466,617 rubles in 2020, provided for families in which a second (or subsequent) child was born after January 1, 2007. To receive a certificate, two main conditions must be met: the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child during the program period and the presence of Russian citizenship for the recipient and the child.

On January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin, during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, instructed to make important changes to the maternity capital program:

  • introduce maternity capital for the first child;
  • extend the maternity capital program until 2026 inclusive;
  • increase the amount of maternity capital for the second child by 150 thousand rubles.

All changes are planned to be introduced from January 1, 2020. Moreover, families that already have a first child will receive maternity capital in an increased amount upon the birth of the second child.

The rules for registration and disposal of maternal capital are established by Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006. Its amount has not increased since 2016, its next one will pass in 2020.

Who is entitled to maternity capital?

According to Art. 3 of Law No. 256-FZ, if all are observed, obtain a certificate for maternal capital they have a right:

Right doesn't go over to the father or adoptive parent if:

  • He - stepfather for the previous child who was taken into account when becoming eligible for a certificate;
  • after the death of the mother, the child was recognized as remaining without parental care.

Parents and adoptive parents are deprived rights to maternity capital when:

  • die or are declared dead by a court;
  • are deprived of parental rights;
  • commit a deliberate crime against the person of a child;
  • the adoption of the child is cancelled.


Children) is deprived of the right to maternity capital only in case of death (declared dead in court).

How to register maternity capital?

To get certificate for maternity capital, the person applying for it must contact the Pension Fund with an application and mandatory documents:

  • Russian passport or other proof of identity and place of residence;
  • birth certificates of all children with a mark on Russian citizenship (if there is none, then another document confirming it is required).

In some situations it may be necessary additional documents, listed bellow.

Happening Document
The child is adopted adoption certificate
The application is submitted by a legal representative
  • identification;
  • proof of residence;
  • documents proving authority
Parent(s) or adoptive parent have lost the right to family capital
  • death certificate or court order declaring deceased;
  • court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
  • documents proving the commission of a crime against the child’s person;
  • confirmation of cancellation of adoption
Place of residence is not confirmed by registration documents confirming the actual place of stay.

If a family applying for maternity capital lives abroad, parents have the right to submit an application and documents directly to the Pension Fund on the territory of the Russian Federation.


You can apply for a certificate Anytime after the right has arisen - including after completion of the program, if a child appeared in the family while she was acting.

You can contact the Pension Fund using one of the following: established methods:

  • To the territorial branch of the Pension Fund:
    • in person or with the help of a representative;
    • send certified copies of documents and an application by post.
  • To the department of the multifunctional center (MFC).
  • Via electronic resources (application only):
    • citizen’s personal account on the Pension Fund website;
    • single portal “State Services”.

If the applicant applies via the Internet, then within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application, he must provide the remaining documents to the Pension Fund office, otherwise the issue will be denied.


The pension fund decides whether to issue a certificate or refuse the applicant within 15 days from the date of application. A certificate for maternity capital can be obtained in the form paper or electronic document.

In case of loss or damage, you can get duplicate by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.
In the registration of maternity capital there may be denied, If:

  • right to it did not arise or was lost during the application period;
  • information about the order of birth (adoption) and/or the citizenship of the child invalid.

What can maternity capital be used for?

In 2019, Part 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ, provides for the following presented in the table below directions use of maternity capital.

Direction What can you spend it on?
Improving living conditions
  • purchase of residential premises (primary or secondary) under a purchase and sale agreement, including installment plans;
  • payment of the cost of the agreement for participation in shared construction;
  • making an entrance (share) contribution to a housing cooperative;
  • construction (reconstruction) of an individual housing construction project (IHC);
  • compensation for the costs of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project, if ownership of a new or expanded premises was registered after January 1, 2007;
  • payment of a down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a targeted loan or loan (including mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing ( including refinanced)
The residential premises must be registered as the common shared property of parents and children
Getting children an education
  • institutional training higher (Bachelor's, Master's, Postgraduate, Residency A), secondary special (college, technical school), additional (sections and circles) education;
  • child's accommodation in a dormitory;
  • maintenance and (or) supervision and care of a child in preschool and secondary education organizations
The first, second, and any subsequent child - natural or adopted - can receive an education at the expense of mat capital.
Mother's funded pension Sending funds to:
  • state pension fund;
  • non-state pension fund
Purchasing goods and services necessary for a disabled child for social adaptation Compensation for purchased goods and services included in the list established by Government Decree No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.
Monthly allowance for a second child under 3 years of age The family has the right to it if:
  • the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018;
  • The average per capita family income is no more than 2 times the subsistence level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

You can apply for an order later three years after the birth (adoption) of a child. The owner of the certificate has the right to submit an application earlier if the maternity capital is used for:

  • payment of the down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a housing loan or loan;
  • purchasing goods (services) that serve to adapt a disabled child to society;
  • payment for preschool education and other expenses related to it;
  • receiving a monthly payment for the 2nd child under three years of age.


