Savings book with old deposits from the USSR. Cash compensation for deposits of Sberbank of the USSR

Today, they still continue to pay compensation for deposits that were made during the Soviet period in Sberbank. To do this, you must meet a number of requirements and apply with the relevant documents to one of the branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. How are payments to affected depositors made this year?

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Payment procedure

If you are entitled to compensation for deposits, there is no need to contact the same branch where the account was once opened. This is due to the fact that today not all branches that were at the old addresses of the former USSR have survived. And many investors also changed their place of residence.

Submit the necessary documents to any structural division of Sberbank. It is important to contact the branch where the money will be transferred. This is done specifically for the convenience of investors and their legal representatives.

You can contact 17 regional banks, each of which has several branches. This financial network consists of 19,000 branches located throughout the country. In some cases, a small fee is charged for transferring payment amounts from one branch to another.

When contacting the bank, you must fill out a standard application to receive compensation. To do this, you must present not only a passport, but also a savings book from the USSR Savings Bank. If it is not there, an application for reinstatement is written.

Heirs must submit additional documents. Their content is determined by the specific situation.

The list may include the following documents:

  • testamentary disposition
  • notarial certificate of the right to inheritance (if there was no will),
  • certificate of will.

Note! If you are a user of the Sberbank OnL@yn remote service, the application can be filled out in your personal account electronically. But documents must be submitted in person only with a handwritten signature.

Who is entitled to

Refunds of deposits are subject to the condition that the account was opened before June 20, 1991 and was valid on that date.

The following clients are entitled to receive compensation::

  • for investors born before 1991,
  • heirs born before 1991,
  • persons who paid for funeral services in the event of the death of the investor in the period from 2001 to 2018.

Note! In the latter case, compensation in the amount of 6,000 rubles is paid.

The amount of the refund is determined by the client’s age and the validity period of his deposit:

  1. Those born before 1945 inclusive are entitled to three times the amount of the deposit balance.
  2. Those born between 1946 and 1991 are entitled to compensation equal to twice the balance.

If a partial refund was received in advance, the double or triple refund will be reduced by this amount.

Note! For accounts that were closed between June 20 and December 31, 1991, double and triple compensation is not paid.

There are certain coefficients that depend on the period of storage of deposits. They influence the size of the final payment. To calculate, you can go to the official website of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.


To receive compensation, certain documents will be required. Their list depends on who provides them - the investor or the heir.

The investor must submit the following documents:

  • your civil passport,
  • savings book for a current deposit,

The heir submits the following documents:

  • your civil passport,
  • inheritance document,
  • death certificate of the investor,
  • application of the established form.

Video: Payment procedure

Calculation of the amount of compensation for the deposit

The final amount of debt to be paid is determined by the year of birth of the owner and the date of closure of the deposit. The amount is determined as follows: the cash balance in the deposit account is increased by two different factors and decreased by the amount that was previously paid as preliminary compensation.

One coefficient is equal to the number “2” for those investors who were born from 1946 to 1991. And the coefficient “3” is assigned to those who were born before 1946.

There are also the following sizes of the increasing multiplier:

There is a calculator on the Sberbank of Russia website that can be used to calculate the amount of compensation for the depositor.

But this calculation will only be approximate. To find out the exact cost, you need to contact one of the Sberbank branches. All features and difficult moments will be taken into account here. If necessary, they will restore the expense transactions that have existed over all these years.

The deposit was closed in 1995. Those born before 1945 receive a payment of the balance three times the amount with a coefficient of 0.9. As a result, the payment amount is 2,700 rubles.

Thus, the heir or investor will receive the amount of 2,700 rubles if there have been no other payments up to this point. If payments were made, the final amount will be much less.

Often, the heir may not know about all the contributions of his testator. He does not always know about previously received deposit payments. For this reason, Sberbank carries out an accurate verification of information in each specific case.

Formula for 3 times the amount of payment based on 1948. inclusive

To determine three times the amount of compensation, the following formula is used:

(Oν x Kk x 3) - Rk

  • Кk – compensation coefficient,

Formula for 2 times the payment amount from 1946-1991. R.

