Closing credit card home credit bank. Will home credit bank go bankrupt Home credit closes

RBC's source in one of the cybersecurity companies said that they were approached by about ten banks that allegedly suffered from the Petya virus, probably used by hackers.

Sberbank assured RBC that all the bank's systems are operating normally. A representative of Alfa-Bank said that no attacks were recorded.

“The Otkritie bank, like other banks, is subjected to similar attacks several times a week. Our security systems successfully reflect them. We operate in a standard mode and do not stop improving our protection systems, ”Vyacheslav Kasimov, director of information security at Otkritie Bank, explained to RBC.

The press service of the Bank of Russia reported on the detection of computer attacks aimed at credit institutions. According to the Central Bank, isolated cases of infection of information infrastructure objects were recorded as a result of attacks. Violations of the systems of banks and the provision of services to customers were not recorded.
“Currently, the Center for Monitoring and Response to Computer Attacks in the Credit and Financial Sphere (FinCERT) of the Bank of Russia, together with credit organizations, is working to eliminate the consequences of identified computer attacks,” the regulator’s press service told RBC.

Earlier on Tuesday, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) that several Ukrainian commercial banks and other enterprises were subjected to "an external hacker attack by an unknown virus" at once.

“As a result of such cyberattacks, these banks are experiencing difficulties in servicing customers and performing banking operations,” the NBU said in a statement.

The attack, in particular, was reported by one of the largest banks in Ukraine, Oschadbank, as well as banks OTP, Pivdenny and others.

“We are taking measures to ensure the security of the bank in cyberspace. In this regard, you may experience temporary difficulties in servicing the bank. Branches of the bank today work in a consultative mode,” the Pivdenny bank said in a statement.

The virus spreading across Ukraine is in the work of not only banks, but also a number of other enterprises and institutions - from Ukrenergo to Ukrposhta.

Russian companies also have problems. In particular, the information system of the Evraz company, whose largest co-owner is Roman Abramovich, was subjected to a hacker attack. According to a company representative, there was a failure in the information system, but the main production facilities continue to work, there is no threat to the security of enterprises and employees.

It also became known about a hacker attack on the computer systems of tour operators Mouzenidis Travel and Anex tour. According to the portal, General Director of Mouzenidis Travel, Alexander Tsandekidi, the attackers hacked into the online booking system and at the same time blocked access to the company's local computers, for the return of which they demanded money.

“This will not affect the departures of tourists to places of rest and their return home,” Tsandekidi assured.

Earlier on Tuesday about a “powerful hacker attack” on its servers, Rosneft, because of a virus attack, the computers of a number of banks and enterprises in Ukraine were out of order.

Last year was marked by the revocation of licenses from dozens of Russian banks. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which regulates the financial sector, sent several market participants into oblivion every week. It is not surprising that people have questions about the fate of the institutions with which they cooperate. Rumors that Home Credit Bank is closing are stirring up tens of thousands of its customers who want to know the truth about its plight. We hasten to reassure you - at the moment the organization is not in danger.

Exciting optimization

One of the reasons for the gossip about HCFB's exit from the market is the reduction of the network of branches, which has been systematically carried out over the past year and a half. The institution is focused on the development of retail in general and loans in particular, therefore, in the pre-crisis period, it was actively expanding. Then the credit policy from open became more conservative, and the cost of maintaining offices turned out to be too high. To reduce costs, management began to optimize the network by closing branches with the following features:

  • low profitability;
  • unprofitability;
  • location in hard-to-reach areas or settlements.

Large cities are not threatened by a scenario in which Home Credit Bank branches are closed: they will continue to work, although some offices have been enlarged through a merger. The changes also affected the number of staff - in 2015, the staff was almost halved.

Customers perceive all these changes with caution, but the organization tries to make sure that everyone is satisfied. Nothing threatens the funds of depositors - they can receive their savings at the end of the storage period or at any other time. Well, borrowers continue to service their obligations in a planned manner, using one or more available methods for repayment.

Regulations and ratings

If you hear from someone that Home Credit Bank is closing in 2016, invite that person to take a look at the financials. They are regularly published online and reflect the real state of affairs, followed by the Central Bank. The following criteria are considered the most important:

  1. Basic data. In terms of assets, capital, loan portfolio, the bank is among the top 40 organizations, and in terms of deposits it ranks in the top 20, which indicates the confidence of depositors. At the same time, the share of arrears in the loan portfolio is quite large (about 15%), but the institution is actively and successfully working to improve the quality of debt.