Any attempts to cash out maternity capital illegal and are punished under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Fraud in receiving payments. The legal way to receive money from the certificate is to issue a monthly allowance for the second child (born no earlier than January 1, 2018).

As an anti-crisis measure to support families in 2015-16, the Government of the Russian Federation provided for the possibility of receiving lump sum payments from maternal capital funds: 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively. Apply for them in 2020 it is forbidden.

Changes in 2019

In 2019 there were a number of serious changes affecting the management of maternity capital:

  1. On March 29, Federal Law No. 37 came into force, which introduced a provision into Law No. 256-FZ that now the Pension Fund will independently request information about suitability purchased residential premises for accommodation from local governments and other institutions.
  2. If maternity capital is used to build a house, the owner of the certificate now has the right to provide a construction notice to the Pension Fund.
  3. According to the amendments introduced by Law No. 37-FZ, targeted loan or loan for the purchase (construction) of housing it will be possible to take only V:
    • banking and non-banking credit organizations under the jurisdiction of the Central Bank;
    • credit consumer cooperative (CPC);
    • Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere JSC "Dom.RF".
    • agricultural CPC.
  4. As established by Art. 1 of Law No. 205-FZ of 08/02/2019, from January 1, 2020, the monthly benefit for the second child will be paid until he turns 3 years. In addition, the income threshold will increase from 1.5 to 2 living wages for the working population.
Possibility to apply for a housing loan (loan) from an employer or another organization not specified in the list abolished.

On April 24, 2019, at a meeting of the Light of the Federation with Vladimir Putin, Valentina Matvienko proposed extend action of maternity capital until 2025. For now, the program runs until the end of 2021. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova instructed the Ministry of Labor to consider the issue of extending the maternity capital program - the report must be submitted by March 1, 2020.

On May 30, 2019, bill No. 721208-7 was introduced into the State Duma, which proposed adding a new direction for spending funds: purchasing a car. However, it was rejected before the first reading.

If it were accepted, then certificate holders would be able to use maternity capital to purchase a car worth up to a million rubles, provided that it was produced in the Russian Federation, was not previously registered and, in addition to the driver’s seat, has three more passenger seats.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to consider the possibility of using capital for gas, water and sewerage.

In addition, the State Duma is considering bill No. 846971-7, which allows the certificate funds to be spent on the construction of a residential building on a garden plot, and bill No. 839769-7, which allows the use of maternity capital to pay for a kindergarten organized by an individual entrepreneur.

The Ministry of Construction has prepared changes that will affect the rules for using maternal capital to improve housing conditions. According to them, the funds from the certificate can be spent on purchasing housing through an escrow account.


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

“Maternity capital” is a government program aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country. Married couples with two or more children can participate. The state provides funds that must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Maternal capital

For the first time, mention of maternal (family) capital is found in Federal Law No. 256 dated December 29, 2006 (). It provides basic concepts and definitions of additional activities that include assistance to families with children. The most significant is the provision of maternity capital. These are funds allocated from the federal budget as financial support to married couples or single parents with two or more children. Transfers from the budget are made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for their distribution. He also provides state certificates. How can you use maternity capital?

The Maternity Capital program was launched on 01/01/2007. Its participants are families or single parents who fall under the following conditions:

  1. The birth of the second baby should occur starting from 01/01/2007.
  2. The dates of birth of the 3rd and subsequent children must be after 01/01/2007.
  3. The process of adoption of the 2nd and subsequent child was established by a court decision after 01/01/2007.

By Article 3 of Federal Law No. 256 Not only women, but also men whose status falls under the listed conditions have the right to receive financial assistance from the state. This situation can only occur under the following circumstances:

  • the mother has been deprived of parental rights;
  • the mother died.
Article 3. Right to additional measures of state support

Validity period of the Maternity Capital program

Initially, the state program for assistance to married couples with two or more children was limited to December 31, 2016. Due to the great popularity of the Russian Government, it was extended for another year. At the end of 2017 in Federal Law No. 432 dated 12/21/2017(you can view the text of the document) it was decided to postpone the end of the Maternity Capital program until 12/31/2021.