To determine the double amount of compensation, the following formula is used:

(Oν x Kk x 3) - Rk

In this case, the formula designations are deciphered as follows:

  • Oν – deposit balance as of June 20, 1991,
  • Кk – compensation coefficient,
  • Rk – the amount of compensation received previously.

Compensation of Sberbank deposits from 1992 in 2018

To consider the issue of calculating compensation for a deposit that was closed between 1992 and 2018, you must contact one of the bank’s structural divisions at the location of the deposit.

You can also contact the structural unit of the bank to which the depositor plans to transfer the amount of compensation. You can submit a corresponding application for compensation here.

Who is not paid

It is important to consider that compensation is not always paid.

Compensation will not be paid to the heir or investor in the following cases:

  • If the deposit was opened starting from June 20, 1991,
  • If the deposit was closed during the period 06/20/1991-12/31/1991,
  • If the deposit compensation was previously paid in full,
  • If the deceased investor does not have an heir aged before 1991,
  • If the heir of a citizen of the Russian Federation is not a citizen of Russia,
  • If the deposit does not belong to a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Payments to the heirs of a deceased investor

In 2018, the heirs of the deceased depositor also receive payments on deposits. But one condition must be met, according to which the investor on the day of death must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Payments are made as follows:

  • Three times compensation in the amount of the deposit balance as of June 20, 1991 is paid to persons born before 1945;
  • Double compensation is paid in the amount of the deposit balance as of June 20, 1991 to persons born in 1946 to 1991.

The amounts of these compensations are determined by the storage period of deposits. They are reduced by the amount of funds that were previously received. They are also reduced by the amount of additional compensation.

If the deposit was closed during the period from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, the possibility of payment in double and triple amounts does not apply. If an investor who is a citizen of the Russian Federation died between 2001 and 2018, his heir receives payment for funeral services.

Payment is also made to an individual who paid for these services, but is not an heir.

The amount of this compensation is determined by the balance of the deposit as of June 20, 1991, but cannot exceed 6 thousand rubles.

Thus, if you qualify for compensation for Soviet deposits, it can be received if certain conditions are met. The main thing is to submit the necessary documents and make the necessary calculations. Only after this can you receive the payment due by law.


In 2018, the process of making payments to citizens of the Russian Federation who opened a deposit with Sberbank during the Soviet era was restored. This year, the 1991 agreements are coming up. How exactly you can receive a payment, what documents you will need to have with you, and also how much Sberbank is ready to pay is described in this article. Compensation for deposits from 1991 in 2018-2019 – when will they be given?

There are clear refund policies. If the candidate fully fulfills the requirements and meets them, the funds will be returned. In the absence of a corresponding application, no one will provide the amount due to you.

Here are the payments that will be made in 2018:

  1. If the deposit was opened before June 20, 1991. The fact is that all agreements concluded for opening a deposit before this date are recognized as public debt on the basis of.
  2. State insurance contracts concluded with Rosgosstrakh before January 1, 1992.
  3. For obligations of the USSR Treasury.
  4. By savings certificates.

Not everyone is eligible to receive the money. Here are the citizens who will be able to receive compensation:

  1. The citizens of the Russian Federation themselves who opened the deposit.
  2. Heirs of the investor, if they were born before the collapse of the USSR.
  3. Other persons who independently paid for funeral services at the burial of the depositor.

Who is entitled to compensation for their deposit in 2018–2020?

What deposits are not paid?

According to current legislation, the state has undertaken an obligation to pay not all deposits. Waiver will be provided:

  1. If the investor died and the heirs were born after the collapse of the USSR.
  2. If the agreement was concluded after the collapse of the USSR.
  3. If the contract was terminated before the end of 1991.
  4. If documents have already been submitted and the application for payment has been granted.
  5. When applying to heirs who do not have Russian citizenship.

Can heirs receive compensation?

Heirs can exercise their right to receive compensation only if the following requirements are satisfied:

  1. If you have Russian citizenship.
  2. If the investor has Russian citizenship at the time of his death.
  3. If the heirs were born in the USSR.
  4. Entering into inheritance legally.

Important! Money can be paid not only to immediate relatives, but also to second and third priority heirs. In their absence, the right to compensation is given to persons who handled the burial with their own money.