  2. Regulations. To date, HCFB Bank fulfills the mandatory norms with a margin. Capital adequacy exceeds 13% with a minimum of 10%, and instant and current liquidity are 210% and 149% (minimum - 15% and 50%).

  3. Credit ratings. The organization has opinions from three global agencies: S&P, Fitch Ratings and Moody's have rated it B+, B+ and B2, respectively. Analysts consider the bank's position to be quite stable, although they mention exposure to risks associated with narrow specialization.

Thus, during the year, customers do not have to worry about whether Home Credit Bank closes. He feels quite confident, especially compared to hundreds of other players on the Russian market. Owner support and cheaper resources will have a positive impact on the bank's performance.

It is worth noting, and you need to know that the problems of Home Credit Bank began a long time ago, since 2013, and neither in 2014, nor in 2015, nor even in 2017, they were resolved. As for the rumors that the bank will close soon, they also circulate on the Internet and outside it, also not from scratch.

In addition, the regulator represented by the Central Bank of Russia very carefully monitors the situation in the bank and has already taken certain measures against the bank more than once. And this means that there are problems in the bank and they are confirmed.

The bank's management itself officially declares that it is going to reduce offices throughout Russia, in order to somehow stabilize the situation that has arisen during the crisis. But will it lead to success? Will show time.

What should depositors and clients of Home Credit Bank do?

Of course, it is definitely not worth waiting for the bank's clients to watch and wait for the bank to improve its current situation and make a profit. For what reasons - we have already told you in the article:

It was in this article that we made detailed conclusions about why it is unsafe for a wallet to cooperate with a bank in 2018.

Naturally, the difference between a depositor and a client who has taken a loan from this bank is noticeably different. It is much easier for an ordinary depositor to leave a bank, especially since there are still quite a lot of banks around. When a person who has taken a loan from a bank, it is almost impossible to leave immediately. However, if you have such an opportunity, then do it immediately.

One of the main reasons that encourage customers and depositors to leave the bank is low financial performance - the bank has no net profit - it is unprofitable, there is overdue debt in the loan portfolio of more than 25 million rubles out of a total loan portfolio of 184 million rubles as of December 2015, Home Credit pursues a risky credit policy and offers customers deposits at inflated interest rates, which is a risk of being subject to license revocation.

In addition, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation also applies countermeasures to the bank, which directlyindicates that the bank repeatedly violates the norms and regulations of the regulator.

Bank closure or reorganization?

Here it is impossible to say directly and answer exactly what will happen to the bank in the end, and all because the situation with the bank can go in any direction, both positive and negative. However, we still do not recommend cooperating with Home Credit Bank.

What is positive about Home Credit Bank?

The bank's management has all the hope that the optimization of closing offices will be beneficial and it will be possible to attract new customers to the bank for deposits and loans. And this, in times of crisis, is not so simple. Do you want to hope that this will benefit the bank and the bank will stay afloat on its own? We believe that it is not worth hoping for 100%.

What's wrong with Home Credit Bank?

New customers may not come to the bank due to the crisis, which will really shake the situation in the bank and negatively affect the financial performance in general.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation can immediately and severely punish the bank, namely, issue an order, as was done to Svyaznoy Bank, due to the fact that a high-risk increase in the loan portfolio and deposit portfolio was revealed, which, in fact, Home Credit Bank is currently doing, that is, it issues deposits at a high interest rate and lends money to depositors for loans.And if the share in the bank on overdue loans, that is, problematic and bad loans, grows, then that's it, the bank's license will be revoked for sure.

Also, the current unstable state of the bank is added to the negative. Although we take into account that the bank's capital meets the requirements of the regulator, however, the overall financial indicators do not shine with positive dynamics.

General withdrawal on Home Credit bank

The current activity of Home Credit and Finance Bank is assessed as unsatisfactory.

Having decided to terminate the use of a credit card, the user is obliged to take care of the correct closing. Sometimes customers simply throw it away, or put it aside.

Meanwhile, the bank continues to service the personal account, and additional services remain connected, even if the plastic is inactive.