Directions for using maternal capital funds

You can receive budget money at a certain point, subject to certain restrictions that are associated with the direction of use of state funds.

In the law approved at the very beginning ( Federal Law No. 256) it was proposed to allocate funds to solve 3 main issues:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education for any of the children in the family;
  • increase in mother's pension.
Where to apply for maternity capital and what you can spend the money on

It was allowed to use maternity capital only after the child who gave rise to the right to receive it turned 3 years old.

The law was finalized and new opportunities for using family capital appeared:

  • payment for services and goods necessary for the adaptation of disabled children;
  • receiving monthly assistance for low-income families when a child is born after 01/01/2020.

During the crisis, it was allowed to receive one-time monetary compensation:

  1. In 2009-2010, 12 thousand rubles were issued from the state budget ( Federal Law No. 72 dated April 28, 2009, you can view the text of the document).
  2. In 2015, 20 thousand rubles were provided ( Government Order No. 98 dated January 27, 2015, you can view the text of the document).
  3. In 2016, 25 thousand rubles were issued ( Federal Law No. 181 dated June 23, 2016, you can view the text of the document).
Scheme for obtaining maternity capital

Important! When received, lump sums reduced maternity capital by the amount of compensation issued.

Improving living conditions

The basic rules for allocating public funds to improve living conditions were spelled out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 dated 12/12/2007 (you can view the text of the document). This destination is the most popular among families. It is possible to use the following tools:

  • for the purchase of real estate on the secondary market;
  • for the purchase or construction of new housing;
  • for the reconstruction of existing premises with an increase in its area.
Improving living conditions through maternity capital

In this area, the timing of the provision of government assistance has changed. It is not necessary to wait until the child is 3 years old. Non-cash funds can be used immediately after the certificate is issued.

It is allowed to use maternity capital to purchase an apartment by drawing up a purchase and sale agreement, which specifies the condition for partial or full payment of the amount at the expense of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

It is possible to direct government assistance to mortgage lending. The consent of the banking organization is required. It is required to conclude a loan agreement or an additional agreement, which must stipulate the condition for the contribution of maternity capital funds as:

  • initial payment;
  • payment of principal;
  • payment of interest on the loan.
Who can receive maternity capital

Important! You cannot pay off debt on a housing loan using government assistance funds.

When reconstructing, the main condition must be observed: the living space after the work must increase. You can carry out reconstruction yourself, or you can use special contractors with whom a contract is concluded.

Important! When concluding a purchase and sale agreement, a loan agreement or a work contract, it should be taken into account that funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are credited to the account of organizations providing housing, services or money only after 2 months. How to improve living conditions with the help of maternity capital

Getting an education

Since 2020, the requirements for educational institutions to which maternity capital funds can be sent have been simplified. All that matters is the presence of:

  • licenses for the provision of educational services from the selected educational institution;
  • accreditation of the program under which the training takes place.

You are allowed to spend funds not only on studying at universities, colleges or schools. You can use them to pay for preschool institutions. Moreover, you are allowed to receive maternity money immediately after issuing the certificate.

Important! You can also pay for accommodation in a hostel for one of your children using family capital.

Video - Maternity capital for education

Increase in mother's funded pension

A less popular use of family capital is increasing the mother's pension. It allows a woman to become independent in her old age. It is possible to use several options when reaching retirement age ():

  • pension term payments for 10 years;
  • as part of the funded part of the pension.

In the event of the death of a pension recipient with remaining unused funds, they will be transferred to the legal successors: father and children. When using state funds to increase your pension, they can always be withdrawn and used for other purposes permitted by the state.

Important! If the certificate is issued to the father, then this direction cannot be used by him. It was conceived as help to a mother who loses her work experience while caring for children from 1.5 to 3 years old. This direction made it possible to receive an increase in pension in old age. Maternity capital towards a future pension

Funds for disabled children

When registering a disability, each young citizen is given a rehabilitation program, which lists the funds for treatment and recovery provided by the state, and what needs to be purchased independently. It is on the last point that maternity capital is allowed to be spent.

The following funds are acquired through family capital:

  • technical devices for movement, special furniture;
  • sports equipment that allows the child to recover;
  • means for hygiene procedures: special baths, special shower chairs

Important! It will not be possible to spend maternity capital funds on treatment, since it is believed that it is provided free of charge in our country. You cannot use public funds for a speech therapist and a psychologist.