Calculation of the amount of compensation for the deposit

It is possible to independently calculate the amount of compensation payment, taking into account the applicant’s age, his status and a number of other points that affect the coefficient. Based on this, you should decide on the advisability of collecting a complete package of documents. It is important to consider not only the size of the deposit, but also:

  1. Recipient's age.
  2. Recipient status.
  3. The amount of previous compensation if several deposits were made.

The procedure and features of compensation are described in Federal Law No. 362. Additional changes relevant for 2018-2019 are indicated in Government Decree No. 1092, which was extended on the basis of another Decree No. 1435.

Based on the table below, you can make your own calculation.

Payout percentage of depositDeposit closing yearContract time
80%1994 1992-1993
70%1993 1991-1992
60%1992 Until 1991

The Sberbank website also has a special calculator that helps you make calculations online. It takes into account the deposit balance, the ratio and the amount of previously made payments.

Features of payments using USSR savings books

According to Federal Law No. 238 and Federal Law No. 362, to carry out the calculation it is necessary to revaluate banknotes and equate the Soviet ruble with the Russian one. Then you can understand how much you can get. However, there are some categories of citizens who receive a significant increase.

Since the compensation payment program has a social orientation, the unprotected or least protected category of Russians has the right to increased compensation.

Through simple calculations, if there are 3,000 rubles in the account, citizens born in 1945 and earlier can receive 9 thousand rubles, while younger citizens only 6 thousand rubles, despite the same balance.

On the possibility of receiving funeral compensation from Soviet deposits

Federal Law No. 238 allows you to receive payment not only to heirs, but also to citizens of the Russian Federation who took on burial expenses without being relatives of the depositor. However, they need to keep all receipts and receipts to confirm that they were the ones who handled the burial matters.

Important! Even for previously closed deposits, you can receive monetary compensation. But the closing date for such deposits must be between June 20 and December 31, 1991. At the same time, Sberbank will refuse to provide compensation if the depositor was paid the money during his lifetime. The amount directly depends on the amount of savings.

IN Federal Law No. 415 it is indicated that Sberbank guarantees a fifteen-fold increase in the deposit amount if it contains less than 400 rubles. That is, with a balance of 350 Soviet rubles you can get 5250 Russian rubles.

If at the time of death the depositor had several valid agreements in different branches of the bank, then the state undertakes to return the money under only one of the agreements. What exactly will be paid is up to the heirs to decide.

Targeted contribution for children 1991

In the era of the USSR, there was a tendency when parents, at the birth of a child, opened a deposit in his name. Upon reaching adulthood, the child himself could manage his own funds, which had accumulated enough over 18 years to buy a car or an apartment. But due to the collapse of the USSR, many such deposits became worthless, and now payments are being made on them through Sberbank branches.

Important! According to the terms of the agreement, savings must be in the account for at least 10 years. The bearer was then entitled to receive increased interest. If the contract specifies a period of less than 10 years, the bank will refuse to provide money under government guarantees.

Today you shouldn’t count on receiving interest from the bank for these and other products, but it is possible to get your money back. The amount of compensation depends on the age of the recipient, that is, persons born in the period 1945-1991 will receive double the amount. At birth after the collapse of the USSR, it is not possible even for the heirs to receive money.

You can receive funds:

  1. Directly investors.
  2. Heirs of the investor who satisfy the current requirements.
  3. Persons performing the funeral.

It is worth understanding what the deposit balance consists of so that you can calculate the potential payout.

What does the deposit balance consist of?

It is necessary to understand that Sberbank employees can carry out settlements on deposits where indexation has already been carried out. According to the Decree of the President of the USSR dated March 22, 1991, all deposits of USSR citizens as of March 1, 1991 increased by 40% at the expense of government funds.

There are three accounting options when making payments:

  1. A note was made in the savings book that the amount of the balance was increasing based on the decision of the president of the country, and therefore depositors could withdraw this increase without loss of interest after July 1, 1991. In this case, the minimum balance had to be more than 200 rubles.
  2. The revaluation amount was credited to a special account, and it was possible to dispose of the money only after three years.
  3. Indexation was not carried out for products that were opened after March 1, 1991, so money can only be received based on the balance indicated in the passbook.