According to this scheme, the client turns into a debtor, so the closing process must be approached with all responsibility.

In what cases is the card closed and why?

A set of additional services is connected to almost all credit card accounts of Home Credit Bank. All of them facilitate the use of products and make it more convenient. As an example, we can cite the familiar to all sms informing.

Their settlement days are not defined by law. In addition, in order for the client to get a loan to zero, it is necessary to achieve a full settlement. However, it is not necessary to wait for the beginning of the next month on your own, since the payment for the next month arrives.

You can start closing a Home Credit Bank credit card and start terminating the agreement only after the bank's specialists issue a decision that the parties do not owe each other anything.

Special attention should be paid to interest on loans. If the money was transferred at the bank's office, however, the teller may have yesterday's information, which will leave an underpaid amount.

If the credit card balance is replenished through Internet banking, then the money can only come the next day, or even after weekends or holidays.

The result is similar. If the loan is paid in payment terminals, then there are usually no disadvantages, since the devices do not give change, and customers have to pay larger amounts.

How to close a Home Credit Bank credit card?

The validity period of the plastic product does not exceed 3 years. Its owner may refuse to use plastic ahead of schedule.

Before submitting the corresponding application, the user must pay off all the debt on the account. The owner can find out its correct value in the following way:

  1. by phone on the "hot line" of Home Credit Bank;
  2. online, in your personal account on the official Internet portal;
  3. at the teller directly in the branch of Home Credit Bank.

Before closing a Home Credit Bank credit card, the procedure for closing an account must be approached with extreme caution. In general, the mechanism for closing a credit card is as follows:

  1. the client makes a call to the hotline;
  2. records operator data;
  3. finds out from a specialist the exact amount of debt to the bank;
  4. repays the debt in the bank during the day;
  5. takes a receipt for the completion of payment;
  6. blocks plastic;
  7. at the same moment, the client takes from the bank employee an application form for closing the loan agreement;
  8. fills out an application, indicating in it the details of the passport;
  9. receives a copy of the application, certified by a round seal, together with an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements;
  10. finds out the exact end time of the reconciliation. Usually this period varies between 3-45 days.

What are the conditions for closing? , after the card is transferred to the bank. The main thing is that it be destroyed in front of the applicant. This is done by cutting the magnetic strip across.

This excludes the possibility of further misuse of the product by the bank. You cannot destroy it yourself, since it is the property of the bank, which can cause huge problems for the client.

Actions after closing the card

The client comes back to the bank on the appointed date. You must have a copy of the application, a receipt of payment, and a personal Russian-style passport with you. Bank employees provide reconciliation results.

If it turns out that a small debt has already accumulated on the account, it will have to be paid in any case. It is more convenient to do this at the cash desk of Home Credit Bank.

Today, the requirements for closing a Home Credit Bank card are quite simple. The fact of payment, data on the full repayment of the debt and termination of the loan agreement must be confirmed by the relevant documents.

In some cases, Home Credit Bank employees insist on drawing up an application with a request to terminate the loan agreement. All documents must be kept for 3 years and one day after the expiration of the limitation period.

It is advisable to take care of disabling the package of additional services in advance. The client can leave the corresponding application by phone by calling the bank's call center. It should be borne in mind that even the fact of death is not the reason for closing the card.

The bank may simply not know about the death of the owner, but at the same time continue to service the client's account in full. Over time, all obligations automatically pass to the heir.

Until that time, all operations with a plastic account are against the law, including the closing process. To avoid this, the heir must inform the bank about the death of the client.

More about the map

  • 100 days without interest on the loan;
  • Limit credit up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 14.99%;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is from 1190 rubles;
  • Free replenishment and cash withdrawal;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Tinkoff Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • 55 days without interest on the loan;
  • Interest rate from 12%;
  • Installment plan at 0% up to 12 months;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is from 590 rubles;
  • Minimum payment up to 8%;
  • Free replenishment of the card;
  • Bonus points for spending on the card;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Eastern Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • 56 days No interest on the loan;
  • Limit credit up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.5%;
  • Issuance of a passport in 5 minutes;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Gazprombank Issue a card

More about the map

  • 60 days without interest on the loan;
  • Limit credit up to 600,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 23.9%;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is free;
  • 2% cashback on everything;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Passport processing.
Card from UBRD Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • 120 days without interest on the loan;
  • Limit credit up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 29%;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is free;
  • Cashback 1%;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

Installment card "Conscience".