Video - Maternity capital for the rehabilitation of disabled children

Monthly transfers to needy families

Since the beginning of 2020, an innovation has been introduced in the use of public money - the opportunity to cash out family capital is provided. This requires the following conditions to be met:

  1. The appearance of the second and subsequent child in the family should not be earlier than 01/01/2020.
  2. Mother and child must have Russian citizenship.
  3. The family should be considered in need of state assistance, that is, each family member should not have more than 1.5 subsistence minimums.

The benefit is provided only until the child turns 1.5 years old, which is considered the reason for the provision of maternity capital. Monthly payments are made for 1 year. For the next period you will have to collect all the required documents again.

Important! The cost of living for each region is set individually. Its value varies depending on what category of citizens the minimum is intended for: an adult, a child or a pensioner.

One-time payment on maternity capital

Maternity capital amount

In 2007, state assistance to families with children was allocated in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. Until 2015, the amount of capital increased taking into account inflationary processes in the country. But due to the crisis situation, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to suspend the indexation of funds. Having stopped at 453,026 rubles in 2015, the family capital has not increased for 4 years. The same amount is provided to families in 2020. According to forecasts, there is no talk of increasing maternity capital in the next 2 years. Growth in the amount of maternity capital by year

Procedure for obtaining a certificate

Before applying for state aid, you must obtain a certificate. For this, according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1180n dated October 18, 2011 necessary:

  1. Issue a birth certificate for the baby at the registry office. It is issued on the basis of a certificate from the maternity hospital and documents of the parents.
  2. Obtain Russian citizenship from the Federal Migration Service in a situation where one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation. If both parents of a child are citizens of Russia, then he automatically acquires the same citizenship.
  3. Fill out an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the issuance of a certificate. The form can be obtained from the PF branch. It requires you to indicate:
  • Full name of the certificate recipient;
  • passport details;
  • status: father or mother;
  • citizenship;
  • residential address;
  • SNILS;
  • information about children: full name, date of birth;
  • list of attached documents.
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2011 N 1180n

If the certificate is issued by guardians or adoptive parents, this must also be indicated in the application.

It is necessary to collect the documents necessary to obtain a certificate:

  • the applicant’s passport and SNILS and their copies;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage document (if available).

When registering, the guardian must attach a court decision. If the father is applying for a certificate, additional documents are needed: a death certificate or a document certifying the deprivation of parental rights of the mother.

Then wait for a decision. The application is reviewed within a month. The certificate can be picked up in person at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation where the application was sent, or received by mail. 3 steps to receiving maternity capital

If the certificate is in hand, the family has the right to independently choose the direction of using state financial assistance.

Important! If you lose a document, you can contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where a duplicate of the previously received certificate will be issued.

Certificate for maternity capital

The certificate is a personal document that can only be used by the person indicated on it. It is issued on a special A4 form and has a security degree of “B”. Certificate for maternity capital

  1. The document has a series and a unique number.
  2. It contains the full name of the person to whom it was issued, as well as passport data.
  3. The certificate specifies the amount of maternity capital. If this value changes due to indexing, a new document is not issued. But when used, the amount corresponding to maternity capital at the time of its provision is taken into account.
  4. The document indicates the government agency that provided the certificate.
  5. The date of issue is indicated at the end. The paper is endorsed by the responsible person.
  6. The certificate contains a barcode with information about its owner or holder.
Example of a state certificate for maternity capital

How to get maternity capital

Depending on the direction of use of state assistance for families with children, the procedure for obtaining maternity capital is determined.

Obtaining capital for housing

  1. When using funds for housing, you need to choose a suitable real estate option. A preliminary purchase and sale agreement or loan agreement is drawn up.
  2. An application is submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which indicates for what purposes the public money will be used. The following documents are attached to the application:
  • certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • preliminary agreement.
How to obtain a certificate for maternity capital

The submitted application is being reviewed. If the decision is positive, the money will be credited to the account of the real estate seller or bank within 2 months.

Obtaining capital for training

  1. An application is submitted for the provision of budget funds to pay for training.
  2. The following documents are attached:
  • certificate;
  • passport of the certificate holder;
  • SNILS;
  • agreement on the provision of paid educational services;
  • educational institution license;
  • certificate of accreditation of the training program.
Maternity capital for study

Funds are also transferred 2 months after submitting the application.

Monthly payments

  1. An application is submitted to receive monthly payments in the amount of the minimum subsistence level accepted in the region of residence of the family.
  2. To receive it you need to bring certain documents:
  • certificate;
  • passport and SNILS;
  • birth certificate of the child, which indicates the date of birth after 01/01/2020;
  • certificate of income of all family members.

Funds will be transferred to the mother’s bank card monthly for 1 year. Monthly payments from maternity capital in Moscow