Based on the Decree, all persons who made their deposits before the specified date could receive an additional 40% of their savings from money allocated from the USSR budget.

The procedure for making payments in 2018-2019

To receive budget funds for obligations based on Federal Law No. 73, necessary:

  1. Check on your own the grounds for receiving funds from USSR deposits.
  2. Check with the bank's specialists about what documents you need to provide and whether you have the right to make a payment. At this stage, you can also clarify the amount in order to understand how necessary it is to carry out the actions indicated below.
  3. If a citizen does not know where exactly the deposit was opened or this branch was closed, it is necessary to send a request to Sberbank. Having picked up the archived contracts, the applicant will receive a response indicating the place where he will need to go to process the payment.
  4. Write an application to the service office and present the required documents.
  5. Get money in cash.

Important! If the branch where the contract was concluded is located far from the recipient, you can contact the nearest service office. There, in addition to the complete package of documents, you will need to provide an application for transferring funds to another branch. Considering that Sberbank is a decentralized organization, even intrabank transfers are paid. That is, the recipient must pay 1% of the transfer amount.

If the investor participated in the state insurance program during the USSR period, then it is necessary to contact Rosgosstrakh to receive payments there.

The Ministry of Finance announced plans for the next annual allocation of 5.5 billion from 2017 to 2019. to compensate for Soviet savings.

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Legislative regulation of the issue

If the deposit was opened before June 20, 1991, then the volume and procedure for compensation can be studied in Art. 15 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 415. This regulatory act determines that payments will be made on the basis of Federal Law No. 73, which entered into force in 1995, which contains information on recovery processes and ways to protect the financial savings of depositors.

The procedure for compensation of deposits (contributions) is also discussed in Government Decree No. 1435, extending the validity of a similar document No. 1092, issued in 2009.

The return process is planned to begin immediately after the current year’s budget funding arrives at Sberbank of Russia.

Citizens should pay attention to the fact that Federal Law No. 415, namely, paragraph 5 of Art. 15 states that if in relation to a citizen’s contribution (contribution) triple or double compensation, preliminary or additional compensation, as well as payments for ritual services (amount of up to 6,000 rubles) were previously made, then a repeated application is meaningless.

Who can apply for

Not subject to consideration deposits:

To return previously collected funds can count:

  • investors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and born before 1991 inclusive;
  • heirs of investors.


In accordance with Government Decree No. 1092, dated 2009, the amount of compensation payments for the deposit depends on several factors.

Citizens whose date of birth did not reach 1945 will receive compensation threefold.

Any investor born after 1946 and before 1991 can pay for double the amount of compensation regarding the remainder. Compensation is also affected by shelf life.

If the death of the investor occurred during the period from 2001 to 2014, then heirs receive compensation for funeral services:

  • 6 thousand rubles, if the amount of money stored exceeded 400 rubles;
  • a figure increased by 15 times if the deposit amount does not reach 400 rubles.

Sometimes situations happen that 2 banks must reimburse the amount, but if we are talking about funeral services, then only 1 of them will pay the amount. The legislation does not provide for double payments.

Cases when a citizen of the Russian Federation did not receive none of the above do not imply subsequent additional payments:

Almost all of the above payments are subject to annual indexation in accordance with the inflation rate defined in the budget law for the current financial period and planning years.

The amount of compensation is influenced by duration of deposit storage. In addition, when determining, we use the following odds :

  • 1 – in relation to the deposit valid at the current time, as well as to investments whose validity extends to 1992 – 2019;
  • 0.9 applies to deposits valid from 1992 to 1994. and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 if the deposit was valid from 1992 to 1993 and was closed in 1994;
  • 0.7, if we are talking about existence in 1992 and closure in 1993;
  • 0.6 applies if the deposit was closed in 1992.

If accumulation of funds was stopped from June 20 to December 31, 1991, then double and triple compensation payments will not be made.

Payment procedure

When returning a sum of money, hard currency is used - rubles. Refinancing to another structure can also be carried out if the applicant expresses the appropriate desire.

Current legislation regulates the following sequencing when making payments:

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, all deposits located in 1991-92. were accounts of Sberbank and Rosgosstrakh, should be compensated until 2020 If any refunds have already been paid to the citizen, then the refund applies only to the balance.