A huge number of savers and borrowers across the country became worried when the process of closing Home Credit Bank branches in a number of small towns began last year. Customers panicked, fearing that the bank would simply "throw" them, and they would be left without money. Questions are heard from everywhere: was Home Credit closed or not? What will happen to the bank in the near future? To begin with, let's calm down and try to answer all the questions of interest to customers.

Let's start with the fact that Home Credit is a strong bank with a share of foreign capital. Due to the fact that it is part of a European holding uniting a number of credit institutions, it is not threatened with closure, at least in the coming decades. But Russian depositors and borrowers are interested not so much in the bank itself as in its Russian divisions. After all, they will have trouble if HKB leaves the Russian market.

To date, KhKB has almost 23 billion rubles of assets in the Russian market, which allow it to take an honorable 40th place among accredited Russian banks. Of course, it cannot compete with Sberbank, but this is a very good indicator, the Central Bank confirms this. Even experts point out that if a bank is in the top 100 in terms of key financial indicators, it is considered reliable.

HKB ranks 27th in terms of loan portfolio and net income, so leaving the Russian market is not in its interests, especially now that the economy has begun to recover from the “peak” of the crisis.

It turns out that HKB is not closing, but optimizing its activities, taking into account the current economic situation. And the fact that this situation is not the most favorable now, everyone knows. So it is necessary to take adequate measures, which include the closure of unprofitable branches in small towns and villages.

Why is this happening?

So, Home Credit remains on the Russian market, but then what happens to its branches, why are they closed. The fact is that when entering our financial market, HKB expanded its loan portfolio to the maximum in order to successfully compete with other banks. At that moment, the economic situation favored this, loans were distributed almost without restrictions, and the demand for them was huge, so many HKB branches were opened throughout the country.

Three years ago, the crisis began, the loan portfolio had to be reduced and risky assets were abandoned, which means that unnecessary branches were closed. For the organization, this is quite logical action. But what about the clients who took the closure of HKB branches very painfully. In fact, nothing critical is happening. Nobody throws HKB clients, they will continue to be served:

  • Through online services: Internet banking, Mobile banking.
  • Through ATMs and terminals of HKB.
  • Through branches in other localities.

It is clear that it is unprofitable for customers to travel to another city for service at the HKB offices, and not everyone will be able to use this option. But almost everyone can use the terminal or Internet banking. Do not rush to go to another bank, think carefully!

Please note that if the economic situation in the country changes, the bank will expand its loan portfolio again and it is likely that a HKB office will open again in your city.

What if it does close?

Hypothetically, if HKB leaves the Russian market or its license is forcibly revoked, what will happen to depositors and borrowers? Let's say right away that the probability of such an outcome of events is extremely small, but if this happens suddenly, then depositors and borrowers will practically not suffer.

The thing is that at present all banks licensed by the Central Bank, including Home Credit, are members of the deposit insurance system. What does it mean? And this means that each depositor who opens one or more accounts for up to 1.4 million rubles is guaranteed to receive the entire amount back, since it is insured.

Only those depositors who have more than 1.4 million rubles in their account are at risk, since the insurance company is not responsible for the rest of the money and does not guarantee their payment.

It turns out that the bulk of depositors can fall quietly, their money is reliably protected not only by the walls of the bank vault, but also by law. What should borrowers do? Borrowers also have nothing to fear. The fact is that when a credit institution is closed, the latter, under the control of the competent authorities, sells its assets.

Debts to the organization are nothing more than assets, they are redeemed by another credit institution, and the borrower automatically becomes a client of another bank. Another bank has the right to make claims to the borrower only within the framework of an existing loan agreement, so the borrower is not threatened with overpayment. He calmly repays the remaining loan payments in another bank, however, the receiving organization is obliged to provide the new client with all the information necessary for repaying the loan.

In general, it can be said that the process of closing HKB branches turned out to be inconvenience for customers. It is inconvenience, because it cannot be called problems, we will not “make an elephant out of a fly”. The bank continues to exist and regularly serve customers. It will continue to be so!