For compensation of the 1991 contribution in the current year The following citizens can apply:

  • born before 1945 and having funds in a bank account on a previously agreed date;
  • born between 1946 and 1991 and with similar financial savings.

Children's savings

Candidates for children's savings deposit 1991, opened by parents, for example, before reaching the age of majority, they also expect to receive certain compensation.

In accordance with the legislation in force at that time, funds were paid upon completion of 16 or 18 years, but only if a mandatory condition was met - a minimum storage period of 10 years. This claim is subject to representation or inheritance, i.e. The applicant will be required to provide identification papers.

In 2019 for compensation payment can contact:

Registration of a compensation payment assumes that the depositor or his heirs will receive the corresponding payment from Sberbank. statement. The institution will not independently organize search activities.

If the heirs do not have information about the savings of a deceased relative, then this information can be found at a Sberbank branch after sending the appropriate request.

The resolution states that when recalculating the amount return rate is 1 Soviet ruble = 1 Russian ruble. Of course, the ruble has lost a significant part of its purchasing power since 1991.

To partially “smooth out” these consequences, certain modifiers, directly depending on how old the applicant is:

  • 3 times the nominal deposit if the citizen was born in 1945 and earlier;
  • 2 times the size if from 1946 to 1991.

For understanding, we can give the following example: a depositor was born in 1945, and wants to receive a compensation payment in respect of a deposit closed in 1995. By the time 1991 arrived, the amount of 4,500 rubles had been accumulated in the savings book. That is, a 3-fold amount and a modifier of 0.9 will be applied to the remaining finances. The total refund amount is: 4500 * 3 * 0.9 = 12150.00 rubles.

If the applicant has previously applied for compensation, then payments made will be deducted.

The heir can calculate the due financial return using a similar formula. True, to determine the value of the modifier, it is necessary to take into account the age not of the one who opened the deposit, but of the one who inherited it. Wherein the following important factors are taken into account:

  • the year when the deposit was closed;
  • inherited share;
  • previously received compensation, which could be applied for by both the investor and the heir.

If the applicant paid for funeral services with his own funds, then he can also count on compensation, even despite the absence of a family connection. The same modifiers are used for calculation, but only the total amount is limited to 6,000 rubles.

For information on the reimbursement of these deposits, see the following video:

Sberbank OJSC pays its depositors compensation for old deposits opened during the Soviet era. Old deposits are popularly called “burnt out”. Contrary to beliefs that it is impossible to return this money, there is a way not only to get your deposit back, but also to receive compensation. Let's find out who can claim a refund and how compensation for savings books is processed.

Who is entitled to compensation for savings books?

If the depositor closed the deposit between June 20 and December 31, 1991, compensation will not be issued as if the owner of the passbook received his money on time.

The owner of any savings book opened during the collapse of the USSR is entitled to receive compensation, but the amount of compensation will not be the same - it depends on the category of the depositor:

  • depositors whose year of birth is less than 1945 have the right to receive compensation in the amount of 3 times the balance of money as of June 20, 1991;
  • depositors born between 1945 and 1991 can receive a compensation amount equal to 2 times the account balance as of June 20, 1991;
  • heirs of investors born before 1991;
  • heirs and third parties who took upon themselves the costs of burial of the investor from 2001 and later.

It is also worth paying attention to the year the deposit was closed - depending on the time of closing, various reducing factors will apply:

  • 1, if the deposit was closed between 1996 and 2010;
  • 0.9 if closure occurred in 1995;
  • 0.8 if the deposit was closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 if the deposit was closed in 1993;
  • 0.6 if the depositor closed the deposit in 1992.

How is compensation calculated for savings books: calculation formula

To know in advance how much compensation you can expect, you can use the following calculation formula:


where RKS is the amount of compensation according to the Savings Book;

SV – deposit amount;

GSR is a coefficient that depends on the year of birth of the investor;

KGZ is a coefficient that depends on the year the deposit was closed.

Examples of calculating compensation for a savings book

Let's look at several examples of calculating compensation for deposits, since the procedure for calculating the amounts will depend on the year of birth of the depositor and the year the deposit was closed.

Example 1

The Sberbank depositor was born in 1956, he opened a deposit in Sberbank and has not closed it until now. The balance of funds is 5 thousand rubles.

Compensation amount = 5,000 rubles x 2 x 1.0 = 10,000 rubles.

Example 2

The depositor was born in 1968 and closed his deposit in 1995. The investor had 1.5 thousand rubles left in his savings book.

Compensation amount = 1,500 rubles x 2 x 0.9 = 2,700 rubles.

Example 3

The depositor's year of birth is 1939. The deposit balance is 4,700 rubles. The deposit was not closed. Previously, preliminary compensation in the amount of 170 rubles was issued.

Compensation amount = 4,700 rubles x 3 x 1.0 – 170 rubles = 13,930 rubles.

How is compensation processed for savings books?

Regardless of where the bank deposit was once opened, you can contact any branch of Sberbank. The bank employee will need to show your ID and passbook.

It happens that the book was lost - in such a situation, you can also claim compensation if the depositor is absolutely sure that on June 20, 1991 he had savings. You will need to write a statement and ask to conduct a data search. The database must contain information about the applicant, and then a bank branch specialist will calculate the compensation due and offer to pay it in cash or transfer it back to the savings book.

What documents are needed in order to receive compensation for savings books?

The list of documents for processing compensation will depend on who is applying for the money. In the event that the investor himself applies for compensation for losses, he will need a set of documents that includes the following papers:

Document Where to get it
Application for payment of compensation under a savings book The form and sample will be presented at the Sberbank branch
Russian passport GUVM MIA
A savings book with a current deposit, opened earlier than June 20, 1991 OJSC Sberbank (if it is not available, you can request a search for information in the database)
Marriage certificate (if the investor changed personal data after marriage) Civil registry offices
Certificate of change of name (if the investor voluntarily changed personal data) Civil registry offices

If the investor’s heir applies for compensation, more documents will be needed:

Document Where to get it
Application for compensation for a deposit in Sberbank The form and sample will be issued at the bank branch
Russian passport GUVM MIA
Certificate of change of name or marriage certificate (if a name change took place) Civil registry offices
Document evidencing inheritance rights Notary
Death certificate of a Sberbank depositor Civil registry offices
USSR passport insert, extract from house register As evidence that the investor was a Russian citizen at the time of death

In the event that a Sberbank depositor previously applied to a Sberbank branch on March 1, 2002 in order to leave a testamentary disposition in favor of an heir, he may not provide a document on the right to receive an inheritance.

Sberbank answers the most common questions regarding the provision of compensation for savings books on its official website. Here you can also find the compensation application form.

Common mistakes

Error: A Sberbank depositor, who opened a deposit in a savings book during the collapse of the USSR, demands compensation for three savings books issued in his name.

The state program continues to pay compensation to Soviet depositors of Sberbank, whose funds were “frozen” in June 1991. Payments began in 1996 from the federal budget and continue today. According to Federal Law No. 73-FZ “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation” dated May 10, 1995, the government recognized the deposit debt as an internal debt of the state and undertakes to repay it by December 25, 2020.

Citizens of the Russian Federation and their heirs can count on compensation for lost funds. The amount of payments depends on the age of the depositor, the amount of the account balance and the deposit period.

Who is entitled to compensation?

Payments on Sberbank deposits opened before June 20, 1991 and valid until June 20, 1991 are made:

  • depositors - citizens of the Russian Federation born in 1991 inclusive;
  • heirs - citizens of the Russian Federation born in 1991 inclusive (on deposits of citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • to heirs or individuals paying for funeral services in the event of the death of the investor - a citizen of the Russian Federation in the period from 2001 to 2016.

In some cases, compensation for deposits is not provided. The law does not apply to the following situations:

  • the deposit was opened on June 20, 1991 and later;
  • the deposit was closed from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991;
  • compensation for the deposit has already been fully paid;
  • the depositor does not have Russian citizenship (regardless of his place of residence);
  • the heir to the deposit of a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have Russian citizenship (regardless of his place of residence);
  • heir born before 1991.

Deposits opened on the territory of states that were formerly part of the USSR are compensated by these states in accordance with the legislation in force there.

Compensation amount

Investors and heirs. The amount of compensation in 2016 is regulated by Federal Law No. 359 of December 14, 2015 (Article 15, clauses 2-5), the amount is paid to citizens of the Russian Federation based on the face value of banknotes in 1991 as follows:

  • born in 1945 inclusive - three times the amount of the balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991;
  • Born 1946-1991 inclusive - in double the amount of the balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991.

The amount of compensation depends on the period of storage of deposits and is reduced by the amounts of previously received preliminary and additional compensation.

Heirs have the right to payments on deposit balances only if the depositors themselves have not received them before.

The owner of the inherited deposit on the day of death must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The amount previously paid to the heirs for funeral services in the amount of up to 6 thousand rubles. does not affect the amount of compensation.

Coefficients determining the amount of compensation

The size of payments is influenced by the storage period of deposits, depending on which one or another coefficient is used in the calculation formula:

1 - for deposits currently operating, as well as for deposits closed in 1996-2015;

0.9 - for deposits closed in 1995;

0.8 - for deposits closed in 1994;

0.7 - for deposits closed in 1993;

0.6 - for deposits closed in 1992;

Formulas for calculating compensation to investors

The amount of triple compensation is determined by the formula:

(Oν × Kk × 3) - Rk

The amount of double compensation is determined by the formula:

(Oν × Kk × 2) - Rk

Kk - compensation coefficient;

Rk - the amount of previously received compensation;

Oν - balance on the deposit as of 06/20/1991 (If the deposit was opened before 03/01/1991, the balance as of 06/20/1991 will consist of funds in the deposit account and funds in a special account opened in accordance with OP No. 1708 dated March 22, 1991 “On compensation to the population for losses from depreciation of savings due to a one-time increase in retail prices." According to the decree, the amount of savings of depositors as of March 1, 1991 was increased by 40%).

Example 1: An investor born in 1940 has an active deposit. As of June 20, 1991, there were 2,000 rubles in the account. I have not received any compensation before. Payment amount:

2000 rub. × 1 × 3 = 6000 rub.

Example 2: A depositor born in 1950 closed the deposit in 1994. The balance of the deposit as of June 20, 1991 is 2000 rubles. I have not received any compensation before. Payment amount:

2000 rub. × 0.8 × 2 = 3200 rub.

Calculation of compensation to heirs

The exact amount of payments to the heir will be announced at the Sberbank branch at the place where the deposit is kept. Its size depends on:

  • year of birth of the heir;
  • deposit storage period (closed or active);
  • hereditary share;
  • amounts of previously paid compensation.

Funeral services. In case of death of the investor in 2001-2015. heirs or persons who paid for funeral services are entitled to compensation, the amount of which depends on the balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991, but not exceeding 6 thousand rubles. (persons who paid for funeral services must apply for payments before the expiration of 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance). In this case, the citizenship of the heir or the person who paid for the funeral services does not matter.

The terms of compensation and its amount are determined by Federal Law No. 238 (Article 117, Part 5-7) dated December 19, 2006, based on the face value of banknotes in 1991:

  • if the amount of deposits is less than 400 rubles, the amount of payments is equal to the amount of deposits specified in the application, multiplied by 15;
  • if the amount of deposits is equal to or exceeds 400 rubles, the amount of payments is equal to 6 thousand rubles.

Upon acceptance of the application, a note on the compensation made is made on the death certificate of the investor.

Documents for receiving compensation

Payment of compensation is made at Sberbank branches at the location of the deposits.

Depositors and their proxies must present:

  • a savings book or an application for the loss of a savings book (for existing deposits) or a special statement (for the loss of a savings book for closed deposits);
  • power of attorney for the right to receive compensation (for an authorized person).

The heirs and their proxies present:

  • identification document;
  • death certificate of the investor;
  • a document confirming the right to inheritance;
  • a document confirming that the depositor was a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • passbook or special statement;
  • power of attorney for the right to receive compensation (for an authorized person);
  • a document confirming that the heir is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

To establish the citizenship of a deceased investor, you can contact the passport and visa service at the investor’s last place of residence.

To compensate for the payment of funeral services, the heirs need to present the package of documents listed above. Another individual can also receive compensation for paying for funeral services on the basis of a notary’s decree upon presentation of a passport and death certificate.